Surprise During Dinner

By Jake

Published on Aug 6, 2007


Chapter 4: Jeremy in the Coach's office

(in Jeremy's voice)

Dude, you have no idea how weird my life has gotten in the last couple of weeks.

First I found out that my older brother Jason, who has been my role model my whole life, is gay. This total stud, who was always a hit with the ladies, is takin' it up the ass like a bitch from our neighbor, who's like ten years older than him or somethin'. Next thing you know, he's packing up his shit and moving next door. I don't know why he bothered to bring any clothes, cuz the guy keeps him naked all the time, too, like some kind of trophy. My buddy was in my room the other day and saw Jason swimming bareass in my neighbors pool. How the fuck do you explain that?

Then, on Friday, they started with me. My dad started ragging on me about my skin cuz I didn't take a shower after practice, and the next thing you know, him and our neighbor are shaving me down while Jason and my friend Shawn watched. I hate for people to see me naked cuz I'm so skinny, unlike my brother the hunk, and here I was totally on display.

And it gets worse! Somehow what they were doing to me was getting me a little boned. I mean fuck, I'm eighteen years old and it's not like I get that much play with the chicks... you start touching me all over and what do you think is gonna happen? So they notice this and decide I must want it up the ass, too. Um, not so much, but somehow because Shawn starts talking smack to him, I end up being the test dummy on the end of my neighbors finger while they test whether or not a guy can cum without touching his dick. Why didn't they try it out on Shawn???

Well, actually, they did, or I should say I did. My neighbor got me off by touching something inside my ass that I have to admit felt amazing. he let Shawn try it too, but that fuckin' oaf couldn't do it as good as he could. I never felt anything like it, and I got even with Shawn cuz my spew landed all over the motherfucker's face!

That meant Shawn lost the bet, and I had to do it to him, too. It was kind of gross but neat at the same time. I don't think I'd do it with him again, but I knew I had to get a chick or somebody to diddle me like my neighbor did. How the fuck do you ask for that, though. I wished I could do it to myself.

So today we had practice again. I saw Shawn and the fucker wouldn't look at me. No way I was goin' in the shower... I was afraid I'd start thinkin' about what we did and get boned up in front of everybody. So I was packing up my shit to leave when Mr. Hennessey, the football coach who I barely know, comes looking for me and calls me into his offfice. I'm thinking, 'What the fuck could he want with me? There's no way he wants my scrawny ass on the football team.'

So I follow him into his office which is off the locker room. I go for a chair but he tells me to sit on the massage table he's got. He asks me how my dad is and how Jason is (if only I told him his star QB from last year is riding on the end of some older guy's dick!), but I just said he was fine.

So then he tells me that my dad was worried about my skin and wanted him to talk to me about taking better care of it. He's also the health teacher for the younger kids, so I guess he knows what he's talking about. Next thing you know, he wants me to take my shirt off! So far this sounds legit, since he was asking about my skin, so I stand up and take the shirt off, and naturally I'm all red and rashy just like I always am after practice, and it doesn' thelp that they shaved me like a goddam sheep the other night and now I'm itchy where it's starting to come back in.

He wheels his chair over runs his fingers my chest and stuff and says he says he wants me to take a shower now, and that I should always take one right after practice.

I hardly know this guy, but for some reason I admit that I'm self-conscious about my body especially since my brother's so built, which is why I've waited til I got home, like at least half the guys do. "Everybody's different," he says and reminds me that my brother's got two years on me and trained for football and wrestling, which need a different kind of build than soccer, which I play. But he tells me that I can use his shower, and says he'll find out what kind of soap would help my skin. With that he goes, "you'll need to lose these" and fucking slides my shorts right off my ass! As I'm recovering from that, he spins me around and looks at my ass between the straps of my jock. "You're rashy back here, too, Jeremy," he says, touching my butt. "You really need to take better care of this." He grabs my cheeks in both hands and pulls them apart a little, and that was all I needed for my dick to wake up and remember what happened the other night.

So now I'm half, boned, and what does he do? turns me back around! He gives the bulge in my jock a long look but doesn't say anything, then lifts it out and over my junk and pulls it down my legs. My cock bounces up and points right at him and as I go to step out of the shorts and jock, I stumble a little and the head of my dick brushes against his scratchy beard, which hurts a little but at the same time is as close as I've ever been to someone's mouth, so I'm rock hard by now. I'm like freakin' out because I'm naked and boned in front of a teacher and it looks like I just tried to score a blowjob from him. I'm afraid he's going to go nuts, but he just laughs as he catches me with both hands around my bare hips to steady me and says "No thanks, I ate already!" and points me towards the shower.

Now his office is kind of fucked up, because the shower is right in the corner of the room, and there's just this skimpy clear curtain to keep the water in it. He sat at his desk, made a phone call and worked on papers while I was in there, and damn if I didn't stay boned the whole time. I wasn't in there a few minutes when someone knocks on the door! I think Coach Hennessey is going to freak out, but he casually opens the door like it's nothing. It's Dr. Rathbone, my biology teacher from sophomore year, and when Mr. Hennessey sees who it is, he lets him in. I'm like cowering in the corner of the shower at this point, figuring him seeing my ass is better than the fact that I'm boned up in a teacher's office. I was never a favorite of his, I knew he'd be enjoying this.

"Jeremy, I'm sure you remember Dr. Rathbone," Hennessey says like we're all in business suits.

"Um, yeah, hi," I manage to get out, without looking at him.

"Don't be rude; come on on out of there," he tells me. What the fuck? He's still a teacher, so I do as he says, looking around for a towel. I find one but it's not very big and it barely gets around my body, leaving a gap at my hips so I have to hold it there. My cock is still half hard, and pushing the towel out in front.

"I was telling Dr. Rathbone about your skin problems," the coach explained as they each grabbed a chair. "Come let him see," I wander over, bulge leading the way, and the coach shows him the bumps on my chest and stomach, both of them running their fingers over me. My cock is pushing the goddam towel out like a fucking circus tent, till they're leaning around it to talk to each other.

"Can we, um..." Dr. Rathbone begins and Coach picks up on it, and pulls the towel right out of my hands so I'm standing in front of them naked with my cock all the way up. They look at it but don't mention it, and the coach spins me around to show him how the irritation is on my ass, too, which they both have to fucking touch before turning me around again.

"What happened to your pubic hair?" Rathbone asks me, running his fingers over the skin right above my dick, while staring at it as it bobbed around.

"Um, my dad..." his eyes widened, and Coach interrupted.

"With his habit of not showering enough, I told his dad it would be a good idea to shave the skin smooth. We're going to do a better job of keeping up with both that and the washing so the irritation goes away."

"I'd recommend something with glycerine, and then Gold Bond powder. I brought both with me. You should put the powder both where he sweats and where the shaving goes on, which in most cases are the same."

"Okay, we'll do that now."

"Is there a reason why you are so, um, aroused, Jeremy?" Dr. Rathbone was still staring at my cock.

"Um, I don't know. I guess it's, um, been a while."

"How long is a while?" I the truth was I had jacked it that moning, but I didn't want to sound like a total pervert, so I go, "Um, Friday?" which of course made me think of HOW it happened Friday, which made my cock jump again.

That was just the hook he needed. "Contrary to what people used to say, it's not very healthy for a young guy such as yourself to go long periods of time without an orgasm."

"That's true," Coach pipes up. "In fact, didn't your brother have a problem with his prostate when he was your age?"

"Um, I don't really know." I just wanted to get out of there.

"Have you ever had yours checked by a doctor?" Coach asks.

"Um, no, I thought they only did that to old guys," not thinking how that would sound to the two of them.

"Yes, but if you have a family history of it, maybe it would be a good idea. I don't have any gloves here, but I think we should check it out."

"Is that really necessary?"

"If you want to play sports at the school, we've got to be sure you're okay." He knew that would get to me. Damn him, holding that over my head!

"I guess I can get my dad to take me to the doctor again, but I was just there."

"That's okay, I can do it for you. I don't have any gloves here, but I won't tell if you won't" Dr. Rathbone seemed almost eager to stick his finger in my ass.

Without waiting for me to argue any more, they guided me over to the massage table by my bare hips and had me bend over so my chest was against it and my ass was exposed to the room. Coach took some hand soap and wiped it around on my asshole... it felt cold and i felt his finger teasing like it wanted to go in, instead of the doctor's.

Then he took his hand away and I felt the doctor's there against my hole. His touch was lighter and slower, and he rubbed the spot over and over. I had to admit it felt good, and my cock would have given it away if I didn't as it was now dripping on the floor. He took forever about it, enjoying this power he had over me, but little by little I felt his finger working its way into me.

The coach was watching, apparently fascinated like this never happened to him. "What do you think, Doc?"

"Not too bad, maybe a little swollen, I guess." He rubbed the spot inside me a little more for emphasis. "Do you want to feel?"

"Sure, I'd like to understand what happens and how to tell if it's a problem." I was freaking out... I barely knew this guy, and he had some big-ass hands! I couldn't believe the doc gave him permission to do something so personal to me without so much as asking me. I struggled to stand up, but one of those big hands held me right in place. "Easy there, killer, this'll be over soon enough."

Then his giant finger was back against my hole and he pushed it right in to the hilt, which caused a grunt from me. Fuck, his finger was a lot bigger than any of the other three (shit! what the fuck was wrong with me! Now FOUR guys have had their finger up my chute!). Then he slid back and forth a little til he found the spot. By this point, I had a feeling he knew exactly what he was looking for but was playing dumb, but the feelings coming out of my ass were too amazing for me to complain.

"Yeah, I see what you mean." as he kept his finger right on the spot and rubbed it. They casually discussed the male reproductive system as if they were in a lecture hall while the coach idly kept playing with my butt.

"Keep that up and you're going to have a mess on the floor." the doc chuckled. The coach looked down as if he'd forgotten what he was doing, and reluctantly eased his finger out of me.

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