Surprise During Dinner

By Jake

Published on Mar 25, 1997


Yo, if you don't belong here you shouldn't need the flippin' surpreme court to keep you out. I suggest you get your parents to watch you more closely if you're going to be that traumatized, and leave the adult stuff to those who can deal with it.

This is a MADE UP story about a young adult and some older adults. It involves a little sexual activity, but not much. In any case, please let me know what you think.

Surprise During Dinner (MMMMMMMM/m, exhib.) a VARSITY ORIGINAL

We had just started dinner at my next-door neighbour's house when the front door slammed and the sound of heavy footsteps thumped up the stairs. We looked questioningly at our host, who told us it was probably his nineteen-year-old son Jason coming home from football practice at the local college. He commented that Jason always sounded like a herd of elephants. He seemed a little irritated, I guess because he did such a careful job making dinner nice and now it was being disturbed by the sounds from above.

Indeed, Jack had outdone himself, we were enjoying a turkey which had been cooked to perfection and a bunch of the traditional trimmings. The table was set elegantly and there was soft classical music coming from somewhere in the house.

There were about eight of us there, all guys. I at 27 was the youngest and our host, in his late 40's was the oldest. This was a sort of pre-Thanksgiving dinner for our little neighbourhood association. We took turns having dinners, yard parties, etc. On the various holidays. This was Jack's first turn at being host and it was clear he wanted to make a good impression. It was also my first "outing" since my neighbour had told me about it, assuring me they always had a good time.

Eventually the shower started and the thumping around stopped. The conversation changed from teenage antics to other things and Jack's good nature returned. After a while, the shower stopped. After a few minutes, we heard Jason holler "dad!" a few times. Jack looked annoyed but did not answer. After a few more attempts to get his dad's attention did not work. We chuckled amongst ourselves that maybe Jason got some part of his anatomy stuck in the drain, when there was a sound like thunder as Jason stampeded down the stairs and shouted "Dad there's no..." and his words stopped as he burst into the dining room, naked and dripping wet with a horrified look on his face to see the table of guys looking at him in amusement and interest.

Nobody reacted for a few seconds, then Jason covered his ample privates with both hands and turned about eight shades of red. "Towels," he whispered. Jack's choice of hue for the moment was purple, it was clear that he was livid that his son had not noticed the extra cars or remembered that this was the day of the party.

Jason turned to leave the room, when Jack, in a calm, steely tone ordered him to stay put. "You're dripping. Stay there and I find you a towel. You were supposed to wash them and put them away yesterday. This..." he addressed us, "is my son Jason, who is going to learn a lesson about manners tonight." He strode from the room and Jason stood there, dripping and mortified, as the guests tried not to stare at his beautiful naked body. We didn't try particularly hard. Jason had a very tight dark crewcut, his father's blue eyes, and a hunky, smooth-as-marble physique that tapered from broad shoulders to a narrow waist. He was tanned almost butterscotch, and his crotch and bubble butt were pale in comparison. He had very little body hair, just a soft patch around his groin and some fuzz on his ankles. His penis was at least seven inches, fat and cut and despite his efforts to hide it we all got a peek.

We nervously went about eating, making attempts at conversation until Jack returned to the room a few moments later with a small towel. Jason reached for it, but Jack tossed the towel to me.

"Would you please dry my son off? I would do it myself but I am neglecting the guests." I was too stunned to argue, as Jason did not protest but stepped obediently nearer to the piano bench I was using as a chair. The towel was little more than a washrag, and I looked at Jack questioningly. "He did not do the laundry yesterday, so that's all that was clean."

Shrugging, I stood up and first dried Jason's broad back and shoulders. His muscles felt solid and warm under his smooth, wet skin. I worked my way down his back to the beautiful buns, then walked around his front and started on his pecs, taking one in my bare hand as I carefully wiped the other one.

I worked slowly, enjoying this too much to hurry. Everyone else at the table had all but stopped eating and was watching the activity with interest. As I got down to Jason's washboard belly, I could see that his penis was swelling a little in response to the toweling. He was trying to hide it and looked embarrassed as hell when I caught his eye.

Jack missed nothing, and was merciless. "Jason, put your arms up so he can dry under them."

Jason gulped and raised his arms. His penis lifted slightly away from his balls and plumped. I quickly dried his armpits, which were obviously shaved smooth to my surprise.

Saving the best for last, I knelt behind Jason and worked my way up his slightly furred, tan legs to his butt. The sight was absolutely rock hard, baby smooth and delicious looking! "Make sure that gets dry," Jack instructed. I dutifully nudged Jason's legs apart and wiped down his tasty buns with the towel, gently reaching in between and under them. Through a single thickness of cloth my fingers very subtly explored his curves. I noticed that there was no hair to speak of between his buns or behind his balls and I got a quick peek of his rosebud.

"Are you sure he's dry there? He's never careful about that." Jack volunteered. I Wondered how he knew such intimate details about his son's toilet habits. "Check with your hand!" He ordered.

Too stunned to argue, I felt Jason's velvety buns and between them with my bare hand. His skin was exquisite, and I explored for a moment more than was needed since I had his father's invitation. My fingers gently probed the firm crease between his buns and touched the little pucker, sending a shiver through his youthful body.

"He seems to be dry," I reported

"You forgot something," Jack pointed out, and Jason sheepishly turned around to remind me that I had yet to dry his groin. My careful drying and examination of his behind had caused his penis to inflate fully to at least eight full inches, pointing right at my face. His crotch hair was carefully trimmed to a minimum and made a neat triangle. Some involuntary gasps from the other guests greeted this beautiful sight.

Resting my other hand gently on the boy's washboard abs, I took the towel and carefully dried his balls and around them, finishing off by wrapping the towel around his penis and wiping it carefully. I could feel it throb through the towel and gave it a little squeeze of admiration.

"Make sure he's good and dry." Jack ordered. "I have warned him that hair traps wetness which is not healthy, but he insists that he would be too embarrassed at school if his crotch was shaved." As I explored Jason's crotch with my hand, I was very curious about Jack's preoccupation with his son's body. I took the opportunity to the max, even taking his rock-hard penis in my hand and gently caressing it dry. Jason took a deep breath but did not resist my touch in the slightest.

"Now Jason, go around the table and introduce yourself to each guest and apologize for disturbing our dinner," Jack commanded. Jason introduced himself to me, shaking my hand, and apologized formally. I assured him that I was not bothered in the least and was glad to meet him, as I wiped imaginary drops of water off his nipple. As he approached the next guest, Jack invited him to make sure I had done a thorough job and not missed any wet spots on Jason's body. Ted, a landscaper in his thirties, dutifully lifted Jason's arms and ran his hand across his smooth-shaven armpits, checking for wetness. Jason shivered.

Carl chose to use his finger to wipe a drop from Jason's tiny "innie" navel, while his other hand cupped one of the youth's rock-hard buns. Gary slid away from the table and had Jason lean against it as he carefully dried his feet, something I had neglected to do. Mike spread his legs and had Jason sit on the chair between his legs, pressing his crotch against the boy's bare butt as used his own comb to fix the boy's spiky hair, his other hand exploring the boy's belly and chest. Phil had Jason lean on the table with legs spread, carefully examined Jason's ass for any remaining drops, gently pulling the boy's buns apart and running his finger down the crack. Mark, not to be outdone, carefully stroked the boy's cock and balls, although I had made sure both those areas were completely dry! Jason was still beet-red with embarrassment but did not resist any of the men's hands on his beautiful jock body.

"Now, Jason, sit here and have some dinner. Jason looked for a chair, but Jack motioned that he should sit next to me on the piano bench. Jason hesitantly spread the towel on his side of the bench and sat down. There was not really enough room on it for both of us, and as I was lefty and he was righty, we bumped elbows a little as we tried to eat. Finally, at Jack's recommendation, I put my fork in my right hand and dropped the other beneath the table where it landed on Jason's bare thigh. He started but did not comment as I curled my fingers around the solid muscle and kept it there as the conversation and eating resumed.

Subtly, as the dinner went on, Jason spread his legs a little until his thigh was against mine. I ever- so- slowly moved my hand up his thigh until it was about a quarter-inch from his now- somewhat- soft penis. My touch had caused some involuntary reaction on his part, and soon the big piece of meat was pressing insistently against my hand. I teasingly stroked it with one finger, causing Jason to gulp on a piece of food but he said nothing. Soon his proud erection was at full staff again.

Jack noticed this, and directed Jason to refill everyone's water glass. Jason gulped, and got up from the table with his big cock leading the way. As he made his way around, several guys took liberal feels of his muscular body as Jack pointed out some of Jason's accomplishments on the football and wrestling teams. He commented on his son the way a farmer might talk about a horse or cow, and as fun as this was, I felt sorry for the boy. He said very little, answering when asked and allowing the guests to explore his body without complaint. Mark, who was into piercing, teased one of Jason's nipples and asked if the youth had considered a nipple ring.

"I would not allow him to mark himself that way," Jack answered for the boy, as Mark explored his meaty pecs with both hands. He is beautiful the way he is, and something that is trendy now will make him sorry later. I agreed to the earrings, but that's enough.

"What about down here?" Mark said, caressing Jason's erection.

Jason shivered noticeably. Jack shook his head and said, "That is out of the question, I could not stand the sight of it." To my surprise, Jack gently took Mark's hand off Jason's dick and -- with a push on the boy's rump -- steered him back in my direction.

I wondered how much time Jack spent looking at Jason's penis as the jock returned to my side. I put my hand rather proprietarily in Jason's lap again, and -- to my delight -- he silently guided my hand back around his cock. Jack and Ted both noticed this and grinned at me. I was feeling more and more enamored of this submissive, 19-year old guy who seemed to enjoy my company the best.

When dinner was done, we made moves to clean up and Jack told us to stay put, and Jason dutifully cleared the table. He seemed to be getting comfortable naked in a room full of clothed men, and their appreciative eyes followed his flawless bod around the room. The guys continued to take free grabs now and then and Jason seemed to be getting more good-natured about it, but I noticed that he moved more quickly away from the others than me.

Afterwards, the group moved to the rec. room to watch a videotape of one of Jason's wrestling matches. Jason remained nude in the kitchen washing up the last of the dishes, and I finally went in and offered to dry.

Since we were alone, I decided to get his take on what happened.

"Jason, that was a pretty wild scene, I hope we didn't embarrass you."

He smiled at me, "Well I screwed up, and my dad wants me to be respectful so he shows me how."

"Well, I don't have kids, but I never saw someone get punished like that before."

"It's not punishment," Jason corrected me gently, his young man's voice was getting to me. "He just teaches me that I need to respect my elders."

"Respecting them means letting them touch you?"

"If that's what it takes. I need to be reminded sometimes that I am not the big man on campus when I am home, so my dad has his friends help me understand."

This was very intriguing and sort of disturbing to me, so I changed the subject. "Are you naturally that smooth?"

"No I would have some hair, but my dad thinks a lot of hair causes body odor if you are very active. My friends think it's kind of funny, so he lets me keep the hair around my dick if I keep myself clean and dry. He checks it all the time, and he had my coach do it after gym class in high school."

"So he makes you shave?"

"No he has his friend who is a barber do it."

I pondered this, wondering where one found a barber that did whole-body shaves and a coach that did pelvic exams, but I had a lot of questions for this amazing boy whose father seemed to like to share him with the world.

"Don't you get embarrassed when a lot of different men are looking at your body and touching you?"

He smiled at me. "Sometimes, but my dad believes I was given a gift and that the right thing to do is share it. People watch me wrestle wearing just a singlet, and I'm getting touched all over then. This isn't that much different."

"Well we sure appreciated the show today, I can tell you that." I playfully snapped the towel on his butt, causing him to let out a yelp.

"I had fun too, I'm glad you joined the group. Most of these guys are a lot older than me and don't understand me that well; I feel like you do."

"I'd like to learn, if you'll give me the chance."

"No problem, man. You will make a cool neighbour, and I'm glad 'cause you have a pool!." He grinned at me.

"Well you can use it, on one condition" I teased him.

"Which is...?" he grinned knowingly

"You guessed it, you have to swim naked, and I get to dry you off!" I squirted him with the vegetable sprayer from the sink, and he laughed and jumped away, but not fast enough. He grinned and handed me a towel. "Better start practicing!"

I had him sit on the counter and I carefully wiped the water from his fantastic chest again with my hands and the towel, finishing his smooth belly and then gently wiping down his crotch. His dick was rock hard again, and I explored it freely with my hand, teasing the velvet tip with my thumb

"You really like my body, don't you?" he marveled. "It ain't all that!"

"I sure do, and I don't get to do something like this very often!"

"Well get used to it, I take a lot of showers!" he teased.

I took his face in my hands and looked into his gorgeous eyes. He smiled at me and I daringly, kissed him once on the mouth. He gently but insistently responded, and the kiss was exquisite. He laughed and hugged me.

We went into the rec. room where everyone was enjoying seeing a half-naked Jason pin another cute guy to the mat. There was not much room left on the big sectional sofa, but I found a spot and pulled Jason back against my chest, wrapping my arms around his body. One hand rested on his flat, tight belly and the other gently cupped a pec. He seemed totally relaxed and comfortable in my arms, and Jack looked approvingly in our direction. Jason's dick rose and fell several times as I held him but I decided to give him a break from all the sexual attention. The other guys seemed good-naturedly jealous that the star attraction of the night took such a shining to me. Jack seemed thrilled.

Jason dozed in my arms, and little by little the guys left, soon it was just Jack and me and the sleeping boy. I was more than a little tired myself, but was also extremely content with the beautiful youth snuggled against me.

"Jason really seems to like you," Jack observed. "I'm glad, because I think he needs someone closer to his age to look up to."

"Well I would certainly like to be of any help I can, he's a great kid, and I enjoyed meeting him."

"You could be a lot of help," Jack agreed. "I have my hands full with his younger brother right now, and Jason needs some guidance from someone I trust. I would be very grateful."

"Well I will do my best if he is receptive."

"I'm sure he will be, he seems to like you a lot."

"I like him too. I am just wondering how you would feel if our like turned into something more."

"I am hoping that it will! He is ready to give himself to someone who will appreciate him, and I want him to have that companionship. I prefer someone a little older because boys his age are still not ready to give him what he needs."

"Which is?"

"You will figure that out as you get to know him. Sometimes he just needs a little reminder like tonight's that he is not god, and that he needs to show respect in order to get it."

"No offense, but I have trouble understanding how the men tonight -- myself included -- were respecting him when they were touching him."

"I know that, but it is a lesson in humility when his ego gets out of hand."

"I see, I guess. But if I become physical with him, I would prefer that others are not touching him in that way."

"That will be up to you. You may feel differently later, but if you don't I will respect it."

"I appreciate your confidence! I wonder if you will be surprised by the way I handle Jason, however."

"You handle him the way you think is best."

With that, I nuzzled Jason's ear with my mouth and gently stroked his chest. "Wake up!"

Jack watched with interest as Jason responded to my actions by stretching and offering me his mouth. I kissed him gently, then pushed him gently down next to me on the couch and stretched out next to him, my hands still caressing his body. I proceeded to sweep my hands lightly his whole front again until he was quite aroused, then gently took his penis in my hand. With my other hand, I felt gently beneath his balls to explore his butt, and found that tight little hole I had seen before. Jason arched his butt towards me, and I teased his anus as I stroked his dick. His father watched in interest as I slowly brought his son to a well-earned orgasm. When he came, Jason moaned, stretched and shot his seed all over his beautiful tummy. I licked it off hungrily, and it tasted good!

Jason looked nervously at his father, who said nothing, then at me.

"Jason, you earned that!" I rubbed his clean belly and waited for father and son to reconcile what had taken place.

"Son, what do you say to your new friend?"

Jason grinned at me, "Thanks! No one ever did that for me before!"

"It was my pleasure!"

"I'm glad you both liked it, because I would like you to take care of Jason's needs from now on." Jack declared. "Jason, I think you are old enough to be a responsible companion, and you will do as you are told just as you do with me."

"I think that would be great, Dad." Jason grinned. I was surprised that he was so content to have his fate decided by others, but was not about to complain.

"Well I am going to bed," Jack said. Take him upstairs and return the favor if he wants you to, then I want you both to get a good night's sleep."

Jason took my hand and led me upstairs. He indeed returned the favor, gently but expertly sucking my dick and then offering his phenomenal butt to first my mouth, then my finger, then my dick. We fell asleep with my face buried between his pecs and his arms around me, and I woke up the same several hours later; everyone else was still asleep. I wiggled reluctantly away from Jason's loving embrace and found the bathroom. There were plenty of clean, dry towels.

Surprise During Dinner II: Jeremy Close Shave

Jason soon settled down to be a regular member of my household. He was a great kid and I had very little trouble with him, and just being around his hunky body and sweet smile got me horny. I made love to him at least twice a day, sometimes waking him up in the middle of the night to suck his dick or slide mine up his tight bubble butt. When I got home from work, I often found him cleaning my pool or starting our dinner. I put weights in my family room and would watch him lift weights naked while I worked. Then I would draw a bath and scrub him clean all over, paying special attention to his ass and massaging his prostate with my finger. I also loved shaving all the hair off his chest, armpits and ass, leaving just a little above his big, thick cock and some fuzz on his balls. Once he was baby smooth, I would explore him from head to toe with my hands and mouth, lavishing attention on his rock-hard butt with my tongue.

Despite what I had told his father (my friend Jack), I found that I did enjoy showing off his body to other people from time to time, and he seemed to like it. Once, for instance, I brought a friend home from work and found Jason swimming in the pool. I called him out to introduce him, and without a word of warning to either of them, slipped his trunks off. My friend complemented his beautiful body and I invited him to feel Jason's smooth muscles. He continued to carress Jason's body as we talked and got him quite erect. I encouraged him to feel Jason's hard dick and butt, which he did. Jason seemed only slightly embarrassed but did not mind too much, because he hung around naked for the rest of the evening as we discussed work. My friend Tom continued to touch him as he came and went, and Jason stayed half-hard all night. When Tom left, I bent Jason over the chair, ate his ass out and then fucked him silly. I was determined to get him naked in front of HIS friends, but that's another story.

Often we ate next door with his father Jack and younger brother, Jeremy. Jeremy was 18 and a senior in high school. I was not sure how much he knew about my relationship with Jason, but he did not seem too bothered by it.

Jeremy, I assumed, was living under the same conditions as Jason had during his high school days: the shaved body, the daily exams by the coach, etc. I had never seen him without clothes on, however.

One day, Jason and I were at his father's house having dinner on the deck when Jeremy got home from soccer practice. He had a friend, Shawn, with him, and they were both sweaty and smelly. Shawn was handsome but seemed to have an air of jockboy arrogance to him. They were ready to go clambering upstairs but Jeremy's father called them onto the terrace.

"Why didn't you shower after practice?" he demanded.

The look in Jeremy's eyes told me he had an idea what was coming. "I dunno, dad, everyone was going for a soda so we figured we'd shower here."

"What have I told you about walking around sweaty in this heat for 45 minutes? You are supposed to shower and put clean clothes on as soon as you are done working out. You are going to break out in pimples or jock itch or worse if you don't take better care of yourself, not to mention the way you smell."

The boys exchanged glances. "I'm sorry, dad." Jeremy stammered. "We'll go shower right now."

"Not so fast. I want to have a look at you. He pulled Jeremy's shirt over his head. Jeremy's body was leaner and more defined than Jason's, with every muscle standing out in relief. Also, unlike Jason, he had a fuzz of hair on his chest, thickening as it reached his waist. More peeked from under his arms. I was surprised, since his father, and now I, kept Jason so smooth. I was about to find out why. He was also damp with sweat and he smelled stronger.

"See you're soaking wet and you smell terrible. The skin on your back is all irritated, too." To my surprise, and Jason's amusement, he hauled Jeremy's shorts down. Jeremy was good competition for Jason in the dick department, with a fat thick sausage in a nest of brown hair.

"DAD" Jeremy turned beet red, but his dad ignored him and rooted around in his crotch hair. "You're lucky you don't have crabs! Now both of you go upstairs and get clean and then come back here." The boys hurried upstairs, Shawn no doubt giving Jeremy a healthy serving of abuse and soon I heard the shower running. Jack left the table and then I heard him go upstairs and then use the phone. Jason smirked and kept his mouth shut, glad for once not to be the naked center of attention.

Jack returned and the shower stopped. There was silence for a few minutes, and then the boys appeared, both in towels and red-faced. Shawn was even hairer than Jeremy and had a hunky build like Jason.

"What happened to our clothes?" Jeremy asked. He and I at the same time noticed that Jack had brought his bathroom kit back to the table with him.

"Well, you are not ready to get dressed yet." Jack announced. "Because you are not doing a good job at keeping yourself clean, I think it's time you were shaved like your brother. You apparently haven't learned much from his experience"

"Dad!" Jeremy looked mortified. Shawn seemed quite amused, and Jason just smirked. Jeremy turned to Shawn. "I'm really sorry about this, I guess you should go home."

"Not so fast. I talked to Shawn's father about this whole thing and he thinks it would be a good idea for him, too!"

The boys looked at eachother in shock. Jeremy started to say something and gulped. He knew there was no use.

"Jeremy, you first. Spread the towel over here. Jason, you go get some warm water in a pan and some washclothes."

He arranged Jeremy on the table with his legs spread. When Jason returned with a washcloth, Jack soaked it and handed it to me. "Get him good and wet again, and then spread this on him," he indicated some shaving gel.

We worked as a team. I dutifully soaked my boyfriend's younger brother, starting with his chest, then his armpits. Jack trimmed away Jeremy's pit hair while I shaved his chest baby smooth, then finished off his armpits. Meanwhile, Jack began trimming the hair away from Jeremy's crotch, holding his penis in his other hand. The penis swelled slightly but I think he was to embarrassed to get erect. Using the experience I gained from Jason's body, I neatly finished his crotch with the razor. Even with me holding it, his big, floppy dick didn't get hard. I guessed maybe he was straight, unlike his brother. I tried to catch his eye but he kept looking away.

When we were done, Jack told Jeremy to flip over, invoking a new wave of protests, but soon his hairy bubble butt was exposed to us. Jack pulled his cheeks apart and I shaved the hair out of his ass crack, finishing off behind his balls and around his sweet pink hole. I found cause to use my own hand on the hard boybutt as well, and the combined touch of three hands finally affected him.

"Looks like someone likes having his ass played with!" Jason laughed, pointing at Jeremy's cock which by now had grown rock hard and was almost as big as his, at 7 1/2 inches. Jack pulled him to his feet and we all looked, as Jeremy got even redder, at his impressive dick.

"Okay put this on him," Jack spread some vitamin E ointment on Jeremy's chest and handed me the tube. I dutifully took it back to his ass and began rubbing it in, concentrating on the area around his hole. His dick throbbed even bigger.

"You don't realize how sensitive your ass is. Most of your sexual feelings are actually inside your body, not in your dick.

In fact, you can have an orgasm by anal stimulation without touching your dick at all!"

Shawn scoffed at that, despite the fact that my attention to Jeremy's asshole was making his dick throb. "I don't believe that, you gotta be doing something to your dick to make yourself cum."

"Okay, tell you what, Mr. Expert." Jack addressed Shawn. We'll make you a bet. If he can't make Jeremy orgasm by just his butt, you can go home without a shave or anything. But if he can, then you have to let us shave you and he'll do it to you, too."

"You're on!" This sexual talk had a big lump in Shawn's towel, and I suspected he would be just as happy either way.

"Don't I get any say in this?" Jeremy moaned as I began playing with his ass again.

"You get a great orgasm out of it," Jason chimed in. "Trust me, he knows what he's doing." Shawn crowded closer to Jeremy's ass as I squirted more gel and then begain teasing his tight pink hole again, eliciting another moan. After a minute, I put a little more pressure on, and got in his ass to the first knuckle. Jeremy wiggled and yelped beneath me. "It's okay, Tiger, just relax," I rubbed his belly and continued teasing and prodding his asshole gently, gradually sliding my finger in to the hilt.

His butt was as smooth and tight as a vice grips. I found the ring of his prostate and began rubbing it gently, causing Jeremy to groan and his dick to flex sharply. "Did that feel good?" I asked him, and he admitted it felt great.

"What are you doing to him now?" Shawn demanded, his face about three inches from Jeremy's asshole. This anatomy lesson clearly fascinated him in spite of himself, and he seemed turned on by the sights and smells of his buddy's body.

"I am stimulating something called his prostate gland. It's very sensitive and feels really good if you massage it."

"That's bullshit! Why would you have something like that up your ass?"

"I'm not making it up, do you want to feel for yourself?" Shawn thought about it, weighing his curiousity against squeamishness, and then nodded.

From below, Jeremy complained "No way, man! it's bad enough my next door neighbour has his finger up my ass, my best friend has to do it too?"

"Relax, Jay. When I'm done with you, you're going to be asking for it again." I gently eased my finger out of his hole and Shawn put his finger in its place. He was a bit too eager, though, to shove it up there and Jeremy howled. "Easy, jackass!"

"Shawn, you gotta do these things gently. Why do you think it took me five minutes to get my finger in?" I pulled his hand away. Now, to get someone ready for your finger, it helps to relax them a bit. Why don't you try loosening him up a bit with your tongue?"

"No fuckin' way, man! I'm not sticking my tongue where his shit comes out!" He retorted, but I noticed he did not back away from his position near Jeremy's ass, and his finger continued teasing his buddy's pucker.

"Your dick doesn't seem so disgusted," I pointed at the throbbing tent in his towel. "Besides, he's nice and clean I washed him but good."

Shawn looked at each of us in turn, then slapped Jeremy's ass gently and muttered, "the things I do for you!" before he tentatively moved his head towards the upturned butt and began licking the crack above the hole. After a second, he seemed to get into it and moved down to the little pink rosebud. Jeremy shivered and moaned. "Fuck, yeah!" he gasped. Shawn seemed to forget we were there, grabbing his pal's ass in both hands and probing and teasing his hole with his tongue.

Jason and Jack watched this transformation of macho boys into a pair of little sex maniacs with amusement. Jeremy continued to squirm and encourage Shawn, who seemed to determined to get his whole head up his best friend's ass.

"Oh, man! Stick it in me, go ahead!" Jeremy suddenly hollered. He glanced sheepishly at us for a second, but then his attention was arrested by Shawn's new attack on his butt. This time, Shawn got his finger in and found Jeremy's prostate. The reaction was obvious as he began teasing it enthusiastically. His novice touch, however, was still too rough and Jeremy asked that I finish the job. Shawn backed out reluctantly and I slid my finger easily back up his now-relaxed channel.

Shawn stayed right near the action, keeping a hand on Jeremy's ass. I was learning what Jeremy feel the best, taking some guesses based on Jason's more familiar anatomy. As I probed and teased him, I rubbed his smooth belly and tweaked his little nipples gently. Shawn knelt nearer Jeremy's front to make sure I wasn't cheating and touching his cock, which stood out in frustration, aching for some relief.

Finally, it was time. I felt Jeremy's ass begin to clamp down hard on my finger. His dick swelled and almost pressed flat against his stomach. He gasped and, with a jolt, began spewing his load, which hit Shawn square in the face, but Shawn was too fascinated to be too repulsed He swore and yelled encouragement to his buddy. The contractions in Jeremy's ass kept the pad of my finger right against his prostate and I teased it a bit more until they faded and I could ease my finger out.

Jeremy collapsed against the table, breathing hard. Shawn, knowing he had been beat, dropped his towel and proudly displayed his jock body and big hard dick. Jack and I positioned him and began prepping him for the shave. When Jack saw how thick Shawns body hair was, he chose the electric clippers instead of the wet razor to start. Soon we had his chest and armpits trimmed close, and then I began making him baby smooth with the regular razor.

Jack held his friend's son's cock as his removed the forest of fuzz from around his crotch. The dick wiggled and jumped at his touch. "Boy, you are a horny one." Jack commented. I moved around to his ass and began clearing the dark hair on his twin globes, which intensified in his crack. When Jack finished, we pushed Shawn down and spread his legs to get to the main event.

Jeremy, meanwhile, had gone over to where Jason was sprawled on the couch and lay down on top of him, his cheek against his big brother's hunky smooth chest. Jason had one arm around him, rubbing his back. I had never seen my boyfriend be that affectionate with his brother, and it touched me.

"You sure are hairy," I commented, "but not for long." I worked my way down to below and around his asshole, which puckered and quivered in anticipation every time I got near it. "That asshole looks ready to get fucked."

"No way, man, no guy is sticking his thing up my ass." Shawn boasted.

"You say that now," Jeremy piped up "But when you see how that feels, you're going to want a cucumber up there." We all laughed at him, and then I noticed that Jason's middle finger was deep up his little bro's ass, gently teasing his love button again. This was a rare treat for Jason, who was used to being the fuckee, not the fucker.

"Man, you can't get enough." Shawn laughed. By now I had his ass baby smooth and I called Jeremy over.

"Okay, butt boy. Go to work."

"What do you want me to do?" he said nervously.

"Just what he did to you, have a taste!"

Jeremy wrinkled his nose. "He doesn't wash as good as I do!"

"Aw common, asshole!" Shawn piped up. "I did it to you!"

"He's clean now, I washed him. Go for it."

Knowing he had no choice, Jeremy gingerly approached his buddy's ass. He licked the smooth crack a few times, then shrugged and dove into the hole. Shawn nearly fell off the table, but Jeremy held on and got his tongue way up Shawn's ass. Shawn regaled us with every curse word he knew, After a few minutes of this treatment, I decided Shawn was ready.

"Aw no, don't stop, it feels so fuckin' awesome!"

"That's nothing, just wait to find out what's next."

I showed Jeremy how to position his finger, and then he eased it up Shawn's ass.

"AAARGH" Shawn groaned as Jeremy got his bearings and set up an enthusiastic rhythm of probing and teasing. When he found Shawn's prostate, we got the longest "FUUUUUUUUUUCK" I have heard to date. Jason chuckled, recalling the chorus of noises he made the first time my dick found its home in his ass.

I left the two of them at it, scrubbed up and then jumped on the big chaise with Jason and pulled him against me, watching the boys. Jack smiled, it made him happy to see how loving I was with his older son, since he had set us up.

Shawn groaned and shot his load quickly under Jeremy's surprising rookie talent. He quickly got up and looked around for his clothes, apparently embarrassed by what went on now that his horniness faded. I knew he would be back though.

Jeremy and Shawn conferred at the door, no doubt swearing to secrecy. Shawn said goodbye to us and took off, no doubt to be inspected by his father when he got home. Jack, meanwhile, went up behind Jason and unfastened his cutoffs.

At Jack's request, I performed Jason's semi-weekly shave while he and Jeremy watched, and he inspected each region of his son's body to make sure I was doing a good job. Jeremy watched in new-found fascination as his cocky older brother submitted to this treatment. I invited Jeremy, as well, to feel his big bro's body. He had apparently never seen Jason on the bone and the boys laughed and teased as Jeremy felt Jason up and teased his butthole. "Dude, your dick is bigger than mine!" Jeremy complained as he fondled Jason's big sausage. Jack laughed at how competitive the brothers were.

When he was done getting shaved, I went to work on getting Jason off, Jeremy watching in fascination as I stroked and kissed his body all over. My touch with him was a lot more gentle and loving and it took a while, especially since I had brought him to orgasm three times already that day. But I knew his body really well and before long I had him purring and moaning and he came up with one more load for me.

While I was cleaning Jason up, I tried to get Jeremy to taste Jason's spunk but he was too squeamish. I figured that could wait for another day. They went upstairs to shower again, and Jack thanked me for helping get Jeremy started on the same road as Jason. "I was afraid he was not going to be as into it as Jason, but I think he just might."

"Well you may find that different things work with Jeremy. Jason seems to get off on having a lot of people seeing and touching his body, because he's proud of it. Jeremy, on the other hand, may do better with one person teaching him."

"Well a little public exposure does a lot to keep both of their egoes in check. I plan to ask the coach to make sure he's clean after practice, and I know from experience that it will not stop there"

"What do you mean?"

"Well he helped me with Jason last year too. I had no idea how to broach the subject of cleaniliness "down there" with them, and the coach called us in and showed me that Jason was getting rashes around his crotch and on his ass, from doing just what Jeremy did today. We shaved him then and there and he's been smooth ever since. Then Jason got prostatitis and the coach helped me with that too. You have to give them a prostate massage like you did today, every day for two weeks. He had me put my finger up Jason to feel what was happening, but after that I had him do the daily treatments because I didn't think it would be a good idea for Jason and I to start having that much contact."

"But you shaved him, before he met me."

"No, I told you I took him to a barber friend of mine. I know they are my sons but they are both so damn handsome I try to avoid a lot of contact so I dont' do something I'd regret. I don't think family should be sexual partners, even for all guys."

"Does it bother you that they were touching eachother today?"

"Well I think it would if I thought it would continue. It's normal that they satisfy some curiosity about eachother, but I know Jason gets all the sex he needs from you!"

"And then some! I tire him out."

"That's one reason why I waited until Jason was living somewhere else before I got Jeremy interested. I think if they were both horny without any release, they'd turn to eachother. Now I know I've got one son in good hands while I figure out what to do with the other"

"Are you going to give Jeremy a "coming out" party like Jason?"

"I don't know. That was fun, but like you said, something different may work for him."

That night as we were in bed, I stroked Jason's chest and reviewed the day's events in my mind. I was sure I had the most unusual neighbours ever, but I wasn't complaining! I pondered what the history was behind what I'd witnessed. Jack never touched the boys himself, but he seemed to get off on watching them with other people. It seemed to make him proud to have people admire his sons, even if he took it to the extreme. I made up my mind to make Jason tell me the story of the visit to the coach, maybe we would have to have a little reunion.

Surprise During Dinner III: The Coach Visits

This is a continuation of the "Surprise During Dinner" series; there are two other parts which you should read first.

Please send your comments and suggestions to . Make sure you put "Surprise During Dinner" in the subject because I get scads of junk mail.


After another incident of Jeremy coming home sweaty and dirty, Jack decided to make good on his threat to get the coach involved. Now, "the coach" was not Jeremy's soccer coach, but the football coach who had worked with Jason during his high school glory days. Since Jeremy did not play football, he did not really know what he was in for.

Jack called me one afternoon and told me he'd talked to the coach on the phone and invited him to dinner to discuss Jeremy. He asked after Jason, and Jack wanted us there too, so they could get caught up. Jason's build had gotten even nicer in the months that he'd been living with me, and I knew the coach would appreciate seeing him. Since I knew that the coach had previously had contact with Jason's body, I saw it as another opportunity to watch someone else enjoy him in front of me.

We decided not to tell either of the boys ahead of time, in fact Jeremy would not even be there for the dinner; he'd find out what fate we decided for him, soon enough.

On the given day, Jason was - as usual - lounging around the house in a pair of boxers and nothing else, when the doorbell rang. At my request, he unsuspectingly opened it to find his father and old football coach there.

After a lot of commotion, the two were reacquainted and we all went into the dining room. Jason wanted to go put some clothes on, but we all protested, saying, "everyone likes to look at you," so he stayed in just boxers.

As we ate, Jack brought the coach (Tom) up to speed on what was going on with Jeremy's seeming reluctance to shower after practice. "I don't know if it is laziness or some sort of modesty thing, or a combination of both," Jack speculated.

"Well he inherited all the modesty, because this one likes nothing better than to show off his wares," I rubbed Jason's chest fondly and he blushed as we all laughed.

"I wasn't like that six months ago," Jason defended himself. "You two sent me down that road. I was just as shy as Jeremy when I was his age."

The coach agreed, saying that a lot of teenage boys are self-conscious about their bodies and need to be reassured that they look normal, or - in Jason's case - better than normal.

"Jeremy could have a really nice body too," Jason defended his brother, "I try to get him to lift with me but he really isn't that interested in it. He says nobody's going to see him anyway."

We puzzled over that while we finished our dinner and then moved into the living room. Jason brought in a tray with the coffee things. Meanwhile the Coach sat down in the center of the couch, and Jack and I took the two chairs that faced it.

After Jason set the coffee stuff down on the table, the Coach said, "Jason, if it's possible, you look even better than the last time I saw you. Let me take a look at you. Jason stood in front of the Coach and blushed as the older man's eyes cased his hunky physique up and down. He unabashedly reached up and cupped Jason's pecs, squeezing them gently to feel the definition, then ran his hands over the youth's hard abs and back up his sides, thumbing his nipples.

Without asking any of us, the Coach slid his hands down Jason's sides and pushed the kid's boxers to the floor, leaving him naked. Jason's cock, which had already started to chub from the Coach's exploration of his body, lifted away from his body and lengthened.

"Damn, I remember this thing." The Coach wrapped his hand around Jason's meat and stroked him into a full erection. Jason blushed as we watched him get handled. The Coach's other hand slid around his body, from his pecs to his ass and back.

"Have any more trouble with your prostate, Jason?" The Coach inquired as he manipulated Jason's body.

"Nope," Jason reddened even more. "It seems fine."

"Somebody taking care of it for you?" the Coach leered at me.

"Something like that," Jason mumbled.

"Well I'd like to check it, for old times sake. Lay down on my lap" Jason looked at me for direction: the previous encounters I'd let other people have with his body did not include his ass. But I shrugged, after all, the guy had done it for him before.

Jason lay down across the couch with his crotch on the Coach's lap, leaving his butt right in the older man's face. Jack and I came over to watch as the Coach stroked and kneaded Jason's smooth, hard buns, pulling them apart to glimpse his pink hole.

"I see someone keeps up with your shaving," The Coach admired, running his finger up and down the baby-smooth crack of Jason's ass.

"Yep, that's my job." I boasted

"You do a damn good job. I have some players I should send to you."

The coach began teasing and caressing Jason's hole now. Jason groaned as the man slipped his thick finger up to the first knuckle, wiggled it around, and then eased in deeper.

"Man, I forgot how nice a young guy's ass feels," the Coach got his finger slowly all the way in. Jason jumped, which told us his prostate had been found.

"You're right, it feels nice and small like it should." He reached down and rubbed Jason's chest as he finger-fucked my boyfriend.

It did not take long, before Jason started to moan. "You better stop or I'm going to mess up your pants!"

The Coach laughed and eased his finger out of Jason's ass. "You don't need me to finish you off anymore, you've got someone to do that for you," he smiled at me.

Jason stood up, hard cock throbbing, face flushed and regarded his father and boyfriend as we grinned stupidly at him. I don't know why I got such a turn on out of seeing other people use and enjoy his body, but he seemed to like it just as well. I drew the line at someone else sucking him off or fucking him, but having other people get just a taste of what I was able to enjoy every day gave me a rush.

"Come here, buddy." I made room for him in front of my chair, and he came over to stand in front of me. Right there, in front of his father and former Coach, I sucked his frustrated cock into my mouth and blew him until he came, a rare treat for being such a good sport. The older men watched in fascination as Jason's body reacted to the blowjob. When he is ready to come, his chest and arm muscles stand out in relief, his face gets red, and he grunts and moans like he's in labor. I was rewarded with yet another load of his rich cream.

That done, we got back to the subject at hand. The coach agreed to call Jeremy into his office after soccer practice and make sure he was clean. I knew that's not where it would end. Jeremy didn't know what he was in for.

That night, as I slid my dick in and out of Jason's ass, I asked him about his own first encounter with the Coach.

"It was pretty much what you did to me the first day we met, my dad was after me because I kept getting rashes, and I then when I started having trouble with my prostate the Coach took care of it because my dad was too embarrassed."

"I'm sure he minded terribly, he seemed to like playing with your butt." I ground down on his ass for emphasis, eliciting a deep moan.

"Yeah, he did. I was pretty embarrassed the first time he did it. My dad watched. After that I would just go to his office every few days and he'd do it."

"Do you think that's what's going to happen to Jeremy?"

"Jeremy is a skank. I think he's going to get hand-washed after every practice until his skin clears up. The coach will like to play with his body too." My hands cupped his pecs as I fucked him from behind, kissing and gently biting the back of his neck.

"Why do you think your dad turns on so much to watching guys touch your bodies?"

"'Cause he was a jock himself, but he never realized how much fun he could have with his body until it didn't look that great anymore. He was so busy trying to get an ounce of sex from girls that he didn't notice how many guys hit on him. He was pretty good looking in his own day."

The conversation trailed off as we finished up the fuck, Jason clamping down on my dick with his ass as I fired my load. We fell asleep just like that, me on top of him with my dick still in his butt, his heart beating softly against my hand.

Next door, Jeremy slept innocently, his sweaty body unaware of what was in store for it.

NEXT: Jeremy in the Coach's office

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Next: Chapter 2

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