Surprise Dom

By Ed. P.

Published on Oct 24, 2017


Surprise Dom – Part III

If you're not looking for sex, rough and raw sex, between guys (over age of consent) closely related to each other then look elsewhere.

Nifty costs money to run – it needs your donations if it's going to keep going.

Feedback more than welcome – should be more episodes of the story over the next few days.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.


Incest – Authoritarian -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part III

I woke early, well didn't really sleep at all, not with this cb tugging at my balls whenever I tried to get hard...which was most of the time. Sir had given his orders before falling asleep, so shortly before 9 I went into the kitchen to make him coffee. I placed the coffee beside the bed, slipped under the covers, and taking his cock into my mouth started to suckle on it. I knew he was waking as his hands held my head in place, without warning he started to piss – instinctively I knew I had to swallow this all. He had mentioned watersports, but I'd never done this before – it tasted strong and nasty, but I loved it, just as I was loving everything which came out of Sir.

When he'd finished he pulled me up to his head, his tongue invaded my mouth again; after a couple of minutes of making out he stopped, and moved onto his coffee. I rested my head against his chest, just like I had when I was a boy...but it was utterly different now. His arms were the same strong arms which comforted me those years ago; but now his cock had taken possession of my arse, it felt just the same but entirely different at the same time.

He sat in the kitchen drinking a second coffee and watching as I made breakfast. As before, he ate his normally, whilst I ate mine out of a bowl on the floor at his feet. Once he was done we were straight onto other matters.

"Thirty seconds to get my cock ready for your arse boy."

I leapt into action, sucking and trying desperately to get it as wet as possible before the invasion started. Once my time was up he pulled me to my feet and bent me over against the counter-top before pushing his big Daddy cock deep inside me. As he was fucking away roughly his mobile went, as it was in reach he answered without any pause or change to his fucking. My head was swimming with emotions so I could barely hear anything he said, but as soon as he hung up he pulled out of me.

"Clean me." I dropped to my knees and sucked my arse juices off his cock, he hadn't shot a load yet. "That was Ade, he's popping round so we both need to get decent. Shower time."

The shower was quick and efficient, no opportunity for fun. Sir gave me clothes to wear, we were about the same size and I'd borrowed his things before. I soon looked totally normal in jeans and a polo shirt, well apart from the collar.

"Kneel boy." The collar was taken off too, it would look just like I'd popped round to visit.

"While he's here I'm back to `Dad', and your boy rules don't apply."

Ade was an old friend of Dad's, I'd met him many times – he was a nice guy, I reckon he used to be pretty hot, but at 50 was older than I usually went, he'd put on weight and let his body go. Once he'd arrived I offered him a drink, and it was just like Dad and I were hanging out – little did he know.

The three of us were chatting a bit, he was clearly down in the dumps – his wife had just left him and was starting the divorce proceedings, he wasn't taking it well. Visiting Dad was a way to try and cheer himself up, it seemed to be doing some good. When Dad took it in a direction I didn't expect.

"I guess part of the problem is the lack of pussy these days?"

"Yeah, when we first met we were at it like rabbits; even at its worst we still had a few times a nothing."

I was a bit shocked to hear my Dad chatting like this, but given that he'd buggered his own son several times over the past few hours I shouldn't have been.

"I don't want to cheat on her though. Despite everything she doesn't deserve, I reckon her lawyers would find out and screw me over on the divorce."

"Sensible man. I didn't touch another woman from the moment we split until after the divorce was settled."

"That must have been hard."

"Yeah, but I did find other ways."

"What you mean?"

"That's when I found that a hole is a hole, and the right guy's arse is even hotter than a pussy."

"Really? Never knew you were gay, is this you coming out?"

"Not really...if you're interested I guess I'm bi – but this wasn't love or anything like that. I was out drinking one night, needed a piss on the way home, some guy saw my cock and offered to suck me...I was pissed so said yes, fuck he was good at it. From there on I reckoned that if it was with another guy then I wasn't cheating on her."

"Not sure I could do that though."

"Trust me, once your cock gets going it doesn't care where it's being stuck."

"Maybe, but where do I find a guy who'll suck me off?"

"Look no further."

Where was this going? I wasn't sure I was happy about this.

"You offering?"

"Fuck no, not my scene at all. Aaron though, he's a different matter."


"Aaron here, my son, is also here as my sex slave for the weekend."

I don't know whether Ade or me was the more shocked at that. He clearly didn't believe it, whereas my still slightly sore arse couldn't forget it.

"Aaron, boy, show Ade. Inspection now."

Even though we hadn't been at this for long I knew what this meant...and even though this was far beyond anything I imagined or hoped would happen, I knew I had to follow orders – Dad was gone and Sir was back. I stood up, pulled off the polo shirt, then the socks, then dropped my jeans (obviously Sir hadn't offered me underwear). Back to my nature boy state, I dropped to my knees and rested my hands on my head.


Ade was still in disbelief.

"Sure, if you want. Or if you just want to start with a blow-job, that's fine by me." Sir enjoyed playing with us both.

I could see that a million thoughts were going through Ade's head.

"Well I've got a couple of calls to make and e-mails to send. He's yours to play with, honestly, do whatever you want. He'll happily get your rocks off. I'll be in the office once you're done." And with that Sir walked out.

"Not quite sure what's going on here Aaron, are you ok?"

"Yes Sir, absolutely fine Sir."

"What did your dad just say?"

"He said you can use me however you want Sir."


"Do you want a blow-job Sir?"

"I don't know if I could."

"Do you want me to try, Sir?"

Eventually he relented. I unbuttoned his jeans, pulled them and his boxers down – his cock smelt of piss, and wasn't anything like as attractive as Sir's; but I knew what I had to do. I ran my tongue over the head, then sucked it into my mouth. Working it hard I was soon rewarded with the feeling of it starting to grow.

I put my all into that blow-job, I knew that Sir wanted to be proud of me, I knew he wanted to help his friend out, I didn't fancy him and didn't like his cock much...but I was doing it for Sir.

Ade couldn't help but get into it too, soon he was moaning and moving his body around. Some of the time he sat down, legs wide open, other time he stood up and gently fucked my face – well gently compared with Sir's rough as hell use. As it was his first I ran things, switched between sucking his cock, licking it, and sucking and licking his balls. I brought him right to the edge several times, and then backed away – he was loving it.

"Aaron, I'm so close now, pull out or I'll shoot inside you."

That was all the incentive I needed, I went at him even harder; finally something clicked in his mind, he knew he was the Dom here. He grabbed my head and started to fuck in and out – the suddenly plunged as deep inside me as he could and his swollen cock started to pulse with his hot load. I swallowed it as quickly as it came out, once he was spent he collapsed back onto the chair and I gently licked him clean.

"Fuck Aaron, never had anything like that before."

Then he came round a bit, turned bright red, pulled his boxers and jeans back on and dashed through to Dad's office. Within a minute he was gone.

I knelt there waiting.

"Don't think Ade's ever had anything like that before boy. Well done." Sir walked back into the room with a big smile on his face. "He doesn't know what to make of it at the moment, but I reckon he'll be more than happy when he wakes up fully. Only disappointment was that I didn't get to see, no way he'd have used you with me in the room."

I kissed Sir's feet as he sat down, I could see he was thinking though.

"Like I say, big disappointment that I didn't see you get used. Last night was fun, but they didn't know you were my son, and they weren't Doms just guys getting their rocks off. I think we need a trip out later."

We spent the rest of the morning relaxing watching TV; I knelt at Sir's feet, sometimes head resting on his lap, sometimes gently suckling on his cock. He needed to piss a couple of times, which I swallowed so he didn't have to move from his seat.

After lunch I was told to dress again. Shorts, a t-shirt, and trainers only. This time we were going out. Sir drove us out of the town, going down a quiet lane he explained.

"There's a great cruising ground here. Loads of guys, and quite a few kinksters among them. It's a private field, owned by this horny old Dom, he has cams recording and doesn't mind what guys get up to as long as he can perv."

We arrived at a small parking place, there were several cars parked there – clearly getting frustrations out of the system before work began again tomorrow. We got out of the car.

"Leave the t-shirt here." I was very unsure about this, but complied, of course. "Now kneel." Sir pointed to the ground in front of him – again I complied. My collar went on, and I noticed that it had a lead attached to it too now. Sir walked off and I had to leap to my feet quickly before the lead pulled me over. We went into a wood, and soon reached a small clearing.

"Shorts." I knew he meant take them off, I was there in the middle of nowhere utterly naked except for a collar and lead. Then Sir crouched down and tied the lead I was forced onto all fours. He walked off back into the woods. I was petrified – alone and tied down, I didn't know what to do.

Soon Sir came back.

"Don't worry boy, I wasn't about to abandon you, just needed to find something."

That something turned out to be a fresh stick which he used to get my arse red. Every few strokes he'd stop to rub his crotch – this was a pleasure (for him) beating not a punishment. Soon he stopped, came and stood in front of me and whipped out his cock. Within a second it was in my mouth, I slobbered all over it getting it hard and wet. Whilst I worked on it he started to give me poppers – soon I was high as well as horny, and then he moved on to fuck me.

After a bit of this I heard a rustling sound.

"Nice view there."

"Hey. Thanks, come closer if you want." Sir wanted the stranger to see some more of this.

"Hot bit of arse you've found there."

"Didn't find him I brought him here."

"Cool, he yours then?"

"In a manner of speaking. He's my son, and slave for the weekend."

"Fuck no."

"Fuck yes. You want some?"

"Stupid question mate."

"Get your cock out and he'll suck you good."

I knew it wasn't a choice for me, this was a cock and I was there to suck it.

"You want a bit of this arse too?"

"You got rubbers? None here, wasn't expecting a fuck."

"Raw arse only here." So not only would Sir not use condoms, but apparently he didn't want anybody else to use them on me either. "Don't shoot up there though, on his body, down his throat...all's cool."

Sir pulled out to make room for the now sloppy hard cock from the stranger. I cleaned Sir's cock and thought I'd be getting some respite – just the hard fucking I was now getting...but soon another guy appeared and was given the same offer. His cock was nasty, clearly didn't shower and so first I had to clean the cock-cheese off it – Sir could tell I was revolted, and loved it too.

Then another arrived, and another...I stopped counting at the fifth cock. Each one got sucked to get him going, then plunged into my arse for a rough fucking, before picking where the load went – mostly down my throat. Eventually they were finished with me, I collapsed onto the ground not caring how it felt anymore.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Sir clearly expected something else. "Did I shoot my load?"

Somehow, despite being exhausted, I knew what I needed to do and found some energy to do it. I crawled over to Sir and took his cock into my mouth to get it ready for the fucking I knew was coming my way. Then with my arse back up in the air I received Sir's cock. He fucked me relentlessly and left a large deposit deep within me. I cleaned his cock off, my jaw barely able to move after the use it had received; but the reward of a few drops of Sir's cum kept me going at it.

"Wait here."

Sir wandered off again. I saw him coming back, he had something but I couldn't see what.

"Grab your shorts and make a blindfold. Then stand up, lean against that tree with legs wide open."

Soon enough I discovered what he was carrying...but first he set at me with the same stick as he'd used earlier. My arse took the brunt of it, but now and then there would be a change and he'd go for my balls aiming upwards through my legs. From the noises he was making, he loved it. Then suddenly the pain of the beating changed, I was still being beaten, but now there was more to it.

"You like these nettles boy?" From his laugh I could tell he wasn't expecting a reply. My arse, legs, and balls were being whipped with nettles – soon I felt agony from both the beating, and the stinging too. "That was so fucking hot boy. Loved seeing those guys use your arse. You're gaping wide open now boy, that's what happens with those strangers' cocks going into you. You didn't have any choice – was just up to me." I couldn't tell which he enjoyed more, the control, the beating, or telling me the stories.

We went back to the car, and it was only when we got there that I realised that I was still naked.

"If you want clothes you need to earn them boy." He pointed to the nettles. "Put your clothes on, but these under them – as much or as little as you want."

I decided that all I really needed were the shorts, so I stuffed a few nettle leaves inside them and started to pull them on.

"You can do better than that boy. Three times the nettles or I burn the shorts right here."

Slowly I stuffed the shorts with as much as would fit and pulled them on. Sir reached into his pocket.

"As you didn't go for the t-shirt, think these will work well." The dreaded nipple clamps went on, clearly they were to stay for the journey back.

We got to Sir's front door, he walked in and I was about to follow.

"Not so quick boy. Shorts off." I complied immediately. He grabbed the shorts and closed the door in my face. I could tell I was being tested, and suddenly remembered that my normal position was kneeling – so I knelt there in the hallway, naked.

I have no idea how long I was left out there, but it seemed like an age. Eventually the door opened and Sir beckoned me in. He sat on the sofa, and beckoned me up – I lay with my head resting on his crotch, he stroked my head often.

We chatted, Sir was being affectionate. He explained that the flat belonged to the company, and he used it when he didn't trust a guy to come to his place – this explained why I didn't recognise the address. He had a second mobile just like I did. He had a few regulars and he'd use one to get off quite often. The couple I'd met on my arrival were both his – they were a genuine couple, the man was a total sub but his wife could do either – she would Domme her man, but he would use them both together. He's tried subbing once, but it didn't work at all; he was a natural Dom. He was thinking of settling down, but he needed to find the right guy – somebody he could love as a husband, but was still a proper sub to him.

I explained how I had known for a few years that I was gay. I'd never had a proper boy-friend, but there had been a guy at school I played around with lots; we sucked each other off most weeks, he'd fucked me a couple of times, I fucked him once but that made me realise I wasn't cut out to top.

After a while Sir decided that he'd had enough.


I jumped to the floor and assumed the position.

He kicked my balls a couple of times, but then was interrupted by his mobile. He dashed out of the room leaving me there.

When he came back in he had a broad smile on his face.

"Well done boy. That was Ade, he enjoyed you this morning, and he's coming back for seconds."

Soon Ade was sitting there, I was in my usual place at Sir's feet. They had a chat about me and using me.

"So you said he was your sex slave, what exactly does that mean?"

"It means I'm in control, I decide exactly what he does and who does what to him."

"For sex."

"Yeah, but other stuff to – it's not just getting sucked off or fucking him."

Ade was rubbing his crotch now.

"Sounds like you're interested. Knew you were a kinky fucker, mate."

"I didn't know until today, mate."

"How about we use him together? I'll show you the ropes, see how you like it. If you're not into the kink, let me know and I'll let you fuck him to get your rocks off."

We all went into the bedroom. The abuse was much gentler this time, Sir didn't want to freak Ade out too much. They both beat my arse, Ade was well into that. Making me squirm from squeezing my tits too.

Both of their tops came off, they lay on the bed and I jumped between them worshiping their bodies. Chewing on their tits, licking out their pits, kissing their pecs.

Then their jeans and boxers were off. Ade lay there and I rimmed out his arse as he didn't stop moaning for a moment. They took turns face-fucking me. Then with a nod from Sir, Ade filled my arse and made it his. I was on all fours, sucking Sir's cock while Ade fucked me. After a while they swapped places. It felt so good to be filled at both ends.

"You want to give my boy your load mate?"

"Fuck yeah, damned close too."

"Which end you want?"

Soon my arse was filled with both of their loads. Sir clearly trusted Ade enough to let him shoot up me.

Sir had me help Ade shower and get dressed. Then I made supper for us both, as before I ate from a bowl on the floor, kneeling at Sir's feet. Sir wandered away from the table whilst I cleared up, having finished I walked through and knelt in front of him.

"You did well with Ade, think you've got him hooked – need to find him a regular boy to use." I beamed with delight that Sir was so pleased with me. "But he's gone now, and so it's just us for the evening – do you think that you deserve an evening off boy?"

"That doesn't matter, Sir, if you want to use me then I should be used Sir."

"Too damn right boy. Presentation." Like every time I went into presentation position Sir gave me a kick in the balls, then he walked away. He walked back behind me so I couldn't see what he was up to. He grabbed my left wrist and attached a leather cuff to it, then the same with my right.

"Stand up." I leapt to my feet, leaving my hands on my head. "You're going to see one of the best bits of the flat now – one that the business clients don't get to see." Sir was fiddling with the cuffs, I heard some clicking sounds, then I could feel my arms being pulled up – soon I was standing there, on my tip-toes because I couldn't get myself any lower, I was hanging from the cuffs on my wrists. "There's a really useful pulley up there – don't worry boy, you're totally safe there, you can't fall."

I couldn't fall, I couldn't really move at all.

Then Sir put a blindfold over my eyes – I couldn't move, I couldn't see.

"Think you could do with a few bits of decoration there boy."

I should have guessed that one, the nipple clamps went on. But there was a new twist, there was a sharp tug on them. "I've put a weight on the chain between them, it's fun to drop it." Sir repeated the `fun' a couple more times – each time it felt like my tits were going to be ripped off.

Then next the cb came off – my cock sprang to life again, and was rewarded by several sharp slaps with Sir's hand. Then he caressed my balls, then pulled them away from my body, then something was fitted around them. "Some weights down here might be a good idea too boy." This was a dull pain, pulling incessantly at them. Then this weight too was lifted and dropped a few times. The weights were left in place, but thankfully not dropped any more.

"That looks so fucking good boy. Can't believe my own son looks so hot tied and clamped like that."

Then a sharp pain on my arse.

"Can you guess what I'm using there boy?"

Five more followed. I racked my brain, then sounding very unsure.

"The riding crop Sir?"

"Well done boy – for guessing that, you get a reward. Another twenty strokes to your arse."

They rained down quickly, each one seemed to be right on top of the others, leaving what felt like a line of pure burn. Sir's hand ran over it, he let out a purr of pleasure and enjoyment at his work.

The crop then went to work on the rest of my body. My cock got particular treatment, Sir was clearly skilled at this and would work up and down the shaft. My abs, my legs, my pecs, my cock again, my arse again. It seemed unrelenting, and was moving around at random – throughout I was kept guessing. Then it stopped, but the pain didn't – the weight on the nipple clamps was raised and dropped a few times; then so was the weight on my balls. Then more crop-work.

"You get to rest for a moment boy. Get yourself soft enough so I can put the cb back on." The ball weight was removed. Then silence, if Sir was still there he was keeping completely quiet, if he was moving around, he was creeping.

At first there was no change in my cock – the last few hours, on top of ages without cumming, left me horned up like a unicorn. But then a slight droop, and ever so slowly I shrank back.

Then my cock was back in the cb, there was no warning, no fumbling, Sir was a real pro. That woke the cock up again though, and soon I was straining against the limits of the cb.

A few more tugs to the clamp chain reminded me that my tits were in agony, but this didn't do anything to lessen the tightness of the cb round my cock.

Again, without warning, and the pulley was released; I collapsed to the floor, where Sir quickly removed the cuffs and blindfold. Not caring that I was barely able to move, Sir strode off to the bedroom in a way that clearly involved me following. Somehow I dragged myself through, and knelt there.

Sir had only pulled on a pair of boxers after Ade left, now he pulled my face into his groin and I had to inhale his manly scent in order to breath. He pushed me backwards on the floor on my back, whipped down the boxers and sat on my face. My mouth was about the only part of my not drained of energy, so I dug my tongue straight in and started to eat out Sir's arse.

I could tell that Sir was enjoying the treatment, unfortunately he showed his appreciation by pulling the chain on the tit clamps – desperate to earn some release, I dug my tongue deeper and deeper.

Then he leapt up, and pulled me up with the chain, before pulling me onto his cock. He held me in place with the chain, but I was so desperate to please him that I was anchored by desire more than any chain.

He could sense my pain, and clearly decided that it was best to make it worse. He pulled harder and harder on the chain, tears were falling down my cheeks, some fell onto his cock as it was buried deep in my mouth. A particularly rough tug and the clamps came off – I cried out in pain, or rather I tried to, but my entire vocal system was obscured by Sir's manhood.

Now that my only point of focus was his cock, I went to work even more. Sir gave me some freedom and so I moved up and down the shaft, wanked it, licked the head, licked and sucked on his balls.

"Fuck yeah boy. You're getting so fucking good. Show me what you can do."

As I sucked and licked his cock, Sir held a bottle of popper beneath my nose – I breathed in deeply, soon my head was swimming. Once he thought I was ready, he threw me onto the bed, and seemingly in the same movement plunged his cock deep into my arse.

The fucking began in earnest immediately. Long deep strokes, then quick strokes. His cock was really making my arse belong to him – he was showing me how much I loved this, how much I needed it.

We switched back to oral, then back to anal, then back to oral...I got lost in the haze. Periods of intensity, then quiet, then intense.

Then Sir turned up the heat, harder and harder, his body slapping against my arse each time he rammed in. Then a brief pause, then the deepest penetration yet. His whole weight against me, I knew he was cumming – his whole body shook with the orgasm.

We lay together for a while, his cock in my arse slowly shrinking back to its normal size. Then once he was all done we both fell asleep, me wrapped in his arms.

Monday morning we both slept in, we were both exhausted. Sir woke before me...a big mistake, I was woken by him roughly pushing his dry hard cock into my arse. Then he dragged me into the bathroom, without taking his cock out.

"You should have been awake first, boy. Then this nice load of piss would have gone down your throat." He started to fill my arse with his piss, once he was done he pulled out and as he walked out of the room gave my orders. "Get cleaned up and report for punishment in the sitting room."

As quickly as I could I followed his orders, and dashing into the sitting room. He was sitting down. I knelt in front of him.

"Please Sir, may I be punished?"

"What have you done boy?"

"I didn't wake up before Master, Sir."

"What punishment do you think you deserve?"

That was a difficult one...I made a stab in the dark.

"Fifty strokes to my arse, and the same to my balls Sir?"

The slightest hint of a smile crossed Sir's face, I could tell it was more than he was planning.

"Poppers boy?"

"I'd love them Sir." I knew immediately that this was the wrong answer so added. "But they don't seem right for a punishment."

The punishment session was agony, even though my arse had been beaten for most of the weekend, this was proper punishment. Sir used a cane for the first time, I could sense the bright red lines across my cheeks; my balls felt like they had been set on fire. But once the punishment was given, that was it.

Sir sat down having thrashed me soundly. I knelt.

"Thank you Sir."

Sir reached out and ruffled my hair, like he used to when I was younger – I could tell that everything was right between us again.

"Breakfast now boy."

I dashed into the kitchen to prepare.

When we were done I noticed the clock – 10.30. Directing me with just a glance, Sir made me follow him into the bedroom. There I worked his cock, worshipped his whole body, chewed his tits, licked out his arm-pits. Then get the fucking of my life.

Ten shots of poppers to each nostril before we began, and I was swimming in my mind. It was full-on pile-driver ramming into me. Several times he switched and I sucked his cock clean of my arse juices.

"I'm going to unlock you now boy. If you even think about touching yourself, you'll get a beating you won't forget ever." Then with his cock still deep inside me he took off the cb – my clock jumped straight to life, hard as a rock. His fucking picked up the pace – I couldn't believe there was faster or harder fucking, but he managed it. Then suddenly he rammed deep inside me, and I could feel his whole body shake with the orgasm. He grabbed at my cock and pumped it away. "Cum for me boy."

Within a second I was shooting the largest load I had ever imagined. Drenching the sheets in my cum and covering both our bodies in it. I noticed the time – bang on midday.

Sir pulled out.

"Bloody hell Aaron. Think you need a shower."

That was that, Sir was gone and Dad was back. I stumbled through to the bathroom feeling totally rejected, I cried as I cleaned myself up as best I could. I'd given him everything that I could, everything that he asked for...and that was it.

When I came out of the bathroom my bag was in the bedroom, now unlocked. The contract was there too, and Dad had written "Contract fulfilled" at the bottom – been there, done that, all over now. I could hear that he was in the shower in the other bedroom, so I grabbed my clothes and dashed out before he could reappear.

I spent most of the next two days crying. Several missed calls from Dad on each of my phones – I didn't want to have anything to do with him.

Eventually to get him to stop I replied to one of his texts. "Yeah Dad, all fine, not that you care."

"What do you mean?"

"Fuck me and then dump me – that what you're like with them all?"

"Your time had come to an end, you think we should keep going like that?"

Did I? It had been a total roller-coaster – in terms of exploring kink, and finding out that I was a natural sub; but also emotionally, this was my Dad.

"You saying you didn't enjoy it?"

"Not at all, it was amazing."

"But you don't want any more?"

"We should talk. I've got colleagues in the work flat until this evening – you want to come round after?"

"Talk? There any point?"

Then sent another. "Ok, I'll talk."

A very different arrival at the flat to last time. Dad was there, still in a suit from work; he gave me a beer and we sat opposite each other – the tension was still palpable.

"Look Aaron, that wasn't supposed to happen. It was fucking amazing, but that's not how it's supposed to be between us."

"How is it then?"

"You're my son, I'm there to look after you – not to fuck you and beat you."

"Do you mean you weren't looking after me? When you got those guys to fuck me, you watched over them; when you beat me, it was to show me how things should be."

It was then that I saw how conflicted he was in himself. I moved to sit next to him on the sofa, rested my head on his chest, and he put his arm round me – just like we'd done a thousand times when I was younger.

Slowly my hand moved to his crotch and rubbed him.

"Aaron stop it."

"What do you mean?" I asked with fake surprise.

"Only my slaves touch me down there."

I tried a bold move. I stood up, slowly stripped off, and then knelt down in front of him.

"Aaron, this is your last chance."

"Dad, Sir, we both loved the weekend, why can't we have more of that?"

"That's not what I mean Aaron. Now it's all or nothing. Remember the temporary contract?"

"Yes dad."

"Well there's no more of that for you."

He walked over to his desk and with a few clicks sent something to the printer. He passed it to me.

"Slave contract – permanent. "This contract is between the slave and the Master. It operates from the moment of signature without any ending. "The slave is entirely for the Master's pleasure and will always do everything he can to ensure this pleasure. The slave will obey the Master completely, immediately, and without question. The slave will have no limits, he will trust the Master completely in all matters."

I read it three times – I knew what I had to do, gazing into Dad's eyes I picked up a pen and signed it.

That night Sir took me to a local sex club, I was naked apart from my collar and lead. He paid me no attention, other than letting other guys fuck my face. Then we got home and he fucked me three times in a row, each load seemed to be deeper inside me than the last.

That was two years ago. Now I work for his company part-time, and study part-time to be of more use to him. I've moved in with him permanently. At work we're Dad' and Aaron' and all looks normal; but as soon as we're home I get naked and serve him. We share his bed, except when he's using another boy or loaning me out. My whole life is run by him.

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