Surprise Dom

By Ed. P.

Published on Oct 23, 2017


Surprise Dom – Part I

If you're not looking for sex, rough and raw sex, between guys (over age of consent) closely related to each other then look elsewhere.

Nifty costs money to run – it needs your donations if it's going to keep going.

Feedback more than welcome – should be more episodes of the story over the next few days.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.


Incest – Authoritarian -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part II

"Stand in the middle of the floor boy and don't move."

This wasn't Dad's tone of voice, this was definitely Sir's; still not quite sure whether either of us would go through with it I followed his order.

He was behind me, but I could feel him looking my body up and down. Silently he walked up behind me, his mouth only a couple of inches from my ear and he started to talk quietly.

"Fucking great body you've got there boy. You're not going to know what's happened to you by the time I'm finished. This is all mine, it came from me and I get to do whatever I want with it until Monday midday. What I want, I get. You can beg, plead, cry, whatever...I don't care this is all for my gratification. You're my son, but right now you're my slave-boy, and you're going to give your Dad everything he wants aren't you boy?"

"Yes Dad...sorry, yes Sir."

"I'm going to start by inspecting this body; I last saw all of this when you were about ten, which didn't interest me in the same way. Now you've got a hot horny body. Then we're going to get started – first business is that you need to be punished for not telling me who you were. Twenty strokes to your arse for that. Then I'm going to play with this body for a good long time. Then you're going to get to explore my body until I end up fucking your throat, getting my arse rimmed out nice a deep and long, and if you're a really good boy you get the cock that made you up your arse."

His hand gently trailed down my back, I was shivering with excitement from his touch. He cupped my arse cheeks, clearly enjoying the feel of the tight buns.

"Bend over."

He inspected inside, running his finger up and down, then without warning and without any preparation a dry finger rammed deep inside me. I cried out with pain at the invasion and shock. Sir just laughed.

"Good and tight. You been fucked much boy?"

"Only five times, Sir."

"All the same guy?"

"Three different guys, one came back for more, Sir."

"Good job I didn't know that, wouldn't have let them deflower my least not without my joining in."

The finger came out just as suddenly as it was pushed in.


I stood up, and what I immediately knew was the same finger was held just in front of my mouth – I could tell what I was supposed to do, and so sucked it in. I could taste my arse as I cleaned it off, good job I'd been thorough in the shower earlier.

His arms explored the front of my body whilst he stayed standing behind me. Just the fingertips running over me with the gentlest possible touch, they played with my nipples a bit, before suddenly grasping them both at the same time. A short savage twist made me move back into his body – I could feel his body heat even through his shirt.

"Nice reaction boy, but I told you not to move."

His hands came off and three hard swats to my arse followed quickly. Then he walked round to the front.

"Fuck boy. To think that this body belongs to my son, I should have had it earlier."

I knew I had a good body, and worked hard to get it. Six-pack, good sized pecs, arms were filling out as I got older.

His hand traced around my cock. It twitched in its hardest ever state.

"Seem to like that boy."

He weighed my balls in his hand, then started to squeeze them...tighter and tighter. The feeling changed from a caress, to a tightness, to pain. Part of me wondered what on earth was going on; here was my Dad purposefully inflicting pain on his son to give himself sexual pleasure...but then I knew I was hornier than ever and I was loving it too.

He let go, then hit them five times – quick, short, sharp swats; harder than anything I'd been able to do to myself on cam. Then one really hard one, I doubled over in pain – again he laughed, then spanked my arse again.

"Stay still boy, or I'll have to give you more than just my hand."

As I dragged myself up straight again, I couldn't help noticing that he was rubbing his bulge – Dad really was getting turned on by this...but then, so was I.

He walked round me a few times, ogling my body, I could feel his eyes burying into my skin. I was totally exposed, and he loved it. Then he stood behind me again, pulled my body against his, and started to kiss my neck – I was in heaven, that was one of my absolute triggers...but this was my Dad...then I realised I loved it even more from him than the other guys I'd slept with. I moaned involuntarily, and my body squirmed in his arms. After a while he released me, and came in front of me; then gently holding my head he started to kiss my lips, making sure I knew he was in charge. At first a couple of pecks, but soon enough passionate French-kissing with his tongue invading my mouth.

He pulled back, and sat down in a chair facing me.

"Well that was a pretty good start don't you think boy?"

"Yes Sir. Fucking amazing."

"That cock of yours looks like it's right on edge and about to shoot. That's not allowed until I'm done with you, and even then only if I'm happy. Do you know how one of these works?" He showed me a chastity device.

"Yes Sir." I'd seen a number of pictures during my googling sessions.

"The problem is that you need to be soft to get into one, I don't think you're able to get soft whilst I'm touching your cock so I'm going to give you ten minutes. Get soft, put this on, then stand with your hands on your head and wait for me."

Then he walked out. I could hear faint noises of him talking on the phone and typing on a computer – probably doing some work. It took the whole time just to calm my cock down, I thought about everything unsexy I could imagine. But then each time I touched my cock to put it inside, it just flew up to full mast. Finally, with less than a minute to spare I managed to ram myself inside it. I stood there hands on my head as he walked back in.

"Looking good." Without any fuss he put a padlock on it. "Better be a good boy or I might lose the keys." Then with a little chuckle. "Perhaps I should leave it on anyway, be a properly protective father to you."

Then before I could object, he had his mobile out and had taken some pictures of me standing there.

"Well you don't need to worry about not having any face pics now boy. Don't worry, you'll get copies of all the pictures I take of you."

All I could think about was my cock, now I could do nothing about it, but it was straining hard against the cb. Pulling at my balls which held it in place.

"Right, let's get started. Whenever I'm not using you, you kneel on the floor. Knees wide apart to make access to your balls easier. Hands behind your back." I quickly got into position. "If I say inspection, same but with hands on your head. Inspection." My hands went up, a quick kick to my increasingly tender balls was my reward. "Looking good boy."

He walked over to the desk and picked up the contract I'd signed.

"It says here boy that you realise that you need to be punished for not showing your face to me before – twenty strokes to your arse; and you need some more for not telling me that you're my son – another twenty, I think. Have you been punished by a Dom before, boy?"

"N-n-no Sir." I was getting nervous now.

"Ok, well, there's no time like the present. Stand up, then bend over and brace yourself against the back of the sofa."

I slowly rose from my knees, and as I was moving to the sofa his hand slapped my arse hard twice.

"When I give an order I expect you to follow it, boy, not waste my time. Next time you do something that slowly you'll get something to remember."

sat least, that I needed to get into position for Sir.

Sit stood and looked at my arse for a while, then stroked it with his hand.

"When you were a boy I had to spank you a couple of times, I said that it would hurt me more than it would hurt you – that was right. This time, though, it's going to hurt you...but it's not going to hurt me at all, I'm going to enjoy it."

His hand came down hard on my arse without any warning, then again, again, again...I wasn't counting, all I could feel was that Sir was putting me right, that I'd done wrong and he was showing this to me.

"Why am I punishing you boy?"

"For not showing you my face in advance, Sir, and for not telling you that I was your son, Sir." Part of me could tell that this wasn't fair, I couldn't tell him that I was his son because I didn't know...but part of me knew that if Sir thought I needed to be punished for it, then I needed it.

"Good boy. Next time you do something wrong, you're going to ask for me to punish you. That's the first ten, your arse it starting to get good and red."

He walked over to a box I hadn't noticed and got out a few things, he walked over to me.

"The next ten are going to be with this slipper, then the next ten with this paddle, then the last ten are going to be with this riding crop."

I was panting, my heart was racing – I'd never been into this place, my mind hated it...but then my cock was straining at the cb, and leaking precum like nothing I'd ever done before.

Sir held out the slipper in front of my face. "Kiss it to show you're pleased you're being punished."

Without warning, it started to rain down on my already sore arse; the intensity was building. I couldn't believe that I could take it.

Soon the slipper was in front of my face again. I could tell what Sir wanted, so I kissed what had just been inflicting such pain on me. Then something inside told me to speak up.

"Thank you Sir."

"For what boy?"

"Thank you for punishing me for not showing my face, Sir."

"Good boy."

Then there was a pause before Sir gave a gentle cough.

"Please Sir, can I be punished for not telling you that I'm your son, Sir?"

"Of course you can boy."

The paddle was in front of my face, I knew to kiss it quickly. The pain was getting worse, but it was also different type of pain to the hand and the slipper. These ten were so hard, I can't tell how I was able to stay there but I knew that it's what Sir wanted and so it's what I needed. A few moments of respite as I was given the chance to kiss the paddle. Sir's hand ran over my arse again, that made me tingle as well as burn and ache. Then the riding crop was held out, I kissed it and this time I felt that it was right.

The pain from the crop was different again, this was sharper, harsher across narrow stripes of my arse.

"The last three are going to be really good ones boy."

Sir wasn't lying, each one seemed to have within it as much pain as those before. But now, suddenly, it wasn't just that it felt right to be doing what Sir wanted but now I loved it, I wanted it. I hated it at the same time, this was a punishment, it made me feel bad. By the time the last ten were done my whole body was covered in a layer of sweat.

The crop was held out, I kissed it.

"Thank you for the punishment for not telling you that I'm your son, Sir."

"Good boy."

He stroked my arse making a noise almost like a cat purring.

"So fucking hot, boy. I can barely stop myself from fucking you right now. Stand up."

He grabbed me, and started to kiss me deeply again; his hands caressing the arse they'd been beating a few moments before.

"Good boy, you took that punishment well. You know I need to punish you to make you into a good subboy." After a few moments of this, feeling wrapped in his love, he released me. "Looks like you've made a puddle there." Sir pointed to the floor, my cock had been dripping pre-cum. "Clean it up, tongue only."

I dropped to the floor and lapped up the pre-cum. When I was done I went into my kneeling position; my heels grazed my arse and I flinched with the pain still there.

"There's some beer in the fridge, boy, get me one and get yourself some water."

Sir sat and took a rest whilst he drank the beer. I knelt at his feet, resting my head on his knees; his hand rested on my head, gently stroking me.

After a short break he stood up and walked into the bedroom, he clicked his fingers pointing to his heel – it was just like telling a dog to follow him, and I knew what he wanted.

"Up on the bed, on your back."

Sir gently pulled my arms to the edge of the bed where there were leather cuffs which he fixed to them, then the same to my ankles. I was spread-eagled, totally exposed, totally helpless.

Sir ran his fingertips gently over my chest, I shuddered as they passed over me. He played with my nipples, twisting them, pinching them – at first it was gentle, but then getting harsher. Then he left them alone suddenly.

"Look at these boy."

He was holding a pair of nipple clamps, watching films on-line they'd looked hot to me, but now seeing the teeth I was much less sure about letting them dig into my tits...but then I wasn't given a choice.

I couldn't help let out a squeal as they were attached. My body strained against the cuffs, but I couldn't move more than a few inches. Sir left them few a few moments, watching and clearly enjoying my struggles. Then he started to play with them, twisting, tugging, my pain clearly giving him pleasure – this just increased my confusion, the man who had always cared for me was getting horny by inflicting pain on me, then I realised that it was making me horny too.

He left the clamps in place, a dull thudding pain, and moved on. A mini version of the riding crop was pulled over my torso, then starting with little gentle flicks started to beat me. Up and down, my six-pack, then my balls, then the insides of my thighs. Every single blow made me flinch, my cock was twitching – locked away in its cb.

Then Sir unlocked the cb and pulled it off. My cock leapt to full mast, harder than I'd ever felt it; I was desperate to wank it off, but knew I wasn't going to get that release. The crop was used up and down the shaft, the head got particular attention. Sir pulled my foreskin back to give it direct blows.

I hadn't noticed the candle burning when we first came in, but then Sir picked it up – thick and with a large puddle of molten wax at the top. Sir held my cock directly upwards, the skin right back exposing the head, then poured the wax straight onto it.

"Fuck." My body convulsed.

The candle was briefly put down, the nipple clamps were taken off, which just gave me fresh agony as the blood flowed back in – Sir rubbed them to increase the sensation. Then as soon as they were almost back to normal, the clamps were back on – feeling even more vicious than before.

The waxing then started again, right onto the sensitive clamped tits. Then all over my body, mostly little spots here and there, but my cock and balls were completely covered.

Then the crop again, Sir used it to clean the wax off. Hitting the wax spots until chunks fell off. Naturally this meant my cock and balls getting hit particularly.

I'd lost all track of time, it felt like I'd been getting tortured by Sir since forever.

"Right boy, think you've earned the reward of getting to know my body. But first need you back in your cb. I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to calm down, then I'll come back to put it back on."

Then he walked out – at first my mind was just swimming with sexual and horny thoughts, but then I realised that I was there to please Sir...and that meant getting soft enough to get the cb back on. By the time he came back in, I'd managed to get partially soft – I was still entirely unable to move.

Sir rammed the cb back over my cock, he knew any attention to it would get it hard again. Then with my cock safely locked up again, without any prior hint or warning, the chain holding the clamps was pulled. I screamed out with the sudden pain. Sir just laughed, roughly took the clamps off, and chewed on my hyper-sensitive tits. Once I'd stopped squirming, Sir took the cuffs off my wrists and ankles. Then he stood up.

"Strip me off, leave my boxers though. Don't touch my cock or arse."

I leapt to the opportunity, soon Sir was there dressed only in dark grey boxer briefs – he was clearly hard inside them, and there was a dark spot by his cock-head where he'd been leaking.

I stood transfixed by the sight.

"Why are you standing there boy?"

"Sorry Sir." I fell to my knees, then knowing that I'd done wrong I realised that I needed to add something to that. "Please Sir, can I be punished. I didn't kneel when I should have done Sir."

I could see a tear forming in Sir's eye.

"Of course boy. Fetch the riding crop from the lounge, then get on the bed on all fours."

I practically ran for it, and was back on the bed in no time at all. My stomach churning – not wanting pain, but deep down knowing that I needed Sir's punishment.

I kissed the crop, then felt ten swats come raining down on my arse each one harder than the last.

"Thank you for the punishment Sir." I moved back to the floor and knelt.

Sir stood over me and stroked my head. "You're turning into a good boy. You really are a proper sub deep inside aren't you Aaron?"

"Yes Sir, I think so."

Sir lay back on the bed, I couldn't help but watch him. I knew he had a good body, we'd been on holiday together the last summer – but I hadn't been looking at him in the same way. It wasn't just a good body, it was fucking amazing to me right then.

Both legs had tight muscles from plenty of running. A slim waist, clearly a large cock though I couldn't see that properly yet. A well-defined six-pack, well formed pecs, sculpted arms. He lay there with his hands behind his head, exposing the hair in his arm-pits. There was a light dusting of hair on his legs, some of his chest too. Could this really be my dad?

"Start at my feet, worship them with your mouth."

So it began, I kissed his feet all over, then lick and sucking on them too. At Sir's guidance slowly working up his legs; then before the real prize switching to his upper body. I chewed on his tits, licked his pits out – they were soaked in sweat which just got me hornier.

"Right boy, we both know what you want. Boxers off."

Once he was fully exposed, I was transfixed by the cock, I stared solidly at it. After last time I knew better than to stay still, and so was staring while kneeling. Sir stood in front of me, his hard cock pointing straight at me. He took my head into his hands, and slowly moved me forward until it was almost touching me.

"No tongue boy. Just gentle kisses."

Slowly forward again, then finally my lips made contact with Sir's cock. He let go of my head and I worked like mad, kissing up and down the shaft, nuzzling my nose into his ball-sac.

"Open wide."

That was all the instruction I needed. I sucked the cock into my mouth, working the head with my tongue, sucking hard. Then the balls, licking and sucking them one by one into my mouth. I felt like I was on a different world.

Eventually Sir pulled back.

"Up." He gestured to the bed. "All fours."

He ran his hand over my exposed arse.

"Fucking sweet boy." He probed my hole a bit. "Feels good and tight, boy. When were you last fucked?"

"A month ago, Sir, just before we first spoke."

"Been keeping yourself for me since then?"

"Yes Sir, really wanted that cock Sir."

"You're about to get it boy. This is going to hurt, I'm not about to get you opened up first, but I'm lubing cock now. There's some poppers, take as much as you want."

I'd never used poppers before, but knew what to do – I was sniffing them until I knew Sir was ready when I felt the cock against my hold. I could feel the cold lube on it.

"I'm not going to pussyfoot around boy, so you'd better be ready."

Then he pushed hard, I tried desperately to relax but still felt the pain of his cock splitting me open as he went straight in right to the hilt. His arms wrapped around me holding my whole body right up next to his. Slowly my arse started to get used to the tree-trunk inside it, as he felt me relax he started to pull out again – then fucking started in earnest. Slowly at first, but always the full length of his cock, then the pace increased. Soon he was ramming in and out faster than I could imagine possible.

Then he pulled out, leapt in front of, and ramming the cock fresh from my arse down my throat. It was still slick with me arse juices, but soon I got used to the taste – in fact, I loved it.

Then another change, he threw me onto my back; then sat on my face. I smelt his hole, full of sweat from his exertions. Purely by instinct, my tongue came out and started to explore – soon I was working it as deep into Sir's hole as I could.

This was followed by more fucking, more sucking, more rimming, more fucking, more rimming...

"Do you want this load up your arse boy?" Then before I could answer. "Though I don't really care, you're getting it there."

The fucking got harder and harder, faster and faster. I could tell he was getting close, and my prize was within reach. I swear I could feel his cock swelling deep inside me, then exploding deep inside me.

I could feel Sir's orgasm with my whole body. When it subsided he pulled out, lay back, and I cleaned his cock – sucking out the last drops of my cum. Finally it was all done and he relaxed, pulling me onto him. We rested in the bed, my head against Sir's chest; his arm wrapped around me. I felt secure there. We were both exhausted by the session, I must have fallen asleep. Sir woke me by slapping my arse.

"Time to get up boy. We both need a shower."

I followed him into the bathroom, the shower was oddly unsexual, we washed each other off. Sir paid particular attention to my locked up cock, this just made me more frustrated than I was already. Then I dried him off, caressing his body, giving quick kisses once I'd dried each area: his feet, his arse cheeks, his cock, his pecs, his arms. I helped him dress, acting just like his personal servant...but then I was his servant. Once he was dressed he took me through to the kitchen.

"I know you can cook, your mother and I always wanted you to be able to be self-sufficient. I've got some friends coming over, so make some supper for seven people – the recipe's on my iPad."

I followed his orders working round the kitchen. Just as I was finishing off the doorbell went. Sir didn't move, but then looked up at me.

"Well boy? Do you want to keep my guest waiting?"

I looked at him, did Sir really expect me to answer the door? My clothes were all locked away, so I'd be naked. The quickest glimpse of his eyes made it clear that, yes, Sir did expect me to.

Two guys were standing there, I held the door open for them.

"Looks like Andy's in one of his horny moods." They walked in, not speaking to me – they clearly knew the score.

They greeted Sir, clearly they were friends of his. I fetched them beers, all three of them sat and chatted whilst I continued in the kitchen. Over the next few minutes the door bell went a few more times – each time I answered it, a guy about the same age as Sir came in and wasn't at all surprised at having the door answered by a naked man wearing a collar and cb. Soon there were five of Sir's friends sitting there chatting with him. The food was finished, the table was set, but they weren't ready to eat so I went to kneel at Sir's feet. Fairly soon though Sir decided it was time to eat, they all went to the table but Sir followed me into the kitchen.

"Here's the deal boy. You serve us, make sure the drinks are kept refilled, when you're not occupied you eat yours out of a bowl on the floor – no hands allowed. They're not Doms, but they're all gay – if one of them gets his cock out, you need to suck him off straight away, keep going until he pulls you off."

I got to it straight away, plated the food up and took it out to them. Refreshed their drinks, then knelt next to Sir and started to eat out of my own bowl on the floor. After a while I heard a gentle sound of zip, a cock was appearing. I navigated between the legs, took the cock into my mouth and worked on it. Soon it was hard, and I was loving it but before he shot a hand pulled me back.

By the time they'd finished eating I sucked them all at least twice each, but no loads. They went back to sit and chat. I cleared the table and then knelt again. Sir stroked my head.

"You all enjoy this one?"

"Sure did, Andy, don't know where you find them, but you get the good suckers."

"This was one closer than you could imagine." I couldn't help smile when Sir said that. "Any of you reward him with a load? I know he loves those."

They all shook their heads. The chat continued, until one of them pulled his cock out again – a gentle shove from Sir was more than enough, I dashed over and set to work. Soon enough he grabbed my head, pushed his cock deep inside, and flooded my throat with his load. The others all followed his lead, and pretty quickly I'd had all five loads. Sir just watched, occasionally stroking his crotch, smiling the whole time.

Once they'd left and I'd cleaned up in the kitchen I came back out to Sir and knelt.


I jumped into place.

"You did well there boy. You're going to get a reward. Undress me."

I did so, kissing his body as each piece of clothing came off. As soon as his boxers were off, his already hard cock was sunk into my willing throat. He held my head, and fucking my throat – I'd given a few blow-jobs, but this was a real fucking.

Then Sir walked into the bedroom, I followed him, he pointed to the bed. But then went round to the bed-side table, got the poppers and gave me several deep sniffs. As I was getting high, he sank his cock into my arse.

"Fuck yeah boy. Love this arse of's mine, all mine, do whatever I want with it. My fucking son, my fucking slave boy."

He fucked me solidly for about half an hour, changing pace to stop himself from shooting. Then pulled out, and lay on his back, a glance at his cock showed me I should suck it. I quickly cleaned off the taste of my arse, I was rewarded with a few drops of pre-cum. I knelt on the bed, working on him with my mouth.

"All fours."

That was enough, soon I was getting fucked again. Another half hour of solid fucking, he picked up the pace, I was filled with my own dad's cock. Getting used completely.

"Here it comes boy. The same fucking cum that made you." Sir collapsed on top of me, his whole body shaking, his cock unloading deep inside me. Then holding me against his chest, he fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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