Surprise Dom

By Ed. P.

Published on Oct 21, 2017


Surprise Dom – Part I

Not much sex in this one – more setting the scene for what will follow, there's plenty in the rest.

If you're not looking for sex, rough and raw sex, between guys (over age of consent) closely related to each other then look elsewhere.

Feedback more than welcome – should be more episodes of the story over the next few days.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.


Incest – Authoritarian -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Surprise Dom – Part I

I'd had a few encounters with other guys, nothing serious, nothing heavy – but what they'd shown me was that I was looking for something more than the usual. Playing around on-line I found a dating site, ok a sex site, based around fetishes; I didn't know quite what I wanted, but it seemed a good place to find some more. I created a profile, but without many details on it as I didn't know what I wanted.

"Hey, sounds like you're new to this. What you after?"

A message had arrived already. I had a look at his profile, tight body and gorgeous looking cock about 8 inches, nice and thick too. 42 – perfect age, I loved older guys. He lived in the next town along, so easy to get to. Reading the text got me hard as a rock even though I hadn't ever thought about this before.

"Dominant Master looking for slaves/subs. Into complete control, like to get pretty rough during sessions. Experienced here, your level of experience not important as long as you're willing to trust me. No quickies. Something long-term possible as long as the chemistry works out."

I sat re-reading it, and gazing at his pics whilst stroking myself. I didn't know much about this world, but I knew I wanted to know more.

"Hey Sir, thanks for the message. Totally new to kink, but very keen to try stuff out, find out what works for me. Hot looking profile and pics by the way Sir." I'd seen the `Sir' stuff on other profiles and could sense that it would be best to use it here.

We went into a private chat. He told me that he thought that there was no point in short sessions, anything less than 24 hours would be ruled out for him. His standards were very high, I'd have a safe-word, no excessive pain, blood, shit of stuff like that; but otherwise he wanted complete control during the session. I should expect fucking, obviously, arse beatings, savage use of my tits, cock, and balls; he might get other guys in to use me too. He didn't like rubbers, and so that was not a negotiable point – raw fucking only. It sounded so extreme for a total kink novice that I should have been running away...but my cock just got harder and harder.

After a while he asked if I had any face pics – I expected him to vanish when I said no, but he just tried other routes.

"Get on cam then."

"Sorry, Sir, I'm still not sure about showing my face."

"I need to know that you're genuine – how do I know you're really a horned up 18 year-old? You might be some ugly old bastard. Get on cam, show as much as you can."

I complied, and immediately he reciprocated – but didn't show his face. His cock looked even better in motion, my own was dripping pre-cum just thinking about it. He got me to twist my nipples, slap my cock around, and tie my balls up – it seemed so wrong on one level, but I was more turned on than ever before.

"Ok boy. I'm convinced you're real. Send me a message with your mobile number and I'll reply with mine. Then let me know when you can make a proper length session. No wanking off tonight either."

Then he vanished, went off-line.

I sent the message and struggled to get to sleep without my usual wank.

The next day he replied with his mobile, and told me to take a picture of my hard cock outside and send it to him. There was a park I walked thorough coming back from school which had some quiet parts with bushes in them – I got the pic and sent it to him. As I was sending the message I was walking back on the path, my best friend saw me and scowled.

"That's your naughty `phone isn't it?"

She was the only person who knew that I had two mobiles, one for normal and one for making `arrangements'. She didn't like me meeting up with random guys, but she was also the person who I'd be in touch with before and after meeting to make sure I was safe.

I changed the subject and talked about our exams which weren't far off. The mobile bleeped; he'd replied. "Good boy. One wank tonight as reward." She tried to read the message, but thankfully I kept it away from her; she would go mad if she knew a guy 24 years old than me was demanding pics taken in the park and then telling me whether I could wank or not.

We had a few short sessions on cam; never quite showing each other our faces. He would order me to abuse myself, whilst he played with his cock and showed me his body. I gazed at him, and desperately with that his cock cum was going into my mouth and filling me with his cum. If I did well, I was allowed to shoot; if not, then a frustrated night followed.

After a little while Mum told me that she had to go away for work, and that it was during half-term. She was concerned that I'd be ok looking after myself, she was going to let Dad know – they'd divorced, and whilst they clearly hated each other still, they both thought that I was more important than that and so worked very closely together when it came to me. If I needed anything I should contact him...blah blah blah. All I could think of was that this meant I was free for a longer session with `Sir'. As soon as I could get away from her telling me more details than I wanted about her work trip, and how I should make sure that I'm fine, and the rest of it, I shot to my room and sent a message with the dates I was free.

I was just finishing my homework, with my laptop logged into the site, when a new message arrived.

"Good boy. That's a decent window of time, I said a minimum of 24 hours but as you've got plenty of space how about from Saturday morning until midday on Monday? Let me know, and a complete cum ban from now until we meet."

I confirmed the timings, my heart almost exploding in my chest as I imagined what I was getting myself into. He'd made it clear that whilst he was happy to have novices, it wouldn't change what he did – he went after his own fun and that was it.

It was three days before we were due to meet that he sent me instructions.

"Bring a bag with a change of clothes. Wear whatever you want, you won't have it on for long. Make sure your arse is cleaned out. Pubes trimmed. When you get to Sutton Road text me, and I'll give you the address."

That Saturday I was awake at 6, despite usually sleeping in until midday at the weekends. I packed the bag, and then re-packed it. I chose clothes, and then changed my mind and picked other ones. Eventually I had a long hot shower, cleaned my arse more thoroughly then ever and left the house. There was a train between the two towns so it was an easy journey I was still massively early; at the station I grabbed a coffee, but then found that I couldn't drink it I was too horny and nervous.

He expected me at 11, but I didn't know exactly where he was, so giving a generous half hour I got to Sutton Road at 10.30 and texted him. He replied within a minute with the address – a near-by block of flats. He gave me the door code and flat number, I was to go straight up.

The stairs up to the second floor were the hardest I had ever climbed; I couldn't believe that I'd made it, half of me wanted to turn around and run but then the other half which knew I had to keep going was winning, step by step I got closer to his door. There was a note on it.

"Welcome boy. Strip to your boxers, then ring the bell twice, then open the door and come inside."

I stared at it for what seemed like an age, but eventually knowing what I had to do I started to get my clothes off. Once I was shirtless and about to drop my jeans, I heard voices and was about to grab my shirt again, but it was too late.

A couple, not a bad looking guy and I suppose a good-looking woman (I'm not a good judge of that); they laughed to each other, and the guy said to me, not in a cruel tone of voice. "Enjoy your weekend." Then they went into the flat opposite, I guess they had some sense of what went on in Sir's place.

They'd made me nervous, but rather than running away I just froze, and so stood there bare chested for a few minutes. Then I noticed the letter again; right time to get on with this. I dropped my jeans, picked up my clothes, rang the bell and went inside.

The hall was clean and tidy, nothing particularly person was on display. But on a table I saw two more pieces of paper. I grabbed them and read.

"Nearly there boy. Now in order, take your boxers off, put all of your clothes and any other belongings into your bag. Read the contract and if you're happy with it padlock the bag with your clothes inside, and sign the contract then stand facing the front door with your hands behind your head."

Contract? Locking clothes away? Getting naked in a stranger's house before even meeting him? This was just madness – but at the same time without even thinking I discovered that I was pushing my boxers down. My cock sprang out all 7.5 inches was rock-hard and thicker than I'd ever seen it before. I slowly folded my clothes and put them away. Then picked up the other piece of paper.

"Slave contract – temporary. "This contract is between the slave and the Master. It operates from the moment of signature until 12noon on Monday. "The slave is entirely for the Master's pleasure and will always do everything he can to ensure this pleasure. The slave will obey the Master completely, immediately, and without question. "The slave expects to be used sexually by the Master and such other men as the Master thinks suitable. Sexual use includes kissing, oral sex, rimming, anal sex; it also includes cock and ball torture, tit torture, beating, watersports. The slave accepts that all sex will be undertaken bareback. "The slave understands that the Master will use such discipline as is needed; this will be both to punish any misbehaviour by the slave, and for the amusement of the Master. The slave accepts that he is due an initial punishment of twenty strokes to his arse for not showing his face to the Master in advance. "The Master will not mark the slave even temporarily in any place which would be visible once clothed; the Master will not mark the slave permanently anywhere; the Master will not inflict grave pain on the slave; the Master will respect the slave's use of the safe-word."

There were places for both of us to sign.

This was becoming more real than I expected...but then this was what I said I wanted to try. As I was about to back-out and get dressed again the image of Sir's cock popped back into my mind; and knowing I wanted to get my mouth round it I grabbed the padlock and sealed my belongings away, signed the contract and then stood as ordered.

It seemed like it had been hours, but surely not more than a couple of minutes when I heard the door open behind me. Suffice it to say that my cock didn't soften at all.

"Nice arse, I remember that from the cam."

There was something about the voice which I hadn't picked up on, it seemed out of place and familiar at the same time.

He was getting closer, then suddenly it all fell apart.

"Aaron? What the fuck?"

I looked round.


He turned and went back into the lounge. My head was spinning. Was this some trick? Was he trying to stop me meeting guys? What was going on?

I slowly followed him through. He was sitting slumped in a chair, his face had gone white.

"Aaron? Is it really you?"

"Yes Dad. What's going on?"

"You tell me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Were you...? Was that really you? On the site and the cam?"

I gulped, I could hardly deny it.

"Yes Dad." I avoided his gaze, then it occurred to me that he'd been involved too. "Was it really you there too?"

"Y-y-y-es. Well I guess this changes things."

We just sat there for a while.

"I should really give you the key so you can get dressed." As he walked over to the desk, I couldn't help but notice the tight arse I had been expecting to bury my face in; and there was a definite bulge in his jeans at the front, I couldn't forget that cock inside them.

I stood up to get the key from him, and suddenly noticed that I was rock-hard again. Dad tried not to look at it, but realising that humour was probably the best solution.

"Well looks like I didn't do a bad job for you in that department; you're definitely well built down there."

I took the key but didn't move away.

"I guess you're a bit frustrated and that's why it's not going away...perhaps a bit of privacy in the bedroom?"

"Yeah, that's two weeks without shooting a load...then I can let you take care of yourself."

"Oh, I never wank off. My load always goes into a sub's arse, mouth, or pussy." He suddenly stopped himself. "Sorry Aaron, didn't mean to say that to you."

I don't know why, but I thought that some honesty would be helpful.

"No need to hide it Dad. We've both seen each other, and perved over each told me what you're after, and I told you. Just a pity we didn't know who we were admiring."

"You mean you really meant all of that stuff?"

"What stuff?"

"You said a load of stuff about my cock, my body...about what I was going to do to you."

"Of course I meant it. I was totally honest with you Dad...just didn't know it was you. What about you? You seemed to like my body, and had some ideas about what to do with it."

"Yeah, not knowing whose body it was...honestly though Aaron, you've got a great body."

"Perhaps we should give it a try then?" I didn't even know my mouth had opened before the words had come out. "Sorry Dad, don't know what got into me there." I tried to pull back, but as I was still naked my cock gave me away...even though I didn't know what I felt or wanted, it seemed to, and had started to leak precum.

He tried to make a joke of it. "Yeah, I could screw my son while I whip his balls."

"Well you were going to weren't you?"

"Look Aaron, I'm pretty hardcore. I can see you're horny...yeah, I guess I am too...but when I said what I do that's what I do. Other stuff just doesn't satisfy me enough."

I walked out into the hall, and was about to unlock the bag when I saw the contract.

"What you want to do with this Dad?"

"You signed it?"

"Of course, that's what I was supposed to do."

I could see something going through his mind.

"So, you'd really have gone through all of that?"

My cock twitched, as though to answer for me. "Yes Dad."

"You know that I don't give anything less than all of that?"

"Yes Dad."

The bulge in his jeans had grown even bigger, he was clearly struggling with it...I was too.

"Look Dad. We both said what we wanted and it seemed to match. If you want I'll go now, but I meant it all...and I think you did too."

Then not knowing why, I signed the contract a second time.

"See Dad, I've done it in full knowledge."

He looked at me, this was different, it was more the look I'd expected from the anonymous Master scoping over his new boy.


"That's Sir to you boy."

Next: Chapter 2

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