
By moc.loa@rthgirwyrotS

Published on Nov 18, 1999



If you do not meet the minimum age or other requirements of your community, city, state, province, or country for reading sexually explicit material, please STOP READING NOW. The following contains material of a sexual fantasy nature.

The characters in this story are totally fictional; they in no way are meant to suggest or insinuate anything about any real people, living or dead. If in YOUR mind, they make you think of living people, just remember that this is all fantasy.

This piece is written as a joke for a friend. I hope others will find it humorous as well.


You have entered chat room "M4M Dungeon"

SlaveTrainr: Any slaves or novices in this room worthy of my attention? IM me if you wish to be considered. Serious responses only!

New2Kink: Anyone know where I can buy a cow milker?

LthrPup: Looking for a master in Detroit

RebootU: as I was saying, you can never have too much rope

SlaveTrainr: No one even brave enough to be considered?

Instant Message from BayBCub

BayBCub: Sir, I would like to be considered, please, sir

SlaveTrainr: Profile?

BayBCub: Yes sir.

SlaveTrainr: I'll look

Profile for: BayBCub Member Name: whatever you wish, sir Location: Florida and travels Birthday: Sex: male Marital Status: single Hobbies: learning to serve Computers: laptop Occupation: Personal Quote: "Please, sir, may I have more?"

SlaveTrainr: that doesn't tell me much.

BayBCub: I'm sorry, sir, what would you like to know?

SlaveTrainr: that you aren't going to waste my time-- height/weight?

BayBCub: 6'1" 175#

SlaveTrainr: in shape?

BayBCub: YES SIR! very tight, very buff

SlaveTrainr: think so? I'll decide later; no birth date-- you legal age boy? I don't want trouble with the law

BayBCub: Yes sir, legal age sir

SlaveTrainr: why did you IM me?

BayBCub: because you asked for IMs, sir

SlaveTrainr: did you look at my profile?

BayBCub: No sir, I didn't

SlaveTrainr: are you wasting my time little boy? how do you know if you should IM me if you don't look at my profile? GO

BayBCub: Yes Sir, sorry sir!

Profile for: SlaveTrainr Member Name: Sir Location: Birthday: Sex: male Marital Status: cage is empty Hobbies: training worthy slaves--the RIGHT beginners will be considered; must be serious; don't waste my time Computers: you must be open to learning--leather, boots, rubber, latex, control, dog training--SERVING ME Occupation: other fetishes will be explored when I think you are ready Personal Quote: I am your BEST worst nightmare

BayBCub: Sir, I read your profile sir

BayBCub: Sir, are you there sir?

BayBCub: Please sir?

SlaveTrainr: don't bother me--I'll get back to you in a minute

BayBCub: Yes sir, sorry sir

SlaveTrainr: did you even understand my profile boy?

BayBCub: Sir, I believe I did sir

SlaveTrainr: you been trained?

BayBCub: Sorry Sir, I have not been; please sir, teach me; I want to learn

SlaveTrainr: we'll see about that--still haven't been convinced you are worthy of my attention

BayBCub: How may I convince you sir?

SlaveTrainr: are you willing to turn yourself over to me completely? are you ready to wear a collar and leash

BayBCub: I think so sir

SlaveTrainr: THINK SO? you are a waste boy--I don't even know that you should be called a boy--boys become men--I'm not sure you ever will

BayBCub: SIR, I am a boy, sir; a boy for you to train sir; please sir

SlaveTrainr: let's start with the basics--you know how to spit shine a MAN's boots?

BayBCub: Sir, yes sir

SlaveTrainr: I'm talking with your spit--and your tongue-- you up to it boy?

BayBCub: Sir, yes sir

SlaveTrainr: you ready to give ME control?

BayBCub: Sir, yes sir

SlaveTrainr: we'll see

"Hey Kevin, the driver says we're almost to the arena. He wants to talk to you about where he's supposed to go and all that stuff," Brian called out from the hall. "What should I tell him?"

"Tell him I'll be right up. Just finishing up something here," Kevin called back from the kitchen area in the back of the bus.

Brian walked back toward the front of the bus and into the living area. "Hey Nick, what're you doin'?"

"Oh just playing on the web, you know. Lookin' at stuff and whatever. What's up?"

"Just have to tell the driver Kevin's coming then I gotta get all that stuff in my bunk in a bag. It'll be so good to be in a hotel tonight!"

"Yeah. We almost there?"

"Yep--another half hour or so."

"I better get somethin' to eat. Any milk left?"

"Yeah, I think so--go back to the kitchen and see."

"Will. Gotta just get out of this."

Nick looked back to his laptop.

BayBCub: Sir, I have to step away from my computer for a few minutes, sir.

SlaveTrainr: are you just yankin' my chain boy? I think you are--I think you're just yankin' my chain and wasting my time

BayBCub: SIR, NO SIR; no sir, I am NOT wasting your time sir; I'm sorry you think so sir.

SlaveTrainr: just go--I'll talk to you later if I decide you are worthy

BayBCub: I am sir! I am worthy! Please sir! I will IM you when I am back, thank you sir.

Nick folded down the screen on his laptop, but didn't close it completely, not wanting to break his connection to the Internet. On his way back to the kitchen, he passed Kevin in the hall heading toward the front.

"Hey Kev, what's up?"

"I just have to talk to the driver a minute. Listen, we're going to be in a hotel tonight. Don't leave all that mess in the kitchen. We have to be back on here in a couple days--let's get it cleaned up. And quick too--we're almost to the arena."

"Yeah, yeah." Nick resented the way Kevin treated him like a child still. Of course Kevin treated them all that way, telling them all what to do. Nick guessed someone had to be in charge.

"Just do it," Kevin said and headed toward the front.

Nick looked in the refrigerator and found that there was still milk in the carton. It even smelled okay. He found the cereal, a bowl and spoon, and headed for the small booth table.

Kevin's computer was on the table with the screen pushed down. With nothing better to do while he ate his breakfast, Nick pulled the computer toward him and lifted the screen. He expected to see their schedule or some such boring document appear. Instead he was shocked to see an IM conversation between SlaveTrainr and BayBCub.

"Oh God!" Nick said out loud. "This can't be real; I have to be dreaming," he went on, these thoughts only in his head. "How can this be? That was KEVIN?"

Meanwhile, Kevin had finished with the driver and was heading back through the bus. In the living room area he saw Nick's computer resting precariously near the edge of the sofa. "Damn him," Kevin thought, "These things are expensive; if it falls on the floor it could break." Kevin moved the computer to a safer place on the sofa.

As Kevin was about to turn and walk away, curiosity overcame him. "I wonder what Nick does on this thing anyway," he thought, and lifted the screen thinking he'd find some computer game on the screen. Instead, he found himself looking at an IM conversation. A very familiar IM conversation. Mesmerized by the screen, Kevin was almost in shock. What would this mean? To his relationship with Nick-- and the others. Then his mind suddenly cleared as he realized that there was no way Nick or anyone else would know that he had been involved in this conversation. His secret was safe.

As he regained his composure, he lowered the screen. He turned to head to the kitchen and standing in the entry to the hallway was Nick.

"What are you doing, Kevin?" Nick asked.

"Oh, just moving your computer. It looked like it might fall off the sofa."

As Kevin approached Nick, at first he thought Nick was going to block his way into the hallway, but at the last moment Nick stepped aside.

As Kevin passed Nick, Nick asked, "You yankin' my chain, boy?"

Kevin stopped in the hall, his back to Nick. He felt the blood drain from his face. He felt as if his insides had just dissolved--he felt empty and sick.

"Well?" Nick asked.

"Um, no," Kevin managed to answer.

"That answer was not acceptable boy. We'll work on it tonight. My hotel room. Midnight. Be there," Nick practically barked at Kevin.

For some reason, the sick feeling left Kevin. He suddenly felt fine--better than fine. He felt really good. He felt safe.

"Yes sir."

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