Surfs Up

By Jon Bennett

Published on Apr 7, 2001


Surfsup 4

Sorry this took so long guys, was tied up on the other story.

Chapter one:

Tony woke up and glanced over at the clock. It read 3:42 AM. He wondered at first what woke him up. Then he felt Jeff's sleeping body next to his. Jeff had moved during his sleep and slipped his leg over Tony's. That is what woke him up. In the dim light of the room he looked at the sleeping form of Jeff. In his tossing and turning, the blankets had slipped from his body, showing off his hard swimmers bod. He's cock was lying against his leg. Tony couldn't help but feel his cock start to swell at the thoughts of what they had done earlier in the day and again after the movie back in the hotel room. It all felt so right to him. His mind traveled back to after they had gotten back to the hotel room from the movie.

They had gotten into the room, kissing and falling on the bed. Tony felt Jeff's tongue force it's way into his mouth. He eagerly accepted the tongue sucking on it. Their two bodies molded tighter, their cocks rapidly swelling. Jeff reached and pulled Tony's shirt off of him. Almost forcefully his mouth attached itself to Tony's left nipple. First gently sucking then biting the tender flesh, Jeff had him thrashing around on the bed in sexual ecstasy. Tony finally pulled Jeff off of him long enough to strip off his shorts. Jeff looked like a God to him. His shirt had already been on the floor from having cum on it in the jeep. Deeply recessed abs showed off a sheen of sweat. Tony's tongue found its' way into Jeff's boxers to lick the swollen cock. His tongue worked it out of the boxers where he could suck on it property. The cock rapidly swelled further as his tongue slipped into the cum slit, licking out the precum that was flowing from it. Jeff pulled him away from his cock.

"I'm close man" said Jeff pulling him up and kissing him.. "Have you ever fucked a dude?"

"No" said Tony, "I fucked a girl once cuz I had to but the closest I've been with a dude is some finger fucking"

Jeff rolled over and after kissing Tony again went to his gym bag. He pulled a condom and a bottle of WET from it. He walked back to the bed.

"Lie back man" said Jeff. "Let me do the work"

As Tony lay back on the bed he watched Jeff worked his mouth over his rock hard cock yet again. The feelings were so incredible. Jeff gently worked a finger into his ass as he sucked. Sensing that Tony was getting close he stopped. He came up and licked around Tony's neck before starting to kiss him again, grinding his own leaking cock into his. Tony's hands went to Jeff's cock to stroke him again while they kissed. Breaking the kiss after a few minutes, Jeff looked at Tony.

"I want you to fuck me man" said Jeff. "I want to be your cherry fuck"

"Oh man" said Tony.

Jeff took the bottle of wet and smeared some on Tony's cock before putting the condom on it. He covered it with a liberal coating and took some and worked it into his ass.

"OK man" he said. "Just hold it up there bud"

Jeff straddled Tony and started to slide his ass down on the hard shaft. Tony could only moan as the hot tight ass ring closed over his rubber clad cock. As Jeff slid his ass down the whole length of the shaft, Tony began to involuntarily thrust in and out of the ass

"OH GOD" moaned Tony, lost in his own world.

Yeah baby" said Jeff, stroking his own cock. "Your fuckin hot man. I feel your cock twitching"

"I can't hold back man" cried Tony, shooting his wad. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Volley after volley of hot cum filled the rubber. Jeff's cock exploded at the same time covering Tony in cum, even hitting his face. As Tony continued to thrust, Jeff bent down, licking his load off of Tony's face and kissing him.

"Hmmmmmmmmm" said Tony. "I can't believe how good it is"

"You're not getting soft man.' Said Jeff.

"Yeah" said Tony moving around a bit. "I kinda stay hard if I'm really horned"

"Do it bud" said Jeff, rolling over and pulling Tony with him. "Fuck my ass raw"

Positioning himself above him, Tony started to thrust in and out of Jeff's ass. Now it was Jeff's turn to moan in pleasure. Each thrust of the cock ran shivers through his body. Tony was stroking Jeff's cum covered cock back to hardness. Each began to moan and groan in pleasure. Jeff reached up to play with Tony's nipples, twisting and pulling on them. Tony worked his hips furiously in an out. The waves of pleasure cancelled the passage of time for the two. All too soon Tony felt his load building again.

"I'm gonna shoot again" said Tony.

"Do it, fill me man" said Jeff'

Tony's back locked and thrust deep into Jeff. Finally collapsing on top of Jeff, he could feel Jeff's cock spurting its load between them. Neither boy could move from the lack of energy. Their cocks softened and fell tighter and they fell into a deep sleep. At some point, Tony's cock had softened and pulled out of Jeff's ass.

Tony's cock had risen full attention thinking about the orgasms. He reached out and pulled Jeff to him hugging him. He woke up groggily.

"Eh" he mumbled coming awake. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing man' said Tony. "I just wanted to hold you"

"Cool" said Jeff, coming a little more awake. "You OK with what we did man?"

"Yeah I am bro" said Tony. "It all felt so right."

Jeff rolled over onto his side and wrapped his arms around Tony, kissing him. "Didn't feel too bad either"

Tony smiled. "Can we stay this way a while man?"

"Yeah bro" said Jeff, snuggling closer. "I never did ask you how long are you going to be in town?"

"Another 5 days" said Tony.

"Cool" said Jeff starting to play with a nipple. "You uhm... planning on coming down to the beach today?"

"Yeah I am" said Tony. "Thought I'd watch you all day"

Jeff kissed Tony. "Now how am I supposed to watch the water with your body there?"

"Hehe" said Tony, kissing back. "Dude. You're so awesome man. I can't believe what tonight's been like"

"It's been pretty hot for me too bro" said Jeff, feeling his cock rise next to Tony's . "You're the hottest dude I've ever been with"

"I want you in me man" said Tony.

"You sure bro?" he asked "I'm pretty big for your first time"

"Yeah man I am" he said reaching down to stroke Jeff. "I need to"

Jeff once more started to kiss him, allowing his tongue to be pulled into the other boy's mouth. Their cocks ground together, causing the precum to flow and make their swollen shafts slick. Jeff broke the kiss and reached over to the nightstand and got a rubber and the WET from where he had put them. Lubing and covering his cock he lowered himself back near Tony. His tongue trailed to Tony's hairy nutsak licking and biting it gently before going lower. Working his tongue around Tony's virgin hole he started to lap and push into the assring. Tony could only whimper at the pleasure of it.

Pouring some WET into his hand, he started to push two fingers into Tony. As he loosened up the virgin hole he could feel his own cock start to throb. A third finger went into Tony.

"You OK bud" asked Jeff.

"Yeah man, that's fuckin awesome" said Tony stroking his cock. "Do me"

Jeff positioned his cock by Tony's hole and pushed in before he could tighten up. "OH man you're tight"

"You're huge man" said Tony, sweat breaking out on his face.

"Want me to stop?"

"Fuck no" said Tony "Fuck me"

Jeff continued pushing into Tony. As he buried his shaft fully into Tony, it was all he could do not to cum. He had never fucked a virgin before. He was so tight. Pulling back and pushing in again, Tony moaned and began shooting his wad all over his chest.

Picking up the pace he was soon working in and out of Tony.

"FUCK man" he said, breathing hard "Hot... Tight... Fuck... Shit... Coming"

His back locked and his hips thrust one last time deep into Tony as his own cock started firing its load, filling the rubber. He collapsed onto Tony.

"OH fuck man" said Jeff. "You OK bud. I couldn't stop it was so hot"

"I'm cool man" said Tony kissing him, licking some of the sweat from Jeff's face. "It was fuckin unreal"

"I'm gonna be useless on the beach today" he said, feeling his cock slip from Tony's ass.

"So stay here and we can fuck all day" said Tony.

"Yeah?" Jeff asked

"Yeah" said Tony, pulling him to him and kissing him again before slipping off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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