Suprising Ones-Self

By Gully

Published on Oct 10, 2011



Having reached the ripe old age of 22, now into my fourth year of university in London, UK, I didn't think there was very much I didnt know about myself....until yesterday.

I'd arranged to meet a guy at my university- a new 'fresher' student, a few days previously. I'm a fairly sociable guy, and always looking to make new friends, and maybe meet the perfect guy too. So anyway, off I set on a overcast Sunday afternoon to meet this guy for coffee- I'll call him Hugh for the sake of this story.

Having arranged the meeting online I was a bit apprehensive about meeting him- some people don't turn out to look much like their pictures, but if anything Hugh was hotter than his pics had given him credit for. Especially noticeable was a fabulous and heart-melting smile; one of the nicest I've seen. We went to a local coffee shop, and despite a bit of early shyness were soon getting on like a house on fire. We talked about our courses, families, hobbies and he tried very hard to make me give up being a vegetarian- it failed of course, but was all in jest anyway!

After an hour and a half flew by I decided to see if this meeting was going anywhere.

'Fancy coming to my place for a bit of food', I said, quickly adding, 'sorry, but all I eat is egg on toast by the way'

'Yeah sure thing' said Hugh grinning, his perfect smile making my stomach do somersaults.

So we walked the short distance across the park and the Thames river to my flat; the river looked especially beautiful with the autumnal (fall) sun setting over it. It was all I could do to stop myself dragging Hugh into a dark corner of the park and snogging his beautiful face off.

When we got back to my flat we decided to chill in my room before making dinner. It was merely a matter of course that we ended up kissing, lying on my bed, and spent an enjoyable 10 minutes making out. I could feel his hard cock grinding into my stomach as we rolled on the bed. I tentatively moved my hand down his chest and stomach, suprised at him having a fairly liberal covering of hair there, despite his tender age. Very quickly we were both naked, feel each others throbbing cocks and naked bodies- him like a consumate professional, and me like someone who knew slightly less what they were doing.

'So what next' asked Hugh grinning.

'Erm...I don't know' I stammered.

To be honest I've always been of the mindset that there isn't anything 'next'. A few attempts at anal a while ago were so unsatisfying and unsuccessful I'd given up on that particular activity. I've also always told myself I'd only do anything like that, or even try it, with someone I was in a pretty serious relationship with. But this was all changed by Hugh; well, mostly by his smile. If you saw it you'd know why it was impossible to say no!

Of course at this point he didn't know of my inexperience; I hesitantly fingered his arse, then when he was relaxed entered him slowly. I didn't really feel that much to be honest. I was so nervous that I wasn't doing it right that I wasn't concentrating on enjoying it, and he didn't seem to be that into it either. But we persevered with it for about 15 minutes, with anal gradually giving way to more familiar oral and wanking activities.

I suppose the aspect of this experience that I'm neglecting to explain well enough is just how much we got on at a personality level throughout all this. He was warm and incredibly sharp witted, which is something I like a lot. He was interesting; we had similar hobbies and tastes (aside from his penchant for alcohol and meat) and I was genuinely enjoying an evening in the company of this young man.

It only took two attempts to persuade him to stay the night- easily submitted to my charms it seems, which meant I could have another go at anal; and importantly with someone I was quickly growing to like and trust. I told him about my inexperience, and he was very nice- even suggesting he'd suspected.

The second time (after we'd eaten and spent a lovely hour on the sofa chilling in front of the TV and getting on like a house on fire) was much more successful. We kissed, a lot, like it actually meant something almost, and quickly ended up ready to engage in intercourse again. This time I was determined to make him enjoy it, and I think he did. We fucked in about 6 different positions, sometimes slowly, sometimes fast and hard, all the time kissing and fondling each other, and me mystified by his beautiful smile (and rather nice arse too). A slight twist was that we decided to film this second attempt, which resulted in a rather hot 20 minute impromptu porn film starring Hugh and myself having a lot of fun.

That night was great. We cuddled, kissed, spooned, '69'ed, rimmed and best of all just talked until the early hours. This morning we walked to university together and then, with a smile, went our separate ways.

I'm well aware that none of this constitutes anything out of the ordinary for a lot of people, but for me to have sex outside a relationship, and to an extent for the first time in terms of actually enjoying it was something I didn't necessarily think I was capable of doing, never mind enjoying, and not feeling bad about it the next day. Hopefully I learnt a lot from this experience; I certainly still recognise the importance of being intimate with someone you get on so well with, and therefore couldn't have picked a better person than Hugh to have this experience.

Here's to the next time....

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