Supreme Immortal Art

By Darc Blackwind

Published on Sep 11, 2008


Hail, my friends at Nifty! It's I, Surt, with another installment with my story, Supreme Immortal Art! This chapter sees its main character undergo a scenario that will inevitably change his life! Let me know what you think! As always, comments and criticism is appreciated.

-S. Stormhammer

2: Sulphur

The flames from the bonfire dance to the resounding blast beats ov the Nordic thunderer on the drums and the cacophony ov dueling guitars. The party for The Gathering ov Shadows has just begun. Looking back at my goddess, I smile charismatically. "Here we go!" Urging my mechanical steed off to the side ov the road, I see a hooded, cloaked man waiting with a police cruiser blocking the way, its lights flashing ominously. "What business do you have here?" the man hisses, his voice raw as if from performing the high-pitched demonic shriek ov black metal vocals.

I flash him our invite. "We're ov the same kin, brother. My mistress and I wish to enjoy a night ov music and ritual. Be it this way?" I hiss back in my most ravenous black metal voice.

The man took off his cowl to reveal an extravagant style ov corpse paint he used. Lips gleaming black as a raven's wings and eyes sunken into his head like the rotting flesh ov the deceased upon a skull, an inverted cross was painted on his forehead. He smiles as we lock eyes. I recognize him and he recognizes me in the same brotherly fashion. We are both warriors ov Black Metal. "What is your name, brother?" he asks quietly.

I bow to him as I would a fellow warrior from ancestral Norway. "Sons ov man call me Surt Stormhammer, forger ov the band Vinterblot. What is your name?" I greet him formally, our movements extravagant and ritualized.

"We have met before, Surt. Sons ov man call me Naudr Lokispawn, sire ov the band Vende." He grasps my hand in a comradely fashion. "It is great to finally meet you in person."

I clasp him about his sinewy shoulder, my eyes meeting his. Naudr and I have been comrades in the underground Black Metal scene online since I started my solo project so many winters ago. "Mighty hails, my friend! How long are you and this officer going to be out here? We should celebrate this meeting with some mead by the bonfire tonight! I'm assuming there is alcohol here!"

This comment made Naudr laugh. "Ov course, my friend! This is The Gathering ov Shadows! Alcohol is there for all who want it! I stay on watch for another hour and then Draconis takes over for the next shift. I'll find you by the bonfire! And who is this enchanting maiden that rides with you?" Naudr's eyes fall upon my Aura, taking in all her sensuous beauty. The fact that she's my mistress and no one else's makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Aura steps off my metal horse and curtsies to Naudr. "Sons ov man call me Aura. I'm Surt's mistress." She smiles her enchanting smile to him and I find myself swooning as she looks over her shoulder back at me with that little smile ov hers, flashing her lip ring and that cute little dimple on her chin.

Naudr smiles. "Well, Surt definitely has good taste in women to have you as his mistress, doesn't he? I hope the two ov you enjoy yourselves tonight! This is a night ov celebration!" We hail each other one final time before I drive my bike onward down the dirt trail toward the monumental bonfire.

Aura nibbles on the back ov my neck while I park the vehicle. "If everyone is like that, tonight's going to be a fun night, isn't it slut?" she whispers to me as she slowly draws her soft tongue along the length ov my left earlobe. I feel my breath catch in the back ov my throat as she grasps my semi hard cock through my pants and gives it a squeeze. Slowly gazing back at her, I playfully kiss her on the lips and then give her a nibble on her neck, right above her collarbone. "Easy now, we don't want to start anything we can't finish right away, now do we?" she whispers mischievously.

I nod and help her up off my bike. Grabbing her hand and putting it through my outstretched arm, we walk toward the bonfire, spikes and corpse paint gleaming in the crimson firelight and casting a magical feeling ov acceptance through our entwined hearts. The scene is one I will never forget. People, just like Aura and I, were moshing to the unholy crescendos ov Teratism as their shirtless, corpse-painted front man screams his voice box bloody on center stage. There was a certain magic in the air, a darkness more bleak and horrible than all the darkest nights ov the history ov man combined. So, this is The Gathering ov Shadows, I think to myself as one ov the parishioners reaches into the fire with a torch and then blows a jet ov superheated flame into the night sky.

I mosh with the others for awhile, loving getting tossed around and ravaged by people I didn't even know. We moshed together for the longest time, a chaotic dance between forty people, until Teratism had finished playing altogether. Feeling their fists connect with my chest or face while I battered them with my spiked gauntlets is one ov the best feelings in the world and as I left the mosh pit, bleeding from a cut above my eyebrow, I found Aura sitting next to the fire, leaning against a log and looking as serene as can be. She looks up at me approvingly and motions for me to sit down with her. "You beastly boy, how many people did you break in there?" she coos as she licks the trickle ov blood off my face.

"A fair number ov them will feel it tomorrow," I whisper back, wrapping my arms around her slender waist as she straddles me, feeding off my spilt blood. "How long was I in there? I lost track ov time. . . ."

Aura looks down at me, a small line ov blood dripping down her chin. "I'd say you were in there for about forty or so minutes, my little slut. Did you enjoy yourself?"

I couldn't help but laugh at that. I smiled and kissed her, tasting my blood on her lips and getting aroused from the sensation. "Yeah, I did. Not as much as I enjoy kissing your sweet lips, though." And we started making out, her forcing me down against the log while she ravished my mouth with hers. Her kisses have always been so unique and different, but so wonderful that I have never wanted to kiss anyone else's lips after hers. This is a night to remember, especially with us being in such close proximity to those ov such like mind! She nearly rips my head off with her voracious kisses and I love every moment ov it.

Others around us are doing similar activities, drunk off the mead that the caregiver in the tent off to the side ov the clearing is rationing. Moans ov rough sex can almost be heard over the Nordic hymns ov the current band onstage. Looking up from Aura's delicious, bloodsmeared mouth, I see that people around us are almost having an orgy, their lovers are so close to one another. Aura looks deep into my eyes, hers possessing a very different hunger from the one that I saw earlier this night. I know what they're trying to tell me. Kissing her on the mouth gently, I get up and help her to her feet. Getting her cloak on, she grabs my hands and leads me to the blackened forest, where we can have our privacy.

And as soon as we're a safe enough distance away, she throws her cloak onto the ground and lays down, motioning for me to follow her. "I want you to make me yours, you beautiful man!" she whispers as she undoes my belt and peals down my black pants, freeing my 8-inch cock for her to feast upon. Grasping it by its base, she devours it whole, thrusting me deep inside her mouth so she can deep-throat me. Gods, her mouth feels so good as she drags her tongue about its length, savoring the taste. Slowly I pull away from her, getting her to pout a little as she looks into my eyes. Kneeling beside her, I slowly undress her until she's in nothing but her thigh-high buckled boots. She's so hard for me that I can't help but descend upon her mighty shesword, swallowing it whole. She moans and runs her fingers through my hair as I tickle her balls with my fingers. I want her to scream my name and cum in my mouth! I need her to cum in my mouth!

Moaning loudly, I play with her ass while I service her with my tongue and throat. And before I know it, I hear her cry my name as she explodes in my mouth, her hot cum salty and pleasing to the taste and touch. As the afterglow ov her mighty orgasm ensues, she runs her fingers through my blond hair, pulling me up to her face to share a cum-smeared kiss. Her soft tongue probes my mouth ever so forcefully, and I know she's getting off on tasting her own seed on my tongue. Gods, I love it when she uses me like her very own sex toy!

She pulls back roughly, her eyes hard with conquest as she looks at me. Her breath coming to me shallowly, she whispers two words to me. "Fuck me!" At that, my hard cock seemed to strain against its very flesh as I anticipated dominating my mistress for the first time in a very long time! Using her freshly sprayed cum as lubricant, I positioned the head ov my penis against her scintillating backdoor and pushed in roughly. Her breath caught in her chest as the head popped in, exploring her depths. Slowly I thrust in deeper, my cock drilling past her sphincters to plant itself inside her very core. "Gods," she moaned, exhaling and arching her back. "You're so big!"

Inch by inch I thrust into her, her cries getting more and more ragged as I went. "Fuck me, you worthless little slut!" she moans as she thrust down onto my shortsword, impaling herself against me. I thrust into her, meeting her frantic thrusts with thrusts ov my own. She gyrates her hips as she moans my name and as I fuck her scorching ass, I find myself getting a feeling ov power and dominance that I haven't felt since I lost my virginity so many years ago. My hand crawls up her heaving chest to clamp onto her throat as I fuck her, strangling her more and more tightly with each thrust. She reciprocates by strangling me as well, making me lightheaded as my pace picks up with each thrust I give her.

I've had many types ov sex since I discovered my bisexuality, but erotic asphyxiation has got to be the best sex I've ever had! It makes me so hard every time I think about Aura fucking me from behind and strangling me with barbed wire as she explores my insides with her cock. It is one ov those rare types ov sex where it doesn't matter who's giving and who's receiving, for both are put in such a position ov power that one can get intoxicated off the mere thought ov it! And as I strangled my mistress, my cock ripping her ass to shreds, I found myself at perfect ease with whom I had become for the first time in so long. As she crushed my trachea, I lost it and came like a fire hose inside ov her, screaming her name and arching my back with each ecstatic thrust as it brought me to the verge ov oblivion and back. Aura has cum twice since our strangulation and was on the verge again. She has been to date the only transgirl lover I've had who can have multiple orgasms like I can with one session ov sex.

Her eyes rolling into the back ov her head as I slowly stopped thrusting into her, she gasped as my grip on her throat softened. "I'm so close, my beautiful slut! Fuck me to paradise again!" she moaned as I slid out ov her ass, my cock softening and well-used. I kiss her on her delicious lips again, our corpse paint smearing. I start playing with her balls and hard cock as I find her perfect breasts and suckle on one like I was a new-born child. Slipping two, and then three fingers into her shredded anus to finger her prostate, I jack her off while she moans, thrusting her hips against my expert hand. And all ov a sudden, her breath catches in her chest. A loud moan escapes her lips as she cums like a geyser all over my hand and her stomach. Arching her back as to get my fingers deeper inside her, my middle finger milks her prostate for all its worth.

We lie there, somnolent in the forest clearing, holding each other gently as we come down from the apex our sex-play has led us to. I feel her gentle breath against the side ov my face, reminiscent ov her caress, and I sigh in contentment. As we clean each other up, I realize how much my mistress means to me, and make an unspoken pact with myself among these ancient trees this night to stay with her til the end. She gazes into my eyes, hers speaking a thousand words and nothing at all. Leaning forward without saying a word, she kisses me and runs her hands through my arabesque ov platinum blond hair. I get the feeling she too has made that same unspoken pact that I just did.

A snap ov a fallen tree limb from several meters away echoes violently throughout the nightshade forest. Looking up, I see the gleaming reflection from the bonfire far away in someone's eyes. And as we lock eyes, I sense malcontent from him or her. Getting up, I pull up my pants and throw on my black shirt. My malnourished stomach looks nicely against the black ov my clothes and, as I get my bullet belt and black leather jacket on, Aura looks up at me in alarm. Looking back, I motion for her to get dressed. This will get ugly if I don't do something quick between the malcontent stranger and I. "Who's there," I call out to the trees, my voice steely and cold with wrath. How dare this scumpile interrupt such a wonderful moment between my goddess and I?! If I believed in taking human life instead ov letting it suffer onward into the decrepit oblivion ov old age, I would've gotten my broadsword ready.

A man steps out ov the shadows, his hair long and black, and parted in the center to wreathe his face. He wore a black leather vest and black jeans, a studded belt holding them snugly to his trim waist. His eyes were hungry with hate and disgust. "So, you're a fag, huh?" he says quietly.

Aura gets to her purse and hides my Springfield 1911 behind her back after she pulls up her pants and puts on her corset and bullet belt. "Excuse me?" I hissed, my rage building.

"I asked if you're a fucking queer." I could smell his intoxication from here. This won't end well, I can feel it in the pit ov my stomach.

"Who do you think you are?" I said quietly. "I'm enjoying some peace and a night ov music and revelry with my mistress, and you barge in here, drunk as can be, and accuse me ov things you do not understand?" I laugh and walk closer to him. "Leave now with your face still intact. I won't tell you again."

The man laughed and walked forward. "Hahaha, you are a fairy, aren't you? Look at you! You still have his jizz on your chin! You're fucking pathetic!" He walked closer and said, "You're a fucking embarrassment to those who revere the underground Black Metal scene! You should be the one to leave!"

As I stare into his eyes, I realize that I recognize him. The front man from one ov the bands that was playing live, Sinistre Dimension. I believe his stage alias was Sulphur. "Now I know who you are. You're Sulphur from Sinistre Dimension, aren't you? That pathetic Neo-Nazi band that somehow got the privilege to play tonight? So full ov hate for everything you don't understand. . . ." I can't help myself. I have to laugh at the connection I just made about him and his band. "You'd fit right in with that ridiculous Christian `unblack' movement, wouldn't you? They hate shit that they don't understand also. Maybe you can get nominated for a Myrrh album or whatever the fuck they do." I laugh harder, unable to contain myself. Aura laughs too, her musical voice song to my ears.

As I laugh, I see his face contort in rage. Before I know it, he swings a punch, clipping me right along the side ov my face and dropping me. And then his steel-toed boots come to connect with my stomach, knocking the breath out ov me. He won't let up and as I curl up instinctively, I feel his boots come and come again as they ravish me. He laughs in sheer hateful oblivion as his fists and feet rip through my torso and I hear something break inside me. Aura screams and draws my pistol. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" she yells as she aims for his chest.

Panting from his relentless beating ov me, he looks down at me and smiles. "Pretty tough, aren't you? Have to have your freak save your skin. . . ." He spits on me and I feel it land right against the side ov my bleeding face. I am shaking and as I cough, I taste blood in it. He did quite a number on me. I hurt badly, the pain making me quake as I fight back the urge to cry.

"I'm warning you!" Aura says calmly, her aim dead-accurate. "You touch one more hair on his head, I will drop you and send you to the abyss!" I hear the hammer click as she readies her weapon. Looking up, I see him back slowly away, my blood dripping from his fists and boots.

"Fair enough. . . ." He kneels down and smiles at me, his eyes hungry for more blood. "I'll see you later, Surt. You'd better fucking watch what you say around me next time. I know more about you than you think. Watch yourself." He spits in my face again, loving how he's degrading me and how I'm too helpless and stunned to stop him. And as he gets up and walks away, I can't stay the tears any longer. Silently I lay there, a couple ov my ribs broken and bleeding from cuts and bruises, weeping. Aura walks over to me and holds me tightly as she helps me up. Cradling me against her perfect breasts, she whispers things in my ear that don't make sense and strokes my hair.

"Are you two okay?" a voice calls from behind us. Looking up, Aura tells me it's Naudr.

"Hey," Aura says quietly to him. Meanwhile, I'm unable to say a word, focusing on the pain from my broken ribs and the humiliation I just suffered from a Neo-Nazi scumpile I should've killed. "We just had a run-in with Sulphur."

I slowly look up to see Naudr looking down at me concernedly. "What happened?" he asked quietly, seeing my bruised and bloody face. I fear to speak, because he'll know I've been crying if my voice cracks. Aura knew what I was feeling and spoke for me.

"Sulphur tried to pick a fight with us and Surt merely made fun ov him. And seeing as how smashed he was, he beat my little slut up pretty badly. . . ." Aura said angrily, holding me protectively in case Naudr were to try and further exacerbate my injuries.

Naudr kneels down beside me, realizing what happened. "Where does it hurt, my friend?" he asks softly, laying a hand on my trembling arm.

"I . . . think he broke . . . a couple ov my ribs. . . ." I whisper through gritted teeth, trying to not show that I was crying.

"What a fucking scumbag," Naudr growls. He gets up and smiles to me. "We're going to go to war against that little Nazi cocksucker. Hang on!"

I hear his boots crush the pine needles against the sooty ground as he walks back towards the bonfire. Looking up at Aura pleadingly, I don't know what to say. She kisses my split lip and caresses my hair softly. "Shhhhhh. We're going to take care ov this, slut. Can you get up?"

I feel fire in my lungs as I try to move. That won't be happening for awhile, that's for sure. I've finally calmed down enough to stop my wretched weeping as I let my mistress cradle me. "Thanks for helping me," I whisper quietly as she continues to hold me, not letting me go. "Thanks for everything. . . ."

She nuzzled the side ov my face with hers. "Don't be such a silly little buttslut. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you without making them regret it! You're mine, beautiful man, and I take care ov what's mine." She ran her hands through my hair and held me as though she'd never let go. "Naudr will take revenge against that scumbag Sulphur. You just watch!"

As I lay in her arms, feeling the stable pace ov her beating heart and her hypnotic rhythm ov breathing, I heard footsteps coming back towards us. Naudr had a mischievous smile on his corpse-painted face. Kneeling down, I feel his strong hand clutch my bruised shoulder. "It's done, my friend. You've got allies against this racist Nazi cocksucker behind you. We watch out for our own against these dishonorable bastards who would sucker punch us and claim it was a fair victory!"

I look up at my friend and smile to him. "I'm glad I have you on my side, Brother. What's going to happen now?"

Naudr helps me to my feet and helps dust me off. He then helps Aura to her feet. "You'll see, my friend. Are you camping out here tonight?"

"Yeah, probably off a ways in a most enchanted clearing. Why?" I ask him as Aura wraps her arms around my injured torso gently

"You'll see, my friend! We'll keep in touch!" He led us back toward the bonfire. Grabbing a mug, he tosses Aura and me one each as well. "Now then, let's have a drink together and talk about old times!"

So, here ends Chapter 2. Questions and comments greatly appreciated, email me at! Hail!

Next: Chapter 3

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