
By Corpusdawg88

Published on Nov 1, 2020


All characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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The air was think in Gotham as the two teens moved over the rooftops.

Jon Kent flew over the streets as his best friend and partner, Damian Wayne, used a zipline. It had been a long night of breaking up crime, taking pictures of braking up crime, eating, talking, arguing, arguing about breaking up crime, just another typical patrol night for them.

Jon could feel he was tried. Unlike his dad he wasn't always Super, he was still charging his batteries, as his mom liked to say. The sun had been down way too long and he had done one too many super things for his bodies own good. He had told Damian who agreed, it was a good time to quit.

They had just got past Kane Plaza when Damian stopped on a rooftop.

Jon floated down next to him, "Dude, is this is another cat I am going to..."

"Shush," Damian snapped, looking at the scanner built into his glove.

"You know I am older than you which means you can't just go..."

"Shut up" Damian ordered and Jon's mouth closed. "Something going on around here."

"And you know that how? Ninja skills?"

Damian stood up and spun around, "No because my father has sensors all around the city and this," he pointed to his glove, "Is picking up one of them."

"Picking up what?" Jon said, looking closer at the device.

"I don't know, it's picking up some Ivy pollen and Scarecrow gas along with high tech signals. I think this is a warehouse of some sorts."

Jon looked at the device and saw there were several signals coming from the building they were across from, "So what? We bust in and stop them?"

"We? You're about out of juice," Damian commented.

"So? I can still fight."

Damian pulled out a pair of binoculars and surveyed the building, "Infrared sees about six guys, I can take them."

"I can help," Jon whined.

"No," Damian said handing Jon the binoculars, "Watch me, if I can't handle it call for help."

"Why don't we call our dads now?"

Damian scoffed, "For six people? That's child's play."

"Then why can't I help?"

Damian gave his friend a grin, "Cause you're a child." and did a back flip off the building.

Jon wanted to follow but he knew better, Damian always had a plan and if he went charging in all he'd do is mess things up. So he sat, and watched through the binoculars.

Damian slid into the building unseen and took out two guys in a matter of seconds. Jon watched the boy move towards another group of heat signatures and then pounce. The guys all moved at once and though it was hard to make out, it looked like Damian had hit the floor and fell. The other guys moved in on him and Jon froze.

The binoculars fell from his hands and he panicked for a moment on what to do. He could try to call his dad but by the time he heard and got here...

Jon took a deep breath and flew straight into the wall. He tore through the stone and went straight at the guys who were kicking Damian on the ground. Jon sped up t stop him when some hit him hard in the face. He went flying back into some boxes and the whole world went dark.

Hell of a time for a power outage.

Damian Wayne

Who the hell leaves ball bearing on the floor?

It had been my last thought as I was pummeled into unconsciousness by the four thugs that had seen me fall. I could have recovered, of course, but when Jon came flying in like the idiot he was I was distracted and they were able to beat me down.

I could only assume he had not signaled his father, since I was being held up by two chains wrapped around my wrists. Whoever had bound me had done a god job, they had stripped me to my briefs, leaving me nothing to work with to get free.

Also, I felt dizzy, which was not good.

"Ah, you're awake," a voice said from behind me.

Typical villain crap, he expects me to be so disorientated that I am going to try to see who is talking, throwing me off balance.

Nice try.

"I'm warning you now, if you release me I might not kill you."

The voice laughed as it walked around to my front, "It's nice to see that Robins have gotten tougher over the years."

He was a large man, not to say fat, but wide. The room was dark and though I still had my mask on, I couldn't activate the low light lenses to get a better look. But from what I could see I am pretty sure I knew who he was.


He raised an eyebrow, "I'm impressed, I didn't think my rep spread all the way down from Bludhaven."

"I study all my father's foes, though a minor one with no significance, you are one of them."

He gave me a mirthless smile and backhanded me, "One thing all you Robin's have. A smart mouth."

Blockbuster was one of Richard's foes, a small minded business man who could turn into a hulking monster with increased strength and invulnerability. His weaknesses included stupidity, oxygen dependence and being a moron. The fact I was bound in front of this idiot was galling.

"Release me," I demanded.

He smiled, "No. You just got here and sides, your friend is having fun."

Dammit, I had completely forgotten about Kent. Something was wrong with me.

"Where is he?"

"Close by, don't worry."

"If you hurt him..." I tried to test the chains again.

"Temper, temper. You're getting pretty riled up there, he your boyfriend?"

"What? NO!" I barked and felt my face grow warm, what the hell was wrong with me?

"You sure?" he said getting closer, "You sure you and him aren't a thing?"

"No," I hissed, he smelled of cloves and bullet oil.

"So then you won't get jealous of my boys right?"

I was confused, "What are you..."

He turned on a monitor and I could not believe what I was seeing.

There was a dingy mattress on the ground, on it was Kent, looking like he was dreaming. He was tossing and turning as if troubled. He was so out of it he didn't notice the three guys joining him on the mattress. One of them pulled his shirt over his head and I watched as Kent raised his hands willingly, exposing his bare chest chest and abs. The second removed his shoes while the other unbuttoned his jeans. All the while Kent gyrated like a cat in heat and didn't lift a finger to stop them.

"Ivy's pollen," I said out loud.

"You got it in one!" Blockbuster said, "It's all over this place, effects the guys something stupid, can't work here without a shot."

"It doesn't effect me."

He smiled, "That's not true, I've been given the antidote and it still affects me. I assumed you had the same protection, all it's going to do is make you lightheaded," he looked to the screen, "I bet your boyfriend isn't so lucky."

They stripped Jon of his jeans, exposing his long, hairless legs and his tight, blue briefs. Even from here I could see a bulge in them that didn't seem possible.

"Whoa, look at the monster!" Blockbuster cried, "You think it's a super thing?"

It was Kryptonian genes, I had seen the medical scans of both Kent's father and the the clone and they both possessed much larger than average penises. It seemed Jon was just as endowed with a massive...

I stopped my thoughts in their track.

"Oh damn, did you just lick your lips?"

I froze, not sure if I had subconsciously or not.

"Oh here it comes..." he said, looking back to the monitor.

One of the men tugged at the briefs and Jon raised his hips slightly to allow them. His cock, now completely hard got caught on the waistband and was pulled down before letting go and slapping loudly onto his flat stomach. It had to be at least eight inches and thick as my wrist, it was an impressive dick for a full grown man.

On Jon's 12 year old body it looked obscene.

It reached past his bellybutton and laid there, throbbing with an angry purplish head.

I watched as Jon laid on the mattress, and squirmed, looking like he was burning up all over.

"Yeah your friend there is full on into it," Blockbuster said from behind me, "Too bad you're immune to the pollen huh?"

I just nodded as I watched one of the men crawl between Jon's long, coltish legs and lick the insides of his thighs. He practically cooed as he spread them wide, allowing the strange man to lick the shaft of his dick. I was transfixed as one of the other men plucked at Jon's nipple, causing the boy to moan push his chest up, silently begging for more.

"Yeah he's into it," Blockbuster's voice whispered in my ear, "See?"

I nodded as I watched.

The man moved down Jon's massive cock and began to lick the boy's balls. Jon's hips came off the mattress as he reacted to the sensation, allowing the man to prop his legs over his shoulders.

"Uh-oh," Blockbuster whispered, "Someone is going down low."

I watched breathlessly as the man nibbled on Jon's taint, and then spread the hairless asscheeks with both hands. The camera zoomed in and I gasped as I saw Jon's, little pink rosebud for all to see. It was winking as his cock pulsed from all the excitement.

"Here it comes..." the voice in my ear said.

The man's long tongue traced around the hole, causing Jon to shift and moan in response.


The tongue licked the outer edge.


It tickled around the hairless center...


Jon let out a silent scream as the man plunged his tongue into his virgin ass. His hole was forced open by the thickness and Jon grabbed the mattress with both hands to hold on. It was obscene to see a twelve year old boy being tongue fucked by a grown man, a horse cock bobbing in the air as the thug's tongue probed the boy's ass deeply and thoroughly.

"God how tight that must be," the voice whispered in my ear as a pair of hands moved across my ass. "Think about how warm it must be, so welcoming."

I was imagining just that, my tongue up there, making Jon squirm in ecstasy. I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts, "No, get off me."

Blockbuster chuckled, "See, you don't know the secret of Ivy's pollen do ya?"

I watched as Jon began to push back against the thug's face, trying to shove even more of that obscene member into him. His cock was just waving there, looking like a flagpole it was so big...god it looked good.

"NO." I tried to silence the thought.

"Sure you can get a booster shot for it," he said, his hands still groping me, "And it will stop most of the weird shit from getting in your head."

Jon was calling out for more now and I felt myself push back into the hands for a moment.

"But even if you have the antidote, and even of you know it's around..."

His hands grabbed my briefs and slid them down in one motion.

My own erection slapped up onto my stomach, it was swollen and hard and aching to be touched.

"It can't stop you from the shit you really like," he said cupping my hairless cheeks.

I watched as the thug began to push in and out of Jon's hole, making a rhythm with the boy as he impaled himself on the strange digit.

I felt my own cheeks spread open and I closed my eyes as I shivered.

I felt the warm tongue touch my hole and against all reason, I relaxed and allowed it entry. It was like nothing I felt before and I let out a mewling cry as I felt myself be violated by this man. As he raped my hole I watched as Jon allowed his to be as well. I rocked in time to his movements as I pushed back hard into Blockbuster's face, trying to force as much into me as possible.

Jon and I moaned together as we felt ourselves get anally assaulted. I watched as one of the men moved over and offered his hard cock to Jon. At first he seemed confused but the man pressed it against his lips and he slowly allowed it to be pushed into his mouth. I moaned as I watched him begin to lick around the head of the second thug. My tongue fell out as I watched him suck on it part of me wanting him to be doing that to me, most of me wanting to feel what it felt like to do to others.

Blockbuster was ravishing my hole now, he was pushing his face savagely into my ass, his tongue rooting in places I never knew I had. I had no leverage but I was pushing back the best I could, desperate for more, for harder...for anything.

The man between Jon's legs pulled back and lowered the teen to the mattress. Jon looked out of breath and confused why he had stopped. The man whose dick he had been sucking pulled his face back towards it and like a good slut, he opened his mouth and went back to work.

Blockbuster pulled back from my ass and I felt an emptiness I did not like. I must have made a sound because he chuckled and said, "Hold on...I know what you want."

I watched the thug grab a bottle of lube and apply it to his dick. My mind started to focus again and I knew this was bad. For some reason Ivy's pollen was doing something to me and I had to escape before I lost my will again. I tried to pull my wirst back, maybe if I broke my thumb I could then squeeze...

"Look," Blockbuster whispered in my ear, it's about to happen.

The man moved between Jon's legs, his hard cock slick with lube. He spread the long legs and moves his dick down some. The camera moved and showed the thick head of the man's dick get closer to Jon's hole.

"No..." I said, not sure who I was talking to.

"Wait for it..." he whispered.

The head pressed past Jon's cheeks.


The man grabbed Jon's legs and spread them, his cock touching the boy's hole.


The head pressed against Jon's tight hole, making the boy pause as he felt something warm touch him in his most private spot.

"Look at it..." the voice whispered and I did. The way the head pushed the ring of muscle in slightly, not breaching it yet, just pressing against it.

"Come on baby," the thug taunted, "Push back on daddy's cock..."

"Nooo....daddy....." Jon whined, "That's a bad spot..."

The thug inched forward, expanding Jon's virgin hole slightly, "It's ok son, daddy says it's ok..."

Jon whimpered as he pressed down onto the cock, "Daddy...."

"So good....doing so good..." the thug praised as Jon bore down on the dick. There was a mask of concentration on his face until the head finally popped in and Jon;s eyes flew open in shock, his mouth open.

"Breathe baby....breathe for daddy...." the thug said sweetly.

"Dddaaaaadddyyy...." John moaned as the man pressed slowly into him.

"That's a good boy, such a good boy..."

"'s too big...filling me up...."

Jon's back arched and his hips raised off the mattress, pushing even more of the man's cock into him, his own massive schlong was hard as a rock.

"Keep got it..."

Jon wasn't even aware the man had stopped moving, he was literally fucking himself on this stranger's dick willingly.

"So big...daddy...."

"Almost..." the thug said with a wicked grin. His grabbed both of Jon's pert nipples and tweaked them, causing the boy to gasp in shock and slide down another couple of inches.

"Daddy...daddy....daddy..." Jon panted as he felt his ass try to accommodate the man's cock.

The voice was back, "He thinks his dad is fucking him...and look...he loves it."

It was true, Jon was calling the thug daddy and was willingly backing up on the cock, it did seem like he liked the thought of it.

"One more push baby..."

Jon grunted and slammed the last of the man;s cock into him, his smooth ass pressed up against the man's pubes.

"'re in me....I can feel you in me..."

"My little man..." the thug said, tracing fingers down Jon's chest and abs, making the boy shiver with pleasure.

"Hold on bud..." the man said slowly pulling his cock out of the boy. Jon gasped and grabbed the mattress with both hands as he felt the man's cock slide out his deflowered hole. Without a moment's hesitation the thug slammed the whole length back into Jon, making the boy scream out loud, "DAD!"

The man pulled back and hit him again, this time Jon's head flew back as he whimpered from the impact. The man did it again and this time I could see Jon's legs brace themselves as he pushed back.

"You got it bud?"

"Dad....oh dad..." Jon moaned as he met the man's thrusts as hard as he could.

"Look at him, he likes getting fucked," the voice whispered as I watched.

It was erotic as anything I had ever seen to see Jon push back into the man's thrust taking a man's cock up his preteen ass for the first time. I wanted to fuck him, I wanted to feel fucked, I wanted...I wanted...

I felt the tip of Blockbuster's cock press against my hole and my thoughts froze.

He grabbed my chin and made me watch Jon, "Look at your friend get fucked...listen to him beg for it..."

My eyes were glued to the image, my desire growing more and more, my mind was nothing but sex. I felt myself slowly start to push back, his head pressing against my own virgin hole as the thugs had Jon. My pride screamed at me, my ego tried to rally my will...

My hole slowly spread around the tip, the feeling was like exhilarating.

"There you go..." Blockbuster said warmly, "It might hurt..."

I shook my head knowing I was not afraid of pain. If Kent could take a man's cock...

I pushed back and felt the man's head pop into my boyhole, the stab of pain was pleasure into itself. I was still being held up by the chains so Blockbuster had access to my whole body, he had one hand on my throat and the other on my weeping dick. I was being molested by this man and was loving it, I pushed back hard, wanting to debase myself on this man's cock, to feel him rape my hole, knowing he was nothing but a criminal thug.

He was halfway in me and I was starting to lose control of myself. I wanted more, needed more...I made a sound and he chuckled.

"You want more little bird?"

I nodded as I tried to push more of him into me.

"Beg me," he said, "Beg me to fuck you."

I refused to do that, instead doing the work myself, trying my best to shove even more of the man's fat cock into me. I looked up and saw Jon was now riding the man's cock on his lap, his hands around the thugs shoulders as he called out "Daddy fuck me...please fuck me..."

It was too much and I cried out, "Fuck me!"

I felt him reach up to the chains and release them and fell to all fours. With my arms I could push myself back fully onto the man's cock, grunting as I felt his beercan thick member stretch my hole to it's limits. The pain was driving me crazy, it was turning me on more than if it was pure pleasure and I felt myself bottom out, holding his entire length in me.

"There you go...what a champ," he praised as I laid there on my hands and knees, waiting for my ass muscles to stop fluttering around his girth. "How's it feel?" he said pulling it out a few inches. I felt myself whimper from the feeling and then gasped as he pushed back into me, "Like that? Feel good? You like getting fucked like your friend?"

I looked up and saw that another of the thugs had joined Jon and the first one. Jon held on to the first thug, riding him hard with his back to the other thug. Then they had him hold still and the second thug moved closer, and pressed his cock head to Jon's already filled ass.

"No...." I whispered, already feeling my cock throb at the thought.

Jon cried out, "!!" as the second man entered him. I watched as both of the man's cock pressed into Jon's hole, the boy trapped between them as he had another eight inches of meat shoved into him.

My god I wanted that.

I pushed back onto Blockbuster's cock and then pulled myself off, wanting to feel what that felt like. I rocked back and forth, fucking myself on the man as I watched Jon get double penetrated by two strangers. His cries for his dad had stopped and now he was crying out, "Yes..yes....more.....harder! DADDY FUCK ME!" as the two men savagely assaulted his preteen hole.

I was slamming back, taking Blockbuster's whole length as I felt myself debase myself against this common criminal.

"Fuck me...come on fuck me..."

I heard a deep chuckle, "Look at this, Batman's son on his hands and knees, begging to be fucked."

I felt the wave of shame pass over me as I kept pounding back on his cock. I didn't care anymore, my father could have walked in the room and I most likely would have begged him to fuck me as well. I wanted this so bad, wanted to be used, wanted to be wrecked...wanted to be a bad little boy and be punished for it...

He grabbed my hips and pulled me back onto him in one thrust, knocking the wind out of me.

"You want to be fucked?"

"Yeesssss....."I hissed as he started to pound me, forcing me down to my elbows, my ass up and presenting for him.

"Look at your friend, taking two cocks...loving it so much..."

I looked up and now the two men were on their backs, legs facing each other, their cocks pressed together and Jon crouching over both, forcing himself down on both cocks as the two men just laid there and watched. I watched as the 12 year old bounced up and down on the two strangers cock as hard as he could, his own monster cock slapping against his abs with every movement.

"Daddy...daddy...daddy... he called out, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

"You want that? You wanna feel someone stretch you out like that?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to talk right now.

"You wanna be my slut, you wanna be mu little slut boy?"

Just the thought of this man calling me that made me even more turned on and I pushed back harder and harder.

"You are, you are my little slut boy." he pulled me up to my knees and turned my face around to meet his. He moved in and shoved his tongue into my mouth, forcing a kiss on me. I resisted at first but he grabbed hold of my aching dick and I moaned into it and found myself kissing him back. I hated this man, felt nothing but contempt for everything he stood for, but there I was with his cock up my ass and my tongue down his throat, mewing for more.

"I do..." I heard myself start to babble, "I do want more...will be your slut boy...want more..."

"Beg me for more."

"Please give me more."


I sobbed at the humiliation, "Please give me more sir..."

"You want more cock?" he said, his voice growing deeper, his entire mass shifting behind me. I felt my ass began to expand more and more, the pain and pleasure making my mind fog up as I realized he was changing while in me. His cock was going from a man's cock to a beasts...and it was expanding in my ass.

"YESSS!!" I cried out as I felt the walls of my ass rip from the force of his cock going from simply large to mammoth. I was not just riding the fist part of it like a sexual hand puppet as my ass muscles just collapsed and accepted it.

I felt my mind start to snap as I realized I was no longer just being raped by a man, by a criminal, by a fucking lowlife thug, I was being fucked by an animal's cock and loving it. While Jon was slamming his tight ass down on the two men's cock I was feeling this cock move through my entire soul. I looked down and saw I pool of cum under me, I hadn't even realized he had made me shoot already. He kept pumping into me, I was no longer capable of caring. I was simply a recpticle for his cock and part of me still loved it.

"You like that boy slut? You think your daddy would want to see you like this? Ass up, begging for my cock? You think?"

I was beyond words now, my entire life was this man's cock, my eyes still watched Jon struggle to fuck himself on the two cocks, his own dick red and close to cumming.

"I'm gonna breed you Robin, gonna shoot my babies want that right?"

I heard myself answer, "Please.....yeesss...."

Jon began to pant, "Dad, dick god daddy!"

I felt Blockbuster's cock begin to pulse in me as Jon shot his load. Streams of cum flew out of his cock, landing over his head, in his hair, all over his face, his mouth open trying to catch as much as he could.

There was a warmth in my ass as I felt Blockbuster dump his load of jizz into my ruined ass. There was a wet squelching sound as he pulled his member out of me. My head was on the ground, my ass still up in the air. A massive hole where my tiny, little rosebud used to be. I thought he was talking for a moment until I realized it was me.

"More...more....more..." was all that would come out of my mouth.

I saw the two men kneel over Jon's face as they shot their loads all over him, his mouth still open and hungry as he ate their loads. Finally my endurance ran out and my eyes closed.

All I could dream about was that cock in my ass.

Next: Chapter 2

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