Supernatural to Boot

By Timothy Brown

Published on Jan 6, 2014


Disclaimers: This story is fictional and isn't meant to suggest any true sexualities of any of the actors or characters created originally by the WB or the CW network in which this story centers around. The only rights I own is to the characters I make up, not including Sam, Dean, and Castiel.

~Sorry it's been a while, school has been crazy. I hope I still have some fans out there. To the Supernatural fans out there, I'm trying my best to keep some of the stuff as close to the show as possible. Forgive me if I get some things wrong.~

Supernatural To Boot

Chapter 3

My vision came to me after a night of wonderful sex with Sam Winchester. To put it simple, I was going to Hell. I would need to find Lilith who would have the contract. I was going to trade my body and soul for the Winchesters. They would no longer have to worry if they were going to have to go to Hell. I was going to give up everything in order to trick Lucifer in the end. There was going to be unimaginable amounts of pain, nothing ever experienced before, because I will refuse to help him. I will be rescued, but it will take a while. By being saved, I will prevent the first seal from being broken, because I gave traded my soul.

When I awoke I had a heavy heart. Sam was still asleep, I slid out of bed and got dressed. I crept down stairs and went out into the backyard. The sun was almost up and the smell of the morning filled my nose.

"Castiel can you hear me?"

I waited for a moment,

"You called."

He slightly startled me with his presence. I turned around to find the same man in the same suit.

"I need to speak with you.

"Yes, I know what you have planned. You realize what you're doing?"

"I'm saving the Winchesters, and preventing the Apocalypse"

"If this works, the demons, all demons will be forever trapped in Hell, you will have brought peace to the Heavens and Earth."

"Yes...but it's going to hurt them, I haven't seen it yet, but I can feel it. When I'm gone, please guide them, they will figure out how to get to me. Tell Sam I'm sorry, but I had to do it."

"I will. Never let anyone tell you that humans are not courageous."

"How will I find Lilith?"

"I can take you to her, she's in a bar not too far outside town. She's been following you three."

"I figured. Well lets get this over with."

Castiel touched my shoulder and before I could blink I found myself outside a shitty hole in the wall bar.

"She's in there, posing as a bartender. She's alone. Good luck. I'll be out here when your finished."

"Thank you Castiel."

He nodded as I turned and went inside the darkened building. There were bottles on empty tables. I made my way to the bar and sat in one on one of the stools. It wasn't long before a figure came around the corner, blond with a name tag that read Becky.

"We're closed, come back later."

"I'm not here for alcohol."

She cocked an eyebrow, "Well suga I aint runnin a cat-house."

"Eww really. You don't know who I am?" I said slightly grossed out.

"Should I?' she said with a hint of sarcasm.

"You should, Lilith. This form your in, suits you well, blond."

The flicker of understanding and realization hit, "Aww the seer. I didn't think it would've been this easy to get to you."

"I've come here to make you the deal of a life time."

She poured herself a drink, "really I'm intrigued. What are the stipulations?"

"Me, body and soul in exchange for the Winchesters. You can't go after them, try to persuade them in any way, this includes you, your father, and every other being. The Winchesters are free."

She looked at me smirking,

"My father wants you with a passion, and I promised him I would deliver. When do you feel like signing?"

"Give me an hour and I am yours."

I watched as she snapped her fingers, and in front of me a contract presented itself. It read, A Body & Soul Exchange. The Seer Timothy in exchange for the Winchesters. Collection due in 1 hours time. The line at the bottom said sign. A knife appeared next to my hand, so I grabbed is and sliced my finger, dropping a good amount of blood on the paper. I heard her laughter.

"From the bottom of my heart, Hell thanks you. See you in an hour."

I turned to walk away, but stopped and turned my head.

"You realize you're the 66th seal, you will die to free him."

Her eyes widened, `You lie."

"My visions are never wrong."

I smiled as I turned and left, but when the door closed behind me and Castiel came to my side all my strength left me. He grabbed my shoulder and we were back in Bobby's backyard. I fell to the ground, breathing heavily,

"What have I done, I have an hour and..."

"You did what you know is right." He bent down next to me, grabbing hold of my arm. "Now get up and go inside."

Castiel gave me some strength, but my stomach began to cave, like I was going to throw up and my hands got extremely cold. I stumbled up the stairs and went into the kitchen, Dean and Bobby were having a cup of coffee, when they abruptly stopped and looked at my face. I asked where Sam was, and they said upstairs.

"Sam can I need you to come down stairs." I yelled.

He came down a few moments later smiling,

"I was going to go find you...where did you..."

"Can you and Dean sit down please." I interrupted him.

All three looked at each other, but Sam and Dean sat, while Bobby placed himself between them. I could feel the tightening of my stomach as I tried to figure out the words. Dean looked like worried, as did Bobby.

"I am leaving an hour."

Sam tried to interrupt. ""

"I traded my soul to Lilith, in exchange for you both."

The look on their faces combined so many emotions that it was hard to read. They rose their voices as the same time, making it difficult to hear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Bobby said

"Kid are you insane?"said Dean

"Why are you doing this, what..."said Sam.

I put my hands up to get their attention. I began to cry.

"I did what I did to prevent the Apocalypse, to stop Lucifer, to protect everyone. It was the right thing to do."

Sam looked at me with a heavy heart, "'re taking yourself away from me from all of us."

"If this is about me going to Hell, I will do it, just as long as Sammy's happy." Dean said with a tone of worry."

"What's done, cannot be undone. It's okay to hate me right now, but I hope in time you'll realize what I did, and why I did it. Bobby thank you for opening up your house to me. Dean thank you for being the brother I never had and Sam I'm sorry for hurting you, but I couldn't live with myself if I sat by and let Hell reign on Earth. I don't have much time and I don't want to spend it arguing."

Bobby and Dean just looked down, while Sam shot up and stormed out of the house. I apologized to the two men again and ran after Sam. He was standing in the driveway, when I came out. He looked at me with something less than hatred in his eyes, it was anger, but it was from a caring place.

"Why would you do this to me?"

I was still crying,

"I wasn't trying to hurt you, and it's breaking my heart. I didn't want you to loose Dean, please forgive me."

"I don't think I can."

This shocked me, "okay, I'll go."

I turned to walk away, but I didn't get far before his steps came from behind me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, turning me to face him.

"I don't want to loose you."

"You're not."

"What do you mean? You gave up your soul, there is no coming back from that."

"All the answers you need are in my book, you won't fail."

I spotted Lilith walking down the road towards us. Sam spotted her and pulled out his gun,

"You conniving snake, like father like daughter."

"Well hello to you to. So I take it the seer gave you the news. You should be happy, you and your brother get to keep your souls."

"Does it look like I'm fucking happy.

"Don't shoot her Sam. We made a deal."

"Umm seer, three minutes."

I turned to Sam, "I want you to know before I go. I love you, more than anything. I will see you again. I'm sure of it."

"I love you too."

We shared one last kiss, it was a sad kiss, one that felt cold. This was our end.

"Aww how poetic, come on sweetness, lets get the show on the road. Daddy can't wait to see you. He's got a bundle of fun experiences planned."

"Sam I'm scared."

I could hear Lilith giggle, "You should be".

I heard a loud sound, like the sound of a trumpet, then a searing pain in my head.

"Ah seer it's time."

She grabbed my hand and the pain went away. I took one last look at Sam and felt myself slip away.

Sorry this chapter was short, but needed to get it out before I got distracted

~Feel free to message me, more to come.

Next: Chapter 4

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