
By John Doe

Published on Aug 25, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

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The sound of chirping birds filled Dylan's ears as he awoke. His eyes fluttered open, inhaling a deep breath; only, the smell of Jack's hair filled his nose. He lay on his side, snuggled comfortably under a blanket with his arm draped around Jack's body, who lay with his back to him, clutching Dylan's arm as he slept soundly. They were spooning; Dylan's face buried in Jack's hair and neck.

He lifted his head sleepily; the dorm was quiet. Dylan's senses started coming to awakeness; Jack's figure felt so warm against his body. It took a moment to realize that he was still stark naked under the blanket; his flaccid dick lightly against Jack's bum.

As Dylan gently sat up, pulling his arm from Jack's grasp his friend stirred; rubbing his eyes before looking up at Dylan. He blinked in confusion; looking at his surroundings before smiling up at him.

"Morning," Jack said sleepily.

"Morning," Dylan replied, stretching his body. The blanket had slipped down, only covering their lower halves. Jack's upper body looked delicate as he lay on his back; wordlessly he started tracing his finger up Dylan's arm.

"Feels like we just had sex," Jack told him; Dylan couldn't help but laugh, realizing his leg was still entangled with Jack's.

"I mean..." Dylan started with a shrug. "I guess... we sorta did, in a way," he said. Jack took his words in; before he stretched his arms out, crunching up his face as he did.

"Do we have to get up yet?" Jack asked, relaxing into the bed again. Dylan smirked at him; before he lay back down, laying his head on Jack's chest as they cuddled a little bit longer. Jack hugged him tight; Dylan's eyes closed as he felt so at peace with him. He'd stay there the whole day if he could.

They'd shared even more of each other the previous night. Dylan liked Conor, he liked Luke... but something about Jack made his tummy tingle. And after their dialogue the previous evening, he suspected that Jack might just feel the same way.

They lay for 10 more minutes before Dylan decided to get up. He sat up, his feet touching the carpet beneath his feet, spotting his briefs on the floor next to Jacks. He grabbed them; standing up as he pulled them on, looking back at his friend lazily gazing at him as he dressed. It felt nice, when he looked at him.

As Dylan started pulling on his clothes Jack followed suit; getting up and pulling his briefs over his semi-hard penis. Dylan didn't mind because he knew he'd be seeing his hardness again soon. He knew that much was true.

Together, now dressed in civvies, they made their way towards the dining hall. As they exited the dorm's entrance... Dylan realized he felt the sun on his face. It was the first time since he'd arrived that he'd felt the sun. Every day he'd been there had been overcast. He knew that it was because of Conor - and now that he wasn't on the school grounds, the heat felt warm against his face. Only... he missed Conor a little as he thought about it, realizing that it meant he wasn't anywhere near.

They grabbed cereal when they arrived, sitting next to each other as they ate, talking about schoolwork. Dylan had caught up everything; but Jack had some work he needed to do. That was fine; he looked towards another table, and spotted Nathan munching away while he read a book. He had another date that day. Almost as if he could tell, Nathan looked up; a smile forming on his face as he spotted Dylan.

The morning was slow. After they finished their breakfast they headed back towards the dorms; Jack went straight for his books, telling Dylan he was going to the study hall. Dylan knew he'd see him later; after he left, he thought of maybe reading his book a little bit more when he heard a soft knock on his door.

Nathan smiled, his head peeking around the corner. "Hey," he said, moving into the doorframe. His eyes hidden behind his little spectacles, and his hair was a bit messy on his head. He wore a comfy looking sweater - a contrast to seeing him in uniform. "Are you ready for some chess?" he asked.

Dylan smiled, and gave a nod. "You know it," he said; he left the book, instead following Nathan from the dorms towards the library. They walked side by side in silence; but Dylan just enjoyed his presence. He could feel the nerves coming from the younger boy, too - it was funny; he remembered how nervous he'd been the entire week. But lately he'd been feeling far calmer; comfortable.

It was so quiet when they entered the open library; the librarian wasn't in, but that was fine. They made their way through the bookshelves to the chess boards in the back. It smelt like paper and wood; they sat at the same chessboard they'd met; Nathan giving him a smirk as he set up the pieces.

"Let's see if you can manage to beat me this time," he said. Dylan chuckled.

"Piece of cake," he said. Nathan responded by moving the first piece, and they focused hard as they played their first game. The silence felt comforting; Dylan held him off, but Nathan pulled a move he didn't spot about 25 minutes in, and from there he was done for. Nathan had won the first round.

"Piece of cake, ey?" he said. Dylan rolled his eyes, gently kicking him under the table as Nathan laughed and set up the pieces again. This time, though, as they played again, Dylan managed to pull off a set piece; and within 10 minutes he'd checked Nathan's king; much to his surprise.

"Piece. Of. Cake," Dylan told him as he sat back. Nathan's face went a little red, setting the pieces up again.

"Okay, fine. You got me this time; but I won't let it happen again," he said, and played his first move.

Only now Dylan felt a little less focused on the game. He played along; still giving attention to strategy. But now he took some time and studied Nathan's concentrated face, gazing at his young gentle facial features. He was pretty - that was the right word. Dylan liked the way his brows creased when he focused.

After a few seconds, Nathan noticed him watching him. His eyes darted up to meet Dylan; his face turned a little red. But Dylan just smiled at him. Nathan's focus went down as he tried another move. Dylan took less than a few seconds to make his own one; sitting back and adjusting his footing.

As he did, his leg moved forward by accident; brushing against Nathans. He saw Nathan's eyes widen as he looked at the chessboard. Dylan didn't mean for it to happen; but now that it did, he didn't move his leg. Although Nathan's face was looking at the chessboard, Dylan knew he wasn't focused on it; he felt Nathan move his leg even closer to his.

He made a move; Dylan made his, taking out one of his knights, sitting back and brushing his leg against Nathan's again. This time, Nathan gently moved his leg up Dylan's calf slowly; and then back down. Dylan couldn't help but smile; Nathan was struggling to get a move down, because he wasn't paying much attention to the chess anymore. Dylan could see his focus was on their legs. Nathan's calf kept moving up and down his, and Dylan felt the butterflies flitter in his stomach as they started playing footsie under the table.

Dylan wondered what his bare skin would feel like; now covered by their long pants. Dylan leant forward again; only this time, his hand found Nathan's knee; gently resting it on it. He felt Nathan freeze a little; but only for a second, before he relaxed. Dylan watched Nathan's one hand move from on top of the table to underneath; and Dylan's heart jumped a little when he felt Nathan's land on top of his.

They didn't move their hands after that; playing the game one handed. Halfway through, Nathan's hand gently squeezed his; making Dylan lightly squeeze his kneecap. Nathan's eyes looked up and found his; together, they smiled at each other.

But something started bothering Dylan. His memories flittered to the day before. He got a little worried, if anything else. He cared for Nathan - he needed to make sure everything was alright.

"Hey..." Dylan started, and Nathan blinked.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Are you okay?" Dylan found himself asking. The question left Nathan with a confused look on his face.

"Y...yeah... I am. Especially right now," he added, giving Dylan's hand another squeeze.

"I mean..." Dylan started. "I mean yesterday. I saw you... you know, behind the pillar. You saw me talking to Conor,"

The minute Dylan mentioned his name, Nathan's figure froze again. Nathan's hand left his, coming up to scratch his face; only Dylan knew it was because he didn't know how to respond to him.

"Doesn't look like you're okay," Dylan told him. Nathan swallowed hard, his eyes averted from Dylan's. He sighed, looking back at Dylan.

"He's... he's not..." he struggled to find the words, scratching his head, trying to form the sentence in his head.

"He's not what?" Dylan asked; his curiosity at an all time high, now.

Nathan suddenly looked... worried. Dylan saw it instantly; as a response, he gave Nathan's knee another gentle squeeze. It calmed him instantly.

"He's just... not what you think," Nathan said to him. Dylan's eyebrow could only raise.

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked him, pushing for more. He knew something; he definitely did. But he wasn't going to force it out of him. He was only just starting to be his friend. But he knew Nathan felt something towards him, that much was for sure.

"You wouldn't understand," Nathan said; but as soon as the words left his mouth he looked to regret it.

"I wouldn't understand?" Dylan said, almost laughing. But Nathan only nodded.

"Nathan... Conor's only been an amazing person to me," he told him; the response was not what Nathan was expecting, his eyes widening.

"Really?" he asked; genuine shock in his voice. Dylan smiled, giving a small nod.

"What, did you think he was bullying me or something?" he asked. Nathan shook his head.

"No, I just... " he gave another sigh; this time, his hand found its way back under the table on top of Dylan's, giving another gentle squeeze. "Just... be careful," he said. As he finished the sentence, Dylan knew that it was all the information he would get out of him that day.

Dylan gave him a little nod. "I always am," he said.

Dylan felt a huge urge to press for more; but something in his gut told him it wasn't the right time. They kept playing, but the focus was lost. Nathan was lost in his head; but so was Dylan. He had to know something. But how? And why was he so strange when they talked about Conor?

He couldn't help but think that maybe he knew something that Dylan didn't. The ginger boy's beautiful face flashing in front of his eyes; he made him feel warm, he made him feel safe. What if... what if there was something he didn't know that Nathan did?

Nathan beat him that last match; and they called it a day. They reset the board and got up to leave; as Dylan's hand left his knee he felt like he just wanted to hold his hand; to hug him and tell him it was alright. He knew it just had to be his anxiety talking - he didn't know Conor too well, but Dylan had met horrible people in his life. And Conor was far from horrible.

As they stood to leave, walking through the bookshelves Dylan felt Nathan's hand grab his wrist; stopping him. Dylan looked back to see the shorter boy look up at him with those big, adorable eyes of his. He looked like he wanted to say something, looking to the floor and then to the bookshelves around him. After a few seconds, he stood on his toes and gave Dylan a small peck on the lips; leaving him speechless as Nathan walked past him towards the entrance. Dylan felt at his lips; that was unexpected.

Dylan followed his friend from the building, making their way back towards the dorms. As they entered and climbed the stairs, Nathan gave him one last smile.

"I'll always be here," Dylan told him. Nathan gave him a nod.

"I know," he said, and turned and walked towards his own dorm. Dylan stood for a second - processing the morning as he watched him walk away. It was a lot to take in. As he entered back into his dorm, he spotted his book on his bedside table - the very book Nathan had recommended to him. He picked up, gazing at the cover of `The Vampire's Tale' with his mind swimming. Had Nathan given this to him on purpose? Had he been trying to warn him?

Or maybe he was just overthinking things again. It had to be that.

But as he sat on his bed, flipping through the pages he'd already read, he couldn't help but think that he might not have been. He felt so confused; the peace he'd felt earlier seemed to have evaded him as doubt and anxiety filled his mind. What if he was wrong about Conor? What if he was playing tricks with him? What if Nathan was wrong?

"You okay?" Jack's voice cut through his thoughts, making him jump as he came back into reality. Jack entered the cubicle, putting his books down and sitting opposite; only his face looked a little concerned. Dylan was figuring out that he wasn't so good at hiding how he felt much.

"I don't know," Dylan admitted. "Just... I don't know," he said. Jack took his reply in, slowly nodding; still unsure how to approach it. So instead he smiled.

"Wanna go swim?" he asked. Dylan couldn't help but smile back at the suggestion - that was exactly what he needed. Going back into his element. He gave a nod; the two of them dressed into swimming shorts and grabbed their towels, making their way out and towards the pool. The anxiety seemed to dwindle a little bit when they got there; it was something Dylan would figure out eventually. For now, he was there - with his friend.

There were a couple other boys swimming when he got there. Jack and he dived in; the cool water seemed to refresh Dylan's mind, body and soul at the same time as he came up for air. There was a spare water polo ball floating around - he and Jack tossed it to each other for a little bit. Dylan relaxed as they did. There was no point in stressing about it now.

Even if Nathan thought Conor was bad news... something in Dylan's gut told him that he was wrong. But his mind was still active with wonder and contemplation, even as he and Jack tossed the ball to each other. He knew that Jack could see his mind wasn't entirely there, too - but he didn't say anything. Just having his presence with him was enough to make Dylan feel calm.

Dylan noticed that, too. Jack made him calm. His thin face felt homely, his smile comforted him. His presence made him fuzzy inside. More than any of the others at the school. Even Conor. They all had a special place in his heart now, but Jack... he felt like the first best friend he'd ever had, yet he knew they were something more, too.

After joining the other boys in the pool for a friendly game of water polo, nearly an hour passed before they climbed out the pool, and Dylan felt refreshed and invigorated. They dried, pulling on their shirts before they headed back to the dorms. Jack told Dylan to download a game on his phone; which he'd basically discarded in his side table, and they spent hours playing together side by side. The rest of the afternoon seemed to disappear - Dylan wasn't used to playing phone games; he usually just read. It was a fun escape from reality; from anything he had to think about.

Having Jack next to him also felt soothing, too. They lay on Dylan's bed, grafting away at their phones; but having him right by his side felt right.

They played until dinner arrived; it seemed to come so quickly. As they exited the dorm side by side, the sun was already starting to set. The day had been beautiful - it was almost a shame to see it go. The school felt calm and eerie as they entered the dining hall; few other boys had come for dinner yet. Dylan couldn't see Nathan anywhere; but he tried not thinking about it too much. Instead, he and Jack helped themselves to a serving of cottage pie and sat in their spot, munching away as they talked.

"You seem a little off," Jack admitted to him, taking in a forkful of food. "Are you doing okay?" he asked. He tried to sound casual; but Dylan could hear the concern in his voice as he spoke. If anything it made him gush a little bit.

Dylan poked his food as he thought about his answer. "Sort of," he said to him. "I dunno... I guess... something strange is happening and I'm trying to figure it out,"

Jack was silent for a moment; his eyes on his food. Dylan could feel the tension arise from his friend; it made him feel concerned at that moment.

"But I'm getting there," Dylan told him. Jack nodded, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

"Look... if like... if what we did was... strange, and like... you don't feel comfortable..." he started saying. "If you don't wanna do anything anymore that's fine," he said quickly; not looking up from his plate as he took another forkful of food. It clicked in Dylan's head; to Jack, he thought it was them, and what they'd done.

"Oh!" Dylan said. "No, no it's not that!" he said. Jack looked at him; he looked surprised.

"It's not?" he asked. Dylan shook his head; unconsciously he reached his hand under the table and gave his leg a squeeze, giving Jack a smile.

"No, it's... it's hard to explain," he said, their eyes finding each other. Jack swallowed hard.

"You promise?"

"I promise," Dylan said without hesitation. "It's... it's really nice being with you," Dylan told him. Jack's face went a little bit red as he said it, breaking eye contact as he looked at his food with a smirk.

"It's really nice being with you, too," Jack told him softly, looking back up at him.

"It's something else," Dylan told him. "Just... trying to figure someone else out," he said. "But... don't worry about that. It's not your problem," he told him.

"Well..." Jack started. "I don't mind making it my problem," he said. Dylan chuckled a little, taking a bite of food before he spoke, trying to think of the right thing to say.

"I'm sure I'll figure it out soon," he said. "Everything's just... happened so fast and I haven't really had time to sort through much in my head," Dylan added. He was meant to do that today; only Nathan's comments had thrown a proper spanner in the works.

"Let me know how I can help," Jack told him. "I'll do whatever you need,"

Only Dylan smiled at him. "You already are," he said honestly. Jack went red again, poking his fork in his remaining food.

"I'm glad," he let out.

They sat in comfortable silence the rest of the meal; as Dylan ate, he was sure he felt Jack shuffle just a little bit closer to him. He didn't mind - in fact, he shuffled just a little bit closer himself.

They finished eating, put their dishes by the cleaning racks and headed back to their quiet dorm. The sun had just disappeared behind the horizon, casting a big purple glow across the sky. Dylan even took a moment to observe it; take it in. Jack stood by his side; Dylan knew it was just because Jack wanted to make sure he was okay.

A few minutes later, they headed back - the dorm was silent as they entered, climbing the stairs back to their room. Jack recommended another movie; Dylan would never be against it. They stripped to their briefs and climbed under Jack's blanket; side by side as they started watching the film.

It was a cute movie - some romantic comedy; halfway through, the main cast had a kissing scene; Dylan felt eyes on him as it happened, and he looked left to see Jack looking at him. He couldn't help but smile, and Jack smiled back as they shared a moment of comfort together. Dylan noticed how soft his lips looked all of a sudden; but he didn't make any moves. He didn't know what held him back. Maybe anxiety that Jack would freak out - even after all they'd done. Jack didn't motion forward, either; even though Dylan was sure he saw the look in his eyes that told him he wanted to. So they looked back to the movie and kept watching.

A few minutes later, Jack shuffled a little bit; Dylan's heart jumped as he felt Jack's hand gently lace itself into Dylans, their fingers entwining. Dylan felt a smile spread on his lips; he gave Jack's hand a squeeze. They lay like this for the rest of the movie, which seemed to go on very slowly. Dylan only half paid attention at that point; focusing on the feeling of holding Jack's hand - how it felt having their fingers interlaced with each other, their palms pressing together, and the sensation of their bare shoulders against each other. They'd cuddled that night before, but even that didn't take away Dylan's speeding heartbeat and butterflies in his stomach.

The movie finished; but neither of them were tired. Jack let go of Dylan's hand as he typed into his phone; Dylan's palm had been sweating a little bit.

"You wanna watch something else?" Jack asked him. Dylan thought for a second; an idea popping into his mind.

"We could watch that `special hentai' if you like," Dylan told him, giving him a cheeky grin. Jack gave a little laugh; but he knew Dylan wasn't entirely joking.

"We could..." Jack started; the wheels in his head turning as he thought for a second. "Or... maybe... you wanna watch some real stuff?" he asked. Dylan blinked; he hadn't thought of that. But he wasn't against it - it wasn't something he'd really done much. It hadn't really done much for him when he'd tried watching it himself; but doing it with Jack was a different story. Not to mention where it might lead. So he gave a little nod.

"Well... what type do you wanna watch?" Jack asked him. But Dylan shrugged.

"I dunno. What do you think?" Dylan replied. Jack chuckled.

"Okay, well, what I mean is, like... do you wanna watch the normal stuff? Like a guy and a girl? Or do you wanna... you know..." he started; but his face started burning red as he spoke, trying to get the rest of the words out. Dylan understood what he was asking, though.

"Watch guys?" he finished for him. Jack gave a nod. "Have you watched a lot of guy stuff?" Dylan asked him honestly. But Jack just gave a shrug.

"I mean... I took a look when I was figuring myself out a couple months ago. Before then I didn't really think about it. But I liked it - it's funny, because I thought maybe it was just because I was curious. Didn't realize that I liked it because I was into guys."

"Makes sense now, doesn't it?" Dylan joked. Jack bumped his shoulder a little; but Dylan could see his smile.

"Yeah, it does." he said, looking at Dylan. "Have you?" he asked.

Dylan gave a nod. "I haven't watched a lot of anything at all, really. But I did a little when... you know... I started realizing my sexuality. It pretty much confirmed it for me," Dylan said.

Jack nodded, looking back at his phone. "Well... this'll be the first time after I've... you know, after I've properly admitted it to myself," he said, looking back at Dylan with a cheeky smile. "And to you," he added. "Are you keen?" he asked; and Dylan nodded at him with a mischievous grin.

Jack typed something into his phone; soon, they were on a site with all sorts of peculiar thumbnail images of naked guys; links to videos. Some of them were pretty funny, to be honest - Jack stayed away from anything that looked cliche and overboard; instead he found a small amateur video of a gay couple's home video, and clicked on it.

They didn't touch themselves at first; in fact, they both felt insanely curious as they watched the two guys do their thing. It took a good 2 seconds before Dylan was hard. He knew Jack was, too; the way he suddenly adjusted himself under the blanket.

It was just blowjobs first; the couple, an attractive Spanish looking guy and a white guy, with rather big dicks. It was a sight to see; almost like Dylan was watching something educational more than anything else. He observed their technique, trying to think of a way to apply it himself. Funny how that worked.

Jack wordlessly pushed the blanket down to their knees; his briefs stuck up high, and so did Dylan's. They didn't need any further invitation as they both pulled down the front of their underwear; their cocks standing to attention. They took a moment to gaze at each other before they started slowly jerking themselves off. But they weren't fast; they did it slowly, instead focusing on the video as the two guys serviced each other.

The couple did something else; one of them reached into a drawer from a side table and pulled out a small dildo - it couldn't have been bigger than a finger. The spanish guy pulled his legs back, and using spit the other lubricated the sex toy, and proceeded to slowly push it into the other's anus. At this sight, Dylan and Jack's jerking picked up speed a little bit.

The feelings running through Dylan's body was indescribable; he felt so erotic doing it with Jack. They watched as the white guy pulled it in and out slowly, giving the other guy what looked like an intense amount of pleasure.

"That looks..." Dylan started.

"... Good," Jack finished his sentence. They spared a glance at each other, giving each other a smile.

"Too bad we don't have any dildo's," Dylan joked. But Jack took what he said in, looking back at the video for a few seconds.

"Have you ever tried anything like this?" he asked Dylan honestly. Dylan blinked in surprise; he stopped jerking his erection, shaking his head.

"Nah. Haven't really gotten that far, yet," he admitted. "I'm guessing you haven't either?"

Jack shook his head. But he'd stopped jerking off, too - Dylan could see the wheels turning in his head, his friend looking down at their hard ons as he thought, then back up at the video, before he looked at Dylan.

He knew what he wanted to suggest before he said anything. Dylan's heart started speeding at a million miles per hour. It was almost like Jack could read his mind, too.

"I mean..." Jack said. "I don't know if I could take a whole penis yet," he said, his face going a little red.

"Me neither," Dylan told him honestly. It wasn't something he was sure he was entirely ready for just yet. But that didn't mean that hope was lost.

"We could..." Dylan started, looking at his hand. He put it next to the phone, comparing the size of the dildo to his fingers. Jack's eyes widened as he did, looking at his own hand, too, before they looked at each other again.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked. Dylan couldn't help but smile at his friend's hesitance.

"Only if you want to," he added. Jack thought for a few seconds before he gave a small nod.

"Okay," he said, locking his phone and sitting up. He jerked his dick a couple of times, and looked back at Dylan. "How are we going to do this?" he asked.

Dylan sat up next to him, thinking for a few seconds. "I dunno," he admitted.

"I've never... well, I've never really put anything up there before," Jack said. "But... I trust you. You can try it on my first if you want," he said. Dylan felt himself swallow hard; he looked at his fingers again.

"Alright," he said. Jack nodded; with one movement he removed his briefs, leaving him in his naked glory as he lay back. Dylan shuffled in between his legs; he helped Jack as he pulled back his knees to his chest. Dylan felt his boner lurch as Jack's bum cheeks spread, and for the first time he witnessed his friend's small, pink hole in all its glory. Only the moment was that much more pleasant, because Jack had moved into a very vulnerable position; revealing himself entirely to him.

Dylan felt his eyes frozen, glued on it for a good few seconds. As Jack flexed, Dylan saw it open just a little bit and close; his eyes moving up the line of his groin to his testacles, and to his throbbing erection above it, before his eyes found Jacks, who gave him a smile.

"You okay?" he asked. Dylan gave a nod.

"Yeah...," he said honestly, his eyes finding Jack's anus once more. He moved a little closer; Jack used his hands to spread himself a little bit more, only revealing it even further. Dylan used his index finger and gently touched it; he felt Jack jerk a little bit as he did.

"Tickles,' Jack said with a giggle. Dylan gently traced down; completely unbelieving that he was doing what he was doing. He ran his finger up and down the round pink membrane a few times; it felt soft, warm. He knew he'd need a little bit of lubrication. So he leant forward, forming the saliva in his cheeks as he aligned his mouth just above it. He pushed out his spit; a small line fell down, hitting Jack's hole perfectly. Jack gasped a little as it touched; Dylan used his finger and rubbed it a little more, causing Jack's dick to twitch.

"Wow, that feels..." Jack started. ".... really nice,"

Dylan couldn't help but smile. A small idea formed in his head; he looked down at his dick, the tip leaking an insane amount of precum now as it throbbed. Dylan lifted himself up, pulling off his briefs entirely and leaving him as naked as Jack. Then, with a finger he tried to collect as much of the liquid as he could on his finger; Jack watched him closely. Then, he rubbed it on Jack's hole. Jack let off a little sigh; then, Dylan reached forward and gently took Jack's cock in his hand, pulling it up and sliding his foreskin down; the cockhead was also drenched in precum. Using the tip of his finger he traced all around the cockhead, causing Jack to let off a small moan, and Dylan then used that as more lubrication.

Soon, Jack's entrance was slimy and slippery; he knew that was enough. He rubbed the hole a few more times, before he gently applied pressure; the tip of his finger disappeared inside, slowly moving further and further. It felt so hot inside of him; Jack's sigh gave Dylan's sign of approval to move in further. Only a few seconds later, his entire finger was inside of him. Dylan felt lost in the moment; his own dick throbbing nearly as much as Jacks.

"Fuck..." Jack said. Dylan looked up at him.

"How does it feel?" Dylan asked, as he pulled his finger back to the tip, and gently pushed it back in, causing Jack to sigh again.

"Really fucking good," Jack whispered; his eyes were closed, basking in the feelings. Dylan couldn't help but smile - he was making Jack feel good in a brand new way.

Dylan moved his finger in and out, trying a few different angles. He got a specific one; his finger slid up along Jack's rectal wall and it must have hit something, because Jack jerked in reaction.

"What the..." Jack said, looking down in confusion. "Do that again," he said.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"That... that spot. It felt... fuck, that felt good," he said. Dylan nodded; he repeated action, the angle his finger was perfect. As he rubbed up against something, Jack jerked again.

"There..." he said. "Rub that," he said. Dylan complied; touching the direct spot he'd found and moving over it again and again. Jack let off another sigh; Dylan realized Jack's dick was starting to leak a lot of precum, now.

"Fuck, Dylan..." he whispered. Dylan felt his own hormones raging at the fact that he was making him feel so good; his movements sped up; fucking his friend with his finger well. Jack's body jerked almost every time.

Dylan performed the action for nearly 5 minutes before he felt Jack's breathing increase. "Don't stop..." he heard his friend say. Dylan had found a good rhythm; getting the spot that made Jack felt good almost every time. Jack's body suddenly lurched; Dylan felt his rectum squeeze his finger as Jack's cock throbbed hard as the first shot of cum fired from his slit; two, three, four huge cum shots pooled on Jack's stomach as the orgasm hit him hard, his cock bouncing with every shot.

Dylan's eyes were wide; he'd just made Jack cum without even touching his dick. Soon, his friend came down; Dylan pulled his finger out, and Jack let his legs fall either side of Dylan as he let out a deep breath. His eyes were fluttering; before they opened, looking at the carnage he'd caused all over his chest and stomach.

"What the fuck," Jack said. "I... I came," he said, rather matter of factly. Dylan chucked.

"You came hard," he said, looking at his friends cum all over his body.

"That was..." Jack started. "That was unbelievable. I've never felt like that before," he said.

Dylan gently took hold of Jack's softening cock; pulling back the foreskin and squeezing out any remnants. It was almost as if he acted on instinct as he leant forward, lapping his tongue along Jack's cock, tasting his salty cum. He licked all over his cockhead; causing Jack to sigh happily again. Dylan moved up; sucking the drops out of Jack's pubic hair, before he gently started licking up the cum all over Jack's stomach and chest. When he got almost all of it, he moved back down to Jack's dick, which was back to it's full hardness, giving it one more lick before he sat up, looking up at Jack who looked like he'd died and gone to heaven.

"You've gotta try this," Jack said, sitting up. Dylan smiled.

"I hope I get to feel what you felt," he said, as they quickly swapped positions.

"I hope so, too," Jack said, giving his hardness a few jerks as Dylan lifted his knees to his chest. He watched Jack's eyes find his own anus; his eyes widened, and Dylan chucked.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked. Jack smirked, nodding gently. He went to work immediately; leaning over Dylan's hole, he let a line of spit fall on it. It felt warm as it touched Dylan's most private area; and when Jack touched him there for the first time, he felt tingles erupt all over his body.

Jack did the same thing; using what specs of cum on his body was left as some lube, before he gently took hold of Dylans cock and slid down the foreskin, using whatever precum was leaking from Dylan's slit as more lube. He rubbed the area; again, sending tingles all through Dylan's body. Then, Jack pushed his finger in.

It was the strangest sensation at first; like an invasion. But he forced himself to relax; sure enough, the pleasure entered his body almost immediately. Jack slid his finger further in; Dylan's eyes closed as he took in the feelings.

It felt strange at first; as Jack started moving in and out. But good - really good. Jack tried a bunch of angles, trying to find a similar spot; sure enough, Jack touched something that sent an electric spark all the way through Dylan's body, making him jerk - and making his cock throb harder than he'd ever felt.

"Found it," Jack told him.

"Holy shit," Dylan said, looking down at his friend who had a big grin on his face. Jack attacked the area mercilessly; and the pleasure that rippled through Dylan's body was nothing like he'd ever felt before.

He let off a soft moan - it was so good. Jack's finger felt comfortable inside of him; like it was meant to be there. Each time his finger ran over the spot it sent another spark rippling through him. He couldn't help it; as Jack performed, Dylan took hold of his dick and started jerking himself. Sure enough, it didn't even take 30 seconds before the orgasm hit him hard. His body tensed and convulsed as his dick started shooting semen; one after the other after the other

A few shots later, and he felt the orgasm subside. But the feeling... he'd never felt anything like it before. When Jack pulled out his finger, it was almost like it was supposed to stay there; like something essential was no longer a part of him. He dropped his legs either side of Jack, who rested his hands on them - a big grin on his face.

"Unreal, right?" he asked. Dylan could only nod; still lost for words as his dick slowly subsided. Jack did the same to him; leaning forward and taking his cockhead into his mouth, giving a little suckle as he took in his cum. Then he lapped the rest of it up; starting at his stomach and up to his chest. As he finished his chest, his face looked up at Dylan; only centimetres away. Their eyes locked, and time seemed to freeze for that moment.

Jack's body over Dylans, they were motionless. The same look they'd had earlier, only this time the intensity was even bigger after they'd done something completely open and revealing to each other. Jack's eyes centred on him. Dylan knew it was going to happen. Jack gently lowered his body down; his hard cock gently pushing against Dylan's, which was as hard as his again.

Jack leant forwards; as his lips touched Dylan's, the butterflies soared around his stomach like jets. The kiss deepened as Dylan's arms snaked around Jack's body, pulling him closer. The taste of salty cum was on Jack's lips; but it was on his, too. Their lips opened as their tongues touched for the first time as their saliva swapped, and they started making out on Jack's bed. Jack's hips gently pushed against his; Dylan's hands moved down to Jack's bum, pulling him even closer.

Dylan felt so good; Jack made him feel good. In that moment nothing else mattered, except for his breath colliding with Jacks as they suckled each other's tongues that moved back and forth in each other's mouths. Lap after lap after lap, and the kiss only deepened as Jack let off another small moan.

After a few minutes they maneuvered under Jack's blankets; laying next to each other, hard cocks pressed against each other as they kissed even more. They couldn't get any closer, their faces pressed hard against one another as their mouths conjoined, pulling their bodies as close as possible to each other. Their tongues were at war; pushing against each other with more and more ferocity with each passing second. Moments of softness, suckling and pecking followed by harder moments of intense kissing for nearly 30 minutes. It was like the tension was being released as they traced their hands up and down along each other's bodys.

Soon, Jack's hand found it's way between them, holding their cocks together as he slowly jerked them off. Dylan let off a small moan into Jack's mouth. He'd just cum but he felt as horny as ever. Their kiss didn't subside as Jack's intensity increased; his hand felt natural as it moved up and down.

It didn't take much longer than that as Dylan felt another orgasm rise quickly; he kissed Jack even harder as he let off another moan, and his cock started throbbing as it started shooting a lesser amount of cum onto Jack's hand and between their bodies, wetting their stomachs. Dylan came down; Jack let his cock go and instead jerked himself, and not even 10 seconds later he came, too; his hot cum mixing with Dylans as they pressed against each other.

Their lips parted; their eyes finding each other as they came to the reality of what they just did. But Jack smiled, and so did Dylan. The smell of cum filled their noses now, Jack looked under the blanket between their bodies and gave a little chuckle.

"Whoops," he said, looking back up at Dylan with humour in his eyes. They lay in silence for a few minutes; just gazing into each other's eyes.

"That was magical," Dylan felt himself whispering; tracing his finger along Jack's cheek who smiled.

"Yeah," he said, and leant forward and kissed Dylan again, before they hugged deeply; Dylan's face buried in Jack's neck. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to go anywhere. He wanted to stay there for the rest of his days. He couldn't understand how in the space of a week he felt more magical than he had in his entire life.

Jack looked at the clock next to his bed; it read 12:23. It was past midnight. He looked at Dylan. "Wanna sneak to the showers?" he asked. Dylan blinked; but nodded. He hoped his classmates would be fast asleep; but as they peeled off each other, getting up and wrapping towels around them, the rest of the dorm seemed fast asleep as they tiptoed towards the bathrooms.

They silently put their towels off, switching on a single shower head, they washed each other off under the warm water. Dylan wandered if maybe someone would walk in on them - but no one did, as they quietly scrubbed the cum off each other. Then, near the end, Jack leant forwards and kissed him again, before they got out, quickly dried themselves and headed back to the room.

But they switched off the light and just climbed back into Jack's bed, quietly cuddling into each other as they got comfortable. They kissed again; clean and gentle for another 10 minutes before Jack rested his face into Dylan's neck. As Dylan's eyes closed and he felt Jack drift to sleep, he came to the realization that he had no idea how he was going to tell Conor and Luke about this.

But more importantly... he had no idea how he was going to tell Jack about Conor and Luke.

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