
By John Doe

Published on Aug 11, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

The story is back - and its only upwards from here. I've deicided to slow the pace a little, and pick it upwards from here. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and the chapters to come, as we grow the story slowly but surely, and the events begin to unfold.

Please let me know if you have any feedback! Email me at

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The cool water felt peaceful as Dylan swam; his mind focused as he came to the end of the pool; somersaulting underwater before he made for another lap. He was zoned in; grateful... because swimming practice seemed to be the only place in this school that he could. Even then... every now and then his thoughts lingered. They were like flashing images. He couldn't help it.

It was early Friday morning. His coach had recommended he get in the extra practice; only two others swam in the pool beside him, both 12th graders. Completely optional; but Dylan loved it. While he swam it seemed his mind calmed ever so slightly. Probably the only time he was truly able to focus.

His head was filled with thoughts and fantasies every other moment of the day. He was struggling to pay attention during classes. He really did try; but he had so much on his mind. He got the work done; but he could be doing far better. Thing is, though... it was difficult, but... he found that he liked it. There could be other things that plagued his mind, serious troubles and doubts.

The only things that plagued him were Conor's sparkling eyes, Luke's adorable freckles, and Jack's contagious smile.

He finished his laps, breathing deeply as he climbed out to sit on the pool's edge, removing his goggles and swim cap. He ran his hand through his thin blonde hair. The other two still swam, the sound of rippling water filling his ears. He ran his finger over his chest; his mind started to wander again. He couldn't help but smile at himself. It was hopeless.

He climbed out and moved to the lockers. He'd mostly gotten used to it now; pulling out his bag, grabbing his towel and peeling off his speedos before he moved to the shower. The warm water felt wonderful on his skin as he scrubbed off the chlorine. Even then, his thoughts dawdled. After he'd cleaned himself, his hands gently traced along his tummy; becoming aware of his own naked form. His eyes closed; their gentle faces filling his head as he smiled again, the tingles in his stomach returning.

It had only been a week at this school; yet, he felt more alive than he ever had.

He finished up, returning to the lockers and pulling out his uniform that he'd packed. He checked his watch; breakfast was in 10 minutes. Perfect timing. He pulled on his clothes, tying his shoes and doing up his tie before he left. He made a detour to the dorms, putting his togbag back. Jack was gone already. His gaze lingered on his unmade bed. Memories flashed; his loins pulsed; he shook his head, returning to reality as he made his way towards the dining hall.

It was the weekend after school today; most of the students had families nearby they went home to. Dylan would be staying behind. He didn't mind though. A weekend of peace and quiet on campus seemed like a dream, more than anything. And he knew Jack was staying behind, too. All the better.

The dining hall was buzzing with chatter when he entered. The line wasn't long; he climbed in, his stomach rumbling from the vigorous exercise that morning. Fried eggs on toast, with a side of oats before he made his way towards the table. His eyes found Jack groggily eating his own cereal. He felt his tummy warm a little bit as his eyes found his thin face, plopping down next to him, startling him a little bit.

"You were up early today," Jack said, that smile spreading across his face as his eyes found Dylan.

"5am," Dylan told him, digging into his eggs first. "Haven't trained that early in a while," he mentioned with his mouth full.

"Never, ever would I willingly get up that early," Jack informed him. "Crazy talk, that is,"

"Yeah, well... some of us are built differently," Dylan joked; Jack rolled his eyes with a smirk at the comment.

"Whatever you say," he retorted playfully. "I hope you plan on sleeping in this weekend, at least,"

Dylan hadn't thought about that. There wasn't any need for early wakeups. Relaxation. Peace; a contrast to the most bizzare first week he'd ever experienced. He was looking forward to it. Even then, he knew Jack was staying behind. He wondered...

His eyes first looked towards the 12th grade table; but after scanning the faces he realized Conor wasn't there. He felt a little disappointed; he was looking forward to seeing his face again. He always did. But his eyes moved to the next table; it took Dylan 3 seconds to find him. His freckled face was dazzling as Luke spoke to a friend next to him. The disappointment faded as he saw his friend. After a few seconds, Luke's eyes trailed to meet him. A smile spread on his lips; Dylan couldn't help but give one back to him.

"Did you do the Math homework?" Jack's voice cut through, pulling Dylan from his dreamland. He blinked twice as he registered the question, before he nodded. Jack felt relieved.

"Thank goodness. I, ah... I forgot," he said as his eyes trailed to his food. Dylan's eyebrow raised. Something in his voice told Dylan otherwise. But he didn't push for anything more.

"No stress," Dylan told him, gently bumping his shoulder. "You can copy mine. Not sure if I got everything right, so at least make it look like you did something,"

Jack bumped his shoulder back. "You know I will,"

They finished their breakfast with some time to spare. As Dylan got up he noticed Luke had left already. They made their way to the dorms; Jack quickly scribbled some answers on his page, leaving some blank so as to make his look a little more legitimate than just a hard copy. The bell rang; Dylan and Jack left to the main building; Dylan exchanged relevant books in his locker, slamming it shut before he almost collided with someone; stopping just in time. His eyes widened as he recognized his young face behind a pair of thin spectacles.

Nathan looked shocked at first; but his eyes lit up when he noticed who it was.

"Oh... hey Dylan!" he said. "Sorry, I...I didn't see you there..." he said quickly.

"It's alright," Dylan told him as he smiled. "It's good to see you," he said.

Nathan nodded. " You, too." His pale skin contrasted his dark hair; Dylan noticed a little pimple on his forehead. It looked adorable, to be honest.

"Hey, um... are you going home? This weekend?" Nathan asked him. Dylan shook his head. He didn't want to go into it. He didn't exactly have a home to go to.

"Nope. Staying in. You?" he asked.

Nathan's eyes lit up again as he replied. "Oh! Yeah, um... neither am I. You wanna... maybe catch some chess sometime?" he asked.

The encounter in the library almost seemed like a distant memory; yet it was clear as day. Dylan hadn't even touched the book that Nathan had recommended to him. But the thought made Dylan a little excited. More entertainment.

"Yeah, that sounds amazing!" Dylan told him. "We're both in Sabre House, so it'll be easy to find each other. Maybe... Saturday morning?" Dylan suggested.

The smile that formed on Nathan's face could have made Dylan melt. The boy nodded again.

"Sounds good," he said. "I'll see you then," he said. He was still for a second; almost like he was a little flustered, before he walked past him towards his class.

Dylan's eyes found him instantly, as soon as Nathan was out of his peripheral vision. He stood at the end of the hall, leaning casually on a locker. His ginger hair looked soft even from here. He had a little smirk on his lips as he watched Dylan through the crowd of students. Dylan felt his heart rate increase as their eyes locked. It was like floodgates; the recollections immediately filled his mind. Conor's top button was undone, his tie loose. Dylan could remember his bare chest, so light and gentle..

It took Dylan a moment to realize he was just staring. He blinked; Conor looked amused, his head tilting ever so slightly. A smile spread on Dylan's lips. Wordlessles, Conor stood up straight, gazed at him one last time, before he turned and vanished down a corridor.

Dylan let out a breath; only realizing then that he'd been holding in air. His cheeks flushed a little, as he leant back against his locker. How was it possible for a single person to make him feel like this? He'd read about it in books and seen it in movies. But he'd never truly experienced what he was feeling. But it had only been a week. Surely... no, he couldn't be in love. Maybe it was just his flaring infatuation.

Dylan made his way to class. The day seemed to drag as he made his way from lesson to lesson. Again, his focus was half there. His mind constantly wondered, no matter how hard he tried to focus on the content each teacher tried to explain. The first break bell was a welcome sound, finally pulling him from his physics lesson that seemed to be mostly going over his head. He'd have to go through his notes again.

He made his way back to his locker; pulling it open but froze when he noticed the note on top of his pile of books; someone must have slipped it through one of the slits. He put his bag down and opened the piece of paper; a smile appeared on his face. It wasn't a lot. Just a heart - with a small initial at the bottom left. A capital C.

The corridors cleared quickly. Soon Dylan was basically by himself. He replaced his books, getting the rest of the days worth before he shut his locker, starting his way towards the exit to meet Jack at the field.

He wasn't expecting the hand to grab his arm, pulling his leftwards suddenly; Dylan had no time to register before he was pulled into the storeroom, the door shutting quickly behind them. Dylan's eyes adjusted to the faint light; his eyes found the freckled smiling face of Luke, who pushed him up against the wall playfully.

"Oh, hi, there," he said. Dylan couldn't help but laugh.

"I thought I was being murdered," he told him. Luke just rolled his eyes.

"You're too pretty to murder," he told him. "Besides, what use would you be if you were dead?" he joked.

Dylan looked around the room; it was small. "Could have taken me on a walk or something. The storeroom seems a little... "

"Cramped?" Luke finished. Dylan's eyes found his; noticing that he hadn't let his arms go yet; his face just centimetres away from his. "Yeah... I kinda like it, thought,"

The smirk slowly crept onto Dylan's face. "Oh?" he asked.

Luke gave a slow nod, his eyes gazing around Dylan's face, landing on his lips. Dylan's heart rate increased just a little bit.

"Are you alright?" Dylan asked him; feeling a little concerned at first. But Luke nodded again.

"Yeah, I just... wanted to see you," he said. "I'm, ah.... I'm struggling to focus in class a little bit," he said.

Dylan let off a laugh. "You and me, both," he told him. "At this rate I might have to drop out and become a prostitute,"

Luke's eyebrow raised a little. "Well... I'd certainly pay you for sex," he said. It was meant to be a joke. But Dylan's heart jolted a little at the comment as his smile widened, realizing Luke's tone sounded just a little too serious.

There was a moment of silence. They just gazed at each other. Dylan became aware of his warmth as Luke's eyes flicked towards his lips.

"Um... so can I... can I kiss you?" he asked. The question ricocheted through Dylan's head as his eyes widened. It had been a few days since the pool. Since he'd last felt the touch of Luke's lips. At first Dylan had thought that it was just a thing with Conor, and Luke together. But over the last couple of days, he'd caught Luke's gaze a few times. He knew that it wasn't quite like that. Dylan couldn't speak; he only nodded a little.

Luke's eyes narrowed in; he leant forwards, and their lips locked. Dylan felt his tenderness as his eyes closed. Their mouths parted slowly, Luke's tongue etching against his own as they started kissing. Dylan's hands unconsciously wrapped around Lukes hips, who leant into him as their embrace deepened; his own hands making their way around Dylan's neck.

The butterflies were soaring around Dylan's stomach as his tongue gently lapped in and out of Luke's eager mouth, against his own warm tongue that darted back and forth. ; their heads tilted as the sound of smacking lips filled the room. Dylan felt Luke's throat left of a gentle moan. The blood rushed; he became insanely aware of the hardness that was starting to push against his own erection. Luke could feel it too; ever so slightly he started to grind his hips against Dylan. The friction made Dylan's own boner jump in his pants, the sensation sending shockwaves through his being and his body actively jerked.

He heard Luke laugh through the kiss at the reaction. They kissed for a little longer, before they parted; Dylan's lips feeling bare as their lips popped apart, the taste of Luke still lingering as their eyes found each other again, their breathing deep,

"That was nice," Dylan found himself saying; his hand travelling up and down Luke's back, who smiled at him.

"Want to feel nicer?" he asked, a devious streak entering his eyes. Dylan was confused for a second; but only for a second, before Lukes own hand slowly travelled down Dylan's chest and stomach, before it landed on the rock hard bulge and gave it a gentle squeeze. Dylan let out a little gasp.

"" Dylan stammered. "What if someone finds us?"

But Luke just smirked. "Everyone's out to break," he assured. "For another 30 minutes. We'll be done way before then," he said.

Dylan tried to find the words to refuse; his heart was beating at a million miles per hour now. But he couldn't find himself to do it. His face was shocked; but Luke gave him another little peck on the lips, before he sank to his knees in front of him.

Dylan felt frozen; his eyes glued to Luke as his hands gently felt the bulge again. He undid Dylan's pants, opening the zip to reveal his black underwear. Luke leant forwards and gently kissed it; the sensation sending another jolt through Dylan's body. He had to stop his eyes from fluttering as Luke kissed it again, and again.

Luke's hands gently massaged up Dylan's legs; down his calves, and back up his thighs again, until they both made their way to Dylan's loins. Wordlessly, Luke gripped the elastic of Dylans underwear, gently lifting it up and down over Dylan's erection, which throbbed to every heartbeat as it revealed itself. The foreskin pulled back ever so slightly, a trickle of pre-cum etched on the slit. Luke pulled his underwear down, Dylan's cock pointing straight to the ceiling. Luke's hand wrapped around the shaft, his touch was warm, electric as he slowly pulled Dylan's foreskin down, revealing his cock head in its entirety.

Luke looked up, his eyes finding Dylan with a smile. Dylan's eyes were still wide, his mouth ajar as he tried to process what was happening. Without another warning, Luke leant in; kissing the precum covered tip, before stretching his mouth over the phallus. His cheeks concaved as he pushed his face further and further down while he sucked. The feeling of Luke's hot mouth slowly engulfing him made him let off an audible sigh; he felt his wet tongue flicker across his slit. Dylan's eyes flickered as pleasure racked through his being.

Lukes head started bobbing up and down as he sucked masterfully;' Dylan's hands in his hair as he guided him back and forth. Dylan felt so good; he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. He certainly didn't. His focus solely on Luke's warm mouth as he started moving his hips back and forth in synchronicity with Luke.

The feeling started etching its way to the surface; starting in his tummy and making it's way upwards. It came fast. Though exasperated breathing, Dylan spoke. "Luke, I'm... I'm gonna..."

But Luke didn't stop. If anything, his intensity picked up, his bobbing focusing on Dylan's cock head as he moved faster.

The feeling hit Dylan hard, and he felt himself orgasm; he had to hold back a moan as he felt his seed start erupting from his dick. Luke held him in; taking in every drop, milking him for every drop, swallowing each load as it fired and hit the back of his throat. Dylan's body convulsed as he came; feeling his cock pulse time after time before the feeling started to evaporate; instead replaced with pure bliss as he sighed.

Luke treated him a little bit longer; before he came off with a soft pop, pulling up Dylan's underwear and doing his pants up again, before he looked up and smiled at Dylan's face, filled with calm and peace, breathing hard.

Luke stood up, his face centimetres from his again. Dylan smiled at him, his hand gently touching his cheek.

"Good?" Luke asked. Dylan could only nod,

"So good," he said. His stomach was still doing somersaults. Without another word he leant forward and kissed Luke again; the taste of his own saltiness still etched on his lips.

"Your turn?" Dylan asked. Luke blinked; almost like he wasn't expecting the question. Dylan smiled at his reaction; wordlessly, he grabbed Luke's hips and swirled him around, trading his position.

"As if I'd let you give me a present like that without anything in return?" he said. The smile returned to Luke's lips; Dylan leant forward and kissed him again; this time his tongue edging forward into his. His mouth tasted like cum.

Dylan broke it off, climbing to his knees in front of him; his eyes gazed at the hard bulge that stuck out prevalently in the front of Luke's pants. He fumbled with the zip a little; Luke gave him a little laugh before he helped him; undoing the front of his pants. Dylan took over, only he pulled Luke's pants down to his thighs. His cock flopped in front of Dylan's face, resting at a 45 degree angle, throbbing softly. His foreskin also slightly pulled back; Dylan's eyes lingered for a second, feeling his mouth start to salivate. He was... he was salivating?

He looked up' Luke's eyes were locked on him, too. He gave him a smile; Dylan looked back down, gently taking his hot member in his hand, gently pulling his foreskin down and back up, jerking him off a little bit. Dylan watched his testicles gently move back and forth as Luke let off a small sigh. Dylan looked up; his eyes were closed, basking in the feelings.

Dylan felt himself smile. He looked back, pulled his foreskin all the way back before he leant forwards. Luke's cock head tasted salty; Dylan's own heart started pounding again as he started sucking him. He pushed his head down all the way; doing the trick Luke had taught him with his fist. Soon his nose touched his pubic hair; he smelt musky, like boy sweat; his whole mouth filled with his cock. It only drove Dylan's senses wild as he came back up. He flicked his tongue along his cockheads rim, before moving back down; suckling gently as he started moving back and forth. Luke moaned softly; his own hands entering into Dylan's hair. Dylan liked that a lot. It sent tingles up and down his spine

He used his other hand, gently feeling Lukes balls as he blew him. They were light; with little hairs all along it. Dylan enjoyed touching them, a lot. Almost as much as he enjoyed having his cock in his mouth.

Only 3 minutes passed before he felt Luke's breathing quicken. He took that sign and sped up. Luke gave little warning; but Dylan could feel his cock start throbbing in his mouth. Luke grunted; Dylan came up, holding only his cock head in his mouth as he felt the first strand of salty hot cum shoot against his tongue, then another, then another. He felt Luke's whole body shiver as he orgasmed; Dylan swallowed once, twice, three times. As Luke came off his orgasm, Dylan suckled just a little bit longer; making sure he got all the remnants before he came off with a pop. He looked up; Luke looked at him happily, his breathing fast like his own had been.

"Holy shit," Luke let off, a smile curling on his lips. Dylan used his hand, gently pulling the foreskin down and back up with a gentle squeeze. One more bit of cum squeezed from the slit; Dylan leant forward and gave it a little lick, before he helped Luke pull up his pants. He stood as Luke did himself up. Before he could say anything, Luke pulled him forward into another deep kiss; their saliva swapped as their tongues lapped against each other, before they finally parted, gently gazing into each other's eyes.

Dylan glanced along the features of his face; eyes, his adorable freckles etched across his nose. "Are you staying this weekend?"

But Luke shook his head. "Not this weekend. Going to my friend," he said; before he smiled. "But i'll be back Sunday afternoon,"

Dylan nodded, slightly disappointed again. But there was no use in dawdling on it. He kissed Luke thankfully one more time; lingering in each other's presence before they carefully exited the closet, checking if the coast was clear before they made their way from the building. As they walked, Dylan realized that he had the strongest urge to hold Luke's hand; his mind still reeling on what had just happened.

Could it get any better than this?

Next: Chapter 7

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