Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Feb 23, 2009


My Apologies to Fin. Next part will have more story line. Enjoy!

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 -- Part 6 ~~

"Let him sleep." Winnie's calm voice was all that I heard. My eyes were closed and I was almost awake.

"But I was just gonna."

"Alone." Winnie emphasized to Desmond. I let myself give in to the tiredness.

I dreamt of being back in the cave with the Ironside fellow. We conversed in mindless babble that made absolutely no sense which often happens in dreams. It was more vivid, as dreams in Winnie's house were. It wasn't until the world shifted that I realized I wasn't alone in this dream.

Suddenly there were two Ironsides sitting beside each other in the same position. The clone removed his sword and sliced the other in half, its body disintegrating into black dust that was carried away on an unfelt breeze. He stood up. I did too.

"You startled me. I did not know what to do." He told me. "How did you find out his name?"

"I uh." I wasn't sure if telling him would be the best idea. "I saw an old picture. In town."

He took a step closer to me. The sword in his hands floated up and attached itself to his back. "My family was never this far north. Tell me the truth." He looked imposing, straightening up to his full height and pushing his chest out slightly. His eyes changed to a bright red.

"How do you do all of this?" I asked innocently. His body slumped back down. I'd successfully changed the conversation. That wasn't too hard. "If you're related to a person, then you must be human." I moved closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "You can tell me."

His red irises were joined by pulsing blood vessels as his eyes teared up. "I can't. Say." Weakling. Cry you wimp!... Suffer! Suffer! I relish it!... He doesn't love you, no one does. "Shut up!" He grasped his head and was brought to his knees.

I began to be scared. "What. Were those voices.?"

He looked up at me, crying tears of blood. "Torture." Was all he said. He bent back down and continued to cry.

I began to back away slowly. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. But it was not the sort of pity you give just anyone. I genuinely cared. Mustering up courage I came back towards him and kneeled down in front of him, offering a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, whatever this is, you can fight it. I can help you if you would let me."

"You cannot help me," he said in a sobbing voice, "no one can help me!" He sniffed. "It's not possible to undo that which has been done. I am bound forever! Nothing I do is good enough, I obey everything he says and still I am nothing more than a dog!" He composed himself and took me in his arms. "Tomorrow I receive the final voice. I'll be complete. Perfect." He hugged me tight. "I may change. I may not be me. I may not see you again. But know that. I love you.."

I was a little taken back. This man who had stalked me, killed my parents, killed or tired to kill everyone who I'd slept with loved me. "Why.?" was all I could force out.

"I cannot stay much longer." He rubbed his hand down my face. "The power of the witch makes it difficult to maintain this dream walk. But I was hunting someone who was hunting you. And when I saw you." he exhaled, shrinking into himself. "It was bliss."

He faded from my dream as it returned to the fuzziness that often comes along with dreams. I lost control of myself and the dream ran its course until I awoke.

"Hey kid." Desmond called out to me from across the room. I'd never been in this room before. There were a few single beds lined up along one side of the wall, I was in the middle one. Desmond sat in a chair, its back pushed against the wall. His elbow rested on a small rustic desk and he chewed on his fingernails.

I sat up. "Hey." He came over and sat on the end of the bed. "How long was I out for? . Why was I out?"

He laughed. "I dunno, you were pretty tired I guess."

"Ya." I trailed off into thoughts of the previous night.

"And I know you fucked him again." His hand was griping the sheets as he stared at it intently. "I'm not mad. I get it."

"Desmond I'm sorry but I."

"Stop. I hate apologies that have a `but' in them. They're not real. And besides, I'm not angry, so there's nothing to apologize for. I dunno." He got up and made for the door. "We've got to go into town for some things, so whenever you're ready, I'll be downstairs."

I felt as though that conversation was very uncharacteristic of Desmond. I'd known him for a little over a week and I felt as though I knew him fairly well. We seemed to click. But that was awkward. I couldn't put my finger on it.

I rose from the bed and opened the door. I was just beside the study. I wandered into the room Desmond and I shared to get my street clothes for our little outing. I opened the door and the room was in shambles. It looked as though a hurricane had come through it. Some of the wooden furniture was cracked, decimated even. The bed was flipped over onto its side, curtains pulled down from the rod. Either there was a fight in here, or Desmond lied when he said that he wasn't angry. Or at least, he wasn't anymore.

I found my clothes easy enough. They seemed to have escaped the wrath of whatever had come through here. I put them on and left the room, closing the door firmly behind me. I ran right into Desmond.

"Oh. Hi." I stammered.

"What are you surprised to see me? I've seen you every day."

"No. I just. I didn't expect to see you. Right now."

He looked at the door. "Ya, sorry it's kinda a mess in there. I had a fight."

"Oh my god with who? Are you ok?"

His brilliant green eyes sparkled at me and he smirked as he said "Ya. Of course." He moved past me and opened the door. "Winnie just has strange ways of having you deal with your own inner demons. She likes to manifest them."


"Nevermind." He grabbed his wallet off of the floor, pushing some woodchips aside. "I forgot this. You ready?"

"Ya." I perked up, smiling at him.

"Good. I'm starving." He leaned down to my ear. "And between you and me, Winnie made bread for breakfast and it's fucking inedible."

"I heard that!" Came a flustered shout from the kitchen. Desmond laughed, putting his arm around me and we went downstairs and out the front door.

As we walked towards the car, I shuddered and stopped in my tracks. My hand went to my head and I felt dizzy for a moment.

"Hey T, you alright?" Desmond said opening the driver's side door.

"Ya. I just felt weird there for a second."

He chuckled. "Hey, maybe there's some witch in you yet! You just crossed the wards Winnie has up on this place."

"Stop confusing me today!"

"Relax kiddo, it just means you're more sensitive to magik than the normal person. Doesn't mean anything. Sort of like. Caffeine affects some people more than others. No big deal."

"Can you relate everything to coffee?"

All joking was aside. His face was serious. "I really need a coffee right now."

"You have no self-restraint." I said sitting in the passenger seat.

I felt his hand on my thigh, drastically close to my groin. "No, I have too much." He started the engine and turned the car around. It wasn't until we got to the road that he removed his hand.

Desmond gurgled his coffee as if it was mouth wash.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Gargaring." He said all `I'm at the dentist' like.

I was confused. ". Stop."

He swallowed. "Helps get the caffeine into me faster."

"How does that even make sense?"

"You're young, I wouldn't expect you to know." He winked at me.

We were in a small store off of the Circle in Kapuskasing. It was an army/hunting type of place with a limited selection. Apparently, it's difficult to get things this far north, despite the fact that it is primarily a hunter society. He was standing in front of a display case showing a wide selection of knives, the one thing that the store had a plethora of. Being across the store looking at bows to the mere shock value of it and being able to hear him adds to the disgustingness of the situation.

"I'll take this one I guess." He pointed on the glass to the longer of the blades and the man took it out of the display, placing it on the counter. Desmond picked it up and made a slashing motion in front of the store clerk's face. He didn't even blink.

"I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from doing that." He said in a tiresome way.

Desmond smirked. "Ah-I'm just playing." He took another gulp of coffee, gurgling it. The man stared blankly at Desmond from behind thick glasses. "Refrain?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

"I'm waiting in the car." I said as I opened the big wooden door.

"Bye honey!" Desmond called after me. "What? Refrain?" I heard as the door closed.

It was mid-day, the sun was nearly directly overhead and there was no breeze. A warm day. I sat in the car with the windows down and watched people through the mirrors. I enjoyed watching people and picking out random facts about them or making them up. For example, there was a large man in a yellow shirt that I decided was into bestiality because the yellow shirt made him look kind of like a fire hydrant. Things like that.

A knock on the driver's side window startled me. It was a police officer. "Excuse me can you get out of the vehicle please?" I did as he said and was met by his partner waiting outside my door. I didn't notice him.

"Sir, place your hands behind you back."


"You are under arrest." He then proceeded to rhyme off a much longer than you might think list of Rights as my hands were cuffed.

"Look it's not my car, I'm sorry if it was illegally parked."

"Sir, you are not under arrest for a traffic violation," the partner said, "You are under arrest for two counts of first degree murder, one count of second degree murder and arson."

"Ah fuck." I muttered.

Desmond is gonna be pissed. I thought as I waited in a holding cell. There was no one else around, being noon on a weekday. It wasn't very big, I assume because it was a small town. I was at the very back of the room in a cell with two walls and two barred walls, making for a very cozy experience on the whole.

"God this is fucking stupid." I wished that Winnie was watching so she could tell Desmond or warp me out of here or whatever the hell witches could do. Could they blow things up? Was Ironside a witch maybe? It would explain a few things. Ok more than a few things, more like everything. Maybe he'd rescue me? No, he said that he was going away for some final voice or something. I don't know. One of them would save me. I hope.

"Timothy Cetris." mused a man in a collared shirt holding an open folder. He was slightly older, typical detective that you might find on a tv show. Sans suspenders though. But he did have classic brown hair parted on one side and a goatee.

"It's a hard `C'."

"Really? I don't care." He stopped in front of the bars and slapped them with the folder. "Just had this faxed up from Toronto. You've been bad." He smirked. "Killing your parents? Your teacher slash lover." he held the last syllable in his mouth. "Blowing up the locker room? How'd you manage that?"

"Just talented I guess." I stood up trying to look confident and cocky when really I was scared shitless. "So what. Two? Maybe three days tops?"

"Ah common Mr. Cetris, you were fucking a 40 plus year old man, you weren't top." He laughed at himself. "No, this is. 50 years min? Good behaviour of course."

"Well I can be good. Of course I can be bad." I ran my finger up the fly of his pants, feeling his bulge. Hey, if I was going to get out of this, and slutting it up would help, you'd better believe that's what I was going to do. Besides, once he opens the door, I just knock him out and book it.

He snorted a laugh at me. "I'm married you homo."

I full out grabbed his groin this time. "Doesn't your file say that Mr. Grehy was too? And you don't seem to be moving away." I groped a little more at his bulge and it began to respond. "And you don't seem to hate the idea."

"This is a little unprofessional." He was chastising me. I unzipped his fly and put my hand inside his pants. "And that's illegal." Slipping my hand into his underwear I grasped his thickening member and stroked it softly. His facial expression never changed. "I'm going to have to ask you to stop that Mr. Cetris."

"It's a hard `C'." I said getting on my knees and pulling his dick out of his pants. I reached out and pulled him towards the bars, his cock hanging trough them. I licked the head of the medium sized cop dick and ran my lips over the head, making the cop exhale loudly. "Still want me to stop?" I asked, trying to seem seductive.

He grabbed the bars with both hands, letting the folder fall to the ground and litter its contents. "Ya." He said. Obviously lying, I gobbled down his cock about half way and dragged my lips all the way to its head. Doing it again, I let it slip out of my mouth making a loud kissing noise. I wrestled with his pants and managed to get his balls out too, they squished between his zipper and hard cock. "Here." He offered, undoing his belt and letting his pants fall to the floor. I worked his underwear off and he spread his legs.

I sucked on his cock and massaged his balls with one hand while the other crept up and in between his ass cheeks to rub his hole. "Ah! That's good." He moaned at me. A hand released the bars and went to the back of my head, guiding his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it getting more into it with every pull of his hand. I lost the point of this blowjob; I just liked sucking him off.

I stopped rubbing his balls and moved up under his shirt, feeling his hairy stomach and semi-defined abs. He was in alright shape, but he was getting older, much harder to stay in shape. My hand made it up to his nipples and I rubbed, flicked and teased them. He enjoyed it so I continued. First on one, then the next, still playing with his ass hole.

My own dick was hard and I stopped teasing his ass to open my pants and tug at myself. The detective laughed, "Horney little guy huh? Don't get enough action?" Shut up. "I'll give ya some." He pulled his wet cock out of my mouth and I lunged forward to grab the drop of pre-cum that formed, but was stopped by the bars. I followed him on my hands and knees to the door of the cell and took his cock into my mouth as soon as the door was open.

I pulled at his knees making him fall to the hard cement ground with a thud. "Ah!" he shouted in pain. "You little bitch." My body was between his legs sucking on his cock and he started thrusting up into my mouth in his own form of punishment. Wasn't really punishment for me at all.

With him on his back and his knees bent I spit at my middle finger and slid it into his exposed ass. "Oh fuck ya!" Was the response. So I went in deeper, slowly working my finger in and out of his tight butt. I guessed that his wife didn't do this for him. I kicked my pants off and continued jerking myself with my other free hand.

"Man you're fuckin good." His compliment fell on def ears as his pelvis began to thrust upwards into my mouth then back down onto my finger, making me wish I could do this with Desm.

"Your cock helps." I said, taking a breath from my sucking and licking.

"I wanna fuck you." He moaned, swiveling his ass to get more pleasure out of my finger. So I gave him another one. "Ah! Haha! Fuck ya."

Both his hands forced my mouth further down his shaft, not stopping once my nose was buried completely in his pubes. He loved the deep throat. "Nah, I want you to cum in my mouth." I managed to say.

He bit his bottom lip. "There's plenty to go around. Ugh."

"Good cause I'm never satisfied with just one load." I shoved his cock to the back of my throat, gagging slightly but turning it into a prolonged suck.

"That's a hot fucking hole man." Came a mysterious voice. I let his cock slip out of my mouth and I turned my head to look to the doorway, where my ass was facing. There were two cops there, full uniform but for the hats. They could have been brothers, both with short brown hair, blue eyes and strong jaws. The one on the right had his hand down his unbuttoned pants going wild with his cock. "You were suppose to tell us if he was game or not." The one on the left said.

"Oh shit sorry guys," the detective said, "I got a little caught up." He chuckled. I suddenly remembered that I was blowing this cop to escape, but that way now fairly impossible since there were three of them.

"Alright well hop on his ass so we can get lubed up." They dropped their pants and removed their shirts, leaving them both in white wife beaters and black socks. I went to stand up in protest but the two men grabbed me and forced me back to the ground, my head landing in one of their groins, cheek pressed tight against a sizable dick. "Nah man, you're not goin' anywhere. We only just got here."

"Common, " the other said "blow me."

"Oh FUCK!" I shouted as the detective's cock slid into my ass, he had to spit at it a few times to get my ass to take any more of it. I was quickly silenced by one of the cops' cocks.

They fought with each other over dominance of my mouth, each one slapping at my face when I wasn't blowing him with his floppy dick. The Detective made the same swiveling move he had with my finger to my ass, throwing it for a loop, working every angle with a grunt each time his balls hit mine.

The other cops got violent and pushed the other out of the way, shoving his bigger cock into my mouth and thrusting into it. I got overwhelmed being pushed back into the detective's cock and forward into the cops' cock that I fell forward, the detective being stronger.

"Get up fucker." The cop said as he grabbed my chin and guiding it to his dick. The other cop claimed my ass as the detective settled for rubbing his hard cock between the thrusting legs of the cop. My ass stretched more to accommodate the bigger cop. I started moaning really loudly with the cock in my mouth and found myself pushing back against the one cops' thrusts with a loud slapping sound.

Happy with the attention his cock was getting, the smaller dick'd cop leaned back and let me take over the blowing. His trim body flexed as he leaned back exposing those rare veins that ran across his pelvis and into his pubes. "Fuck him all you want fellas." He said closing his eyes. "Ahh."

My hole became empty as the cop and the detective switched up. I tried tightening against the smaller detective as he fucked me like a rabbit, fast as he could, trying to make up for lost fucking time. My hole contracted around the head of his pole as it left and re-entered, puling out as far as he could. He slowed down a little, savoring the experience. "Ah fuck that feels so good." I moaned. "Your wife not this tight?"

My face got slapped with a cock. "Shut up and suck." The cop said. The three of them laughed and the detective responded with a groaning `no.'

"Move over." And they switched up, my ass begging for the smaller of the two but not getting it. "Ah that's a good fucking ass." I tightened as much as I could to try and make him cum. I needed the lube and wanted the detective, he fucked much better. Riding against the cops' cock he moaned, rubbing the small of my back and using his hand to push my ass back onto his dick.

My blowjob cop was moaning too, taunting me with his cum. I kept tasting more and more of it as he got closer and closer to cumming in my mouth. He was salty but sweet and I could feel the pre-cum on my tongue, a good sign he wasn't going to shoot water into my mouth, but thick streams of cum.

The fucking paused as the cop and the detective had a brief fight. "Nah man fuck off."

"Fine I'll just fuck you then."

"Oh holy shit!" his cock pounded into my ass harder than ever as he thrust into me then pushed back to get fucked by the detective. "Fuck that feels good." He moaned.

The cop I was blowing gripped my chin and drew my mouth up to his and kissed me. "Let them sort it out." He whispered into my ear before licking it and kissing me again. "I want your ass boy."

I slid out from the other cop who didn't seem to mind and I put both my legs on the other side of my cops friend's, putting my ass over his cock. I sat down onto it, I was stretched out enough from the other two poundings to take all he had to offer. He put his hands on my hips and worked me up and down his shaft, moaning the whole time wildly.

I could hear the other two fucking intensely and it only made me hornier for the hot cop I was riding. My hips worked deep onto his cock as he gave little thrusts into me, letting me fuck at my pace. I managed to poke my prostate with his cock a few times, never making constant contact, but I still tried as hard as I could which drove him crazy.

He drove up inside me with one last forceful thrust and I felt his cock spasm inside my ass. It shot a few loads up into me and I rode it while he came. He moaned loudly, thrusting to try and get the last bits of cum as deep inside me as possible. He then pulled out of me and stood up, shaking the last bits of cum at me. "Thanks bitch." He said as he left the cell. I'm not sure why I expected anything else, but I did.

I didn't have to wait long for the detective to cum on the back of the other cop. His thick white cum made webs on his back that got smoothed together as the detective ran his hand along the cops' back. He too got up and put his clothes on. He offered his hand to the other cop who sucked the cum off the detective's hands.

The remaining cop smirked at me and tackled me to the ground, spreading my legs high over his shoulders as he rammed him dick into me for his grand finale. Working my ass, I jerked myself into an intense orgasm. I pointed my dick at his abs as I squirted all the cum I had. It got tangled on his wife beater. His cock went firm in my ass as he let loose his cum into me. I could feel the force behind it on an unknown wall of my insides. At no fewer than ten pumps of his cock and he pulled out of me. I was spent and laid on the cement floor as he took off his cum soaked shirt and threw it at me.

"Clean up." He ordered as he pulled on his pants and buttoned up his shirt then strutted out of the room.

I gasped for breath on the floor for awhile before I wiped my ass clear of the escaping cum. Finding my pants, I pulled them on and cleaned up the cum that was on the floor. Amazing. The only thing left to do was to sit down on the bench and wait for. anything?

It was a few hours before the detective came in again to retrieve the folder he had let fall to the floor. "Hey." Was all he said to me.

"Back for more?" I asked.

"More what?" He looked sternly at me.

"Ah right, sexual misconduct unbefitting a police officer?" I smirked at him. "It's fine, you're all going to die anyways."

He looked at me with an expression of concern on his face. "What do you mean?"

I smiled knowlingly at him, wondering if I should say anything. I opted for yes. "Everyone I fuck dies. Call it a jealous boyfriend if you want. I didn't kill Mr. Grehy, my parents or blow up the school. He did. So good luck dealing with him when he shows up."

"You're lying." He said turning to leave.

"If you're sure." I closed my eyes to try and sleep. I didn't know if I was lying or not to tell the truth. But either way, I'd scared him.

A bang on the bars made me open my eyes. The detective was looking a mix of fear and anger. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"What the fuck?" I heard from outside the holding cell area. I smiled as the detective drew his gun and ran to the door.

Guns went off and men screamed. The light from their discharging weapons lit up the doorway to the main area of the police station. Someone or something was out there. The only question remained as to whether it was Ironside or Desmond. It was hard to tell.

Just then I heard the sound of iron bars breaking behind me. I turned around and Desmond crashed through the small window in the upper part of the cell. The bars looked as though they had been heated and then snapped. "Uh-oh." I said.

"What's wrong with you? Common I'm jail breaking." He smiled at me and pulled a rope down from the shattered window. The detective was flung through the doorway to the holding area with a crash. "What the fuck?" Desmond stared in awe as Ironside walked through the door.

They stared at each other for a moment, realizing who each other was. Ironside was different. His eyes were fierier, he seemed furious. "You!" he shouted and stormed towards the holding cell we were in. The bars bent effortlessly around Ironside as he approached them

"Holy shit." Desmond stared wide-eyed at the display of power.

"How dare you show your face here mortal." He was so much more hostile than before. What had happened to him? "I'll gut you with the rest of this filth!" Desmond was flung against the wall, held a few feet off the ground by an unseen force. He screamed.

"Stop it!" I ran towards him but was thrown against one of the bar walls. They dug into my back, pressing my spin inwards. I screamed out in pain. "AGH! Why are you doing this?!" I pleaded.

"Silence! Your infidelity will be dealt with soon enough." A shot rang out through the cement room. Ironside lurched forward and Desmond and I both dropped to the ground. His chest began to bleed, staining the torn shirt. He turned around to see the hung cop poised to shoot another round into his target. But the cop was bloodied and clearly unstable on his own feet.

Another shot was fired as Ironside turned to face the cop. The bullet spun a few inches from his face, suspended in mid air. "Ah-ah-aaahh." Ironside scolded. "Bad pig." The bullet lodged itself in the cop's leg and he yelled out in pain.

Ironside continued towards the wounded officer as Desmond put a hand on my shoulder. He moved me towards the window and helped me up. As I pulled my body out through the broken glass, I heard a sword unsheathe. Desmond soon followed me and picked me up, running towards the parking lot. I had cut myself on the glass, my forearm bleeding profusely.

Desmond somehow opened the car door while still holding me and placed me inside. He kissed my forehead before closing the door and getting into the driver's seat. Screams from the police station muffled the squealing of tires as we sped away.

"Are you alright?" Desmond gasped for breath, trying to look at me and the road, going far over the speed limit in the dark of the night.

"I'll be fine." I said, taking of my shirt and wrapping my arm in it. I pulled it tight and winced as the cut was forced to close.

"Was that him?" Desmond said meekly, followed by a deep gulp.

"Ya." I muttered. I could tell Desmond was worried. Almost as if he knew then that if it ever came down to it, he would lose in a fight for me.

"Ok." Was the last thing he said for the entire trip back to Winnie's. His eyes remained glued to the road, almost unblinking.

Pulling up to her house, Desmond stroked my cheek with a warm and inviting hand. "If you were. more comfortable, I could set up some wards around a hotel room." I looked to him. His green eyes shouted concern and lust. "You know. Cause he knows where Winnie lives."

"No." I said. But for the wrong reasons. "We're safer here."

"I know my way around some white magik T." he protested.

"I still feel safer here." I admitted. "Ironside isn't the only one who is hunting me."

It seemed as though Winnie told him the name of the mystery man since he showed no reaction to me naming him. "Whaddyou mean?" His hand went to my left thigh and grasped it almost painfully. "T?" He said without giving me proper time to respond.

"Ironside told me that the reason he found me was because a hunter he was hunting was looking for me. His master is getting him to slowly wipe out the hunters."

"Chris and Linda Somerfield." He mused and turned his attention to the windshield of the car becoming lost in thought.

"I can only assume that he killed them. But I don't know. All I know is that there is a hunter out there that wants me for something, but I have no idea who it is. How many are there?"

"Hundreds." Desmond said still mesmerized by his own thoughts. Snapping out of it, he tapped my thigh a few times with the hand that once rested on it. "Common, let's get inside."

We got out of the car and walked to the house. Winnie opened the door just as Desmond was reaching for it. "Way to clear the glass Desmond." She said as she hurried me to the stairs.

Desmond protested. "Hey! At least I spent the effort to find him instead of `leaving it to fate'!" he mocked.

"Oh relax." Winnie hushed and pushed me up a few more steps.

"No!" He shoved Winnie aside. "We do this the old fashioned way." Winnie looked startled and emotionally hurt. "I'll do it myself." He said in a calmer voice, seeming to remember that she basically raised him.

He ushered me into the room we shared and pushed me onto the bed. He leapt onto me, kissing me and feeling my body with one hand, the other trapped under my body. He threw off his shirt, medallion still hanging from his neck. He kissed down my chest to my stomach, the coin touched my skin and I shivered as it was colder than I expected.

He kissed my belly, making his way down to the hair that lead to my crotch. Once he pushed my pants down as far as he could with his chin, he forced himself back up to the mouth, grinding his pelvis into me, not caring what part of my his stiffening cock rubbed up against.

I moaned when he began kissing the side of my neck, making me strain upwards for him to go further up. His hand gripped my wrists and pushed my arms up over my head. I screamed as my wrists hit the wall, my shirt coming loose from the wound and ripping off the clotted blood. He didn't stop kissing me until I begged him to stop. Even then he was confused.

"My arm. It hurts." He'd completely forgotten about it. His face turned to regret as he apologized and pulled himself off of me. His hand wiped his mouth clean of our saliva as he looked at me, totally hard.

"I'm sorry." He nodded a few times before rushing to one of the dressers in the room. He took out a small bundle of cloth and spread it out on the bed beside me. He kissed the side of my neck where he was assaulting a few moments before and took a bottle out from under the bed.

Slowly and without protest, he removed my shirt that dressed the wound. He warned me about the sting and poured some alcohol onto my arm. It did sting and I winced. He put the bottle to my lips and I gulped down a hefty amount. It only stung my throat.

Desmond opened the cloth bundle and threaded a needle. He then took a swig of the alcohol and ran the thread through his mouth, visibly washing it. "It's ok." He reassured me and poked the needle through my skin, the first of many.

It was awhile before I was stitched up, and afterwards, we went straight to bed. Desmond was much less reserved about holding me, whether it was because I was injured. again. or that he had met Ironside. Either way, when I awoke, it was still dark outside, but something was urging me to wake up.

I went to the window as if it were a dream and saw Ironside looking at me from across the salt line. I put on Desmond's coat and went down to see him.

He was covered in blood and had a serious expression on his face. "I just finished dealing with them. All of them." He snarled. "Why?" he demanded. "Am I not good enough?"

"Right now? No. You've changed. What happened to you? What happened to the sweet guy who made love to me instead of just fucking me?"

"I told you that I would change. I told you that I may never see you again and I have! Yet it is not enough for you? Even that human is not enough for you! You must have three!" He growled and tried to come at me but stopped short of the buried salt. He breathed heavily in anger.

"You're right. You said all those things. But you also said that you loved me." He stared wide eyed at me. "What of that?"

"Oh no." He paused and his eyes teared up, not blinking. "Oh God NO!" He collapsed to his knees, seeming to recall who he was. "What I did to them. The screams. The blood. So much blood. Tim. You need to save me! Please, help me!"

"I don't know if I can." I shed a single tear and then turned towards the house. I tried to ignore his shouts and pleas for forgiveness, but I continued towards the house.

When I made it back to the bedroom, the screaming had stopped and Desmond was sitting on the bed. He stood as I entered the room.

He grabbed me and kissed me, the most passionate kiss I'd ever received. "I'm proud of you." He whispered and kissed me again.

Next: Chapter 7

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