Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Jan 23, 2009


So this one is long but it has no actual sexual acts in it. I'm not going to put in a sex scene where one does not belong in relation to the story. Sorry if that's the only thing you came here for. I do enjoy writing it so keep the comments coming, I'm open to criticism and questions. Enjoy. =0)

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 -- Part 4 ~~

This seems to be a common theme in my life as of late, me angry with Desmond over something. Although I am not one to give in to the high school bullshit of `I'm mad at you so I'm not going to talk to you,' I flat out refused to talk to Desmond. Call me a hypocrite if you want but really, would you? It was harsh.

As a result, I had not talked to him since telling him that the muffins he had brought for breakfast were shit. My face had remained in a constant infuriating face when he looked at me, and a mildly lesser one when he did not. My eyes watched the road whipping by outside of the window.

From what I cared to listen to, we were headed to Kapuskasing, where Winnie lives. For those of you who don't know Canada, it's really fucking far North. Around ten hours from where we were. There was much rejoicing.

I'm not entirely sure as to why we are going up there, but it does have something to do with my Incubus. Perhaps Winnie has a way of getting rid of it? I started to feel as though I were in real danger of dying because I slept with it. I had to find out more about it. Once we stop for the night, I'll grab those books he was looking through.

"Hey look at that, a deer." Desmond smiled. That was the 34th time that he had tried to get me to say something. "Ever seen one of them before?" 12th time he'd tried to start a conversation with me. "Ok look, I'm sorry I said it, I was angry." 8th time he had apologized. He paused, glancing from me to the road. I continued to look out the window into the farmers fields, recently plowed and still a deep brown, the sun not getting at it much.

"Fine." He said, turning on the radio, this being the 52nd time he did this to break the silence in the car. From the other numbers I was keeping, I knew that soon he would turn off the radio saying that the song that was playing was crappy or country.

And so we drove on along the winding highway 12 North to Kapuskasing. I'd never been there, heard it was a big timber town but the mill was going under. Unfortunate. But why would Winnie live all the way up there? Some sort of spiritual connection with the land probably. Maybe there was a Canadian Stonehenge or something.

The day proceeded into the early afternoon when we reached Nobel, a small town outside of Parry Sound. "Arg! I can't drive anymore! And this song is crap!" 53.

He got out of the car and slammed the door. Placing both hands on the roof he look to the ground and stretched his legs, letting his head fall down. I slowly got out of the car and looked around. We were on a dirt road with nothing around us but trees and a field. I wandered, looking at the unfamiliar ground and tall grass that encroached on the road. I broke of a piece and proceeded to pull it apart into sections, discarding them on the road.

Desmond looked up. "Where are you going?" I didn't look back. I just wandered where I felt like I was being led. I heard footsteps coming after me on the soft dirt. "Common back to the car, it's not safe out here." Why not? I pondered. But the pondering only led me further down the road. "I'm serious Tim! Common!" He scurried up to me and grabbed my arm forcefully.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" I screamed at him. I took his arm and jammed it back into his shoulder, it would hurt for awhile.

"Ah fuck!" he grimaced. "Well at least I got a word outta you."

"Don't get use to it." I kept walking down the road.

"Tim look..." he jumped a few steps to catch up to me. "I shouldn't have said that. And I'm sorry. Really I am." He stopped and grabbed me again, this time with both hands on my arms and forced me to face him. "Look at me!" I looked him in the eye. "I. Am. Sorry." I felt the anger melt from my face as I looked into his eyes. They looked almost but not quite as sad as when he told me about the vampires. "I know it hurt... I know I hurt you and it happened but can we move on? I was angry, I was..." he let out a big breath and looked to the ground. "I was really angry." He said looking back to me.

I stepped away from him and his hands stuttered as they let me go, unsure what my reaction was and unsure if they should reaffirm their grip. "My life was taken from me." I whispered, not sure how I even felt. "You're it... Never." I said bringing up a hand in a `stop' gesture.

"Never again." He said quickly and bluntly. He held out his arms to hug me. I turned on my heels and started back towards the car.

"We need food." I called back to him.

"Are you hungry?" he started after me.

"No." I turned my head to look at him. "You're stomach was grumbling through your whole speech." He chuckled at me.

"Maple syrup is proof that god exists and that he loves us." Desmond said as he drizzled it all over his pancakes, sausage and salad.

"That's disgusting." I said with a concerned look on my face.

"That's the beauty of all day breakfast Timmy, pancakes and whatever the hell else you want. Then you mix it together." And he did just that.

"Sounds like cafeteria chili." I moaned remembering the horrible stomachaches and painful ring of fire. I went back to my ham sandwich whose tagline was "grown right here in Nobel, no bull here!" I think it was a pun, but I wasn't sure.

The small diner was made out of the front portion of a house, the kitchen in the back was wide open for all to see, separated only by a long counter where a few men were sitting and eating.

"Hey hun, need anything?" the waitress was a woman in her mid 50s, red curly hair pulled up into a bun. She wore a stripped red and white shirt with jeans and an apron that covered her rather large breasts.

Desmond grunted a `yes' behind his food and began pointing at the table. The waitress looked confused but when he tried to open his mouth, food fell out. In a mildly disgusted face I turned to her. "Coffee please." I smiled. "He's a fiend." Desmond nodded and grunted enthusiastically.

"So are you aware yet of how much food your mouth can hold or are you completely oblivious?"

A hard swallow. "I'm actually trying to become a squirrel. It's going good." He shoved more food into his mouth and smiled at me, teeth full of sausage. I laughed through my nose and finished my sandwich.

By the time we were finished, it was nearly 4. We walked up to the car and faced each other over the roof.

"I don't wanna drive anymore." He shrugged.

"Ok... I can't drive so..."

"We'll stay put for the night then. Get in I saw a motel back on the highway. You may have been blinded by hatred." He smiled,

"Too soon." I said getting in the car.

"Ok." He said in a `woops' type way and biting his bottom lip.

We drove for a few minutes up the road and reached the small motel. It consisted of six rooms in an open courtyard, each with the drapes drawn and white plastic chairs out front. Very stereotypical though small. Right across the street was a sizable bar called Mickey's, the sign in neon letters with an olive dotting the i. Classy...?

We walked into the office to the left of all the rooms. No one was there. Desmond walked up to the counter and dinged the little bell. "Hello?" He called out.

I walked over to a rack of magazines and the local paper. Sifting through them I found nothing of interest. "Where the hell is everyone?" Desmond glanced out the window then turned back to the counter. "Hello?!" he dinged the bell a few more times.

Man attacked by Wolves was the headline on the local paper, Northern Times – Nobel. There was a picture of him, a school photo, the ones with the blue background. He was smiling wide. He wasn't any older than I was. "Stomach ripped open. That's fucking sick." I read aloud. Minus the `fucking sick' part.

"Oh hello there!" a woman stepped out from a doorway behind the desk. I'm fairly certain that it was not a doorway but a time machine because she looked like she came from the 1980s. Her hair was in a bee hive and her clothes were bright and fairly tight. "Awful to hear about James. He was a good boy." She said half smiling. She was very... peppy... "So! What can I do for you gentlemen? Needa room?" Her Northern Ontario accent was thick.

"Uh ya..." Desmond said a little taken back.

"Okie dokie, one bed or two?" she picked up a pen and it hovered over a ledger on the desk. She looked at us with a blank expression.


"Two please." I interjected.

Her blank expression sprung into a big smile. "Greaaat. Ok then you folks are in room 6, right at the end there. Ok? Now there's no one else stayin here yet so you've got the good one. Although I think the truckers might come in a little later then. Okie you two have fun!" She smiled and looked down at the ledger, writing furiously still with a huge smile.

"What'd you say about that kid?" Desmond walked over and said quietly. He stood close to my back and I could smell him. He smelled good, a little musty.

"Oh that James character!" She looked up again. "Attacked by wolves, shame no? You know my husband always shoots wolves whenever he sees `em cause they cause nothin but problems up here. But they go for the gut first you see? They don't eat veggies but deer and we sure do eh?" she chuckled. "But don't you go worryin yourself over that, tell you what." She finally took a breath. "You twos go over to Mickey's tonight and you'll have a great time! It's karaoke! I'm gonna be singing Total Eclipse so don't you miss it ok? Bye bye now!"

Desmond looked at me and I turned to look at him. Our eyes met and a look of confusion was exchanged. We left the office without another word.

"People are fucking weird." Desmond unlocked the door and stepped into the dark and dusty motel room. He threw open the curtains and the setting sun let what little light it had left into the room. The two double beds sat the stereotypical distance apart with a nightstand in the middle. Another nightstand that was propped up on cinderblocks served as a table with two bar stools on either side.

I dropped my stuff onto the bed closest to the door and walked to the sink at the back of the room. Off to the right was a small stall with a toilet and shower. I turned and saw Desmond flop down onto the other bed, covering his eyes with his elbow. "There's no tv." He whined. I grabbed the keys that were hanging out of his pocket and went to the car to grab those books. "Hey..." he sat up.

"Relax." I muttered.

A few minutes later I returned with the books and put them on the table. Desmond looked at me with his head tilted down. "Curious?" He asked.

"Mostly how to get it to go away." I said opening the largest book.

"They don't go away. Not that easily." He leaned on his elbow and turned his body to face me. "There's some bullshit about excommunicating them but that's just crap. Exorcisms are pointless too. We did the only thing that is doable by accident. We moved you."

I looked over to him, "It says that it's a night demon. Does that mean it only comes out at night?"

"Usually." He nodded.

"His dick wasn't cold and his eyes were different colours, not red. And I saw him in the daylight, while I was awake. I doubt this was an Incubus." I closed the book triumphantly.

Desmond sat in silence for a moment sucking on his teeth and looking into space. He got up in a hurry and was behind me opening the book in no time. "What are you...?" he pondered out loud in a hushed voice. Flipping through the pages I saw only glimpses of other creatures. He stopped on a page with the name Vrykolakas on it. The picture beside it was horrifying. A small imp-like creature with rotting flesh sat upon the head of a sleeping individual. It's face turned towards the reader in a ghastly expression as its claws sunk deep into the chest of the sleeping person. "It's a shape shifter sometimes associated with an Incubus..."

"No it was a person Desmond." I stepped out from beneath him and sat on my bed. "He had feelings, emotions... He was gentle..."

"How the fuck do you fall for a monster?" He closed the book and crossed his arms. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it. "No you are. You're talking about him – it, like a little school girl. It's got you under a spell of some kind and I bet it has to do with it curing your headaches."

"I don't know. I just know what I felt."

"Well I don't want to feel anything right now." He dropped his arms walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Mickey's. I need a drink."

"I can't drink."

"Sucks to be you." The door closed and he was gone. I huffed and returned to the books that lay on the table. Opening one to `Obayifo,' I started reading.

By 9 o'clock my eyes were burning and there was still no sign of Desmond. There was one street light outside by Mickey's and one directly across the street at the motel, but other than that, there was no light except the moon and the stars. I recommend going outside of the city as often as you can, the stars are beautiful when you can see them.

I went to the sink and grabbed the small packaged plastic cup to get a drink. I tilted my head back and took a sip, that's when I saw a dark face smiling back at me from behind my shoulder. I spit out the water in my mouth on the mirror and spun around. No one was there.

"It's you isn't it?" I called out. My heart would have leaped across the room if my ribs didn't hold it in check. My breaths became silent and deep, but still too loud for the silence of the room.

I was paralyzed by fear. What if it wasn't? What if it was some crazy night terror that had come to kill me because I was a nice sweet piece of meat all alone in a motel room with no one within screaming distance? Oh fuck...

"Hello?" I called out again. With all my courage I took a step forward. My senses heightened I could hear the buzzing of the lights and the creaking of the wind against the windows. Hearing the dripping of the water from the mirror I looked over my shoulder to once again gaze into the mirror. The face glared back, dark and menacing. Teeth sharp in an evil grin. I screamed and took off, slamming the door behind me, I ran across the street to Mickey's.

The darkness pushed against the circles of light made by the street lights. I slowed to a walk, looking behind me. It was only in mirrors, it's ok. Now what the fuck is that? What the fuck is following me now? Do I have a menagerie of spirits and demons following me around? Bats squeaked over head. "Oh fuck this shit!" and I ran the rest of the way to the bar.

I burst in the doors and slammed them behind me. Breathing heavily I leaned against them as the warmth and music of the bar filled my senses. There were Christmas lights hanging from the banisters to add to the already bright lights that hung above each table. It was a large bar and apparently all of Nobel came out for the karaoke night. The woman who ran the motel was half way through Total Eclipse.

"There' nothin I can dooo I'malways in tha dark..." She was speaking it in her Northern accent instead of singing it. Probably a good thing because it seemed like she was tone def anyways. She waved and smiled at me as I stood at the door. "Hey hun! When livinin a powderkeg and givin off sparks... I really need you tonight!"

"Desmond!" I called out, rushing through the bar, pushing people out of my way. "Desmond!" I yelled louder. "Where are you?" I finally spotted him at a small table on the far wall of the bar, just beside the stage. I ran over to him. "Desmond!"

"Woah there buddy, I'm having a conversation here." He gestured to the woman across the table from him. She was a little larger than average girls, but by no means fat. She had long black hair that ran half way down her back. She sipped at a beer.

She offered a greeting. "I need to talk to you." I ignored her. "Like now time."

"Fuck off dude." He said while smiling, trying to play it cool. He returned to the girl and grinned wider. "So where did you say you lived?"

I grabbed his arm. "It's about the guy we met back home." I gave him an obvious look.

"I'll be right back hun." He winked at her and took me by the arm out of the bar. He threw me against the wall, "What?!" looking sternly at me, Desmond crossed his arms.

"Well I think it was him, I saw him..."

"Did you fuck him again?"

"Wha...? I know, let me finish. K thanks." I got a little upset with him for bringing it up again after he promised not to go there ever again. "I saw this dark figure in the mirror and then it was gone the next minute... When I turned back it was in the mirror again. Then I ran here. I don't know if it was him or not and I didn't FUCK it." The force in my voice rose as the explanation continued.

"Shadow man. They don't do much, just annoying." He muttered. Looking up into the sky he apologized for what he said. "But why do you have all these things following you... What did you do recently to piss something off?"

"I don't know." I said sheepishly looking to the ground. "And... Who was that girl?" Our eyes met, his looking down and mine looking up. Silence for a moment.

"It's Cindy, her mom is the crazy motel lady. I was... information gathering." He smirked at me.

"Sure. Whatever." I rubbed my eyes. "Whadowe do? I'm not going back there alone. Can we kill this thing?"

"Nah, there's no need to. They just scare you and you can banish them easy enough with spring water... And there's a lot of different theories as to what they are so it's hard to pinpoint how to kill one." He noticed the concern in my face. "Common, we'll get some water..." he sighed and led me back into the bar.

The door burst open as Desmond reached for it. "Hi there boys!" It was the crazy motel lady and her daughter. "Now I thought I told you gents to come see my performance! That's ok though, no harm done. DESMOND! Cindy tells me that she was talking to ya and that you're into guns huh? Well like I said, my husband goes out a huntin every now and then and if you wanted, you'd be more than welcome to go! And of course your friend here can go too! I'll tell Herb when we get home but we've gotta go it's getting late and there's no tellin if a wolf will jump out and nab us eh? Ok loves bye bye now!"

We stepped aside a bit bewhildered. "What happened?" I whispered to Desmond.

"I'm not sure, but I think we're going `huntin'..."

Just then, as the crazy motel lady and her daughter were in the center of the road, a baby started crying in the distance. "Hurry up Cindy!" she sounded uncharacteristically mad. "You boys be ready for `round 5am now ya hear?" she waved at us and took her daughter by the hand, leading her into the motel office.

"They're crazy..." I mumbled. "Does something seem off with them?"

"They're people Timmy, I find them all weird."

"Even me?"

He gave me a side-long glance. "You've got at least two spirits following you... Ya you're a little odd."

We walked back into the bar and straight up to the bartender.

"Two whiskeys my good sir." Desmond winked at me.

"Desmond I'm not..."

"A drinker?" he said loudly. "Nah common, this is time for celebration!"

"What are we celebrating?"

"Just shut up and take the shot." He tipped it back and bared his teeth. I tilted my head back slightly and Desmond flipped my elbow upwards, depositing the shot in my mouth. I coughed as it burned its way down my throat. "Ah `at's my boy!" He patted me on the back and ordered another round.

"AHAHAHAHA!!!" I leaned on Desmond as he opened the door to the motel room. I fell in and lay on my back on the floor. "My head is sooooooo heavy!"

"Dude you are fucking trashed!" He laughed, barely able to stand up while drunk and laughing.

I shot up and looked him in the eyes. "It's your fault! I... I've never dranken that much before. So it's your fault cause I haven't dranken that much before."

Desmond looked at me for a moment then burst out laughing again, closing the door and sliding down it to a sitting position. "Oh oh! Do the shit."

"Oooooooooooh ya." I stood up with help of the table on cinderblocks and took a bottle of water out of my pocket. "Fuck you you shadow... thing. Wha!" I opened the bottle and let some fly out of it, landing on the floor in an arch. "And fuck you mirror... You little bitch." I threw the bottle at it. It hit the mirror, splashed a little and then emptied onto the counter, dripping onto the floor.

"Fuck you shadow people!!!" Desmond shouted from the door. He stumbled to his feet and walked over to me and then crashed into me, both of us fell to the floor laughing. "I just need to pee! Hahaha!"

"Eww... No golden showers!" I laughed and crawled onto Desmond's bed and looked at the ceiling. I heard him unzip, fall into the wall and then nothing. "Did you pee on the floor?!" I shouted out.

"A little..." came the meager response.

All I could suddenly think about was his big dick which he invariably had out and how much I wanted it. I closed my eyes and my hand drifted down towards my waistline.

"Every now and then I fall apart!!" My eyes shot open to Desmond singing Total Eclipse just like the crazy motel lady did, moves and all. "And I need you now tonight! And I need you more than eva! And if you'll only hold me tiiiiight, we'll be holdin on forever!!" He made his way to the bed and collapsed beside me. "And we'll always be makin it right..." he whispered drunkenly, "cause we'll never be wrong togetha..."

"I love your gangsta remix." I laughed.

"Shut up!" he smiled with his eyes closed and pushed my shoulder. When I bounced back, his hand remained. He scratched lightly at my shoulder with one finger. I turned my head and he was just staring at that finger. He noticed me looking at him and stopped.

For a tense moment nothing happened. Then as if it were the most natural thing in the world, he moved his hand behind my head and kissed me three times on the lips then pulled away into the fetal position and we both passed out.

A scream of utter terror awoke us. We laid facing each other, both in the fetal position, eyes at the same level.

"What was that?" I said, still mildly drunk.

Desmond didn't reply, he just got up out of bed and hastily ran to the door, opening it in a blur. And he was gone.

It took me a moment to compose myself, but once I had my balance and wits about me, I followed at a much slower pace.

"Somebody help me!" a woman's voice screamed. Desmond was running up to her. "Help!"

"Woah woah lady, are you ok?" I caught up to them and she collapsed into Desmond's arms. She was holding a wound on her stomach. "It's alright... Timmy, help me." I supported her left side and he her right. We took her into our hotel room. A baby was crying in the distance. The sound seemed to terrify her and she began to try to run. She didn't get far and we brought her into the room, closing the door.

Her breath was heavy and her eyes were wide open, yet they focused on nothing.

"What happened?" Desmond demanded. When she didn't answer, he grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

"Desmond stop it!" I pushed him aside. "Are you alright?" She blinked and looked at me.

"I heard crying... There was a baby... Then..." She looked down to her stomach where a scratch was oozing blood. Not too deep, but deep enough for there to be a lot of blood. "Oh God I'm gonna die." She dropped her head back and cried. Her face was dirty, the tears carving pathways down her face. She had soft blue eyes and light brown hair. She couldn't have been more than 20.

"You're not gonna die." Desmond said forcefully. "Where was this kid?"

"In the forest..." She went catatonic and just stared right ahead. Desmond opened the door, flinging her on top of me and rushed out. She remained motionless. It took me awhile, but I moved her to the bed and I hurried after Desmond.

"Desmond!" I shouted. The wind had picked up and the sound of a baby crying was coming from everywhere. My body realized it was still drunk and I fell onto the road. I hit my head, scratching it. The little bit of blood showed on my hand when I checked it. I shook myself out of the fuzziness and looked towards the motel. On the second floor of the motel office there was a woman watching me. She had dark hair and wore a white night gown. I could only assume that it was Cindy.

As I looked at her, her hands appeared on the glass in a menacing, claw-like grip at the window. I say `appeared' because one moment they were at her side, the next on the window. There was no movement involved. I shook my head again and she was gone.

"Desmond!" I called out again. I thought I heard a faint response and I hurried to find it. We played a game of Marco Polo until I found him in the forest behind Mickey's. The crying got louder and louder. "Desmond what are you..."

"Incoming!" He shouted as a screaming mass flew past my head.

"Did you just throw a baby at me?!" I was dumbfounded.

"That's not a baby..." he walked past me holding a knife.

"Where do you keep these weapons?!" I shouted through the intensifying wind. I walked after him to the small crying mass on the road. It certainly looked like a baby, it was small enough. But its skin was slightly grey, it had sharp teeth and claws that thrashed around as it attempted to get at Desmond and me. Its small stature and top heavy head made it impossible.

"It's a ghoul of some kind." Desmond drew the knife high into the air and plunged it into the infant's chest. This only served to aggravate it, slashing and biting at Desmond's hand. "Ah fuck!" He pulled back, the knife leaving a wound that quickly healed. He kicked it. He bled slightly onto the road. "I hate kids..." He took off his jacket and threw it over top of the grey baby.

I was still staring blankly at him.

"Be glad you won't be having kids. They tend to turn into shit like this."

We got back into the hotel room and he dropped the squirming package onto the floor of the hotel room. Luckily it had stopped screaming. I walked over to the table that still held the thick books. Desmond checked on the girl who was asleep and then joined me at the table.

I had sobered up a lot and was able to read with only minor difficulties. I looked up everything I could to do with babies. There was so much and none seemed to fit the bill of a grey screaming baby with huge claws that attacked people. "I don't know." I finally said, "there's nothing here..."

"These books have nearly everything out there in them. It's here..."

I fell asleep at the table, dreaming of swarms of screaming babies, only awaking when Desmond poked me. "Hmh?" I squinted at him. His face was accomplished as he pushed one of the smaller books in front of me. "Pontiac? Isn't that a car?" I mumbled.

"Pontianak." He corrected me. "It's a demon still born baby." He explained. "Comes out at night, crying so that people come and pick it up, then it eats their intestines and drinks their blood." He gulped heavily and leaned back against the wall.

"Says here we have to put its hair in a hole in its neck? What the hell is that about?"

"I dunno... It doesn't say how it's created. Just how to stop it. But it's a night creature and can't move on its own so I threw it in the room safe."

"What?" I looked up from the book. "Under normal circumstances that would be morally apprehensible..."

Desmond chuckled. "Well I don't really have morals Tim. We'd better go to bed..." he looked over at the girl laying on my bed then to me. "Guess we're bunking. Sorry if you still hate me."

I didn't want to let him off the hook that easily but I also wasn't about to force him to sleep on the floor. I silently got up, turned the lights off and stripped to my underwear. Crawling into bed, I heard Desmond stripping and then some rustling in the bed where the girl lay. "What are you doing?"

"Tying her down. She might be a little crazy when she wakes up. This way we'll at least be able to talk to her and tell her what happened. She's stopped bleeding..." He seemed to be talking to himself.

The bed compressed as he got in beside me. I rolled over, putting my back to him and curling up.

"Hey... Commere..." Desmond whispered. He pulled me close to his body and left his strong arm over mine. His warm breath on the back of my neck relaxed me and I my mind wandered.


"Ya T?" That was the first time he called me `T' in a while.

"If the Pontianak can't move on its own, how did it move from where James died?"

The question was lost on us both as we fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Hey! Homos!"

My eyes opened to see the girl still tied to the bed. Desmond had engulfed me in his arms, his breath still blowing onto the back of my neck. He held me in almost a bear hug, but the fingers of his left and my right were laced together.

Desmond awoke slowly, squeezing me into him and almost breaking my fingers off. He nuzzled his nose into the back of my neck breathing in deeply. "Mmm... morning Cal..." I was confused, especially when he kissed the back of my neck.

"Desmond?" I said to wake him out from his dozing state.

"Hmh?" I felt him smile. "You like that?" his hand moved down my side and grabbed my package from outside my underwear.

"Desmond!" I shouted. He awoke with a start, pulling his arm out from under me and sitting straight up. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead and he grabbed the medallion around his neck, gasping for breath. "Are you alright?"

"Ya I'm fine." He said bluntly. He pulled his jeans on and untied the woman before bothering to do up his pants.

"Thanks..." she said, rubbing the parts of her that were bound. Getting up and walking over to the table, she looked at the books that laid sprawled out. "Pontianak?" She looked up at Desmond, "What's that?"

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He said sitting down on a stool.

She sat down as well. "I remember a lot of crying, screaming..."

"Well that was this..." he pointed to the page on Pontianaks. "It's a still born baby that feeds off blood and organs. And it attacked you."

She laughed. "Oh well then! Glad you saved me from the crazy mutant demon baby!" she laughed again and walked to the door. "Shouldn't it be with it's mother? The crazy mutant mommy?" She laughed again and opened the door. There stood the crazy motel lady.

"Ruth!" she shouted.

"Mrs. Constance..." She froze.

"What are you boys doing associating with such trash?" Mrs. Constance grabbed Ruth by the hair and led her out of the room shouting things at her. "How dare you come onto my property you little wench!" this was the ugly side of Mrs. Constance. "Little slut! You mess up MY family and then come to mess up my business too? You get out of here right now before I call the police or get Mr. Constance to shoot you down you hear me girl?" He accent was mysteriously gone.

Ruth ran off down the road. Mrs. Constance turned to us with her big smile. Coming towards us, her accent was back. "That girl ain't nothing but trouble. Few years back she got into a scrap with my Cindy and she's never been the same since. Girl nearly ruined everythin..." She trailed off into thought, a sour expression revealing itself. "Anyways boys! I hear that you didn't make it up for 5 like I told yeh. Not a big deal, don't worry bout it! Herb hasn't left yet, waitin for you boys. So I came to wake yous up! Well common boys time's a wastin, those deer won't shoot themselves eh?"

"Actually Mrs. Constance... We've got a few things to take care of ourselves so... Sorry but we've got to get goin. Er... Going." Desmond stumbled and I held in a laugh.

"Well that's fine then boys you go do you wanna do here in Nobel. Great town, grew up here my whole life, never left. I love it. So you boys go on down that street right there, turn left and you'll find a great bunch of shops suited for whatever you boys are lookin for. Tell `em that I sent you and there should be no problems. See sometimes folks round here don't like te sell to strangers but no worries, my name'll get you anythin..."

"Ok thanks Mrs. Constance." Desmond turned me around and pushed me back into the room, slamming the door. "I'm gonna kill that bitch..." Desmond stood there shirtless, muscles all tensed and hair flat against his ripped body. He caught me in a trance and walked over to me slowly. I took a deep breath when his body shadowed mine and I looked to the ground, mildly ashamed.

His hands caressed my shoulders and then wrapped under my arms, pulling me towards him. His eyes were a fiery green and he leaned forward, closed his eyes and tilted his head ever so slightly. His lips brushed mine and I pushed forward just as he pulled away and turned his back to me.

"I can't..." He whispered. I put a hand on his bare shoulder and he spun around onto the bed, walking over it to grab his shirt. He pulled it on and placed his hand where the silver coin was laying against his chest. "Hungry?" He sucked whatever he was feeling into a bottle and corked it tight. He was normal Desmond again.

"Not really." I put on my pants and went to the bathroom. I leaned my head against the wall in the tiny stall and listened as Desmond punched something. This seemed to be his way of taking out aggression, punching walls.

When I out and washed my hand, Desmond was sitting on the bed we had shared with his elbows on his knees. "I think it's time we looked into Mrs. Constance."

"Calvinism is completely lost on you isn't it?" Desmond said as we sat in the Nobel achieves. He had a stack of papers on land ownership, marriages, everything you could possibly want to know about a town. And I was drawing on the wooden table completely ignoring the work he was doing.

"Not religious." Was my only response.

"It's the work ethic I was talking about."

"Not ethical."

"Can you maybe go and get me coffee from somewhere?"

"Am I distracting you?"

He gave me a once over and breathed in deep. "Yes." And he went back to the books and papers.

I got up slowly and walked to the stairs trying to shake my ass as much as I could without seeming obvious. I turned and Desmond was staring at it. "You're something else... Fuck..." and I took the steps two at a time.

The small building was about a 10 minute walk from the motel so we had left the car there. Not that I know how to drive, but it would have been interesting to try.

"Excuse me." I asked the clerk. "Where is the nearest coffee shop?"

"Turn left, five minutes." He looked at me through thick glasses then tilted his head down to see over them. "Your friend finding everything ok?"

"Oh ya, he's done this lots of times."

"And what exactly is his thesis on?"

"Northern Ontario... land... settlement... Something like that. I just tag along."

"I bet." He returned to the computer screen he undoubtedly stared at for countless hours entering data into the National Archives. Poor guy.

I walked down the deserted road humming to myself. The birds were chirping and the breeze was slight. After my second attempt at a run through of Total Eclipse, I noticed the birds had stopped singing.

"Hey I'm not that offensive." I sloughed at their mocking. The wind was gone as well. I stopped and looked around. "What now?" I said as I turned around to face Him.

I jumped into the air and fell backwards. He extended a hand to help me up and I took it. He looked into my eyes as per usual. Nothing about him changed really since the last time I saw him. His shirt was still torn, black semi-tattoos still dotted his neck, retreating into his shirt. Cargo pants still dirty and old, mouth still hidden by a long dirty red scarf. He was gorgeous.

Once I had sized him up he rubbed my cheek with his hand lovingly. I slowly took it away from my face and a look of complete despair swept through his eyes. He looked as though he might cry.

"I need to know." I said softly, still holding his hand in mine. I figured that it would help ease him. There was something wrong with him, he might be human, or might have been at one point, I wasn't sure. But he had severe insecurities. "Who are you?"

He just stared at his hand in mine.

"I know you can talk... And I know you can kiss... And touch, and fuck..." His body straightened at the compliments and he stretched his neck upwards, cracking it to either side. "You're not an Incubus..." He shook his head. "You're not a Shadow Man." He shook his head. "I don't want you to be a Vrykolakas." He let out a nasal laugh.

"I... cannot be here..." He said in that rough and yet soothing voice.

"No, you can. Why not? It's ok." I was stumbling trying to get him to say more.

"But I needed to know why you left." His voice was muffled because of the scarf.

"We have to go and see someone. Desmond told me that..."

He snarled. "The witch..." he took his hand out of mine. "I am not permitted to see her..."

"Why no...?"

He hissed at me, baring his teeth, spit dripping down from the ones that had begun to grow into fangs. "They won't let me... There is so much... I would do..." His voice grew sad and his hand came to my cheek again. "I paid for what we did. I will pay for this..."

"I don't understand... Who are `they'? Maybe Desmond and I..."

He hissed again at me, much more violently. I took a step back and he recoiled. "There are too many." I blinked and he was gone. Leaves rustling in the forest showed his escape route. He was human...

"About time." Desmond grabbed the coffee from my hand and took a long sip. "Ah! Come to me my sweet..." Another one.

"I saw Him on the way to the diner."

He slammed the coffee down on the table. "Why didn't you come right back?" He demanded.

"Because he ran away. He's tormented by something Desmond, I want to help him."

"You idiot!" he stormed. "He is the reason I had to take you away! He is the reason that your life before me is over! He is probably the reason your parents are dead and you want to help him?!" He slammed his fists onto the old table and it shook. "You clearly don't want my or Winnie's help." Picking up the coffee and a small notebook, he made his way up the stairs.

I followed. "Don't you need any of those papers?"

"No. I have what I need."

The old clerk was reading a book when we came up the stairs.

"We're done down there Sir. Thanks for all your help." The old man didn't respond. "Hello?" He waved his hand in front of the old clerk's eyes and the book. Nothing, he was frozen.

"You know, I say come see me and you take a detour to the Archives." Winnie was gazing at pamphlets beside the desk, we had either missed her when we came upstairs or she just appeared. "Dizzy, you hate research."

"Hello Winifred..." Desmond sighed.

"Timothy darling how are you?" She looked back to Desmond without a reply from me. "Now get in your car and get moving, we've got to find out what's following Tim and the spirits are telling me that there is Darkness not too far away from here."

"Well Timmy over here managed to get the thing to follow us here." He gestured at me with his head.

Winnie looked at me. "You're scared... You needn't be Tim. Desmond is one of the best hunters that I know. He grew up doing this, it is his calling. I would get you myself if I thought Desmond was unable." She looked to Desmond. "And Dizzy darling, you're green. It doesn't look good on you." Desmond shifted uneasily on his feet. "That's better."

"I saw him on the road. He told me that he would pay for coming to see me but he wanted to know why I left." I admitted and Winnie's apparition looked thoughtful.

"I understand how you feel Timmy, and as much as Desmond does not, he is right. We do not know what this thing is, what it is capable of and why you are important. You must come to me right away."

"There's another problem. There's a Pontianak in this town." Desmond sucked on his teeth. "And I think the motel owner is connected to it."


"Ya..." we listened intently. "About a year ago, Mrs. Constance didn't live in Nobel, she lived in Parry Sound for half a year. She said she'd never left here, so she lied. Her daughter Cindy Constance was admitted to the Parry Sound hospital during that time because she was going into labour. After that, she moved back here without her daughter, that's when the wolves started attacking which we found out was the Pontianak. Since a Pontianak is a stillborn child, I'm guessing that Mrs. Constance brought the child back for whatever reason as a corpse, did a little black magic and made a zombie baby."

Winnie nodded. "Maybe, but a Pontianak is not created from black magic. It can only be created when the mother also dies in childbirth."

"Cindy?" I said. "No no she's alive, we saw her at the bar, she wasn't looking too dead and blood sucky."

"Long dark hair? Dressed in white? She's a Langsuir, the mother of a Pontianak. The lore around them is muttled slightly so you may not have gotten the true story from your books. But legend has it that if you tie a red ribbon around the bed post of the Langsuir, you can control it. If Cindy was not on a violent rampage to drink blood and find her child, then someone is controlling her." Winnie lost herself in thought.

"Pontianaks can be turned into normal people if the hole in their neck is plugged up with hair, is it the same with a Langsuir?" Desmond asked.

Winnie nodded.

"Wake us up. I know what's going on."

I awoke on the floor of the basement, Desmond at the table. He shot up out of the chair, grabbed the coffee and helped me up with one arm.

"Told you Mrs. Constance was up to no good. She's harbouring a Langsuir."

"Oh hello there boys did you have a good time out on the town today? I bet you did, lots to see here in Nobel." Mrs. Constance shuffled after us on our way to our motel room.

"Shut up bitch." Desmond said as he slammed the door in her face. "We haven't got much time. The Langsuir can't come out during the day but you'd better bet that she'll sick it on us now."

"Why the hell would you do that?!"

"What better way to get them both where we need them?"

Night came slowly as Desmond gathered weapons from the trunk of his car. A shotgun, a few knives, short swords made of silver and iron. He gave me a curved dagger, polished to perfection and told me to only use it if I needed to.

When the sun was down, the baby started crying from the safe where Desmond had shoved it. "Game time." He said as the door flew off it's hinges and smashed the mirror on the opposite side of the room. There stood a twisted and grotesque Cindy, long black hair and sharp black claws. She screamed like a banshee and seemed to fly at Desmond.

He got two shots off before the Langsuir reached him. He put his foot on her stomach, rolled onto his back and threw her into the far wall, smashing through the bathroom.

"I knew you were on to me once you saved that whore Ruth!" Mrs. Constance was in the doorway, smug look on her face. "Once I'm done with you two, I'll get Ruth, the whore. When James got my daughter pregnant Ruth forced him to leave her so they could be together... I'll show her... I'll show everyone not to mess with the Constances!!" Accent gone, she had reverted to a power hungry psychopath. "And I'm going to use your card to pay for all this mess!"

"The card's fake bitch." Desmond chuckled.

"Why you... CINDY!" a vicious roar came from the pile of rubble and Cindy sprang out of it and fly once more at Desmond.

She tackled him to the ground and he dropped his shotgun. "AGH!!" he screamed as Cindy lurched down with supernatural strength onto her victim. His face turned red and he screamed as his muscles quickly reached their pinnacle.

I scrambled for the safe. The baby. All she wants is the baby. They died together and Mrs. Constance kept them apart. "Fuck!" I shouted at the combination. I looked at the knife on the ground. Picking it up, I made a mad charge for Mrs. Constance. "Die you bitch!" I shouted.

"CINDY!!" She screamed. The Langsuir leapt from Desmond and latched onto my back, digging its claws deep inside. I could feel them wiggling in between ribs and the pain was astronomical. It burned and I screamed in pain, unable to wrestle the claws of Cindy from my back. She had me pinned.

"Hey Cindy!" Desmond called out. "I thought we had such a nice time at the bar." He flung his jacket, still containing the Pontianak at Cindy, who retracted her claws, just as painful as going in... She caught the jacket and ripped it apart. I rolled over to see her coddle the baby in her arms, two rotting piles of flesh embracing. The baby made goo-goo noises and then screamed.

The creatures look to Mrs. Constance who's expression had turned to horror. "Cindy no! I did it for you honey... I was going to release you!" But it was too late. The mother threw the child at Mrs. Constance which immediately bit deep into her neck, spraying blood up the doorframe. Cindy tackled her mother and all I could see what bits and pieces of Mrs. Constance flying around the motel room. Her screams were piercing and almost made me puke. The smell of iron filled the room as her screaming died down.

Desmond ran to my side and helped me sit up. "Oh god... No you'll be fine..." He took off his shirt and pressed it against my back. When next we looked up, Cindy and her child were gone, and Mrs. Constance was a beaten and bloody pile of bone on the parkinglot.

"Yeeeeeeeow!!!" I screamed as Desmond dabbed vodka on my back. "This is alcohol abuse..."

He chuckled and sat me up to re-wrap my upper torso in gauze, the only thing we could find. We had re-located to Parry Sound, assuming that the locals would think we had pulverized Mrs. Constance.

"Hey, at least you're alive. That's all I care about." He said as he helped me put on my shirt. It was difficult since I could barely lift my arms parallel to the ground.

"Alive, but immobile." I laughed at myself.

"T... You saved my life you know." Sitting down beside me on the only bed in the room he ruffled up my hair. "I owe you one."

"Hey," I tried to act overly cool to the point of being lame, "not a problem man. It was totally nothing." We laughed and then both yawned.

"Bed time." Desmond stood up and removed his shirt and pants, walked to the light switch and turned it off. "Goodnight T."

I yawned again. "Night Dizzy." I laughed quietly to myself. I felt Desmond lie down next to me. He stayed over on the other side. "Hey... Commere..." I said.

"But won't it hurt?" he asked concerned.

"I don't care."

He shifted towards me and slowly wrapped his arm over me and pulled me in close. It did hurt a little at first. But I didn't care.

Next: Chapter 5

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