Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Jan 4, 2009


Hope you all had a happy winter festivity! I did =0) Thank you to all who have e-mailed me with comments etc. I try to e-mail everyone back so if you have a comment, question or anything else, feel free to drop me a line. I'll respond! Enjoy.

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 -- Part 3 ~~

I don't think that anyone is really ready to learn that their parents died in some horrifying way by what was most likely a terrifying supernatural force. It's not really the norm either. Not many people can really say, all-knowingly that this traumatic event occurred in their life. Fortunately, I am one of them. Fortunate you say? Well the normal suburban life of a gay man would be nothing compared to killing creatures from your nightmares, guns, knives, freaky books on demon lore. Add to this the fact that my parents were going to throw me out and you have the perfect recipe for a hunter. I also never would have met Desmond...

It had been 36 hours after I walked into the living room of my former house to find two pools of blood separated by the glass from the coffee table. 36 hours since some... thing... ripped its own wrist apart, just to smear invisible blood onto my forehead. 36 hours since Desmond put his arm around me and told me everything was going to be alright despite all that had happened. It had also been 36 hours since I had a sane enough mind to speak.

Hey Chapman." Desmond said closing the motel door behind him. It was raining outside and he was dripping all over the floor. "Brought food... Hungry?" He thrust the bag of take out in my general direction. I was sitting in bed with my arms wrapped around my covered knees. "No? Good I only bought one." He sat at the small table in the room, pulled out the burger, took a big bite and smiled at me through bulging lips.

He grunted. "But I did..." He lifted a cheek and retrieved some pills from his back pocket and threw them at me, "raid the pharmacy. Anti-depressants... Not sure how many to take so... be liberal."

Apparently, this was some form of joke. I threw the bottle back at him. It hit him square in the head. Holding back a smile, so as not to show emotion, I laid down and threw the covers over my head.

A few moments later, I felt the side of the bed compress and a hand on my hip. "Look T... I like to think that I know what you're going through, but I know that everyone grieves in their own way. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I truly am."

As much as I wanted to have a nice sob fest over the end of not only my parent's lives, but mine as well, I really just wanted to lash out. And regrettably, Desmond was the only one in the room.

"How could you even begin to know?!" I threw the covers off of me. Sitting up I stared directly into those green eyes. "If you hunt things like this then you see it all the time! Everything I know is gone, I can't go back to anything remotely familiar ever! EVER! So don't you dare try to patronize me!"

"Vampires." He looked into his hands.

"Huh?" I put on my `deer caught in the headlights' face. Vampires...?

"We don't know what killed yours... But mine was vampires." He sucked on his teeth while nodding his head ever so slightly, staring into nothingness. "I was... 10? Who knows," he gave a nervous laugh, "I... we were at our cottage. We didn't know anything was out there. If we did we wouldn't know how to fight them... Late at night I went to the outhouse and on my way back I heard noises coming from the cottage... Crashes, things breaking... Screams. I'll never forget that sound. I was petrified and one of them came out towards me. It's skin was white, almost waxy, blood dripping from its mouth. As it came up to me, it turned less pale and more... human. Don't be afraid' it said, I've come to show you something.' It moved my head slowly to the side and made this hissing sound." He paused as if recalling it. "Then its hand burned my head and I stumbled back. Its body fell to the ground and its head soon followed. The skin burned away leaving only a charred skeleton. The skull had these fangs... And somehow, the skull had this evil look to it, like it was angry... But without skin you know? The skeleton soon burned away too, but much slower. I was saved by a man named David. He was part of a group of vampire hunters that had been tracking the nest that attacked my family. But they were too late. They raised me to be a hunter... So yes. In some way, I can understand. But I wish to god that I couldn't." He looked me in the eyes. His held all the sadness in the world.

"I'm so sorry..." I gave him a hug and moved over so he could lay down next to me. I threw the covers over him and snuggled up close. His eyes were watering and he pressed his forehead up against mine.

"It's fine. I dealt with it a long time ago." He wiped his eyes and pushed closer to me. Our noses were touching. "You just..." His breath picked up, "take all the time you need." He moved even closer, our lips brushed against each other and his hand moved slowly up the back of my head, stopping me from retreating. He hesitated.

"Well I'd say get a room, but that would be redundant."

In all honesty, I'm not quite sure where the gun was hidden, but in a fraction of a second it was pointed at the source of the mysterious voice. His rock-steady arm flexed and finger ready to squeeze the trigger.

The voice came from a pale woman in a white dress, embroidered in gold, standing in the doorway to the bathroom. Her hair was a find blonde, almost like silk. Her light brown eyes hid behind large eyelashes. Her face had very smooth features, but she looked anywhere from 20-40 years old, it was impossible to tell. She glided across the floor and sat at the table, crossing her legs and smoothing out her dress. Desmond lowered his gun and sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"That was nothing." Nothing? "Just, sharing stories." His voice seemed all the more masculine, like he was trying to reaffirm it not only to the woman in white, but also himself. He stood up and folded his arms.

"Don't be rude Desmond." She closed her eyes gracefully as if to say `you know better.'

"Oh... Uhh..." He stumbled. "This is Tim Ketris. He uhh... He had some... problems..." He gestured to me nervously.

"Cetris..." I corrected him.

"And Tim... This..." He gestured to the woman. "This uhh..."

"I'm Winnie." She stood up very properly. "A pleasure to meet you." She smiled sweetly and it faded to a stern look when she looked to Desmond. "Can we talk?" She hastily made for the door to the motel room and stood there waiting for Desmond to follow her.

He smirked at me and followed, opening the door for her. He let out a large and audible breath before following her outside and closing the door.

I shifted in the bed to try and hear what they were saying... Hang on, how the hell did she get in here?

What I heard was only muffles. "What is he doing here?" "Well... he just..." "Shh! ... don't care... taken care of...?" "What do you mean `no'?" "We had... it set us back..." "... Luke?" "That's what I thought." It continued on like this for a few minutes until the door flew open and Winnie and Desmond walked through.

"So it may be that we got off to a rocky start. I do apologize Timothy." She smiled at me as Desmond closed the door and came back over to sit on the bed. With Winnie looking down at us, she seemed somewhat intimidating. "But you know, it is proper etiquette to clean off one's face, especially when in the presence of someone you barely know."

Desmond and I looked at each other puzzlingly. "Win, there's nothing on his face."

"Well of course there is right here..." She licked her thumb and went to press it against my forehead. As her hand approached, my forehead became quite cold and then burning hot. "Oh goodness..." She withdrew her hand, it had turned black. The whole thing seemed to wither up like a spent match. It cracked and twisted into a shape unrecognizable as a hand.

"Oh my god!" I shouted.

"Oh relax, more of an inconvenience than anything." She shook her twisted, blackened hand and it seemed to shift, like crossing your eyes and then uncrossing them. In a flash, it was perfectly fine.

"What the hell?" I stared unbelievingly at the woman in white.

Desmond leaned towards me, "She's a witch." He said matter of factly.

"WHITE witch." Winnie said equally so, giving a little flourish of her newly re-formed hand. "And besides, I'm not really here anyways."


Desmond spoke quietly into my ear. "She's just an apparition, a vision. She lives way up by Hudson's Bay."

"Thank you Desmond." She said giving him a polite nod. "Well Timothy, it seems you've been marked." Looking at me quizzically, tilting her head back and forth, she placed a hand on her chin. "Had anything strange happen to your forehead recently?"

I paused. Probably should have mentioned this to Desmond. "He didn't say anything Winnie, leave him alone..."

"Well... When I was in my house..."

"Ok see this is something you need to have said." Desmond blurted out. He got up and joined Winnie glaring down at me. He folded his arms and shook his head. "Well?"

"There was this man there... He had red eyes, sharp teeth. He bit his wrist and pushed it onto my forehead... Then he was gone." I answered meekly.

"Poltergeist?" Winnie looked to Desmond.

"Could be, but they rarely show themselves... Vampire?"

"In the light? Could be a Obayifo?"

"Is that suppose to be a joke?" Desmond looked sternly at Winnie.

"... I see why you might think so but really I didn't mean it that way."

"Can someone tell me what you're talking about?" I asked in a very irritated tone.

They both looked at me like I had three heads then back to each other. "You'll need to come see me." Winnie said quietly but forcefully. "Until we know what this is, I don't think he should be out in the open. Whatever did this is probably much more than you can handle Desmond..." he opened his mouth to say something, "and don't even try to tell me otherwise." He shut it abruptly. "I'll expect you in a few days."

With that, the vision of Winnie stuttered, collapsed in on itself and was gone. Desmond sat back down beside me.

"You need to tell me if anything like this happens again." He put an arm around me.

"I know. Sorry..." I leaned into him, secretly trying to relive our near kiss.

"Common." He said, slapping my back. "Let's get some sleep." He stood up to turn the lights off. I heard the slopping of wet clothing and felt him crawl into bed next to me, though keeping his distance on the other side. I sighed, rolled over and fell asleep almost instantly.

The light poked through the curtains as I squinted through the early morning fuzziness. My head was resting on Desmond's chest, my hand right beside it. In my tiredness, I began playing with the fine hair that speckled his pecks and abs. Smirking briefly, I started to get a little more courageous and felt my way down his body.

I started breathing heavier and lightly caressed his 6 pack. I reached the elastic of his underwear and paused. He was still slightly snoring, mouth slightly open. I let my hand slip underneath, feeling the hair change from smooth chest hair to coarse pubic hair. I soon met the hard head of his cock and froze.

I gazed back up at his face. No change. I turned my attention back to his member and grasped my hand all the way around it. I then slid it all the way down his full... what had to be at least 8 inches... and all the way back up. I was harder than I had ever been in my life. More than when I was being spit roasted by Dean and Terrence. But then Desmond finally stirred.

My hand shot back up beside my face and my eyes closed instantly. Problem still was the state of my own dick. It was so hard and pressed right up against his thigh. I felt him lift his head slightly and look around. He let his head fall back and he pulled me closer to him.

Huh? I thought, He wasn't being serious last night was he...? His thigh pushed harder against me and he put his hand on my left shoulder, pulling me half on top of him. I shifted my arm up and around his huge bicep and tried to grind my dick against his thigh without it seeming too obvious.

"Hey T..." he whispered. "You awake?"

"Ya." I whispered back.

"How... uh... did you sleep?" I could tell he didn't know what to say. But neither did I. I'm not sure what I was feeling.

I stretched myself out slightly, grasping his bicep and retracting, dragging my hand across his hairy pecks. "Good. You?" I began to play with the silver medallion that sat nestled in his hair.

He grew increasingly uncomfortable. "Pretty good." He said as he casually took the medallion from my hands and placed it behind his shoulder. "Mmmh... I could use sommore sleep though."

"Well where are we going to meet Winnie?" I asked, withdrawing my hand towards my body. If he was uncomfortable, I'm not going to push it. Though it did make me sad. Maybe he's just one of those straight guys who just likes to cuddle? Like Ross and Joey.

"We've got a long way to go. Let's put it that way. What time is it?" he rubbed his eyes.

I looked over to the alarm clock on the night stand and was very surprised. "It's 5am..."

"Arg!" he rolled over, fiddled with the clock and stayed with his back to me. "Mhm sleep time is now."

I huffed. "Hm? You alright?" Desmond lifted his head to stare at me with one eye.

"Ya, I'm totally fine." I too rolled over, my back to him. I don't think that even he knows what he wants. I fell asleep quickly, not bothering to think anything else of it.

Once again, I awoke with the sun higher in the sky. But this time, I was not resting on Desmond's glorious chest. I remained with my back to him. I turned over to see what time it was. 7:25am. And no Desmond.

I shot up in bed. "What the fuck?" I looked around the room. Sitting at the table was him...

He stood up, scarf dangling onto the floor. His mouth still hidden, his blue eyes gazed into my soul. He tilted his head down then peeked up at me. His hair was still short, but it had grown since the last time I saw him. His shirt was still torn, but his pants remained intact. But what I noticed most was the dark, ash-like spots that crept up his neck.

Before I knew what was happening, I was walking towards him, transfixed by those eyes. I reached him, never breaking eye contact. Was I hypnotized or just so transfixed and curious about this stranger that I lost all control? No, I was thinking clearly, I was able to think for myself. Then again I'd never been hypnotized before.

"Where's Desmond...?" I asked meekly. He said nothing, but just looked to the door. "Did he leave?" His eyes returned to me, just starring. "Why would he..." Was he mad at my comment before we went back to sleep? I looked to the man again. "What... Are you...?" His hand came up and moved the scarf away from his mouth. His lips were thin and he had a 5 o'clock shadow, he was beautiful.

He slid his hand behind my head and pulled me into a kiss. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed away from him wiping my mouth. "What are you?" I asked more forcefully. He came towards me again, grabbing the waist of my pants and pulled it towards him, kissing me again and moving his hands down the back of my pants, groping my butt. I let out a stifled gasp, his tongue blocking it from escaping properly.

He smelled like fire. Not strong or overpowering. More like the soft burning smell of a camp fire. I inhaled deeply through my nose and he pulled away from me. He was a great kisser, wrapping his tongue around mine, rubbing against it... I looked back into his eyes, they were shifting, fading to a soft pink.

"Des..." he thrust his tongue back into my mouth and kissed my lips softly. His hands worked closer and closer to the crack between my cheeks, still rubbing softly. He was so gentle, I guess he had to be since it was clear he was immensely strong.

He released my mouth and smirked at me, flashing pearly white teeth. He then began to descend my body, taking my pants with him and ended up on his knees before my throbbing cock.

"Wait, I..." but it was too late, he had already taken my head into his oddly cool mouth. "Mh" I groaned. He went after my dick like it was the only thing in the world that mattered, sucking, licking, everything. He took all of me inside his mouth while still working the base of my head with his tongue. He was talented...

His hands were free to move about my body, feeling up my ass, to the small of my back, making me shiver in ecstasy. With his right hand, he began to massage the underside of my balls, allowing the tips of his fingers to make it all the way to my hole, grazing it teasingly.

"Ugh that feels to good." I moaned and put both my hands behind his head, rocking his head forward in a steady pace.

My cock popped out of his mouth just long enough to spit a few times onto those lovely fingers, only to inhale me once more, sucking with renewed vigor. I looked down at him and he up at me. From behind my hard cock thrusting in and out of his mouth I could have sworn I saw a smirk just before his gooey fingers found their way to my ass. They rubbed around my hole, lubing it up and started playing with it.

At first, they ran laps around the opening of my ass and I moaned, rocking back and forth between the mouth and fingers that were making me so hot. Despite his energy with my back door, his mouth was unrelenting, basically drooling over my cock. Then, with no effort at all, he pushed against my asshole and poked a finger inside of me.

"Oh fuck!" I cried out in pleasure. It slowly made its way up inside me, wiggling ever so slightly then withdrawing. Slowly, moving its way up, then tugging back out. I was enjoying it so much that I hardly noticed his mouth had finally let go of me. He shifted around to my back and continued fingering me with his middle finger. His arm came up across my chest to stabilize me and there I rocked back and forth on his finger as he twisted it, sending waves of pleasure up my ass.

I tilted my head to the side and was instantly assaulted by his tongue. We kissed as best we could at the awkward angle, but somehow, that made it seem so much hotter.

A second finger brought a gasp out of me and my eyes shut. They stopped immediately and I opened my eyes, breathing deep and rough. He just looked at me. This guy was so sensual, so hot and so weird. He kissed my shoulder lightly, never removing eye contact.

"It's fine..." I said through a deep exhale. The fingers started up again, twisting and turning while pushing deeper into me. Just when I though I would hit his knuckles, he would keep going. He moved to the side and I leaned forward into his strong arm to give a better angle and I was rewarded with even more pleasure than before. Finding it easier, and noticing my wild, animalistic reaction to his fingers fucking me, he began to pick up the pace and grinded his pelvis against my thigh.

His cock was hard and pulsing, arching to be let out of his pants. In the midst of my squeals of pleasure, I somehow broke out of the lustful mind set and slowly moved forward, turning around slightly and feeling his long fingers slide their way out of my well lubed ass. He was still fully clothed and I was naked, how selfish of me.

I grabbed at the base of his tattered shirt and pulled it over his head. He let me, but only so he could steal a kiss from me as soon as the thin fabric passed his lips. His hands travelled down my arms as I gazed at his hairless chest. It was as if someone had brought a Roman Discus thrower statue to life, only there was more. The blackened ash-like spots continued down and across his chest, looping around to the small of his back and disappearing again underneath his cargos waist line. They were sporadically placed, but if I could liken them to anything, it would be an arm of the Milky Way.

After studying his strange tattoo, I looked up again at him and kissed him. He engulfed me in his arms as I worked at undoing his fly. Once his pants dropped to the floor, so did I. The tattoos fell across his ass and came to an end on his right thigh, I traced it with my hand. I was then face to face with his cock, I smiled. He'd started by fingering me for a reason. Though it had softened up after the minute or so I had been studying his body, it was still a full 7.5 inches, and very thick.

I kissed and licked his balls and all around them while my hand worked his dick into a full hard on. Once it stood straight out from his perfect body, I took as much of it as I could into my mouth and tried to copy what he had done to me to make me moan so loudly. Trying to flick my tongue around his head, I lunged forward then dragged back, tightening my lips around his stiff cock. He seemed to be enjoying himself, thrusting slightly with each time I took more of him into my slobbering mouth. His breathing was deep and he let out periodic moans that he tried to stifle.

I began sucking harder, faster... Trying to keep up with my own pace, my tongue slipped around him and I settled on cupping his cock in my tongue. He loved it, putting his hands on top of my head and guiding himself into me. I looked up and his eyes were closed, his built chest heaving in and out as his hard cock fucked my face.

He began shoving more and more of his cock into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat, I gagged slightly but soon let it in without much effort. His head tilted to the sky and his mouth opened. He quickly looked down at me, directly into my eyes. His eyes are red now and he seemed to snarl lustfully at me, baring his teeth a little.

It all happened so fast, I was lifted up and thrown onto the bed, a good few feet away. I landed on my back and just after I did, he was between my legs, dick pointing at me, still slick from all my spit. He lifted my lower torso up to meet his mouth and gave two big spits to my ass. As they landed, I could feel them slowly slide down the crack of my ass. My torso fell and his fingers massaged the spit around my hole while his other hand gripped his cock impatiently. Finally he thrust forward and fed his thick, hard cock into my awaiting ass.

"Oh fuck ya!" I shouted as I felt the tip of him pierce my hole. I got a little worried when he didn't stop and it began to hurt, his girth stretching my ass to an unexplored limit. "Oooh!" I winced.

But he was done playing nice. My ass was his now and he was going to prove it to me. He placed my ankles on his shoulders and laid into me. Thrust after thrust, I could feel the resistance my hole gave to his thickness giving up to the pleasure.

"Oh fuck, you're so fucking big." I grunted. "Ah! I fucking love it! Fuck me!" I wiggled my ass around making his thrusts go deeper inside me until I felt his balls knocking against the spread-wide cheeks of my ass. I looked down at his pelvis working his cock into me, loving the moments I could barely see his pubes at the far end of his thrusts.

He began grunting rhythmically with each thrust, opening his mouth then puckering his lips in pure fuck-obsessed lust. Sweat trickled down his chest, outlining his ripped, hard muscles, all working hard to fuck my brains out.

His hands went to my hips and pulled me towards his cock in time with his fucking. "Ahh..." He moaned, folding my legs over so I was on my side, fucking me the whole time. A few bucks later and I was forced onto my back. He pressed his body against my back and looped his arms underneath mine, pulling himself up my back, sliding on the thick coat of sweat on his bare chest. His cock glided effortlessly in and out of my stretched ass, so I flexed my ass muscles and bucked as best I could against him. His mouth let out another snarl of lust right beside my ear.

"Oh god you're so fucking hot," I moaned, "I fucking love it..." He licked my ear and nibbled on its lobe before backing off of me and pulling me to all fours. His pelvis made circles into me, forcing his entire fuck pole into me and hitting my prostate. I got lost in his fucking. "Oh fuck ya... You like that ass don't you? Oh god, fuck me harder!"

He sped up, fucking me straight in and out. Bucking wildly against me, our balls bashed together, adding to the pleasure. His speed increased to inhuman levels as the pleasure his huge cock gave me rose. Before too long he slowed down, bucking more rhythmically, making sure his entire dick was as deep inside me as possible. Then he pulled out of me with a sticky sound. He lay down beside me and moved me on top of him. He grabbed my hips and positioned my hole above his cock, then let me ease myself down onto it while he stood his hard, wet dick straight up with his one hand.

I sat down slowly until I felt the head go in. Lust took over and I took him all the way to his sexy abs. I bounced up and down on his cock as mine slapped against his abs. He was being driven wild; he thrust up inside me as I moved my ass around, daring and begging him to fuck me more.

I grinded down as hard as I could until I felt close to cumming. "Oh fuck..." I breathed heavy and fast, sweat dripping down my face. "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum."

He pushed himself up so I was sitting in his lap. I kept bouncing up and down until my cock became trapped between his body and mine. He still threw his cock up inside of me as the feeling built and my ass began to squeeze him from inside my ass. His cock slipped out and joined mine, trapped between us as he grinded his against mine.

We both moaned uncontrollably until it was too much for me to handle. I let out a loud grunt as my cock began pulsing out thick squirts of cum that coated our chests. Six loads was all I had in me. It seeped down between us, lubing his against my stomach and cock. With the added lube he grinded faster and easier against me.

He soon let out a much louder grunt as his cock sent thick ribbons of cum up between our heaving bodies. I threw my head back in ecstasy as his hips finally slowed to a halt and I sat in his lap, legs wrapped around him in a very sticky mess.

I pushed him backwards onto his back. I licked up as much cum as I could find, taking my time sucking it off of his shrinking cock or his perfect body. It tasted salty but not altogether terrible. My tongue whipped around his nipples and traced the definitions in his body. I had to move up to his collar bone to get the last bit of cum that he had sent up there like a powerful geyser.

Once he was satisfied, he rolled me over and gave me the same treatment. I giggled as his tongue tickled my bellybutton and inner thighs. Once he was finished, he came up between my legs and started making out with me. His tongue tasted of cum, mine and his, making it all the more desirable to have inside my mouth. We laid there just kissing for a long while. I played with his nipples and abs and he ran his fingers ever so slightly across nearly all of my erogenous zones until I was hard again.

I felt his cock push inside me again, but this time, it was slow and savourful. He fucked me for the shear enjoyment of it, not to get off, and it felt better than anything else I'd had to date.

I don't know how long he fucked me for, but at the end, there was another 4 loads of cum seeping out of my ass onto the motel sheets and 2 more in his stomach. I was in complete bliss when he pulled out of me, a total daze. I wreathed around on the bed trying to settle my horniness as the mysterious man put on his clothes.

Finally I sat up as he was wrapping his scarf around his mouth. "Who are you?" I said again, still slightly out of breath.

He moved closer to me, I could smell the burning scent of his scarf. I hooked a finger on it hesitantly. When he didn't stop me, I pulled it down and kissed him again. As he moved away from me, he spoke in a rough voice that at the same time set my soul at ease: "I cannot say..." He placed fingers on my eyelids and pulled them down. I heard soft whispers of hundreds of people and then nothingness...


I awoke with a start. The room slowly came into focus and Desmond stood there with his had on my shoulder, shaking me. "Wakey wakey..." he cooed.


"In the flesh." He tossed off his name like it was nothing.

"Ah..." I put a hand to my forehead.

"What's wrong?" His tone changed. "Is your headache back?"

"No uh... Wh... Where did you go?" I asked lethargically.

"I went out to get coffee and muffins. Common, get up." He walked over to the little table where he had a package full of muffins and two steaming coffees. "Now I wasn't sure what you liked so I got a bunch of them and I didn't know if you even liked coffee so I got a tea bag just in case and a bunch of milkettes and creamer..."

"Desmond!" I cut him off. He was rambling nervously. "You were gone for ever... Where did you go?"

He looked at his watch. "Dude it's 7:30... I went to get breakfast..."

7:30?? I spun to look at the alarm clock. 7:31am. I spun back to look at Desmond with a baffled look.

"Ok one minute off isn't that bad. Geeze... Bite my head off..."

"Bu... hang on what?" I got out of bed and looked myself over. I was wearing what I had on the night before. "No no no..." I started freaking out. "No no it was real." I ran to the window, looking to see if it was raining up or there were seven moons, something strange to prove this was the dream, not the best sex ever.

"Woah woah, what was?" Desmond took a few steps towards me and I pushed past him to the bathroom. I don't know what I was looking for but when I came back out, Desmond was blocking my path so I pushed him aside. "T!" I froze impulsively. He walked over to me and turned me around with a hand and pushed my back to the wall. "What are you talking about?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "That guy that I saw in my house and in the pool... I saw him here too. And... We had sex..."

He smashed his fist into the wall beside my head. My eyes shot open to look upon the angriest face I had ever seen. His jaw jutted out, giving a slight under-bite in an otherwise flawless dental structure. His eyebrows bent downwards and his eyes seemed to darken. He pushed away from the wall and rubbed his mouth with a firm hand. He turned to face me, pointing at me with a bloodied hand. "And you didn't feel this was necessary for me to know? Why didn't you tell me?!" He boomed.

"I just did. And it just happened... I think..." That was something he could say tomorrow or next week, not the phrase that one would use for an event that happened not 5 minutes ago... Or did it? "Oh god are you ok?" I asked looking at his hand.

He stormed past me into the bathroom. "Eat your fucking muffin." The wall beside the bathroom door had a huge hole in it and the rest of the wood panel was decimated.

I wandered back defeated to the small table and began to pick at a cranberry muffin. It was awful.

About 10 minutes later I heard Desmond's heavy boots clunking towards me from the bathroom. In the short distance many things went through my head. Was he going to kill me out of rage? He seemed so excited when he woke me up... Fuck I'm going to die. He's going to shoot me, or choke me, or...

"Incubus." He sat down in the other chair. His hand was covered in poorly applied band-aids and his silver medallion was hanging on the outside of his shirt and old corduroy jacket.

"The band?" I was relieved that he had calmed down... Probably regressed those feelings and would explode one day, but...

"No it's a type of demon..." A few minutes later and a trip out to his car and Desmond was back with three books. "An Incubus is the male equivalent of a Succubus." He opened one book to a page in a strange language. On one page was a nude female with large bat wings hovering over a sleeping body, the other was the same but was a nude male. "They come to you in your sleep," he slammed the book shut and opened another one. This one had two male bodies grasping each other with stiff penises pointing up. It looked almost Sumerian. One of the men had an evil look on his grinning face while the other seemed to be having an orgasm. "And they fuck your brains out. Best sex you'll have." He slammed it shut and opened the last book to a page with a clearly male specter hovering over a pile of nude male and female bodies. Its penis was absolutely enormous and seemed to be seeping cum onto the pile, but where it touched, the bodies had turned to skeletons. "They are allegedly bisexual and sleeping with one on one or multiple occasions can lead to sickness, disease, possession and death." He slammed the final book closed and stared at me with an angry and slightly smug look.

I was dumbfounded. I slept with a demon? A bisexual demon?? GROSS. "I... had no..."

"No idea. Right." He cut me off. "Next time, try to keep the cocks out of your ass long enough to get an idea." He stared angrily at me, though significantly less so than before.

My mouth dropped open and my eyes bulged outwards. "Wha-..." No. He didn't deserve it, how fucking dare he. I grinded my teeth and stood up. "Well then make up your fucking mind." I sneered at him. "And the muffins were shit."

His hand tensed into a sort of claw-like grip and he grunted as he swallowed his anger and formed his hand it into a fist. I walked outside mildly happy with myself but also dying inside from what he said.

Desmond sniffed once rather loudly from behind me. As I reached the door to the car, I turned around. He was still in the doorway.

"Did it smell like fire in there to you?"

Next: Chapter 4

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