Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Nov 1, 2010


CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~Supernatural-101~~ Part 2.8

It was the darkness that awoke him, the serene peace of night with the stars shining brightly above the clearing. He was lying naked on the grass of a small clearing well beyond the sight of the humans of Moon River, a small town in Northern Ontario. It was remarkably warm out for the time of year, yet still no bugs attempted to bite him.

Carter was holding on to Ironside, one arm tucked in between the two naked forms and the other was sprawled across Ironside's chest. Once Carter deduced that Ironside was awake, he began tracing the tattoos, those fine bits of misshapen dirt that sprinkled a line across his chest. The hand slowly traced lower until...

"Get up." Ironside commanded, sitting upright.

"That's the plan." Carter made another pass at grabbing Ironside's junk.

"Put your clothes on." He followed his own orders without waiting for Carter to oblige. Instead, Carter began touching himself in an attempt to get Ironside horned up enough to be in the `mood.'

"Look at how vulnerable he is..." Rabnix cooed from the dark recesses of Ironside's mind. "I find it shameful that you don't stick him with something. Preferably you sword. Pitty he stopped trying to kill himself you know, now all he wants to do is fulfill his earthly body's desires."

"Yes you'd love me to but I will not do it." Ironside replied.

"Fuck ya I want you to." Carter still was unable to tell when Ironside was talking to the voices in his head and when the comments were aimed at him. He went up to a tree and bent over, placing his hands on it for stability. He spread his legs open revealing his hole.

"Perfect place to put your sword." Rabnix taunted. "Kill him... Oh how he'll moan and cry for more! I can guarantee it."

"Put your clothes on." Ironside ordered again as he draped the long crimson scarf around his neck. Although, Rabnix was right in one respect at least, Carter's suicidal attempts stopped once the sex had begun. Each time they were close to a human settlement, Carter managed to seduce Ironside. They'd more deeper into the woods in search of food or shelter, spend the day in the throws of passion, then completely forget about Ironside's want for Carter to leave. But this time, He'd be free of Carter at last. His resolve was ironclad.

"Your resolve? What resolve? You're a weakling! Why do you think Timothy ran into the arms of another man? Because you're weak. You're too weak to let your fuck toy go just as you're too weak to kill him. Too weak to be alone." That word cut him the deepest. "But you're never alone..." Rabnix's voice faded into laughter and then into silence.

"Tonight we part finally." Ironside attached his sword to his belt and walked past Carter who was at that moment probing himself. "And stop doing that." He jumped into the trees to leave Carter to his own devices, whatever he was going to do, Ironside did not want to see or hear. His head was already swimming with the voices of men emanating from a bar not a mile from the clearing. From their conversations, he guessed them to be lumberjacks or another kind of silvicultural occupation.

He made himself comfortable on the large branch that protruded from the century old poplar tree. It wasn't high enough to see further, but it got him away from Carter and his moans of longing. While it was clear to Ironside that Carter was simply lonely, to be honest, he found himself beginning to hate the boy. He was annoying, needy... When he wasn't begging for sex, he was complaining about his hunger or the state of the forest. Ironside on the other hand had come to love the forest he had called home for these past months. He'd gotten to know them, what animals inhabited it and how to care for the boy from the spoils of the forest. It was a beautiful place to him, calming. The only thing that would be in the way of his peace now would be Rabnix.

"Then why don't you try to cut me out? Just take that blade and run it across your neck. The blood will taste so sweet. You can be free from me you know if you'll but do this. Wouldn't it be nice to have silence? And at such a simple cost. Are you truly living now anyways?" More of his tricks. Rabnix wasn't nice and his offer was the cowards way out. "Cut your throat you worthless, insignificant little worm!" He screamed. Then the voices came again to drive him mad. Rabnix's new favourite trick was to recreate what he remembered from Hell until he was ripped out and fused with Ironside's soul. The screaming, tormenting moans and cries for help flooded his mind. Unable to shut them out he cried out in mental anguish, tearing at his head. The blood ran down his neck as his fingers grew stickier and stickier with the mingling of flesh and blood. In the midst of the screams, Rabnix laughed at Ironside's suffering.

He fell from the tree willingly. Though the tremendous fall would not kill him, he wished the mental assault to be over. Throwing himself from the high branch might coax Rabnix's energy to focus on healing rather than torment. That, or he might get jostled or surprised enough to lose concentration. The hard ground rushed to meet Ironside. He fell on his back, a loud cracking sound pierced the night.

Carter ran over, partially clothed to see if his lover was alright. There was silence for a brief moment, then laughter at what Ironside had done to avoid the screams of Hell. As his bones rearranged, Ironside stared up at Carter. He realized that through all the boy's difficult traits and annoying sexual appetite, he cared for the boy. Not in the way he originally had however. Pity for the boy for killing his father and his lover was one thing, but these feelings was something altogether different. They were similar to how he felt for Timothy, but he hesitated to call it love. He had to be rid of the boy. It wasn't a question of if he would harm the boy, only when. When would Rabnix take enough control to be able to kill or maim the helpless boy?

"Sooner than you think."

"Leave me be." Ironside said, to both of them.

"Are you alright though?" Carter's hand instinctively wandered down to the lip of Ironside's pants.

"I am fine. Just don't touch me."

"Well can you move? Are you hurt."

"I'm in terrible pain." It was true. His back was rearranging itself into a normal state with the help of Rabnix. As the vertebrae crackled and popped back into the proper place, Ironside's eyes shut tight. Clenching his teeth, he tensed his body. His fingers twisted unnaturally in the struggle to keep his screaming within his throat. Back finally able to arch, his stomach raised as his hands turned towards the earth and made their best attempt to grip it. His nails dug into the ground, his pupils seemed to fill with blood, becoming crimson, then almost black. It was finally too much and he let out a scream that no words here can describe. Between decibels a mournful cry could be heard that echoed through the thick forest. The crickets didn't dare interrupt this sound of suffering.

Carter's ears hurt. The human wail was back by demonic strength, sending the boy huddling against a tree. He was too captivated to take his eyes off the writhing man though it pained him so to take in the sight.

At the height of his arching back, the screaming stopped and Ironside's limp body collapsed onto the ground in a great thud.

"Wasn't that fun?" Rabnix chuckled within Ironside's head. His mind's eye saw the dark swirling cloud that spoke to him. A sense of pure evil came from it. This was the first time he had seen Rabnix since the possession, if only a tornado of black smoke.

"You bastard..." Ironside whispered inaudibly. He breath heavy, quick... "Why fix me at all...?"

"I unfortunately need you in one piece my boy. Even I cannot operate an inoperable form." Ironside opened his eyes, the vision of smoke disappearing, replaced with the beautiful peace of night. "I of course took the liberty of time. I savored every moment of it. Mmm... The taste of your marrow, your blood... You are delicious my friend." Penetrating his very fiber, Rabnix pulsed, sending a searing pain throughout Ironside's body, showing off his power.

Carter's cowering subsided as he lowered his hands from his ears. The convulsing had ceased so he crawled on his hands and knees to his fallen lover. "Are you alright...?" He said with a hand on the man's chest. The touch startled Ironside who responded with his hand around Carter's throat.

"Rip it out." Rabnix said nonchalantly. "I was to taste his blood. You denied me this before but I'll not be denied it now!" The searing pain came again. Unable to control his natural reactions, his hand tensed in pain that began to crush Carter's trachea. He began to choke immediately.

"Arrrah!!" Ironside fought back the urge to rip it out. "I won't let you..." Ironside lurched onto his side, forcing his hand underneath him and off Carter's throat.

"Then you shall suffer!" Rabnix unleashed his fury on Ironside's body, forcing him into all sorts of gut wrenching positions.

Carter screamed, got up and ran away. The scream followed him as the wind and branches whipped his face. The cold air scorched his lungs, his breath speeding up. This was more than he could handle. This was insane. It struck him mid stride that Ironside had the power and the desire to kill him. These weeks meant nothing to him as they had to Carter. His opinion of Ironside slid back to the night when his lover and his lover's father were slain by that... Monster. Nay, it went back further. His hate for the `vampire' grew inside his chest once more. That old wound that had never really healed was opened once more. The emptiness of that piece of him that was ripped out when Harvey died was present once more. So many feelings surfaced once more. The overwhelming sense of dread, pain and suffering moved him to tears. Yet still he ran, sticky blood running down his face from the sharp branches that painlessly struck him. But once he reached the river, the adrenaline ran out and the cuts begged him to wash them.

The cool water made them sting but it was a good pain. Sadly though, he realized that he had run in the wrong direction from the town Ironside was originally leading them towards. He wept more.

"Stop crying." He looked up into the softly glowing red eyes of Ironside, blade in hand. "It is not very becoming." He looked the same, but for those unnatural soft red eyes, they seemed almost pink.

"Please don't kill me." Carter pleaded.

"I won't." He spoke softly. "And I am sorry for what just occurred. No one should have to see that."

"No one... Should have to go through that..." If there was a chance that he could save his own life with flattery, he'd take it.

"Each time my body is compromised, the demons have the opportunity to take over for a time. I often lost control of them all in the early years. But it got better with time. They helped me until They were torn away from me."

"And did you love them?"

"Of course not."

"Like I loved Harvey!?" Carter lashed out. "Like Harvey loved his father?! You don't have any idea what you've done! You don't have any idea what you took from me! You never knew because it was just a meaningless bloodbath for you! And you loved it... You loved it!!"

Ironside's eyes shamefully looked to the ground. "I did."

"What's one more?" Rabnix's viper-like voice hissed through his brain. "Don't let him make you feel guilt! Tear off his head and dance in the sanguine shower!"

"I'll take you to Moon River." Ironside sheathed his sword. "This is the only kindness I can do for you." They walked in silence to the edge of the forest. It was midnight by then.

Carter walked straight for the commotion of the town's inn and bar without so much as a glance at Ironside.

His eyes welled up with tears as he watched Carter walk away. He'd be fine. He'd seen that boy's resilience. It was lovely to see the boy shake his ass one last time. Ironside remembered all the times they were intimate and the joy of those thoughts quelled Rabnix's homicidal, murderous onslaught. He would be happy now, though the torment would begin anew for Ironside.

I couldn't stop playing with the ring Desmond gave me. It was a wonderful gesture, one that I knew meant that he was completely serious about his loyalty to me. I however, didn't know of a way that I could possibly show him the same. Sure I was broke, but technically we both were. He handled all the money stuff, he'd never taught me anything about how to make or apply for fake cards. IDs yes. I was better than him in some ways. But how could I show him I loved him? My thoughts of making him a nice card proved that I should still be in High School.

Never the less, we returned to the bar across from the hotel to put our coins to use in tracking down the fairy. I tried to make myself look as appealing as possible to attract it, rummaging through the bundles of clothing that Desmond kept in the truck next to the arsenal. Desmond watched ever presently as I dressed in front of him, taking my time stepping into the thin jeans. He sighed slightly when the belt leashed the pants closed over my frame.

The jeans cupped my butt perfectly, I knew they did. Hence why I chose them. Desmond walked over to me, eyes locked. I could feel his raw lust shooting through his gaze. He stood an inch from me and grabbed my shirt from the bed. His hands traced up the sides of my body, lifting my arms above my head. He placed the shirt over my limbs then my head and pulled it down. It fit formly, hugging my body. It was like wearing a white piece of cellophane, it didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Time to go." Dizzy said quietly. "Fairies to slay. You got the coins?"

"Of course." I patted my ass pocket. "Want to check?"

"Better not." He winked at me and opened the door, letting the cool, moist night air into the room. I breathed in deeply, preparing myself for hopefully seeing this fairy again that had escaped from us. Unfortunately we didn't know if it was still around. Cade had gone off to study with Celine and I certainly wasn't powerful enough to sense the fairy over long distances. Perhaps I could, but I just couldn't recognize the feeling.

Desmond lead the way to the bar, we walked in silence, though it was a bit of a hike. The plan was that Desmond would go in first and take a seat in a dark corner somewhere. After a few minutes of waiting a safe distance away, I'd go in and try and spot him. We'd stay apart, doing our own thing until he arrived if he wasn't there.

"Alright. I'd say this is good." Desmond stopped and grabbed my hand. "Don't fuck'm again kay?" He smiled and kissed me. He fingered the ring he gave me while staring into my eyes in a silent plea. They were filled with sadness, though I didn't know why.

"I love you." I said when he started to walk away.

Turning, he smiled at me. "I love you too." He turned back and walked away.

He disappeared into the darkness. My thoughts travelled. Everything from the destruction of the Society and the mysterious Fellowship to Celine and Cade. What were they talking about? Hopefully teaching each other things that the other couldn't comprehend, things that we would be able to use to fight the dark creatures inhabiting our world. And what was with that silvery wisp after Celine invoked that spirit? It couldn't really have been Winnie right? She was dead.

"Well hello." A sexy Irish voice made the hairs all over my body stand on end. Hands slid over my shoulders and onto my chest, criss-crossing above my heart. I was paralyzed with the inability to think of what to do. "Glad to hear my voice?"

I turned around to face him. It was him, it was Art. He wore a green beanie and that same jacket with too many buttons. "Hi..." Was all I could say.

"Well now I know what you're thinking... I left too hastily last time. But you'll understand if I thought your boyfriend was going to kill me." He grabbed me, pulling me close. His hands drifted to my ass, but more importantly to the coins. I felt him remove them from my pocket. "Well what do we have here? Silver hmmm...?" He tossed it aside and dove into my pocket for more. "Mmm And copper..." He chuckled as he threw them aside. "I'm finding all sorts of great things about your ass."

"Stop." I said without protesting.

"Don't you like it? Like the attention?" His fingers grasped the gold coins finally. "Ah... Now this is what I like." He pushed me away violently. His face turned to anger and hatred. It seemed to warp into a twisted one only sort of resembling a human face. Was this his true face? "You and your man... You've been very troublesome to me. To what I enjoy doing."

"So you mess with people's lives because you enjoy it?" I retorted.

His face smiled in a way that almost made me gag. "Because I can. I have the power to do anything I want... But restricted to only what I'm asked of? Do you have any idea what that's like Timothy?"

"So you grant wishes... Are you a genie?"

"A Djinn? Ha! No, nothing nearly as grand. But I don't need to feed off the mortal fluids. But you caught me, you had me, so I had to oblige you."

"That shine from the bathroom that day... That was your gold wasn't it?"

"Aha, figured it out did you?"

"You're a leprechaun..."

He bowed deeply to me. "At your service. 3 wishes. You wished you and Desmond to be happy. I made you happy, and I made him happy. No one seems to think that I might be a little bitter about the limits of my magikal abilities. Not like you... You are mildly strong, but you are no match for me."

"Really" Desmond stepped out of the shadows, cell phone armed. "How about me?" He pushed a button and Lady GaGa began to play.

"No!" I kept my eyes on him with purpose and he began to dance. He danced to beat deeply ingrained in the song. Little known fact, Leprechauns cannot deal with the songs of mortals. Should they hear one, they aren't able to stop dancing to it until the song is over.

"You're not going to live to the end of this song though." As the Leprechaun danced he shouted out bribes to us if only we'd stop the music. We were offered gold, riches, wishes without his dark twist to them. "It's not going to work." I said as I pulled a machete from the bushes that Desmond had hid.

"All the power in the universe? You don't want it?" He was visibly scared. His lips quivered as he looked at the blade my head held. Yet still he danced. Rather ridiculously I might add. "Don't do this! I'll give you anything! Anything!!!"

"Sorry, but there's nothing I want from you. You've `given' me enough." With a single swipe I removed his head. The body lurched and seemed to be alive, reaching for my neck as its neck spurted a sickly green and red colour. The head hit the floor and the body dropped. Luckily we'd sorted out this little ambush before hand, or we might actually have had a problem.

"Good thinking Dizzy."

"Hey, this is what I do." He kissed me, even though my face was covered in the sickly red blood. "As soon as he took the gold coins I knew."

"And I should have guessed from the giving me exactly what I wanted and..."

"Ya let's not finish that sentence." We laughed in spite of ourselves.

The pyre burned a radiant orange, though parts of it were green, like when you burn an old door with the handle still on it. Different coloured fire always mesmerizes me because it's not what you expect. It's new and different... Strange even...

But as Art's body burned, I heard a calling from Cade. It wasn't hastey or full of danger like I was so use to in my life recently. It was a simple: "I found them." With the help of Celine, they had done it, they had found the Fellowship's HQ. I don't know how, but I know that we needed to get to Cade and Celine as soon as possible. Once they had figured out that we knew, it might be too late to do anything with our knowledge. And so we drove, faster than I had ever seen Desmond drive... And he had a lead foot.

The drive was not too long, and we spent it in relative silence, but for the odd road rage comment that Desmond let out... And of course the obligatory stop for coffee at least 15 times. I was glad when we pulled up the long stretch of driveway to Celine's cliff side home. It seemed to glow against the rising sun which indicated to me that Cade was inside and feeling at least a little proud of himself.

The door was open so we saw ourselves in. Cade and Celine sat at the kitchen table, each with a cup of tea in hand. Celine in her jeans and white tank top, and Cade in his stereotypical black suit and tie, runes aglow with magikal energy. Celine was in the midst of laughter as we entered the room.

"Ah there are my boys!" She stood up and gave both of us a warm hug, tapping Desmond on the behind playfully. Cade tipped his nonexistent hat to us both. "How was the trip?"

"Quiet," Desmond put his arm over my shounders. "and tiring. Can we chat tomorrow?"

"Mr. Luengo, do you not think that this is a matter which deserves our utmost attention?"

"Oh come off it Cade!" Celine snapped. "If they boys are tired and all horned up, then let them sleep! Just because you don't have to doesn't mean that us foolish mortals don't!"

I sensed Cade's shunned feelings and spoke to him through our connection, which now that it wasn't being abused I had become strangely comfortable with. "So she's a firecracker isn't she?"

"No Mr. Cetris, she's a human. Just like you. A fire cracker is..."

"It's an expression..." Cade understood now, presumably from reading my thoughts. I walked over and sat down at the table with him while Celine and Desmond discussed something that I didn't care to pay attention to. "Find out anything new and exciting?"

"I did actually. I was unaware of the capabilities, and frankly, the ease at which spirits can be conjured by humans. As a half-angel, I am only able to visit spirits on the ethereal plane of existence, and only if they feel like travelling there that particular day. Just between you and me, the ghosts of the long since passed have more important things to do than sit in the ethereal plane." He smiled outwardly at this thought, though he guarded me from what it was exactly that made him smile.

"What's it like... to be a ghost?"

The question visibly shocked him both mentally and physically. "A ghost on earth? It can be worse than Hell itself depending on the circumstances that trapped you to this planet in the first place. But I will not divulge the afterlife to one who will one day experience it."

I was disappointed in this explanation but Cade refused to offer up another no matter how I prodded.

"It appears that you an Mr. Luengo came to an agreement with regards to the issue of the leprechaun yes?"

"You knew it was a leprechaun?! Why didn't you tell us?"

"How much closer did that experience bring you together? Hm? Never the less I knew when I picked up that pouch of ash. Only one type of fairy carries such a pouch, but it carries a gold coin. If the leprechaun loses possession of the coin, it turns into ash in a manner of minutes and is returned to the leprechaun. They are a miserly and tricky group of fairies... It simply stands to reason that a pouch found not in the possession of anyone filled with ash could potentially belong to a leprechaun."

I chuckled. Of course...

"Are you two done gabbing?" Celine said, her and Desmond apparently finishing their conversation without our notice.

"Indeed we are..." Cade said, visibly upset with the intrusion. "We were merely discussing the race of the fairy that plagued the couple in the days past." Celine was unimpressed with the answer but Desmond seemed more than happy with it.

"To return to the Fellowship then..." Celine began, giving Cade and myself a suspicious glare. "I am lead to believe by the spirits that their base of operations is in the forests outside of Moon River, a small town to the very north of here. But you need to be aware that the presence of darkness and evil in this place is extreme. It may draw beings to its center without their knowledge of why they have traveled there. As a result, there will be many things... that will stop you from finding the true source of the Fellowship's power."

"And without the Society to guide and protect you, there is no way that you will survive."

Desmond looked at the pair with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. "Are you suggesting that you come with us?" If I could feel the heat from his anger billowing, surely the other two could with their superiority in white magik.

"No." Cade said aloud and without haste nor ignorance. "Only me." I let out a long sigh. "I will join you on your path to the Society's head quarters and do away with them once and for all... At least in this hemisphere. Others are yet to be determined."

"Then what's the point!?" I shouted. There was silence until I dare speak again. "What's the point of Defeating the Fellowship now, if they'll only come back?"

"Because Timothy," Cade said, his white eyes fixed on me, "if we destroy them here and now, then we are one step closer to the end of this war. To the end of the apocalypse that men fight elsewhere. Every step is a battle Timothy. The only question is if you are brave enough to face and overcome it."

All eyes turned to me. "Of course I am." I turned to Desmond. "Of course we are." I corrected. "There is nothing I want more than to be free of the evil that surrounds us." Desmond smiled at me, grabbing my hand and fingering the ring he had given to me. "So let's fuck them up." The three of them smiled at me, knowing that I would do whatever it took to secure victory for the light.

"Good." Cade said. He walked fiercely towards us and touched our foreheads with two of his fingers. The sensation of being turned inside out rushed through me. My stomach felt beside my ear and my foot touched my back and yet all at once I was more nauseous than all the times before in my life combined and then multiplied a few times. With a snap, I stood in a dark field with the nauseous feeling fleeing quickly. It felt like a void in my body had opened up that all of my organs were trying to fill. If I'd ever been stabbed by a butterfly knife the proper way, I'd imagine that this is what it would feel like. Collapsing on the ground in pain, Desmond dropped to a knee beside me.

"The nausea will quickly pass." Cade sat on the grass before us and waited. His white eyes gazed upon our suffering with great interest.

"Are you enjoying this?" Seemed like I should have been spewing blood from my lips.

"I assure you that I am not."

Before I was ready, Desmond pulled me to my feet. I threw up. "Dude, not on my boots!"

"The fuck's the matter with you two? I'm dying here!"

"We are just outside of Moon River, I am weakened from that bit of angelic magik... I need to just sit here awhile to regain my composure and strength." He coughed slightly. It never dawned on me that he might go through the same feelings as we had. But he rarely showed any emotions let alone pain. "I will keep in contact with you Mr. Cetris. I suggest that you go and look around the town while I recuperate."

I straightened my back slowly with Desmond's hand resting gently on my shoulder. Moving my head back and forth, my neck cracked twice. "Let's go then... Hope there are wolves." I shot at Cade passing by him, Desmond helping me stay vertical.

"No there are not wolves around here, in fact there is not much out here at all." I rolled my eyes.

By the time we reached the road, I was feeling much better about my instant teleportation. Should I ever learn how to do that, I won't. There was a quite noisy bar in front of us as we emerged from the thick, brown buses. The front of it gathered all sorts of people from truckers and bikers to whores and teenagers. Their laughter echoed through the night along with the sound of their beer bottles smashing and clanking.

"This is all happening pretty fast." I said as we crossed the road.

"I know. I don't like it. Smells like deception." Desmond's arm dropped from my shoulder once we reached the Christmas lit entrance to the bar. The bikers stared us down a little in passing. One looked as if he wanted to stop us from going in, but a quick look from Desmond put him in his place, but not without a little help from me that is.

The bar smelled of piss and beer. This was definitely a trucker bar in every way. Random license plates hung on the walls with half naked pictures of women. The bartender looked at me with a quizzical gaze when Desmond asked for a beer for me and him.

"How old are you kid?"

"19." I replied. "It's my birthday." With a big smile, the bartender shouted to one of the serving girls who quickly cleared a table for us.

"Birthday boy! Fresh meat!" He shouted. All around the bar, glasses were raised to me. They stood still in the air as they chanted for me to drink.

"Is this what college is like?" I whispered to Desmond, who pushed his beer into my free hand.

"If it is, I wanna go." His eyes dipped to a scantily clad waitress' tight Daisy Duke's. "Ahem, you've gotta drink there buddy." He winked at me and I shook my head in disapproval.

The roar of the crowd with their fists banging on the tables urged me along in my chugging of the two beers. I drank and drank until the two were finished. With a triumphant burp, I stood and took a bow. Laughter was the response from the crowd. All but one. One boy sat in the corner booth of the long bar, dirt smeared on his disgruntled face. It was clear that he had been crying, streaked of flesh carved their way through the light brown dirt that coated his face. His hands cupped a pitcher of dark beer that he seemed convinced was going to so something very entertaining shortly. My smile changed into a quizzical look that Desmond noticed immediately. He traced my gaze to the strange creature in the corner of the bar.

"We need to talk to him." I said after I had sat back down.

"What's up with him?" He waved `two more' to the waitress. "Glowing or something?"

"No. But he's seen something... I know it."

"Seems kind of stupid to let someone who's `seen something' to wander around the streets of the Fellowship's town." He winked at me. "Dontcha think?" He was horny.

"There's nothing supernatural about him... He's not glowing, he's not smoking, he's not a demon, but he's seen things. If I can't sense anything wrong with him, then maybe the Fellowship can't either." I stood up to go over to him. "The only question is who's protecting him this well?"

The boy became uncomfortable when he locked eyes with me and realized that I was coming towards him, meaning to talk.

"I'll move." He got up immediately but Desmond's firm hand forced him back down into the booth.

"Nah, sit for a spell." He joked and sat down beside the boy. "What's your name?" He wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"C-Carter..." He stumbled.

"You seem a little spooked there Carter." Desmond tugged his arm towards himself which jerked the boy into an even more nervous frenzy.

"I have to go."

"No you don't."

"Carter. It's alright, we just want to talk to you." I grabbed his hand gently. "We're not going to hurt you. So Desmond stop it." I glared at him. "I'm Timothy. Why are you so scared?"

"T-Timothy? Cetris?"

My soul just got bitch slapped. I was just caught by my mom with a hand in the cookie jar. "How... Did you know that?" Desmond looked just as bewildered.

"I umm... I heard someone mention it once. It was a long time ago, no big deal. Can I go now?" His face gave away that he had realized that this slip of the tongue would lead him to his untimely death.

"No, now we're not just interested, we're fascinated." Desmond's arm became tight around Carter's shoulder. "So sit still and answer the hot guy." He winked at me again.

"Who were you talking to?" I inquired.

"I don't know. He was like a vampire... He... Oh god the blood..." His mind was fading quickly into insanity. This trip down memory lane would be painful so I needed to get all I needed out of him before he started blubbering. "He killed my friend and his father... Right in front of me." His eyes glazed over recalling the event. I caught a short glimpse of the vision in my own mind. A dark form leaping from the darkness with a crimson sc-

I jumped back, eyes shot open as I realized what, and who, I had seen.

"Ironside..." The two on the other side of the table stared at me in awe.

"No fucking way." Desmond's jaw stayed open.

"We're draw to each other aren't we?" Though the words came out of my mouth, they were meant for Cade who I knew was listening through our connection. I appeared in the infinitely large white room of my subconscious.

"The two of you are the embodiments of two opposing forces. You are always drawn to each other." His ghostly voice rang through my mind.

"You knew this?"

"T are you talking to Cade?" I didn't hear this comment.

"I did. I knew that you are drawn together, but I also knew that Ironside would be pulled towards the Fellowship no matter how far he ran. You were the key to finding them all along." He felt ashamed for keeping this from me, I could sense it and see it in his blank eyes. "I used you yes... It was Martin's idea from the beginning, though he is not here to see his plan come to fruition."

"So that's it? I'm just a pawn?"

"In the much greater war Timothy. You are powerful, make no doubt about it. The war shall need you for your skill. Turning from the light would be a strong blow to the side of the light and the Society."

"Fuck the Society!" I was suddenly very aware of my body. I felt the pull of every muscle, the direction of every hair follicle. But then I realized that I wasn't feeling my body, I was sensing it from Cade. I felt an invisible force on my forehead, and its connection to my head came from Cade's. "And fuck you too Cade!" I lashed out with my magikal energy. Cade threw his hands before his eyes before the white world went dark and I was rocketed into my body. I gasped for breath.

"T! Are you alright?" Desmond got up and knelt beside me.

I couldn't feel Cade anywhere. He was gone. I called to him, I shouted and screamed for him to hear me. But no answer returned from the blackness of the universe.

"You mustn't be so loud." A familiar voice briefly flooded my ears as if it were right next to me. But only Desmond knelt there.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you alright!?" He shook me slightly to urge an answer.

"Ya I'm fine..." But as those words escaped my mouth, I realized that I was not. There were countless massive forms of blackness speeding towards me and Desmond. "What the fuck..."

"What??" A desperate Desmond tried to sort out what was going on and if I was alright. His frustration showed and the bar grew dead silent.

At the smash of a glass, we looked out onto the crowd of people. Each jet black eye stared at us. A muscular biker stepped forward finally and spoke gruffly. "Ah there you are Mr. Cetris. Visible at last."

I heard struggling by the door. Evidently, Carter had attempted to escape when Desmond had his back turned. He was held in place by three devilishly attractive female demons.

"We were wondering when the two of you would be gracing us with your presence."

"Let Desmond go!" I ordered.

"Oh no my boy, I'm not talking about him. I mean, your darker half..." His gaze turned to the nearby window and I knew he meant Ironside.

"What the fuck?!" It was Desmond's voice that awoke me. I was laying in a cage with runes etched into the bars. It was a cube, like you might expect a cage to be and there were several of them. One contained Desmond, the other held Carter. All around us, the dusty grey brick walls held the earth back from the subterranean chamber. Close by, a series of knives, skewers and other ghastly instruments hung on a rack. I could only imagine what they were used for since the place stunk of death.

"Let me out! Help me!!" Carter shouted from his cell, newly awoke as well.

"No one is going to save you." The possessed man from the bar stepped out from the shadows. "But your purposes will be served."

"Like hell they will." I threatened, sending a pulse of magikal energy through the bars at the demon. It bounced back and struck my head, sending me to the back of my cell. Those runes were powerful wards. The demon laughed at my attempt.

"T!" Desmond shouted and tried to reach out to me through the bars. A woman in high heels stepped on him hand with a crunch. "Ah!" He withdrew his bleeding hand.

"Back in your cage human." She hissed.

"What do you want with us?" I demanded of the man.

"Not `us' you idiot, just you."

"Like hell..." Desmond said under his breath. This earned him a cage rattle from the woman in the high heels.

"Like you know anything about hell." The woman was more of a succubus. She wore a skin tight leather cat suit that molded to her thin frame perfectly. She had shiny red hair hanging down in a ponytail. Though she was dressed so, she gave off an aura of terror. She must be one of the more powerful demons, eyes a swirling yellow mass of fluid. She cackled at Desmond.

"No Timothy, you are... quite important to us. You still are the Weapon of the Light." The man squatted before my cell, black eyes piercing my soul.

"I haven't been able to use those powers since I killed the demons in Ironside." I coughed, my head spinning from its impact with the bars.

"You didn't kill all of us." The woman scowled at me. "Some of us just went back to hell. Asshole."

"You were..."

"Be that as it may, your powers are dormant within you. We need to take them from you, or kill you, or turn you." The man cut me off.

"Oh joy do I get to choose?" I gave a short laugh.

"No, that would be up to me..." A familiar voice sang to me from the shadows. A being of pure white shone like a beacon through the abyss. She walked towards me, silvery wisps of smoke hid her feet, if they were there at all. She really more glided across the floor... "Hello Timothy."


"Mhm..." She cooed.

"Winnie! What the fuck?! You're dead!" Desmond shouted from his cell. I hardly noticed, I was enthralled with her eyes, stuck in a trance.

"You set me free. Didn't you Timothy?" She smiled. "Never break the circle." She was right... When we summoned her at Celine's place, I'd let go of Celine's hand, breaking the circle. I set her free, just like Celine said. Fuck... "Fuck indeed Timothy. Which is exactly what you are now... Fucked."

The succubus laughed maniacally. "What are you going to do with me?"

"Well, you're the Weapon of Light. That was my destiny!" She shrieked at me. Her voice was unnaturally loud and high pitched. It stung my ears. "But now it's only you... That my friend is irreversible... But..." She smiled menacingly. "But I don't have a body of my own anymore. You saw to that didn't you?"

"You can't do that... That's impossible." My mind swam with the possible implications of what she said. She meant to possess me so that the power would at last be hers. But a ghost possession wouldn't be able to stay too long. She was up to something. She must have found a way to make it more... permanent.

"Nothing is impossible with a little magik and the right rituals. You're mine now."

They left us alone in the dark for what seemed like hours. Presumably to begin the rituals required to seal Winifred inside of me. The Fellowship had done it to Ironside with demons, they had it down pat; which was a little disconcerting to me.

"What are we going to do...?" Carter whined for the umpteenth time.

"Uh shut up!" Desmond yelled from his cell. With one leg bent at the knee and the other out stretched, he looked surprisingly comfortable in the cell. "God, if you're not going to be part of the solution, don't be part of the problem!"

"We're going to die!" Carter screamed. He lost himself in hysteria once more and broke down into tears.

I was sitting quietly, trying to find some weakness in the runes, something that might allow me to get out a message to someone psychically. But Winnie would hear it too. Dead or not, she seemed to have retained her flare for telekinesis. She could probably hear me now...

But with the darkness all around me, it was difficult to think. It seemed like the soft light that illuminated the small area of the dungeon was the last light that I would see. Was I doomed to be the plaything of Winnie until I died? Would I ever die if she was inside of me?

"T." Desmond called softly amongst the cries of Carter. "Are you alright?"

"No." I said honestly. Desmond's face showed his sympathy for me.

"We'll get out of here. Don't worry."

His reassurance was useless to me. Who would save us? Cade? He wouldn't be able to find me... I never should have cut our connection. Ironside maybe... But if they wanted me for my power, they'd be after Ironside for the same reasons. If we were connected like they said we were, then maybe they were counting on Ironside trying to save me.

"Timothy." I spun around in my cell. But the voice's origin wasn't there.

"What is it T?"

"I heard something. Someone called me."

"Who's there!?" Desmond shouted into the blackness.

"Shut up. They'll hear us." Ironside slinked around my cage into view of the three of us.

"You..." Desmond scowled.

"You!" Carter lurched forward and threw his arms through the bars trying to touch Ironside.

"Silence!" He hissed. "I'm going to get you out of here but you need to remain silent!"

"I don't trust him T..." Desmond grasped his bars in rage since he was unable to attack Ironside for being so close to me.

"This cage is sealed with white magik. It may take me a few moments to set you free..." His large hands traced along the bars and symbols, touching a few for longer moments before moving on to the next.

Suddenly light engulfed the area. Ironside's sword was in his hands faster than I could see how. He stood to face what I could now see was an opening in the dry grey bricks. There stood Winifred and the succubus.

"Nice to see you again Rabnix." The demon's tongue flicked out in a sexual manner. She lunged at Ironside who cut off her head in an instant. It continued to scream as he kicked it into the stoney wall. It splattered, covering the wall in blood and skull. Winifred stood watching the whole scene showing no emotion.

"My Weapon of Darkness." Winnie smiled at last. "My other half."

"You are no Weapon of Light. We are not equals spirit."

"Oh but soon we will be, and once that happens, we will be unstoppable." She held out her hand. "Don't you want the ultimate power?"

"I have no lust for power such as you do." He walked towards her and she was instantly behind him. Her hand shot forward through his back. Whatever she did, it brought out a guttural scream from Ironside that sent him to his knees.

"Perhaps not. But you will submit to me and the Fellowship."

"When did you change sides?!" I demanded from Winnie.

"When I realized that it was only through them that I could get what I wanted. Only way that I could get to you." A series of people in black cloaks pushed into the room carrying another cage. With a wave of her hand, a devil's trap appeared on the floor beneath Ironside's wreathing form which gasped as the symbol appeared. He tried to crawl out of the circle, but the black cloaked followers put the cage down on top of him and bolted it to the floor. Winnie chuckled. "Mine."

"Ours." A man came into the room in a much more regal robe. With the hood down, I could see it was an unknown man to me. An elderly man, skin showing the wrinkles and spots of his age. He shuffled in towards Ironside. He was frail, but powerful in the ways of black magik. I could feel it. He knelt as best he could beside Ironside. "Good to see you again Alexander." He touched the cage with a gnarled hand.

"Who are you?" A man in a black cloak rushed to my cage and kicked it violently.

"Don't you dare address the master you insignificant dog!" He kicked it again.

"Get the fuck away from him!" Desmond screamed.

"Calm..." The old man straightened up. All was immediately silent in the room. His weak voice continued. "When will things be ready Winifred?" He asked.

"Not too long. I've almost completed the preparations. An hour at most."

"Much can happen in an hour." He looked to the people in the black cloaks. "Ensure that everything is secure, then check it again." The people fled the room in fear of him thinking they were moving too slowly. "Come Winifred." He lead her out and we were alone once more.

Ironside stirred.

"Ironside! Are you alright?" I called. Carter whimpered and tugged at his bars.

"I'm alright... But Rabnix is fuming..." The demon inside him. That must be hell. He managed to sit up in the cell and examine it, fighting through what seemed like a headache undoubtedly caused by Rabnix.

"Can you get out of there?" Desmond clenched his jaw at addressing Ironside.

"I do not think so... The trap keeps Rabnix's powers in check while the cage keeps me. It is written into the floor, I am unable to remove any part of it." He sighed. "I cannot save us."

Carter burst into tears again.

"Arg! Shut up you little bitch!" Desmond screamed. "Fuck!"

"Carter, relax," Ironside said, "there's nothing we can do until they release us. Then we might make an escape." He pushed up on the cage to test the bolts that held it down. They were solid. He sighed again.

"Well we..." Commotion upstairs. Screams and flashes of light made their way down to the dungeon. All of us heard it and our eyes were fixated on the doorway.

After a moment of silence, a glowing mass entered. It was too bright to make out exactly what it was, but that soon was remedied. Cade's white eyes appeared first, then the glowing blue of his tattoos. His skin appeared as white and hard as ivory. He walked past Ironside's cage and at a wave of his hand, the bars of my cage melted away to a heaping mass of metal around me. He did the same to the other two cages. Carter ran to Ironside's cage.

"Cade..." I went towards him to hug him graciously but he walked away from me.

"I am sorry that I did not come sooner. It seems as though our connection has been severed." He glanced back at me in anger.

From the doorway, a man in a black cloak came running in. His eyes were black as night. With a scream, he ran at Cade. But Cade was much calmer. A hand placed on the demon's face glowed a bright yellow and the demon dropped. I couldn't feel the demon anymore. Cade's touch had banished it back to hell or killed it...

"Let's go." He said bluntly.

"What about Ironside?" I asked.

"Leave the demon to the demons."

"He's not a demon! He's a guy! He's a friend."

"T..." Desmond protested. "Leave him."

"If we leave him the Fellowship will use him against us! Even if we didn't know him, it makes no sense to leave a weapon in the hands of our enemies!"

"You are right." The cage melted and Ironside stood to his full height. The pair eyed each other carefully. Ironside slowly went to pick up his sword but Cade shot it away from his grasp. "You do not need that." They stared into each other's eyes with hatred shooting between them. "Let's go."

"Where's Winnie?" I asked as we climbed the stairs into a large ornate room. The walls were solid oak and what little colour that deviated from that was a deep crimson colour.

"Right here." Winnie's voice came from the far edge of the room. She stood with the Fellowship elder, surrounded in a red glow.

Cade but a hand on Desmond's shoulder. "You know what to do." In an instant he was gone. The same happened to Carter. Ironside, Cade and I stood against the pair.

A great flash of light threw Cade backwards into the far wall. Ironside ran at them sword in hand. Winnie disappeared but the master simply raised a hand and Ironside stopped dead.

I threw pulses of magik flying at the master though none of them landed. I only ceased when Winnie gave me the same treatment she had given to Ironside back in the dungeon. I screamed in agony, it was like she was burning me from the inside out. The pain was excruciating.

"Let go oh him!" Cade screamed and the pain stopped. Winnie had disappeared again.

Across the room, Ironside was lashing out at the master with his sword. Slicing one way then the next. For an old man, he was remarkably able to dodge every one of Ironside's blows. He was laughing.

Cade's fingers twisted as he took in a great breath through his nose. A shaft of light shot from his hands and struck the master with full force. His body was catapulted through the air and landed in a heap on the floor a few feet away. He was alive, but Ironside's sword took care of that soon enough.

"Where is Winifred?" Ironside rushed over to us, blood dripping from the tip of his sword.

Suddenly she appeared in the middle of all of us. Lightning jumped from her fingers and connected to us all. I could have sworn my heart stopped, but I yet lived. She stood over me as I lay on the ground.

"You'll not die this day Timothy. I still need you. But you will be mine. I swear it! You..." A look of fear swept over her. "What? No!" She screamed as the flames consumed her. Her body was swept away in a final silvery wisp.

The three of us slowly pulled ourselves to our feet.

"Mr. Luengo served his purpose well." At his touch, the three of us stood outside the wreckage of Winnie's old house. The same one that months ago I had brought down on her head, killing her.

Desmond and Carter stood off to the side before a raging fire that held Winnie's ashes. Gone for good. Nothing comes back from the dead twice. Though if her soul still existed, I can guarantee that she was plotting how she might.

"T!" Desmond ran over to me and hugged me so tightly. "I was afraid I was too late." He was actually crying. I felt a single hot tear on my face. "Don't scare me like that again."

"Hey!" Carter ran over to Ironside. "Are you alright?" Ironside stared at the boy with blank eyes. Carter went in for a hug, longing for the same embrace Desmond and I shared. Ironside took Carter's head in his hands and snapped his neck. My skin cringed with the bone twisting sound. Desmond put his body between Ironside and myself.

"Now I am rid of you."

"Was that entirely necessary?" Cade asked, voice full of hate.

"He would follow me. And if he couldn't find me, he'd resort to foolish things. Now at least Rabnix is appeased... For a time..." He chuckled.

"You are a heartless monster." Cade turned his back and came to us. "Are you two alright?"

"Ya." Desmond said. Ironside joined our pack. "You two?"

"I am fine. I care not for him." Ironside snorted. "Shall I send you home?"

As Desmond pulled his cock out of me and collapsed beside me, I kissed him passionately.

"Awesome... As always." I chuckled, my hole good and stretched.

"Mmm... As always." He kissed me gently on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.

I want to tell you that this is it. That nothing else bad would ever happen to us. But I don't know. Winnie was dead, Cade and Ironside were off in the wilderness, perhaps together, perhaps not.

Some time later, Cade and Ironside found Desmond and I when we were living In Celine's old house. She had gone to study in Ireland with some old druids. When we saw them, we knew that they had settled their differences and became quite the... Couple...

As for Desmond and I, we continued fighting the forces of darkness together. We fought, we fucked and in general loved each other... Most of the time. Haha! But at the end of the day, all that mattered was that we did it together. Nothing could change that. Not the Fellowship, not the Society, and certainly not that bitch Winifred.

The End...?

So due to my own (and a few others) general lack of interest in this story anymore, I have decided to end it here... This is not all that I had planned for our friends... Not in the slightest. However it's also National Novel Writing Month and I need to devout some time to that... Namely all my time. However, if you enjoyed my story, hated how it ended, are wondering why the fuck Ironside is still alive or simply to state a case for me writing more, drop me a line. I'm usually good at responding. In the unlikely event that I get an overwhelming response, I will continue it should my interests be once again peaked for it.


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