Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Jul 22, 2010


Ah summers are so busy for me... Lack of interwebz. Infrequent updates to this story. Thanks to all of you for commets, I enjoy them so keep 'em coming.

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~Supernatural-101 Part 2.6~

Carter woke up at the break of dawn. Rubbing his eyes, he propped himself up with his elbow and blinked away the stinging sensation of the bright light on his fresh eyes. He sighed and slumped down on himself, allowing his head to fall to his shoulder. This let his eyes fall onto his blood caked hands. All at once, the events of the past few days came back to him in full force; how he had watched as the vampiric creature had assaulted his lover and lover's father. His attempts to kill himself with the vampire's sword, hurling himself off of heights, and his most recent: sawing at his wrists with his own finger nails. All of these attempts were thwarted by `Ironside.' Carter however enjoyed calling him a vampire, the vampire seemed to take it as somewhat of an insult. This of course was part of an ongoing attempt to anger the vampire so much that he would kill him. So far, this was proving futile. The monster within was kept well hidden, apart from a few welcomed outbursts of sustained rage. It showed the vampire was weakening in his resolve to not kill again.

In the mean time however, Ironside took mildly good care of his reluctant hostage. Not reluctant on the part of Carter however, on the part of Ironside. He had told Carter multiple times to leave, to go off in the direction of other humans. Ironside had even left him alone for a 24 hour period in an attempt to get him to leave. Unfortunately, the human side of Ironside had returned with food and company. This confused Carter immensely. Why would a demonic entity ensure his safety? Care for him so? To redeem himself for the savage murders? Or because Ironside was quiet lonely... Well there's another way to potentially enrage him into murder once more. Befriend (if the vampire was capable of such) and then leave. Befriend or maybe...?

Ironside was asleep still on his bed of sphagnum, the perfect time to raise the hatred and anger. Carter had fashioned a small stake from a piece of wood left over after a small fire. He crept up slowly to the sleeping form, fully intending on Ironside to wake up. But once he got closer, it became somewhat of a game to see how close he could get. Crouching over the body, Carter found himself marveling at the form. He lay on his back, arm behind his head, under his leather jacket that had seen better days. There was a thick vein that ran up his forearm adding a sexy character. There was little hair on the underside of his arm, but some peaked out from the other. The vein disappeared into his elbow which turned into a hefty bicep. The skin of the definitive crevasse that separated the bicep from the tricep was stretched thin and a brilliant pale colour. It had not seen much light apparently. All of these distractions took Carter's attention from the fact that Ironside's eyes were open.

Upon noticing this, Carter gasped and hastily, albeit sloppily, thrust the makeshift stake at Ironside's chest. It pierced on the sphagnum that the vampire had once slept on. It pierced disappointingly shallow, proving that this was perhaps the wrong method of attack. Ironside's arms gripped Carter around his midsection, pinning his arms to his side.

"Let me go vampire!" Carter struggled and fought fruitlessly against the crushing force of Ironside's demonic strength. Carter elbowed his hard laterals and pounded his fists against his thick legs. Nothing seemed to help. After some time, Carter gave up on fighting and simply relaxed, sobbing slightly.

"I am not a vampire." Ironside said in a monotone that had been repeated ad nauseum at this point. He released the boy only to be kneed in the stomach a moment later. The blow was unexpected rather than painful, but achieved its purpose of stunning Ironside long enough for Carter to grab the stake and try once more for the heart. The pair rolled a few times over each other and the stake flew from reach. Carter was pinned, Ironside's grip held Carter's wrists above his head and the boy gave up, gasping for breath. Ironside was significantly less winded and breathed slowly through his nose while staring at the boy below him.

"Do it!" The boy taunted. He turned his head to one side, revealing the throbbing jugular vein while his eyes still were trapped in Ironside's. "Fucking do it!"

"I am not a vampire." Ironside whispered somewhat seductively. The thought crossed his mind about taking the boy right then. His head lowered to kiss the boy, but quickly retracted and Ironside shot up to his feet, distancing himself from temptation.

"But you want to. You want to drink my blood don't you?!" Carter pulled himself to his feet and walked after Ironside. "You want to kill me so do it!"

Ironside spun around too quick for Carter's feeble eyes to see. His hands like vice grips on Carter's biceps. His face close enough to feel the heat that the vampire gave off, and to catch the spit as he spoke. "I am not a vampire!" he said forcefully, raising his voice uncharacteristically. "And though I do admit that a part of me desires to feast on your blood..." he blinked and clenched his jaw, "your flesh..." the `sh' slid through his teeth a moment longer than was needed, "I will not give in to your requests, or my demon's commands to do so." He threw Carter at a soft patch of sphagnum. "Understood?"

"Then..." Carter propped himself up with both arms, bending his knee and opening his legs ever so slightly, "is there something else you wanted?" The sexual advance was not mistaken by Ironside, he just chose not to act on it. Though Carter detected a subtle doubt in Ironside's response. The advance was now only about half having to do with Carter's suicidal fantasies.

But Ironside collected his jacket and scarf before disappearing into the woods, presumably to collect something to eat. His sword, he had learned, could not be kept near where they slept for fear of the aforementioned suicidal fantasies.

"You'll have to kill me you know!" Carter shouted into the wilderness. "If you leave this fucking forest I'll follow you and tell everyone what a monster you are!" He smirked when there was no answer. Maybe that would convince the vampire that killing him was the best option.

"At least you wouldn't be lying." Ironside's uneasy voice drifted into Carter's ears from behind him. "I am a monster. Do you assume that your insults worry me? They do not. I am everything you've called me and more."

Carter took a few steps towards Ironside cautiously. "Then why don't you just kill yourself?"

"There was a time that I would have. But not now. Now I have things to live for." He laughed through a snort that escaped his nose. "Sort of." The first bit of informal speech that Carter had heard. There was some human in there after all perhaps? "Should I die, the demon within me would have no human soul stopping him from taking over my body. It is doubtful that I could die even... Our souls are fused together with ancient magik from the time before time was recorded." He tossed a dead rabbit towards Carter. "Eat. We need to move on, there is a large electrical storm coming."

"Can I borrow your sword and climb a tree?"

"You know I cannot let you do that Carter." Ironside pointed out some kindling he had gathered at some point that Carter could use for fire.

"I don't understand why the fuck not!?" Carter threw a log at Ironside's face. He dodged it with ease.

"Because I do not wish any more blood on my hands than I already have. Trust me, stick around long enough and Rabnix will find a way. He doesn't like you. He says you are overly dramatic and lying to me. Furthermore, he seems to think that you find me revolting in every way..." Ironside watched his hands intently as he spoke.

"You are revolting." Ironside's heart felt as if it had been stabbed. "And what's with that ugly tattoo on your neck?" Carter said starting the fire. "It looks like you're just fucking dirty."

"Did you want to see it? See my curse?" He stood up and lifted his shirt just enough to see the smooth pale skin surrounding his navel, rippled with abs. An inviting trail of hair pointed down towards his covered cock. The small black drops of what seemed like dried oil were tattooed into his skin. Carter immediately froze, eyes fixated on the beautiful navel. "Sometimes they burn."

"So..." Carter gulped all too obviously where his mind was going, "does it go all the way up to your neck?"

"Indeed." Ironside pulled the shirt up his body as he tugged down his pants to reveal his pubic hair. The oil drops trailed across his six-pack, now fully visible.

"I've always kind of wanted a tattoo." Carter was in a sort of trance, watching the variable striptease

Ironside removed his scarf and he pulled the shirt over his head, revealing his sculpted chest and hard nipples. It was a little chilly in the morning after all. The drops enveloped his pectoral on its way up to his neck. Ironside let a finger trace the path that the oil took up his body, his other hand tugging down more on his pants, revealing the beginnings of a limp cock surrounded by hair. The oil drips continued into his lowering pant line.

"Does it... Go all the way down?" Carter studdered, moving ever closer to Ironside's body.

"Would you like to see?" He asked in a low tone. It sent shivers up Carter's spine. Carter nodded, eyes fixated on the lengthening shaft. His breathing changed into that of a horney man. You know the sound, subtly subdued and all in the area were very aware of the sound, despite the efforts to hide it.

Ironside's pants flipped back up as he released them and his hands shifted to undo his pants. They slowly unfastened the always-too-complicated-when-the-time-comes-to-it pants and the dropped to the ground, revealing a pair of black briefs, tightly packed...

Ironside stepped out of the pants and was now standing directly in front of Carter. "See? All the way down to my shin." Carter looked down to see the oil peek out of the tight briefs and wrap around Ironside's leg a few times before seeming to end at his left shin. But it wasn't the tattoo Carter was looking at anymore. Instead, he was examining the perfect outline of Ironside's thick cock confined by his briefs. Below that, a pair of hefty balls pushed the cock even closer to the thin fabric of the briefs. "What are you staring at?" Ironside played dumb, knowing full well that Carter wanted Ironside's thick, hard cock rammed forcefully up his ass over and over again until they both erupted in a river of cum that put the Yangtze to shame.

"Your tattoo..." Carter played dumb as well. Of course, it wasn't going to happen if they both played dumb. So Carter dropped to his knees and began kissing the encaged monster of Ironside's cock.

"Seems like it." Ironside placed a hand in Carter's hair, massaging his head lightly. "You disgrace the name of your lover by doing this you know. Harvey..."

Carter stopped his hand from passing the elastic legband of Ironside's briefs. "I just want to see the tattoo, I swear."

"You, me and Rabnix know you're lying." Ironside removed his hand from Carter's head. "You only miss him. You do not want to do this."

Carter stood up and took his shirt off. His thin, young body had been unrecently shaved, probably for the few days ago when Harvey was going to ravage his hole. His pants fell and he pulled his feet out of them and his shoes at the same time. Carter's hands balanced on Ironside's firm chest. "You know what I want?" Carter walked to the nearest tree and bent over onto it, pulled his boxers down and spread his legs. He spread his ass wide and grabbed it, massaged it. "I want you to fuck me." Carter spit on his finger and began pushing it at the entrance to his inviting ass. He groaned in lust. "Hard."

Ironside approached the wiggling boy slowly. The moss and tufts of grass squished beneath his feet making a squishing sound that he could only liken to fucking Timothy. His cock jumped to attention at the thought. It pushed against his briefs, begging to be released. He opened his underwear with one hand and grabbed his throbbing cock with the other, stroking it slowly.

"Are you sure this is what you desire?" Ironside whispered into Carter's ears, placing his hands gently on his bare shoulders.

"Ya... I want it." Carter pushed his butt backwards and his sphincter was poked by Ironside's protruding cock. "Oh fuck." Carter sighed at the feel of the clothed penis against his widened ass. His shaven ass acted as a weak Velcro as Ironside pulled back from Carter's ass.

"You're not afraid of me are you?" Ironside pulled his thick cock out of his briefs and rubbed it along Carter's crack. He thrust slowly and methodically against the tight ass.

"No." Carter gasped for breath as he bathed in his own ecstasy. "No I want it. I want you to fuck me. Please." He was begging now. Ironside wasn't sure how to feel about this. He was in control, and to prove it, he slammed his cock up and along the crease in Carter's butt. His balls slapped against Carter's. He rotated his hips against Carter's hole and grabbed his hips forcefully.

"I didn't ask if you wanted it. I know you do."

"I'm fucking terrified of you." Ironside slammed is cock up Carter's now slick crack. Slick with sweat from the morning heat and pre-cum from Ironside's intense hardon. "But it turns me on... I want you to fuck me. Please, please fuck me!" Carter said forcefully. Ironside pushed a finger deep inside Carter's hole. "Oh fuck!" It sounded painful as he had not bothered to test how loose the hole was. Once Ironside flicked it around a few times, he pulled the finger out and spat at Carter's hole, replacing it quickly. The bubbly saliva leaked out of Carter's ass as Ironside worked his finger in.

Carter began to push back against Ironside's finger and eventually, Ironside stopped moving his finger and just let Carter go wild, adding another finger to double the pleasure. Carter bucked wildly against Ironside's fingers and his cock dripped pre-cum furiously. It became obvious that the boy would cum almost as soon as Ironside put his cock inside him. But he had to... The well lubed ass was warm an inviting on his fingers, and Carter was begging for it after all. The opposite of his previous begging for death.

Ironside removed his fingers. "No, fuck no don't stop!" Carter practically yelled in protest. His tone changed once he felt the big head of Ironside's cock push slightly into him. "Oh god ya fuck me raw!" He pushed backwards but only managed to get a little more of the big dick inside him before Ironside pulled out.

Though it seemed like an eternity for Carter, Ironside quickly thrust his cock inside Carter, only about half way. The muscles of his ass squeezed tightly against Ironside's assault. "Open up for me." Ironside demanded. He felt the muscles relax and he pushed deeper inside. A lust grew inside of him and he pushed his cock all the way inside Carter. He screamed in a mixture of pain and ultimate pleasure.

"Oh fuck ya man! Ya fuck me!" Carter wanted it rough, and Ironside was in the mood to give it to him. His cock pummeled Carter's ass with his immense speed. Sweat trickled down his back with the effort of his fucking. It tickled his lower back before disappearing down to slide over his hidden asshole.

At the moment he began to feel a slight pain from his balls smacking into Carter's, Carter blew a massive load on the tree he leaned against. His orgasm clenched his ass so tight that Ironside found it difficult to fuck him properly, but this didn't stop him. He pushed with more force and the ass gave way.

"Oh fuck that feels so fucking good..." Carter wasn't ready to give up yet.

"You enjoy this..." Ironside panted.

"Oh fuck ya. Harder... Fuck me harder!"

Ironside grunted in acceptance and fucked with all he had. He repositioned himself to fuck Carter's ass downwards, stimulating the underside of his head. He loved it. He loved that Carter was able to take the girth of his cock. He was afraid that he would hurt the boy, but the boy loved it. He begged for more even. With his ass spread to its limits, Ironside took out his cock and began rubbing it furiously, his own orgasm coming.

He let out a primal roar as he began lacing Carter's gaping hole with ropes of thick, white cum. Again and again he came, each time aiming for the cave-like hole. Once he had finished he plunged his cock back into Carter's ass. He pulled out to drag his cock along Carter's backside, pooling his cum into the open hole. He fucked it in. Once all his cum was deep inside Carter, he pulled out and stepped back, sweating in the morning heat.

"Holy fuck..." Carter collapsed onto the soft ground. "That was fucking hot man." He looked at Ironside's heaving body, oil drop tattoos tracing over his god-like body. He shimmered in the light, slick with sweat. Carter was damp as well, hair dripping a constant flow of sweat down his face and back. Carter sat down and lifted a leg, fingering his open hole. He removed a small amount of cum and placed the finger in his mouth.

Ironside watched, oddly turned on as Carter's fingers kept going back for more. He returned to Carter's side and kissed his boy, swapping cum with each lash of his tongue. Ironside's hands grabbed the upright leg and began assisting Carter is harvesting the cum that Ironside had deposited deep into his ass. Each time Ironside's fingers travelled up into Carter, the boy winced in pleasure.

"Fuck me again." Carter demanded.

"It is late." Ironside stood up and collected his clothes, dressing slowly as Carter still fingered himself with one hand and blew another load with his other hand. "Come, we must move on, the storm is on the horizon."

Carter stood up, legs shaking from the vicious fucking he had received. He stuttered to his clothing and put it on regretfully. "Where do we go?"

"To the closest town." Ironside explained. "You need to go."

"What?" Carter was confused. He had assumed that they would be together for at least a few more fucks before being ditched. "Why the fuck do you all of a sudden want to leave me?"

Ironside didn't answer. But Rabnix did. "Because I'm going to kill you boy. Slowly... You know Ironside, I rather enjoy watching you get into these sorts of situations and then having to leave the boy for fear of me killing him. I will... You know I will. I can still taste that boy's father in your mouth. Do you think he knew that the taste of his father was mixed with the taste of your seed?"

"That was a long time ago, there's no way." Ironside spoke out loud. Carter slowly picked up that Ironside was talking to himself...

"Essence lasts longer than physical matter you fool. You should know that..." Rabnix taunted. "You haven't brushed your teeth since you ate them you know. It's not that far fetched." A series of malicious laughter followed. "Oh tell him my boy! Tell him that! Oh it would be deliciously vile would it not?!" More laughter.

"I notice you were quiet while I was inside him. Enjoy it?" Ironside taunted back. Rabnix remained silent for a time.

"How is he?" Desmond walked into the motel room and threw a duffle bag at one of the chairs that sat around the small table. The chair fell over.

"He's alright." I gave Desmond a small kiss on the lips as a `welcome home' when he came over to me. I was sitting on one of the beds beside the faintly glowing blue body of Cade. The angelic markings covered his body fully. When looking directly at them, it seemed as if they carried a silvery liquid around his body, a blood-like substance that no longer glowed with the ethereal white magik that was a part of him. "I've been trying to heal him, but I don't know how."

"Well better not do anything you don't know how to with him in his condition." Desmond walked to the mini fridge and pulled out a beer. "Want one?" It seemed recently as if he'd entirely forgotten about my age. Perhaps it was because I'd grown so much over the past few months that I seemed much older. I declined.

It had been nearly 6 months since I had met Ironside in a bloody shower of my gym teacher that lead to this entire debacle. I decided that since my parents had thought of me dead to them, I did not miss them nor felt any ill will towards Ironside for slaying them. His bloody rampage spurred by some innate knowledge that I was destined to be some sort of weapon of the Light, while he, that of the Dark. Yet even all that had happened with Winifred and Ironside and Martin and Theresa and Cade, I still stood in absolute awe of Desmond. In a loving way, a protective way that is.

Desmond sat on the bed opposite to me and I joined him calmly, worming my way into his arms as he attempted to not spill the beer he was enjoying. "I'm thinking that we should probably take him to see Celine. I don't think he's gotten better and it's been a few days. We can't stay in one place too long T."

"Ya I know. I agree... I just want to know what happened to him." I pondered the possibilities.

"Ironside." That's what I had been thinking too. "You guys had that fight awhile ago and then shortly after, that was it. No more Society."

"Ya... Unless it was the Fellowship. I can just imagine the rivalry between the two. They were creating weapons to fight each other after all."

"Fight or fuck?" I could feel him smirk in a third grade prankster kind of way.

"Oh haha you're so fuuuuunny." I mused and gave him a kidney shot.

"Woahahaha!" He laughed. "Am I gonna have to kick your ass again?" He put his beer down."

"Something else to it maybe." I sat up and reached for his beer, taking a big swig of it.

"You're underage." He said taking it from me nonchalantly. "That would be illegal. I could go to jail."

"Ya cause all of those statutory rape charges aren't going to do it. No no. It's going to be the supplying alcohol to minors that's gonna get you locked up. Do you hear yourself talk?" He pushed me off the bed and I landed with a thud. I responded with throwing the blankets over his head then leaping on him, punching him softly any place that I could reach. "Had enough?" I played.

"Ya right." He grabbed me from beneath the covers and twisted until he was on top of me, the covers draping lazily over his body and onto mine. I couldn't see his face, but guessed where his nose would have been and grabbed it, making a honking noise.

Desmond struggled to get his head out of the large blanket. "Wanna go out?"

I looked over to Cade, still faintly shimmering and breathing lightly. "I'm not sure. Can we even leave him?"

"He hasn't woken up in days, I doubt that it would be within the next few hours that he would." He got up and stood over Cade. "Helloooo? Mr. Angel-Guy?"

"Erelim." I corrected.

"Uh huh. Mr. Erelim?" He poked him softly. "Hey did you check out his junk when you put him in bed?"

"I... No of course not. He's not even naked! He's got his underwear on."

"Why'd you stutter? Guilty conscience?" He winked at me and lifted the covers that hid Cade's lower torso. "Well whaddya know? He does have his underwear on." Desmond replaced the sheets and turned to me. "So what do you want to do? It's still early, we can go out, have a few then come back. Maybe get it on in the car since you refuse to mess around with the angel here."


"Ya ya."

"Well..." I contemplated the situation thoroughly. "I guess..."Ever since Desmond made me my fake ID, he'd been commenting on how we never use it. He was right too, the probability of Cade waking up now was pretty low... And I really wanted to get laid. "Ya alright let's go."

Desmond put on a huge smile and grabbed his coat. "Sweet deal. Let's blow this pop stand." With that, we got into the car and drove the unnecessary 5 minutes to the closest bar in town.

I got in no problem, they didn't even ask to see my ID. But of course, after a few shots of liquid cocaine, Desmond became his regular flirty self and had made it his personal mission to kiss as many girls as possible. I watched in utter drunken amusement as he ran his fingers through their hair and kissed them gingerly on the cheek before asking for their number.

"Your friend there is quite the flirt eh?" An incredibly sexy voice asked me in an Irish accent, although his time in Canada had shown.

I chuckled "Oh he's quite the ladies man, that's for sure."

"Oh I bet. May I?" I nodded and he took a seat. He was wearing a red blazer with seemingly more buttons than there needed to be and a lopsided beanie atop his head. His eyes were green and his hair was a soft brown, yet the hairs that grew at short length on his face showed signs of red. "That boy your friend or your sister's?"

"Huh?" He'd seen me watching Desmond, probably gawking... "Whaddya mean?" I smiled innocently.

"That lad over there with the leather jacket." He motioned his head towards Desmond. "Friend or sister's?"

"He's a pretty good friend of mine, ya." I took sip of my beer and smirked at him mischievously.

"Ah. So he's your lover?" He smiled at me. "I don't care either way. Love is love."

"How'd you guess?"

"Luck of the Irish?" He said with an upwards inflection and laughed aloud with me. I turned my attention to Desmond who seemed to be attracting the attention of a very attractive young lady with an average sized build yet rather large mammary glands. I watched him work his magic, it brought be back to so long ago when I didn't know if he as straight or not... Hell maybe he really isn't and I'm just his exception to the rule. He had slept with may a female... But he'd also slept with that Luke character, or whatever his name was. I've forgotten for lack of caring. Hmh... I know full well of my jealousy, but if he were to see me doing the same, then he'd be driven mad.

"Luck of the Irish eh? I'm suppose to be half... Is that why you came to say hi?"

"Oh no my friend no... I simply noticed that you watched him rather... intently. So I wanted to know why. How's the relationship then?"

"I really don't want to talk about that with you." I laughed into my pitcher. "Sorry bud."

"I think you do. Who else do you have to talk about this with that isn't part of his circle?" He ordered a whiskey on the rocks from the waitress. It came before I was able to complete the thought of what I wanted to say in retort.

"Everyone that I knew has died by my hand or anothers. It doesn't matter to me anymore who I hurt really. So long as Desmond is still there... I guess... My god I have no idea why I'm telling you this..."

He laughed. "Luck of the Irish I guess." He called the waitress over as I finished the last sip of my beer. "Another please." He finished his whiskey in a very impressive gulp. "For both of us ya?"

The waitress nodded as Desmond stumbled over. He hugged me tightly in a drunken stupor. "Timmay!" He shouted in my ear. I half laughed and half got a little upset at the noise in my ear. "She's hot eh? Haha! Don't worry though, I'm going home with you." He kissed me on the cheek, took a sip of my beer and turned to walk away.

"Might as well fuck her!" The Irishman yelled after Desmond while laughing. "Not good for anything else!" He noticed my disapproval at the remark and apologized for it. "And I haven't even introduced myself have I? The name is O'Connell. Art O'Connell." He smiled at me.

"Art? Really? That's a pretty lame name."

"Art being derived from the Gaelic word for `Bear'?" He laughed "I'm strong and verile... And rough." He winked at me.

I snorted a laugh. "Aha so that' why you came over here eh? To try and get with me? Or at least see if I was interested? I'm not. At all."

"To each their own. But I've gotta say, I'm fairly able to get a girl in this place as easily as you. Not to say that you're easy though." He laughed. "I do think that you might like a different cock than that grunt over there."

"Nah, I'm ok." I said sarcastically while still telling the truth. "He's pretty good... Hits the spot in more way than one." I winked at Art.

He winked back. "I've been known to do the same." There was a long period of silence before he asked he "What is that that you want?"

I stuttered and said quietly: "I want Desmond and I to be happy."

It was then, at the same moment that Desmond decided to bring home that girl with the average build and big boobs that I decided to go home with the Irishman. I can't explain why I wanted to, just that it seemed right at the moment. I guess the luck of the Irish struck again.

Cade shot up in his bed, the glow that surrounded his vision regaining its power. He immediately threw a few spells out onto the walls and door that would guard against evil spirits. While they wouldn't prevent evil from coming into the room, it would let Cade know if any entered or if any were already present in the small room.

He observed the room slowly, checking for anything abnormal. A quick look was all that took for him to realize that there was nothing in the immediate vicinity that could possibly harm him. Well, there was a rather vapid trollop in the room above him, there was nothing of immediate threat to him.

He stood and realized that he was wearing only his underwear. He felt a little dirty standing in a hotel that lacked any cleanliness whatsoever but he still felt a degree of care that hung in the stank air of the room.

Looking around for his clothing and eventually finding it hanging from the shower, he dressed and cast his wards upon his clothing against any dark powers that would attack him. His mind immediately flew to the moments before he was knocked unconscious. For days upon countless days Cade stood in the Holy Oil circle, unable to leave or to call for help from the other angels. Somehow, Timothy had been able to pick up his telekinetic calls for help can come to aid him.

"Our connection..." Cade spoke out loud to no one. When Martin and Theresa had commanded him to create a link between himself and Timothy, he did not expect it to be that strong. When he had begun to train Timothy, he had not expected it to be so detrimental to his future, he would not have made the connection. But now that he had, a certain goal needed to be reached before the connection would be broken. It was then that Cade looked into the part of his mind that connected to Timothy's and found something rather disturbing, and to Cade, very adulterous.

Next: Chapter 18: Supernatural 101 II 7

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