Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Apr 22, 2010


Well this week is actually Creativity Week, so I decided that I needed to post something... SO here it is, enjoy. I've been a douche about getting back to people's e-mails so I'ma try and remedy this situation ASAP. Enjoy, as always.

~~ Supernatural 101 -- Part 2.4 ~~

The Society hadn't contacted us in a few days and we were starting to get very worried. Cade, Theresa or Martin wouldn't answer when we shouted for them and my mind was remarkably quieter since Cade took up residence in there. My head rested against the window, bouncing off as we went over bumps in the uneven back roads of Durham. We had been wandering around the GTA since the werewolves of Cherrywood incident searching for a sign of The Society or trying to get close enough to their headquarters to pick up a signal from it. Unfortunately, the days were long and we were losing hope.

"Well I say fuck `em" Desmond finally spoke up after a lengthy silence. "They've obviously moved on or something. Can we just move on? Go hunt a witch or something?" His hand squeezed my thigh to invoke a response.

"I don't know... I can still feel something in my head. Cade's still there, he just won't answer me. That or he can't. And we haven't seen Ironside for awhile. Our supernatural connections have been totally cut off." I traced the thick veins on his hand.

"Didn't Cade teach you how to send out a magickal flare or something?"

"No that would make life easy. Too bad your old buddy turned out to be Theresa and Cade, otherwise we'd have at least one friend."

Desmond pulled a sharp U-ie. "Well they must have done something with her..." He slammed his foot onto the ground and we sped off back towards Westshore. "Locked her up or something you know? Ugh we're so stupid."

"Well let's at least hope that they left her in one piece. Séances are so cliché."

"I love it when you speak French."

"Calm down Gomez, mon grand pomplemousse." I chuckled as he tried to grab my arm and kiss it. "Road... ROAD!" I shouted amongst the laughter. He mocked my disciplinary tone and released my arm.

"Well, just wanted to reiterate that you're mine, I'm yours etcetera..." His voice trailed off.

"Ooooh we're getting into this again because Celine and you were an item yes?"

"You said it wasn't a big deal. Let's not make it a big deal cause it isn't a big deal. If it were a big deal then you know that I wouldn't be taking you there if you felt like it was a big deal and you'd be uncomfortable a-"

"Desmond you're rambling." He took in a deep breath then let it out and fastened his grip on the steering wheel. "No big deal. Promise." I don't think either of us were entirely convinced. I was pretty pissed about that whole him having sex with the ghost of his dead lover thing... But this one was alive and a witch so who knows right?

We approached the house once more, perched upon a cliff overlooking Lake Ontario. It looked the same as it had the first time that we drove up, only this time, I was much more scared. Celine could be dead, or crazy like Winnie or...

"Desmond!" Holy crap she was fucking hot! Wait... This happened before... She ran up to Desmond arms out stretched. She wore skin tight jeans and a bright pink top holding back her hefty cleavage from the world. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a sloppy bun that let most of it hang down anyways. It had a few white streaks in though she was by no means old. She may as well have been as old as Desmond. Which of course immediately made me suspicious. "How you doing there babe?" She smacked her gum at him.

"I'm... Good Celine..."

"What's the matter hun? You look like you've seen a ghost! Haha!" Her mouth opened up annoyingly wide as she slapped her knee at her own joke. A serious tone overtook her. "You haven't have you?" A moment later she repeated the knee slapping gesture along with the laughter.

"No we thought something had happened to you." He pushed her away so that she was no longer touching him. Good start... "Last time we came there were some people here, one of them transformed herself to look like you."

"Oh... You got duped there boy! I've been dancing naked at Stonehenge the past month. I only got back yesterday! This guy!" She said slapping his arm and looking at me. "Oh hey, you brought me a witch."


"Ah enough chattin out here. It's awfully breezy, cold off the lake you know. Common inside." She led the way to the house. Desmond and I lingered for awhile.

Desmond rolled his eyes. "She's a little much at times. But she's a good person. I promise." We both stumbled forward as Celine's magick pushed us towards the house.

"Common slowpokes!" She held the door open and waved us in. I started up first, unfortunately, Desmond seemed to take this as a sign that I was mad and let out a disgruntled sigh. "Welcome to chez Celine! That's French you know." She followed up with a sarcastic whisper. I felt Desmond's eyes on me trying to gauge my reaction. I really wasn't bothered as much as he thought I was. Sometimes I think that he just assumes that I'm going to flip out and snap his neck or leave him or something over menial things like this bitch. Really.

She led us into the living room and brought in some tea. "So... You were where?" Desmond asked.

"Stonehenge, dancing skyclad! Oh it's a great time. Tons of sage and pot. I've got some left if you..."

"No we're good." Desmond took a cup of tea and blew on it before pressing the delicate china to his lips. "Well as I was saying, the last time that we were here, there were two people here... And one Erelim, some kind of half-angel."

"An Erelim? Well that's neat. Never seen one of those before. Bet he's got quite the casting arm on him eh?" She laughed, again slapping her knee. "I'm sorry." She said after gaining her composure and noticing that we weren't that impressed.

"Well anyways... He was Cade and then there were these other two, Theresa and Martin. They claimed that they were all part of some secret organization of organized and bureaucratized hunters. They wanted us to do a job and long story short, when we finished it, they were nowhere to be seen. I think they called themselves..."

"Oh The Society? Those guys are douchebags." She sipped her tea. "I ran into them a few years back. They tried to slap me with a...a... an Unlawful Use of White Magick fine or some bull!" She laughed again. "Slapped them to Mexico!" She laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes. When she was done, she wiped a tear. "Ah... Well! You boys must be looking forward to some hospitality then commin off a job! Why don't you and... What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't..." I said bashfully. She was kind of intimidating in a non-scary kind of way.

"Well whatever your name is then. Why don't I point you two to some rooms and you can clean up a bit? I'll make you something... And of course when I say me, I mean Swiss Chalet. Sound good?" She slapped her knee again and then rushed us upstairs.

"Celine, hang on a sec...!"

"Oh hush up! You know I can't cook Desmond! I'm good for two things: castin and fuckin. Hopefully there'll be some of both before the night's over eh?" She winked and led us onward up the stairs and to the left.

"Celine!" Desmond shouted and dug his heels into the floor. "Stop for a second."

"What's up hun?" She placed her hands on her hips impatiently.

"We only need one room." He put his arm around me.

"Oh! Gottcha! On the road long enough you're bound to get attached to each other. Fine fine fine, one room. There's a couch in the guest room anyways!" She started to push forward again until Desmond stopped her with both hands this time.

"No Celine, we're not just friends." He looked at her tellingly.

"Well damnit Desmond that's why you always wanted to stick it up my butt eh?" She laughed. "Coulda just said so you two!" She opened a door to her right and gestured for us to enter. "I'll be..." She glanced at her watch. "'bout half an hour k?" She winked and closed the door. "Have fun you two!" She called through the door as the sound of her footsteps faded down the stairs.

"She's intense." I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around Desmond's mid section. Resting my head on his chest, we breathed each other in for a few moments. Safe, alone and nothing to worry about. Not to mention a spectacular chicken dinner on its way.

"She is..." he ran his fingers through my hair and the kissed gently where they ran. He squeezed me tight and grunted as I was lifted off the ground. "You should see her in bed!"

"Mood killer!" I pushed him away and went to find the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

"Oh common! It was a joke!" I lashed out with my magick from half way down the hall, waving my hand frantically. Just next door was the bathroom. I quietly undressed and got into the shower.

The water was so warm. I dropped my head backwards and just let it race through my scalp and down my back. It was euphoric so I couldn't help but smile.

A few moments later, I heard the door open. I sensed it was Desmond. I kinda figured that he'd be joining me anyways. He opened the curtain slowly so as not to scare me, but then turned off the shower.

"What are you doing?" He looked at me with an irritated look. Holding up a jar in one hand that contained a small yellow orb and in the other hand a sticky note, he thrust the two towards me. The note read: `I'm sorry. Can you put my voice back?'

I started laughing and slunk down onto the shower floor. He soon joined me in a reluctant, silent laugh. I opened the jar and put the orb into my mouth, taunting him. He put one knee on the ground and leaned into the shower. Pressing his lips to mine, he sucked the orb down his throat. As his tongue slipped into the orb's place, I reached out with my magick and turned the hot water on. Desmond jumped slightly but settled, letting the water douse his clothing.

"I wasn't really mad you know." I whispered in his ear as he kissed my neck.

"I know... But your foreplay sucks sometimes."

"I'll have to make it up to you..." I pushed him back against the shower wall. He smirked a little, making it irresistible to keep my hands off of him. I pulled his shirt off over his head awkwardly. It made a swooshing, sucking sound as the wet fabric dragged along his skin. Chest, abs, wet hair, I took it all in, savoring the moment that I hoped we could have more of uninterrupted.

I attacked his nipples, sucking and biting them while my hands worked on getting his throbbing dick out of his jeans. Belt buckle off, I kissed him deeply and unzipped the soaking wet, now heavy jeans. He leaned back and got comfortable for the BJ I was going to give him.

Lifting his hefty cock from his pants, it snapped upwards and slapped against his wet abdomen. I grasped it and slid my hand up the long shaft, hen all the way back down.

"Mmmhmhmm.." He smiled, stroking the back of my head, urging me to go in for the kill. I teased it with the tip of my tongue, went down and started licking and sucking the underside. He ran his fingers through my hair. "Ah that's good. Suck on it T."

Ticking his balls with my tongue, I worked his shaft. Each time that my hands bumped over the engorged head of his cock, he moaned. He began after a time to thrust upwards into my mouth, moaning the whole time. His breath and his thrusts became harder and deeper. "Holy fuck T..." he grunted through clenched teeth. I moaned too when Desmond grabbed my own dick and started tugging on it gently.

"Ah fuck this..." He picked me up off of his dick, making a sucking noise. He then thrust me, rather hard, face first into the shower wall. "Aww look at that ass... I fucking miss it." He spread my legs and attacked my hole with a finger. "How it feels... Mmmh!" He leaned over and licked it. I recoiled and let out a sharp exhale. "Doesn't taste too bad either." He laughed quietly. I moved my ass towards him, silently begging him to do me. "Patience." He said and turn the water on hotter.

Droplets began falling onto us that slightly singed my skin. Slightly hot, but nothing you don't turn it up to after a few hours of dirty labouring. It felt nice on my skin. Water running down the length off my thigh, obstructed only by Desmond's wandering hands. His fingers occasionally found their way inside of my ass, but he seemed to be enjoying himself just fine with his exploring hands. He squeezed my butt, thighs and massaged my lower back. His hands fluffing off the gathering water, I found the whole thing to be incredibly erotic and my breathing matched the feeling.

"Ah fuck Dizzy, I need it... I need you to fuck me." He laughed playfully.

"Oh I'm going to. But this is my show now magik boy." He pushed two fingers deep inside me and wiggled them around. I let out a loud gasp that turned into a whimper. "You fucking love it." He twisted and turned those two magic fingers around my hole. Pushing in, pulling out, rubbing around until I couldn't take it anymore and pleaded with him to put them back in. He was loving this... I was... But the foreplay was just making me want it harder. That must have been his point.

Getting on his knees, Desmond's fingers continued to plunder my ass and his tongue took up the job of sucking on my balls from behind me. His other hand stroked my cock, completing the thorough workout of my loins. I was getting driven wild, moaning, screaming and rocking my ass back and forth, fucking his fist and letting his fingers slide deep inside of me. He added a third.

"Oh fuck Dizzy, please. Please Dizzy fuck me! Oh god!"

"My god you're whiny." I was too enthralled in ecstasy to bother retorting. The only thing I was concerned about was how he was keeping so cool? He would have been all over me not too long ago. He pulled my ass apart with both hands and licked the inside of me a little. "See? Now it's ready."

I felt the throbbing head of his dick rub between my cheeks. He dragged it up and over my hole then back down, the whole time stopping me from pushing backwards in an attempt to get it inside of me. I grunted in lust as he pushed against my hole before withdrawing it and then repeating. It felt so good that I began hitting the shower wall in a lustful rage.

"Alright boy..." Desmond said and pushed his thick cock inside of me. "Ah fuck ya. I love that tight hole." He pulled out and spat a lob of spit onto his shaft the pushed it back in, this time deeper. He did this a few more times until his cock was sliding in and out with ease. "Ah ya... You like that?"

My moans served as an answer to him so he sped up a little. I arched my back a little more to open up my ass for him. This let his whole shaft slam into me. I could feel his abdomen and the wet hair of his treasure trail stick to my wet skin as he pulled out of me. He rode my ass like a champ, going smooth and constant, moving his hips in a deep circle. "Oh fuck Dizzy, harder."

"You got it..." He said in a sexy, low tone. His cock began slamming into me hard enough for me to slam my face into the shower grout a few times. I got the message and rested my face on it and accepted the rough fucking I was getting. "You want it harder eh?" He obliged without a reply and he had me screaming in pleasure. "Ah ya! Take it boy. Fuck T!!"

Harder and harder until my back was practically breaking from the force. I took his whole cock and felt completely fulfilled by the time I started shooting my load all over the wall. "Oh ya, bite down on that cock Tim..." He fucked me faster and just as hard, taking advantage of the orgasm my body was having. Full body, knees buckling and I had to grab onto his arms and lean forward into the wall to keep from falling over. He started to slow.

"Oh fuck no don't stop."

He laughed a little. "You still fucking want this cock huh? Ah you love it."

"Oh ya I fucking love it!" I pushed back into him until he got the message that I was serious and he laid into me again with everything he had. Slapping balls and either the water or the sweat trickling down my back was so much more sensitive in the moments after my orgasm.

Desmond leaned forward over my back and pumped hard. I could feel his beautiful abs contracting on my back as he thrust into me. "Ah fuck T... Goddamnit!" He moaned so loudly that I thought he was going to bring down the house. His arms grabbed around my chest as he contorted and rammed me. One intense thrust then another and his load began to empty into my bowels. Each thrust calmed him down as I felt his streams enter me. He slowed until he was able to kiss my back sensually, albeit breath and heart still racing. "Ah fuck I love you." I thought I heard.

He stiffly straightened up, joints and back sliding back into place giving momentary pain. His limping cock fell out of me and I felt a torrent of warm liquid run down my leg. He helped me stand up and put my hands over my head. We kissed for what seemed like forever. He grabbed my face and gazed longingly at me, his green eyes stared into mine as we kissed each other gently on the nose, lips and cheeks.

"You're so amazing at that." I laughed, breaking the silence and seriousness.

"Takes two for me to cum like that." He smiled and kissed me again. "Can you even stand?" I realized he was holding me up.

"Ya probably." I tried and succeeded despite the watery cum on the floor.

"Well at least you won't be able to sit down." He soaped up a cloth and ran it across then down my back. "It should be everyone's goal in life to be able to say `I got fucked so hard this one time that I couldn't sit down for two days!' Now you can."

"Well..." I trailed off realizing that he might not want to hear that this hadn't been the first time I'd be fucked so hard I wouldn't be able to sit down.

"Holy... Literally!" He laughed. His hands had gotten around to washing my ass. When he felt the crevasse that had been created in it from his cock's attack, he found it hilarious. I found it a good distraction. No need to ruin this wonderfully passionate moment with another belt of Desmond's jealousy to Ironside. Well, and technically my hypocrisy for getting angry with him for it. No matter!

"Ya, you do tend to stretch me out pretty hardcore most of the time." He kissed me and handed the cloth to me so I could take over and wash him. I took particularly longer washing his junk into a nice hardon that I stroked a few times with a soapy hand.

"Ah, stop that." He turned and jabbed me in the torso with his hardon. "You're gonna get me all worked up again."

"What's so wrong with that?" I smiled mischievously at him. He gave a cute smirk then rinsed off and got out of the shower. I did the same.

By the time that I stepped out, he had left with all his wet clothing. As I dressed, I surveyed the small bathroom. It was all white with little bits of black grime in the hard to reach places. Cobwebs hung in the corners, but if you didn't look as hard as I was, you probably would have thought Celine was quite the neat freak. Everything had a place and was in that place. The tiny window opened onto the lake, where the ice was beginning to recede, revealing cold blue water beneath. But this was Lake Ontario; you just knew there was a three headed catfish out there somewhere. I hung up my towel and began to walk down the stairs. They creaked with all the ambiance of an old home, constantly battered by the breeze off the lake. The floor boards gave way slightly as I stepped onto the main floor and a loose nail gripped my pant leg.

"Hey T, do you want some tea?" A few seconds later Desmond let out a nerdy laugh at his own absolutely hilarious joke that he had only then realized he had made.

"No I think I'm ok." I said ripping my pants off the nail. Following the sound of Desmond's voice, I found him amongst the twisty hallways of Celine's home to the kitchen, near the back of the house. A deck opened onto a wonderful view, the sun low in the sky.

Draped in a towel, Desmond's bare back faced me as I sat down in the wicker chairs surrounding a round table. "You sure, it's good."

"I don't get how you can just randomly go to someone's house and make tea. Let alone a witch's." The table had a centerpiece, an ivory angel, elegantly holding a bouquet of flowers. Each one was intricately carved to show each petal of the flower. Roses I think.

"Helps when you know what the herbs look like eh?" He sat down with his steaming cup. An awkward silence. "So that was fun." We both started with a snorting laugh that turned into a chuckle. The climax was when our eyes caught each other and there was a deafening silence throughout the house.

Snap back to reality. "It's getting dark, where is Celine?" I asked. Desmond got up and shrugged. He left the room for a moment and returned with a large blanket.

"Common." He gestured to the sliding glass doors, the only seemingly new part to the whole house. He sat down on the wicker couch that faced the water and covered himself in the blanket. I joined him and wrapped my arms around his torso, squeezing for a moment then relaxing into his body. My head rested on his collar bone, his on my head, arm wrapped over my shoulder.

"Do you think they really know anything about what happened?" I asked after a long silence.

"To my parents?" His voice trailed off. "I don't know. Must have just been an excuse to get me to come here."

"But what if?"

"I've searched for the remainder of that nest for years. Talked to countless hunters... They're either underground or they've been wiped out."

"Don't you want to know for sure?"

"Of course. But the chances are slim. They'd know that I'm looking for them. They'd know that I can and would kill them. Look, it doesn't matter. I haven't thought about them for a long time. I don't intend to start because of some trick." He hugged me closer. I didn't want to press. Even though it was sort of a cop out answer, if he didn't want to deal with it, then who was I to tell him that he should go after the things that killed his parents? I fucked the one who killed mine. Where was he anyways?

Ironside was awoken by the scent of dusk. He'd taken to being nocturnal since Rabnix was much more active at night and it was difficult to sleep with a voice inside his head telling him he was worthless. He could feel the demonic energy growing inside of him as the sun sunk below the horizon. This was Rabnix's time to shine. Perhaps the daylight was too much for his fragile demonic soul yet. Concerning himself with Rabnix's dormancy patterns wasn't really on the top of his list, but none the less he had little to think about these past few days alone in the woods.

He approached the corpse of a bear which he had killed the night before. Black bear meat was tough and not at all tasty when uncooked. He just had the desire for raw meat lately. He'd heard when he was... free... that eating raw meat did have its benefits if it didn't have botulism. However, leaving the carcass out during the day did not help his chances. The flies had been at it. Looked like raccoons too. It was inedible if he liked his health. Rabnix urged him to take a bitte.

"I'll not eat something that will kill me just to allow you to animate my corpse." Ironside muttered.

"Oh come now, it will be ever so much fun. Wreathing in pain as the toxins pass into your blood stream. Slowly taking over your body, infecting each organ in turn... Do you suppose you'd cough blood?"

"Ugh... Shut up." Burdened with the omnipotent Rabnix made his life irritatingly disruptive. Those few weeks of silence after Timothy had banished the demons bound to his soul were blissful.

"Bliss is not for people like you. Look what you've done." Images... Memories of the faces of all the people he had killed. Bloodied and in a look of pure terror, he grasped his head and tried to think of something else. Anything. He was hungry. "Oooh let me kill something!" Rabnix gave off a feeling of joy at the mention.

"Shut up!" He drew his sword.

"What are you going to do? Drive it through your heart? I'll pull it back out once you're dead." His laugh echoed through Ironside's mind painfully.

But then a real laugh shook the branches of the black spruce trees that encircled him. Instinct told him to duck into a stealthier stance. Light on his feet, he ran towards the sound of the laughter, barely touching the ground with the aid of Rabnix. A light through the gnarled branches and bits of old man's beard got his attention. Clinging to a particularly thick tree, Ironside watched the campfire. Its heat altered the air about it, shrouding the shadows of three men in a smoky distortion.

"Hunters." He muttered. The real kind, not the demon hunting kind. With the spring melt happening, the bears and other hibernating creatures were awakening, the only reason he was able to kill the one he did. His stomach grumbled at the scent of the fish they were cooking.

"Kill them! Kill them!!" Rabnix screamed in his head.

Ironside let himself fall to the ground. He tucked his sword behind the tree he fell from and stumbled towards the men. Maybe they had enough food for him to partake.

"H-hello?" He fake stumbled.

The hunters grabbed their guns... Humans and their guns, safety at the end of a barrel...

"Who's there?!" One of them shouted.

Ironside tripped down the hill and rolled just close enough to their fire to make it seem natural. He grunted and pulled himself to his knees. "Please, can you help me?"

"Well holy shit boy." An older, grey haired man put his rifle down first and rushed to help him to his feet. His grey hair held his wisdom and knowledge of the woods and the animals he hunted within. "Commere and help me!" He shouted to the other two bewildered men, much younger than he was.

"What happened to you?" One of them asked as they helped him over to the fire. Ironside sat down in a huff, taking in a deep breath to show he had been through a lot. Granted his clothing was slightly tattered from life in the bush and slaying the bear the other night, so he didn't need to try hard. A normal man might be in a significant amount of pain.

"I..." Well he hadn't anticipated this question. "I got lost a few days back."

"What were you on a trip or somethin?" The older of the two men asked.

"Something like that."

"You're dressed awfully flashy for hikin out here in the woods." The grey haird man said.

"I don't like the woods too much. They're too quiet." Ironside looked into his hands.

"Well I'm Bill. That's my son Harvey" he gestured to the eldest man. "and that there is his best friend Carter. We're out here on a huntin trip." Bill seemed to have an inability to pronounce the `g' in words. Ironside found this irritating.

"Well the forest can be a little harsh, as I think you've seen, to people who don't like it." Carter laughed and sat down beside Ironside, offering him a can of beer.

"Seems to know, you know?" Billy smiled, a tooth missing.

"I can imagine." Ironside found it difficult to communicate with other people. How long since he'd done it? Seemed ages... His Master hadn't let him drink or socialize. Could he get use to this? Maybe if Carter would let him... No, he was obviously Harvey's property if anyone's. Why does everything include what he cannot have? But maybe they were just friends... Ironside wanted that too.

"Not much of a talker eh?" Billy got up to turn the fish over in the small frying pan. "Not much to talk `boot I guess. Not much food for four either."

"I'm alright Dad." Harvey said. "I'm just going to go take a look around."

"I'll come." Carter jumped up and followed Harvey into the shadows.

"He's not much of a talker either." Bill nodded after his son. "Inseparable since grade school though those two. Harvey's a good kid, loves these trips as much as he won't say it to yer face."

"You do this often?" Ironside looked to Bill. A bead of sweat rolled down from his brow as he sat back from the fire. It disappeared into his grey bread, never to be seen again.

"Every spring we do, ya. Since `e was about 10. The miss and daughter take the time to do their bondin too." He took a sip of his can of beer and placed it back down on the ground before continuing. "Carter there started comin with us a few years back."

"What do you hunt out here?" Ironside couldn't take his eyes off the man's beard. He kept expecting the sweat to make its way through the thick hair. Alas, it did not. His vision trailed down to the man's neck. There was a smudge of coal on it, presumably from a past fire. His jugular beat regularly, forcing the smudge out then back in at an increasing rhythm.

"Mostly deer." He gulped. The smudge bulged out then sunk back into his skin. The fire flickered off the dry skin of his neck, dancing among the grey hair. It was mesmerizing. "But we have managed to kill a bear or two through the years." There is was! Or... another bead of sweat. The man was hesitant now about letting this stranger into his camp and having his boys leave him. "Harvey! Cart! Come get some fish!" He stood up and began making busy work with some dishes to avoid feeling awkward around Ironside. "Say, you never mentioned your name."

"Didn't I?" The man jumped as Ironside was suddenly behind him, close enough to be more than uncomfortable.

"Jesus! Don't scare an old man like that!" His neck pulsed all the more rapidly now that he was within an unsafe distance to the old man. He wasn't so old. What his age gave to his looks it didn't take from his stature. He was a strong man, a `tank' if you will. "Now watch out, I've got to cut up this fish." He showed little fear, though Ironside could feel it.

"Hey Dad. You ok?" Harvey and Carter appeared from the trees, each holding a rifle.

"Ya, I was callin ya for some fish. It's ready you know." Bill spat at the boys, obviously annoyed.

"Well sorry, we didn't hear you." Carter offered.

"Doesn't matter, here you go." Bill thrust a plate full of mangled fish meat at Carter. "You don't want any?"

Harvey shook his head. "For the guest." Bill huffed a little. His neck had slowed its pulsing for the moment as his son and friend were there. Safety in numbers or something like that. "What's your name there bud?"


"First or last?" Harvey sat down next to Carter in a relaxed manner.

"Both I suppose." He took a bite of the fish and spat it out.

"Well that's fuckin rude there boy." Bill scolded.

"I'm sorry, it's just... hot." He lied. It was too well done. It was too... fishy.

"Oh don't be such a wimp!"

"Dad, that's not nice."

"Well it's enough that he comes in here askin for help then spits it back at us. Actin all creepy when you two were off doin whatever you do!" His neck raced even more than before. Maybe he did know, or at least had his suspicions about their activities.

"You mean fuck?" Ironside said with a bit of a laugh. The three looked at him. Colour drained from Harvey and Carter's faces. "Maybe not enough time. Did you just suck his penis then?"

"I-uhmm..." Carter mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about." Harvey stood up, his stance threatening and the rifle didn't help. Bill grabbed his too, but aimed it at Carter.

"Are you the reason my boy isn't married?!" Ironside found the entire situation rather amusing. A mere suggestion set off this bomb shell? His powers of persuasion were great, or his powers of inference were greater.

"Dad don't!" The gun turned to his father. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Same with you boy!" Bill shouted. The vein in his head this time was the one that was pumping. Ironside opened his mouth slightly and moved his jaw playfully back and forth. His canines gently brushed his lip as they moved. Highly entertaining situation...

"Dad, we're friends. Nothing more. I promise. You know that I've been dating a girl back home."

"That I've never met! Two months and you don't bring the bitch to meet your family?!"

"We're not ready for that yet. And look at yourself, you're insane, why would I bring someone home to you?"

"Might I point out," Ironside mentioned, "Harvey did not defend his female friend's honour when you called her a bitch."

"You shut the fuck up!" Bill turned his gun to Ironside and pulled the trigger. They say that you never hear the bullet that kills you. It's because a bullet that's been fired moves faster than the sound wave that follows it. But of course the assumption is that this bullet kills you instantly, perhaps in the head. This is precisely where Bill's bullet hit Ironside with impossible accuracy. Perhaps Rabnix helped guide the bullet just a little.

Next: Chapter 16: Supernatural 101 II 5

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