Superman's Girlfriends: Lois & Lana

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Jul 11, 2000



Superman's Girlfriends: Lois & Lana: Sharing Secrets by Coltrane (John O'Connor) (lesbian celebrity) (1 of 1)

Synopsis: While visiting Smallville, Lois Lane-Kent shares some intimate secrets with Lana Lang-Ross. This is a loose followup to "The Erotic Adventures of Lois and Clark: Lois and Cat" in the Lady Slash Comic Archive by an unknown author. Supes, Lois, Lana, the Kents, etc. are all copywritten by DC Comics & Warner Publishing. This has nothing to do with them; it's strictly a product of my own twisted imagination.

Sharing Secrets

Smallville, Kansas is a typical rural town in the Midwest. Lots of flat tilled land, scattered farms, and a small commerce center. Smallville's most famous son is Pulitzer winning Clark Kent, the son of Jonathan and Martha Kent. It's also the home town of the greatest metahuman on Earth, Superman; however only three residents are aware of that fact: the Kents, and Lana Lang-Ross. They are also the only ones privy to the fact that Clark Kent of Smallville is Superman.

Ouside of Smallville, that number increases slightly. The members of the Justice League, the Justice Society, and some non-aligned allies of Superman are aware of this information. Clark's wife, Lois Lane-Kent, also a Pulitzer winner, knows as well.

But this is not a story of the Man of Steel but rather of his wife and his old high school sweetheart.

As this story opens, Lois is visiting her in-laws for a well-deserved vacation. Clark was with them but was called off-planet on a JLA emergency. The 30ish brunette reporter was just helping Martha in the kitchen of the Kent farmhouse before they leave to visit Lana at the Lang farm.

"It's too bad Clark couldn't be here, Lois," the white-haired farmwoman said. "He always did like Lana's fried chicken better than mine."

"Don't let him fool you, Martha. Clark compares everything he eats to your cooking, he loves it," Lois replied.

"Come on, ladies. Let's go!" Jonathan yelled from the front of the house.

"Land sake's Jonathan. Clark will hear you all the way to Mars, the way you're bellowing!" Martha chided.

Laughing, they all piled into the Kent's old pickup and headed the mile and a half to the Lang farmhouse.

"Martha, Jonathan, Lois. Come on in! Dinner will be ready in a few minutes," Lana called from her porch as the truck pulled into the yard, her long red hair tied back loosely.

"Smells good, darlin'. Can't wait to strap on the ol' feedbag," Jonathan said as he kissed the young redhead on the cheek. Martha and Lois both hugged their hostess as they all filed into the house.

"Lana, is there anything I can do to help?" Lois offered before Martha had a chance. Lois was determined to prove she wasn't a city slicker to her friends. She was a very competitive woman.

"Sure, you can get the iced tea ready, if you'd like. And no Martha, you're my guest and I owe you for all the meals I had at your house. Jonathan, keep your wife busy," Lana cut off Martha's question quickly.

In the modern kitchen, Lois got ice from the freezer as Lana put the finishing touches on her salad. A small portable TV was on in the corner tuned to the Metropolis superstation GBS.

"Too bad Clark couldn't be here," Lana lamented.

"Yeah, he'll miss out. That's the hero game for you," Lois replied.

On TV, Cat Grant, Metropolis' most famous gossip, appeared. "Tonight, Lex Luthor will attend the grand opening..."

Turning the sound down, Lana said, "I watch her do the scandal rag crap but I still hate her!"

"Oh, Cat's not so bad," Lois said in the blonde's defense.

"Yeah, sure! She's so phony. Even her hair must come out of a bottle!" Lana declared.

"No, Cat's a natural blonde," Lois said without thinking. 'Oh God, what did I just say?' she thought.

Fortunately, before Lana could do more than raise an eyebrow, Martha bustled in saying, "That man of mine will be the death of me!" Her smile belied the fierceness of her statement. "you girls better hurry with the food, or he's liable to eat the centerpiece!"

"Okay, Martha. Jonathan, dinner is served!" Lana laughed.

The four friends sat down to supper. As the dishes were passed around, Martha commented, "It's a shame Pete's not here."

"Now, Martha, a man's got to take care of business," Jonathan said. "And, anyway, I kinda like being the only rooster in the henhouse!"

"Jonathan!" Martha declared.

Everyone at the table laughed at the typical interplay between the older married folks.

Lana said, "He'll be back day after tomorrow. He's at the Board of Trade in Chicago."

"And Clark is God knows where," Lois added.

"We certainly married a pair of committed men," Lana added.

Dinner was followed by coffee and iced tea on the porch before Jonathan yawned and said, "Well, mother, I think it's time we headed home." Martha agreed and both rose.

Lana looked at Lois and asked, "How about you? We haven't had a chance to visit since you came to town."

Lois thought for a moment and said, "I'd love to stay and chat for a while, if..."

Martha said, "Lois, you're on vacation. Stay and have a regular gab session."

Feeling like a teenager getting permission to stay out late, Lois said, "Okay, I won't be too long."

As the older couple drove off, Lana and Lois went into the farmhouse. "How about something a little stronger. I have some peach wine that Pete's parents bottled," Lana offered.

"Sounds tasty. I wouldn't mind a glass," Lois responded as she kicked off her shoes.

Lana returned with a bottle of pink liquor and two glasses. Setting them on the coffee table, she sat next to Lois.

They both drank several glasses while talking and laughing about anything that came up. Before long, Lois noticed the bottle was almost half empty.

"Oh no, won't Pete be upset we drank all his wine?" the reporter asked.

"No, we have almost a case of it in the pantry. His dad's hobby is home winemaking. You should try his dandelion wine, it's like summertime in a bottle," the redhead answered.

Lois chided her friend, "Now you sound like Ray Bradbury."

Lana laughed, "Well, he is a midwesterner too."

After a few more minutes, Lana looked at Lois and asked, "May I ask you something? It may be a little personal."

Lois smiled and said, "Of course, I have no secrets."

Lana smiled slightly and said, "You mentioned Cat Grant was a natural blonde. How do you know?"

Lois hesitated several seconds before responding, "Uh, we go to the same gym."

"Don't buy it. You took too long to answer, Lois. Come on, give," Lana persisted.

"Lana, I, uh, you remember that story I was nominated for a couple of years ago, before Clark and I got married?" Lois took a drink of her wine.

"Yeah, that senator collecting anonymous kickbacks. Why?"

"I was kidnapped and tied up with a bomb in a warehouse by some of his goons."

"Oh Lois, that wasn't in your story!" Lana exclaimed.

"No, just the police report. You see, it's still evidence in the upcoming criminal trial. Anyway, I wasn't too worried since Clark usually shows up in the nick of time. This time though, Cat Grant walked in and freed me in exchange for some services on my part," Lois said.

"Cat? What was she doing there?" Lana was understandably confused.

"Apparently she had some dirt on the honorable senator and, using a ruse, he got her to go there. Fortunately, she was early, which is very unusual for Cat, and freed me," Lois answered.

"Oh, they were trying to kill two birds with one stone," Lana offered.

"Exactly. They, mistakenly as it would've turned out, thought they'd be free and clear with both of us out of the way. They had no way of knowing most of the story, with proof, was already written with a copy ready for delivery to the DA if anything happened to me," Lois said.

Lana looked at her friend, "Okay, that still doesn't answer my original question, Lois."

"Okay, okay," Lois patted the air between them, "I agreed to be Cat's slave for the night if she saved me. I was scared, and with no sign of Clark, I just wanted to be saved. I realized later that Cat wouldn't have let me die but my brain wasn't being reasonable and objective at that moment."

"I can understand," Lana sympathized. "So you had to clean up her place, cook, that kind of thing?"

"Not exactly," Lois hesitated and took a big gulp of her wine. "I had to satisfy her sexually."

"Lois!" Lana had her hand over her gaping mouth, her green eyes flashing. "But you're not a lesbian!"

"No, and neither is Cat. I guess we're both bisexual.

You see, it was more than just the one time. We saw each other several times before I married Clark. By the way, he knows," Lois admitted.

"What does he think?" Lana was feeling very curious about the whole thing.

"He was raised as a human boy with all the trappings. He's like a typical male. He can be very turned on by the thought of two women together," Lois said.

"Do you still...?" Lana asked.

Lois answered, "No, Cat and I don't get together anymore. I initially called it off before her son was killed by the Toyman. After that, I just comforted her as much as I could, but as a concerned friend, nothing sexual."

"Oh, I forgot about her little boy. The poor woman," Lana said sadly.

For a moment, both women were lost in their own thoughts.

Finally, Lana's curiousity got the better of her. "Lois, what's it like? Being with another woman, I mean."

Lois looked at her friend and said, "It's different than with a man. It can be softer, more loving. With the right woman, it can be wonderful."

Lana looked out the front window at the darkness for a few moments.

"Lois, do you find me attractive?" Lana asked nervously.

"Lana! I'm surprised at you," Lois laughed. "But you are a very beautiful woman."

Lana looked away for a moment, then turned back to her friend, "Lois, I never thought I'd ask this, but would you make love to me?"

Lois' brown eyes flashed and she smiled, "Lana, I'd love to. Are you sure?" Then, seeing the longing in Lana's green eyes, she leaned towards the red haired woman and took her face in her hands. Lois kissed her lightly.

Lana's eyes opened wide. Lois' lips were so soft and moist. She leaned forward and returned the brunette's kiss.

Lois, sensing the moment was right, opened her lips and snaked her tongue along Lana's lips. Lana opened her mouth to Lois and the two ladies shared a passionate kiss.

Lois leaned against Lana, pushing her back onto the sofa. As Lois stretched out on top of the lovely girl, she felt the swell of Lana's breasts. She could feel her arousal building.

The two women lay in each others arms sharing deep, passionate kisses. Their tongues intertwining erotically caused both women to begin to breathe heavily into each other's mouth.

Lois pulled back, saying "Wow, you sure are a marvelous kisser!"

"Thank you, and likewise."

Lois looked down on Lana and asked, "Was that enough? Or do you want to go further?"

"Go call Jonathan and Martha, tell them you'll be in late and not to wait up," Lana commanded, her eyes flashing.

Lois quickly complied, happy that the lovely girl wanted to continue to explore a new facet to her life.

Getting off the phone, Lois said, "They're okay and even suggested I stay here if it gets too late."

"Well, that's settled. Show me more," Lana happily requested. She took Lois' hand and led her to the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, Lana was suddenly seemed unsure. Lois, sensing her reluctance, said, "Lana, we don't have to do anything. Just say the word."

Lana stood there considering what she was contemplating. She had secretly wondered about lesbians, remembering glancing secretly at girls in the locker room at Smallville High. She looked at Lois, seeing a beautiful, poised, intelligent woman. She knew she could trust Lois with her life. Coming to the realization that she was safe with her friend, she decided to try.

Reaching out and stroking Lois' short brown hair, she said, "Lois, I want to. I'm just a little nervous."

Reaching up and taking Lana's hand, Lois kissed the palm and said, "I know honey. If you ever feel you don't want to do something, just tell me. But, until then, let me guide you. Okay?"

Lana gave Lois a small grin and nodded. Lois stepped up and took Lana in her arms, leaning towards the beautiful farm girl, and kissing her lightly. Lana returned the kiss and soon both women felt their passion rising as their tongues did another erotic little dance.

Lois did nothing more than kiss her friend and hold her close. Lana finally pulled away and said, "Any doubts I had were wiped away by that kiss. What do you want me to do now?"

Lois, instead of answering, began to unbutton Lana's shirt. Looking deeply into Lana's eyes, Lois opened the shirt and slipped it off, tossing it on a chair. The reporter's sure hands next reached for the clasp on Lana's bra. Once released, Lois slid that flimsy garment off. Not once did she break eye contact as she squeezed the full breasts and brushed the excited nipples with her thumbs; she wanted Lana to feel the same level of arousal she did.

Lois untied Lana's hair and ran her fingers through the long silky strands before she slid her hands down Lana's bare back and firmly cupped her ass through her jeans, pulling the redhead against her. Lana loved the feel of Lois' silk blouse against her bare nipples, feeling them harden and poke out at Lois. Lois and Lana shared another kiss.

Lois stepped back after a moment and looked at her friend. "Lana, you are absolutely beautiful!"

Lana's face brightened at that statement and fell at the next.

"There's only one problem," Lois continued, "You have too many clothes on." Lois laughed at the relief in Lana's face and reached down to unfasten her blue jeans. Kneeling down, Lois pulled the tight pants off Lana, inadvertently pulling down her panties as well.

Standing back up, Lois regarded the woman before her. Lana had long red hair, a wonderful figure, with medium sized breasts, slim hips, and a neat little triangle of red hair where her legs met. Lois reached out and fingered Lana's pubic hair, causing Lana to laugh, "Lois that tickles!"

"Well, not for long," Lois promised. "It'll feel much better. Lay down."

As Lana crawled onto the bed Lois watched, admiring the redhead's sexy ass as it swayed back and forth.

'Oh Lana, I'm going to love this,' Lois thought to herself.

Lana lay on her side, propped up on her right elbow, her hair falling in a crimson wave behind her, looking at the beautiful reporter. "Lois, are you going to join me?" she asked.

"Oh yes," Lois said as she began to slowly strip. She began by unbuttoning her blouse as she moved her hips to some imagined beat. She pealed the shirt off and reached down to open and pull down her slacks. Soon, the young woman was in her strapless bra and lacy panties. She smiled at Lana and slowly licked her lips.

Lana felt a shiver of anticipation at that lustful look and her hand moved to finger herself as she watched.

Lois reached behind with one hand and undid her bra snaps, holding the cups in place with the other hand. She turned her back and let the garment fall to the floor. Looking over her shoulder, she tugged down the last of her undergarments. Still with her back to Lana, the now nude reporter continued her little bump and grind while peeking and smiling over her shoulder.

Lana thought Lois' dimpled ass was delightfully sexy.

Slowly, Lois began to turn around, covering her breasts and crotch as she did so.

Lana looked with increasing interest and arousal as Lois lowered her arm and began to squeeze her breast and pinch the nipple to hardness. Her other hand brushed up through her pubic hair across her flat stomach to grasp her other breast, squeezing and pinching that nipple to erectness.

"Like what you see?" Lois asked.

Lana could only nod as she continued to play with herself. What was not to like? Lois had a great figure with firm breasts, but Lana's eyes were drwan to the little brown tuft of hair at Lois' crotch.

"Lana, your fingers don't belong there, but mine do!" the highly aroused reporter declared seeing the redhead playing with herself.

Lois crawled onto the bed, and pushing Lana back, lay on top of the shapely redhead as she began to kiss her. Lois pressed her body down and moved so that their nipples rubbed against each other. As their passion increased, Lana thrust her hips up against Lois', a delightful friction building as the red and brown pubic patches rubbed together.

Lois carressed Lana's cheek with the back of her hand as they continued to kiss. Feeling the young housewife shudder at that touch, she trailed her hand down to grasp Lana's breast, tweaking the nipple. The hand continued until Lois made good on her promise to replace Lana's fingers.

Lana broke the kiss with a gasp as Lois' fingers began to toy with her labia. Lois took the opportunity to move down and kiss the base of Lana's breasts and drag her tongue around the soft flesh up to the hard nipple. She began to flick her tongue across it and to graze it with her teeth.

Lana moaned from the feelings Lois was creating in her pussy and her breasts. She almost cried out when Lois slipped a finger into her hot, wet slit.

Lois turned her attention to the other breast and began to kiss and lick her way across from one nipple to the other. Again using her tongue and teeth, as well as another finger in the woman's vagina, she got Lana to groan out loud once more.

"Oh, Lois! You, uh! You are marvelous!" Lana gasped.

Lois pulled back from the nipple and giggled, "You ain't seen nothin' yet, farmgirl!"

The brunette began to moving down the redhead's body, pausing to french kiss the farmer's belly button, before running her tongue through the lush pubic hair to the prize her fingers were still exploring.

'God, the girl is so turned on!' Lois thought with a flash of pride. 'I did this to her!'

She pulled her fingers out and looking up across the flat stomach to Lana, she slowly licked and sucked the juices off. Lana watched with a deep sigh.

Lois looked at the aroused flesh in front of her and pulled the outer lips apart to gain access to the sensitive tissue inside. She lowered her head and began to orally caress Lana's pussy.

Lana had never been so hot before. She looked down and saw Lois looking up at her above her pubic hair as she made the farmgirl shudder. She knew it wouldn't take much more for her to come.

Lois seemed to sense this and licked up to the aroused clitoris as it peaked out of it's hood. As she sucked it in between her lips, Lana thrust her hips into Lois' face and began to climax.

"OOOHHH LLLOOIISS!!! I'MMM COOOOMMMIINNGG!" the rehead yelled as she thrashed around on the bed.

Lois crawled up alongside her friend and stroked her damp forehead as Lana' breathing returned to normal.

Lana finally opened her eyes, looked at Lois and smiled, "God, we should've done this a long time ago. You are fantastic!"

Lois leaned down and brushed Lana's lips with her own and said, "Thank you."

"Lois, do you want me to do the same to you?" Lana asked.

Lois looked into Lana's green eyes saying, "Do you want to?"

Lana reached up and placed her hand on the back of Lois' neck, dragging her head down. Lana then kissed the woman who had just brought her so much pleasure, murmuring into Lois' mouth, "Yes!"

Lois had an idea. "Stay there. I want to show you a different position." She then lifted Lana's head and placed a pillow under her. Lois smiled at Lana's questioning look and crawled up to straddle the red-haired woman's head, being careful not to kneel on Lana's red hair.

Lana looked up into Lois' brown-furred pussy, seeing the moisture already on the engorged lips. Slowly Lois settled onto Lana, pressing her pussy onto her friend's mouth.

Lana felt a moment of panic as Lois came closer to her but then realized there was no reason to fear. All she wanted to do at that moment was pleasure the reporter from Metropolis. She tentatively stretched out her tongue and gently swiped at the lips protruding past the short, curly hair. She happily discovered that she liked the musky taste and aroma of this woman's aroused sex and grabbed Lois' hips to pull her more firmly onto Lana's waiting mouth.

Lois moaned as she felt the tongue of her friend invade her. The feeling was marvelous. How had she done without this for so long?

She looked down and saw the joy in Lana's green eyes as she busily licked and probed Lois' wet pussy. Lois then threw her head back when Lana brushed her clit before slipping her tongue back down to the labia. She stretched her hand back and began toying with Lana's pussy, her fingers easily slipping into the well-lubricated slit.

Lois sat back on Lana's chest, pulling away from her wonderful mouth to spin around. Again settling her pussy onto Lana's mouth, she bent down and began to eat out her friend.

Lois hardly 69ed with Cat. She found it often too distracting having the blonde licking at her pussy while she tried to do the same. With Lana, it seemed different. They fell into an easy rhythm and both seemed to know when to alternate the tempo of their tonguing.

To ease Lana's possible discomfort, Lois rolled onto her side dragging Lana with her. Lana seemed to appreciate this as she began to lick nad nibble at Lois' lips with renewed vigor.

Soon, both women began to feel the beginnings of orgasm. Lois came first, crying out from between Lana's smooth thighs when Lana began to suckle on the brunette's clit. Lois' climax was so intense, she had to pull away from Lana's face. The redhead's tongue was too much on the highly sensitive flesh.

As soon as Lois was able, she went back to Lana's pussy, eating her to another big orgasm. Lana cried out Lois' name so loud Lois was almost afraid the Kent's would hear.

Soon, both women lay on their backs breathing heavily, awash in the thrills of their climaxes. Lana finally slid around until she was looking at Lois' flushed, sweaty face as the reporter smiled at her lover.

"Lois, you are phenomenal! I have never had two huge orgasms like that before." Lana leaned over and kissed Lois, her long hair falling and becoming a crimson drape over the two women as they shared the tastes of each other.

Lana rested her head on Lois' soft breast and ran her fingers through the brown pubic hair between Lois' legs, making sure not to touch the still-sensitive tissues beyond just yet. Lois slowly ran her hand up and down Lana's outstretched arm.

Sleep overtook the two naked beauties after a short time.

Lois was awakened by the feeling of a tongue between her legs. 'What a wonderful way to wake up,' she thought.

Opening her eyes, she saw Lana's head between her thighs as the early morning sun streamed through the windows.

Lana looked up and said, "You only came once last night, you poor dear. I thought I'd even the score." Her head dipped back to the task before her.

Lois sighed thinking she'd have to arrange some girls' only time for her and her new lover in the future until Lois came against Lana's mouth.

Finally, Lois looked at Lana and asked "Did you ever hear the one about the farmer's daughter?"

Lana laughed and kissed her friend.

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