
By TopLegal

Published on Aug 27, 2002


Superhero: 3 ============

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2002, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Jason's Fantasy ---------------

I was playing Magic Online on the computer before I had to go to

work when an email arrived. Ninety-nine percent of my email is

spam, I do not give out my address often and my job as a waiter

hardly generates killer email.

The message was short:



Subject: My perfect guy


I very much enjoyed meeting you and Forbes this past weekend. I

am going to be attending a professional meeting of architects in

Manhattan next month and would very much like to spend some time

with you.

I was thinking you might help me meet the perfect guy and train


Keep your eyes peeled, someone young and a touch obnoxious, in

need of a spanking, like that guy Ben Curtis who plays the Dell

Dude, would be perfect.

Master Jason

I looked at the clock on the computer and decided to head to work

before responding.

At work I found myself more distracted than usual. Since the

incident at in Connecticut with Sand, Forbes had been a bit down

on the whole patrolling the city for bad guys. Additionally, he

had quite accidentally catapulted himself into the political

spotlight. Instead of the bank robberies ruining his career,

Forbes had come across as a level headed Assistant District

Attorney who followed clues carefully, a sort of modern Sherlock


The shots of me next to him and raised his profile in the gay

community as well.

All in all, he was now one of the least popular guys at work. The

behind the scenes cabal that had stuck him on a bank robbery

instead of a homicide prosecution to throw him to the lions had

returned to the shadows but was stilling pulling strings. Forbes

had not been reassigned to a case since closing the bank case.

I managed to get through lunch without spilling anything but my

lowest tip take ever showed I was not performing.

After my shift I called Forbes, he was depressed since there was a

homicide that was up for assignment but had been given to a more

junior ADA. I suggested he talk directly with the District

Attorney over dinner, perhaps with me discretely a few tables

away. He agreed to give it a shot.

We ended the call and I headed back.

As I went to log back onto Magic Online I remembered the email

from Jason. And started composing a response:

Intriguing challenge; I take it a Backstreet Boy-like Nick

Carter or 'N Sync-type Lance Bass would do as well? :)

If you haven't already made hotel reservations you can stay with

us and take the subway to your meeting.


I logged into the Magic Online server and was searching out a

tournament when another email arrived:

Those two would do as well: young and in need of spanking and


Love to stay with you, hate hotels at this point in my life.

Would you be my date that Saturday?

I checked in with Forbes, dinner with the DA would be on Friday,

he was also fine with me being Jason's escort.

District Attorney -----------------

I arrived at the Ritz Carlton dining room a half hour early. A

small amount of persuasion with the Maitre d' was all it took to

arrange for the DA and Forbes to be seated near a window with a

good line of sight to me. I sensed Forbes before I saw him or the


I could sense the DA was about to complain about the table but I

gave a gentle nudge to make him relax. No complaints, sitting in

my direct line of sight.

I had already finished eating and had telepathically cued the

waiter and busboys to leave me alone for an extended period. The

DA and Forbes did not talk much but generalities for the first

forty minutes, but that allowed me to get some baselines from the

DA and also to get a sense of where he stood on the whole Forbes


Things looked good overall, and so I clued Forbes in on my

findings and suggested that the biggest issue to diffuse was the

"Forbes as future political rival issue."

Forbes nodded agreement and began talking to the DA. He did fine

all by himself and by the time dessert arrived the DA agreed to

get him back into the main homicide beat. The dinner had the nice

side effect of boosting Forbes into the DA's eyes directly without

the interference of people intent on knocking Forbes out of power.

Patrol ------

For the first time in weeks I convinced Forbes to go on patrol. We

managed to put a stop to an armed robbery at an ATM and a liquor

store robbery. Not bad for a night's work.

At two am we headed back to our house and made passionate love.

I was able to focus on work more the next day and had record tips.

Seems like a happy husband, a good patrol, and nice sex leads to

great on the job performance.

On my way home from work I stopped at a Macy's and purchased some

clothing for the party.

My email had two items a PayPal payment from Jason to cover my

suit and a note:

When I am visiting perhaps we can hit some leather bars in the

city and maybe we will come upon my own "Dell Dude"?

I was thinking if you are successful with me you could perhaps

have a side business of Slave Training.

I will talk business terms with Forbes but I would expect to pay

you about $100,000 for your efforts on my behalf.

The dollar amount sent me reeling. Also the thought of running

some sort of gay sex slave training had a certain erotic appeal to

it. I pulled my cock out of my pants and began to stroke it

gently. I pulled up a website with mind control stories: and browsed the male-male selection.

It took me a few minutes to find one that got me going, "Purple

Boots." The idea that an article of clothing could be imbued with

enough telepathic power to enslave a man to another man set me

afire. I stroked myself to orgasm and then responded to Jason:

Interesting idea, but Thomas and John are willing participants,

not "slaves."

My phone rang and I picked it up, "Victor?"

"Yes, who is this," I asked.

"Jason," he responded.

"Do you work?"

"Sometimes," he said and chuckled. "Can I give you a reading

assignment before we meet next? It is about love maps and


Curious I agreed, "sure, title?"

"It is en route for next day delivery to you already," Jason


I shivered slightly; Jason's cocksureness had a certain

creepiness. I laughed silently, he wanted someone like himself: a

bit arrogant but sexually submissive. "Can you give me the Cliff

notes on this book?"

"It is simple he theorizes that each of us has a 'map' that

describes what we will find sexually exciting that is etched into

them. Two people will be compatible if their love maps are

compatible. If you have valleys where your partner has hills."

"Interesting, and the relation to my new business as a gay slave


"Some people want to be slaves, but are too inhibited to let go.

If you can help those people let go of some inhibitions then they

can go on to enjoy the lives they truly want."

"So I am like some gateway drug for repressed gay bottoms?"

"Precisely," Jason said, "you appear to have a knack for unlocking

people's sexual passions. I could see that in the way Thomas and

John behaved. They had always fantasized about being on very

public sexual display but were unable to get past some basic

inhibitors before meeting you."

"So I am the gay version of cupid for S-and-M relationships?"

"Thomas and John are very visible demonstrations of your skills,"

Jason said calmly. I really wanted to reach across the phone and

spank his arrogant ass. My consolation was that he did not

understand the mechanism to my powers. "I'll take your silence as

an agreement to at least consider getting into the match making

business." He ended the call.

The book arrived the next day, John Money, "Gay Straight and in

Between"; I read it cover-to-cover after my shift. I found the

theories intriguing but still was not buying that I was some

S-and-M cupid.

Escort ------

Forbes seemed to find the sight of me heading out in a suit with

Jason quite funny. I arrived with Jason at the Annual Architects'

something or other and we had an extremely fun evening. Jason was

reasonably well known in circles and being seen with me did not

seem to hurt his reputation in the slightest.

In fact, I detected intense jealousy from more than a few people

we met. Some were ex-sex partners, others were jealous of my

youth; I found the experience surprisingly exhilarating.

We left the party early and changed into more suitable attire for

a club and met Forbes at SBNY. Inside, the club was packed with

scantily clad men and boys dancing the night away. I sensed Forbes

near the bar and guided Jason with me over there.

Forbes was drinking top shelf vodka and Jason ordered a Scotch,

neat. I got a cranberry juice and started scanning the crowd.

There were plenty of young twinks in the crowd but I realized that

to satisfy Jason's kinks we would need to find a kinkier locale.

We decided to take a cab over to the Eagle and we got in without a

problem. I scanned the crowd and my eye quickly zoomed in on an

unusually young man standing in the corner, doing his best ~not~

to be seen.

He really was a perfect starting point; in fact for all intents

and purposes he could have been Ben Curtis--the Dell dude. I left

Jason and Forbes at the bar and approached the young man. As I

neared I sent a gentle, reassuring telepathic signal to him,

"Everything is ok, you are interested in meeting Victor."

I stuck out my hand, "Victor."

"Ben," he said. I suppressed a giggle.

"Nice to meet you Ben."

"Thanks, this is my first time here, everyone is so," he started

but seemed at a loss for words.

I nodded approvingly, "yeah, they are very 'into' the scene."

"You seem pretty normal," Ben said.

"Thanks," I said as I laughed politely.

"I mean you know under 300 pounds, no beard, just clean cut."

"Thanks, you aren't too bad yourself Ben."

Ben blushed.

"How old are you Ben?"

He looked down for a minute and said, "Twenty-one."

"What year were your born?"

"1983." He tried to correct but I put my hand on his shoulder

reassuringly and said, "I'm nineteen myself."

He relaxed.

"So what brought you to a leather bar instead of a twink bar?"

"I guess I was just looking for something more interesting," Ben


"Has anyone ever mentioned you look a lot like that Dell dude?"

He looked down and nodded.

"I won't hold it against you," I said as I moved closer to him and

screened him from the rest of the bar so he had to focus on me.

"You been with a man before?"

He smiled, "when I was fourteen for the first time."

"Cool, I only came out for the first time this past year."

"Really," Ben said, "you seem way more at ease than me. I have

been getting into the bars for a few years now but never had the

nerve to come to a leather bar."

"Till tonight..."

"Exactly," Ben said, "but my favorite video is a copy of Spare the

Rod that I bought a year or so ago. Every time I watch the video I

get turned on by watching the guys get spanked."

I nodded approvingly for him to continue.

"That's it, I just thought if I came here I might find someone."

"To spank you," I asked.

He blushed. I was now just inched from his face and I was now

hugging him. He was very relaxed.

"Ben, where do you live?"

"I'm living with a bunch of people in the theatre district and

working part time as a waiter."

"I know that drill," I said as I kissed him gently on the lips. He

returned the kiss. "Can I introduce you to some friends of mine?"

"Sure," he said eagerly. He was a bit arrogant I noticed. Jason

would be very pleased. I led Ben over towards Forbes and Jason.

Jason's face lit up visibly at the sight of the young Dell-dude


"Ben, let me introduce you to my boyfriend Forbes and our mutual

friend Jason."

Ben shook hands with both Forbes and Jason. He was a touch

confused, but I kept a reassuring hand on his shoulder and guided

him out to the curb with Forbes and Jason in tow.

We took a cab back to Brooklyn and inside the house I took him to

my childhood bedroom and fell asleep with him spooned against me.

In the other room I could sense Forbes using his electrical

abilities to force several involuntary orgasms out of a

spread-eagled and blindfolded Jason.

In the morning Ben stirred awake and realized he was in my arms.

"Hey there," I said as I kissed him.

"We didn't have sex?"

"No," I just wanted you to relax, I knew Jason had a few spanking

videos with him for jack off purposes. I encouraged Ben to go take

a piss and then put a spanking video into the VCR in the room and

left the room.

The video did its work, when I could sense that Ben was jacking

off to the video I sent Jason into the bedroom. A few minutes

later the video spanking sounds were supplemented by grunts of a

young man getting a well deserved spanking.

Jason led his young friend down to the kitchen with only a T-shirt

to show off the young man's well spanked butt. "Ben looks like you

had some fun," I commented.

Ben smiled and said, "quite."

Forbes poured some orange juice for Ben and offered to make an

omelet. Ben accepted and Forbes started cooking. Jason headed out

and returned with his bag packed.

"Ben," Jason said, "I'm sure Forbes and Victor will be happy to

have you stay here for a bit."

I sent Ben a reassuring affirmation and encouraged him to be

excited about staying with Forbes and me.

"I need to head back to Philadelphia," Jason explained, "but I

will be up every weekend to visit you until you are ready to come

live with me, ok?"

Ben nearly creamed himself and jumped up and said "yes." Jason

kissed Ben deeply and then headed off.

Training Ben ------------

Jason had ordered about two-dozen spanking videos for me to show

Ben. They arrived on Tuesday. I set them up in his room and

explained to Ben that he should try to watch at least one video a

day and fantasize about being the bottom in the videos. I assured

Ben that he would find the videos to be more erotic that way.

The other element of the video collection was recordings of Ben

Curtis as Steve the Dell-dude. Jason wanted

arrogance-and-in-need-of-a-spanking. Given the real Ben's

appearance, the Steve persona was perfect. I encouraged Ben to

model his behaviors on Steve's persistence, minus the Dell-angle.

By Thursday I had married the two elements together. Ben would

have to watch a Dell-dude commercial. Play-act the part for an

hour for me and then I would tell him that he needed a spanking

and he would watch one of the spanking videos.

On Friday he went shopping with Jason's credit card and we attired

him in Dell-dude style clothing. When Jason arrived Saturday

morning the transformation was more than half complete.

Ben greeted Jason in a way that led to an immediate, bare bottom

spanking in our living room. Ben was clearly enjoying the

punishment, but also was chastened. The two disappeared to the

guest bedroom and I could hear non-stop spankings for the better

part of six hours.

When they re-emerged Ben's buttocks were deep red and covered with

welts. Jason hugged Forbes and I goodbye and reminded Ben that he

would be back the following Saturday.

During the second week, there was no need to show Ben the Dell-due

tapes, he was "acting" the part non-stop. Heck, half the time

either Forbes or I wanted to spank his arrogant blonde butt.

On Monday I began the sleep-sack training. This was a bit harder

than the spanking training since it was completely new to Ben, but

he adapted to "make Jason happy."

I stayed with Ben the first night to make sure he was calm and

relaxed in the confining sack. In the morning before I woke him, I

jerked him off and drained him of a load of cum. Right out of the

sack I then fucked him and spanked him. He loved it.

During the second week of training, I had selected the videos very

carefully. Each day the spanking video showed ever more intense

spanking, or whipping, scenes. Ben faithfully jerked off to the

tapes and I could tell he was looking forward to seeing Jason. He

was acutely aware that Jason planned to do everything shown on

those tapes to him and more.

I left Ben in the sleep sack until Jason arrived around 11 on

Saturday. Jason went upstairs and quickly Forbes and I heard the

sounds of a thorough whipping. Around six, they came out. Ben was

naked and his entire backside from his knees to his shoulders was

a mess of red, welts, and whip marks. He also had a smile wider

than Texas smacked across his face.

"Good work Victor," Jason commented as he showed Ben off to Forbes

and me.

"Thanks," I said, "but Ben has done all the hard work."

Jason smiled, "like I said, you are just cupid. Can I stay the

night with Ben?"

"Sure," I said.

He took Ben upstairs and they returned with Ben dressed and took

him out. Ben had a house key so Forbes and I hit SBNY by ourselves

and then patrolled for a while.

When we returned Jason was in the living room.

"Victor, he is almost perfect, he just needs another week or so of

polishing and a bit of obedience reinforcement," Jason said calmly

as he handed me a check for $50,000.

I nodded and Forbes and I headed up to our bedroom. When Jason

left Sunday night, I had already posted 20x30 inch pictures of

Jason on all of the walls with the word "Obey" printed on them.

Ben had a new routine. Stare at the picture then open an envelope

which contained a note "signed" by Jason indicating that Ben had

been disobedient and needed to be punished. Ben would then have to

stick in one of the videos that featured whipping and watch it.

The program was quite effective. Although Ben was getting more

"spankably" arrogant each day, he showed a greater and greater

obedience for Jason.

Jason arrived on schedule at 11 Saturday morning and quickly took

to working Ben over up in the bedroom. I listened in

telepathically as Jason impotently fucked Ben for seven hours

straight taking breaks to brutalize Ben's backside. Ben arrived

downstairs at six: naked and red.

Ben sat on the kitchen chair gingerly and looked less spankable

for the first time in a week. He was extremely respectful towards

Jason, but an amazing amount of smarminess still radiated from


"Victor, you are doing a great job, Ben and I agreed that he would

come home with me next weekend," Jason announced.

"Great," I said, "I'm so glad things are working out for the two

of you."

"It has always been so hard for me to find someone who really

enjoyed spanking as much as I did," he said.

Ben chimed in, "Dude, I love Jason so much."

Ok, so much for not looking spankable.

The last part of the training was going to be making it very hard

for Ben to live without Jason. The pictures of Jason stayed on the

wall in the room where Ben was staying but the slogan "Obey" was

supplemented with "Fidelity."

Each day during the next week I worked on Ben so that he had to

imagine what he would feel like if he left Jason. Immediately

after I would slam him with a wave of horrible self-loathing until

he kissed the pictures of Jason and begged the picture to keep

him. Only then would I release the pressure and leave him with a

sense of total love.

I dolled Ben up the following Saturday morning. He was standing

naked on our coffee table with a bow tied to his cock and a butt

plug in his ass when Jason arrived.

Jason handed me another check for $50,000 and then got Ben dressed

for a trip back to Philadelphia.

New Line of Business --------------------

That day, I got out of the table-waiting business. I started

working more days fighting crime and with Jason's help started an

Internet site: The tag line was, "Where men of

discerning interests meet like minded men."

Jason registered the site in the name of a Bermuda corporation and

routed all of the communications very discretely to me.

My first inquiry actually came in person from Jason. An attorney

friend of his in Philadelphia had visited him his house and been

quite impressed with Ben's training. The attorney was into

extended bondage sessions but had generally struck out at meeting

like-minded guys, let alone forming relationships.

I went down to Philadelphia without Forbes to interview the

attorney. The attorney was older than Jason, probably fifty, but

still looked quite handsome. We met at his office in Center City


The conversation was quite direct, "Interesting, a young guy like

you finds and warps other men's minds."

I nodded politely, "What are you looking for?"

"Someone to be a companion who also enjoys being tied up for

extended periods."

"Any particular looks, age, so forth?"


"There is the matter of my fee..."

"Jason assures me you are worth the money, here is $20,000 for

expenses," the attorney said while handing me a check.

I left the office and headed back to New York. In Penn Station I

stopped a mugging before getting on a subway back to Brooklyn.

Forbes was busy again at the DA's office and I started reading up

on bondage on the Internet.

A couple of hours later I had found two leads from Internet

personal ads. I decided to follow them up using another web site

Jason had helped me create:



Subject: Interested Client


I am writing on behalf of a client of our service who I think

could be a good match for you. Our service is extremely discrete

as we only work with shy, but wealthy individuals of the most

discerning tastes. I am quite certain that my client can make

you quite fulfilled.

If you are interested in meeting me so I can see if you will be

a good match, please email me your number.


Match Master

A similar letter went to the other lead. I would also have to

follow up in the clubs as well. But I felt particularly good about

Brad. His personal ad suggested that he had been unfulfilled by

inadequate bondage. He had a deep-seated need to be restrained

intensely and anything less than total bondage that went on for

hours was a disappointment.

Three hours later I had a response from Brad with a phone number

and a request to meet him at a Starbucks near his work site in

Queens that evening.

I called the number and got a voice system, "This is the Match

Master, I will meet you at the Starbucks, I will be wearing a

white T-shirt and jeans."

At five, I was sitting in the Starbucks when I sensed my quarry

walk in. He was apprehensive, but also quite aroused. I guided him

towards me gently and he was seated without really having had a

chance to take me in.

"Victor," I said introducing myself.

"Brad," he responded.

"Brad, I have a client who I think would be very satisfying for

you to meet if you are for real."

"How so?"

"Well your ads are at bondage sites, but sometimes people are not

as interested in those things in real life."

"I am totally into it."

"Good, then I assume you won't mind coming with me so I can test

that for myself?"

Flabbergasted he said, "yes," before realizing that what he had

agreed to. He followed me out of the Starbucks and to my car


At my house he started having second thoughts but I relaxed him

and guided him to the bondage dungeon. Any resistance melted away

at the sight of a few thousand dollars of bondage equipment.

I had Brad lay down on the bondage table naked, face up, and then

laced him down to the table quite tightly from toe to head. When I

reached his head, I applied a hood with hooks to help restrain him

to the table better.

Once he was firmly attached to the table I removed the door under

his butt and inserted a plug, then I attached a hose to his cock

to allow him to piss freely without messing my table. I inserted a

drinking straw into the hood so he could sip some water.

"Ok," I said, "I have to go run some errands so don't go


He said something that got muffled by the hood as I left the room.

Forbes came home and I had dinner cooked. I checked on Brad

telepathically before we left the house for patrol.

Cathus had found out a bit about my business and heaped some scorn

on me but ultimately decided that it was fairly benign. Then she

and I headed out to go hunt down who was breaking into a military

base on Long Island and stealing spent ordinance.

Forbes stayed at the headquarters. We did not make much progress

on the case and by the time I got back to the house I decided to

check on Brad directly.

The urine bag was slightly full and the water pouch was

half-empty. I was careful not to touch Brad or talk to him so he

could remain lost in the sensations of the bondage. Satisfied that

he was actually quite content, I left him for the night.

In the morning, I went in and detached the urine bag and water

tube first. Then, with Brad still tightly bound to the table, I

stroked his cock off. My client was on hand too. I left the room

for the unveiling. Brad's first sight would be his new master. I

sent gentle telepathic signals to encourage Brad to be interested

in the attorney.

The attorney took off the hood and examined Brad. Brad was

disoriented but was excited to see the handsome attorney. The

attorney kissed Brad. The attorney left Brad tied up and left the

room, "he's perfect."

I re-entered the room and explained that I thought it might be

good if Brad moved into the house with me. He was excited that he

was going to be living with the attorney soon and readily agreed.

I untied Brad slowly and led him to the bathroom for an enema.

After the enema I took Brad back to the bedroom. I had amassed a

series of bondage videos for Brad to watch along with a locking

rubber suit. I put Brad into the rubber suit, locked it, and then

locked him in the bedroom with the videos and a small tray of


Brad knew he was to watch the bondage videos day and night. The

frustrating part was that in the locking rubber suit, he really

could not get enough access to his dick to really masturbation.

Watching the videos though was exciting him tremendously though.

When I came around five to tie him to the bondage table he begged

me to let him jerk off. I a restraint around his neck and locked

his hands in it before removing the rubber suit. I led him to the

bathroom for another enema and a piss.

I fed him dinner like a young child and then bound him to the

bondage table.

That was the schedule of Brad's days for the next four weeks. The

attorney did no visit, but there were posters of Brad's master all

over the room as the weeks went by. In fact Brad would have to

lick a picture of his master on the floor and beg in order to be

allowed to get his dinner.

Brad loved every minute of the training. He was living his deepest


After four weeks, I delivered him to the attorney's home in Bryn

Mawr. The attorney paid me the full $100,000 in a check and then

proceeded to bring Brad to the basement where he fixed the boy to

a post.

"I have some friends in San Francisco," the attorney said as we

were leaving, "who could benefit greatly from your services."

Old Friends -----------

We stopped on our way home to visit Jason and Ben. The two were

quite happy. Ben's backside was not quite as red as during the

weekends of training, but it was distinctly blistered and spanked.

Ben was wonderful to see and clearly quite happy. Jason was quite

happy as well. We left finally to spend the night with Thomas and


Both of them were ecstatic to see us after about three months

without a visit. They were now regular items at the Bike Stop and

loving it. We all talked a bit longer and agreed that they were

"ready to stand on their own again now." And the next morning the

four of us parted ways as two couples again. Thomas and John would

never quite be the same for their time with Forbes and me, but

were also quite pleased for the new more erotic lives.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


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