
By TopLegal

Published on Jul 20, 2002


Superhero: 1 ============

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2002, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Discovered ----------

I stared into the mirror, it was depressing. I was a geek. Nobody

could ever love me.

I sighed heavily.

My grandmother called me to come down for dinner. "Victor," she

said, "you seem down, is everything going ok in school?"

"Yeah," I said wistfully.

"Well I'm here for you if you want to talk ever."

I finished off my dinner and then went upstairs and finished my

homework. I logged onto Magic the Gathering: Online (MtG:O) and

won three pick up games before shutting off the computer for the


The next day was Saturday and I figured I could go over to Paul's

house and hang out since my homework was done.

As I fell asleep I was dreaming of being a superhero like

"Superman" or "Spiderman" and imagining my special powers. I must

have drifted off to a deep sleep because my grandmother shook me

awake barely two hours later because the house next door was on


She got me to bundle up and we headed out into the street with our

cat, Artemis. The blaze had caught so quickly that there was no

time for our neighbors to evacuate, Paul and his parents were no


The fire fighters contained the blaze only after it damaged our

roof and that of several other neighbors. We ended up having to go

to my uncle's house to spend the night.

He was eccentric and geeky himself. In many ways he and I looked

quite alike. He reminded us not to "touch anything" and had me

sleep on the couch and my grandmother take the guest room.

Artemis had other plans and quickly got himself tangled in some of

my uncle's gadgets. While untangling the cat, I knocked something

over and got a whack on my head. I awoke in the hospital.

The nurses helped me relieve myself and then explained that I had

taken a bad blow to my head. My luck seemed to be at an ebb.

My grandmother showed up and said we had been able to move back

into our house and that Artemis was fine. My uncle was nowhere to

be seen.

My grandmother kept me home from school for several days but I

noticed I was feeling odd. I did not say anything because I wanted

to try to return to normalcy, but I found myself feeling

"stronger". I also would have sworn that I was starting to "hear"


The hearing part was more obvious on the bus as it seemed like I

was hearing two of the bullies at the back of the bus talking as

if they were standing next to me. Being stupid I turned and looked

back at them and they mouthed they were going to "get me."


The morning assembly overwhelmed me and I passed out and had to be

taken to the nurse. When I started coming to I heard my

grandmother and the nurse talking to the principal. Paul's death

came up. The principal remarked that he was certain I would get

could grades and that I should take some time off.

My grandmother took me home and sent me right to bed.

I fell asleep dreaming of superheroes again but this time I was

much clearer on what my powers would be: superstrength and

telepathy. The telepathy would let me anticipate the bad guy's

moves and also get them to follow my instructions.

Hero Awakens ------------

The next morning geek Victor Webster was no more. On looking in

the mirror I could see I was more muscular. I also started

remembering strange electrical flashes. Perhaps one of my uncle's

gadgets had gotten me in my fall to save Artemis.

My grandmother talked me into going to see a doctor. In the office

I started to realize that I was not actually "hearing" the

conversations with my ears but rather more "intuiting" them inside

my head.

The doctor gave me a clean bill of health after I insisted that I

was doing fine. I got sent home and after two more days off, back

to school.

Each morning though I was becoming more and more muscular. Also, I

was finding that I could more easily read individual minds and

tune out irrelevant conversations.

The first sign of my improved skills came when two bullies came to

beat me up. I sensed them coming and was able to anticipate their

moves and responded with my newfound muscles. The two bullies were

flattened to the ground in no time.

The word of my triumph over the bullies spread like wildflowers.

I began working out more and more at a local gym. It was there

that I began to notice a lot of guys taking an interest in my

body. I even talked my grandmother into buying me some workout

clothes from International Male.

With those I was drawing even more attention and I could tell some

of the guys were definitely hot for me.

I resolved to stop at my uncle's and find out the truth about my

abilities. I went directly from the gym to his apartment and asked

him if I had been zapped or some such.

My uncle tried to lie, but my new found telepathic abilities let

me know that I had been zapped by a device he had developed to

enhance latent abilities. I had also broken the device beyond


I left after some more pleasantries and resolved that I would

start exploring the limits of my abilities further.

Exploration -----------

I had never had much luck with the ladies but that had never

bothered me much since I was more one for the guys. With my

newfound muscles I was feeling self-confident enough to go out to

a gay club.

I snuck out of the house in my sexiest, tightest fitting outfit

and went down to SBNY. I had to use my powers for the first time

to distract the bouncer from carding me. It was a bit surprised it

worked just like a Jedi-mind trick that Paul and I used to joke

about, "These aren't the droids you're looking for." I basically

did the same thing in the bouncer's mind, "This boy is old enough

to enter."

Bang, I was into the club. Chalk one up to super powers.

I struck my eyes onto a hot guy in the middle of the dance floor.

I could hear him thinking how hot he thought he was. I waited by

the bar and talked the bar tender into serving me a vodka straight


I reached out into the air and made myself more attractive to the

guys in the club. I was quickly swarmed by a small group of hot

guys trying to get dates with me.

It worked. The gentleman at the center of the dance floor soon

took notice of me. I drew him in gently working his ego

telepathically. By the time he reached me, his prime was pumped. I

sweet talked him into taking me home with minimal effort and he

hailed a cab and we reached his house in no time flat.

His name turned out to be Michael and he was sexy. He had me out

of my clothing quickly and was gentle with me. I had never had sex

before, I was a virgin and now, my first time I was doing it as a


I could feel inside Michael as he pushed me onto my knees.

Instinctively I knew what to do and also could hear exactly what

he wanted. I knew as he said I was giving him the "best blowjob

ever" that he was telling the truth.

When he fucked me later in the evening I shot my load as he

inserted into me. He laughed a bit but I could tell something

quite similar had happened to him on his first time and he kissed

me tenderly. I was under no illusions that he loved me or that I

meant anything to him. He gave me cab fare to get home and I left


But it was on our way home that I met my destiny. We got caught in

a massive traffic jam heading back into Brooklyn and I got out of

the cab and started walking across the bridge when I came across

the problem. The police had closed the opposite footpath and I was

walking right into a hostage situation.

I reached out to the hostage taker's mind and found he was

insanely mad. For a second the intensity of his insanity nearly

knocked me off my feet and over the side of the bridge. I could

sense his hostage's mind, she was in terror. There were also

thirteen plus police officers moving in. But given all of the

bridge traffic it was going to be hard for a sharp shooter to take

him out.

I reached out further to the hostage taker's mind and started

bending it gradually at first. Then I pushed deeper. He collapsed

to the floor of the walkway peacefully and was safely arrested. I

felt good about what I had done and continued on my way home.

I snuck back into the house and my grandmother was none the wiser

for my evening adventure.

Outfit ------

As school finished up I was working out more and more regularly. I

had made some preliminary sketches of an outfit I wanted to design


Meanwhile I was going out to the clubs more, but may grades were

not suffering. My next adventure would be outside SBNY three weeks

after the bridge incident.

I was hanging outside the club with a handsome black guy I had

picked up. I was itching to have the guy's massive cock inside me

when I sensed some trouble down the alley.

I left Keith standing at the curb and ran down the alley at a

break neck speed. Two large guys were attacking a smaller guy and

hurling homophobic epithets.

I slammed their minds with a telepathic blast I had been

practicing and then followed through with some good old fashioned

upper cuts to knock them on their asses.

I helped the young kid, Tom, up and carried him to the curb. Keith

was looking at me impatiently and I asked him to call 911.

Keith left Tom and I with the police. A little bit of telepathy

was all I needed to basically keep my name out of the police

ledger and I ended up going with Tom to the hospital in the


At the hospital I stayed with him until his parent arrived and

then slipped away. I was pissed at Keith for not caring about

helping someone. But that hardened my resolve to start patrolling

against crime.

I moved out of my grandmother's house after high school graduation

and took a day job waiting tables in the theatre district and

cruised by night. I found a decent loft to move into with a motley

crew of actors and actresses from different plays. My grandmother

disapproved but did not say anything.

One of my roommates did costume design and got totally into

helping me make my superhero costume. Not realizing the full

import of it. After he finished it, I use telepathy to make him

forget that he had made it for me.

The outfit was snug fitting and allowed my now well developed

musculature to show off. Also a mask was a part of the costume and

it would reduce the chances of me being recognized.

Name ----

I needed to pick a name next and that came more slowly. I found

waiting tables to be strangely satisfying and managed to weasel

large tips out of my patrons using my abilities.

I suppose that a Boy Scout hero like Superman would have

disapproved but it paid the rent.

I toyed with the name "Rage" from the American show Queer as Folk,

but discarded the idea as too trite. In seven weeks of living in

Manhattan I had thwarted about three crimes a week and was

starting to settle into a pattern. I was also completely anonymous

still. Maybe I did not need a name.

Then he entered my life. I was in a knock down brawl with five

gang members when suddenly a handsome blonde guy about my size

appeared and started hurling balls of lightening at the gang

members. We polished them off quickly and he introduced himself as


My brain stumbled and I settled on "Telag."

"Nice to meet you," but you should be careful you almost got your

ass kicked.

I nodded, the gang members had been stronger than I expected.

"Let's get out of here before they come too," Electro offered and

I followed him back to a beat up looking car and we headed up past

Central Park to Harlem.

Electro was not wearing anything special except a hot leather

jacket and patent leather Italian shoes. His only concession to

secrecy was a Robin-style eye mask. When he removed it, his

gorgeous face stood out.

"Um, you forgot to drop me off," I said politely.

He shrugged and threw off the jacket and picked up a bottle of

water from the counter and poured it over himself. It was cliche,

but sexy. I took off my mask and sat down on his couch.

"So what's your ability?"

"Telepathy," I said.

"Cool, there are a few dozen of us in the New York City area these

days, but it is always nice to meet someone new."


"Yeah, formerly ordinary men and women with unusual abilities."

I nodded, not that I understood really, but I was hoping he would

share more details.

"You might want to ease back on the costume since you can't fly,"

he suggested casually. I had to admit my costume could be a bit

much but I felt it gave me a certain edge.

"Is there a group?"

"Nah," he said, "we are just a bunch of people who find ourselves

trying to help others out. Real name is Forbes March. What is


"Victor Webster."

"Well Victor, aside from breaking up gang fights what do you like

to do?"

I noticed that he had sat down next to me on the couch and was

extremely close. I did not need to use much telepathic skill to

figure out he was putting the moves on me.

"I think we have a lot in common," I said looking into his eyes


"Good," he said as he kissed me.

My heart melted at that moment.

We did not go any further that night than kissing but the

experience was like lightening bolts through my heart. The

intensity of each kiss seemed to resonate telepathically. But the

fact that he like being kissed by me, Victor Webster, made it all

the better.

Forbes dropped me back at my apartment in the morning. We had not

slept but he looked ruggedly handsome and ready for his day at the

office. I quickly changed and went down to the restaurant to get

things ready for the early rush.

All day I could not get him out of my mind. I ended up deciding to

follow his advice and get rid of my more League of

Justice/Superman style tights costume for a more street savvy

outfit. After work I picked up a leather gunslinger type jacket

and dark clothes. I also picked up a mask like the one Forbes, I

mean Electro, liked to wear.

We had not exactly made plans for a second date or even to get

together, but he found me at SBNY.

Real Life ---------

At SBNY he asked me if I could help him with a problem at his

work. I agreed without really getting much in the way of


He led me out of the noisy club and onto the streets. We looked

quite the pair. We ended up at the District Attorney's office for

Manhattan. The sign on his desk read "Assistant District Attorney

Forbes March". He turned on a light and handed me a case file. It

was for a missing girl and a creepy child molester they had


"Something feels wrong about this case," he said.

I picked up the file and looked at the mug shot for the suspect.

"Girl is still missing," I said.

"Yeah," no leads either.

"What you want me to do?"

"Tomorrow he is being arraigned in court, I want you to find out

where the girl is."

I agreed.

I went back to his apartment and again we confined ourselves to

kissing. Again it was wonderful. In the morning he put on a suit

and I followed him to court. Forbes showed me where to sit so I

would have a good line of sight to the suspect in the courtroom.

The case was the second one called. As soon as the suspect entered

I started mind walking him. It was frightening, he had hurt a

large number of children and never been punished for those crimes.

But I could not find anything relating to the most recent


Without evidence linking the suspect to the crime, the judge

released him.

Forbes pulled me aside after the hearing and we went to the

cafeteria. "Wrong guy," I said, "but he should rot in hell."

Forbes nodded and kissed me in the cafeteria. It felt good to be

loved so publicly and to know that he did not mind being out.

Forbes sent me home to work and suggested we try to do some

digging that night to find the real perp.

I found it hard to focus on my day job waiting tables. In the

evening I was at Forbes' apartment in my crime fighting outfit.

We headed out in his car to a Staten Island neighborhood near the

Fresh Kills Landfill. We put on our masks and snuck through the

neighborhood towards an industrial building. "Tip," he said as he

mentally signaled for me to take the back while he took the front.

I suppose I should have sensed someone inside but I still was not

100% on the scope of my telepathic abilities. There was nobody in

the warehouse but we found the tattered remains of a girl's dress.

Electro had to fight shooting a burst of electricity into the

building from anger. I kissed him and suggested we circle the

outside looking for clues. Once outside I reached out in a wide

circle for minds. I sensed something faint and took off at a mad

dash into the landfill.

Electro followed me and helped me dig through an area of garbage.

It was not long before we reached the girl. She was barely

breathing and Electro gave her mouth-to-mouth to bring her too.

We took off our masks and went back to his car and called the


It was after two in the morning when we finished up. Forbes' DA

credentials kept us from overly heavy questioning by the police

and he ended up taking me back to my house.

For a moment I was afraid he was done with me. But instead he

asked to come up. I mentioned the roommate situation and he said

he did not mind.

My roommates were just coming in and razzed me for being with an

older guy. We went back to my curtained off area and plopped onto

the futon.

"Now I know what has been distracting you," I said. He nodded

absently and began to undress me. I stopped him gently and teased,

"How do you know I want to do more than just kiss?"

He laughed and kept stripping me naked. I guess he did not have to

be a telepath to know I wanted to be fucked by him.

Electric Sex ------------

To say that the sex between us was electric was the understatement

of the year. His tongue probed my mouth and seemed to be on fire

with electrical sparks. I lay on my back as he lifted my legs.

He grabbed a condom from out of his wallet and slid it on fluidly

in a single motion. A spark formed at the tip of his rigid cock

head as he thrust into my waiting ass gently but firmly. I gasped

madly for air. Forbes was electrifying my body ever so slightly

within my ass as he pumped in and out of me and we kissed


We also were tightly coupled mentally. He could hear me thinking

to him as I could hear him. It was unreal.

With each thrust the intensity of the electrical shock within me

grew stronger. It had my cock harder than I had ever imagined and

then I shot a huge load onto Forbes' chest as he began to pump cum

into my ass.

He stayed inside me and we kissed and kept connected

telepathically for some time after the act. It was the best erotic

experience of my life.

Routines --------

My roommates could not believe the racket that Forbes and I had

made the previous night and wasted no time taking up teasing me

about it. Forbes and I were over ten years apart in age, but I

knew from how intimately we had already connected that this

relationship had legs.

The next morning, news of the kidnapping of a second young girl

set Forbes in rage. We parted company for the day and he left me

with his house key to meet him after work to start our search for

the kidnapper.

Forbes came home with a wealth of confidential information about

the abduction that we poured over as we ate take out Chinese food.

When we finished Forbes suggested we try to meet up with other

superheroes to crack the abductions. We geared up and took off in

his car. We parked near the entrance to a ventilation building for

the Holland Tunnel and walked to a nondescript doorway.

We were both wearing our masks when we entered and walked down

into the bowels of the building and through a passageway that

seemed to run into the sewers.

We seemed to be walking under Canal Street towards the subway

station when Electro ducked into a passageway and I followed. He

placed his hand on what appeared to be a solid stone wall and it

opened to reveal a stylish bunker-type command center.

Inside there were a number of individuals attired in various types

of disguises. Electro approached a female standing near the front

of the room and then waved me over for an introduction.

She had created this command center using her inheritance and had

gathered a number of other heroes together. She wore a cat-like

outfit and a full cowl obscured her face completely. She called

the ten or so people in the room to order and we sat down. Electro

outlined the situation with the kidnappings and a few moments

later everyone agreed to help.

Cathus (the female leader) then quizzed me further about my

abilities. She seemed impressed overall and separated us up since

she thought if I was able to fly over the city I might be able to

sense the kidnapper or the girl.

Patronus, another female, with the ability to fly would carry me

on her shoulders across the city. Electro would work with Cathus

on checking out some of the less reputable places in the city.

It felt weird to be apart from Electro--Forbes--but I knew that a

little girl's life depended on us.

Patronus flew us at about 1000 feet over industrial areas of the

city. She was careful to ensure that we would not be seen. At

first the exhilaration of flying overwhelmed me but she scolded me

to focus on finding the kidnapper.

I did my best to reach out my mind to the darkness of the city

without any luck. When we all regrouped around 0400 in the room we

had all struck out. Cathus promised that everyone would keep an

eye out.

Meanwhile Electro and I unmasked in his car and headed back to

his apartment.

We collapsed in each other's arms that night in exhaustion. In the

morning Forbes dragged himself to his office and I headed to wait

tables. By evening the media was already blaming the police and

district attorneys office for incompetence in not catching the


Forbes was depressed when he came home and I ended up cooking

dinner. We ate quickly and then took his car to Port Elizabeth,

New Jersey, to check out some of the container farms on a tip.

We arrived and donned our masks and Electro blasted a hole in the

wall to get us in. We crawled through. The containers were stacked

four and five high in places. We ducked between two rows of

containers as we caught sight of someone else prowling the port


We followed from a row away as the stranger walked down the row

and then opened one of the end containers a row from us. I reached

out telepathically and could not sense anyone else in the area. We

waited till he left and then split up. Electro followed him and I

checked out the container. There were the remains of a young girl.

I was careful to shield my mind to avoid broadcasting my find to


Instead I signaled Electro to take the stranger down for

questioning. About two minutes later Electro emerged with the

stranger unconscious. I scanned the guy's mind and he was the one

who had taken both girls.

We tied the guy up in the container and then scrambled before I

called 911 from a pay phone.

Beginnings ----------

We made it back to Forbes apartment in time to receive the call

for him to come down to make a call on going before a grand jury

for an indictment for kidnapping and murder one.

He left me alone in the apartment and I found myself reflecting on

my new life. I left a note that I was visiting Cathus and found my

own way to the Canal Street subway station and then into the

superheroes' meeting room.

Although word of our discovery was already on the news, I was more

curious about learning about the origins of my powers.

Cathus was out but Patronus and a few other superheroes were

hanging out. They high fived me for the work on tracking the girl

down and I nodded politely.

Patronus took pity on me after a bit and sat down to talk with me.

She had found her ability to fly as she hit puberty. Like most of

us there was some scarring event before the powers came out. For

her it was a rape. I thought back to the night my powers came out,

the fire, Paul's death, the accident at my uncle's apartment.

It made a certain degree of scientific sense she explained as she

showed me some of the research Cathus had conducted on the other

heroes. I took some of my own time to scan the different records.

When Electro's record came up on the screen. I pushed the file

away, that was something I would let him tell me about when he was


I returned to my own apartment for a few minutes and listened to a

message from the restaurant complaining about my absence. I

decided not to bother with work and packed a few things and headed

back to Harlem and Forbes' apartment.

I flicked on the television and saw Forbes on TV with the Chief

Police and the Mayor proclaiming how they had cracked this case.

When he smiled at the camera I somehow felt he was smiling at me.

I fell asleep on the couch and when he did make it home many hours

later he kissed me softly on the lips and asked me if I wanted to

go to bed.

He lifted me off the couch and carried me to the bed where we lay

with him spooned against me for the whole night.

In the morning he asked me to move in. I agreed and then headed

off to get changed for work. My boss at the restaurant scolded me

rudely for missing the previous day's work, but knowing that I was

consistently liked by many regulars and a high tip receiver

decided against firing me.

After work, I went back to my apartment and packed all of my

belongings. There were not many and left a letter to my roommates

announcing where I was moving to.

I then took a cab up to Harlem to my--our--apartment. Forbes was

not home and I called my grandmother to tell her I had moved. She

was not thrilled by my new address but did admit that she liked

that there was only going to be one roommate now.

I ended up cooking dinner for Forbes and we ate slowly and enjoyed

each other's company leisurely. We stayed home that night and he

told me about how he had acquired his powers.

It had been on a tour of a hydroelectric dam near Niagara Falls

when he was eight. "I was with my parents and we were walking

amongst the turbines," he explained, "then an explosion sounded.

There was no time evacuate. My parents died before my eyes and a

bolt of energy hit me. Somehow I survived, but I was transformed."

Forbes held me tight so I could not turn and kiss him for comfort.

I knew he was crying. I mindspoke that I loved him and he stopped

and kissed the back of my neck. We fell asleep like that then.

The trial was rough on Forbes and we had almost no time to patrol.

Somehow putting the girl's killer behind bars--actually under the

needle--gave him a peace of mind. I was still working as a waiter

for lunch. I managed to switch to a restaurant closer to Harlem,

"Terrace in the Sky" which was near Columbia and where the higher

prices meant larger tips.

It was not until the trial ended with a guilty verdict that Forbes

stopped crying in his sleep. It was hard for me to deal with

because he did not want to talk about it but I also had a hard

time blocking out his thoughts.

After the trial, we started having a lot more fun. We would

generally go out after dinner to a club and then prowl the streets

to stop crimes for a few hours before heading home. All in all it

was quite satisfying.

Also the sex between us stayed extremely hot and heavy and

electric. Also, he had no problem being out at work and I was

regularly invited to work functions and most of the people in the

office had gotten to know me.

Moving Forward --------------

We had been together for about nine months when my grandmother had

a heart attack and died. Forbes was wonderful about comforting me.

My uncle, Forbes, and I were the only attendees at the funeral and


My grandmother had left the house and about fifty thousand dollars

in savings to me. Forbes and I decided to move into it after a bit

of debate. We would both have a trip into work, but if I switched

to a restaurant closer to the DA's office it was relatively easy

for us to get to Manhattan from Brooklyn Heights.

Several times I caught myself walking into my childhood bedroom

instead our bedroom after we moved, but overall it was a good

decision to move.

Forbes was making a bit over $60,000 a year with benefits and I

was making barely $10,000 in reported wages and about the same in

tips working lunches only. So my grandmother's money was a good

excuse for us to take a vacation.

I planned the trip to Paris and Madrid for early September with

Forbes' blessings. The morning we left for Paris he surprised me

by getting on his knees and offering a platinum engagement ring to

me. I accepted.

On the cab ride to JFK, he explained that he wanted us to be

equals in everything in the relationship and that he had a lawyer

friend drawing up documents. I agreed and asked if he wanted me to

buy him a ring. He said he had actually bought a matching ring but

was not sure how I felt about buying it for him. I said I would

pay any cost and he smiled and handed me a jewelry box. Right

there in the cab I gave him the ring.

I sensed the cabbie about to make a remark and I used my powers to

distract him from our affections. We encountered our first problem

at the metal detectors. I guess I had not thought through how

Forbes hidden powers might set off a metal detector. He motioned

me to keep walking but I stayed in line of sight with the guard

frisking him and telepathically got the guard to let Forbes go

even though the hand wand was still going off.

As we strolled to the gate, I mindspoke, "Fuck that was annoying."

He smiled back at me and thought, "wasn't so bad before September


I nodded.

At the gate I sweet talked the gate agent into giving us a free

first class upgrade. We got to board early and took some champagne

to toast our engagement. I fell asleep shortly after take off

contemplating what a wonderful change my life had taken in just a


We cleared customs quickly in Paris and took a cab to our hotel.

After checking in I wanted to cover the whole city but Forbes

clipped my wings and pulled me into bed.

We made out in the room until around 2000 and then hit some gay

clubs. We did not really know where to go and since we were

staying in a "gay" hotel we just hit the gay bar in the ground

floor of our hotel.

Although I did not speak French, I was surprised to find that my

special powers enabled me to understand a good bit of what people

were trying to say. We ended up leaving the bar to walk along the

Siene at night.

We ended up just standing on the banks for a while when we were

accosted by a man wielding a knife. Forbes blasted him to the

ground with an electric blast quicker than I could blink and then

I wiped his mind so he would not be going around about being hit

by lightening. Nobody had witnessed the incident and we decided to

leave without calling the police.

Back in our hotel room around 0200, we planned an itinerary for

the next day and collapsed in each other's arms.

The Louvre was our first stop. Forbes knew a surprising amount

about art and history as he was actually a Columbia graduate for

both undergraduate and law school. As a result he had been

subjected to their (in)famous core curriculum. For me it was

exciting and romantic that he knew so much about the paintings we

were seeing.

I was surprised to see artists in the galleries reproducing some

of the famous works since one does not generally see that in

American museums. I also made Forbes promise to take me to the Met

when we got back home.

Towards the end of our day as we were leaving, Forbes whispered,

"Victor see that couple over there?" A handsome gay couple was

walking out of the Louvre ahead of us. They paused in the

courtyard and we approached and introduced ourselves.

The four of us went to an early dinner together. John and Thomas

were from Philadelphia. They worked for the University of

Pennsylvania and were celebrating their first anniversary together

as well.

We ended up walking over to the Arc De Triumph and then back to

the Marais district to hit a gay bar.

In a gay bar we all ended up dancing together for a few hours.

They were staying at a hostel far from the Marais and so we ended

up convincing them to come back to our hotel.

Thomas and John stripped naked and Forbes and I followed suit.

Forbes checked in with me mentally, "you ok with this." I spoke

back to his mind, "yeah."

Thomas and Forbes paired up and Thomas was on his knees sucking

Forbes off in seconds. John looked at me, "hey Vic, can I?"

I nodded and John started sucking me off. It was a wonderful

sensation. I had never really thought of myself as a "top" or a

"bottom". Forbes was the second man I had ever had sex with and I

was more in love with him than anything. I supposed I had deferred

to him because of his age and maturity.

It felt really good to have my dick sucked. John was sucking me

hard as his partner Thomas was sucking my partner. I found myself

putting my hands on John's head to force him to suck me harder.

Four Way --------

Thomas and John were both handsome and it was hot to realize that

there were four hot guys in our hotel room all having sex. I could

sense that John wanted to be fucked so I grabbed a condom and

pushed John into the bed, face down, and took him from the rear. I

really wished I could shoot small amounts of electricity through

him like Forbes, but contented myself with reaching into him


I manipulated his mind to relax more completely and open his

fuckhole to me. As he relaxed I made it so he found it intensely

pleasurable. It felt good to use my dick to fuck someone and I

drove John to three orgasms in close succession.

Forbes was still getting sucked by Thomas and we swapped off.

Forbes pulled John off the bed and got him down on his knees as I

took Thomas. Thomas had seen how intensely I had fucked John and

just came out and asked to be fucked.

I put on a fresh condom and repeated the process I had used on

John with Thomas.

Thomas relaxed easily and quickly and then I worked him into a

sexual frenzy as I fucked him with my cock. It did not take much

effort to force four orgasms out of his hot body.

Forbes then pulled Thomas' exhausted body off the bed and had him

kneeling next to John on the floor so that the two of them were

sucking Forbes' cock. I found the sight of my lover with two

gorgeous gay men on his cock incredibly arousing and fought the

urge to just shoot a load standing there.

I mindspoke him and we decided to have some more fun with the

couple. We took them to our bathroom and I got them to shave one

another below the neck completely. Forbes and I stood in the

doorway to the bathroom watching them shave each other. It was

quite a sight and the two of us kept our hard cocks pressed

against one another and were kissing as we watched.

They looked really sexy shaved and Forbes suggested that we shave

their heads as well. I convinced them to sit in the tub and then

both Forbes and I took turns using the clippers to get the bulk of

their hair off.

Thomas started to object and I calmed him and assured him that he

would be sexier when we finished. He quieted down and then we

started working with razors to thoroughly denude them of their


I found the process quite erotic and they definitely looked quite

sexy when we finished with nothing but their eyebrows. "Victor,

no," he said, but I had already removed John's eyebrows with the

razor. Forbes followed suit with Thomas.

Now they looked quite shocking.

I had Thomas and John kiss and lick Forbes' and my bare feet as

thanks for shaving and fucking them. That felt really good and

ultimately the four of us piled into bed for the night.

In the morning they were both a bit shocked, but strangely pleased

by their appearances. "Victor, you are quite good," my boyfriend

commented as we all headed down to the street to go our separate


We enjoyed the Eiffel Tower and several other outdoor venues that

day before heading to Madrid by train that night.

In Madrid we stayed at the five star Hotel Villa Real near many of

the museums. I had found myself wanting to find another play toy,

or toys, like Thomas and John here in Madrid.

"Victor," Forbes said, "did you want to go to a museum?"

"That would be great," I said as I kissed him on the mouth and

slid my tongue in.

Madrid ------

We headed to the Prado and I found myself rapt in attention to

Forbes' descriptions of the artworks. I noticed that a youngish,

barely fourteen, year old guy was eyeing us.

"What's the age of consent in Spain?"

Forbes shrugged. I winked at the guy and we left the museum. While

we were in a cafe, I logged onto the Internet and checked it out:

13 from

I debated going back to the museum, but we ended up hanging out

people watching in the cafe for the rest of the afternoon. We

lucked out though because the kid showed up again down the street

and I called out to him, mentally.

He stopped by our table and sat down. "Mi nombre es Arxel"

I knew enough Spanish to get us by, "hola Arxel, my nombre es

Viktor y el es Forbes."

"De donde estas?"

"Los Estados Unidos--New York," I responded.

"Quiero visitar los Estados Unidos."

Forbes interjected, "do you speak English?"

Arxel shook his head. I knew that Forbes would not forgive me if I

used even the gentlest telepathic techniques to score with Arxel.

He was after all a "child" to my ADA husband.

But according to Spanish law he was old enough to make his own

choices about sex. We took Arxel to dinner at the hotel and

learned some more about is family.

Then we went up to our hotel room. Arxel though took the lead, he

took a condom from his pocket and lined Forbes and I up face down

next to each other on the beds. He was no innocent. He climbed on

top of us and fucked both of us one after the other and then left


It was quite an experience.

When we had to come back to the States I felt sad. I had to trick

the guards at security again to get Forbes through. I used some

telepathic persuasion to score us first class tickets again back

to JFK.

When we landed we took a cab back to our home in Brooklyn heights.

Artemis, our cat, was indifferent at seeing us. We both still had

one more day off and decided that we would spend it at home.

Home ----

I was sucking Forbes the next morning when the phone rang. Against

my better judgment Forbes convinced me to answer. It was our

friends Thomas and John from Philadelphia who we had met in Paris.

They had just gotten back to the states and wanted to hook up


They were on reduced work because of the summer vacation and took

the train up to meet us. We met them at Penn station. They looked

stark without their hair and we hugged in the station and took

them back to our house.

Thomas could hardly keep his hands off me on the train and when I

threatened to spank him if he did not control himself he got


Forbes did the honors as we got inside and bent Thomas over the

back of the sofa and delivered several firm slaps to the shaved

man's jeans covered butt.

There was a small amount of stubble on John's head already and I

politely instructed Thomas to go up to the bathroom and remove the

stubble. I reinforced the message with a telepathic push.

I consulted with my boyfriend and we decided that we would tie

them up and take turns fucking them.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 2

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