Sup with You Dude?

By Jonathan Longhorn

Published on Jul 18, 2021


'Sup With You, Dude? - The Next Step - Chapter 3

’Sup With You, Dude?

The Next Step

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

If you have not read the original story ‘Sup With You, Dude? now might be a good time to do so. While this new piece could stand on its own merits, it might make more sense if you go back and read the original so you understand what’s going on.

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 3

A knock on the partially open bathroom door roused Cayce Foster from his revelry of hot water pummeling his body from nearly every direction possible. It was times like this, days like this had been, that he was glad he had hired Mike Stoneleigh to gut the master bath and rebuild it into an elegant marble and granite spa. It was by no means a copy of the palace Mike had created for Reggie but it was certainly more palatial than anything he had ever lived in.

“Dinner in five,” Reggie’s voice came through the swirling steam.

“Be right there,” Cayce responded in a hoarse tone.

Almost five minutes exactly after the knock on the bathroom door, a towel clad deputy entered the kitchen and headed for the laundry nook between there and the garage. He rolled his eyes at the look he received from Reggie Cooke.

“Sorry, I forgot to grab my lounge pants from the dryer.”

“No worries,” Reggie said as he placed dinnerware and utensils where they usually sat at the island—when, of course they didn’t put everything on the coffee table in the media room. His eyes dripped over the deputy’s powerful chest, the dusting of chestnut hair at its center, tight, dime sized nipples that were standing at attention—a chestnut trail that cascaded beneath the low-slung towel. His gaze drifted back up to meet Cayce’s. “I’ve seen you in less over the years.

Cayce reached down with one hand to pet the dog that he had brought home while the little boy was in the hospital. The dog responded with a happy ‘yip’ and then proceeded to grab hold and tug on the bath towel. Cayce tightened his grip with his other hand and pointed a finger at the mongrel.

“No bath towel tug-o-war, puppy,” he said as he moved on toward the laundry nook. “Stop that!”

Reggie smirked. The dog liked the naked shower view, what could he say? He looked at the rolled up paper towel on the edge of the island. Rolled up and covering a monstrous vibrating butt plug that the dog had scampered in and deposited at Reggie’s feet while Cayce was in the shower. The dog had looked up with a very pleased expression on its face, sort of like ‘look what I brought you, Uncle Reggie’.

A very long, very thick, vibrating butt plug. Reggie had shaken himself out of his stunned moment and bent down to pick it up, examine it, wrap it in a wad of paper towels and set it there on the island out of reach of the playful pup. He checked on dinner and figured he had a few moments to spare so he had gone to knock on the bathroom door to let Cayce know how soon dinner would be ready and then he had entered Cayce’s bedroom. It didn’t take long to locate the remote for the butt plug; it was on the nightstand farthest from the door, resting between the lamp and the remote for the bedroom wall-mounted television. He scooped it up and headed back for the kitchen, pausing briefly at the bathroom door to listen. The water was still running.

As he entered the kitchen he aimed the remote at the paper towel covered ‘gift’ sitting on the edge of the island. He pushed the ‘on’ button and then hit ‘10’. The rolled up paper towel came to life, vibrating and bouncing all over the hard surface of the island. He turned it off and on several times, the smirk on his face moving into a broad grin. Finally, he turned it off and put the remote in his pocket and then moved the rolled up paper towel back to the edge of the island where it had been before he played with the remote. He laughed to himself and muttered that he and Cayce were ‘sooo gonna talk’.

Cayce reentered the kitchen from the laundry nook with a pair of lounge pants and a T-shirt in one hand while the other still clung to the knot of the bath towel around his waist. The dog was still jumping and ‘yipping’ and tugging at the bottom of the towel.

“Stop, puppy. I said no tug-o-war with the bath towel,” Cayce said as he sniffed at the aromas filling the room. “What’s cooking?”

“Steak, potatoes, French-cut green beans, sweet corn,” Reggie answered as he stirred the corn and beans. “And cornbread is just about to come out of the oven.”

“Dang, Reggie. You didn’t have to go to all that trouble.”

Just as Reggie turned to respond, the dog got a good grip on the towel and tugged with super canine strength and whisked the towel from Cayce’s waist.


“It’s no trouble. You had a bad day and I wanted….” Reggie’s response dropped off as he took in the sight of a completely naked Cayce Foster. Completely naked and a cock cage firmly in place between his legs. “What the hell?”

Cayce made a quick move to cover his crotch with the lounge pants and tee but it was too late. Reggie had seen it. All of it. Everything. His face went fire engine red in no time and he attempted to say something—anything—but no words came out.

“I, um….”

“You better get ready, unless you plan on eating naked,” Reggie said as he shook his head and made a concerted effort to bring his brow back down from his scalp. “Dinner’s up.”

Cayce made a hasty exit from the kitchen and headed for his bedroom, dog in tow on the other end of the bath towel.


“How is it,” Reggie asked after pausing in his own food shoveling to watch Cayce devouring his plate.

Cayce responded in more of a guttural moan than actual words. He reached for another piece of cornbread and bit into it.

“I’ll take that as an affirmative response,” Reggie said with a laugh.

“Sorry,” Cayce said as he swiped a napkin across his mouth. “It’s ‘so’ good.”

After several beats and a fork of this or that and another bite of the cornbread, Reggie decided to plunge into the elephant in the room.

“So do you want to have a discussion now or wait until we finish eating and clean up the kitchen?”

Cayce froze for a moment. Damn. He had hoped Reggie wouldn’t go there. But of course, Reggie would go there. He had gotten an eyeful. Naturally, he was going to nail Cayce to the wall about it.

“Can we, um,” he wiped his mouth again and took a swig from his beer bottle. “Can we…. Discussion?”

Reggie chuckled.

“Don’t even try to worm your way out of this one, Cayce Alexander Foster. You know what ‘discussion’ I’m talking about.”

Cayce nodded slowly. Ouch. Full name reprimand. That was like when one of his parents used the name combo before lowering the boom on him about something.

“Yeah. Um. Yeah. Let’s finish eating and clean the kitchen? Then we can ‘discuss’.”

Reggie nodded his head and dug back into his meal.

“You found some food for the pup?”

Reggie nodded.

“I actually had a sack of food out in the truck for my dogs. I pulverized it and then put meat scraps and a little of the gravy on it for him. He just about ate the bowl.”

Cayce let out an amused snort and looked down to where the dog lay in front of the kitchen cabinets. He was watching the action through dreamy eyes. He seemed very content. If the little boy didn’t get out of the hospital the next day, he thought he would ask one of the nurses if he could smuggle the pup in for a short visit. He and Reggie had gone to school with her, and he thought she would let them get away with it if it was genuinely a short visit.

Finishing off his plate, Cayce stood and walked around the counter to rinse it and put it in the dishwasher. He started working on placing what was left of the cornbread and the vegetables in containers, rinsed the pots and pans next, took Reggie’s plate and put it in the dishwasher as well. He wiped down the stove and countertops and then turned to wipe the island. He grabbed the rolled-up paper towels to wipe under them and then froze. He felt the long, stiff object inside the paper towels. Reggie reached in his pocket and hit the remote. The object started vibrating in Cayce’s hand.

“Shit,” the deputy said under his breath. He didn’t dare look up at Reggie just then for fear of being swallowed up by the floor. On the other hand, being swallowed up by the floor might be the best thing that could happen right now.

“Ready for that discussion now,” Reggie asked with a faint lilt in his voice.

Fucker. You’re not gonna make this easy for me, are you?

“Okay,” Cayce said, still not looking at his best friend. “Maybe I should take Baxter out for another potty break first. That was a lot of water and food the little guy scarfed down.”

“He can wait.”

“Yeah. I guess we can take him out before bedtime.”

Reggie grinned. Cayce was searching for any reason to get out of this ‘talk’.

“You want to put it back in first? I cleaned it while you were in the shower,” Reggie said, still with the faint lilt in his tone.

“I…. Um….” Cayce was unsure how to respond.

“Bend over. I’ll be happy to put it in for you,” Reggie said as he walked around the island. He reached out and took the paper towel wrapped butt plug from Cayce’s hands. “It had dog slobber on it so I figured it would be better to wash it first.

“Dog slobber?” Cayce looked down at the suddenly very attentive pup. “You’re killing me, puppy. K-i-l-l-i-n-g me.” He shook his head when the dog responded with a ‘yip’ and a rapidly wagging tail sweeping across the floor.

“Bend over,” Reggie said with a hand on Cayce’s shoulder. He applied pressure to let his friend know that he was serious. Cayce hadn’t even noticed that he had grabbed a bottle of vegetable oil on his way to stand behind him.

“Yeah, okay fine,” Cayce stammered nervously as he grasped the end of the kitchen island and leaned forward, spreading his legs at the same time. He felt Reggie’s hands on him, sliding down his back to his waist, grasping the lounge pants and pulling them down past his knees. He sucked in air at the initial contact between the oiled butt plug and his hole. Air sizzled through his teeth as the plug began sinking in.

“Easy. Easy,” Reggie urged. “Deep breaths, buddy.” He moved slowly. Pushing it in and pulling back. “How long?”

“Ahh, mmm…. Um…. Twelve and a half inches,” Cayce sputtered out.

Reggie chuckled. That wasn’t the question. He slid the plug deeper garnering another moan from his bent over friend.

“Impressive. But, that isn’t what I meant.”

Cayce’s face contorted in ways that showed the effects of the butt plug sliding into him. He was confused by Reggie’s not so clear clarification.

“Huh? What did you…?”

“How long have you been plugging yourself was the question,” Reggie said as he dribbled more vegetable oil on the body of the plug. He shook his head slowly; he was astounded at the size and girth of this monster, and that his best friend was taking it so easily. So readily. Hungrily?

“I got it the day after,” Cayce paused and sucked in more air as the plug went another inch deeper into his hole. “The day after I started sucking you.”

Reggie’s head rocked back slightly. The day after Cayce started…? Fuck! That had been six months ago!

“You’re telling me that you’ve been plugging yourself for six months?”

Cayce nodded. He spread his legs a little wider and pushed his butt out farther.

“Yesss. Yes, um, yeah. Every day. All day. For six months. Except for cleaning and the call of nature.”

Reggie’s jaw dropped at that news. He paused his assault on his best friend’s hole and took a moment to consider.

“Wait. You’re telling me that you’ve essentially been plugged 24/7 for the last six months?” He watched as Cayce’s head nodded up and down. “Holy fuck, Cayce! You’ve turned your hole into a manpussy. When this plug comes out for good you’re going to be insatiable.”

Cayce nodded. Yeah. That’s what he figured, too. He’d be an insatiable fuck hole for Reggie, Mike Stoneleigh, whomever else he might want to fuck him.

“Yeah. Probably so. Likely so. I admitted to you back in the beginning of this when I told you I’m gay and was curious about sucking cock,” Cayce paused to let another breath sizzle through his teeth. “I said I wanted to bottom. I really wasn’t interested in topping a guy. I just wanted to bottom.”

Reggie nodded even though Cayce couldn’t see it. Yeah, Cayce did say that. He said he wanted to be the most complete, total, 100% bottom he could be. Total cocksucker. Total fuck hole. Well, if he had himself plugged for six months, 24/7? He was well on his way to achieve that.

“And the cage?”

Cayce winced slightly; was it Reggie’s last question or was it the thickest part of the plug about to make a landing and lock in place?

“Same day. I got it the same day,” Cayce said in barely more than a whisper.

Reggie felt the plug slide out of his hands as it was sucked in to fully impale Cayce’s hole. He was plugged tight. He looked down and examined his friend’s upturned ass. Tight basketball halves that were hard and firm. A deep crack. Hairless? Was Cayce cue balling himself? And there, in the place where his butt hole would be, was the very end of the plug.

Reggie was slightly embarrassed. Cayce had been sucking his dick every day, sometimes two and three times a day, for the last six months. How in the fucking hell had he never picked up on the cage or the butt plug? Was he that centered on his own pleasure of getting his dick sucked by an increasingly professional cocksucker like Cayce?

He reached out and grabbed Cayce by the shoulders and pulled him upright. Then he bent down and grabbed the lounge pants and pulled them up and over that amazing ass. That spectacular ass. Cayce Foster was one of the most beautiful guys that Reggie had ever seen. He had long admired the body that Cayce had built and honed over the years. But that ass. That might very well be the most perfect ass that he had ever seen.

“You’re boned,” Cayce said as he stared at Reggie’s crotch.

“What?” Reggie looked down to see his jeans were tented. Yeah, he was boned solid. How had he not noticed that himself? Why had he not noticed that himself? “Yeah, I guess I am. It’s not every day my best friend bends over and lets me plug his butt with a monster.”

“Do you want me to, you know,” Cayce asked. His eyes were nearly dancing. He might have been asking Reggie if he wanted him to take care of the bone, but his eyes were begging for it. Cayce wanted it probably even more than Reggie might.

“Are there any other toy surprises you haven’t been telling me about,” Reggie asked as they walked into the media room—elegantly appointed…lavish, even but nowhere near the media palace Mike had created in Reggie’s house. He fingered the remote for the butt plug as they made their way. He was tempted to start pushing buttons and see what kind of reactions they produced.

Cayce took a seat on the ‘L’-shaped sofa and looked at the dog that had followed them into the room. He reached down to scratch behind his ears and rub his back. He needed to get this dog back to the kid soon. Very soon. He would be very easy to fall in love with.

“There’s a mouth plug. I strap it in on the nights you don’t stay over,” Cayce admitted. “You or anyone else.”

Reggie laughed softly and shook his head. No wonder his buddy was turning into such a good cocksucker. Not only was he giving him daily blow jobs, but he was sleeping all night every night with a mouth plug strapped in place. A mouth plug. A butt plug. A cock cage. Yeah, if Cayce wanted to be the complete 100% bottom like he had said back then, after six months non-stop of plugs and cages? He was essentially turning himself into just that.

“Do you even get a bone anymore?”

Cayce was unsure if he should answer that, but Reggie would find out one way or the other anyway.

“Um, no. Not really. It just hangs there like an oversized clitoris or something. I can still milk an orgasm out of it, but it doesn’t really get hard at all.”

Fuck that’s hot for some reason. Cayce Foster with a dead dick. Milking a load out of a soft dick. Why is that hot?

Or was it simply because it was Cayce with a dead dick? Yeah, maybe.

Reggie popped the button on his jeans and slowly pulled down the zipper. He looked Cayce in the eyes and nodded downward. Cayce knew what to do. He had done it nearly every day and/or night for the last six months. He licked his lips hungrily and then knelt between Reggie’s legs. He pulled jeans and boxer briefs downward at the same time and Reggie’s throbbing cock arched upwards and then slapped against his abs with a loud ‘smack’.

Cayce leaned forward and grabbed Reggie’s cock and started stroking it until a hand grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

“Strip,” Reggie said forcefully. “I want to see you naked and caged while you go down on me.”

Cayce nodded. He understood. He rose to his feet, pulling his tee off at the same time. Next, he slid his lounge pants down his thick, muscular legs and scooped them up before the dog could grab them and run off with a treasure. He tossed them on the couch with his tee beside Reggie and then dropped to his knees once again. But, not before Reggie got a good, long look at the cage encompassing his manhood.

Cayce leaned forward and grabbed Reggie’s throbbing cock once again, stroked it a few times and then leaned farther until he was able to lick first the bulbous, plum-sized head, tasting precum which had already started flowing and then he licked his way down the thick shift and back up. He explored the veins and ridges and buried his nose in Reggie’s heavy hanging balls, breathing in the pungent aroma that was Reggie.

Yeah, firefighter balls. Huge firefighter balls. Sweat and other scents combining. Salty. Sweet. Addicting. Cayce wished he could just keep his nose there for hours. Reggie would probably let him but, he had other duties to perform right now.

Finally, he opened wide and lowered his mouth over the huge plum-sized head. After six months of sucking on it daily it didn’t take him long to be all the way down to the root with Reggie’s cock buried in his throat.

“Fuck yeah,” Reggie said hoarsely. “That’s it, cocksucker. All the way down on it.”

Cayce loved it when Reggie called him names like that. He loved it when the dominant side oozed out of his best friend. He loved it when Reggie commanded and he loved to follow those commands and instructions. Just like now. He bobbed and sucked and twisted around on it and slurped. He let Reggie’s cock pop free from his mouth and immediately sucked one of his egg-sized nuts inside. He sucked and tongued on it, hearing the whimpers from his friend and then let that nut slip free so that he could give the same hungry attention to the other. Finally, he let that nut pop free, dripping with his saliva and went back after Reggie’s cock. He sucked and slurped on the tip, taking in his sweetly salty pre cum and then dove down on it, taking it completely. The head of Reggie’s cock slid past the opening to his throat and marched right on down until Cayce’s nose was pressed in his finely manicured pubes.

“Fuck. You really are hungry for cock aren’t you,” Reggie choked out as his friend bobbed and twisted on his throbbing cock back upward until just the head remained between his lips.

“Yes,” Cayce wheezed out before he twisted back down on it like a power corkscrew.

“I think maybe you’re ready for the main event, Cayce,” Reggie advised hoarsely. “You’re ready to get your cherry plucked. Question is, will it be Mike or me?”

Cayce leaned back on his haunches and studied his best friend. He continued to slowly jack Reggie’s throbbing cock. He leaned in to scoop his tongue over a fresh string of precum as it bubbled from that plum-sized cockhead. Yeah, that was the question. Reggie or Mike. He had fantasized about both of them fucking him for so long…years…but who should take his cherry? Could Reggie do it and not freak out about fucking him? About fucking a guy? Had Reggie ever fucked a guy before? Would Reggie have told him if he had? Some of his comments made it sound like he had considerably more experience with guys than Cayce did. Okay, other than daily blow jobs, Cayce had zero experience with other guys….

“I love Mike,” Cayce said softly. “He’s right behind you on best friend status. But,” he took a deep breath and then bobbed on Reggie’s throbbing cock once again.


“I want you to take it. I want you to fuck me first. If you can handle it.”

Reggie grinned. Cayce was talking about getting fucked by him, but he was worried about Reggie handling it? Typical Cayce; always worried about the other guy.

“Spend the night?”

After receiving a wide-eyed nod, Reggie guided his best friend back down on his cock. Cayce was going to get his brains fucked out tonight and Reggie was the one that was going to do it.

END of Chapter 3

To be continued . . .

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 16: The Next Step 4

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