Sup with You Dude?

By Jonathan Longhorn

Published on Jul 18, 2021


'Sup With You, Dude? - The Next Step - Chapter 1

’Sup With You, Dude?

The Next Step

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

If you have not read the original story ‘Sup With You, Dude? now might be a good time to do so. While this new piece could stand on its own merits, it might make more sense if you go back and read the original so you understand what’s going on.

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 1

Mike Stoneleigh sipped at his sweet tea as he studied the man across the table. Reggie Cooke was as nervous as a cat dropped into the middle of a dog pound. Furtive glances. Blushes. Alternately spinning the salt and pepper shakers like they were a kid’s toy top. Did they even still make toy tops? He briefly recalled one that he had as a kid—a flying saucer looking thing with a red streak around its center and little windows that lit up as it spun around. The last he had seen of that thing, it was hanging from the ceiling in his youngest brother Morgan’s room.

Finally having all that he could stand, Mike reached for the currently spinning shaker and snatched it from Reggie’s fingers.

Mike’s sudden move caught Reggie Cooke completely off guard and he jumped in his seat. He finally settled his eyes into the stare coming from the other side of their booth.

“Sorry,” Mike said with a puff of air that smelled of spearmint. “You invited me to lunch. We’ve been here for,” glancing at his watch, “twenty-three minutes. You have said exactly four words since we sat down.”

Reggie’s mouth opened to argue that assessment and then snapped shut without a peep escaping. Okay. Yeah. Maybe four words was on the mark. Hey. How ya doin’?

He felt the heat start in his neck and flush upward. Yes—he had invited Mike to lunch. Yes—he wanted to talk to him about Cayce. Mike was the only other guy that Cayce felt comfortable with knowing that he was gay. At least, the only other guy to know so far; when, ‘if’ Reggie found the balls to tell him. Cayce wanted to go down on Mike. He wanted Mike to fuck him ‘after’ Reggie took his cherry. A cherry whose days were numbered.

If Reggie’s sessions with Cayce were any indication, the beast had been awakened and it was about to show its ravenous hungers. Cayce wanted dick. He loved it from all indications that Reggie had seen so far. Ravenous, ball draining blow jobs had become a nearly daily thing between the two of them. Six months worth of nearly daily ball draining, ravenous blow jobs, if he were keeping track.

Yeah. Cayce wanted dick. He wanted it bad. He couldn’t get enough of Reggie’s dick and he had expressed his desire for Mike’s dick as well. Cayce was Reggie’s best friend. Absolute best friend for life and he loved the guy hard. If that meant fucking Cayce’s mouth and eventually his hole—soon, he thought—and pimping said mouth and hole out to Mike or whomever else Cayce put on his “approved” list then that is what Reggie was going to do.

Starting with Mike Stoneleigh.

“Sorry,” Reggie said with a nod. “Yeah. There’s, um….” Gulp of tea. Ice crunch. “There’s something that I wanted to tell you. Or, I guess ‘ask’ you. I mean…. Um….”

“Reggie,” Mike interrupted. Eyes locked again. “We’ve been friends our entire lives. Literally. I would hope that in all these years we’ve known each other that you would know by now that you can talk to me about anything. Tell me anything. Ask me anything. Hell—you and Cayce are my two best and closest friends. I’d kill for you guys.”

Reggie cringed at the ‘best and closest friends’ comment. He thought back to the night that he and Cayce were eating at Valentino’s Grille. The night that Cayce came out to him. And, Mike came into the restaurant and was seated a few booths from them. Alone. And they didn’t invite him to join them. Best and closest? Yeah. Some friends they proved to be that night. He really needed to apologize for that.

“Is it the pool install? The remodel? Something not to your liking? Something go wrong? I’ll fix it, you know that.”

Yeah. Reggie knew that. Mike Stoneleigh was the cream of the cream. His company meant everything to him and supporting his family. And his customers meant more than the company; no satisfied customers? No company. The math was simple on that.

“Um, no. Actually, the remodel and the install are perfect. To be honest,” Reggie said with a sip of his tea. “To be honest, it’s more than I ever dreamed. I’m not complaining but I think you gave me a serious discount on some of that stuff. Especially the waterfall and the cave.”

Mike chuckled. He studied his friend for a moment. He wondered, if not the install or the remodel, then what exactly was this sudden lunch invitation all about? It was a bit of a drive in the middle of a workday since he was doing an old farmhouse remodel out on the edge of the county line. On the other hand, it was nice to get away from it for an hour or two and spend the time with a good friend.

“Okay. I’m glad to hear that. I aim to please.”

The words came out before Reggie could stop them. Thank goodness they came out in a hoarse whisper. Even so, he glanced around to see if anyone had heard.

“You’re still gay. Right?”

Mike Stoneleigh’s head rocked backward before tilting to the left. He nearly spewed sweet tea and ice cubes all over the table.

Still gay?

He did not recall ever telling Reggie that he was gay. Hell, he didn’t recall telling anyone that he was gay. Sure, there had been a few hook-ups but they were well out of the local community for the most part.

“Um, what?”

Thankfully, B&T’s owner—Lane Burkeholder—arrived just then with their orders. As he set their plates out in front of them and exchanged pleasantries, it gave Mike an opportunity to compose himself. That question had come screeching out of left field and hit him right in the gut—knocking the wind out of him.

As Lane walked away, the new line cook, Jimmy Pearson arrived with steaming hot biscuits and a fresh crock of honey and set them between Reggie and Mike. He looked at Reggie and winked after pointing to the back of the menu. Fresh strawberry pie was ready to go. He knew what foods the fireman liked. He had only been working at B&Ts for a little over a month, but he was fast to register what the regulars liked and how they liked it. With that, Jimmy walked back toward the kitchen.

After Lane and Jimmy headed in different directions, Mike glanced around their immediate area. At least 3 booths separated them from any of the other diners.

Where the hell had that question come from? Had Reggie caught the shower gazes one too many times? Had Reggie caught him staring at him other times when they came together? Even with his clothes on, Reggie was something to stare at. Had Cayce picked up on something? Fuck, Cayce Foster was beautiful. Every inch of him was breathtaking. Cayce would be so easy to fall in love with. Well, if Mike hadn’t already fallen a hundred times over for the sex-dripping deputy.

“Why do you … ask?” Even toned. Non-committal. He pulled a bemused expression out of somewhere and smeared it across his face.

Crap! Okay. Yeah. That was unfair to Mike. He is one of your all-time best friends. You ‘did not’ have to hit him in the head with a bowling ball like that, Cooke. What were you thinking?

Regroup. Yeah. Regroup.

“Sorry. That was a crude-n-rude intro to our discussion,” Reggie said contritely. He took a deep breath and words just tumbled out of his mouth again. “What I meant was, um…. Top? Bottom? Versatile? BDSM? Other kink? Dogs?”

Mike Stoneleigh nearly choked on his chicken fried steak. Kink? Dogs? Really? This lunch was getting stranger by the second. And, his cock was lengthening down his left thigh in his too tight jeans. Too tight and getting tighter.

But. Mike did have to admit that the sudden vision of Reggie Cooke—naked—and stretched out on a wooden cross with his wrists and ankles securely fastened…. Or in a sling with his wrists and ankles up and out of the way…. He shook his head. That vision disintegrated into a few thousand shards of clinking glass to the floor of his brain.

“Is this line of questioning your not-so-subtle way of coming out to me, Reg?” A crooked grin creased his mouth and somehow a twinkle formed in his eye. Maybe he could redirect the spotlight to Reggie and get it off himself.

Reggie swallowed hard. He felt the color rising in his cheeks. Again.

Battle stations! Battle stations! Dive! Dive!

“No, I, um…. No,” Reggie stammered for words. “Actually, I was asking for someone else. A … mutual … friend. Lame as my attempt was just then.”

Mike Stoneleigh’s head tilted again.

“Oh. Okay. I thought maybe you were finally accepting things.”

Finally accepting things? Accepting … things? What things do I need to accept? What the bloody hell?

“No. Nothing like that. I just…. It’s just….” Tea gulp. “Someone we both know is curious if you would be…. I was just asking for…. I mean … shit … I’m fucking this up royally.”

Mike nodded faintly. Yes. Yes, he was. Totally fucking it up.

“Chill, dude. Relax. Just take a deep breath and exhale slowly.” He watched as Reggie followed his instructions. “Good. Again.” Reggie breathed deeply and let it out slowly. “Good. Good boy. Now. Start over with the questions.”

Reggie nodded. He took another deep breath for good measure. Sipped at his tea. Squared his shoulders.

“Okay. So, um…. So, there is someone that we both know. He’s in the process of coming out,” Reggie said after a few moments. “Not ‘out’ out. Not like to everyone on the planet. Just a select few people.” He paused as Lane Burkeholder escorted a family past their booth to a larger booth in the far corner opposite them. He noted that Mom and Dad sat on opposite ends, thereby corralling the kids in the center between them. He wondered how long before one of the kids went under the table or over the top of the backrest to escape this parental blockade.

“And, this guy said you are on the short list of people that he would be okay with knowing. He trusts you with the info. And, um…. And, he is curious if you are in fact—gay—and if so, are you a Top, bottom, versatile, etc.”

“You forgot ‘into kink or dogs’”, Mike said with a grin.

Reggie chuckled softly. “Well, that was me. I just threw those in there for a few extra options. Sorry.” He paused briefly and his brow knit. “Are you? You know. Into kink or, um….”

Mike stayed silent for a minute or two as he worked on his chicken fried steak. He washed it down with several gulps of tea and peered over Reggie’s shoulder. Cayce Foster had entered and was standing at the counter. He was in uniform and nodded to Lane Burkeholder as he packaged his To Go order. Just then, Cayce looked their way and if Mike didn’t know any better, he would have bet good money that the deputy had just pee’d his pants. He was sure blushing hard.

No way! No friggin’ way! Could Reggie be talking about Cayce? That reaction when he saw us sitting here sure looked like sheer panic.

Cayce Foster is gay? Cayce was asking Reggie about his sexual preferences?

As Cayce walked toward the door to make his quick exit, he glanced over his shoulder and from all indications, pee’d his pants—again. And, walked straight into the door.

Holy fuck!

Mike took several long moments to collect himself and to make a miserable attempt at ‘willing’ his suddenly burgeoning cock to go back to sleep until they were well out of the restaurant. His cock wasn’t going to cooperate so he took a deep breath and let it sizzle through his teeth.

“Let’s start over. What is this all about?”

Reggie nodded. Yeah. Start over. He had made a mess of this conversation up to this point. Maybe starting anew was the best approach.

“Okay. See, um…. We have a mutual friend. A very close mutual friend. He is in the process of coming out to a few close friends and he expressed an interest in sucking dick, and, um … more.”

“Has he been sucking your dick?”

Mike was enjoying this a little too much. That smirk was as tight as a noose. And his eyes were rather spellbinding and certainly had Reggie transfixed at the moment.


“For how long?”

“Um, nearly every day for, um, six months.”

“Six months?” Reggie nodded in reply.

Mike thought this over and considered that reaction that Cayce had just displayed when he saw the two of them having lunch. Cayce was the coolest, most collected guy around. Usually. Of course, he ‘did’ just walk into the exit door. He fucking walked into the exit door when he saw Reggie and Mike seated at one of the tables!

“And, this guy. This … mutual … close friend. He’s interested in my dick, too?”

Reggie nodded. He inhaled deeply and settled himself a little more. This was going better than the last attempt at discussing what they were there to discuss.

“Yes. He has a short list of guys he is ready to let know about his preferences. Um, about being gay. He isn’t ready to shout it from any mountain tops just yet, but…. Basically, it’s a very short list. It only has the two of us on it at this point although there are a couple of others that he is willing to consider. Later. But he would rather keep it a very short list for the time being.”

Mike nodded. That made sense. If anyone understood keeping his sexual preferences out of the public domain as long as possible, it was him. Even if it was just close friends. You never really knew what sort of reaction you would get.

“And, do you trust me enough to tell me who this guy is? This close friend?”

Reggie sipped at his tea for a moment and studied a railroad spike in a barnwood frame at the back of the restaurant. Fascinating. Stalling? Yes, he was. But he did have Cayce’s permission to go there with Mike.

“Or, are you being so hesitant because it really is you that wants my dick?” Mike grinned at the panicked expression that swept across Reggie’s face. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

“No. No, it’s, um…. Actually, if I were gay, you would be at the top of my list. You’re hot as fuck.”

Mike felt the color tinge his cheeks. Nice compliment. Especially nice coming from the hot fireman sitting across from him. He decided he needed to smooth this out a little before Reggie had a coronary.


Reggie’s head cocked sideways.


“I’m gay. And yes. I’m a Top.”

“Thank you for trusting me with that,” Reggie said as he let the air flow more smoothly. “I’m honored that you trusted me and I promise, I’ll stand by you no matter what and nobody will hear it from me. You should come out to people on your own terms and in your own time,” he said very matter-of-factly.

“Like I said, you and Cayce are my two closest friends even if we don’t get to spend much time together,” Mike said. He relaxed a little in his seat and the tension in his shoulders eased. “I’ve wanted to tell the two of you. You’re my two closest friends, like I said before, it’s just not one of those ‘oh—by the way’ topics you toss out in the middle of church or a dinner party.”

Reggie nodded. He felt badly about that. He and Cayce should have stepped up to the plate and spent more time with Mike. He was one of their best friends too. Maybe all of that was about to change, though. If he could get Cayce and Mike hooking up regularly then they would be seeing a lot more of each other from now on. A whole lot more of each other.

“Um…. Speaking of Cayce….”

Mike cocked his head as he studied the door that the deputy had just banged into on his way out.

“What about Cayce? Is he okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, he’s good. Um….”

Mike’s brow furrowed. Reggie was rarely flustered but he seemed to be stumbling all over his words right now.

Silence ensued for several long moments after Reggie revealed that he was talking about Cayce being gay and wondering if Mike would be up for blow jobs or more.

Mike watched as Reggie dug into his plate of brisket and then turned his attention to his own meal. The chicken fried steak was perfect, the cream gravy thick and fresh. The mashed potatoes light and fluffy. The cornbread was delicious, honey and butter dripping down his fingers after each bite.

Cayce Foster. Gay?

Cayce Foster, gay and interested in him? Mike was stunned. Honored but stunned at the revelation. He had to say something before Reggie got the wrong idea as a result of his silence. They both looked up from their meals at the same time and their eyes locked.

Say something, moron. Say something.

Mike chuckled slightly.


“I’ve wanted to fuck Cayce since we were kids. He’s been like the all-time star of more fantasies than I should admit. Especially to you, considering that you and Cayce are best friends.”

Reggie laughed.

“Well, if you’re up for it, this may be your opportunity to make some of those fantasies become reality. Cayce is certainly interested.”

Mike shook his head, still unable to believe that Cayce Foster would want to hook up with him.

“You’re sure Cayce is interested in me?”

Reggie nodded through a mouthful of brisket. He took several moments to chew and swallow. At the same time, he not-so-stealthily studied the man sitting across the table. Mike Stoneleigh had grown up with Cayce and Reggie. He had squeezed in every sport possible that was in the local school system. He had been working at his father’s construction company long before it was probably ‘legal’. His wavy chestnut colored hair was neatly trimmed but still long enough to beg for someone to run their fingers through it. Mike stood at 6’1”—the same as Cayce. His body was deeply tanned and chiseled; not over the top with muscles but perfectly developed with bulging biceps, dinner plate pecs, beautifully developed shoulders and that perfect ‘V’ leading down to a trim waist.

Having taken a lot of showers with Mike over the years, including more recently after baseball games in the league they were all a part of, Reggie was aware of the ‘full shower view’. Mike was mostly smooth other than a puff of that chestnut hair between his pecs, a thin trail from his navel downward into his pubes; even there, he had noted little hair. He was pretty sure that Mike manscaped as did he. And of course, there was ‘the python’. Mike had long been looked at with jealousy and awe by any number of the guys that had seen what was between his legs. Mike Stoneleigh was hung. Really hung. Like ‘elephant trunk’ hung. Reggie had to respect that statistic as well; he was exceptionally well hung himself, but Mike had him beat in that category. Length. Girth. The size of his balls.

If Cayce wants fucked, Mike is epically equipped to fuck his brains into goopy mush. No doubt about it.

“Like I was saying, he isn’t ready to shout it out to the general public. But Cayce specifically told me that he has two people on his list right now, although there are a few others he wouldn’t mind at some point if they were receptive to the idea.” He paused to gulp at his iced tea and load another tortilla with brisket.

Mike scooped up a couple of chunks of steak and the gravy and slid it into his mouth. He chewed and considered the proposition that Reggie had just delivered. Interested? Hell yeah! He wasn’t kidding about those fantasies starring Cayce Foster all the way back to middle school. Cayce was a gorgeous kid who had grown into a stunning man. And those steel-gray eyes. Holy shit, those eyes.

“I am definitely interested. I’m really honored that he thinks that highly of me. You can tell Cayce ‘yes’ and I’ll be up for pretty much anything that he is interested in.”

Reggie nodded while he chewed. When he finished, he swiped his napkin across his lips and squinted across the table. This was going so well, he decided to throw out his protector mode comment.

“Um, what I said earlier about Cayce and me being best friends?” He waited until he caught the nod from Mike. “I know he’s a strong, tough, superhero deputy but I love the guy hard. I feel it is my sworn responsibility to look out for him and to have his back.”

Mike nodded his understanding. He admired that level of friendship and protectiveness Reggie and Cayce shared.

“As it should be, Reggie. You guys are close. You should look out for each other.”

“That being said,” Reggie said with a chuckle. “I would kind of like to witness your initial hook up, if you’d be good with that?”

Mike studied Reggie for a moment. He wanted to watch Cayce give him a blow job? Interesting. That was almost a porn shoot in the making. Watch a blow job and a fuck? Can anyone spell cuckold?

“Yeah, I’m okay with that.”

“You sure?”

“Absolutely. If it makes you feel more comfortable about Cayce and me hooking up, I’m okay with that.”

“I’ll let Cayce know it’s all good and see when schedules can match.”

Mike nodded as he pushed his plate away and wiped his mouth.

“You know, like I said a while ago, I’m a Top?” Reggie nodded. “Well, I am, exclusively at least so far, but I do think a good Top should also like to suck dick. If you’d ever be interested….”

Reggie felt the color rise in his cheeks. Really? Mike would be up for giving him a blow job? That was an interesting proposition. He thought he might have to pursue that idea later.

“You mean….”

“I mean, Cayce isn’t the only one that starred in a lot of my fantasies ever since we were kids. I would be thrilled as fuck if you were to let me go down on you from time to time.” He grinned at the flush of color rising in Reggie’s face. “If you’d be interested, I mean.”

Reggie nodded. Interested in a blow job? What guy in his right mind would turn that offer down?

“Yeah, I think that could be arranged. Let’s see when we can arrange it and we’ll make it happen. But I have to warn you, if you’re good, I’ll be back for repeats.” Reggie looked over his shoulder and gestured to Lane Burkholder and Jimmy Pearson who were both surprisingly at the register at the same time. Lane waved a response at which Reggie nodded and turned back to his friend.

Mike laughed softly.

“Trust me, I’m very good at draining balls. You’re nuts will be hanging loose and limp when I’m done with you, but—they’ll be begging you for repeats.”

Reggie laughed. That sounded like a challenge he couldn’t resist.

“You’re on, Michael my boy. We’ll get that set up soon. I’m very interested in seeing what you can do.”

“One thing you should know…,” Mike started before Lane Burkholder approached the table.

“How was everything, guys,” the B&T’s owner and manager asked as he laid the receipt folder on the table between them.

“Excellent as always,” Reggie replied.

Mike nodded in agreement.

“Great. Glad to hear it,” Lane said as he turned and flashed two fingers in Jimmy’s direction. A nod of understanding was sent back in his direction. “Of course I love seeing new customers and returning customers at any time of the day or night but it is good to see the two of you in here at lunch time. Very pleasant to have you guys come in right now.”

Reggie smiled broadly. It was true. He was usually coming in late evening or at midnight following a ball game or when he got off shift with the department. Or, coming in with one or the other or both of his brothers. Or Cayce, of course. He tried hard to hit B&T’s as often as possible not only because the food was good but because in this day and age, the self-owned restaurants could use the flow of money.

“It’s good to see you, too, Lane. You look good in the daylight as well,” Mike said with a grin.

Lane Burkholder grinned in response. He wondered if that eye-lock lasted longer than what would be considered ‘normal’.

Mike and Reggie reached for the receipt folder at the same time.

“I’ve got it, Reggie,” Mike said as he tugged on the folder.

“I asked you to lunch,” Reggie responded as he tugged the folder back in his direction. “This is on me.”

Lane chuckled as the two diners flung testosterone back and forth across the table. Jimmy approached with two small white bags and placed one in front of Reggie, the other in front of Mike which produced head tilts and questioning looks.

“Strawberry pie for the road,” Jimmy said with a shrug.

“On the house,” Lane said. “Whoever wins the tug of war, you can pay up front.” He bumped fists with both men and then turned to walk away, paused, and turned back. “Make sure you come back next week. New menus.”

Reggie’s face contorted with questions. Why would Lane change the menu? It was perfect.

“You’re changing the menu? Lane, are you crazy? The food is perfect.”

The B&T’s owner held up his hands defensively.

“I didn’t say anything about changing ‘the food’, Reggie. I said new menus; we’re updating the look.”

After Reggie won the tug-of-war and paid the bill, he and Mike headed for the exit.

“You started to say something about ‘being honest’ before Lane and Jimmy interrupted?”

Mike nodded as he slipped his sunglasses in place.

“Yeah, um, I wanted to be up front about something, since you’re being Cayce’s knight in shining armor and all,” Mike said as they walked out the door.

“What’s that?”

“It has been a long time, years actually, since I did any unprotected fucking. But I still do the test regularly. In case, you know, you wanted to verify that before you trust me with Cayce.”

Reggie nodded. He appreciated that Mike put that information out there. To be honest, he had not even thought about asking Mike for that information. He was fairly certain that Cayce would want Mike to breed him to the utmost of his abilities, but it was good to know how conscientious Mike was being in that regard.

“Thanks, Mike. I appreciate that honesty.”

They fist bumped and buddy hugged before making their way to their trucks with the understanding that they would be in touch soon about making arrangements once Reggie had a chance to convey their conversation to Cayce.

END of Chapter 1

To be continued . . .

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 14: The Next Step 2

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