Sup with You Dude?

By Jonathan Longhorn

Published on Jul 18, 2021


'Sup With You Dide? - Chapter 9

’sup with you, dude?

© 2016


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2016 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slip it in.

Note: There are some references in this story and others, to things mentioned in another of my stories, Target Nemesis: The Tentacle Lord’s Revenge, which you can find here: The story itself is about the movie being watched by characters in several of my stories in which an alien warlord bent on revenge, ‘has his way’ with an Earth Forces Brigade hero. While I hope that you would enjoy reading that story, it may be a bit brutal for some readers and you do not need to read that story first in order to understand or to enjoy this story.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 9

Reggie wondered if there could be anything hotter, more intense than his eyes dripping over his granite-hewn abs and then licking their way through the golden silk of his treasure trail—finally taking in the sight of his throbbing, glistening cock as it slid between a luscious pair of waiting lips.

Oh fuck yeah. No question. That was one hell of a hot sight.


Double … triple … quadruple that ‘oh fuck yeah’ when that pair of waiting lips just so happened to be connected to the handsome, dimples-n-all face of his lifelong best friend.

Was this ‘really’ happening?

Cayce Foster.

On his knees.

His lips being spread wider than possibly ever before in his life.

‘Deputy’ Cayce Foster no less.

On his knees. Opening up for his cock.

Cayce Foster.

Sucking his cock?




A long, low moan rumbled through Reggie’s throat and sizzled between his own barely parted lips.

Holy fuck!

‘Deputy’ Cayce Foster?

On his knees?

His best friend?

Sucking his cock?

Reggie fought the urge to reach up and knuckle at his eyes to be sure his vision wasn’t taking on a mind of its own.

Oh how he wanted to slide his fingers through Cayce’s hair, take a firm grip, skull fuck the hell out of that hot, wet, velvet smooth mouth. Yeah. He ‘really’ wanted to do that. He loved doing that to the mil guys when he hit that hook up area outside the military installation. Grabbing their heads. Press and slide his cock into their throat a few times, or—a dozen dozen times. Then, backing out of that addictive tightness and moving into skull fuck mode. Fuck—he wanted to do that to Cayce. He wanted to dominate the hell out of that beautiful mouth. Yeah. Skull fuck him to brain mush.

But, could he do that to his best friend?

No. Probably not. He was unsure he could go ‘there’ Not with Cayce. Not ‘to’ Cayce.

Another guttural moan. He watched as inch after inch of his thick cock pushed into Cayce’s mouth. Oh fuck that felt good. Oh fuck that was a hot sight. Oh fuck, he wanted to skull fuck Cayce.

Yeah, that would be the hottest thing—watching his best friend get skull fucked. By … him.

No. He couldn’t do that to Cayce. Could he?

As the feelings and sensations spread, Reggie felt that smirk spread right along with them. Who the hell was he kidding? Could he? Seriously?




Okay. Maybe later. After he lube jobbed Cayce’s throat with the first of several loads tonight. Several, volcanic loads of epic proportions.

Reggie’s eyes went saucer wide and then slammed shut as Cayce backed off, drew in a deep breath, dove back down on his cock. Backed off. Drew in a deep breath. Dove back down on his cock. Adding his tongue—he explored every ridge, every vein, every centimeter of silken smooth skin. Adding to all of that mouth and lip and tongue action—Cayce began to corkscrew his way down and back up the throbbing shaft from the ridge of the head of his cock down as far as he could—the head bouncing against his throat. That corkscrew move forced Reggie up onto his toes.

“Fuck, ‘C’!”

Okay. Maybe he ‘could’ give that beautiful mouth a good solid Alpha fuck. Yeah. A good solid Alpha fuck. He could have pity on Cayce for the moment. He’d save the full on skull fuck for later.

Cayce leaned back and rested his weight on his haunches to take some of the pressure off his knees. He licked his lips as he hungrily eyed the dripping chunk of meat inches from his face. He glanced upward from his position between Reggie’s spread legs and he locked into those eyes. Reggie’s eyes. Like his face. Cloaked in so many emotions right now. Astonishment. Best friendship now going to a whole new level. Lust. Heat. Want. Need. He had wanted this for so long. Wanted this cock. Wanted to feel it between his lips. Wanted to feel its texture and taste on his tongue. To ‘savor’ all that it had to offer. His eyes drifted back down to Reggie’s cock and he leaned back in.

His tongue licked and swirled.

He sucked.

He bobbed.

He corkscrewed.

He licked.

He worshiped.

Honey sweet saltiness met the tip of his tongue. It river’d in globs. He lapped it up and held it—letting it coat his mouth. It permeated his senses and fed his soul with the nectar it so desperately needed and wanted. Yeah. He had wanted this for so long.

Cayce felt Reggie’s right hand smoothly glide over his shoulder and grip it tight. Simultaneously, he felt Reggie’s left hand glide along his other shoulder. Stroking. Stroking. Stroking. Finally—it slid up along his neck and then snaked through his hair. Each of his fingers seemed to deliver its own set of tingles, shudders, and quakes. Waves of desire coursed through his body. Reggie’s hand kneaded … massaged … caressed, before it finally stopped moving. It became an anchor and held his head firm.

Reggie moved his hips backward. His cock withdrew from Cayce’s mouth except for the very tip that remained cuddled between his lips. He thrust forward. Gentle. Tender. He withdrew to the tip. He thrust. He withdrew. He thrust. He grabbed Cayce’s head more tightly. He thrust a little harder. A little deeper.


Jab. Jab.


Fuck! Cayce was taking it! He was taking the mouth fucking that Reggie was delivering! Holy fuck! His studly deputy best friend was taking his mouth fucking!

Jab. Jab. Jab.

Thrust. Deeper this time.

Cayce knew what Reggie wanted. He had spent many a late night or blustery, rainy weekend afternoons glued to the screen and watching enough of ‘those kind’ of clips and flicks. He wanted it, too. Oh fuck, did he want it. To feel this monster of a cock own him. Possess him. Rule him! But that said it all. Didn’t it? It truly was a monster of a cock.

Could he take it down his throat? If he did, would he live to tell about it? If he did, ‘could’ he talk or would he be mute from that point on. Well, talking wasn’t ‘all that’ anyway. Right?

He was only minutes into sucking his first cock. Could he go there this soon? Could he take this cock—any cock—in this new experience for him—down his throat? If that was what Reggie wanted, he wanted to do it. He wanted this. He ‘so’ wanted this. But, he wanted more. He wanted—no, ‘needed’—to please … to satisfy … Reggie.

Reggie’s hand sifted through his hair again. It took another firm grasp. His hips moved forward. Back. Forward. Deeper. Back. Forward. Deeper still.


Reggie was fucking his mouth! Slow. Easy. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Deep. Deeper. Deeper still. And, he was taking it! Submitting to it. Sucking. Licking. His nostrils flared with each withdrawal and he sucked in air.

“Mmm … yeah….” Reggie’s voice was thick with desire. Authoritative—yet—gentle. “Take it, ‘C’. Suck my dick. You really want it, huh?” He pulled back briefly. He rested the very tip of his drooling cock on those soft, pouty lips. One. Two. Three heartbeats and then he gently slid his cock back into Cayce’s waiting mouth. Those lips spread open wide to fit the girth. To do just what Reggie wanted. What Cayce wanted, too. “That’s it. Take it. Take my dick, ‘C’.”

And, take it he did.

Cayce opened up more for it. He knelt in place. He braced himself for a harder mouth fuck. And, he got it. Reggie gripped his head tight in one hand and he vice gripped Cayce’s shoulder and he fucked his drooling, dripping, throbbing bone deep into his mouth. Every thrust hit the door to Cayce’s throat.

“Yeah, that’s it. Take my dick.”









“Take it.”



Cayce watched Reggie’s hips with each thrust and withdrawal. He took in the power and strength of his best friend’s thickly muscled thighs. Flexing. Relaxing. Flexing with each thrust.




Cayce wondered if this was how Reggie fucked. Did Reggie ever fuck those guys at that hook up sight? Had he fucked any of those guys out by the military installation? Had they begged for it? Had they lived through it? He wondered if he was wondering more than that. Was he wanting to find out for himself? Was he willing to beg for it?

Reggie’s cock pressed forward. Cayce’s lips parted for it. He submitted to it—again.

And, yes—he did. And, yes—he was. He wanted it. He wanted it more than just about anything he had ever dreamed of his entire life. He would beg for it if Reggie wanted him to beg. He hoped Reggie would just keep on feeding it to him like he was at this moment, but begging was not out of the realm of possibility. He had wondered as much about getting fucked as he had wondered about being on his knees with this cock sliding into his mouth. ‘This’ cock. Reggie’s magnificent cock. Reggie’s, or—Mike’s. Maybe a select few of the others guys in which he had total trust?

Would Reggie even go there? With him? Would Reggie fuck him? Would he freak out if the subject came up? Would he walk away? And, what about Mike? Would Mike take his mouth? Would Mike fuck him? Oh fuck would he love to take Mike’s cock.

“Fuck. You’re a natural, ‘C’.” Reggie’s choked words drew Cayce back from those thoughts and he concentrated more deeply on what was happening. Reggie was fucking his mouth. He was taking it. He was taking Reggie’s cock in his mouth and he was sucking it for his life. “Yeah, that’s it. Take my dick. Take it.”


“That’s it. Just like that. Take my dick, cocksucker.”

END of Chapter 9

Author’s Note: Please show your appreciation for this wonderful service and help Nifty continue to exist by sending a donation using the Nifty donations page at

This is just the start of a story which may or may not be continued. If there is enough interest, there MAY be additional chapters. The interest shown in it will be a determining factor in continuing the story.

Please send your comments, thoughts, and ideas to Jonathan Longhorn using jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com. Please start the “Subject” line with the name of the story so I don’t toss your email as spam.

Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

My other stories on Nifty can be found using the Nifty Prolific Authors page:

Follow Jonathan Longhorn on Twitter for new story and new chapter updates: @JonathnLonghorn

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Next: Chapter 13: The Next Step 1

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