Sunrise, Sunset and New Beginnings: The Story of George and Marcus

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Mar 3, 2012



The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

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I hope you enjoy the following story.

Sunrise, Sunset and New Beginnings: The Story of George and Marcus


His name was Marcus Johnson; he was the head of our schools football team. Known to be the king of the jocks meaning everyone in the school loved him. The teachers never saw fault in his actions as long as our team stayed at the top of the league and he worn the schools name with pride to leave the others feeling insecure by his actions on and off the field. While students flocked around him, wanting nothing more than to just be seen with Marcus in the hopes of catching just a glimpse of his popularity like it was nothing more than a sexually transmitted disease one could only achieve if passed on by someone else.

The undying love he received, daily from strangers both his age and older left the place seeming easy for him. That was just one of the things that pissed me off about Marcus Johnson. He had everything handed to him, dates with anyone he wanted without every needing to ask and always with the promise; he could sleep with said date of the night for some cheap thrills that probably would not last longer than most teens take to masturbate! Moreover, he even had a few scares along the way in the form of jilted one-night stands claiming to be pregnant with his bastard child. Proving his worth to the school as the headmaster, along with his parents went to bat for him. Calling the few that claimed against him out and destroying their credibility, as they would always reveal the girl was lying, acting like nothing more than trashier versions of Scooby-Doo and gang whom, instead of tracking down fake ghosts, spent their time solving the mysteries of the jilted ex-lover. As out of every case, only one girl turned out to be, in fact, pregnant but with a secret of her own. The child belonged to none other that the schools gym teacher, a shocking plot twist, turn of events that left her expelled from the school and with the father of her child facing jail time, though the full story of that should be kept for another time.

The school had turned into nothing more than a playground to him and his teammates as they walked through the place with a strut, showing their ego in full force and never denying it or the fact he had slept with most of the school. The list including both sexes since it had become a known fact he admitted to being bi-sexual and always laughed it off if somebody was stupid enough to attack him because of that fact. Only a special few being left to claim the right of his footprint over their ass when their jokes took a sour turn and he, in turn, left them crying out for his forgiveness as he proved he could be vindictive just as easily as he could be laid back and happy-go-lucky.

What was it about Marcus that I hated? You see that was the thing, I did not hate him! In fact, if things had been different we could have been friends and everything I have written so far would be far different and more than likely something that verbally licked his ass. The truth of the matter was I just hated how everyone treated him, acting as if he were a God among men and women to bring meaning into their worthless lives.

The Story

That morning everything was the same in my life. I woke to the sound of, first, my mother calling out for me to get up before eventually the sound of my father's chubby hand banging on my door to get my ass out of bed finally woke me. It had become something of a ritual and usual left him having to give me a ride to school to avoid being late, giving us an extra ten-minutes to speak to one another every morning before we parted, me to school and him off to work in our droll lives that had become mundane to our routines. As eventually it would all leave me sitting in the first class of that morning working away while Marcus would come strolling in late like always. No reason being given for his lateness and no punishment being given out as the teacher would simply smile and watch him wonder over to his desk to make himself comfort and relax all in a leisurely kind of stroll. Again nothing out of the ordinary for Marcus, taking the class lightly and showing no interest in the work our teacher never once told him to finish. Instead focusing on the rest of the class to chew anyone else out for slacking and to me that was fine, Marcus would be the one paying for it later on in life when his looks and skills on a football field faded and everything else he ignored came into play. Still, during the latter half of that class that the ordinary took a turn for the worse, something I never saw coming my way in the form of his eyes looking over at me and watching my every movement. Never actually trying to hide the fact to me, or anyone else for that manner that he seemed to be enjoying the view of me, as I tried to ignore his gaze, focusing on my work and trying to free my mind from the nerve his creepy stare left me feeling. As by the end of that class, he had been sending me little notes, now treating me as he would when he went on the pull to get up some girls skirt. Pissing me off once more to his laid-back approach to everything and the actions that would get me in trouble if caught with the letters, despite who they came from as I ignored his incessant attempt to gain my attention. Thinking the letters to be nothing more than him detailing his desire for me to do his homework and keep him looking like the straight `A' student many claimed him to be. Since the only time anyone in the school took notice of me was when others claimed me to be a fat nerd, liked only by teachers and best to ignore.

It left things to sound like I was no fun and hung around only people older than me, something true to a point about the older crowd, and that I was useful for you when you needed help with your grades. When really, I was just quite around people I knew nothing about. I mean I was not going to go around the school proclaiming like so rambling idiot outside a town square and holding a bible, that I loved being fucked in public places with the fear of getting caught and could easily name and shame several of their fathers. Whom all cheated in their relationships by using my body to vent out their marital problems and leave my tongue coated in their delicious tasting cum. Along with the names of the selected teachers I had grown close to and now loved nothing more than to drink their cum whenever possible, before, during and even after school hours. The most risky of my adventures so far being with my history teacher whom took the class on a field trip to a historical sight before ending it to a trip to the theater to watch a play based around the site. As I sat alone with the teacher at the back of the theater, a full two rows away from the class. Something seen as ordinary since he had appointed me as his helper for the trip, much to everyone else's amusement as in the end I would be the last one laughing over how blind they all were to the truth. While I stroked his cock, hidden from view by the darkness of the theater and his light moans heard only by me thanks to the loud noise of the play in full motion until it all become too much for us both. My greedy desires overtaking my senses as I took his cock in my mouth and sucked him off without a care in the world knowing the others students where only two rows down and no longer caring if any of them became alerted to my actions. As it gave me the thrill of the danger I sought after from being an exhibitionist as I teased him and milked his cock, waiting for the right moment to come before I would drink his cum to the cheers and applause of the crowd below us during the conclusion of, both his orgasm and the play.

Still, taking my mind back to the story in hand, when the class had finished and I found a spare moment to myself I finally saw just what Marcus had written to me. Each of his small notes being brought together to spell out a crude fantasy of him using my body, paying special attention to the fat on my body and even guessing, correctly I might add, the size of my dick as he wrote about making it spurt out cum without the need for touching it. His promises leaving a rouge on my face as I pocketed his letters, taking them as nothing more than a joke since I was known not to be his type, before I headed off to my next class. Knowing he would be there and now waiting to see my reactions to his letters as he read my face, grinning and even daringly blowing me a kiss in front of everyone as it became clear to me. He knew I was gay, something I would never deny if questioned but again not something I went screaming around the place to use for attention. Leaving his newfound attention towards me and my sex life a little unnerving if, I am being honest with you fellow readers. It left me feeling like nothing more than another cheap fuck in his eyes, something he could dump a load inside and leaves in a sticky hot mess while claiming the memory would be all I received from him. As the thought pissed me off, once more reminding me why I was never friends with the bastard and why I should never bothering trying. I understood that he got everything easily and just by the snap of his fingers, panties would drop and mouth would open in the hopes for his cock, but fuck him I was not that easy! I do have pride, I do have restraints and I was not a simple one-track slut. That statement sticks about me... unless you go and ask certain teachers from my school that is!

Now do not get my words twisted here, Marcus was great looking, he knew that about himself. After practice when he is sweating in his uniform and making his way back to the lockers room I usual sneak in a couple of minutes to check him out. My dirty thoughts wanting nothing more than for me to lick his chubby yet muscled body clean in an almost worshiping manner my dignity would never give him. Always ending the fantasies that fuelled my masturbation habits with Marcus helping me wash down the taste of his sweat by forcing me to suck his cock and worship it until his cum gushed down the back of my throat and painted my tongue like he were an animal marking his territory. All in the view of his teammates and their coach, whom filmed my every action watching through the lenses as they would all have their way with my body and use me liked I secretly pleased. Never stopping until I took their cum in my mouth or in my ass and left the team satisfied after a hard day of training leaving only the coach who would fuck me alone and in his office. Treating me like his personal bitch for the day and switching between making love to my well-used ass and then pounding me like he saw his football team do not that long ago... God maybe I am easy!

None of that mattered though, I had my pride and I intended to keep it no matter what he threw my way and all because of his attitude. I hated how cocky he was and if I became the first in our school to tell him no over something... then good! It was a lesson he needed to learn eventually and I was more than happy to give it to him, after all, they see me as nothing more than the fat nerd so why shouldn't I teach him a lesson? The only problem I didn't foresee however would be his reaction to the rejection, simply seeing myself as just someone he was screwing around as I tried to ignore him before eventually writing a letter back stating he was to leave me alone unless he wanted one of the teachers I was friendly with putting up a fight.

From that rejection letter, he changed towards me, still never bothering to say a word to my face and just make things simpler, and actually seeming a little taken back by the fact someone had the balls to reject him. As he began to leave me, little notes pinned to my locker promising me the material things he thought someone like me would love nothing more to have and that sex with him would change my word for the better. You have to love the ego to that part dont yall! Still true to his word, I began to find little gifts waiting for me every morning, somehow appearing in my locker and waiting for me as if I was some mob wife he kept around by buying their silence and fucking them whenever they allowed. Hell, some of his presents were ridiculously! At first buying me items I thought someone like him would never have heard of since his crowd would deem them nerdy and then the latter half ended up becoming sex toys. Writing to me that when I fucked myself with the dildo he had molded in his size for me that it would be a tease of his cock, pleasuring me and leaving me begging for the real thing like a dog in heat. I could not believe it all, I understood what he was like but some of the things really ended up surprising the hell out of me and I could not help but laugh at it all. It was more than obvious he was not used to this kind of thing and seemed to be running out of ideas of how to get my attention, since all he had to do with whistle, look in their direction and that said persons panties would drop. As I kept the items until I could find a way to return them, wanting nothing from him and finding it all cheap that he thought he could buy my affection and undying love for him. Soon leaving me with a bag filled with his belongings as it became too much for me and I ended up waiting for him to finish practice the next day before storming into the locker rooms, ignoring the jokes about no queers in the place while they all changed. As I stormed up to him, gaining his attention as I threw the bag at him and the locker room fell silent as they all stared at me.

"Marcus, just leave me the hell alone and stop breaking into my locker every morning to leave this crap there. If you try it once more then I am going to certain teachers in this school and getting you in trouble for it, you are not the only one with friends in high places. Now just piss off and stop treating me like the other little sluts you fuck for cheap thrills. For God sake, you do not even have the nerve to look me in the face and actually speak to me. Instead, writing cheap little notes and buying me crap! Go fuck yourself!" I screamed, venting out against him and stunning those that looked on. Not even one of them expecting what they just heard to have come from me, let alone to Marcus' face and that pissed his teammates off much to my dismay! As I felt them all slowly surround me, my mind expecting the worst as the first tried to lunge for me before Marcus stopped him, refusing to talk as he made them part to let me escape as I left without taking a second look back at the place. Still, why did the look in his eyes bother me so much? What was it about that look that left me feeling that I was the one at fault? Goddamn it all I have a sore head now from thinking about this too much!

After that, things went quite for just over a month. Marcus would occasional look over at me with that same look of confusion and almost pain in his eyes to the mystery of someone actually rejecting him and that was fine by me. If I was going to become the bastard out of this then I was going to act like one by ignoring him and all those around me, though maybe it was that action that caused the new problem in my life. I came up to my locker one morning to find graffiti sprayed all over it, purposely missing the other lockers to let me know it was me who was being singled out as I ran to find the thing had also been broken into. Pissing me off as I ignored the snickering students that passed by me, instead focusing on checking my belongings to make sure nothing was missing before my attention turned to the letter stuck inside the locker waiting for me with my name on it in blood red colored handwriting. Peaking my curiosity and yet scaring me to what it could contain as I carefully opened the envelope to find a single picture falling out into the locker, my mind temporarily forgetting about it as I read the letter someone had went to such detail to make sure I received.

Letter addressed to George

"Tsk, tsk you are nothing but a fat little slut who will do the dirty with everyone apart from those that want something from you. It is time you owned up to your responsibilities and come to the locker room after school within the next week to get down on your knees and do what you are know to do. That is unless you want the school, your parents and the police to find out about your extra-curricular actives!"

The last few words slipped from my mouth, my heart stopping from the fear and my forehead now soaked in a panic. My world was coming crashing down and all by my actions, something the rest of the world would not see it by, and instead claiming those teachers took advantage of me when it could not have been further from the truth. Myself being the hidden slut that had originally tricked them into given me, what I longed for and if they found out now this beginning would become my ending. As my eyes darted down to stare at the picture, my mind knowing what it would show me as I lifted it with a shaking hand to find it did indeed show me on my knees in the staff lounge of this school and with my history teacher. His cock resting on my tongue and me with my mouth open as my eyes glistened over the view of watching him stroke his cock to an orgasm that came just after the picture. The memory of that risky adventure with him coming back to me with the taste of his cum that painted my tongue lingering once more to give me an erection. Having loved the event when it was happening since my history teacher always reminded me of Bob Hoskins, sharing the short and chubby look that only dared others to try something against him. Them both known to have a short temper and my history teacher living up to its nature when anyone dared speak back to him, leaving him hated by most students as they often smiled to his face and called him a bastard once he turned away. Leaving me one of the few in the place turned on by everything the man was, wanting nothing more than to drink his cum whenever I could and to let him ride out his frustrations with other students by fucking my ass in risky places. The picture detailing the last time we had tried something in the school together but missing our last sessions spent together, it taking place in his home while his wife spent the evening with her friends and he fucked me in their bed treating me as he would normally treat her. Even kissing me afterwards, something he rarely tried claiming to be nothing more than a frustrated married man in need of dropping a load in more manners than just your hand could bring. Me later discovering the date had been one year to the day I first drank his cum in an adult bookstore where neither us expected to find the other until it was too late to stop. Answering why he had treated me so different, treating it like a mini-anniversary by fucking me in a slower manner until he made me cum and even tasted it, noting it for its sweetness and letting me drink his warm salty cum straight from the swelled tap.

Back from my daydreaming and after stopping my hand from subconsciously stroking my erection in the middle of the empty hallways. My mind went into damage control, hiding the letter and destroying the picture to make sure no one could ever see it again before I went and reported my damaged locker to the history teacher. Knowing he would not ask me questions as I left out the part about blackmail to try to salvage what I could before the threats of destroying his marriage came out in the open. Now knowing what I had to do and feeling defenses over it all usual me acting like this and sleeping with someone was because I wanted to, no one side having more power than the other does and naturally loving the feeling of having them inside me. However, this was different, suddenly I felt like I was about to be used and I just hoped that when I came to the place that Marcus would be waiting alone for me.

My hopes seemed to come crashing down one after the other that day as I entered into the locker room to find it filled with Marcus and his team. Them all staring me down and a couple making cheap comments about me having returned while Marcus ignored me, trying to seem uninterested by my presences as I walked down to him. Ignoring the gaze of the person beside him as his eyes tried to burn into me with hatred that eluded me to the reason of such hatred from a person that knew nothing more about me than my name as in that moment my plans faded. The idea originally being to give into the letter and come to the locker room to suck off Marcus and do what he pleased in order to keep his silence, as it seemed to be the smart thing to do. Too bad for me in that moment I refused to be smart or calm about this, giving into the anger bubbling inside me by suddenly screaming out at Marcus to pay attention to me before I began to just shout out. Venting everything against him once more, as I found no matter what escaped my lips he would not pay attention. Instead, he seemed to be going out of his way to ignore me while he changed back into his clothing to try to leave the place. Snapping the final thread inside me as I took the letter out of my pocket and threw it at him while calling him cheap names to force him to look me in the face as a man would instead of the pampered spoilt kid I claimed him to be.

"You couldn't buy me like all the rest, so you try and blackmail me now? What the fuck is wrong with you, Marcus? You need to stop acting like a spoilt little brat and grow up, stop thinking that everyone needs to fall to his or her knees and give you everything you want. Something's in life you can never have!" I screamed out, before I felt Marcus grab me, turning us around as he shoved me against the wall and trapped me with his strength as the place filled with the sounds of cheers coming from the rest of his team. The person that stared at me with hatred now smiling as he spoke to Marcus, telling him to give me everything I deserved and more for having come here to start this fight. Promising to make sure the school knew it was my fault and Marcus fought back in self-defense as my eyes shut to the expected next move by Marcus. Showing him my fear as the sound of his fist hitting the wall beside me caused the locker room to fall silent, my eyes shooting open to find out what had happened. As I found Marcus leaning in closer to me, his fist in the wall used as something to gain my attention and force me to look into his eyes as he kissed me on the lips. His kiss feeling clumsy, and proving old rumors it was something he never did to dates in the school, as I gave into it without putting up much of a fight, my body being a sucker for this kind of contact. My lust taking over and shutting every anger against Marcus out as I kissed back, my tongue parting his lips to slide inside and wrestle with his own, teaching him slowly through the kiss to make him better at the art while my hands moved to hold onto his body as he made out in front of his team. Them all standing their in silence and unable to make a comment over the show they had a free admission to while the one that hated me and wanted nothing more than to see me left in a puddle of my own blood finished changing and stormed out of the place seeming suddenly defeated. As the kiss eventually came to an end, Marcus pulling back from me yet still holding on as I stared at him through glazed eyes and with heavy breathing over my body feeling in heat just from his touch. Him seeming the same as he looked down to find my erection poking through my bottoms trying to escape while everyone in the locker room found his erection showing through the parting in his towel, standing tall and proud with a small dribble or precum resting at the slit. Leaving my hunger wanting nothing more now than for me to get down on my knees and suck him dry, the pearl of precum teasing me to have just a taste to keep me hooked and coming back for me before me let me go and stepped out of my way. Freeing me and leaving me standing there in front of them all in a confused dazed, my mind unable to understand what had happened, what was happening and the conflicted feelings it felt running through my body. As I ran from the place, too afraid to look back at them all and heading off to only God knows where in my dazed state.

I didn't seem to be running long but damn it all I was soaked in my sweat, as I ran from the school and ended up making my way to a park not to far away from the place. Leaving me exhausted as I rested against a tree and sat down in its shade to try to calm my heaving body until I felt someone's shadow hover over me. My eyes opening and looking up to find Marcus, having finished changing, standing before me and looking down in question his eyes showing no hint of malice or hatred towards me despite some of the things I screamed out at him in the hopes of provoking that side to him.

"Hello," the first thing Marcus said to me since this had all began, surprising me to the simplicity of it all as I replied, making me smile as he moved closer and leaned down to give me back the letter I threw at him earlier. "I didn't right this!" he stated to me, seeing the look that came over my face with the question he knew I was about to ask. "But I promise you this, George. Give me until the morning I will know who threatened you," he said, sounding sweet in his promise of making my troubles disappear.

"Wait a minute, why tomorrow morning, why can't you just tell me at school instead of dragging me back out here?" I asked back, still a little uncertain and trying to avoid a possible trap being set against me.

"Because that is when I want you to meet me here. Say around six in the morning?" he suggested, as a part of me wanted to reject the offer and use it to spite him before his kiss came back into my mind, heating up my body once more. Was I falling under his spell, caving to his touch and now willing to let him have his wicked way with me? It felt like it, as I agreed to the time and he smiled a final time before wishing me a goodnight and heading off to keep his promise to me while I sat on in the shade of the tree for a little longer. Now wondering what tomorrow would bring me when it came to whatever Marcus had planned for us both.

That evening I could not control myself any longer, his kiss had played on my mind throughout the rest of the day and I needed relief! As by the time I ventured back up to my room to have a shower my erection had left a noticeable tent, the head flaring to roll back my foreskin to leave me shivering with each step taken with the fabric of my underwear rubbing against my head. Precum drooling over the head as I stripped and entered the shower, trying to ignore the burning desire as I soaped up my body and stood under the shower head before it finally became too much and my body caved. Me sliding down to my knees, opening my ass as I used to soap to slip a finger inside myself, my head resting against the tiled wall and my tongue licking my dried lips as I worked my ass to force more fingers up inside my body. Until I needed something more, dirty fantasies entering my mind as I lay down on my back and moved my lower body up in the air, resembling a c shape with my cock hovering above my face and my exposed ass in the air. As I forced three fingers back inside to prod my prostate, precum shooting from the slit and hitting my lips for my tongue to lick clean, my fingers keeping up the pace against my prostate to force the cum from my cock. My hands never going near it as the head, redder than usual and jolting with each finger that prodded my prostate gave me what I wanted. A final cry escaping me before it shot, the first spurt hitting between my nose and eyes before the rest shot out into my waiting mouth, filling me with my cum in the fantasy that it was Marcus' cum entering my mouth with him standing before me grinning down in his ecstasy.

I woke the next morning feeling less than hopeful about my meeting with Marcus, knowing him to play games until he got what he wanted from you and seeing our little get together as another move to make me fall into his trap. Our kiss still lingering in my mind, and forcing me to ignore my morning erection while I focused on the questions it left me feeling. Why had I been the first person in the school he had kissed? I mean I knew the word of mouth about him from the girls around the school and I had always thought that it was just something he despised doing with a person, and his kiss did feel like it was something foreign to his abilities, only adding to his charm. As the thoughts stayed with me while I went about getting ready for the day, trying not to wake my father since it was his day off as I soon stood in front of the mirror in my room. Refusing to dress up for this as I saw it as nothing more than two friends meeting earlier one morning over something trivial. At least that was the excuse in my mind, something used to lull my nerves about the meeting as I left my home with the sky still in darkness, knowing that by the time I arrived the sun would be awake to my part of the world.

I came upon the same spot from yesterday to find Marcus waiting for me, stalling my movement and leaving me looking over it all as I found his plan waiting for me. A picnic of sorts with the blanket lay out, him sitting by the tree and with a basket filled with a planned breakfast for the both of us to enjoy. Marcus looking up from his preparation of placing out our food to smile at me, showing a shyer and nervous nature too him that contradicted the usual cocky self to him those in the school knew and loved.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" I asked him pointblank, still a little too tired to beat around the bush against his games.

"...I thought with us meeting here so early, we could have breakfast together." Marcus replied with the hint of a stutter to his words that once again broke his usual character and sweetened my reservations against him. Was I willingly falling into his trap? Had I given up the fight against him to become like the others, wanting nothing more than to please him in the manner he wished? On the other hand, was I using him as an excuse to act naught once more, trying to give us both something I would later regret? Either way I wasn't about to leave, the desire just wasn't there and my anger against him was changing, leaving me swooning for his clumsy charm and my body heating in the hopes of more as he began to court me. Setting everything out on the blanket to leave my stomach growling a little in delight over the extravagant breakfast that Marcus had planned just for the two of us, leaving me blushing over the kind of attention I was unused too as my embarrassment left him simply smiling at me. His hand reaching out to take my own as, for just a split second, I felt his thumb rubbing the back of my hand in an almost loving manner before we swapped places, him letting me take the spot in the shade against the tree while he moved to sit in front of me. Giving way to a peaceful morning spent together in the empty park with the sun shinning down on a cool, yet breezy morning.

"So," Marcus began, quietly clearing his throat to gain my attention away from the delicious food. "I found out who sent you that threatening letter," he continued.

"Oh?" I exclaimed."

"It was Dylan from my team. I had my suspicions from the handwriting and sought him out after leaving you yesterday." Marcus began to explain to me.

"You mean the one that kept giving me dirty looks and wanted you to leave me bleeding? What happened to him? You didn't hurt him or anything, right?" I asked.

"Yes... him! I did not hurt him or anything I simply confronted him to find the meaning behind his threats. It turns out he has a crush on me and hated the sight of me not getting my way so he went out of his way to force you to give me what he thought I wanted." Marcus continued, his explanation confusing me.

"He loved you and yet went out of his way to try and set you up with someone else? Where is the logic to that statement?" I asked, chuckling a little over the stupidity of it all.

"There is none really! He just thought that I would have my fill with you, get whatever sexual pleasure I could before moving on to give him a chance next." Marcus said.

"And do you want to get your fill of me?" I teased, purposely trying to toy with the gorilla in the monkey cage to provoke a reaction I was not expecting as I found Marcus looking down from my gaze and blushing over the thoughts in his mind.

"...At first, yes! I had heard rumors about you and wanted to see what it was like to sleep with another guy. Sexually I have only slept with the opposite sex while I have fooled around with the other guys who wanted to suck my dick." Marcus confessed. "But you were different than the rest. You never once gave into my usual tactics and refused to give me what I wanted based solely on my name. You have made me work for this and this truthfully is the first time I have had it this hard." Marcus continued.

"Does that bother you?" I asked through bites, wiping my mouth clean with a handkerchief while never taking my eyes away from his gaze.

"Honestly, no! I know that I have things easy and this has been fun. I want to be challenged more, but it's difficult to say no when everyone smiles at your mistakes like their perfect and hand you everything on a sliver platter." Marcus said, giving me a glimpse to a side to him the school never saw. More because it never wanted to, always expecting him to be the dumb jock and nothing more like we all thought him to be. As his words sent a shiver down my spine, a shiver he noticed since I only wore a top thinking I would not need a jacket this time of the morning. Making Marcus take off his captain's jacket to wrap around me as if I was his lover, my face blushing once more to his actions, I was losing the fight inside my mind that tried to stop me from having sex with him, and my body liked it. I no longer had the will to stop him from trying anything with me, my mind now giving into the dirty thoughts and my body, mainly my dick, came to life in wanting more than just the food laid out in front of us. Our eyes connecting and silencing the world around us as he moved closer, brushing the food out of his way as our bodies touched, gently pushing me back against the tree as our lips connected.

"You know something? I have never had to try this hard to be with something and yet, you are no virgin! According to rumors you are experienced and quite the exhibitionist, loving nothing more than to the dangers of being caught with a cock in your mouth or ass and all in a public place." Marcus said, our kiss ended and him stroking my chin with his thumb while he grinned at my blushed face and blurred eyes. The current state I was in leaving me without the option of being able to quip back at his comments as instead I lowered my mouth and brushed it against him, looking up into his eyes. As I felt his hands sneak up under my top to hold onto my bare body while his lips moved down to nibble on my neck. Giving me little pampering kisses to promise my body it was not just another, a lie only my mind could know as I let him gain control over my body. Throwing off his jacket as he pulled my top off and stared at my body, noting that I was hairy than him and loving the feel of it brushing against his hands before his lips demanded more. Marcus giving me one last hauntingly beautiful look as he nipped me on my bottom lip and I pulled him closer to kiss him again, giving him all my pent us passion and anger towards him to leave him breathless and looking glazed into my eyes.

"Let me show you what a slut like me can do!" I whispered, giving my only warning to him as my hands moved over his body, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it at my own t-shirt as I found his hair only growing on his body in a dirty fur color. Giving sweetness to his body as I leaned down and began to lick around his nipples, breathing on them to make them erect and tease his body before my tongue traveled on further down his body to stick my tongue into his bellybutton. His body squirming to my touch as a gasp escaped his lips, new sensations running through him for the first time as I treated his bellybutton like his hole and fucking it with my tongue until it was soaked in my drool and I moved back up to lightly bite into his left nipple. Causing a cry to escape his lips, something that others would hear if we were not alone, as it added a danger that someone could come into the park and witness us at any moment, something my body loved! As I felt grip the back of my head as his lips moved down onto my shoulder, giving me the one urge I had always wanted and yet been unable to ask for out of fear or rejection from the person I was with at the time. The sexual side to me taking over as I leant back against the tree and the words slipped from my mouth, begging for him to bite my shoulder to force pain in my body the way only a sexual partner could while my hands continued to roam over his body. Never waiting for his answer as I fumbled with his trousers, doing my best to remove his belt and throw it on the growing pile of clothes as he moved. His lips returning to the same spot as he sucked on it, at first starting off light until he felt my hand undoing the buttons on his jeans to slip inside and touch his erection still trapped in his boxers. Bringing out an animal to his lust as I felt his teeth sink into my shoulder, my vision blurring over the feeling and losing my breath as everything changed, feelings I had never felt before rushing through my body like a drug. As my world came crashing down with a pulse from my cock, feeling like I had just came as I came back to find my hands had still been in action while my mind vacated for the moment. My hands having freed him from his jeans for him to kick them off over to the pile of clothes while we kissed, the hint of my blood lingering on his lips as I cleaned them and shared the taste before shoving him down on the blanket and staring over his body. A chubby, yet muscular masterpiece with his seven inch cock poking out of his boxers and practically begging for my attention, something I was more than happy to give it as I moved closer, pulling his boxers down with my teeth and the licking my way back up his legs until my nose rubbed against his balls. Taking a deep breath of his scent before my mouth opened and I took his balls in my mouth, soaking them in my spit and treating them lovingly for the cum they would give me later. His cock bouncing up and down to the sounds of his cried, slapping my nose as I looked up at him and grinned out, the roles now reversed and me in control over this hot jock. The captain of the football team now at my mercy as bondage ideas popped into my head, the fantasies taking place in the locker room at school and after his practice to make sure he was nice and sweaty for my tongue to clean, while he laid there gagged and bond for my pleasure only.

That fantasy aside for the moment! I moved up to lick his circumcised head, teasing the slit and tracing my tongue over the light scar from his circumcision as I had planned to drag this out in order to make him beg for more. At least that was the plan before my hunger became too much for me to fight against and his head slipped inside my mouth for me to nurse, loving it and lulling it to give me just a taste of his precum before I worked over his length. Showing him he had more to experience when it came to sex with other men and something I was more than willing to teach him along the way! As his cries became louder and I felt his hands grip the back of my head, pulling lightly on my hair as he began to fuck my face like so few had let him before.

The telltale signs of Marcus' orgasm soon sounded out, altering my actions as I forced myself away from his cock, breathing heavily in an almost panting manner with my tongue sticking out a little. My eyesight staying down on his pulsing cock to cause a small dribble of drool to run from my lips to my chin, looking like the hungry animal in heat that was driven only by his sexual desire. As Marcus, chuckling out over the sight of me, leaned up to press our bodies against one another, his freed from his clothing and mine still trapped under the fabric but bulging for escape to touch Marcus in everyway possible, as his tongue stuck out to stop my drool from dripping off my chin. Catching it just in time to follow the trail back up from my stubble-covered chin to my lips, parting them for his tongue to make love to my own as we made out once more with his hands running through my hair. Our tongues sharing the taste of his precum for me to find the taste drove him wild, now lingering to his taste buds to leave him hungering for more and this time straight form the tap as we parted with a slippery trail breaking from our lips to fall over our bodies. My hands wasting no time from ripping my bottoms off my body, my cock bouncing up to slap my stomach before it pointed at Marcus to gain his attention, the head still wrapped in my foreskin as I threw my bottoms over to the pile of clothing. Giving him the time to wrap his hand around my four and a half inch cock, nothing the foreskin as he pulled it back and began to play with it, getting used to the one thing he could never have. As he coated the head in precum by rubbing a teasing finger around it to make me shiver, bringing out a stronger side to my sexual desires as my hand gripped the back of his head to pull him down closer until the head of my cock rubbed against his lips. Coating them in my precum to give him a little taster for the real thing, all in the silent order for his lips to part and accept my cock and juices, as he tried to pull back away from me, seeming almost horrified by the idea of sucking my cock.

"I don't suck cock," Marcus growled out. "That is something only a date does to me!" he continued, his words pissing me off as I sneered down at him.

"I'm not just another date, remember?" I snapped, waiting for him to try and reply, opening his mouth for me to shove my cock down his throat. Knowing my length would help ease him into this if, he could just get past the thickness. As I watched him take the baby steps, tasting my cock to see if he liked it while my hand patted him on the back of the head as a silent jester that his actions felt good. My eyes closing and my head tilting back as that side took over within him and I found myself with a good little cock sucker, sucking away on my cock in a sudden obedient manner. Bringing out my vindictive side as my hand gripped the back of his head once more, as I began to fuck his face, returning his earlier favor but know with the intention of trying to make him chock over my girth. A sudden thrill from the pleasure it brought me, causing a grin on my face as I stared down at him, reversing the roles and giving me a power against him. A power that I had never felt before, used to being in his place and now seeing the side I could become if I did not just lay down and take it all in my slutty nature.

"You need more practice!" I growled out, shoving him away from my cock and treating him, as he no longer deserved it for his beginner actions. As I stroked my cock slowly, using his spit as lube while I pinched my left nipple, exciting him as he tried to move closer before seeing the look in my eyes. Staring down at him in a boss like manner to leave him begging for my cock in his mouth once more, as he went from staring up at me in a longing manner to switching back to my cock, looking directly at the slit in a hungry slut like manner. "Open your mouth." I ordered, watching him obey me as I slapped my cock on his tongue before he took the head back in his mouth, coaxing it for more precum to quench his growing thirst. "Keep this up and you just might end up as well as me!" I remarked, setting a challenge against him as he looked up at me with burning eyes that enticed me, drawing my attention away from his finger as it came up to press inside my ass, not waiting for my permission as the first thing I felt with the finger pushing inside my rosebud. Changing my tone as I cried out and my cock pulsed in his mouth, proving I loved his surprise as I felt him working over my ass with that one finger. Trying to make my cum boil and my balls burn as he pushed me towards my climax before he pulled away and looked up at me in an innocent yet guilty stare.

"Are you going to be a good boy now?" Marcus asked me, my groans leaving me unable to answer as he grinned and forced his finger up more to brush against my prostate to force a louder moan. "Good! Now do as I say and lie down on the blanket. It's time I show you what I'm good at doing." he continued, my body following his actions as I felt his finger leave my ass and he moved to give me space and I lay down before him. Listening to and then following his instructions as I lifted my legs, exposing my asshole as I made it wink to Marcus, begging for his cock to come inside me and scratch an itch only his cock could reach. As I found him licking his lips at the sight of my true slut, surprising me to his next movement as Marcus shoved his face down against my hole. A gasp escaping my mouth over the feeling of his tongue licking around my rosebud, tasting my scent before I felt his tongue push against me, entering inside my body to leave it burning thanks to his slippery touch. Marcus seemingly becoming a pig as I felt him try to fuck my ass with his tongue, soaking it up and leaving me gripping onto the blanket with my breathing becoming hoarse as I felt his fingers pushing back inside me. His now working over my body to gain an all access pass, each finger slowly entering my body in a teasing manner that stretched my hole further than anything else before did. A fourth finger soon entering me as if he were trying to squeeze my prostate with his fingers while his other hand reached over to take out a condom from the basket, proving he had this all planned in the hopes I would want this from him.

"Damn, I've eaten pussy before but this tastes better!" Marcus growled down at me, giving me a look that ordered me to hold my legs up while he ripped open the condom and rolled it over his throbbing cock. Using his spit to lube the thing up before he aimed it down and pressing it against my waiting, begging hole that burned in its desire to be penetrated. The head of his covered cock resting against me and yet it didn't try to penetrate me, lingering and brushing against me as he leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Do you want me to fuck you in a pubic place? We could get caught like this and end up in a lot of trouble?" nibbling on it and blowing lightly against me to leave my mouth dry. His words making my body react as we both wanted it too as my legs wrapped around him and I pulled him down closer to me, his body lying on top of my own as I felt his push against me, my ass opening up to accept him. The risk I desired putting him in control over me now as I willing gave Marcus my body.

"Too get caught like this would be fine, because I'm with you." I heard Marcus whisper as I felt his groin rest against my ass, letting the moment to get comfortable pass with a final kiss before he began to fuck me. His body losing all sweetness and his character once more resembling the old him I pretended to hate as he fucked me in a possessive manner that rammed his cock forcefully inside me to beat my prostate into submission. The feeling of having Marcus whispering to me that the only way I could cum is if he fucked it out of me to show just how much of a slut I was and whom my body belonged too, leaving my body heaving in sweat. Each word, every feeling and all the emotions combining to leave me unable to talk back as I gave into him, loving the feeling of being out in the nude with nature, getting fucked in a public place with our naked bodies glistening in our swear from the heat of the sun.

The end grew knew, my body unable to bare it for much longer, burning with each thrust, my balls pulling up as Marcus stuck his tongue down my throat and hinted once more at a sweetness that broke the dam. My pain/pleasure reaching its climax as the cum shot from my slit, splashing over our bodies as he rode me through it, never stopping as his cock rubbed against my prostate to milk me for everything I was worth. Before he pulled out of me, dropping my body back down on the blanket as he moved to kneel over my body, his knees at both sides of my head as he ripped the condom from his cock and stuck the head in my mouth. One hand gripping my hair to keep me in place as he screamed out for me to hold my tongue out and bath the bottom of his cock as he stroked the base to watch his cum paint my tongue. The sound of Marcus crying out leaving another dribble to run down my own cock as I let his cum soak my tongue, absorbing the taste of him to use it like a tattoo that would forever be inked on my body.

In the aftermath I expected him to hurry and just leave, and although he was a little quite with me now he did not run. Instead, he stayed with me to help clean up the mess we made to cover our tracks and not leave any evidence to our actions.

"Why don't you like kissing people? I mean you did it there fine and everything but from rumors its meant to be something you hate." I asked.

"I don't hate kissing people. I just don't go around kissing everyone, its something special to me." Marcus replied before suddenly becoming silent, as with everything cleaned up and the remaining food binned. He lifted the basket and lied "I'm in a rush so I'll see you at school." before trying to hurry away from me.

"Wait, what about your jacket?" I called out, trying to make him stall as he just shouted back for me to keep it before disappearing off into the distance. Leaving me alone like I knew all along and yet now with a souvenir to remember it all by as I stayed there alone in the park for a little longer wearing his jacket. Somewhat expecting waves of anger to come rushing over me at his fuck and dash actions but I wasn't mad, I knew what was coming and we both wanted it in the end to leave me happy for the most part. Still, one thing bugged me about it all and that was why I lingered in the park. That looks in his eyes when he spoke to me after, almost as if he was fighting a conflict inside his mind that left him unable to admit something to me and to himself. Leaving me planning on speaking to Marcus first thing that Monday morning at school, now having no worry about the threats since I knew he had taken care of that and anyway, I had done what the letter warned me to do in the end so either way that part was done and dusted with.

The things I had planned to say to Marcus that Monday could have filled a book, my mind picturing so many different outcomes that could bring us together as a couple or at least just occasional fucks buddies, truth be told I was young and my cock got hard over the slightest things. However, in the end none of it mattered. Marcus left school, we were only at the beginning of our final year and without warning, he shifted and moved away to a rival school that gloated over their new captain of the football team that they stole from under our noses. Leaving most in our school feeling betrayed and now hating him, none ever understand why he ran when everything had seemed so perfect in his life. While for me, I was left knowing he ran because of what we shared and what he could not admit. The shame, the blame and the anger that came from it all, my mind blaming myself for giving into him and driving him away at the same time and all because of my feelings! As by the time I found his new address and struck up the courage to confront him I found out that he had gotten a girl at his new school pregnant and his family were already planning for their future. Breaking my heart as I watched him that day from the distance, too afraid to go near him as once more his life seemed so perfect when it was only perfect from afar, something my age would not let me see as it left me hating on everyone around me. Seeing the world as only having his jacket and that those around me know became the enemy, people who would only use me and then leave once the guilt took over. As if having sex with me, would leave them guilty for some reason. It ended up driving me away from my usual fun time with my teachers as I cut them all from my life. Never giving a reason and just demanding that they all leave me alone as I shut myself off and refused to take the time to know them all. No more wanting contact as I pushed myself to move on and grow up in this bitter world.

The Aftermath

The years passed by and life moved on, as it should. I dated but never settled down, always under the fear that they would leave me in the end to die alone as my actions caused them to do just that. My partners often finding me cheating on them for cheap thrills with whoever came my way in the bars, gloryholes and altogether any place I could get a cock in my mouth or ass. Always hoping that the next daddy type I would meet would be the one too tame me as none of them ever met the mark, always trying and ultimately failing over my stubborn ways. Leaving me to blame it all on my career as a writer, claiming that once I had retired that love would simply come back to give me new life. A lie that resembled some of the crap I wrote over the years to make a quick buck from idiots that wanted a romance novel promising true love.

"Now here I sit, reaching sixty and still searching for more than a cock to fill my ass in the hopes of one that will connect me to someone for the rest of my years. Venturing out of my expensive home in the hopes of meeting others, ignoring those I knew to be money hungry and after the fortune, I had made for myself as it was around that time I met him. The old man sitting outside the café close to my home sipping on his morning coffee, the faded wedding ring mark on his finger that told me he was recently single as a first we simply said hello to one another. Keeping things simple and not trying to rush things as soon we ended up meeting with one another each morning at the café to spent time together. Us both loving the feeling of being around each other, as I fought against myself not to come onto the old man in the fears of ruining everything like I had done so many times before. As I resided myself to studying his body every morning to fuel my fantasies at night, his body being what I would call a chubby masterpiece that gave way from what looked to be a once in shape body that became too comfort. The type of body that always left me drooling while for myself my old age had added more to my body and I had long since grown a beard that give way to a white color leaving many of my ex's to joke that I was Santa Claus only without the warmth or loving nature.

Still, it was funny as after all this time we never exchanged names, it never having come up in the conversation as we instead talked about everything else. Him going on about his children and grandchildren and me eventually opening up about my novels that often left him joking about getting payment if he should become a character in my next novel, joking that I was still young and could easily write long past my so called retirement.

However, everything between us was about to change and leave us unable to go back to the friendship we thought we had. As that morning we came to the café to find it shut, a rare occasion since the owner was known to make his money from us old-timers, which left me inviting him back to my place. Having the equipment to make everything and anything I wanted but hating, the solitude that came from it all as we soon arrived back at my place and he made himself comfortable while I poured out our drinks. My body feeling a little flustered over having him back at my place and the bedroom being as close as when I gave him his drink he sat down close beside me. Our knees touching as I tried not to make my move, wanting nothing more than to get down on my knees and suck his cock while he drank his coffee and just relaxed in my sitting room. That was when he made his move. The touch of his hand snapping me from my dirty fantasies of drinking his cum and being punished by his hands as he would slap my ass while fucking it, as I looked down to find him rubbing my thigh. Giving me the sexual desire I wanted from him and yet killing any chances of a friendship between us, I could hot when it came to sex but it was known during the aftermath I became awful cold to people. As he tried to kiss me before I stopped him, no longer being able to kiss another stranger as it left me feeling sick over love lost, as I ignored the strange look he gave me and took him back to my bedroom.

"You don't seem to want this." He noted while we removed our clothes.

"I do, I haven't done this in a while. I'm just not into making love with strangers, I want used like my body I use too." I explained, again provoking a look from him I swear I had seen before. As his naked body stepped closer to mine and I sat down on the bed to stare at his cock. Hidden from view because of his stomach and with the head resting on a large pair of balls I knew I would soon be sucking dry, as I took the circumcised head in my mouth and bathed it until I felt him beginning to grow. The age of time slowing the process down and making being old less fun on certain days. As he began to fuck my face, my nose being crushed against his fat for my mouth to steal a bit more of the root of his cock until he became fully erect and removed it from my mouth. Gripping the base of his cock to make the head bulge as he slapped my tongue with it, loving the feeling of making me look like his slut for the evening while he looked down over my body. Him also being unable to see my cock because of my furry stomach that covered it from another's gaze, making him reach under to stroke my balls, his thumb pressing roughly into them.

"You needn't bother trying to get me hard. I had testicular cancer and the operation removed it but I can't get hard or cum anymore." I explained.

"Then what do you want from me?" He asked.

"Fuck me! I want to be used and then drink your cum." I answered leaving him to it as he pushed me down on the bed and prepared my old ass. His expert tongue opening me up as he moved on the bed to let me continue sucking his cock until the moment came and we changed positions on the bed. Him sliding the condom down over his cock and lubing it up to aim it at my ready hole, finding no resistance as he shoved it inside me forcefully and gripped me by the side. Using my body like I begged for, fucking me relentlessly while twisting my nipples to leave my body burning up as I shoved my head down into my pillow to cover my cries. The sheer strength of his thrusts banging the bed against the wall and leaving the neighbors to know what was happening, as I am sure that would complain about it later when I would be outside fixing up my garden in the afternoon sun. As he felt my body giving into his needs, having searched for another person that could take his strength without begging for it to end quickly as he reached down to stroke my cock with two fingers. Leaving me unable to stifle m groan in the pillow as I thrusted back, making him chuckle out at me.

"I see you still have my bite mark on your shoulder." He whispered to me, his lips moving down to the old faded bite mark to sink his teeth back into them, fitting the shape and leaving my body to scream out as the pain left me thrusting uncontrollable. Losing control of my body and nerves as I felt something, I had not in a long time... I was about to cum! Sure, I was not leaking anything and I still was not erect but the feeling was there, I was having an orgasm that my body and mind had long since been begging for. As he felt my ass contract around his cock and rode me harder throughout the orgasm, refusing to stop and whispering for me to take it like the old slut he knew I would become until finally it subdued and he pulled out. Flipping my body over to rip off the condom and shove the tip of his cock in my opened mouth. Stroking it furiously as I heard him growl out, "Drink it, George." as I felt the first spurt hit the back of my throat, making my mouth wrap around him to suck him dry, stealing ever drop to remind me of the substance I had missed drinking on a daily basis.

We lay there in silence, both unsure of what to do next and leaving the king sized bed feeling like an island between us over mixed emotions.

"George, I can explain everything." Marcus said as he saw an angry look come over my face.

"Why now?" I asked to his confusion. "Why track me down after all these years, Marcus?" I demanded to know, seeing him as the one person that ruined my life and scarred me forever by his actions.

"So you do remember me then, I thought you had forgotten." He chuckled.

"I never forgot!" I snapped back. "You fucked me and then ran off to another school. Getting some bitch pregnant and living the American dream." I growled, trying to use my words to sting him.

"Leave Sarah out of this! It was never her fault, we got rushed into things because of my actions and in the end we couldn't stop it from happening." Marcus explained.

"So you regret having kids?" I asked.

"Of course not! Don't you dare say something so stupid, I love my children and my grandchildren. I played the perfect father, staying by my wife's side and raising my children." He growled out at me, giving in a little to my venom.

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

"To fix this! I ran from you because I was too scared to admit I was gay, before you I had just fooled around with other guys but never returned the favor. You changed all that for me that day in the park. You seemed so sure of yourself and that was something I couldn't be not when it came to that. I freaked out, lied my ass off to my parents and we moved that was when I ended up getting Sarah pregnant. I wanted to prove that I still liked women but the truth was something different. I told you back then I only kissed another when I meant it and throughout my marriage, I never kissed Sarah, I loved you not her. You stayed on my mind throughout the years but when I saw you for the first time, you were not what I expected. I thought you would be with someone and happy in your life. However, you seemed distant, never trusting anyone and now you refuse to kiss people. What happened to you?" Marcus explained and asked.

"You happened! You ruined my life by leaving me, I spent that year at school cutting everyone out of my life. Sex became just that to me, I stopped looking for love and just wanted used, as I deserved. That's the way I turned out and its took late to be changed. Now get your clothes and get out of my house." I snapped as the room became silent. Marcus seeming unable to say anything to calm me down as I moved on the bed to make myself comfortable as he got up, began to get dressed before he leaned against my wardrobe, and pushed it open. Letting him find his old jacket still among my belongings as a treasured item.

"You kept that old thing?" He asked, finding me trying not to look over at him as I ignored the question. My silence speaking volumes to him as he shut the wardrobe and removed his clothes once more, throwing them in the pile with mine as he got into the bed beside him. Putting his arm around me as I tried to shrug him away from me while screaming for him to leave before he forced me down on the bed and kissed me. Seeing I was fighting against the kiss as he took control over my body and refused to back down until my lips parted for his tongue to enter my mouth. Tears tripping down my face over the loving, tender kiss I had long since sought after from the one man I knew was the love of my life.

"I have no where to be in my old age and you need me because of me! I'm not leaving you again, we have wasted too many years over this and now I'm spending my remaining time with you." Marcus claimed, as he threw the quilt over us and shifted for me to rest my head on his chest. The room becoming silent once more as my mind went into overdrive, question after question forming. Could this be it? Do I really have him this time? Will he run again or will I be the one to make him leave? This time we were older and both at a point in our lives were we needed the other. Still, it was different than back then, the roles had changed and it was me scared. I had to live up the feelings I had suppressed for so long and in my age there was little I could run from. The time had come for me and I was no longer alone in my bitterness. He was back in my life, Marcus was mine and finally the teenager inside me could move on in peace. This was my second change, a new beginning no matter how late it came for us to give it everything we had left in us.

The End.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2012

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