Sunday at Zach's House

By Ryan Jones

Published on Jan 2, 1995




This story contains boy/boy sex. If this offends you,don't read any further. Although the characters in this one are real,the situation described is pure fantasy. I know virtually nothing about Taran Noah Smith,Zachery Ty Bryan or Jonathan Taylor Thomas,this should not be taken as a factual story.

If you're under the legal age in your jurisdiction to read this type of material,please stop reading now and exit.

This story was originally posted in 1995 under the name Eddy Van through before I felt comfortable enough to post directly to the newsgroup.

Sunday At Zach's House

by Corey Haim

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon at Zach's house when he heard

the limo from the studio driving up to his house. This was the

usual day for all of them to get together to read the selected

100 letters randomly culled from the weeks fan mail.

The limo driver got out and opened the door to the car,letting

Jonathan and Taran out. As he headed back to the rear of the limo

Zach leaned out of the window upstairs and yelled to the boys to

come on up to his room and bring the bags with them.

"Hi guys! What's up? Are we ready for this again?",Zach said to

the other two boys.

"I guess so",answered Jonathan,"but it's always the same thing.

Some girl I'll never meet thinks I'm so cute. Why aren't they in

this room right now?"

"I get those too",Taran chimed in.

"Sure,like you'd know what to do!",Zach and Jonathan said in


"Let's get started. The sooner we do this,the sooner we can get

to something more interesting.",Zach said.

"How about something to drink first?",Taran asked.

"Okay,sounds good. Jonathan,come with me and let's raid the

kitchen and see what we can find."

As the other two boys left the room,Taran got up and listened at

the door. After he was sure the boys went downstairs he took two

envelopes from his pocket and put them in Zach's and Jonathan's

fan mail bag. Then he smiled and sat back down. This should be a

very funny joke,he thought.

Meanwhile,down in the kitchen,Zach and Jonathan had located a

6pack of sodas and were heading back towards the stairs when Zach

suddenly stopped at a cabinet.

"What's are you doing?",Jonathan asked.

"My parents are gone for the entire day. Nobody will be here

until at least 11pm to pick you guys up. Let's have something real

to drink."

Zach opened the cabinet and pulled out a fifth of bourbon.

"This should do the trick!"

"Cool. It'll be cool getting that wuss Taran drunk!"

"Yeah",said Zach,laughing,"what will he do when he sees this?"

The boys went back up to Zach's bedroom where Taran was sitting

looking at television.

"Okay Taran,here's your Coke",said Zach,"and here's a little shot

of something better to get you loosened up!",as he pulled out the

bottle of bourbon.

"I can't drink that!",Taran said indignantly. "I've never.."

"That's right,little boy,"interjected Jonathan,"you've never. But

you're going to today or be labelled a loser all over Hollywood!"

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes!",both Zach and Jonathan answered!

With that settled,Zach mixed them all up a drink. Seeing that

Taran wasn't watching at that moment,and winking at Jonathan,he

added a double shot to Taran's drink.

About a half hour passed with the first round of drinks being

consumed and a second round being mixed when Taran suggested that

they get to the fan mail.

The boys all emptied out the bags of letters and dumped them in

piles in front of them. They were spreading them around and looking

at addresses when suddenly Jonathan picked up an envelope.

"Look at this one,it's one from the studio"

"Hey," Zach exclaimed,"I've got one too!"

Oh no,thought Taran. How stupid could I be? I forgot that the

studio header was on the back of each of the envelopes.

"It's probalby,probalby,I can't get that word out,it's probably

just a mistake."

Taran's head was spinning,the effects of all that alchohol taking

fast effects on him.

"I'm going to read mine.",said Zach.

"Me too!",Jonathan added,taking a long pull on his drink.

The boys were all silent for a minute,Zach and Jonathan reading

their letters whil Taran watched them both.

"Holy shit!",Zach yelled. "Damn!",answered Jonathan.

"What does your's say?",they both asked.

"Yeah",Taran giggled,"what do they say?"

"Here's mine",Zach said,"then we'll get to Jonathan's. I'll warn

you though,this is really something!"

Zach read out to the other boys,

"Dearest Zach,

I've been watching you,day after day,as you go around the set

and in the show. I've seen you in the dressing room,with nothing

on but a hardon and have wanted to take your cock in my mouth and

suck you until you shot in my mouth.

Then I'll lick your entire body,sticking my tongue up your

beautiful asshole,getting your cock hard again so you can fuck me

until I can't take it anymore.

I just want to be used and abused by you,I've wanted it for the

last year or so,ever since I saw you jerk off in the dressing roon

one day when you thought you were alone.

I know you'll never do that but I want you to know how I feel

about you. If you ever figure out who this is,just take me. I'll

want it anytime and all the time.


"That's the letter. What about yours Jonathan?"

"It's exactly the same as yours Zach. I wonder who this T is that

wrote the letter?"

"Why do you want to know?",slurred Taran,"Gonna beat him up or


"If he was here right now,I'd fuck him",Zach said. "That letter

has made me horny as hell"

"Me too",said Jonathan. "I'd gladly cum in his mouth,or wherever

he wanted it."

Zach and Jonathan looked over at Taran who was laying on the bed,


"What's so funny?",they both demanded.

"I wrote those letters",Taran said. "I did it as a joke to see

what your reaction would be. Now I know,you're both just full of it."

"Full of it? Me?" Zach jumped up on the bed,grabbing Taran and

holding him down. Motioning to Jonathan to come up and hold Taran

Zach started stripping off his pants.

"What are you doing?",Taran said nervously.

"How about it Jonathan? Want to give the little guy something to

jerk off about,when he gets old enough? Let's make him do what he

says in the letters!"

"Yeah",replied Jonathan,"let's give it to him. It'll be just what

he deserved."

"No guys,please,I was just kidding. It was only a joke. None of

that in the letters was true."

By this time Zach had his clothes off. His 5" long dick was hard

as a rock as he climbed back up on the bed and straddled Taran's

shoulders. Jonathan let go and started stripping also as Zach rubbed

the head of his cock on Taran's face.

"No,no,please Zach,don't do this,please don't...",Taran's pleading

voice was cut off as Zach shoved his dick into his mouth and down his

throat in one lunge. Tears started leaking from Taran's eyes as Zach

continued to brutally ram his cock down his throat. Suddenly Zach

shivered and his cock seemed to grow even bigger.

"Suck it Taran. Get ready,I'm gonna cum." With this comment Zach

rammed his cock all the way down Taran's throat and started spurting

deep into Taran's mouth. Load after load continued to gush into the

young boys mouth until some of started leaking around his lips.

"Ahhhh,man. Eat it Taran. Eat my cum. You know you want it!',said

Zach,still grinding his cock in Taran's throat. After about a minute

Zach pulled out and Taran swallowed,licking around his lips to get

all the cum that had leaked out.

"Was that as good as it looked,Zach?",Jonathan asked,working on

his uncut 5" hardon.

"Man,that was fantastic! Go ahead,he's not going anywhere until

we're done with him."

Jonathan got up on the bed and lay down beside Taran. No words were

necessary,Taran got on his hands and knees and kneeled down,taking

Jonathan's cock in his hands. Feeling the smoothness of it he's gets

down and slowly starts to take it into his mouth.

"Not yet,little boy",Jonathan said. "First lick my balls."

"I don't want to do.."

Jonathan grabbed Taran and slapped him across the face.

"You'll do whatever we tell you to do. Do you understand?"

"But Jonathan.."

Another slap resounded,cutting off his reply.

"Do it,or I'll beat the shit out of you and you'll do it in the

end anyway. Save yourself some pain."

Taran looked over at Zach,whose cock was back hard again and gave

him an "Please help me" look.

"Wait a minute,Jonathan. He's not quite ready yet. Let's make him

a little more ready to do what we say."

Zach jumped up and pinned Taran under him,face down on the bed.

"Come on Jonathan,let's really spank the shit out of him. Maybe

then he won't complain so much."

"Yeah,let's do it!"

"Let's get his clothes off first. That way we can save time later

when we fuck him and this will have better effect."

Quickly the clothes were stripped from Taran's body and he was

turned over again. The silence in the house was broken,first by two

loud slaps,and then by the yelling and crying voice of the little

boy. Zach and Jonathan gave him 5 each,leaving behind reddened

handprints each time on his white little boy ass.

"All right,please,I'll do anything you want. Just stop hurting


"You'll do ANYTHING we tell you to do?"

"I'll do anything. Just don't spank me anymore,please"

The two boys got up off Taran and Jonathan laid down on the bed


"Okay Taran,get down there and lick my balls. I want to feel your

tongue all over me down there."

Taran went down Jonathan's body,bypassing his rock hard cock and

started running his tongue all over his balls. He took them into

his mouth and started sucking and licking them.

"Yeah,that's really nice. Show me how much you like them. Suck

them and lick them. Get them all nice and wet."

Jonathan was writhing around on the bed as Taran continued. Man,

this was great he thought. He grabbed Taran's head and forced him

up and over his straining cock. Taran opened his mouth and Jonathan

slid his cock to the back of Taran's throat. Holding on to his head

he started working his head up and down,thrusting hard each time

into Taran's mouth on the downstroke. Deeper and deeper he drove his

dick down Taran's throat.

"Man,just keep licking like that. Keep that mouth going little boy.

You know you love it,you want my cum,don't you?"

"Mmmmm",was all Taran could say.

"You're about to get a big mouthful of it. Keep it going,ahh,yeah,

this is it,ahhhhhhh."

Jonathan grabbed the back of Taran's head and jerked it down hard,

at the same shoving his cock down as deep as it could go. His cock

expanded bigger than it ever had,choking Taran,and suddenly started

spurting his load down the back of the boy's throat. After the first

three spurts he let him up some for air and kept pumping the rest of

his teenage load in the boys mouth. After a few seconds he pushed

him off and Taran swallowed another load of teenage cum.

"You're right Zach",Jonathan said breathlessly,"that was really


"That was just the beginning Jonathan. Remember the letters?

There's still a lot of things we're going to do with little Taran

before he's going home. But first let's get him really drunk so he

can relax a little. Want another drink Taran?"

Taran realized there was only one answer.

"Yes,I'd love another drink."

"Okay,here it is",Zach poured a straight shot of bourbon and gave

it to Taran,"toss it right down. Let any spill and we'll beat your

ass again."

Taran held his breath and drank the glass in one gulp. He felt

the burning down his throat and into his stomach. Zach refilled the

glass and handed it to him again and once more Taran tossed it down.

Taran noticed that this one didn't burn quite as much.

"Okay Taran,back to the bed. Lay down in the middle,on your back."

Taran followed Zach's command. Zach then climbed up over him and

straddled his face,with his ass above Taran's nose.

"Now,little boy. Let's see how good your tongue feels up my ass."

Zach said as he lowered his asshole down on Taran's lips. "Come on.

Get your tongue up there and lick me,or I'll hurt you again."

Taran tried to obey Zach but just couldn't force himself to do

what the older boy wanted. Muffled sobs came out from under Zach's

ass as Zach kept grinding it down on Taran's face.

"He's not getting it right,Jonathan. Want to help me again?"

"I'll take care of this one for you. Raise up off his face for a

minute and I'll have him beg you to let him eat out your asshole."

Zach raised up off the crying boy a few inches.

"Okay Taran",said Jonathan,"now you're going to beg Zach to let

you eat out his asshole."

"No! I just can't! It's disgusting,please don't make me!"

Jonathan reached down to Taran's balls and grabbed them up in his

his hand and squeezed them just ever so slightly. The young boy just

moaned but didn't say anything. Jonathan gave them a quick,hard

squeeze and Taran's yell resounded through the empty house again.

"Please",begged Taran,"I've had enough. I'll do it,I can't stand

the pain."

"Okay",Jonathan said. "Beg Zach to let you eat out his asshole."

"Zach",whimpered Taran,"can I please eat out your asshole?"

Zach growled his assent and lowered his asshole to Taran's mouth

again,grinding it against his face. He felt the young boy's mouth

open and his tongue brush tentatively against his asshole.

"Do it Taran. Stick it in there. Make me feel good."

Taran started to lick at Zach's asshole and poked at it with his

tongue. Zach started flexing the muscles of his ass,causing his

hole to open and close. Taran continued to stick his tongue in and

out,getting in further and further as Zach's asshole loosened up.

"Man Jonathan,this is really something."

"It's killing me to watch this",said Jonathan,"my cock is so hard

I feel it's going to break if I don't get in on this somehow."

"What do you want to do buddy?"

"Tell you what. You turn over on your stomach and let Taran get

his face in there and lick you. I'll fuck his brains out at the same

time and,when you've had enough ass licking,turn over and fuck his

mouth at the same time as I'm doing his ass so we can both watch each

other cum."

"How does that sound to you,little Taran?",chuckled Zach evilly as

he climbed off Taran's face and lay face down on the bed.

"Yeah,how does that sound Taran? Beg me to fuck your tight little

virgin ass and make it sound like you really want it. Or else."

Taran looked up at Jonathan and said,"Please Jonathan. I'd really

like you to fuck my ass hard." He finished the comment trying and

failing to hold back more tears.

"Okay Taran. You want me,you got me. Now,eat out Zach's asshole

while I get you ready."

Taran lay face down,parting Zach's ass cheeks and leaning down to

lick his asshole. Zach immediately started grinding his ass up to

meet Taran's tongue.

"Zach,do you have any K-Y up here?"

"Yeah,there's some in the drawer beside the bed."

Jonathan opened the drawer and pulled out the tube of K-Y,squeezing

some out on his finger. He took his finger and rubbed it around

Taran's asshole,sticking it in up to the first knuckle. Taran's asshole

clenched tightly around the intruder but to no avail as Jonathan pulled

it out roughly. He applied some of the K-Y to his rock hard teenage

cock and brought it up even to Taran's asshole and then,with one hard

lunge,buried it to the hilt up his tight virgin asshole.

Sunday At Zach's House Part 2

by Corey Haim

Taran's scream split the air as Jonathan's cock split his asshole.

Zach grabbed Taran's face and shoved him back down to his ass as

Jonathan savagely rammed his steely cock in and out in long strokes

that saw the head of his cock emerge each time from Taran's ass on

the outstroke before being buried to the hilt again the next second.

Zach turned over and grabbed Taran's head and forced his mouth

down on his cock,driving it immediately down into his throat and

choking him with it over and over.

Suddenly,in Taran's mind something snapped. This was really what he

wanted all the time. It felt so good,being used this way. He started

to move with the other two boys for the first time,sucking on Zach's

teenage cock like he loved it and ramming his ass back on Jonathan's

cock with each thrust.

"Goddam Zach,he really does like this",Jonathan panted.

"Yeah,and so do I. He's got a mouth that won't quit."

"Wait until you get to his ass,man is he tight."

Jonathan and Zach started really getting into it then,savagely

fucking Taran in both his mouth and his ass. They got into the same

rhythm,almost bending his little body in half as they both drove their

hard pulsating cocks as deep as they could go in the young boy's body.

All three of the boys were sweating by now when suddenly Jonathan

gave out a yell and buried his spurting cock all the way up Taran's

tender young ass. He felt his sperm crashing out into Taran's bowels,

filling him up inside. Zach,watching Jonathan cum,pulled his quivering

dick out of Taran's mouth and watched it blast off a big wad of cum

into his open,waiting mouth. He then shoved it back into Taran's

throat,letting the rest of his sperm sluice down the boy's throat.

Taran was caught up in all the sensations,feeling higher and higher

as Jonathan came in his ass. When Zach shot that cum into his mouth

though,it really came together and the boy convulsed between the two

teenagers,having the most intense orgasm of his young life. His dick

jerked over and over again as the dry orgasm seemed to continue on


Zach pulled his softening dick out of Taran's mouth and Taran fell

limply down for a moment. Jonathan thrust once more,then roughly

jerked his cock out of Taran's asshole,causing yet another wave of

orgasm to flow through Taran. Taran rolled his face up to Jonathan's

cock and took the sperm covered organ into his mouth,sucking on it

so he didn't miss a drop. Finally the last prickly feelings of the

orgasm slowly drained from Taran and he let Jonathan's clean,soft

dick out of his mouth and dropped back to the bed.

Zach and Jonathan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at each

other,then over at Taran. Then they both started laughing.

"What are you two laughing about?"

"Do you have something you'd like to tell us Taran?"

Thinking back to the last few minutes Taran said,"Yeah,I guess I

do. I guess I really did mean what was in the letters. That was the

best feeling I've ever had,when the two of you were fucking me so

hard. I thought I would cum forever. I wish we could do that again,

or whatever the two of you want to do. I promise I'll do whatever

you want me to from now on."

"Don't worry. We weren't through with you yet Taran,not by a long

shot. We've got lots of things to do to you.",Zach told the boy.

"Let's get another drink first and rest for a few minutes.",put

in Jonathan. "This bourbon is good!"

"Yeah,me too! I want more of that too!",squeaked Taran.

Zach filled up the glasses this time with about half bourbon and

half Coke and brought them back to the bed. Jonathan and Taran took

theirs and sipped them,sighing. The three naked boys took turns

playing Zach's Sega games and getting drunker by the minute.

"I have to use the bathroom",Jonathan said,getting up from the bed.

"So do I",echoed Taran.

Zach leaned over to Jonathan and whispered,"Let's take him into the

bathroom and piss on him and in his mouth. He said he'd do anything

we said,let's put it to the test."

Jonathan nodded his agreement to Zach and the three boys went into

the bathroom together. Zach motioned to Taran that he should piss

first and the boy did so.

Taran started to leave afterwards but Zach stopped him with a hand

on his shoulder.

"You really meant it when you said you'd do anything we wanted?"

"Yes Zach,I'll do anything you guys tell me to do."

"Okay,get into the bathtub."


"Get into the bathtub stupid!"

Taran stepped into the bathtub and stood there.

"On your knees Taran."

Taran got down on his knees,looking up to Jonathan and Zach.

"What are you guys going to..."

Zach grabbed his semi hard dick and started pissing on Taran. Taran

looked up at him and suddenly it all came clear to him. Could there be

anything better,his confused mind asked?

"Zach,look. Taran's getting a hardon again,from this."

"Open your mouth Taran",Zach urged.

Taran opened his mouth. Zach put his dick in Taran's mouth again and

started pissing again.

"Drink it,drink my piss little boy. Show me you love it and take it

all down."

Taran swallowed as fast as he could,his body trembling as he felt

yet another orgasm building. Zach stopped pissing finally,shaking the

last few drops down on Taran's body.

"My turn!",said Jonathan.

Taran opened his mouth as Jonathan slipped his dick in. Hot piss

came in a gush and Taran really had to work to keep swallowing. Taran

felt the orgasm continue to build and,as Jonathan finished up,the boy

fell back into the tub,yelling and jerking his 3" hard dick and the

sensations overwhelmed him. He moaned and jerked as his orgasm hit

him again and again. It seemed he would never stop cumming.

"Look at him,Zach. This kid really likes it."

The two boys stood there,watching Taran cum in the tub,both of them

sporting huge hard dicks again.

"Come on Taran,my turn at that ass of yours this time!",Zach said.

Taran,looking up at him through unfocussed eyes,just smiled and

held out his hands. Zach easily lifted him up and carried him back,

throwing him to the middle of the bed.

"I love you guys,I love you guys,I love you guys",Taran kept

repeating as he looked back and forth,first to Zach's hard cock and

then to Jonathan's.

"Give it to me hard,like the last time."

Zach turned Taran over on his back and moved in between his legs,

lifting them up and over his shoulders. Jonathan moved to straddle

Taran's head,facing Zach. Jonathan lowered his asshole to Taran's

mouth,which immediately started licking and sucking at it. Seeing

Taran do this to his buddy,Zach rammed his teenage hard dick all

the way up Taran's already lubricated asshole.

A muffled scream was heard,then Taran went wild as another surge

of powerful feelings went through his body like a brushfire. Zach

could feel his asshole rippling around his hard plunging cock and

saw his little hard dick jerking around like it had a life of it's

own. Taran's tongue snaked up Jonathan's asshole over and over,

getting deeper and deeper as Jonathan settled all his weight down

on Taran's joyous mouth.

Jonathan reached down and grabbed one of Taran's nipples and

twisted it,pinched it. The little boy went wild. His ass rammed

back against Zach with each thrust.

Suddenly Jonathan raised his asshole up off Taran's mouth and

plunged his granite cock directly into the boy's throat. Taran

choked and gagged with each thrust but grabbed Jonathan's ass to

try and pull him deeper and deeper into his yearning mouth and


Once again Taran was caught between the two teenagers,savagely

being fucked at both ends.

"When I come this time,I'm going to blow his head off,it'll be

so powerful",Jonathan moaned.

"I'm gonna fill his asshole up soon with all my cum. I can't

hold out much longer. His asshole is like a velvet suction pump."

"Let's really make him cum this time also. You saw what happened

when I touched his nipples?"

"Yeah,the kid deserves that much."

Jonathan reached down and grabbed onto Taran's impossibly hard

little cock and started jacking it off,while Zach took his balls

and started rolling them around in his hand. Neither one of the

teens slowed their savage fucking thrusts for an instant.

Taran's little body jumped visibly when the teens started their

ministrations and he started to cum almost immediately. Wave after

wave crashed through his little body,his sucking mouth going crazy

on Jonathan's cock and his asshole sucking at Zach's dick like he

had another mouth.

"Oh man,I can't hold it anymore. I'm going to cum",Zach yelled as

he shoved his wildly jerking cock as deep into the boy's ass as it

would go. Zach's body jumped with each spurt of sperm that went into

Taran's ass. Taran could feel each spurt inside him,and each time he

felt Zach's cock pulse,it sent another orgasm peaking through him.

"Watch me Zach,watch me fill his mouth up with sperm!",Jonathan

cried as he pulled his cock from Taran's mouth and held it directly

downwards. Spurt after spurt of sperm blasted into Taran's mouth

until finally Jonathan shoved his dick back down the boy's throat

until the delicious sensations lost their peak.

Both the teens were still jerking Taran's cock and playing with

his balls,causing orgasm after orgasm to race through him. Both

the boys pulled their still rock hard cocks out of the boy,quickly

changing places on him.

Zach was shoving his still sperm dripping dick down Taran's

throat while Jonathan rammed his cock into the boy's twitching

asshole. Finally Taran stopped jerking around on the bed and

almost passed out from all the stimulation he'd received.

The teens pulled out of him and lay on both sides of Taran

until his breathing calmed down. Taran looked at both the boys

and smiled once again,kissing each of them on their chests.

"Thank you both",Taran said to them,"this was the best day of

my life so far." With that,he fell deeply asleep,on his stomach.

Zach and Jonathan laid back and went to sleep also.

It was about 4pm when Zach woke up,as usual with a massively

hard dick. Taran was still asleep on his stomach while Jonathan

slept on his back,also sporting a big hard dick. Careful not to

wake Taran,Zach prodded Jonathan awake.

"Hey Jonathan",he whispered,"wake up man."

"Whazzat",Jonathan answered sleepily,"what do you want?"

"Look at me and you. What do you notice right away?"

"We've both got hardons?"

"Right! Now look beside us,what do you see?"

"Yeah,I get your meaning. His ass is so good and he sucks cocks

like a maniac. What did you have in mind this time?"

Zach whispered to Jonathan and a big grin spread over his face.

The two teens got out the tube of K-Y and lubed up a couple of

fingers each. Then they leaned over and parted Taran's asscheeks


"Wow! Look at his asshole! It's twice as big as it was earlier


"Yeah,but just wait and see after we finish this,then we'll look

and compare again",replied Zach.

Both the boys took their index fingers and started rubbing them

on the little boy's already stretched asshole,slowly inserting

them up to the hilt. The teens could still feel evidence of their

earlier efforts as their fingers slipped in easily with all the

cum still in little Taran's ass.

About the time they had the two fingers in,Taran woke up. He had

been having this great dream about getting fucked,now it seemed to

be happening to him,again. He pushed his ass up towards the two and

said,"More,please,give me more."

Hearing this,the two boys stuck a second finger each up Taran's

asshole. They got them all the way in and started moving in and

out in rhythm together.

"Ohh,guys. This is incredible. More,more...",Taran's voice trailed

off as his hand went under his body to grasp his stiff little cock.

Zach grabbed Taran's hand.

"Oh no you don't. You cum when we tell you to. You're our slave,

aren't you little boy?"

"Yes Zach,yes Jonathan. I'm your slave. Tell me what you want me to

do and I'll do it."

Zach and Jonathan each added a third finger to the two already moving

in and out of Taran's asshole,roughly shoving them all the way up and

then interlocking their fingers and moving them.

The little boy started to moan,his asshole stretched uncomfortably,

flashes of pure pain and pleasure alternating as the teens locked

fingers would brush his prostate one second and then go deeply into

him the next second.

"Reach back and pull your asscheeks apart!",Zach ordered Taran. The

boy took hold of them and pulled them as far apart as he could,the

twinge of pain melting in with the rest of the sensations.

"Look at it now Zach",Jonathan exclaimed. "I didn't believe we could

really get that much up him. Let's see just how much he can take."

"Yeah,spread your fingers apart."

The boys unlocked their fingers and spread them apart,pulling at the

sides of Taran's little asshole. Taran let out a loud moan and the two

teens could see sweat breaking out on the boy's body.

"Man,you can still see in there. I think he's ready,for this stage."

"Yeah,I agree",Zach answered.

The boys pulled their fingers all at once from Taran's ass and he

fell in a heap on the bed. Quickly Zach and Jonathan got into position,

pressing their hard,leaking dicks together as they lay back on the bed

balls to balls.

"Taran?",Zach said in a commanding voice,"We're going to fuck you at

the same time. Get your ass over here and sit down on our dicks. This

time you get to do all the work."

Taran jumped up and got over the two teens,putting his asshole over

the two boys throbbing dicks. Slowly he started lowering himself on

them,feeling the heads of their cocks penetrate his asshole. As he did

this his own dick jerked and quivered as if he were the one doing the


Both the teens moaned as they felt their dicks rubbing together as

they were slowly taken up into Taran's ass.

"Come on Taran,faster! Take us all the way in.",Jonathan said.

"Yeah,we want all your ass boy",Zach echoed.

Taran lost all restraint then and dropped down on the teens. He

felt incredible pain and yelled but,as the two boys watched him,the

yell changed from pain to pleasure and Taran started bouncing up and

down on the cocks that were splitting his asshole so fine.

This was the best,Taran thought. His asshole was on fire as he kept

clenching and unclenching it around both the hard cocks impaled up

his ass. Suddenly he felt Zach roughly grab his balls in one hand and

his stiff dick in the other and start squeezing them in the same

rhythm that Taran was using to fuck himself with the two cocks.

Both the teens were moaning as they watched the boy take both their

cocks,over and over again to the hilt up his ass. They could see how

stretched out his asshole was from this unnatural penetration and

they both started thrusting upwards as Taran lowered himself.

They could feel the orgasm starting to build and,as if on cue,they

both felt their cocks explode inside the boy. Fiery streams of cum

blasted over and over again up Taran's ass and this,coupled with the

rough but continuous stimulation set him off on yet another orgasm.

Taran was out of control as his dick jerked in Zach's hand,his little

balls contracting again and again as they attempted to ejaculate the

sperm that wouldn't be there for a couple of years yet.

All the boys were caught up in it,the orgasms not stopping but seeming

to build to the next level as more sensations came over them.

Taran leaped off the two boys and,as the next spurt of sperm

slithered out of the teens cocks,got his mouth down over the cockheads

so none of the sperm could escape. Taran started sucking then for all

he was worth,getting the last few drops from each of them as they

started coming back down to earth.

Zach released Taran's dick and balls as the young boy continued to

slurp on his and Jonathan's dicks,cleaning them all up so nothing was

wasted. This continued for about a minute until Taran collapsed on the

two of them,still feebly sucking on Jonathan's cock.

Sunday At Zach's House Part 3

by Corey Haim

"Oh man,that was really awesome",exclaimed Jonathan. "I didn't think

he'd ever be able to do that."

"I really thought we'd split his asshole open for sure. Turn around

Taran and spread your cheeks again. Show us that asshole now."

Taran got on his stomach and pulled his asscheeks apart. That tight

little hole in the middle was gaping open,cum still leaking out of it

from the fantastic fuck he'd just gotten from Zach and Jonathan.

The two teens looked at Taran's asshole in disbelief. It looked as

big as the drain in the sink. Zach looked at Jonathan and laughed.

"Well,do we continue to the next stage?"

"What do you think? Of course we go on. Taran wants us to,don't you

little boy?"

Taran looked at the two boys,who were both smiling and he smiled

back at them. "I'm yours",he said. "Do anything you want to do!"

"Look at this Taran",Jonathan said,waving his hand back and forth

in front of the boys face,making a fist,then opening it up. "Zach and

I are going to stick our hands up your ass and fistfuck your asshole

until you scream for mercy!"

Zach's hand was slightly bigger and,as he waved it at Taran,he added,

"Yeah,we're going to open you up,open you up all the way. Tell us you

want us to do it to you."

Taran's mind was spinning. This was all going too fast. Then he

thought about how it felt when both the teens were fucking his ass and

that decided it as he looked at Zach and Jonathan,rolled over on his

stomach and said,"I do really want it. Open my ass up and make me beg

for mercy!"

"Up on your knees,Taran",ordered Jonathan. "I'll start the fistfuck

on you while you suck on Zach's dick. No need to let your mouth go to


Taran got up on his knees and Zach slipped into position. Taran took

Zach's hard cock in his mouth and started sucking.

Meanwhile,Jonathan had coated all his fingers with K-Y. He took a

moment to look at Taran's distended asshole,which was opening and

closing as the boy bobbed on Zach's cock. Jonathan took 3 fingers and

shoved them up Taran's ass with no warning,eliciting a moan of pain

from the boy. Ignoring the moans,Jonathan started moving them all

around inside the boys ass,feeling the walls of his bowels and pressing

as deep as he could.

"Hold on a minute",Zach said. "I want to watch you shove your hand up

in there." Zach turned around and lay under Taran in a 69 position but,

since he was taller,his cock remained in Taran's mouth and his head was

out under Taran's ass,where he could watch Jonathan.

"I never thought of that,Zach. This will be totally cool,then you do

him and I can watch you."

"Go for it,Jonathan. Stick it all up there. Let's see if the little

boy can really take it all."

Jonathan then stuck four fingers into Taran's asshole,kneading the

inside walls of his intestines. Taran jerked and moaned from the pain,

pain that was almost unbearable to him. Jonathan roughly pulled the

fingers out and then,cupping his five fingers together,started forcing

them into Taran's asshole. Taran started wiggling involuntarily,trying

to get away from the probing fingers but Zach grabbed him around the

waist and stopped his escape attempt.

Both the teens watched breathlessly as Jonathan's hand disappeared

into the small boy's asshole. Suddenly the whole hand went in and Zach

could see Taran's asshole stretched wide around Jonathan's wrist.

Zach looked up at Taran's cock and saw it was as hard as it had been

during the entire day.

"Jonathan,the little fucker's cock is hard as a rock. He likes what

you're doing. I'll jerk him and you get your arm as far up him as you


Taran was flying in a land of dreams. The pain,which had been so

hard,had melted into a dull ache. He felt so full inside,with Zach's

big dick pumping his mouth,and Jonathan's hand and arm up his ass.

When Zach touched his stiff dick,the sensations were enough to throw

him over the edge again. Wave after wave of orgasm pulsed through his

little body as Zach,not stopping when he felt the boy's cock start to

twitch and jerk,continued to manhandle the boy's dick.

Then Jonathan started pushing his hand further and further up Taran's

asshole until his was almost halfway to the elbow. He could feel the

boy's asshole gripping him,almost nibbling at his arm as the orgasms

continued. He started moving his arm back and forth,fucking him with

the length and width over and over.

Taran felt like he was going to die of pleasure. This time the feelings

weren't stopping after a few seconds. Every thrust of Zach's cock,every

movement of Jonathan's hand,every time Zach squeezed his cock and balls

it just got more intense.

Without warning Zach thrust his cock up hard into Taran's mouth and

a fierce jet of semen hit the back of the boy's throat. Taran went all

the way down on Zach then and let his excited cock drain it's load of

sperm down his throat. He felt Zach's cock pulse and with each pulse

he could drink down more of the teen's sperm.

Jonathan's own cock was straining for release. Watching his buddy

Zach blast his cum and watching Taran twitch and jerk in the throes

of orgasm for the past two minutes was too much for him. He pulled

his hand and arm out of Taran's asshole and,in a vicious lunge,buried

his suddenly wildly spurting cock up his incredibly enlarged asshole.

Taran felt this with a wild sort of release and clenched his ass

muscles as tight as he could,trying to milk all the sperm out of

Jonathan's cock. Over and over he felt the older boy's throbbing

cock spurt up his ass and this drove him into yet another orgasm.

He started sucking Zach's rapidly deflating cock again,determined

to get even more. That's all he wanted now. More. More.

Jonathan fell away from Taran's ass as his orgasm finished. Zach

had to move rather quickly out of the way as Jonathan's sperm started

leaking from the younger boy's well fucked ass.

"Awesome. Totally,completely,awesome. If I hadn't done it to Taran,

I never would have believed it could have been done",Jonathan said to

Zach,who was watching Taran suck his cock back to yet another erection.

"Look at him go on me. I think the little guy wants more of this. Do

you want me to fistfuck you now,Taran? Are you ready for that?"

Taran looked up from Zach's now hard again cock and said,"Fuck me,

please Zach. Get that big hand and arm of yours up my ass. I thought I

was going to die when Jonathan did it to me but,suddenly,I was cumming

and couldn't stop. I've never had a better feeling and I want it again!"

"You want to watch me do it,Jonathan? Take it from me,that boy can

suck the cum right out of your balls,he's a natural cocksucker. Besides,

you won't believe how his asshole looks stretched around my wrist and


"Yeah,I'll watch alright.",answered Jonathan as he got into the right

position. Immediately Taran took Jonathan's semihard sperm covered dick

into his mouth and started cleaning him off and getting him up for what

Taran hoped was another shot of sperm in his mouth.

Zach gave Jonathan a flash of his four fingers,covered with K-Y and

then,motioning to Jonathan to hold Taran tightly,he cupped his hand and

just forced the whole fist right into the boy's asshole. Taran jumped

and wiggled but couldn't get away and Zach,who was the strongest of the

three,just forced the hand into him.

Once it slipped in past the widest portion the rest of the hand went in

easily but Zach didn't stop until his arm was driven almost elbow deep

into Taran's asshole.

Pain had become pleasure in Taran's subjugated mind. Zach's roughness

just added to the sensations. Then Zach started fucking his asshole with

his hand and arm. He pulled almost all the way out and then drove it all

the way back into the little boy's asshole. Taran felt like his ass was

filled with molted lead,the pain,the pleasure was becoming almost too

much for his 10 year old body and mind to bear.

Then Jonathan noticed something. Every time Zach's hand got to a certain

point,Taran would go into another orgasmic seizure. He watched another ten

strokes to make sure and then said to Zach,"Hey,when I tell you to stop

your hand,do it."

"What? Why should I stop?"

"Just try it. The results may be interesting,to say the least."

"Okay,tell me when you want me to stop. I have to tell you though,this

is almost better than cumming,having my arm up him like this."

"Trust me,we're going to completely break his mind,Zach. He'll come

back to us every day wanting more of this,if this works right."

Taran continued to suck on Jonathan's cock,listening but not hearing

the two teens talk. They were still fisting his ass,and thrusting into

his mouth,that was all he needed to know. Plus,about once a second there

was another intense feeling of pleasure and he never wanted that to stop.

Jonathan grabbed Taran's dick and felt it throb again every time Zach's

fist got to a certain point. Measuring it out,he said,"Zach stop now! Just

move your fingers around." Zach moved his fingers around and,as they got

to Taran's prostate,his whole body started shaking. "That's it,Zach! Keep

rubbing him inside right there."

Zach continued to move his fingers over than spot and watched the boy's

body beneath him. You could see it running up and down him in waves,the

orgasm just continuing each time he rubbed that same spot.

Taran's mind was blown away. This was pleasure,more pleasure and then

way too much pleasure. He was peaking and peaking,over and over,sucking

Jonathan's cock like a madman,thrusting his own cock up into Jonathan's

gripping fist.

He felt himself blacking out almost when Jonathan's cock exploded a

load of sperm into his mouth. It was so hot it almost burned his little

tongue as he took the older boy's cock into his throat where,with each

throb and spurt of cum,he could feel it echoed in his own body.

Zach pulled his hand slowly out of Taran's asshole and,with Jonathan's

help,eased the boy down to the bed. Taran's body was still shaking with

orgasm,it didn't seem to stop at all.

"Ahh,Zach,Jonathan,I cumming and I can't stop!",he wailed. "Help me

please help me."

Both the older boys held Taran tightly as the convulsions slowly began

to taper off. They looked at each other,and at Taran. Both of them then

smiled down at Taran.

"How do you feel now?",Zach asked Taran.

"I don't know. I feel so warm,so full. It's hard to describe. It's

like my whole body is made of what I got from the two of you. I can

feel your cum in my stomach,and in my ass."

"You made us both feel really good",put in Jonathan. "Are you glad

this happened?"

"Yes. I guess I really did want the two of you. I'd spy on you in

the dressing rooms and never knew why."

"Now that you know,what are you going to do about it?",Zach asked.

"The only thing I can do is be available to either or both of you

whenever you want me. The way you made me feel today,I can't live

without you two."

"We feel the same way Taran",Jonathan added. "We want to do this as

often as we can. It was great."

The boys then fell off again to sleep. The sound of a car driving up

woke them at 8pm and they got quickly dressed and made the room look

more presentable. Then they went downstairs to greet the visitors,

knowing that the next time they got together,it would be better and


The End (for now)

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