Sunday Afternoon

By Jimmy Jones

Published on Apr 10, 2011



My friend Ben had been trying to get me to go with him to Atlanta for a long time to the "Baths." I had heard about such places, but in my mind, they were trashy and dangerous. I had a fear of being in a place like that and being caught, either by someone I knew or by a raid by the police.

He reassured me time and time again that they were safe places, but I didn't listen. I was a teacher and I felt that I had too much to lose by going there. I had other friends, Joe and Phillip, who had gone with him to the baths and they felt that they were safe. I held out a long time.

One summer, I didn't teach summer school like I usually did. It was a very hot summer, and I was not a traveller. It grew long and boring. I had regular things that I did through the week such as grass cutting and yard work. Like any other boy in his 20's I looked forward to the weekend and having something to do, even if it was nothing more than going out to eat.

Growing up in the South, people usually went to church on Sunday. I went religiously, pardon the pun. It may have been my struggle with being gay or fear that others would find it out. Nonetheless, I tried to do whatever was "the proper thing".

One Sunday afternoon, my friend Phillip, called me and asked me if I wanted to ride to Atlanta. I said that I definitely wanted to do something. Phillip drove because the traffic terrified me. We left about 1:00 pm and the drive was a pleasant one. It was good to get out of the house and go somewhere.

On our way, we talked about some hot guy that we had seen that lived in town or that we had seen somewhere. It didn't take long until I was horney and worked up. I asked Phillip if he had been to the baths recently. He said that he had not been in a while. We went through the drill again about how safe they were. He assured me that he had never seen anything there that seemed dangerous. I gave in and agreed to go.

When we got there, the parking lot was empty. Phillip said that Sunday afternoons were slow and that it would pick up as the afternoon wore on. That seemed good to me, because I felt I needed to acquaint myself with this place and it's rituals before I went with a lot of people there.

We went in, paid our money for a locker, received our towels, and got undressed. I was more than a little selfconscious. Phil said to relax and walk around and see what was going on.

The place consisted of a maze, an orgy room, and quiet a number of private rooms. I would later acquaint myself with all of these accommodations over time. I would greatly learn to love this place. It offered one the opportunity to go, have sex, leave, and have no strings attached.

I had been walking around for about an hour looking. Very few people were there. I decided that I would take a break, so I walked through the maze and decided that I would sit down, lie down, whatever. I slid into a bottom birth in the maze, close to the door so I could see what was walking through.

As slid into the birth, I touched someone's leg. I started making my apologies for the disturbance, and a voice said that it was fine. I had walked through that maze at least ten times and never seen or heard anyone. I could tell by the voice that the person was black. I am no stranger to black men or boys. Being a teacher, I have many black students in class.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw that it was a young black male and that he was completely naked, having taken off his towel. He was very well endowed. After a few awkward moments, he reached out and touched me. Now, I will tell you that I have always thought black men were very handsome. Just something about their bodies or how they walked and talked excited me.

I had never had a black man before, although I was no stranger to sex. He reached up and pulled my head down to his and kissed me on the mouth. I had never kissed a man before, black or white. It was a very pleasant sensation. We began to make out and I began to run my hands over his body. Although I consider myself versatile, I am more inclined to being a top. His body was firm and warm, silky. I have never been so turned on.

He began to feel my cock and I felt his. He asked what I liked. I said I like being the top, and loved good, hot, tight ass. He immediately turned on his back, opened his legs and invited me into him. I felt for his opening. It was already greased, so I rose above him, positioned myself, and slid into him.

Words cannot describe the pleasure. His legs slipped around my waste and pulled me into his hole. His hands cupped the cheeks of my ass and pulled as I thrust. I was lost in the pleasure. I thrust harder and with each lunge, he whispered for me to go harder and deeper. I tried to please him as well as myself.

We must have stayed intertwined at least fifteen or twenty minutes when I felt my load begin to build. I mumbled as well as I could that I was going to cum. He just reached and held me tighter, so I guessed that he wanted it. When I blew, I let out a low moan or growl. It was followed by his own. I lay still on him for several minutes before I realized that the had cummed also. Our chests and bellies were wet, sticky and warm.

I don't believe that I have ever had such a release. I was spent and panting for breath. He kissed me again. I pulled out of him and lay to his side for several minutes before getting up and taking a shower. I knew that day that I really loved black ass. There is just something about it that I cannot explain.

Also, after that day, I never had a fear of the baths and went whenever I could. I also make my partners black when I go.

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