

Published on Feb 12, 2000


Controls ICQ: 45862060

If you're not an adult, not gay or just not interested: don't read this.

This story is based (very loosely) on the BBC TV series, "Sunburn" and the actor in the series, Sean Maguire. If you've no idea who he is, there's a picture of him on my web site. But you're going to have to write to me for the address. Incidentally, Sean Maguire is very definitely not gay - many, many women can testify to that. Unfortunately.

The series "Sunburn" and it's characters are trademarks of and copyright BBC.


I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing here. Why I agreed to come in the first place. There's nothing for me to do here. It's all just wishful thinking. I've been brought all the way out to Portugal by my sex starved straight mates. Why? Good question. They can spend all day (and all night) trying to bed every single female in the place, but I have to put up with watching all the cute guys with very few clothes on from a distance. Life's a bitch sometimes. Most of the time.

And then there's the film crew. I realise now why this holiday was so damn cheap. We're spending two weeks as extras on a film set. Not that I'm complaining. You should see half of the crew they have working on this thing. Stripped to the waist, hot bodies turning golden brown in the hot sunshine. Big brown nipples hardening slightly at the soft breeze from the sea. Large, rounded. So suckable. And there I go again, room enough for two in these shorts with my prick tenting them out at the sight of each of them. I've spent more time tanning my back than any other part of me so far.

Then we come to the leading man in my dreams every night since we got here. Sean. A twenty-something with a bright face, a smile to die for and a voice soft and rough all at the same time. His hair is dark blond and slicked back in waves, his big blue eyes open wide, inviting me inside his mind. If only. I remember the first time I saw him on the beach and he took his shirt off. My mate Paul was sitting next to me at the time and I think he had to close my mouth for me. I think my back got a good half hour of sun that afternoon as I lay on my front watching Sean kicking a football with some of the other guys on the beach.

Some guys go for muscles. Personally, I find too many of them a huge turn off. Don't get me wrong, I like a lad who keeps himself in shape. But bodybuilders are just not for me. There's nothing to grab hold of. Nothing to rub up against. I didn't think the perfect guy - who lives in my head - existed, not until I saw Sean that afternoon anyway. He must have been taking a break from filming. And I suppose it was a lucky break for me to be at the beach at the same time. He was wearing a black pair of shorts, his legs, tanned with bleached blond hairs covering them as they disappeared beneath the material, and a brilliant white T-shirt. His hands moved to the bottom of his T-shirt and started pulling it off. That's when I think my jaw dropped.

Imagine a guy whose smooth when he takes his top off. Now think smoother and smoother. And smoother still, and now you're starting to imagine the way that Sean looked. His skin was a little lighter in colour than the rest of him. I made a mental note that he doesn't take his shirt off all that often. But not a trace of a hair anywhere. No treasure trail ran from his navel on his rounded stomach. Not a single hair separated his firm, flat pecs on his chest. There wasn't even - from what I could tell - a single whisp around either of his skin toned fleshy nipples. The only body hair I saw was under his arms as he lifted his shirt off his body. Ruffling his blond hair as he took it off completely. And there he was. Perfection itself. Bathed in the blazing afternoon sunshine. The sea was blue, white foaming from the waves. The perfect backdrop. Like I said, my jaw dropped, but my cock certainly didn't.

"No chance mate." That's was Paul smirked as he pushed by jaw back together again. No chance. Not a hope in hell. I'd read about Sean. I'd read about the women he'd had up against the walls of this club or that club. I knew his history. Not a chance. Then there was the party. That's when "no chance" turned into "maybe". I'm not making much sense here am I. Well, let me tell you. As tends to happen, our group, joined up with Sean's group. And one thing lead to another, and we ended up at a huge party in the hotel where they were filming a few of the scenes. Loads of drinking, far too many women and not enough men. That's what I thought of the whole thing. By about two in the morning I'd had enough. I was about to take my right arm back to our hotel room with me for a long night of dreaming, that's when I heard the voice that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. "Not going yet are you?". I knew who it was. I'd heard the voice on the TV plenty of times before. But I had to make sure. So - as you do - I turned around. Sure enough, it was him. It was Sean. Drink it one hand, and a big wide smile across his face. "Yeah, it's past my bedtime" I said, smiling at him. Trying to keep as calm as possible. 'Your not nervous, it's only a bloke' I said to myself over and over again whilst he reached out and shook my hand. My hand, he touched my hand. "Listen." He said to me, and I did, to every word. "I've got a day off tomorrow, and I thought that you might like to come and take a dive with me".

Now you're probably wondering where this came from. I know I was. So, luckily for you and me, I asked him. "But you don't even know who I am, why would you ask me to go diving with you?" I think that I put it the best way I could. Sean was all ready ahead of the game though. "I've been talking to your mate over there" he told me, pointing towards Brad (he's made it his life's work to hook me up with every single guy he thinks might be interested). Sean continued. "He said you were a bit shy, but that you're a really good laugh and a brilliant diver". I think at this point I managed a "Oh, right" whilst all the time I was dreaming up ways of killing Bradley. "And, to be honest, I've seen you with your mates over the last couple of days, and I think he might be right." Well that one just sort of knocked me away.

"But if you've got something else planned" he said and began to turn away. 'Say something you idiot' I heard inside my head; "No, no, that's fine with me." I told him. "The rest of the guys were planning on going to another beach further up the coast, but I didn't really fancy it." I told him. I was being honest too. Then his face lit up. And I mean, lit up. One of those big smiles that I'd fantasised over for nights and sparkling blue eyes looking straight at me. I thought this kind of thing only happened in the movies. There was a TV camera just behind him though. He gave me his room number and said to come over at about ten in the morning and we'd go from there.

I did get back to the hotel room that night. I did bring my right arm with me. I never used it though. I didn't even use the bed. Too scared. Too busy running through what might happen in my head. Was it the usual thing for a guy who you've never met to invite you to go out on a dive with him? Did he want the same thing as me? No, he couldn't. Magazine interviews remember. Nope, he was just being friendly. Brad had set me up with him so that I wouldn't be on my own tomorrow when they all headed up the coast. Simple explanation that. So why was my stomach churning?

Slowly, the night passed and the first sunlight of the new day started streaming through the window of our room. Still it took hours for the other guys to get up. Hungover from the night before most of them. None of them got lucky at the party. That's why they were heading up the coast today. Martin had heard of the nudist beach up there and they decided to try it out. I didn't fancy walking around trying to hide a permanent erection all day. By nine thirty they were on there way. Brad came up to me before they went. As he normally does, he slipped a hand down the back of my shorts and slapped by ass, "Be lucky little stud!" he laughed as he kneeded my ass a little. Brad knows I've always had a thing for him. That's why he does it. Just to wind me up. I wondered again why he wasn't gay. More wishful thinking.

That sort of brings me back to my original point. What the hell am I doing here? Standing outside his room. Trying to build up the courage just to knock on the door. My hands shake and my stomach is in knots. But eventually, the sensible me throws caution to the wind and my hand to the door. Contact. Flesh on wood. See that wasn't so bad.

The door opened, and a big smile beamed back at me. Yep, sure enough, it was him. I hadn't been dreaming last night. Sean Maguire has asked me to go out with him today. In that split second I looked down at him. He wasn't wearing a shirt - good start I thought. His chest gently heaved up and down in time with his breathing. His bottom half was covered though by a pair of faded black shorts, with the waistband of his white undies sticking up over the top slight.

"Sorry, I'm not really organised this morning." He said to me in those seductive tones as he turned around and walk back in the room. I followed. His ass look so perfect covered in those layers. Small, tight and rounded. Perfect.

"It's ok." I told him, "it takes me ages to get ready for anything in the morning." I said. Trying to start off confidently, with a little small talk. Nothing can happen, nothing can happen. I repeated that over and over in my mind. It just wasn't fair though. There he was, just a couple of feet away from me, the most gorgeous guy I've ever been this close to, half dressed and straight. Nothing can happen.

Nothing did happen. It was all perfectly normal. We acted like we'd known each other for years. I acted the same way I act around all my straight mates. Like nothing was unusual. I managed to stop myself from leaping on top of him at every opportunity. And by the end of the day I really started to like him as a friend, never mind anything else. He'd been good fun. Spending the day in the sunshine, with a guy who appeared to like the same stuff as me. Yeah, it was a pretty good day. But now it was over. Back to reality. He came back to the car after getting changed out of his wet suit with a light summer shirt, all unbuttoned, showing plenty of flesh. That's when it hit me once again, just how perfect I thought this guy really was.

The drive back to the hotel, was long, hot and torturous. Luckily, I got to drive so that I could keep my eyes from wandering over his body again, as I had done all the way there. We talked some more about nothing. But I still couldn't get out of my mind just how much I really wanted to be with him.

"Are you going to come back to my room for a coffee?" Sean asked me when we arrived back at the hotel.

Who was I to refuse. He may have been cute, I may have been dying to get back to the room, lock myself away in the bathroom and beat my meat so badly as I recalled the way he looked today. The way he smiled, the way the sun shined on him. But I wanted to be with him. If I couldn't have him in bed, just being close to him would be the next best thing.

We got back to his room and we sat on the balcony overlooking the hills. The sun still shone brightly late into the afternoon. And it was still really warm just sitting outside drinking and talking a bit more. I think I'd got to know a lot more about him in one day that some people ever get to find out in a lifetime.

After chatting for a while, he slipped his arms out of his shirt and let it fall on to the floor next to him. I took another quick glance over at his body once again. It's sheer smoothness fascinated me. In every way he looked perfect. Just for a split second I was able to enjoy Sean fully. The sunlight glinted off his lightly tanned skin. His pecs looked like peaks, capped off with sun tinged nipples. The colour of his hair shone brightly in the afternoon light.

Then I was brought crashing back down to earth. "Come over here and rub some of this on me." I looked back at Sean's face. A wide grid stretched from ear to ear as he held up a bottle of sun cream. I had to think for a moment about what he said. He did say what I thought he said?

Sean must have noticed my hesitation as he quickly added, "I thought that's what you wanted me to say." Now I was really confused. I'd read about him in all the newspapers. I heard about his sordid little sessions with girls in night clubs. And now here we were, away from England, siting in the blazing late afternoon sunshine, alone, and he was asking me to rub him up? I think I managed to nod my head. It was all I could do at the time. My heart started to pound in my chest. I could feel it like never before. Thump, thump, thump coursing around my body. His voice repeated the words over and over in my head "rub some of this on me".

Lucky, our chairs were fairly close together, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He reached across to where I was and took hold of my hand that was limply hanging down the side of the seat, as I sat there still slightly stunned by what Sean had just asked me to do. I felt his hand take hold of mine, my pulse grew faster and stronger. The first time he'd touched me. Just this innocent contact was enough to start my dick stirring inside my shorts. He lifted my hand up and across and placed it on one of his pecs. Under my palm I could feel his nipple growing solid. The muscle was firm and his skin very warm from bathing in the sunshine. As he lay my hand onto his skin for the first time the air rushed from my lungs and my head spun with many different thoughts and feelings.

Eventually, after just sitting there for what seemed like an eternity, I gradually came back to myself and realised that what I had spent the whole of the day thinking about was becoming a reality. He actually appeared to want me in the same way that I had wanted him everytime I saw him on the TV, from the moment I realised who he was when we arrived here. I looked back at him. Clearly he was worried about what he'd just done. My reaction, stunned silence, wasn't entirely what he had expected. I needed to recompose myself fast if I wasn't to loose this opportunity with him.

Thankfully, the hormones soon kicked in. I looked straight into his eyes and smiled. The widest, whitest smile I could manage. That got the desired effect. His face broke from a worrying frown into another massive smile and sparkling eyes. I practically leaped up from my chair and sat down on his knees. My hand remained where he had put it on his chest, as I grasped his other pec with my free hand. My fingers played with his nipples, making them grow firm and solid at my touch. He started to move towards me. His face getting closer and closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my skin, shit, this was him, it really was him. Up close, getting close and closer, his lips gently brushed mine, and again and again and again. Before pushing them together our mouths gave way to allow our tongues access to each other. Swirling in a whirlwind of a passionate kiss. The likes of which I had never received before. Never had a single kiss been so intense. Never had it felt so right.

I felt his hands stroke my hairy legs for a moment, backwards and forwards. Moving ever further up my legs all the time. Coming closer to where they disappeared into my shorts. I broke the kiss for a moment as I reached forward and grabbed hold of my T-shirt, practically ripping it off myself so that I could get back to feeling his chest and kissing him even more. I threw it down onto the floor on top of his shirt.

Eventually I felt Sean's hands moving up inside the legs of my shorts. Gently rubbing across the surface of my skin as he went. Closer and closer towards my crotch. I began pinching and pulling his nipples a little, urging his fingers onwards inside my shorts. Good decision not to put any underwear on I thought to myself as his finger tips grazed slightly at my balls hanging low in the heat. He'd touched my balls. I heard him moan slightly when his finger touched my skin. He pushed his hand right up inside my shorts now and took hold of my nut sack. He played with it for a while, feeling my sperm producing globes as they hung heavy, aching almost, needing his touch. Needing him to play with me.

I moved my own hands down his smooth body. Feeling every inch of his flesh on the way down. Firm, but not overly muscular. Just as I had imagined. Just as I had seen on the beach. Just perfect. Perfect in every way. Not a single hair to interrupt the beauty and the softness of his skin. I found my fingers at the waist band of his shorts. His underwear still stuck out a little at the top. I toyed with the idea of plunging my hands straight inside for a moment, but quickly decided that this was not going to be any normal one night stand. I decided that I was going to do this one properly. Besides, Sean all ready meant much more to me than just another notch in the bedpost.

So my hand went further down. And I could feel it all right. As if Sean hadn't given enough signals all ready that he was into what he was doing with me, I had the biggest one in my hand. Covered by two layers of cotton material, but obvious never the less. His big, huge, stiff, erect, firm prick. In my hand. The cock of this so-called pussy loving UK TV heartthrob. And he was all mine. I was all his for that matter. I didn't think it was possible for my own dick to get any harder than it all ready was inside my shorts. It was almost sore it was that hard, so strained for a release. And yet when my fingers grasped hold of Sean's prick, it appeared to get even harder.

Sean stopped playing with my balls and removed his hands from my shorts. Our passionate kissing continued though. Our tongues wrestled with each other as we moved backwards and forwards. Sean's tongue swirled around my mouth, before I pushed back into his and returned the favour. I felt his hands move to the waistband of my shorts. He fumbled for a moment, looking for the button. And he found it. It was all moving in slow motion now. Now I knew what he was going to do. That he was really going to go to work on me. Next, he brought down my fly, I could hear the zipper coming down, almost notch by notch as the heat from his body began to hit my nearly naked crotch. Finally my shorts had been undone and my massively enlarged prick was released from the confines of those shorts.

He broke the kiss for a moment. Once again he looked into my eyes and smiled. The sight of his big blue eyes sparkling was like nothing I had ever seen before. He moved from the chair, motioning for me to stand up. As I did so my shorts fell down around my ankles. I stepped out of them and kicked them on top of the pile of our clothes starting built by the chair. I looked at Sean as he undid his own shorts, flipping the button through and pushing them all the way down, throwing them next to my own. I looked back at him. Naked except for a pair of white CK boxers. His erection throbbed, clearly showing through the stretchy material. He looked back up at me for a split second and smiled again when he saw me, my eyes fixed to his crotch. He took hold of the waistband and agonisingly slowly, he moved them down his legs. The tip of his cock came into view first of all. Bright red with little clear droplets of precum bubbling around the tip. Hard and yet so smooth, the skin covering his shaft, although not tanned, was darker than the rest of him, it pushed back into his mass of curly black pubes. The only body hair I had seen on him, apart from what was under his arms. More and more of his prick was being revealed. Eventually the base of his cock joined his balls. Held tight up against his body, covered with a very light dusting of blond/brown pubes, far lighter than the bush that surrounded his dick.

At last his underwear was kicked away to join our pile of discarded clothes. No longer wanted or required. And for the first time we saw each other properly. Naked. The sun still shone down on the two of us. I don't know how I looked to him, but to me Sean was a sight of perfection. Smooth all the way down until his crotch. His erection, a healthy 7.5" cut by my reckoning. Strangely, exactly the same size as me, with the exception that I still had a foreskin. I was the first to crack. It was no longer any good for me just to stand there and watch him. My penis throbbed with the intensity of my erection as precum oozed from my piss slit and covered the head of my cock.

I walked towards him and he immediately put his arms out to me and brought me in close to him. Flesh on flesh. Properly together for the first time. Our mouths met once again as our chest heaved against one another. His nipples, hard as iron, pressed against my skin as our stiff cocks ground together. Public hairs mingled around our dicks against our balls. Sean and me. Together. Flesh on flesh.

He turned me around and sat me back down in the chair. Sean knelt on the floor in front of me as my legs instinctively opened up wide. He looked at me again. That perfect face, that perfect smile those perfect sparkling blue eyes. He placed his hands on my thighs, as if to pull my legs even further apart. My cock throbbed up against my stomach and continues to leak precum out all over my tanned skin. Sean reached his hands up and took hold of my throbbing meat. He gazed at it for a while, and I watched him as he slowly brought his head towards it. His lips pouted slightly as he got nearer and nearer, his senses must have been flooded with the scent of my cock and balls, as he got ever closer to my crotch. I could now feel his breath on the tip of my ultra-sensitive penis. A long time ago my foreskin had pulled right the way back over the head of my dick with the intensity of my arousal. I felt Sean's lips close around the head of my penis. Just the head, no more for now. I could feel Sean swirl his tongue around the tip of my prick. Every single movement he made on my cock head was like a million little electric pulses raging through my body. Any one of them threatened to tip me over the edge and paint the inside of his mouth with my own brand of thick white cream. When he'd cleaned up all of the precum he could get from the tip of my cock, Sean began to feed a little more of my prick into his mouth. I felt my skin covered shaft rub against Sean's lips as he took more and more of my organ inside his mouth. I began to moan slightly with the feelings he was giving me as my hands instinctively rested on the back of his head, pushing him down further and further on top of me.

It was amazing feeling my pole sliding down his throat. I'd had plenty of blowjobs before, but Sean was doing things to my cock that I never imagined possible. Finally I felt his button nose nestling in my thick bush of curly black pubes. I just held his head for a moment. Savouring the sensation of having my dick buried so far into the guy I'd spent hours jacking over after seeing him on the TV.

Sean brought me back down to earth with a bang just a few seconds later as I felt my dick start slipping back out of his mouth again. He took hold of my hairy balls and starting playing with them once again as he began to bob up and down on my cock. He was doing it very slowly at first. I moaned and groaned, almost begging Sean to pick up the pace on my enraged dick. But he was going to do this his way. He started to speed up a little as I glanced down and saw his free hand reach in front of him and take hold of his own prick. I could only see a little of it. But it was enough to know that his erection was the same as mine, begging for some kind of release. He precum had started to drip onto the floor beneath him and gather in a little puddle under his cock.

I couldn't help myself any longer, I took hold of Sean's head and took over the thrusting for him. I forced his head backwards and forwards down onto my prick. Sean reached up and took hold of me by the waist, just in time. I forced his head back down onto me, pushing his nose deep inside the bush of pubes that surrounded the base of my prick. My dick was deep inside his throat as I started to cum. Like a dam bursting I came and came and came. Gushing thick ribbons of my juice down his throat. He gulped and swallowed as much as he could, only a few drops oozed erotically out of the corners of his mouth. It felt like my orgasm would never die down.

After what felt like an eternity, I stopped gushing my load into Sean's mouth. Slowly, he took his mouth off my dick, now going limp after one of the biggest orgasms of my entire life. I looked down at Sean in between my legs just as he looked up towards me. He smiled. I could still see some of my cum dripping from around his mouth. I moved down so that we were both kneeling on the floor. I kissed him deeply. Swirling my tongue around inside his mouth, washing my seed from inside him. I'd tasted my own cum plenty of times before, but it never tasted as good as it did coming from inside Sean's mouth.

Instinctively, I reached out to find Sean's cock. Still stiff and erect. Pointing upwards towards his belly. It was really slippery against my hand. His own brand of lube had seen to that. As I ran my thumb over his piss slit, even more of his sweet juice oozed out and dribbled down the length of his shaft. I ran my hand all over his balls, playing with them a little. Slicking more of his juice on to them. Feeling them wobble slightly in my hand. His big cum churning nuts. Clenched tightly against his body. Just a smattering of rough hairs, sticking to the skin of his sac with his precum that I had wiped over.

I broke the kiss and leaned over Sean's shoulder. Grasping his rock hard shaft in my hand again, I whispered into his ear; "Time we sorted this out for you!" I head Sean moan ever so gently as I started to stroke his stiff member back and forth. My hand met with very little resistance as it slid over his slicked up skin. He kissed me once again, hard and sharp on my lips as he took hold of my hand, and led me back inside the hotel room.

Sean put his hands around my waist and looked directly into my eyes. I saw his blue eyes sparkling back at me, and yet again I melted. I could feel myself becoming aroused once again, even though it had only been a matter of minutes since I'd sprayed a huge load down this guy's face. Sean seemed to know exactly how to turn me on just by looking at me. He bent down a little and placed his lips over once of my nipples. He sucked in. He knew exactly what to do. His tongue swirled around the sensitive tissue now getting harder and hard on my chest. Round and round, in fast little circling motions. Before swapping over to give the other one the same delicate attention.

He took me over to the bed. We both climbed on top of his sheets. Sean motioned for me to get onto all fours, and I realised what was coming next. And I wanted it more than I'd ever wanted anything before in my entire life. I saw him disappear behind me as I looked down and in between my legs. I watched as Sean's face came back into view, getting closer and close to my ass. His mouth open slightly, I could see his tongue, warm and moist, just like my hole, ready to do more of his special brand of work.

Sean placed a hand on each of my ass cheeks and spread them wide, exposing my puckered hole to the air. I could feel his breathing getting closer and closer to my skin, and finally his tongue licking up and down my slightly hairy crack. His tongue was soft and rough all at the same time as he went up and down my sensitive skin. Then I felt him pushing at my hole. It was like nothing else I'd ever experienced. This was the first time I'd been rimmed, and to be rimmed by a guy like Sean, was all I needed to send me into total ecstasy.

It was an amazing feeling. Not as hard as a dick, but far wetter, far hornier. He pushed deep inside me and I felt my ass give way. His tongue stretched my hole open wide. Wider than I think it'd gone before. He just kept pushing at the sides. I could hear his breathing become deeper and heavier as he applied more and more pressure against my back passage. The sight of him with his head buried inside my ass flashed through my mind, whilst my eyes glazed over with the erotic feelings coming from my ass and now coursing throughout my entire body. Fuck, if this was just his tongue, just imagine what it was going to be like when his cock finally pulled me wide apart.

I could feel the small traces of stubble on Sean's chin as he plunged his whole mouth around my hole. His tongue probed deep inside, rubbing, poking, slicking up the walls of my warm chute. My whole ass was aching to be filled by this unbelievably gorgeous guy. Finally he pulled his tongue out of me and I knew that it was nearly time for it to be replaced with something even more enjoyable. I watched in-between my legs as he lifted his body up.

Christ, his dick looked so hard. It was still leaking precum and his foreskin was stretched all the way back, I was sure that must have been hurting him a little. If it was, he didn't show it. I think his hormones must have taken over. I saw his balls, pulled tight up against him. I wanted to reach out and grab them, play with them, rub them a little bit more. But I knew that inside his sac, those balls were aching for a release. To dump his load right up inside me. I felt a hand on my back, as I saw the other grip his erect dick as he moved closer to me, guiding himself towards me. I could begin to feel Sean's body heat across my skin as he rubbed the very tip of his penis around my very wet hole. Short circling movements. So gentle. Teasing me almost too much.

Sean let out a load groan as he pushed himself forward, he could certainly feel his dick starting to slip inside me. I know that I could. He kept groaning, getting louder as inch by inch his horny dick was fed into my hole. I could imagine him watching it disappear. I had a pretty good view of it going up inside my chute as his balls got nearer and nearer to my skin. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him deep inside me now. I wrapped my arms behind me and grabbed hold of Sean's ass and rammed him towards me. The rest of his dick ploughed almost straight through me, deep inside my ass. Sean held himself there. His trimmed bush pressing against my skin, his balls silently slapping the inside of my ass crack, with his stiff prick buried further inside me than I ever imagined possible.

Next, Sean started to build up a rhythm. All the time he kept himself leaning across my back, as he gently licked around my ear. He started off so slowly. Teasing me again and he knew it. Pulling himself out of me all the way before forcing himself back in side. His rhythm got faster and faster, and with it the bed started hitting the wall. I could hear him moaning and groaning as the bed hit the hard wall, thumping it as Sean rammed his big fat cock once again deep inside me. His hand reached around and grabbed hold of my dick, leaking precum all over the bed beneath the two of us. He started jacking me off, in time with his thrusting, the thumping of the bed again the wall. His moaning became louder and louder, we couldn't give a fuck who was listening. More and more he ploughed, pushing in and pulling out, stretching my ass wide open. I could feel a mixture of sweat and Sean's precum leaking out of my whole which each thrust and dripping down my legs. His chest slid backwards and forwards over my back as his continued to pump me. His balls slapped my against my crack. No longer silent. Just another noise to add in with the moaning, the thumping, the thrusting, the pure sex.

Sean pulled down on my dick again, thrust himself forward. The bed smashed against the wall. His balls rammed onto my hot skin. He shouted out. Holding his dick in my ass. Pumping load after load after load of hot sticky Sean semen deep inside me. My second load released from my cock sprayed underneath me, coating my stomach and chest in a fine layer of my own juice.

Eventually, I collapsed onto the bed with Sean still on top of me. His dick still deep inside my ass. My head still spun with the feelings we'd just shared. The room was eerily silent. The air smelt of nothing but sex. The sex that me and Sean just made.

Well now, I don't know about you lot, but I enjoyed that! Certainly plenty more where that came from if you e-mail me ( just in case you need reminding! Either that or ICQ. My number is 45862060.

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