
By Simon Wright

Published on Sep 9, 2018


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This is my first story for Nifty. Please let me know if you like it. If you enjoy this, please let me know as there are other events I can add.


As we drove into the town centre Jack was determined to keep me sexually excited. The first thing he did was remove the raincoat he had put on to protect his modesty. (No-one seemed to be overly concerned about preserving my modesty, but I was quickly learning that I was finding that more and more stimulating in many ways.) I was excited to be sitting next to him. I could stare unashamedly at his physique outlined in his tight-fitting leather outfit. His muscular thighs were smoothly outlined and his open waistcoat revealed glimpses of the definition of his pecs. And, of course, there was that tempting bulge between his legs.

Sadly, when I attempted to place my fingers on his groin, he brushed them away. However, he had no such inhibitions when it came to making contact with my body. He was intent on raising my level of excitement. He would caress my chest, brushing his fingers erotically across my erect nipples. Sometimes he would fondle my inner thighs. Or gently squeeze the burgeoning bulge in my revealing shorts. The effect of his touches on my skin and private areas was electric. I tingled where he touched me and naturally cock tried to swell, but the unyielding leather could not expand to allow it more space. The restriction for my dick only served to increase my arousal. Jack was definitely aware of this and he only paid more attention to my exposed body.

By now we were passing through the city centre which was thronged with people out enjoying their Saturday night. There was also a lot more road traffic than on other evenings and this resulted in periods when we were moving very slowly or were even stationary. My near nakedness was the subject of interest for many pedestrians. People of both sexes peered into the car, making obscene comments about my state of exposure. To say I was embarrassed and humiliated would be to understate my feelings. I wanted the earth to open and swallow me up. Jack must have been aware of this, so he evilly decided to up the ante.

`Hold your hands behind your head and keep them there until I say otherwise.'

Reluctantly I did so. Then Jack reached across and ripped open the velcro holding the sides of my shorts together. He pulled the front down. My cock sprang to throbbing attention. Deftly he stroked me a couple of times, bringing me right to the edge. Precum was flowing freely as I realised that I was once again fully exposed in a state of raging sexual excitement, but this time I was in a slow-moving car on a crowded city centre street. I was speechless.

The car continued its painfully slow progress through the city. Its progress was impeded by the many pedestrians who got in the way while they gawped in at the shameless wanton who was flaunting his shameful nakedness to the world.

As we left the centre, the traffic thinned somewhat and we speeded up slightly. I saw we were approaching the gay village and I felt a certain amount of relief. At least here the people would probably be a little more understanding, although probably rather more keen to stare and comment openly.

We parked on a quiet side street. Jack again closed up the seams of my shorts and told me I could take my hands from behind my head. The sudden confinement of my cock and balls was in itself a further stimulation, after they had been unrestricted for the latter part of the journey.

`Right. Here we are. It's only a short walk from here,' said Mike/Mitch.

M and M set off down the street side by side. Jack and I followed at a distance. Clearly I was no longer permitted the slight protection of being surrounded by the other three. Suddenly Jack stopped me and clipped my wrist cuffs to the collar so that I continued my walk with my body exposed, protected only by brief leather shorts which, as I knew from painful experience, could very easily be removed by anyone who wished.

We walked for about five minutes. There were few guys around at this time, but those that there were were happy to look and touch my vulnerable body. Total strangers were stopping me in the street to grope my groin. Jack did nothing to stop them, merely smiling when I attracted someone's attention. His only rare intervention would happen when he thought I was too close to cumming. Mike and Mitch were well ahead of us now, but they turned grinning to watch my embarrassment whenever a stranger accosted me.

Jack and I eventually joined up with M and M at an anonymous door in an old warehouse right on the edge of the gay village. There was no sign to indicate what lay inside: there was merely a single feeble bulb over the door which seemed only to emphasise the general atmosphere of industrial decline. We went into a small reception area where Jack paid the admission fee for us all and the guy on reception grinned knowingly at me in a predatory way and buzzed us through the internal door.

Within there was a well-lit bar with seating for maybe fifty. At that time the place wasn't full – maybe there were fifteen or twenty guys, some standing at the bar, others seated at tables. What caught my eye was the décor. On the walls were pictures of naked men mostly leather clad or naked indulging in various types of sex. Several of the pictures were in the Tom of Finland style. There were doors leading I knew not where. Several of the customers greeted our group.

Jack released my wrists from the collar when we reached the bar, he ordered drinks for us all – beers for himself and M and M, but for me a triple vodka and three cans of Red Bull. `You need alcohol to relax you and you will need the caffeine in the Red Bull to give you the energy you'll need to last the night. This place doesn't close until 4am.' 4am?!?! It was not yet nine o'clock! What awaited me I couldn't imagine.

Without warning Jack ripped the seams of my shorts revealing my nakedness to all the people there. Despite the fact that I had been naked on several occasions already that day, I reddened, but my arousal became far more intense.

While Jack and the twins savoured their beers standing at the bar, he hassled me to down my four drinks very fast. First the alcohol hit me and I felt relaxed and almost at ease with my public exposure. My inhibitions fell away and I looked around at the other customers. They were a varied bunch. All ages and all body types were there. As the caffeine took effect, I felt alive, almost as if I had taken poppers. Yes, I felt ready to play with anyone and everyone.

When my glasses were empty, Jack smiled that killer smile which turned my knees to jelly. Then he attached my wrists to each other behind my back. Holding me by the collar, he dragged me over to the wall at the end of the bar where he clipped my collar to a large steel bracket which had obviously been put there expressly for such a purpose. Squatting down, he attached my ankles to two other brackets. Now I was unable to move, unable to prevent anyone from doing whatever they wanted to the front of my naked and vulnerable body.

OK, guys,' Jack announced. Here are the rules. No pain...yet. No marks. And remember the club rules – no cum on the carpets' With that Jack gave my cock a couple of slow strokes and added, `I warn you all – he's very, very close.' Then he and the twins disappeared through one of the doors leaving me as an object to be subjected to pleasure and torment at the hands of strangers. My nipples stood out on my hairless chest. My newly shaven groin displayed my throbbing genitals. As I looked down I actually saw my balls rising and falling with excitement.

A guy approached me and, without saying a word, tweaked my nipples. I winced and I was sure that more precum oozed from my piss slit. `You liked that, didn't you?' and I nodded. He started playing with my nipples some more, tweaking, pinching, twisting them. I writhed at these sensations, vainly attempting to move my vulnerable torso away, but that was impossible without strangling myself in the collar which was firmly fixed to the wall. I tried to wrench my ankles free, again without success.

My tormentor was joined by another who began kissing my lips. His tongue probed my mouth, exploring inside. Against my will I found myself returning the kiss. Our tongues fenced. Suddenly he pulled back, leaving me panting with lust and desire. Now he turned to my right armpit which he licked and sucked. This was a new sensation for me and I was filled with a strange mixture of pleasure from the sensations in my pit and the discomfort I was experiencing in my nipples. My moans were attracting other guys across from where they had been standing or sitting. Then my pleasure was knocked up several notches – a third guy had engulfed my rampant cock in his mouth and was deep throating me. The moaning changed to groans of pleasure and sexual tension. I was sooo close to climax. I cried out, `I'm going to cum!'

The three guys all ceased their attentions at once, leaving me quivering, high with being denied the climax my body longed for, but rapidly coming down from that peak of excitement. I howled like a wild beast at the frustration of having got so close to climax without fulfilment. My knees were weak, my head lolled, drool dripped from lips. And my cock was throbbing trying to achieve the orgasm it had been denied.

As it became clear that I was becoming calmer, the three guys (maybe another three? I was not in a fit state to notice) returned to their work. My nipples were ruthlessly abused. My armpits were licked and nibbled. My arse was explored right up to, and then inside, my hole. The guy working my cock was an expert. He stroked slowly then fast, sometimes sucking the head and tickling the underside with his tongue. Occasionally he deep throated me. Again my panting became a moan and my moaning quickly became groans and growls.

Several times I cried out the warning that I was about to cum and, sadly, each time they stopped. I don't know how long I was edged. It seemed that the rest periods between the sessions of stimulation became shorter and shorter. It got to the stage where I could only take a minute or two of play before there was an imminent danger of the carpets getting covered with my spunk.

Finally Jack came back. I don't know whether I was glad to see him as he would bring this torment to an end, or frustrated that he would prevent the orgasm that seemed so close and which I so keenly desired and needed. He released my ankles, then my neck and turned me round to unfasten my wrists. He whispered, `I heard you enjoying yourself and I am very proud that you have lasted so long under what I know was a torment as well as deep pleasure. Now you need something more to drink.'

He led me over to the bar where he plied me with a couple of pint glasses of water and more Red Bull. I noticed that during my torment the number of customers had increased. Some were fully dressed, with a preference for leather. Other were wearing minimal clothing or nothing at all. Many wore cuffs and collars similar to mine or leather harnesses. A really hot vision for me!

`I'll need to take a leak fairly soon,' I said.

Jack replied, `Yes,' and smiled. He then clipped my wrists together, this time in front, and led me through the door he and the twins had gone through earlier.

While you have been having fun in the bar,' he explained, we have been working away making sure that everything is ready for your next bit of fun.'

The room we went into was very strange. It was very small and poorly lit, but I could just make out that the bare concrete floor sloped down to the far wall, where there was an indentation about eight feet long, three feet wide and a foot deep. At one end there was what looked like a drain hole with a plug in it. At the other I could see a bracket much like the ones I was familiar with following my experience in the bar. There were others at intervals set into the floor along the edges of this indentation.

`You said you needed to pee. Well now is your chance. Lie down in this trough while I lock your wrists to that end and then I'll lock your ankles to one of the pairs down the side.'

Now I realised what Jack had in mind. It appeared that the other customers did too, because many of them had entered behind us and were looking on with interest, not to mention bulging trousers for those who were clothed and erections for those who were not. I was quickly and efficiently locked in place. The shackles were so short that I could scarcely move at all. I was fast losing any sense of shame. I was flaunting a raging erection. I knew that I would very soon have to piss myself and I suspected that some or all of the onlookers would add their contributions to my offering. Quite possibly spunk, hopefully mine, possibly theirs, would be added to the cocktail.

I needed to pee so much, but my hard-on was making it very difficult. With a great effort of will, I relaxed enough to allow a small dribble of piss to ease its way onto my belly. Once the flow had started its power increased until I was drenching my chest and splashes were reaching my face. Once I had started, one then others joined in. Mostly it was aimed at my groin, but my chest, face and hair were soon soaked too. I was surprised by the power of some of these guys' piss. One guy whose flow seemed particularly strong pounded my balls with it and the massage I received from him compounded with my horniness from my previous treatment in the bar brought me to an amazing climax. I screamed out with the intensity as my sperm hit my chest and chin. This seemed to be a signal to several of my audience who in their turn wanked their cocks and came on my face and chest.

The depth of piss (and spunk) in the trough was increasing with all the contributions from the customers. I had got the impression that many of them had been holding on until someone took up residence in the trough. Now, despite the large capacity of the trough, my back, shoulders and arse were submerged. It was now lapping at my hole and the feeling was amazing. I was a piss slut, being drenched in others' urine and spunk. I was totally exposed and my hard on was returning betraying how much I was enjoying my vulnerable position.

To add to my degradation and pleasure, Mike and Mitch came over. They stood on each side of the trough with their feet next to my head. They leaned across me towards each other. Kissing deeply, passionately, they released their bladders, aiming directly at my face. I did something I'd rarely done willingly before – I opened my mouth to catch some of their shower. Mmmm, rather strong with definite undertones of the beer they had been drinking. Once they had offloaded, they continued their kiss and each grasped the other's dick. Within a short period of time, they were both hard and they erupted in a synchronised ejaculation which joined their piss on my face and in my hair.

They were still milking the last drops of spunk from their cocks when I looked towards my feet and there I saw Jack. I smiled to see him and he responded with a broad grin of his own. He had removed his jockstrap and I looked longingly at his erect cock. He obviously understood what I wanted because he slowly and so sexily removed his boots and chaps. He approached and knelt down in the trough so that his genitals were opposite my mouth. I opened wide, extending my tongue towards his gorgeous cock. He slowly thrust his hips forward until he rested in my mouth.

It felt so right. I was half submerged in piss. I had spunk and piss on my body and face and I was sure that my hair was stiff with drying spunk. I had Jack's cock in my mouth. I caressed his shaft with my tongue. He moved in further. I closed my lips round it, loving the taste of him. Slowly I moved my head back and forth along his dick, sucking and tickling while savouring the taste of him.

I longed to reach out to him, to pull him closer so that I could fondle his thighs, reach up and massage his gorgeous torso. But my hands were still clipped to the bracket behind my head. My ankles were immobilised. I was unable to control any part of this beautiful moment. I looked imploringly into his eyes, silently begging him to thrust away mercilessly into my willing mouth and throat. He appeared to understand because he thrust his hips forward forcing his cock down my throat. With difficulty I overcame the gag reflex and lay back in the piss and urine to enjoy his invasion of my mouth.

He was gentle, slow, loving even – but definitely forceful. He owned me, body and soul. As time went by his movements became more urgent and insistent. I could tell he was approaching climax, spurred on by the fact that he realised my complete abandon to his wishes and desires.

The he erupted with a forceful explosion of cum. Firstly I felt a couple of spurts hit the inside of my throat. Then he withdrew slightly to fill my mouth with his third, fourth and fifth shots. Finally, he withdrew completely, milking the last few drops of sperm onto my face and into my hair. He collapsed forward, exhausted with his exertions. My cum-covered face was now forced against his abdomen. I automatically licked, sucked, nibbled and kissed it, the only part of him that I could reach.

After a short while he lifted himself up, looked down at me with a gentle smile on his face and said, `You look a right mess and I'm not much better. Let's get cleaned up.'

He reached over to his discarded chaps and found the keys to release me. He helped me up from the trough and led me through another door into a fully equipped shower room. I was still shaky from the intensity of my recent experiences, so Jack lathered me and gently massaged my body which was aching somewhat from being restrained for so long in the piss trough. Then, while I stood under the stream of hot, steaming water, Jack washed himself.

We towelled each other dry and when we were finished, we wrapped the towels around us. Going back into the piss trough room, Jack collected his discarded clothing and we returned to the bar. I got the impression that the other customers were disappointed that I was no longer naked. I guess they thought that their voyeuristic fun was over for the night. Although I did not know it at the time, they were wrong.


Next: Chapter 10

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