
By Simon Wright

Published on Sep 5, 2018


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This is my first story for Nifty. Please let me know if you like it. If you enjoy this, please let me know as there are other events I can add.


On the way home Jack and I didn't speak much. He seemed to be giving me space to digest all the experiences I had undergone since I had fist met him. In fact, the only times he spoke were when he reminded me that he wanted my cock erect, me on the edge and the precum flowing freely, creating a pool at the base of my dick. With my wrists securely attached to the leather collar I was wearing I was helpless, but he would reach over and stroke my member, keeping it erect and me moaning with the need to cum. He did not allow this.

However, I appreciated the lengthy silences. I had a lot to think about. It was only a few days since Jack had encountered me virtually naked in my back garden and covered in my own urine. Since then he had pissed on me himself and pimped me out to a colleague that I had never met before. That guy had abused me. Then Jack and I had spent a beautiful, erotic evening together. And then there were all the events of today. He had dressed me in humiliatingly scanty clothing. He had paraded me through my home town. He had taken me to a bar where I had been made to strip for the pleasure of strangers. I had been used as a urinal and, shamefully, I had been so turned on by the experience that I had cum in front of a group of strangers. I had been paraded through the crowded streets of a seaside town wearing nothing more than a hand towel to cover my obscene excitement. I had pissed on a public beach, been used as a urinal again and been brought to a shuddering climax not far from the shore. Finally I had been pissed and cum over again and deprived even of the immodest clothing Jack had allowed me when we left my house this morning.

And now, here I was, sitting in his car, naked and with my wrists attached to my collar. My erection was visible to people on bikes, in buses or to lorry drivers. Jack had promised (threatened?) that he had more entertainment planned for me this evening, over night and tomorrow. To be honest, the more these thoughts ran through my mind, I became more and more excited, so that it wasn't often necessary for Jack to stroke my dick.

When we eventually reached my street, to my horror Jack drove past my house and parked round the corner. He was obviously intending to enjoy my embarrassment if we should meet on of my neighbours on the way. He released the clips from my collar and I quickly pulled the towel over my groin and clasped the ends tightly at my right hip. It was difficult to get out of the car without revealing everything to passers by, but I managed it, much to my relief.

After the walk to my front door, Jack took his time fumbling in his backpack, but eventually the door was open and I rushed in as fast as I could manage, dropping to the floor the towel that had been the only covering for my modesty. Safe in my own home I was relieved that the tension I had been under all day was over. Now, I felt, I could relax. Trying to be a good host, I asked what Jack would like to eat this evening and whether he would like us to chill on the sofa and watch a film.

Don't worry about cooking,' he said. I've ordered a pizza delivery. I hope you like pizza.'

Yes, of course I like pizza!

While we're waiting, we ought to shower and I need to fetch something from the car,' he said. As we'll be showering soon, you don't need to get dressed.' And that reminded me that I was naked before a fully clothed Jack. All I had on was a leather collar and a pair of leather cuffs on my wrists. The sudden realisation of my situation sent the blood coursing into my cock yet again. I was surprised and proud at what seemed to be the extent of my sexual appetites.

Jack checked his watch. He seemed to be waiting for something, but what it was I couldn't guess.

After maybe twenty minutes he said that he was going to the car, but that I should leave the front door unlocked so that he could get back in. I wondered if I should shower at once, but I decided that I would much prefer to wait and share the shower with that beautiful man. I just sat on the sofa in the front room wearing just three leather straps.

I heard the front door open and ran into the hall to greet Jack with a kiss. But it wasn't Jack. It was the pizza delivery man. My hands shot down to cover my nakedness. He let a broad grin spread across his face. His eyes sparkled and he said, `No need to cover up on my account. I was expecting something like that. The guy who ordered said I would be delivering to the house of an exhibitionist slut and that I was to come in without knocking and see how much being found naked by a total stranger would turn you on. I can see you are enjoying the experience.'

He was right. I was erect again. He turned round to the open door when he heard laughing behind him. This time it was Jack carrying a holdall. `Oh dear, Simon. I've caught you flaunting your body to a stranger again,' he chuckled.

He reached in his pocket for his wallet and paid the delivery man, tipping very generously, I suspect. As an extra tip for this fine young man,' he said, you ought to dance for him like you did in the bar this morning.'

I hesitated.

`GO ON!' He was not going to accept any refusal on my part. As I began a hesitant, but salacious attempt at my dance from earlier on, Jack fumbled with his phone and soon the strains of David Rose's The Stripper sounded in my ears. Gradually I lost my inhibitions and I obscenely gyrated for the pizza guy. Judging by the bulge in his trousers, he was happy with my efforts. As the music came to an end, he turned with a smile and left a business card on the hall table, saying that if we ever needed a special delivery we should call this number and ask for Harry.

Jack closed and locked the front door and suggested that we should go into the kitchen and eat while the pizzas were still hot.

We sat in my kitchen, me naked and Jack fully clothed eating pizzas as if there was nothing out of the ordinary in the situation. We chatted about this and that. The only slightly embarrassing moment for me came when Jack asked me whether I had enjoyed my day so far. I felt ashamed to admit it, but it was true that I had never before spent so many hours sexually aroused. I had been used and abused. I had cum more often than I thought I was capable of and there was a fresh stirring in my groin as I thought about the day's events. Again my whole body began to tingle with excitement at what Jack had brought into my life.

As we were getting to the end of our meal, Jack said, `When we go out this evening, I have got something special for you to wear. And me too, of course. that's what I had to fetch from the car.'

`Oh what is it?'

`You'll see soon enough when we are both showered and shaved,' came the reply.

I quickly washed the plates and glasses and then both of us went up to the bathroom. While I removed my three leather straps, Jack treated me to the sight of him removing his clothes item by item. Again, I feasted my eyes on that beautiful body. I was fascinated – no, not fascinated, but in awe – of the smooth movement of his muscles beneath his flawless skin, those well-contoured thighs, that narrow waist, those broad shoulders and his tasty cock. I fell to my knees before it. I kissed it. I licked those sweet balls. I ran my tongue the length of his growing shaft, up and down it, savouring the taste left over from the salt in the sea. Finally I engulfed the head in my eager mouth and massaged it with my tongue and lips. I eagerly worked his delicious member, trying to make my feeling of lustful joy last – I was torn between giving him maximum pleasure for as long as possible and my greed to taste his seed.

He tensed. His cock swelled and finally he pumped several generous mouthfuls into my grateful mouth. The taste was both sweet and salty, and quite delicious. It is amazing what lust can do to a man!

Jack smiled down at me and said tenderly, `Simon, that was a lovely experience. It was like a rerun of our experience in bed yesterday.'

I must have glowed with pride. I had made Jack happy. He obviously remembered our tender, sensuous session from the previous evening. Even now I am trying to avoid the term `love-making.'

With no notice, his tone of voice changed. `But now we have to get ready for this evening's fun. Let's get showered.' So there was no chance for the quiet evening I had imagined, just the two of us watching a DVD.

It was bliss to share the shower with Jack. We rubbed the shower gel into each other's bodies, naturally paying special attention to nipples and those treacherous erect cocks.

Suddenly Jack got out of the shower and brought over my razor.

`Hold still,' he said as he proceeded to shave me completely below my eyebrows. I was quite relaxed as he worked on my face and neck, but became a little nervous when he removed the hair on my chest, arms, armpits and back. When he cut in to my pubes, I was terrified. I tried protesting that I didn't want to be totally shaven, but he took no notice. I held very still while the steel blade scythed through the hair round my cock. The erection of my dick seemed to make it easy for the blade to work in that area.

In a surprisingly short time my naked dick was standing proud and now without its former crown of hair, it looked much longer, but also rather childish. There was something strangely erotic about handing over control of how I looked to another guy. He was now in control even of how much hair there was on me.

While I was appreciating this new delight, Jack told me to bend over while he ran the steel blade over my arse cheeks and even between them to ensure that my hole was hairfree. Then he ran the blade over my thighs and calves, removing the light dusting of hair that I had had there.

He told me to shower off any hairs that were sticking to my skin while he stood at the sink and shaved – only his face. When he finished, he looked me over to inspect his handiwork and ran his hands lightly over my tender skin. The sensation of his gentle touch increased the sensitivity of my whole body. My skin tingled all over. The slight breeze from the open window made goose pimples form all over me and I loved how it felt. The touch of Jack's gently probing fingers brought my cock to full excitement again.

`I think I'm going to cum,' I murmured.

`Not until I massage some balm into you.'

Gently, he smoothed my tender and newly sensitive skin all over with a sweet-scented balm. He worked from my face, down across my chest, paying special attention to my nipples, across my shoulders. Then, squatting down, he started upwards from my ankles, up my calves and when he reached my thighs I was throbbing with erotic excitement. This increased when he massaged my arse cheeks and once or twice a probing finger entered my hole bringing moans from my drooling lips. Then, at last, he moved on to my groin. It was only a matter of seconds before his strokes along my shaft brought on yet another shuddering orgasm. He managed to scoop up some of my spunk from my cock and used that to continue massaging my cock.

Once past orgasm, my cock becomes super sensitive. I asked, begged, pleaded with him to stop, but he merely grinned and said. `If I keep on it will become pleasure again.' And he was right. Within a few minutes, I was writhing with pleasure and the sensations playing through my growing cock.

All too soon, he stopped. `We need to get dressed now. They'll be arriving soon.'

They? Who were they? This was the first I had heard of other people for this evening. Jack didn't bother to explain, merely saying that I would have fun this evening.

In my bedroom, Jack removed from his holdall some articles of clothing. For himself a leather waistcoat, leather chaps, a leather jockstrap and knee-high leather boots. He looked stunning dressed all in black leather, with the bottoms of the chaps tucked into the boots. The tight leather showed off his legs to perfection. I was drooling with lust yet again. Sadly he covered this sexy outfit with a raincoat, presumably so that his arse would not be on display in the street.

I was not so pleased with the outfit he had chosen for me. I had to wear the leather collar again, with the wrist cuffs. These were duly padlocked on and Jack pocketed the keys. He had me put on my well-worn black boots and then he locked a further set of cuffs to my ankles over the boots. I looked round for the rest of the outfit he had for me and was terrified to discover that it consisted only of a pair of leather shorts. I examined them closely and was not reassured when I discovered that the side seams were only held together with velcro. My erection quickly subsided.

`I can't go out in this,' I protested.

`You can and you will. Look at yourself in the mirror.'

I did and I had to admit that the effect was arousing. I know I have a decent body and it was shown to perfection in the revealing shorts with the boots and other leather accessories. My cock began to swell again, much as I wished it wouldn't, because as it rose, it formed a large and obscene bulge in the front of my shorts.

It looks great,' I agreed, but I can't be seen outside like this.' However, Jack wouldn't listen. And them the doorbell rang.

`Go and see who it is.'

Reluctantly I went to the door, hoping – praying - that it wasn't my mother. As I opened the door, to my relief, I recognised Mike and Mitch, both dressed identically in tight faded denims and white t-shirts.

Good, you're ready,' one said. This is going to be a great evening.'

The three of them managed a rough circle round me as we walked to their car. I sat in the back with Jack while one of M and M drove and the other took the front passenger seat.

`Where are we going?' I asked.

`You'll see when we get there,' was the only reply I got. We drove in silence, apart from when Jack told me to take my hands off my lap so that he could fondle and massage my swollen cock.

Where were we going? What was in store for me? Whatever it was I was sure it would entail embarrassment and humiliation. But also some great experiences.


Next: Chapter 9

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