
By Simon Wright

Published on Sep 3, 2018


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This is my first story for Nifty. Please let me know if you like it. If you enjoy this, please let me know as there are other events I can add.


As we walked along the promenade, I saw some public toilets and I realised that I really needed to piss.

`I'm just going in for a pee,' I said.

Fine,' Jack replied. I'll hold your towel.'

`I can't go in there totally naked.'

`In that case you'll have to hold it for a little longer.'

We had scarcely reached the nude bathing area of the beach when Jack grabbed my towel from round my waist anyway. He had stripped me of my last vestige of dignity and there I stood in full view of the families on the `normal' part of the beach, naked, sporting a raging erection. I was mortified with shame, but Jack smiled his killer smile, full of masculinity and power. Against my will, and certainly against my better judgement, I just stood there on display.

`Come along,' he said, as he set off at a brisk walk across the sand, further along into the nude bathing area. I tried to cover my genitals, but I was having to walk too fast to keep up with him and so my erection repeatedly showed at one side or the other of my clasped hands.

I was relieved I was not now the only naked man in the vicinity. There were many naked people lying sunning themselves in this area. About half of them were women and, of course, this made my embarrassment and shame rise up again.

Jack didn't make his way to the rear of the beach away from prying eyes, but he stopped in the middle of the area, where we were surrounded by many people and everything that we did would be visible. He sat down and, reaching into his back pack, he pulled out a large beach towel which he spread out on the sand. I stood watching, unsure what to do. Quickly and gracefully, Jack removed his shoes, shorts, and top until he was standing there in all his beauty and magnificence in only his briefs. The outline of his cock was clearly visible and I could see that he wasn't fully erect, but he was definitely getting there. Slowly, teasingly he rolled them down his thighs.

`My striptease isn't as good as yours. It is certainly shorter. But I hope you are enjoying it,' he smiled.

Again, I found myself staring at him – his smooth tanned skin, his broad shoulders and slim waist, his magnificent muscular thighs and, needless to say, his gorgeous cock. I ached to take it in my mouth. I thought my erection had been full before. Now it was positively throbbing.

Well, don't just stand there staring,' he said. Lie down.'

I moved towards the towel which he had spread out.

`No. That's my towel.' It was more of a growl than normal speech. And he refused to return my small apology for a towel. So I stretched out on my front in the sand. As I lay there, my need to relieve the growing pressure on my bladder increased.

`I need the toilet,' I said.

`You know where they are.'

`Please may I have my towel?'

`No. This is an area for being naked.'

`But the public toilets are way over there.'

`Not my problem. If you need to piss, just lie on your back and relax.'

I had already been pissed on by a group of strangers, but this would be me, urinating on my bare body in full view of the public. I just couldn't bring myself to do that.

I started begging, but it was to no avail. Jack was adamant. I suggested that I could go into the sea and relieve myself there, but he rebuked me, saying that that would be just too disgusting, polluting the sea.

Finally, I could hold back no more. Through my obscene erection the golden liquid started to seep, slowly at first, but the stream became stronger. First my abs were wettened. Then the stream reached my chest. Jack lay back lifting himself up on his elbows watching me pissing on a public beach. Again my face turned red. The sand beneath me got soaked and still the flow continued.

A couple of guys nearby had noticed what was happening and now stood up to get a better view. They came nearer commenting to Jack, `It really is shameful that he couldn't hold it until he got to the toilets. He's making such an exhibition of himself right here in the open.'

Then one of them grabbed hold of his flaccid cock, aimed it me and released his own stream to join mine on my chest and genitals. `It's a shame to walk over to the toilets when there's a perfectly good urinal here.' His companion just laughed. I was grateful that he didn't join in.

When the stranger had finished, he and his friend walked back to their towels and continued their conversation.

Jack told me to turn over onto my front. The effect of this was to reveal my back and arse covered with sand which had been stuck there by my new coating of piss. Of course, when it came to turning over onto my back again, my front too would be equally coated. Anyone seeing me would immediately guess what I had done.

While I was wondering how to avoid that humiliation, Jack announced that we ought to go for a swim. Reluctant to display my sand-covered, piss-coated body, I hesitated. I was marginally grateful that my recent public shaming had reduced my erection somewhat, but it was obvious to anyone looking closely that I was still sexually excited. I took comfort from the fact that Jack's cock was still standing proudly to attention.

Side by side, we ran down to the water's edge. I was grateful to Jack that he hadn't insisted on strolling. As soon as we were in deep enough, we dived under the water.. within seconds there was no trace of the sand which had previously coated my body, threatening to reveal that I had been covered by piss, both mine and another guy's.

This was a wonderful experience. We swam. We dived. We splashed one another. We tried pushing each other under the water. It was the sort of horse-play that guys indulge in while playing in the sea. I felt carefree. This feeling of carefree bliss continued even after Jack became more overtly sexual in his advances. Each time he swam under me, he would allow some part of his body, hands, feet, thighs, back – every part of him – to brush against my cock. In spite of the coolness of the water, I was getting more and more aroused. But it didn't matter: most of the time I was fully immersed in the water which served to conceal my excitement. And, anyway, Jack was also erect.

As we continued our boyish play, we became more overt in our sexual moves. We each grabbed the other's private areas or tweaked the other's nipples. While we were treading water with only our heads above the surface, Jack approached me from behind and I felt his manhood force its way between my arse cheeks and he pinched my nipples mercilessly. I shouted and squealed. I am not sure now whether I was protesting or hoping to spur him on further. Again, this was not a problem as the nature of our frolicking was disguised by the sea. Anyway, there were other groups of people shouting, playing and splashing about all around us.

In one of our quieter moments, as we were floating on the surface (I did not feel overly embarrassed that my cock was standing up like a mast, because Jack's was too), I heard a shout from nearby.

`Hey, Jack. That's a very nice sight.'

Smiling at us were a couple of guys standing waist deep in the water a few yards away between us and the shore. I did a double take. Both were blond, blue-eyed and seemed to have well-defined torsos. I thought I might have been seeing double, they were so much alike. And they were the very epitome of male beauty, broad chests tapering to narrow waists, well-defined pecs, six packs, rounded biceps which flowed smoothly as they waved to us. The gentle wavelets flowed up and down almost revealing their cocks.

Hi Mike and Mitch,' replied Jack. Come and join us.' Turning to me, he explained that these were friends of his and, yes, they were identical twins. Jack went on to explain that, although he had known them for years, he still could not tell them apart.

With long, powerful strokes, Mike and Mitch swam over to us.

`Who's this?' one asked, indicating me and giving me a warm smile.

This is my new toy,' he replied. He's called Simon.'

`Hello, Simon,' they chorused and one of them came right up close to me and kissed me full on the lips. While his tongue was exploring my mouth and his fingers found and rubbed my cock, I could see that the other appeared to be treating Jack to the same pleasure. When they broke off from their embraces, they swapped places and Jack and I were treated to a second helping of investigative kissing and groping.

When they finally stopped, they turned to Jack and Mike (or maybe Mitch, who knows?) said, `We've come straight from the bar. They told us about Simon's strip and how he came hands free in the urinal. We were so disappointed to miss that show, but we thought we could make up for it, if it's OK with you.'

`Of course. Be my guests. You are always welcome to play with my toys.'

Oh dear, I thought. What had they got in mind for me? They hadn't even consulted me to see what I thought.

`Swim out further with us,' one of them said.

So all four of us swam out further from the beach. I was relieved at this because we were now well away from any potential viewers.

They told me to float on my back which I did, even though my erect cock stood proud of the water's surface. Jack positioned himself on his back underneath my shoulders, so that I was lifted clear of the sea, while Mike and Mitch swam each side of my hips, using one hand each to raise my hips still higher and they they used their spare hands to grasp my manhood. I was subjected to stroking such as I had never experienced before - slow, gentle, sensuous, lingering, then suddenly rough and harsh. While my dick was being pleasured in the open sea, Jack teased and pinched my sensitive nipples. He varied his nipple play with Mike and Mitch's rhythm: when they slowed down, he would pinch and twist them; when they speeded up he became gentle.

I was in a high state of arousal. Although we were far from other people, I knew that what was happening could probably be guessed at from a distance. This situation appealed to my exhibitionist streak and, to be honest, my sexual drive was in total control. The physical stimulation I was receiving was too much. I came and I came and I came. Although it was only a short time since my performance in the bar and toilets, I thought I would never stop.

Mike and Mitch took turns to lick and suck my wilting and sensitive dick while Jack kissed me lovingly.

`You're a good exhibitionist slut toy,' he said and I filled with pride.

The four of us swam around in the sea for a while, gradually getting nearer to the beach. When we reached the point where the water was only waist deep and there were plenty of swimmers around, I realised that I needed my post-orgasm piss.

Turning to Jack, I said, `I need the toilet – it's beyond the nude bathing area.'

`Off you go,' he smiled.

`But I need something to wear.'

No,' came the reply. But you have some options. You can go to the toilet naked, or you can let us lift you into the air right here and you can piss here, or you can go back to where my towel is. There you can lie down and piss. Your choice.'

It didn't seem much of a choice to me, but I led the way back to where Jack had spread out his towel.

As a sop to your modesty,' Jack went on, you can lie on your front.' So I did just that. The relief was amazing as I relaxed my bladder. I felt the sand under my body get wet as the piss flowed.

`Have you finished, toy?'

I nodded.

`OK, turn over.'

I did and saw that the other three were kneeling around me with their cocks pointing down at my naked body. First Jack began spraying me with his pent up urine. Almost immediately Mike and Mitch followed suit. I was again covered from head to toe with other guys' urine. The fact that this was happening on a public beach was a turn on for me and, as their flows eventually lessened and finally stopped, I saw that they too were getting erect. Then they were all wanking furiously so that three generous loads of spunk were added to the piss on my chest and genitals.

`Rub it in, toy.' Again I complied.

I think we ought to be going home now,' said Jack. So you had better get back into the sea to wash off. I don't want my car seats messed up with piss and spunk from your body.'

Again, I ran down to the sea, my cock swelling as I went. I quickly washed the drying piss and spunk off. When I returned, Jack had disappeared, but Mike and Mitch were still there waiting for me. They watched me trying to dry off using just the minute towel that Jack had allowed me. They passed comments on how humiliating it must be for me to be pissed on and degraded in public. This new variation on humiliating exhibitionism turned me on, so that I was soon sporting an erection again.

When Jack returned, fully dressed again, the others quickly dressed and said that they too needed to get back home. I was sad to say farewell to those beautiful men who had so enthusiastically increased my humiliation.

While I was away,' said Jack, I remembered that you didn't like wearing the shorts and t-shirt I got for you, so I binned them. Of course, I also remember that your didn't like walking in public wearing just a towel with your flip-flops, so I've got another couple of items for you to wear.'

He smiled that smile again and my heart missed a beat. He was stunningly attractive. I wanted him. I wanted to please him. But, at the same time, I felt apprehensive about what further indignity he would inflict on me.

I was right to be apprehensive – from his backpack he produced a pair of leather wrist cuffs and a leather collar.

Put these on,' he said. That mean that the small towel covering my modesty fell to the ground. When I was dressed', but still with the towel on the floor, Jack produced from his pocket three small padlocks which he used to lock the cuffs and collar. Several people nearby were watching this display with interest.

Jack reached down and passed me the towel. Off we went towards his car. This was far worse than when I had walked to the beach grasping the towel round my waist. Now, with the collar and cuffs in full sight of everyone, I was easily identified as a sex slave and, of course, my treacherous cock was showing to all and sundry that I was enjoying the fact that my innermost secret fantasies were obvious to everyone.

We reached the car. Thankfully it was only a short walk, but Jack seemed to take an age sorting things out in the boot, thus ensuring that I was on display to as many passers by as possible. Finally, when he was satisfied with the state of the boot and with the level of my embarrassment, he unlocked the car.

Once I was sitting down, with my erection lifting the towel like a tent, Jack produced a pair of clips and fastened the cuffs to the collar. He fastened my seat belt and we set off towards home. As we were reaching the outskirts of the town, Jack reached over and removed the towel from my lap. Now I was fully on display to anyone who looked in through the car windows and my cock was clearly enjoying the exposure. The precum was flowing freely again.

Jack turned to me and smiled. Have you enjoyed your day at the seaside?' he asked. Without waiting for me to reply, he went on, And I have some amusing ideas for how we will spend tonight and tomorrow.'

My cock twitched and more liquid flowed from it. Yes, I had enjoyed my day at the seaside and I was looking forward to the rest of the weekend with only very slight misgivings.


Next: Chapter 8

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