
By Simon Wright

Published on Aug 24, 2018


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This is my first story for Nifty. Please let me know if you like it. If you enjoy this, please let me know as there are other events I can add.


Saturday morning came. I was awake early after a night filled with dreams of what Jack and I had done yesterday. I refrained with difficulty from wanking – I had no wish to be anything other than 100% horny when he arrived.

There was a long time before his promised arrival time of ten o'clock, so after a quick breakfast I rushed to complete the housework I had started yesterday. This time I was dressed – just an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt. While I was working my mind kept reliving my two meetings with Jack. On the first occasion he had used and abused me solely for his own gratification. The second time he and I had experienced some of the best sex ever.

I wondered what sort of food Jack liked. There was so much I didn't know about him. Finally I decided not to go to the supermarket and that the local convenience store would probably stock all the things we were likely to want.

It was a few minutes short of ten when I finished. I had a quick shower, leaving the front unlocked in case Jack arrived before I was finished. I carefully lathered my whole body. I wanted to be clean for him. As I rubbed round my cock and balls, my erection immediately sprang up and I stroked it slowly, lingeringly, imagining it was Jack's hand that was stimulating me. I massaged the head and quickly I was teetering on the edge of orgasm. It was only by exerting all my willpower that I reluctantly stopped. Jack was due here now and I wanted to be ready for him. It would be terrible if I was already coming down from climax when he arrived.

Jack arriving. Maybe he would arrive now and find me naked in the shower, naked and vulnerable, ready for him to take me, to do with me as he wished... These thoughts washed over me, bringing me again to the edge.

I finished showering and dried myself off. I opened the bathroom door so I could hear as soon as he arrived. I dressed in carefully chosen blue-grey compression shorts – no underwear – and a tight-fitting dark blue t-shirt. My desire was to be totally decent, but to make it clear to Jack that my body was on display for him, available for him.

By 10.15 he had still not arrived so I sat in the front room, thinking about how this man had overwhelmed me with lust, rendering me as nervous as a schoolgirl waiting for her first date.

Pull yourself together,' I thought. You don't know this guy. Nothing about him at all. You can't even be sure that he will turn up. This is NOT love. Your are only in lust with this guy. On two very different occasions the sex has been amazing, but this is definitely not love.'

As the time passed, I became convinced that he would not come, that the bastard was just teasing me, playing with my emotions, my lusts. So, by 11.00 I had decided that I needed to get to the supermarket to get some food for me for the weekend, when the doorbell rang. Startled, I almost ran to answer it... And there HE was. JACK!!!! He had come. He looked magnificent in close-fitting jeans and a tight top, all serving to display to perfection that body I was lusting for. Under his arm was a small package.

`Come in. I almost thought you had changed your mind about coming back.' As I stammered through this speech, my cock was growing again and, of course, my compression shorts left nothing to his imagination. I was aware that there was even a growing damp patch at the end of my cock. What a strange and disturbing effect he had on me. I blushed.

I see you are pleased to see me,' he said. I am flattered that you've dressed to display yourself to me. You are definitely a real exhibitionist.' He smiled, I have brought you something to wear today.' He held out the package he had brought. We are going out today and this is what you will be wearing. So strip off now.'

What a shock it was to hear that. He had reverted to the masterful, even demanding, personality he had had on our first meeting when he had caught me covered in my own piss and cum, when he had made me suck him off and drink his own piss.

I couldn't hesitate. Within seconds I stood there naked in front of the man I lusted for. There was no question about whether I would submit to his will, whatever it was.

While I stood there naked and vulnerable, he slowly opened the package and withdrew and held up for me a pair of white shorts. Put these on.' Yes sir.' Sir, again, where did that come from?

Wasting no time, I put them on and then stuttered, `I can't wear these to go out. They are too revealing.'

`But I know you're an exhibitionist. Today you will exhibit yourself where, when and how I decide.' Then he reached into the parcel again and pulled out a red t-shirt which I put on.

`Go and look at yourself in a mirror and tell me what you think.' In the reflection I saw myself, perhaps immodestly, a fairly good-looking guy, but whose clothing was almost indecent. The t-shirt was very tight. It emphasised my pecs, but my erect nipples were clearly on display. I admit I was rather turned on by how flattering this top was, but when I examined the shorts, my heart sank. Even when pulled up uncomfortably high, they barely reached half way up my hip bones. And they were short – the inside leg measurement was barely half an inch. They were made of a polyester/lycra mixture, so they were tight. My bulging erection was clearly visible, and would be even at a distance.

`Surely, you don't want me to go out like this?'

`Of course I do. And I'm sure you'll really enjoy what I have planned. Put on your flip-flops and we'll go to my car.'

`I'll need some money and I have nowhere to put my wallet and keys.' There were no pockets in either the shorts or shirt.

`You don't need money. I will pay for everything. The fun I am going to have will be good value for the money I'll be spending. You can let me look after your keys for the day' And he smiled that killer smile.

I locked the front door and handed over the keys to the man who had just taken control of my day, my clothing, my house keys. In fact, he had taken control of me. I had just handed everything over to this guy who I really didn't know.

There were several cars parked in the road outside, but I didn't know which one was his. I hoped he had parked nearby, because I didn't relish the thought of walking any distance through my neighbourhood dressed like a cheap whore.

`I've parked just round the corner,' and my heart sank. As we walked down the road I kept looking round to see if any of the neighbours were around.

All was going well until just as we reached the corner, I came face to face with Steve from across the road. He didn't say anything – probably he was too surprised to say anything – but he did give me what I interpreted as a knowing wink. I turned bright red, but my erection was remaining as shameless and prominent as when I had first put on this humiliating outfit.

Finally we reached Jack's car. He started patting his pockets, trying to find his keys. He appeared to be struggling and even began to empty out his pockets. I was amazed at the amount of stuff he was carrying: tissues, wallet, cigarettes, my keys, two lighters, more tissues. When his hands were full, he started passing things to me to hold. At last he found the keys. They were in the first pocket he had emptied and it was then that I realised that he had staged the whole `lost keys' pantomime to embarrass me by making me stand on display in a public street. He didn't unlock the car immediately. He was determined to make me stand there as long as possible, while he slowly retrieved his possessions from my hands and replaced them in his pockets. From my point of view I was relieved that no-one I knew came along, although I got strange looks and stares from several strangers.

After what seemed like an hour, the car was unlocked and I ran round to get in the passenger seat. As I got in he told me to take off the t-shirt. I did so, feeling very humiliated even inside a car to be wearing just a pair of shorts which put on display my continuing excitement at the humiliation Jack was subjecting me to.

We drove through the town's busy streets. It seemed that every traffic light was red for us and at these moments I stared down at my feet so as not to meet the eyes of anyone staring at an almost naked man sitting in a car and beetroot red with shame, embarrassment and humiliation.

When we reached the outskirts of the town, Jack said, `Now you can remove your flip-flops. And, as it is very warm today, you are probably feeling uncomfortably hot in all those clothes. So get those shorts off.'

`What? I can't be out naked in public.' I protested.

`Or you could leave now if you like. But remember that I have your house keys and you are only wearing a pair of rather revealing shorts. I certainly wouldn't want to walk back through the town dressed only in those.'

I complied.

After a few minutes, Jack said, `I think we'll go to the beach. We can swim, lie on the sand, eat ice cream. It'll be fun. Would you like that? Yes, I'm sure you would.' He gave no opportunity of agreeing or not.

I looked down at my penis. It was erect, throbbing and leaking. I was indecent, with only the car windows to protect me from total public humiliation and part of me was enjoying the situation. I reached down to wipe the precum from my knob and Jack told me not to. I was instructed to let it flow down my shaft and gather in a pool at the base.

While we drove Jack carried on a `normal' conversation, as if it was perfectly usual for him to be driving along next to a naked and sexually excited man. We discussed our jobs, whether we were in a long term relationship, whether we wanted a long term relationship, films we had seen and our favourite TV programmes.

Although the situation was surreal, this conversation restored a semblance of normality for me and my penis slowly subsided. Jack saw this and suddenly issued an instruction, `You must keep erect at all times today. Stroke your cock until the precum flows again and then stop.'

I slowly brought myself back to full excitement and again the full humiliation of my situation was brought back into focus – naked, erect, leaking and sitting next to a guy who was still a relative stranger (although we did share similar taste in films), who was fully clothed and who was in control of my fate today. Intermittently for the rest of the journey I wanked to keep my cock erect and to keep the flow of precum going.

As we approached the outskirts of the nearest large seaside town, he said, `OK. You can put your shorts and flip-flops back on. And make sure that when you put your short on you rub the front to wipe up that pool of precum.

I did so and was shocked to see a large wet patch at the front of my shorts. This further embarrassment did nothing to calm my excitement and as my cock pressed against the material of the shorts, I was terrified to discover that when they were wet they became semi-transparent. The pink skin and outline of my penis was clearly visible.

He parked on the promenade. `Out you get,' he said. I did so, just wearing my damp and revealing shorts and a pair of flip-flops. He seemed to take for ever checking that he had got everything he needed and then going to the boot to check that too. He locked the car and strolled to me. I was relieved to see that he was carrying my t-shirt.

He smiled at me and I melted. `I'm not sure what to do. We could go straight to the beach, maybe swim and sunbathe. I know how much you like sunbathing. But there is a bar I'd like to visit. What do you think?'

Before I could weigh up the different degrees of humiliation in each of these options, he had decided. It would be the bar. To my partial relief, he passed me the t-shirt. `Put this on. They have a strict dress code.' I couldn't imagine what sort of dress code would allow me in wearing those indecent shorts, but I let that pass.

Unfortunately for me the bar seemed about a mile away and we walked through the town, with Jack stopping to window shop many, many times. I realised that he was doing this to increase my embarrassment, but that realisation did nothing to reduce my humiliation. I was aware of people staring at me. There were wolf whistles. One guy even groped my arse. I thought I had blushed before. Now I knew the true meaning of the word!

After what seemed like an age, we reached the bar. Inside it was gloomy. As my eyes adjusted to the poor light, I realised that this was a very sleazy gay bar. It wasn't overly busy at this time of day, but several of the customers stared at me as we made our way to the bar.

The barman greeted Jack like an old friend. Pointing at me Jack said, `This is my new toy. I thought I'd bring it here to see if any of he guys wanted to play.'

WHAT???? Here he was pimping me out again!

He turned to me and said reassuringly, `Don't worry. You will have fun, I'm sure. And we'll still have plenty of time on the beach later. I told you this place has a strict dress code. The code is for toys and the code is that they must be naked. So strip.'

The other guys had overheard the conversation with the barman and had gathered round. Now I was at the centre of a circle of roughly a dozen men of all ages from about 20 to somewhere in the region of 60 and they all were waiting for me to strip off the little I was wearing.

Wow!!! It was worrying how I reacted to this situation. I was terrified at the prospect of being forced to strip naked in a public space and in front of a group of baying total strangers. And yet, I was more excited than I had ever felt before. The humiliation and risk of discovery by the authorities were, to say the least, erotic – my cock overruled my reservations and my good sense. I saw my hands move slowly towards my scanty t-shirt and begin to lift it up.

No! Not here,' said Jack. We want a proper show. Up on that table.' He turned to the barman and said, `Let's have the music, please.'

That old David Rose instrumental called The Stripper started playing through the PA system. I scrambled onto the table Jack had pointed out right in the middle of the bar and there I stood unsure what to do.

`Get on with it,' shouted Jack.

Reluctantly, I started what I thought of as an erotic dance. I slowly moved my hips left and right, back and forwards. As the time passed the music gradually took control of my movements. I raised my arms and made obscene erotic gestures. My movements became more confident as I remembered a stripper I had seen some years before. The music slowly hypnotised me and I allowed myself to enter an unknown zone where the music and my movements were the only things I was aware of.

One by one, my flip-flops came off and I threw them into my audience. I was vaguely aware of calls and shouts from the audience: `Off, off, off!' Once again I lifted the bottom hem of my t-shirt and slowly, slowly raised it over my head. Once it was free, I swung that flimsy garment around my head a few times, finally flinging it towards the spectators.

I was now only wearing a pair of very brief shorts. I guess that by that time the wet patch would have dried off, but I knew that my excitement was ensuring that it was being renewed, much to the enjoyment of the spectators. As the music played on, working towards its climax, I tucked my thumbs into the waist band of my shorts and lowered them to reveal the base of my cock. While I was doing, this my cock itself was pushed down uncomfortably, so I quickly shuffled the shorts to my ankles and stepped out of them.

I continued my obscene gyrations until the music came to an end. As I stopped moving I became aware of cheering and applause from all around me. My pride knew no bounds – my dance, although frankly very amateurish and definitely obscene, had been received with applause. And I had survived a terrifying ordeal.

Get down,' said Jack. So I did with a feeing of relief that this ordeal was over, but mixed with the relief was a regret that my dance was over. Then he whispered to me, I am very proud of you. And look at your cock. You are definitely enjoying this.'

Turning to the barman, he asked, `Have you cleaned the toilets yet?'

`No. I was just going to do that when you came in.'

I'd leave it for a bit if I were you.' Then turning to me, he said, Now you must go to the toilet and lie down on the floor on your back.'

Again, my cock cancelled out my good sense and my self-respect. Off I went obediently. As the door was closing behind me, I heard Jack say to the others,'Right, guys. Who needs a piss? My toy will be happy to receive your offerings.'

Oh my God! Now I would be a public urinal!


Next: Chapter 6

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