
By Simon Wright

Published on Sep 11, 2018


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This is my first story for Nifty. Please let me know if you like it. If you enjoy this, please let me know as there are other events I can add.


We went up to the bar. Jack asked, `What would you like to drink?' I asked for a long cold beer to quench the raging thirst I was suffering from, and also to erase the taste of urine and sperm in my mouth. In only a few moments, my beer appeared and only a few moments later it was gone. Jack smiled and ordered me another. And that one I was able to savour now that my mouth was a lot fresher.

Jack wrapped his arms around me in what I could only interpret as a tender embrace. His smile, I noticed, had a quiet serenity about it.

He asked, `What would you like to do when you've finished that beer?'

`I don't know. What else is there to do here? And I thought you had everything planned for tonight. That my wishes had very little to do with it.'

Well, you're right,' he explained. I did have plans to keep you occupied and aroused until the small hours, but in the last few hours I think the chemistry between us has changed. You feel it too, don't you?'

`Yes,' I admitted, letting a quiet smile appear on my lips and leaning closer into Jack's arms.

`I'll tell you what I had planned for you for the rest of tonight. We can still do that, if you like, or whatever you would like. You can decide. I am not sure that I want to continue abusing you. I have thought at times today that I was maybe going too far. It was only your semi-permanent erection that persuaded me to push you further.'

I relaxed into his arms. My smile became broader. `Tell me what your plans were for the rest of tonight.'

`OK. Through that door is a room fitted out as a dungeon. You were to spend some time on the St Andrew's cross, immobilised with straps along your arms and legs. I would have used nipple clamps, possibly attaching weights to the chain. I think I would also have enjoyed running a pinwheel over your chest, sides and especially your balls. I think the pain and pleasure you would experience would have driven you to orgasm once again, and an extra turn on for you would be the audience which I am sure would follow us in. I think I am getting to understand your deep need to be exposed, vulnerable and helpless. After your orgasm, I intended to torture you by continuing to stimulate your genitals and forcing you through the post-orgasm need you feel to leave your cock alone. I would force you to another climax, against your will and desire – even against what you think your tender cock is capable of. I intended to save the best until last. I'd release you from the cross and strap you to the fuck bench. Then I would lube you, loosen you with my fingers and enter you. You would feel my cock grind within your chute until I bred you with my seed. The decision is yours. What shall we do?'

It didn't take me long to decide. My reply was: `Jack, I would really love to experience all the things you have planned and which we haven't done. You read my desires and needs so well, probably more accurately that I do myself, certainly better that I would ever willingly admit to anyone apart from you. But can we do that another time? I would like, no, I deeply desire, to go home with you now. You are right, the chemistry between us has changed. I think we no longer want to play, but we want to explore each other physically and emotionally in private for a while.'

`Agreed. You are 100% right.'

He quickly retrieved my clothing – if you can call shorts and boots `clothing'! I stayed at the bar while he went to speak to the guy on reception. He came back carrying a spare coat that he had borrowed for me.

A taxi will be here in a few minutes,' he said. Before we go, I must explain to the twins what is happening. I suspect they'll be here until the place closes.' He winked, smiling at the thought of what they might get up to.

Once back with me, he once again embraced and kissed me, long and tenderly. I felt myself relax and effectively surrender. Even through the coat I was wearing, I could feel the contours of his body with my chest, arms and even thighs. Breaking our hug, he walked me arm in arm to the entrance and within minutes we were in a cab. As we sped through the now-empty streets to my house, Jack returned me my keys. On arrival, I quickly opened the door while Jack paid the cabbie.

Once the door was closed, I threw off my loan coat and launched myself into his arms. He eventually managed to disentangle himself from my grasp and we both removed the remains of our clothing. Naked I went to the kitchen and fetched a couple of beers. Then we sat in the sitting room and talked. We discussed everything – our lives so far, what we hoped for the future, homelife, work. Over the next few hours we were able to deepen our relationship, so that it developed from one based on lust and sexual gratification to what I think the word `love' was intended to describe.

I could see the sky turning light through the curtains when I said that we really ought to go to bed. We quickly showered together (I am so glad that I had had the foresight to have a shower installed that was big enough for two!)

When we got into bed, we were both aroused again, but now we indulged in tender, sensual mutual exploration. Lips, fingertips, mouths were our main means of communication. We kissed deeply and slowly. We discovered each other's erogenous zones. He discovered that I am ticklish and that is a power he can wield over me for ever.

At peace, we fell asleep entangled in each other's arms.

At some point, I awoke to feel Jack spooning me. I was aware of his engorged cock lying between my buttocks. I pushed back to meet him. `Are you alright with this?' he asked.

`It would make this weekend perfect.'

He grabbed some lube from somewhere. I certainly didn't have any. He applied it generously to my hole and his dick. I felt pressure, strong but gentle, against the sphincter. Gradually, millimetre by millimetre, the pressure increased and my muscles yielded. Slowly Jack entered me and stayed there without moving, allowing me to adjust to the intrusion. For me, it felt good, natural, fulfilling.

He brought his arm round and brushed my chest. As he started slow movements in and out of my arse, his hand moved lower, teasing my abdomen, my thighs and finally grasping and stroking my erection. Waves of pleasure from front and back flowed over me. I was totally relaxed, giving myself to the man I now thought of as the man I loved.

Gently, tenderly he took complete control of me. For over twenty four hours he had controlled me physically. In the last few hours he had established his emotional control. And now he was using physical means to take control of my very essence. This was totally different from how he had previously exerted his physical dominance. It was gentle, caring and loving but it served to establish my complete surrender to him.

It was almost a spiritual experience when we at last came. I was vaguely aware that Jack's thrusts into me were becoming faster and more violent, that his stroking of my shaft was becoming more intense. Then he whispered `Now,' in my ear and we both came simultaneously.

Bliss overwhelmed me. That was combined with the physical, mental and emotional exhaustion I felt from the day's activities. I relaxed into a deep sleep.

Some hours later I awoke and panicked. I was alone. Jack wasn't there. Had he left? Was he playing cruel mind games?

I sat up in my lonely bed and reality dawned. There was the smell of coffee brewing and bread being toasted. I rushed downstairs and there he was in the kitchen.

He smiled that smile again and now I read into it worry, concern, care. `I hope you don't mind me rummaging round in your kitchen. I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.'

All I could do was smile a really goofy smile while I stammered, `Of course I don't mind. It could be your kitchen if you wanted.' What a stupid and clumsy way of asking a guy to move in with you!

I will cover the rest of Sunday very briefly. We ate our breakfast. We sat theoretically watching TV, but really cuddling, kissing, fondling. We made love – long, slow, languorous love. I don't think we bothered to get dressed. I expect we had dinner – I really don't remember.

The time passed slowly, slowly – but much too quickly. At about ten, Jack said, `I must go now. I must get my things ready for work tomorrow.' My whole world seemed to shatter around me.

Jack held me close in a reassuring embrace. `We don't all have the luxury of three-day weekends. If it's alright with you, I'll be back tomorrow evening.'

`Of course it's alright. I want you here always.'

`Really?' He sounded genuinely surprised.

I want you,' I said. I need you.'

It took some time to persuade him, but he eventually agreed to move in on a trial basis. In fact he gave me a key to his flat and told me that the following day I should collect whatever I thought he would need for living with me.

He smiled as he went out through my door and said, `If I have to work tomorrow, I think you should make yourself useful and not spend the day dossing around here. So moving my things here would be a good thing to do.'

And that's how I spent Monday – the first day of the rest of my life – OUR life.



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