Summer with Carlos

By John Smith

Published on Nov 12, 2020


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Summer With Carlos - Chapter 2

Sunlight streamed through the windows of the small apartment as I squinted, opening my eyes.

Carlos was still wrapped in my arms, his warm body and soft skin pressed against me as his chest slowly rose and fell with his breathing. The smell of sweat and cum hung heavy in the air as I closed my eyes for a second, letting my mind play a quick highlight reel of the primal, passionate sex of the night before.

It had been pure bliss, a physical chemistry unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I'd had great sex before, many times before, but until last night I'd never felt so connected to someone. Every movement, every touch, every kiss, every look had felt so intensely right.

As my cock began to stir, so did Carlos, shifting in my arms as he stretched his body and rolled over to face me.

"Good morning handsome," I whispered, running a hand through his hair, smiling at the stunning man in my arms.

A sleepy smile cracked across his face. "Good morning," he said, fixing me with his kind, beautiful gaze. I was obsessed with his eyes, an unusual dark, muted green tone that almost looked gray. They weren't a traditional bright or medium green, but they were remarkably dazzling and beautiful.

We just lay there for a minute, soaking each other up.

"Last night was magical," he said, breaking the silence. "I loved every minute of it."

I kissed him softly. "Me too Carlos," I smiled. "Me too."

I looked down at his astonishing body. While he had a runner's build, his muscular pecs clearly popped out above his abdomen with two small, dark-brown nipples separated by a small valley in the center of his chest and a dusting of black hair. Below his chest was a well-defined set of washboard abs and muscular hips, also dusted in hair, much of which was messily plastered with dried cum from the night before.

And then there was his large, half-hard cock flopped over one of his legs, with the tip of his helmet just poking out of his hood. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to suck him or get fucked by him more in that moment.

"What are you doing?" he asked. I looked back up to meet his gaze.

"Just admiring your sexy body," I said matter-of-factly. Carlos blushed at the compliment, a habit I found particularly cute. At this point I felt my cock approaching fully hard, which Carlos noticed. He wrapped his hand around and started slowly stroking.

"Whoa, slow down stud," I laughed. "I think we should go shower off last night before we start round two."

I rolled off the bed, stood up and stretched my hands towards the ceiling with my back to Carlos. I heard a whistle from behind me as I took a few steps towards the bathroom.

"Dang that's a fine ass," Carlos cat-called. I glanced over my shoulder to see him running his eyes over me appreciatively. It was my turn to blush. I grinned at him.

"Are you joining me?" I asked, giving him a seductive wink and making my ass jiggle a little.

"Oh I'm coming," he said quickly. "Just admiring your sexy body."

Carlos sprang out of bed, landing on his feet with his large package and curly hair bouncing around as he came to join me in the bathroom.

It was really a half bathroom with a small corner shower enclosure.

I turned on the water, stepped in and grabbed the body wash. Carlos stepped in behind me and I took two soap-covered hands and started sudsing him up. He put a big squirt on his hand and started running his hands over my shoulders and chest.

"Mmm this feels really nice," he grinned, grabbing my lower back and pulling our sudsy bodies together.

I was in heaven as I leaned in to kiss Carlos. I felt his dick pressing into my stomach as he gently started grinding up against me. I pushed him against one of the shower walls, grinding back into him. We both started groaning into each other's mouths as he pulled me tight against his chest, using the small shower to trap each other, grind, grope and make out.

"Evan last night you got me curious about something I want to try," he said.

"You want to fuck me?" I asked.

"No.. well, yes I do.. definitely," he said flustered. "But I was really hoping I could try eating your ass?"

"Sounds better than a coffee for waking up," I grinned, turning to face the wall. Carlos got on his knees, spread my cheeks and licked up my crack like I had to him so many times the night before.

I shuddered, locking my knees as he pulled my ass apart while he began probing it with his tongue.

"Fuckkk Carlos! Oh fuck that feels so good," I moaned as he relentlessly lapped and poked at my hole. "Unnhh yes, fuck don't stop."

I melted into the wall, in full surrender to Carlos' tongue assault, humping my ass back into his face. I felt his soapy hand reach around and start stroking my cock while he ate my ass, rocking both my sexual world's. I closed my eyes, letting this incredibly hot stud have his way with me, losing all sense of time.

"Oh yeah, fuck Carlos you're going to push me over the edge! Fuck.. fuck, fuck!" I groaned after what felt like an eternity in bliss, feeling a pressure building in my cock to the point of no return. Cum splattered all over the shower tile as my cock spat ropes of white goo across the wall and Carlos' soapy hand.

Carlos stood up as I turned around and I grabbed his hair, pushing my fingers into it on both sides as we made out for a second eternity. Fuck this guy could kiss, hot stuble, plump lips and a tongue that spoke my love language.

"I love the way you eat my ass," I groaned, pulling his hair back.

"I love the way you kiss me," he said. "Last night you gave me so much pleasure, I'm glad I make you feel good too."

As we made out I reached down and started stroking him.

"Mmm as good as that feels, I want to save a huge load for your ass later tonight," he said seductively. "Plus I'm starving, we skipped dinner last night and got in quite a workout."

I gave his cock another squeeze and let it fall from my hand.

"Alright, breakfast now.. fun to be continued," I said, thrilled to hear Carlos wanted to get together again tonight.

We finished rinsing, toweled off and went out to the main room.

"I'm unfortunately low on food, but there's the diner around the corner," he said.

"How about you come to my place and I cook?" I asked. "Banana pancakes and bacon?"

"Sounds great," said Carlos, his eyes lighting up.

As we walked to my apartment, I felt a bounce in my step that had been missing the past few months, honestly the past few years. It wasn't only the sex. With Carlos, I just felt at ease to be myself.

I typically take some time to warm up to people, let them inside my world. But sometimes, perhaps particularly when you aren't looking for something serious, a boyfriend-worthy man comes into your life.

Carlos was deeply charming, incredibly polite, adorably curious, funny and bright. That morning as I cooked flapjacks and we ate, I quickly found myself falling very interested in Carlos as he told me about his life and asked me about myself. He gushed over my cooking and admired my nature photography hung around my place. I learned he spoke four languages and played a couple string instruments, in addition to commanding the soccer field. The conversation flowed effortlessly and freely, the high of the night before meant neither of us could wipe a smile off our face.

"So, what does your day look like today?" I asked, sticking my last bite of pancakes in my mouth.

"Well, I've got a few errands to run, I have to watch some of those game highlights you distracted me from last night," he said grinning. "And then I have practice again from two to five tonight. What about you?"

"I have a shift from 11 to 6 and then this gorgeous guy promised he'd fuck me tonight," I said, rubbing my foot against his leg under the table.

"Mmm what time are you two getting together?" Carlos asked seductively.

"I dunno, what time should I come over stud?" I flirted, gently pushing my foot into his crotch, feeling his half-hard cock radiating heat through his shorts.

"Ungh I love the way you touch me," Carlos said as I teased him. "Can I ask you something?" He looked a little more serious.

"Of course," I said, pulling my foot back.

"I don't know how any of this works..." Carlos said, like he was trying to find his courage. "Are we just new friends with benefits? Which don't get me wrong would be great... but I honestly think I'd want to be more, I really like you. I don't know how dating works, yet alone between two guys. I don't know signals, I don't know what's cool... but I kinda already know I want to be your guy and see where this might go."

"Last night was special for me too," I said. "It wasn't just a fun fuck. I think you're amazing, it makes me so happy to hear you want to be my guy... I honestly want to be your guy too, I'm just not sure I had the courage to say it just yet. We don't need to know how dating works for other people, just how we want it to work for us and we'll figure it out at our own pace and comfort."

At this, Carlos leaned in and kissed me. "Thank you," he said warmly. "I'm sorry if it's too soon to ask any of that... there's just something about you that puts me at ease, I feel like I can talk to you about anything and our connection last night was better than my wildest fantasies. I just wanted to let you know I'm pretty quickly developing feelings for you, please just be honest with me if we're looking for different things."

"I'm developing feelings for you too, and I won't lie... it scares me a bit," I said. "I got my heart crushed this spring, and frankly it was my fault. My ex cheated and lied to me, that's on him, but I built up our relationship to be more than it really was. We never had transparent conversations like this, and I just filled in the gaps with what I wanted to be true. I figured I had to wait until I was out of school to find someone who'd be as serious as I was, so I was in a slut mindset... but now I just want to be a slut with you."

"Well you can trust me and be serious with me," Carlos said sweetly. "I know we're moving pretty fast, I can't promise I have any idea I know what I'm doing, but I promise I won't hurt you like that, that I like you a great deal and you'll always know how I feel. Plus you can definitely be a slut with me, I'm definitely a slut for... my new boyfriend?" he asked unsure.

I laughed, feeling carefree and truly cared for, for the first time in years. "I'm all yours Carlos, I'd be crazy to want anything less. Now, what do you think about making out with your boyfriend until he has to get ready for work?"

Carlos gave me his dazzling smile and pulled me to the couch, collapsing on top of me as he kissed me. I could feel his large, hard cock against my leg as we groaned into each other's mouths. Our tongues danced, emboldened by our new elevation to lovers.

We made out, grinding, groping and moaning for at least an hour until we pulled our bodies apart, blissed out on the dopamine high.

"Okay, I hate to say it, but I need to start heading to work," I said sitting up.

"Thank you for breakfast," said Carlos leaning over to kiss me. "And for helping me with my TV... and fucking the cum out of me... and having beautiful eyes... and for being my guy."

"You're welcome," I laughed, ruffling his hair. "You know for a guy who 'doesn't know anything about dating,' you sure are charming."

"You make me feel good about myself in a way I didn't realize I was missing," he smiled.

"I'll come by around 7 tonight?" I asked.

"It's a date," he beamed.

My shift supervising the school media lab dragged on, but apart from a grad student focused on editing some video, the lab had a slow day leaving me to process and daydream.

If you asked me 24 hours ago if I'd be in a relationship I would have laughed and emphatically said "hell no."

Not because I didn't want one deep down, but because I'd told myself it wasn't safe enough for my heart, that I needed to stay single and enjoy my college years and twenties, that I wouldn't find someone prepared to be as serious as I was so I should just follow my dick. And I did, straight into an incredible guy.

Yesterday I couldn't have imagined meeting someone who I'd be having the best sex of my life with, who'd break down my walls and make me feel so safe and happy with his impish, playful energy and tender, candid heart.

And his body. My god his body was magnificent. I rolled my ass around in my seat absentmindedly, my hole tingling, dreaming about his huge dick sliding in and out of me later that night.

At some point, there's no point saving any face with yourself. Carlos was hands-down the hottest guy I'd been with. Not only did he have a positively astonishing body and a gorgeous face, but he wore his looks and carried himself in a way that was confident, humble and sexy. Then there was his magnificent cock and his big, round fuckable ass... I thought about his ass bouncing in white soccer shorts as he ran around the soccer pitch, wishing my lab looked out over the athletic fields.

After the longest shift of my life, I finally locked up the empty lab early at 5:40 and raced home to shower, get ready and get over to Carlos' place.

I ran up the stairwell in Carlos' building, taking the stairs two at a time, excited to see him again. When I got to his apartment I combed a hand through my hair and knocked on his door.

Somehow Carlos was even more handsome than I'd remembered. His caramel skin had darkened from being in the summer sun all afternoon, glowing radiantly, and the fresh scent of his shampoo wafted by as he opened the door. He wore a thin, white button-up shirt with short sleeves that hugged his biceps and clung to his athletic frame with an extra button popped, showing his well-defined chest. He also wore pale blue, form-fitting shorts that flattered his long, hairy legs and his signature, beaming grin.

"Hi Evan, c'mon in! I'm almost ready," he said. "You look so handsome!"

"Look at you stud! You look amazing" I smiled, leaning in to kiss him. The spark of the previous night had only grown. I don't think I could ever tire of kissing this guy.

Carlos went to the bathroom and I heard the sound of his stream hitting the water and then subside, the rustling of clothes, but Carlos didn't reemerge. A few moments later he appeared in the door, shorts resting just below his ass, with his massive manhood sticking out from his body impressively hard.

"Sorry, I gave it two shakes and got fully hard, now I can't get it back in... I've been out-of-my-mind horny all day," he said sheepishly. "I was painfully hard in my jock all practice thinking about you."

"I spent my whole shift hard under the desk trying not to touch myself," I laughed, crossing the room to him.

I dropped to my knees, grabbing his cock with two hands and looked up at him as I brought his tip to my mouth.

"But we were going to go.. ooooh my God," he stammered as I stuck my tongue into his foreskin. "Fuckkk... you sure you don't want dinner fir-- aaahhhh!"

I'd buried almost his entire shaft in my throat, pushing my nose towards his pubes, filling my mouth with his delicious, big cock.

"Okay," he said breathlessly. "You're sure."

I pulled up, jerking the slick base of his cock with my hand as I sucked the top portion. Then I used my hand to stroke his full length, pulling his foreskin into a crumpled, delicious treat to probe with my tongue and thumb.

Standing up, I pulled him into a rough kiss, tugging his clothes off as we stumbled over to the bed.

I pushed him down and sunk back between his legs, sucking him while pulling my own clothes off. I loved his thick shaft and warm, velvety skin, enthusiastically sucking Carlos, who clearly loved the new-found feeling of getting his big dick serviced.

"You're going to make me cum if you keep that up," he warned.

I pulled off him reluctantly, standing up to give him a strip tease as I peeled my tight jeans off my body, seductively dancing and turning away from him so he could see my ass, which I gave a hard slap.

"Come here and let me eat that gorgeous ass," he said in a commanding, lusty voice that made my whole butt tingle in anticipation. I couldn't wait to be fucked by Carlos.

I flopped down onto the bed with my ass sticking up and spread my legs. A few moments later I felt Carlos' cock hot dog between my cheeks as he lay his weight down on me. His huge cock had its own weight to it, which felt incredibly hot as he lifted it and let it fall with a smack against my ass.

I turned my head back, meeting him for a kiss as he ground his dick into me. Then he kissed down my back, grabbing my ass firmly and pulling my globes apart just before I felt his wet tongue circle around my hole.

"Ooooh yeahhh, unhh babeee," I groaned as he started eating my ass, poking at my hole with his hot tongue. I grabbed the sheet, stretching into what felt like a yoga pose as I pushed my ass back to meet his face, allowing myself to get lost in the feeling.

"Oh my God... yes! Tongue fuck me," I begged.

After a few minutes of glorious, wet rimming I rolled onto my side and started giving him a sloppy blowjob, lubing up his pole for my hole.

"I want you to fuck me, I haven't been able to think about anything else all day," I said, letting his slippery cock flop out of my mouth. I then rolled onto my back and pushed my legs up to rest on his shoulders.

"Go slow," I said, nodding at him. He leaned down to give me a hot, steamy kiss.

Carlos lined up his cock at my hole, rubbing his head around the entrance to my ass driving me wild, before pushing the tip in.

I'd taken some big dicks, but each big dick presents it's own unique challenges. I breathed deeply, trying to relax the stabbing pain, but Carlos' cock had a fat head and I hadn't been fucked in months.

"Push a little more in," I said after the pain had dulled some. "How does it feel?"

"Evan, fuck you feel so amazing, warm and tight," he said, pushing my knees to my chest so he could kiss me. Carlos' kisses were so sexy and sensual, completely distracting me from the ebbing pain.

"I want it all the way in," I said and he obliged, slowly pushing his entire manhood into me until his balls rested against my cheeks. I moaned loudly as his head dragged against my prostate, the slight curve at the end of his cock perfectly angled to provide pleasure.

"Oh Carlos, fuck that feels incredible," I said, reaching down to grab his ass, pulling him deep into me, loving the feeling of his hairy torso against me. His cock was so long and thick, filling me in a way I'd never felt before and it was intoxicating.

"Make love to me baby," I said breathlessly. "Show me what you got."

Carlos' eyes were full of lust, pleasure plastered across his face as he slowly started moving his hips in and out, discovering the new sensation of burying his big cock in a tight, warm ass.

Some big, impressive dicks aren't perfect fucking dicks. Too thick, too long, too curved... each can be painful in their own way and lacking in others. The sex can definitely still be pretty good, but the best big dick is the perfect blend where you simultaneously feel filled deep, stretched wide and like all the right buttons are being hit without being in pain the whole time. Carlos' cock was the perfect proportions to please -- it's like it was molded perfectly for my ass and was already giving me the best bottoming experience I'd ever had.

He leaned down and started making out with me, both of us moaning into each other's mouth as he found a rhythm, his big balls bouncing and rolling against my ass and his crotch making a slapping sound as he fucked me harder.

"Fuck Evan," he grunted. "Babe you feel soooo fucking good.. you look so hot right now."

Then he started circling his hips, probing my ass at different angles as he drove his length in and out faster, hitting my prostate in just the right way, making me moan like a bitch in the height of heat.

"Ohh yes, unhhh yes... ahhh fuck me, fuck me, yesss!" I groaned as the bed creaked beneath us with each thrust. "You're giving me the fuck of my life!"

Carlos radiated sexual energy, his complete focus on making himself, and quite clearly me, both feel the best we could feel. His hands roamed my abs and his thighs squeezed my own as he sunk his cock deep into my ass.

We both moaned as Carlos gyrated side to side, his cock doing things to my insides I'd never experienced with another dick. His thrusts ended with these sensual rolls of his hips, hungrily and lovingly pushing his cock into me.

My whole body tingled in pleasure as Carlos' strong hands clamped on my shoulders. Our eyes were locked, unwavering, as he used his athletic stamina to effortlessly make both of our bodies quiver with pleasure.

"Oh babe... Evan you make me feel so amazing," he groaned, biting his lip and wiping sweat from his brow. "Oh fuck baby, fuck your ass is perfect... I'm so close." Carlos increased his pace even more, slamming his cock into me harder. I started squeezing my hole around his cock and his eyes went wide. He grabbed my hands, intertwining our fingers as he pinned my arms to the bed.

"Baby I'm so glad I've waited for you, oh Evan you get me so fucking hot... fuck my whole body is tingling... oooooh shit I'm going to cum... I can't hold.. AHHHHHHhhhhh... ahhhh.. Ohhh ho-ho-ohhhh... ahh.."

Carlos cried out as I felt his cock swell and shoot pulse after pulse into me, the first man to ever get his seed. His orgasm must have lasted 30 seconds as his high-pitched moans and thrusts told me he came in at least 10 spurts inside me.

I felt inch after inch of his softening cock slide out of me, hot cum dripping from my hole as Carlos collapsed onto his back next to me.

"Oh babe... oh Evan..." he panted. "Fuck I've never had an orgasm like that... you're incredible in bed."

He rolled over, cuddled up next to me and kissed me. Carlos rubbed my arm lovingly, kissing me sensually as we recovered from a passion-filled fuck.

"That was the best," I said, kissing him back. "I've never been fucked so good. Incredible. I'm such a lucky guy."

"You're the best," said Carlos, still panting. "I'm glad we didn't wait until after dinner, I think I would have cum in my shorts!"

I laughed. "I'm a pretty horny fuck all the time, I'm glad you are too. Always prefer your load in me than your shorts."

"Noted. I spent all day thinking about every hot thing I've ever seen in porn that I want to try with you," he said grinning.

We rolled out of bed for another quick shower and threw our clothes back on, this time with Carlos' monster cock tucked into his shorts.

As we walked through University Park, I became certain that taking a leap of faith and starting a relationship with Carlos had made me the luckiest guy I knew. I was falling hard and fast, conventional wisdom ringing like alarm bells in my head, but realizing that with the right person everything that should be scary just felt worth it and right.

We grabbed a pizza from Al's and walked towards campus, enjoying the sunset over the athletic fields and quiet of dusk as we walked past the cafe where we met yesterday.

"Where are we going?" Carlos asked.

"My favorite place on campus, you'll see," I smiled.

I led Carlos to the library tower, which was all-but deserted in the summer. We turned left past the front desk and got in the elevator, where I pressed 8 for the top floor. When we got out, I led Carlos out double doors onto a small roof deck where a bench looked out at the view.

The campus and city twinkled beneath us, a cool summer breeze making the heat bearable as we sat down on the bench with the pizza between us, looking out into the night.

"This is so cool," Carlos said, taking in the view below. "I can't believe this is where I get to live for the next two years. Thank you for showing me your favorite spot."

"I really like coming here, taking a break in-between classes," I smiled. "Everything looks smaller from up here, less overwhelming and fast-paced."

"Oh my god, this pizza is so good!" Carlos exclaimed, grabbing my shoulder. This guy was adorable. An incredibly hot, studly man, but also a cute, excitable guy. "Amazing pizza... amazing company... amazing sex... pretty great first date."

I laughed. "Well stick around, the best is yet to come."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, exchanging smiles and working our way through the pizza, taking in the sights and sounds of the small city.

"I'm having such a good time with you," I said.

"Me too," Carlos said, his eyes twinkling.

"Which is why I hate to bring down the mood... but there's something important I need to tell you and there's never a good time to bring it up. To really get me, be in a relationship with me, it's something you need to know," I said, taking a deep breath.

Carlos looked at me intently, so I pressed on.

"When I was 14, my parents and my older sister were killed in an accident on the highway," I said quietly and evenly. "They were driving back from touring a university for my sister, the roads were icy and a truck jackknifed right in front of them. I don't have any other extended family and overnight I had to become a self-sufficient adult. When I told you yesterday that I'm from a small town that isn't much to go back to, it was a partial truth... there's no one for me to go back to. I sold our house to pay for school, so I haven't had anywhere that's felt like home in a few years."

Carlos moved the pizza box to the ground and slid over to wrap his arm around me, a supportive, sad, loving look on his face as he listened.

"I've been on my own for a long time now," I continued. "I have a few close friends, some mentors who've guided me, but most things I've had to figure out for myself. I've gotten better at making responsible choices, being happy on my own, but I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been hard and lonely to adjust to. Part of the reason I let myself see more in my last relationship than was actually there is that I didn't want to let go of the feeling that I wasn't alone... that's it. I just wanted you to know."

Carlos leaned in and embraced me for a long time, kissing the side of my head tenderly and rubbing my back. I hugged him first gently, then wrapping my arms around him tightly for a while longer, before leaning back and seeing a caring, kind man who put his arm around my shoulders again, pulling me into his side.

"Thank you for telling me," Carlos said softly. "I'm so sorry for your loss, that's a really difficult hand to be dealt at any age. They must have raised an incredible young man, who raised himself into an even more amazing man. I realize we've just met, we're still getting to know and trust each other, but I want you to know I'm all-in too." Carlos kissed me on the cheek.

"It basically ruined my family relationships when I came out," he said after a minute of silence. "I spent the past years hearing I was a disappointment, the shame of the family. I knew it wasn't true, wasn't okay, but it was still hard and made me a bit of a lone wolf. I sacrificed so much -- worked my ass off -- to get a soccer scholarship and move to a place where I can be myself. I understand what a boyfriend means to you now and I want you to know it means a lot to me too."

Our eyes connected and I smiled lovingly, wrapping my own arm around his shoulders to comfort him, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

He clearly couldn't help but smile when I smiled, which made me smile harder, both our lips widening until we were grinning painfully like idiots.

"You're a good listener, one of your many remarkable talents and fine qualities that make me proud to be your guy," I said, reaching out to hold his free hand. "I promise to be careful with your heart, I know you will be with mine."

It was probably "too soon" to say I loved the kind, gorgeous stud smiling back at me, his eyes full with hope and care, but I already knew my heart was entirely his.

After a while we stood up, heading back through campus to his apartment, a joyful lightness returning to the evening as we walked together, but underscored by a meaningful understanding of how much it meant to both of us.

Carlos and I cuddled on his bed, enjoying each other's warmth and touch, as I fell asleep feeling more loved and connected to someone else than I ever had.

I woke up as the mattress shifted, Carlos gently laying back down next to me. It was still pitch black and probably the middle of the night.

"Hey handsome," I whispered, rolling into him.

"Hey handsome," he said softly. "I just went to pee, sorry I woke you."

"Mmm, I'm not," I said, pulling our warm bodies together, kissing him on the cheek.

I felt his cock start growing against my leg. This guy was insatiable, which I found incredibly hot and an exciting challenge. I wrapped my hand around his dick, delighted by its weight as I slowly stroked him.

"So... We haven't talked about this yet.." Carlos said. "But how do you feel about the idea of smoking a joint right now?"

"That sounds like a brilliant idea!" I laughed.

At this Carlos leaned over and opened the top pocket of a suitcase beside the bed and pulled out a large joint and lighter. He expertly lit the end and took a puff before passing it to me.

I brought the joint to my lips and inhaled, feeling my body soften as my head started to buzz.

"Just to throw it out there, bit more of a weed person than a drinker," he said.

"Excellent, same here," I said. "That's some nice flower, super heady and serene."

We sat cross-legged on the bed, passing the joint back and forth, occasionally shotgunning and sharing the smoke until the joint was a nub for the ashtray.

I felt Carlos' hand close around my hard cock again. "I love taking some hits and stroking one out," he said. "I've always wanted to have sex high."

I reached out and grabbed his cock again, matching his slow rhythm. We lay like that for a minute, stroking each other as the pot filled our systems.

"We've been having intense sex, I want to show you slow and sensual sex," I said in a lusty voice.

"I'm all yours babe," he said.

I leaned in, brushing my lips against his, softly pressing our lips together while I slowly roamed his chest with my hands. Carlos moaned appreciatively, leaning back against the wall as I lightly kissed down the side of his neck, rubbed his pecs and let the tip of my tongue drag across his nipple.

"Mmm," he moaned softly, running his hands gently through my hair.

I slid down until his hard cock was pressed against the side of my face, where I firmly, slowly slapped it into my cheek with loud thuds, leisurely kissing up and down the sides of his shaft.

I held his cock with both hands and kissed his foreskin a few times, then slowly ran the tip of my tongue from his balls up to the end of his cock, repeating on the sides of his shaft.

"Fuck that feels nice," he sighed as I savored his pole.

I moved on to lazily sucking his length into my lips, sensually pressing and twisting my mouth around his cock, letting one hand casually roam across his abs and pecs while the other cupped and gently tugged at his large balls.

"Do you trust me?" I asked. "There's something else I think you'll like."

"Of course, what did you have in mind?" He asked.

"Have you heard of poppers?" I asked, crossing to the spot on the floor where I'd abandoned my pants, retrieving a small brown bottle from the pocket.

"No," said Carlos.

"You inhale fumes from a little bottle and hold them in for a few moments," I explained. "It relaxes muscles throughout your body, gives you a bit of a rush for a minute or two, can boost how horny you feel and help prolong how long it takes to cum. The orgasms can be really intense. They can also really help if you're getting fucked but having a hard time adjusting to a big dick, I brought them just in case I had a lot of trouble taking you. But most people either love the feeling or they don't."

"Okay, I'm game to try," Carlos said.

I sat down next to him, taking a second to give him a few strokes.

"Hold one nostril closed and I'll hold the bottle up for you," I said. "Just take a big inhale and hold it for a few seconds."

I held the bottle up to Carlos' nose and he took a hit. I then brought the bottle to my own nose, taking a hit in each nostril before capping it and returning my focus to Carlos' cock.

I felt the familiar wave rush through my body, letting my boyfriend's magnificent cock take over my focus as I began to blow him. Carlos let out a primal moan and leaned back as I began to worship his dick.

I looked up, mouth full of cock, and saw Carlos completely wrapped up in the feeling. I pulled off his shaft to swirl around his head, savoring his cock in the disorienting, heady rush.

Carlos was moaning, letting out a sexy growl as I deep-throated his dick. I could feel his foreskin tickling the back of my throat.

"So... what do you think...?" I asked, pulling up, licking around his slick cock as I spoke. "You want another hit?"

"Fuck between your magic lips, the weed and those poppers I'm feeling pretty fantastic," he said dreamily. "That was wild, I'll definitely try some more!"

I grabbed the bottle, unscrewing the cap and held it up to his nose again. Carlos inhaled deeper this time, pulling the fumes in.

"Now do the other side," I said and he obliged.

I took another big drag and put the poppers down so I could focus on my prize.

I licked at his balls first before sucking Carlos slowly and deeply, determined to make him last until he lost control.

Carlos' hands found mine and our fingers intertwined as I worked his cock over with my mouth.

"Fuck baby.. fuuuck yeah," he growled, squirming beneath me as I moaned on his cock, trapping it in my vibrating mouth and throat.

"I love sucking your cock so much baby," I said, nibbling and licking on his long foreskin before pulling it back gently to suck his big head like a giant lollipop, circling the ridge of his helmet at different speeds and rhythms and rubbing his glans into the soft skin inside my cheeks.

I wanted the world for Carlos, the world with Carlos and in the current moment, an Earth-shattering orgasm for my hot, new boyfriend. I made sure he knew it, worshiping his dick unlike any I had before.

Carlos started fucking my mouth, meeting my motions to impale me deep on his cock. So I did everything I could to steadily build the pressure and pleasure for him. I sucked the top half of his dick, jacking him passionately as I rapidly ran my tongue across any bit of cock it could reach.

"Oh baby I can't take much more... Fuck... fuck, FUCK FUCK AHHhhhhh," Carlos shouted as I felt cum hit the back of my throat like it was shot from a high-pressure hot tub jet. And it just kept coming in powerful spurts.

"Ahh... ahhh.. ohhhh... fuuuuuck..." Carlos moaned and moaned as his hands squeezed mine tightly while he was consumed by ecstasy, the most beautiful smile silhouetted on his face by the moonlight from the window.

"Holy shit you weren't kidding, that was INTENSE," panted Carlos. "I loved that... fuck. I love the way you suck me babe. That was so amazing!"

"Getting you hot gets me so hot," I said, drying my wet, red lips on my hand. "I love making you feel good."

"You still need to cum," he said. "Can I ride my favorite stud and make you feel good?"

At this my hard cock got even harder. "Oh fuck yeah!" I said.

Carlos climbed up and positioned his hole on the tip of my cock, pushing the head around his crack before sliding my dick deep into him.

"Oh my God I think I may like this even more than fucking you," he groaned, beginning to ride my dick in earnest. "I love the way you feel inside me."

"Fuck yeah babe, God your ass feels so fucking good," I growled, loving the feeling of his thick, bubble butt squeezing hard around my shaft as he slammed against me. I loved watching all of Carlos' defined muscles bounce up and down above me, always returning to their firm shape as he slowed.

Carlos was sweating, his hairy legs damp with perspiration as he took control, moaning as my cock stretched his hole, holding his cock and balls in one hand as he increased his riding pace, fucking my cock with a vigor and determination that was incredibly hot.

"Babe... your big cock drives me wild," he groaned. "Yeah, you like my thick ass don't you?"

"Yes, fuckkk yesss," I moaned, my voice high. "Your ass feels so good! Milk my load out, fuck!"

I knew I wasn't going to last long at this point. Carlos grabbed the bottle of poppers, taking a hit before holding it up to my nose for one. I inhaled deeply as Carlos began to moan, taking full advantage of my dick to rub his prostate, squeezing his hole repeatedly as he slid up and down.

I started pushing up into Carlos hard, the slapping sound of his cheeks against my crotch got faster and faster over the next few minutes as our pleasure climbed.

"Ugnhhhhhhhhhh," I groaned as I couldn't hold back the pressure in my groin anymore, flooding Carlos with cum as he kept impaling himself on me, causing me to hang onto my orgasm for quite some time. 10 seconds after my first blast I felt a small splash on my stomach as Carlos had yet another orgasm, only shooting a little bit, but groaning and shuddering from another blissful, virile peak.

Carlos finally slid my cock out of his ass and collapsed on top of me, both of us breathing heavy.

"Holy shit, I had no idea I could cum this much in 24 hours," Carlos said seriously, a dreamy, satisfied smile on his face.

I laughed, rolling us onto our sides.

"Man I'm pretty crazy about you Carlos," I said. "I thought this summer was going to absolutely suck until I met you."

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