Summer with Carlos

By John Smith

Published on Oct 12, 2020


Summer with Carlos (part 1): Let me help you carry that TV

It had been two months since my college boyfriend and I had broken up and my sexual frustrations were building.

I'd found a job and kept my apartment near campus for the summer with the intention of lots of quality time and hot sex without the distraction of classes.

But just as the semester was ending my boyfriend cheated, we broke up and suddenly I was looking at a long summer in an empty college town without most of my friends and without many opportunities for sex.

I'd gotten used to frequent, athletic and pretty fantastic sex in the two years we were together, and going back to jerking off was quickly becoming the bigger loss than the relationship itself. I worked hard on my body, had a bigger than average dick and a sex drive to match... All of which had been under-utilized.

I hooked up with a hot guy from a bar a few weeks after, but the sex was pretty vanilla. Then I'd found a sexually-frustrated frat guy online with a big dick, who was fun to blow but it still wasn't the passionate, gratifying sex I'd stayed in town for.

I had just about given up on finding a great fuck until other students returned in the fall... until I met Carlos a month into summer.

I was sitting outside the cafe in the student union on my laptop one night after work when someone sat down at the table next to me.

A handsome, athletic Latino guy in a bright soccer jersey and white athletic shorts had put down his iced coffee. He had a head of dark, curly shoulder-length hair, rippling muscles under his beautiful caramel skin, a neatly-trimmed beard and long, hairy runner's legs.

He started looking at his phone and unconsciously pulled a few curls behind his ear, revealing his gorgeous, dark eyes and attractive features. A few beads of sweat on his flushed face told me he had been running around not long before.

A few minutes went by, where I tried not to stare, but couldn't help admiring the guy out of the corner of my eye. His clothes fit well in all the right places and he held his body with a sexy confidence.

I was trying to look focused on my own screen when suddenly he looked over at me.

"Excuse me, do you know where College Electronics is?" he asked in a thick Mexican accent, flashing a beautiful set of teeth.

"Oh uh, sure, yeah it's down Boston Ave on the west side of University Park next to Pacific Tavern," I said.

"Would you mind showing me on a map?" he asked. "I've been here less than a week and this city is much bigger than I'm used to."

Without waiting for an answer he jumped up and came around to the picnic bench I was on, swinging one leg over so he sat facing me with his legs wide, revealing more of his powerful thighs from under the white fabric.

"I'm Carlos," he offered, again spreading his lips into a charismatic, gorgeous smile. It was at this point I caught a whiff of sweat, cologne and musk that started testing my willpower.

"Evan," I managed with what I hoped wasn't too transparent a smile. "Welcome to the city."

He leaned towards me with his phone.

"I want to go pick up a TV and I heard that was the best place," he explained.

"Oh for sure," I said. "You can take College Ave about a mile, turn up Boston and it's on the right."

I leaned over and pointed to the route on his screen, feeling heat radiating from his body and filling my nose with his intoxicating aroma.

I looked up from the screen, noticing his strong shoulders as I locked eyes with him for a second or two longer than I intended. Did I detect a brief twinkle of interest, or was I just too horny and ever-hopeful?

"Thanks," he said. "Coach gave me some old soccer games tonight at practice he wants me to watch," he said.

He was so hot, I didn't want things to end here.

"Well I'm just wrapping up here if you want a hand carrying the TV," I said, trying not to sound eager. "I live in U Park so you could just drop me off after."

"That sounds awesome, thanks man!"

I couldn't believe my luck.

We walked to his car together, chatting about where we were from, what we were studying, all while I got some peeks at his perfect soccer butt moving under the tight white fabric as he walked.

As we drove through the summer night, the air from the window bounced his hair behind him and hit his sweaty t-shirt making his nipples hard. It took all my self control not to reach over and touch them.

We got to College Electronics and found him a TV he liked. I thought I caught him checking me out as we stood in line with the TV, but again I told myself I needed to chill and not let my deprived dick do the thinking.

We loaded the TV in his car and drove to his place, which turned out to be two blocks from my apartment. There we navigated the TV up the narrow stairwell and got the box into his small studio.

Inside was pretty barren except for a kitchenette, a bed on a metal frame and two suitcases.

"Thank you so much for your help man," he said, wiping sweat from his forehead with his shirt, giving me a look at his ripped stomach.

He grabbed two beers from the fridge, sat down on the edge of the bed and held one out for me. "Sorry I'm still just running on basics right now."

"Sure thing, happy to help," I said sitting down on the bed next to him.

We sat there drinking in a few moments of silence, cooling down from the hot summer night. The sag of the mattress in between us felt like it was pulling me closer to him. I swear this time I felt sexual lust in his gaze.

I wanted this stud so bad, I was going to need to bust out a load when I got home.

"So why are you here in July?" he asked. "It seems most students aren't here in the summer."

"I'm from a small town that isn't much to go back to," I laughed. "I was also seeing someone at the end of last year and we were going to be here together this summer, but we broke up in April, so I've just been working during the week and laying on the couch jerking off in my free time."

At this a little glint appeared in his eye as he grinned. "Ah, I see. I'm also from a small town and wanted to get out to try some new things," he said.

He took a few large gulps to finish his beer and I decided to do the same.

"So," I asked emboldened, "any broken hearts left behind in Mexico?"

"Nope," he laughed, though for the first time without his soft-spoken confidence. "It was a very small town, really a tiny village and I want different things than most of the people that live there... So I haven't had much experience."

As he was saying this he started to blush and look embarrassed. He quickly grabbed our empty bottles, brought them to the trash and clearly took a few deep breaths to stop blushing. This time when he sat down next to me, he sat just a little closer.

"That's fair. Well, in a university and city this big I'm sure you can find like-minded people," I said trying to be supportive. "..and experiences."

At this his eyes locked with mine, full of sex but also uncertainty. An unmistakable bulge was growing in his lap. He unsuccessfully tried to hide his hard-on by shifting his weight, which only more clearly outlined a large cock straining against his jock under the white fabric. It wasn't the kind of cock any amount of shifting would hide.

I had been out for years and hadn't ever met someone so clearly inexperienced. As much as I wanted nothing more than to jump this guy, I realized that while I needed to be the one to try to get things started, I was going to need to go slow and he deserved a great first time.

I threw caution to the wind, leaned in and kissed him softly and sensually. At first he did nothing, but within a second or two he parted his lips and let my tongue into his mouth.

"Wow," he said after I broke the kiss. "Wow."

"Hopefully a good wow," I said, watching him closely.

"Definitely a good wow..." he said quickly in a husky whisper, fixing me with his beautiful, expressive eyes. "I've never done anything like that before... I've never had the chance... But I liked it."

He nervously slid his hand onto mine, his touch sending a jolt of electricity to my hardening cock and melting some of my cold heart. This guy was an innocent, sweet hunk I was going to get to guide in pleasure tonight.

This time he leaned in, gently pushing his nose into mine while his facial hair brushed against my face and kissed me with an awakening sexual hunger that complimented his nonchalant confidence and charisma.

"Slow things down or stop me if you want," I said gently, intertwining our hands and giving a little squeeze. He nodded.

I took my free hand, cupped his head and pulled him in for another kiss.

While we made out I kicked off my shoes and pulled him down on top of me, kissing him more forcefully. I felt his athletic body meld into mine, his sexy lips all over mine and his hard cock pressed into mine. I wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders and moved my hands down to roam his athletic ass.

"You... are... so... fucking... sexy... Carlos," I breathed in-between kisses, switching to kissing the side of his neck which made him let out a little gasp.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it off him revealing a toned chest and stomach lightly dusted in sexy black hair. Then I grabbed my own shirt, pulling it off and tossing it to the side.

His eyes darted over my own chest. "Your body is incredible," he complimented. "So hot... I just want to touch you."

"You can touch," I winked.

He grinned, reaching out a hand to touch my chest, running over my right nipple and abs, exploring a male body for the first time. "Damn... very nice," he said.

I leaned over and pushed him back on the bed, touching our warm bare chests together and continued to kiss his neck on the other side making him groan and squirm under me.

I felt his strong hands grab my ass and start pulling my shorts and boxers down. "Let's lose these, I want to touch more," he said mischievously.

I didn't need any convincing, quickly shucking my shorts the rest of the way off, and pulling his shorts and jock off

His cock was magnificent and rock hard. Long enough for me to wrap two hands around and thick enough to perfectly fill my throat without my jaw hurting, pointed up and curved down a little towards the tip. Despite being fully hard his head was still mostly concealed by a long, thick foreskin begging to be teased. At the base of his cock was a small natural bush and a big pair of low-hanging balls that like his cock looked large on his supple soccer frame.

I got back on top of him, grinding my cock into his, kissing the gorgeous stud beneath me as his hands now rubbed and squeezed my bare ass.

I got up, my knees on either side of him and grabbed both our dicks with my hands and stroked them together. The tip of his foreskin glistened with precum as he let out a sexy gasp.

"Unhhhhhh... Evan that feels so good," he groaned, biting his lower lip.

"I want to make you feel amazing tonight, stud," I said in a deep, lusty voice. And I really did. My pent up sexual energy was off the charts and I was going to sink it all into Carlos.

I continued stroking and squeezing our cocks together as I leaned down, licking one of his perky nipples, sucking it into my mouth and playfully biting at it as I looked up at a guy experiencing steamy foreplay for the very first time.

I couldn't resist anymore. The cocksucker in me wanted to start working on one of the most perfect cocks I'd ever seen.

I got down in-between his powerful thighs and stroked him, mesmerized by the way his beautiful foreskin elastically rolled up and down his shaft.

He propped himself up on his elbows as I stuck my tongue out and slowly licked precum from the tip of his cock and circled my tongue around his head inside his skin.

"Oh fuck," he gasped as I teased him, which I took as go-ahead to keep going, so I kissed up and down the side of his shaft soliciting little gasps. "Ohh... ohhhhh yeah, shit this feels so fucking good."

I wrapped my hand around the base of his dick, feeling the warmth and hardness as I playfully slapped it against my face a few times, enjoying the view looking up his sexy body. I was determined to give him a blowjob he would never forget.

I wrapped my lips around his first few inches and started to bobbing up and down, running my tongue around his shaft. He groaned and threw his head back in pleasure as I took more and more of him into my mouth.

"Unnhhhh Evannn... that feels incredible," he said, his hands finding the side of my head as I sucked him. His cock felt warm, solid and velvety in my throat as his manly taste delighted my taste buds.

I pushed my lips down his cock, deep-throating him to a chorus of "oh yes, oh yes!" until my nose was down in his pubes. I got a particularly strong hit of his sexy musk and pulled off his shaft.

I grabbed his dick, giving it a few licks before moving down to give his balls some attention, licking at his sack and gently sucking his large nuts into my mouth to tease them with my tongue. At this he moaned loudly and whimpered as I slowly jacked him.

"Oh yes... oh God I love that," he sighed, running his hands through my hair. "You're so good at this."

I moved back to his cock, which had a truly impressive weight and size to it up close. I engulfed him while locking my eyes with his, watching pleasure wash over his face as I increased suction and my pace. I gently twisted my hand at the base and danced my tongue along the underside of his dick as I sucked him hungrily.

"Fuck I love the way you play with my foreskin," he sighed as I ran my tongue along his frenulum and around his plump cockhead, causing me to double-down on licking and sucking on his loose skin.

I wrapped my arms around his thighs, pulling them to squeeze my head, feeling their warmth and gentle tickle of coarse hair as I worked over the gorgeous athletic stud in ecstasy beneath me.

I let his wet cock fall from my mouth and slap against his abs. Then I pushed his thighs up, revealing his sexy tight hole between two muscular, rounded mounds. Without warning, I dove my wet tongue at his hole, licking up his crack and rolling my tongue to poke at his hole.

"Ahhh... ohh dios miooo!" he groaned and gasped. I saw his hands close on the sheet as he moaned as his voice went higher. "Oh Evan! Evan! I've never felt anything like this... Uhhh don't stop! Unhhh yes, fuckk yesss!"

I went to town on his hole, darting my tongue in and out, lapping at it with a hunger, enjoying having Carlos under my pleasure spell as I gave him his first rimjob.

I reached up and grasped his shaft, jacking him as I continued to rim his slightly-hairy ass. His dick was impossibly hard and I could tell if I wanted to swallow his load I needed to switch back.

I let his thighs roll down off his chest and engulfed him again, savoring the taste of the precum leaking from his foreskin.

"Fuck, this feels so much better than I ever imagined," he sighed, letting out bursts of gasps and sighs as I overwhelmed his virgin cock.

With one hand I jacked him while I slurped and sucked on his cock, with the other I roamed his abs, rubbed his pecs and tweaked his nipples. I was picking up the pace, pulling out all my tricks to push Carlos over the edge.

Under me Carlos writhed and bucked, now pushing his cock up into my mouth.

"I'm going to cum soon," he panted. "Oh yes, oh fuck, oh fuck yes." His gasps and moans started going up in pitch, his breathing getting louder and sharper.

Suddenly I felt his balls tense under my hand and his entire shaft swell as he cried out, thrusting his hips up as he fired an enormous amount of cum down my throat. I moved my mouth up a little so it would flood with his hot, sweet nectar as his cock pulsed out more powerful spurts of gooey cum as he moaned and panted beneath me.

I pulled my mouth up off his shaft, sticking my tongue into his foreskin to clean the last of my reward up, causing him to spasm as he came down from the height of his orgasm.

I crawled up next to him on the bed, my cock pressing against his side as I leaned in to kiss him. His lips parted, letting some of his own cum in as he kissed me passionately, panting in-between kisses with a grin on his face.

"That... was... amazing," he said, kissing me between each word. "I thought I was going to faint when you started eating my ass. I've never felt so good and I've never cum like that before."

I laughed. "I loved making you feel good. You're hot as hell and your cock is fucking amazing. I could suck you all night."

He smiled and kissed me, pulling me into a sweaty embrace. "Sounds good to me," he whispered in my ear. "You're going to need to show me how to make you feel that good."

With that, Carlos slid down to my crotch and took my dick into his mouth, slobbering and sucking on me enthusiastically. What he lacked in experience he made up for in raw lust, made even hotter by knowing he was tasting cock for the first time.

Carlos looked up at me as he bobbed up and down on my cock, my shaft plunging between his soft, plump lips. He was a quick study, using some of my own techniques to make me squirm.

He pulled off my dick and stroked me for a minute while he caught his breath. "Evan... will you fuck me?" he asked shyly. "I... I want you to be my first."

I leaned over, kissing Carlos with an intimacy that felt well beyond any hookup I'd ever had. This guy was special and I wanted him to feel it.

"Okay, just know if you change your mind for whatever reason, we can always try again another time," I said gently.

"So there's going to be another time, huh?" He asked grinning.

I slapped his ass playfully, "I sure hope so," I said in a low, husky voice. "Roll over stud."

Carlos didn't need telling twice, he rolled onto his stomach, shaking his hips, causing his large muscular, bubble butt to jiggle. I swung my leg over him, letting my cock fall between his cheeks as I lay my weight down on him, pinning his arms down with my own as I kissed the side of his neck.

"You like my big cock in your crack, huh?" I asked, grinding it into him.

"Uhh huh," he groaned, pushing his ass up against me.

"You want me to slide it into your tight hole?" I asked, sucking on his neck. "Bust a hot load inside you after making you feel real good?"

"Uhhhhh uh huh," he said. "I want you inside me, making you feel as amazing as you're making me feel."

With that I licked down with my tongue beneath his shoulder blades causing him to shudder under me. I continued down, slowly running my tongue down his back to just above his crack.

I grabbed firm handfuls of his ass, spreading it as I slowly licked from the bottom of his crack to the top. I slapped his right cheek harder, repeating my dirty licks getting his crack nice and wet.

For the next few minutes, I let all my sexual energy flow into rimming Carlos. My nose was full of his sexy musk and my taste buds full of his fantastic taste as I danced my tongue in and around his tight hole.

Next I gently probed at his hole with a finger, sliding it into his warm chute.

"How's that?" I asked as I slowly started moving it in and out.

"Uhh so good," he said breathlessly. "Stick another in."

I gave his hot hole a few more wet licks and sunk two fingers into his ass. It was so hot seeing my white fingers disappear into his tanned ass, pull them out and then sink back in.

"Roll back over," I instructed, helping Carlos flip onto his back as I grabbed his legs, pulling them against my chest.

I leaned forward and kissed Carlos as I ground my dick into his beautiful ass and he pushed up against me. He looked so hot, this soccer stud pretzeled beneath me, discovering a whole new world of pleasures like a thick cock and balls grinding into you before a hot fuck.

Carlos started humping his ass into me, spreading his legs for me. "Evan I want you so bad," he panted. "Please... fuck... me...," he groaned, squeezing his checks around my cock.

I leaned down, pushing his ass up towards the ceiling for one last, heated rimming. I was spurred on by his moans, musk and complete surrender. His hole was primed for my cock and I couldn't wait any longer.

I let his thighs roll back against my chest, lining up my rock hard cock at Carlos' hole and pushed my head into his hot, tight chute.

Carlos breathed in sharply as I entered his hole. I rubbed Carlos' sexy chest as he took some deep breaths to adjust. In a few moments he looked up and nodded.

I sunk my cock slowly into Carlos until my balls were resting against his cheeks. His muscular ass felt hot around my rod and fantastically tight.

"You feel so big inside me," he said, grabbing my ass and pulling my dick deep into him.

I started slowly grinding into him. "Fuck Carlos, you feel incredible... So fucking hot.. Fuck."

His eyes went wide as the tip of my cock started rubbing his prostate and he started moaning wildly, without reservation.

"Oh Evan, oh my God fuck me good. Oh yeah don't hold back. Evan!!" He shivered in pleasure as I thrust hard against his prostate.

I leaned down and kissed him as I picked up my pace, gyrating my hips into his ass as my balls noisily smacked against his bubble butt. His cock was hard again, bouncing against his tight stomach as I pile-drove his ass, crescendoing both our pleasure. Our lips and bodies mashed together, our eyes inches from each other as he moaned into my mouth.

"I want to ride you," he said hungrily, rolling out from under me. I flopped down on the bed, glistening in sweat as he swung his knee over and started sitting on my dick, shimmying his tight hole down my pole until it had disappeared inside him.

Carlos started exploring his ass using my cock, rhythmically sliding up and down, his own cock bouncing between his stomach and mine, slamming his weight up and down while he fixed me with his lust-filled gaze. With each bounce Carlos' black, curly hair bounced against his shoulders and a smile widened on his face.

Then Carlos started rolling his body, dancing his insides around my pole, giving me the gorgeous view of his abs as they rolled with his body.

It felt too incredible, I couldn't control myself anymore, it was time to fill Carlos' ass with its first load of hot cum.

I rolled Carlos back onto his back and increased my pace. I put my hands on his pecs, pinning him to the bed as I fucked his ass hard. I grabbed his cock from him and started jerking him roughly, watching his foreskin bounce in my hand.

I felt Carlos' hole squeeze my cock as his cock tensed and fired five huge blasts coating his chest. "Ahhh ahhh ahh ohhh fuckkk!" He moaned, slamming his ass hard against my thighs and sending me over the edge.

My cock erupted inside Carlos, flooding his beautiful ass with blast after blast of hot cum. Beads of sweat fell off my face to join the pools of cum on Carlos' chest as I slowly pulled out of his cum-coated insides, coming down from one of my best orgasms ever.

I collapsed down next to Carlos, pulling our spent bodies together, kissing him passionately as we caught our breath. Our hot, sweaty, hairy, cum-covered bodies became a tangle of limbs as we panted and sighed.

Carlos looked at me and grinned. "That was... wow. Wow, wow, wow. That was amazing. You really know how to turn me on. Holy fuck that was incredible." He grabbed at my ass playfully as he kissed me.

"That was some of the hottest sex I've ever had," I said still on cloud nine. "You're something else."

Carlos pulled my arm over him, scooching into a little spoon position with my body wrapped around his. I pulled his sexy locks away from his neck, kissing him as we gently ground our bodies into each other.

"Please stay tonight," he asked. "I don't want this to end."

I responded by squeezing him in my arms, pulling him into me. I nuzzled his neck with my nose, feeling him melt into me as we dozed off.

Next: Chapter 2

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