By G Cutter

Published on Jun 4, 2009



WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



G. Cutter

There's a lot of debate regarding what period is or was the best time of your life.

Currently I work at a pretty shitty job, get crap wages, the country's falling to pieces and the world is on the verge of meltdown, so, I've got to go back a bit. I'd plumb for the twelve to sixteen period. The time I learnt that a willy wasn't just for peeing therough and the time before I left school and started working for a living. Yeah, I'd go for the early teens. I lived in Coldharbour which is just below Dorking and in those years it really was the sunny South. A string of long hot summers, good friends and lots of big farms, forestry land and hilly ground to explore and generally lose yourself in. Once you got a decent off road bike, a Rough Rider, a Mud Monkey or similar the world was your oyster.

Anyway, let's get to the point. It was a few days before the term end and the big holiday starting, you know, the eight weeks plus - the long Summer Break and I woke up one morning feeling like shit. I mean bad, I had all the symptoms of Parrot Flu or Donkey Flu or whatever was going the rounds at the time and my mum promtly phoned a hot line somewhere and they told here to keep me in bed and wrapped up. Yeah, just what you need in the middle of a heatwave. Unfortunately, when push came to shove my mum was a working lady, dad had gone on walkabout a few years previously and never came back. She was worried, of course she was but she tucked me up and told me to stay in bed. She had to work, she was the breadwinner after all and I appreciated that more than she ever knew. She told me she was a phone call away and disappeared into Dorking in our clapped out old car after doing an early call to the School Secretary.

Now, without a word of a lie and this is Gospel by around half nine or ten I felt as right as rain. I had a poo, a nice relaxing shower and attacked the wheaties and OJ in the fridge. I felt even righter than rain. What to do. Now, I'm a smart lad, or I was then for a fourteen coming on fifteen and the last thing I wanted to do was to upset my mum so I promptly phoned my mum at work and told her I was fit, well and running on steroids. She didn't believe me, mum's never do. In the end I got permission to sit out in the garden or even have a bike ride but to avoid other people 'just in case' I was Typhoid Mary. Yeah, we'd done her at school. She said she'd phoned the school and let them know that I would be taking the day off and it was probably their fault anyway... that's my mum.

That was good enough for me but what to do, I didn't want to go into Coldharbour or the local bobby would trap me for truancy and there'd be all the waffle. I was tempted to cycle upto mum's office in Dorking but it was too far and if I did come over rough I'd be in for a world of 'I told you so'. I decided to take a trip out to the old MOD land about two miles away. There's loads of it around and officially of limits but the Army abandoned loads of what was now wildwoood and just forgotten to revert it to common land as it was originally. There was a stream and a pool and derelict huts and broken down buildings, the local kids made it theirs over the holidays and at weekends but they were all at school. I could even do a bit of paddling, even a bit of skinny dipping... even lie out in the sunny solitude and flog Dave Junior to death. Dave Senior was me by the way and I think I mentioned that I was fourteen and three quarters at the time. Nearly a fifteen year old full of sixteen year old lusts.

Off I went, it was nearly eleven and I intended to spend as much time as I liked or until I got bored with my own company. I wasn't used to the Lone Ranger bit, I had two close mates but they were at school so it was solo or sit indoors and it was too bloody hot... it was a day for leafy woodlands and little streams which in this case was a baby river. The first mile was the hardest as it was over a scruffy little footpath but then it got better as you neared the woods. The farmer's fields gave way to Common Land which edged onto MOD land (officially).. the Common was mainly shrubbery and hilly enough to make biking fun, some of the older lads brought dirtbikes over here in the summer's evening and the Poilice were always chasing them off. It was about here that I got a flash of white and cast a beady eye. Medically impossible but you know what I mean. It was a schooly, wandering in the same direction as myself. He was from my school, the white shirt, the dark longies and the red blazer slung over his shoulder gave the game away. I cycled after him silently, there was a good chance I knew him by sight if not my name.

'Hey up...' I called and he stopped and turned around looking a bit nervously but smiled when he saw me. I knew him, he was in the other Fourth Form so he was more than likely the same age as I was. Just as a matterof total disinterest we had two Fourth Forms with a total of around fifty boys and girls. Now does that make you drool or what?

'Hi,' he looked uncomfortable, sweat was beading his face and the back and armpits of his white shirt were damp.

'You should take you're shirt off,' I advised.

'It's bad enough bunking off school withour running around half naked,' he gave a lopsided grin. 'You look good,' he stared to me in an open shirt and baggy shorts, trainers without socks completing the outfit by the way.

'Thanks.' A funny thing to say but I love a compliment. 'I'm off sick and not supposed to go near anyone in case I've got leprosy or abscondititus.'

'What was the second?' He laughed and he was nice. Dark like me but he had his hair in a schooly short back and sides whereas mine was skinhead.

'It means an allergy to school.'

'Nah, it's not that.' He realy looked near tears. 'I've had such a shit term in maths and that Mr Drury arsehole won't let me alone. I couldn't take anymore, I decided to give it a miss for the day... fuck him.'

'Good for you,' I laughed. 'The Term only has two days left... I'm top of my class in maths,' I declared rather pretentiously I must admit.

'Bully for you,' he replied rather sourly I thought. 'I'm Edward Champion... Ed that is.'

'Dave Carpenter,' I announced. 'Where you off to Ed, my man?'

'I just wanna get in the woods and have a lie down before I melt,' he replied rather gloomily.

'I know a place, running water, a pool and all the shade you need. Come on.' I got off my bike and led off, after a minute he tagged along. He was little boy lost and was quite happy to be led. I wondered if he'd like to be led further but we'd see once we got away from any onlookers although the planet seemed pretty deserted. I led straight for the MOD bit of woods and followed the quite clear footpath to the river and pool and finally slung the bike down and collapsed onto thegrass. He fell alongside me and gasped like it was his last breath. The poor boy wanted the kiss of life but it was a bit early for that.

Gotta pull in here. Reading back I'm beginning to sound like an old perv who knew what he was doing and I was far from that. I'd had a couple of sticky encounters with my pals but nothing more. I think at that time the most action I'd seen was a threeway naked wrestling bit with heavy sexual overtones on a sleepover at some event or the other. Yeah, the three way wank was the peak of my sexual career at that moment in time and space.

I set an example by taking off my trainers and hanging my sweat damp shirt on a nearby bush and after a moment he followed but he kept his long trousers on.

'Jeez, that's better,' he sighed and stretched out, of course I was in full ogle mode. It wasn't often with my two pal setup I managed to get alone with one or the other. This time I had a boy the same age as myself and he was all mine. Even at that age I was convinced that all boys liked to 'play around' given the opportunity and it didn't get much better than this.

'Yeah, peace and quiet,' I did a bit of dramatic arm stretching and yawning. 'We've got the place to ourselves,' I went for broke, I peeled off my shorts and in my briefs paddled into the cool flow. It wasn't what you'd call a grown up river, it was a tiddler but the stream came up to your thighs and if you walked into the pond it would come upto your titties, quite enough to swim and splash around in. He watched me and made various comments, the important thing was he was watching and my briefs were pretty tight, I was displaying all my hidden assets in outline at least.

'You can't be that ill,' he sat up with his arms around his knees watching.

'It's lovely,' I tried my Siren bit. 'Oooh... shit.' I 'accidently' splashed myself dampening my front feeling the sweet coolness on my groin. He laughed and I clambered back. The front of my briefs were now wet and I sat there as if deep in thought. 'Take your trousers off, get some air to your skinny legs.'

'They're not skinny,' he giggled. 'What is someone comes?' He suddenly reddened as I laughed. It was one of those Carry On moments, you know, the old double enterdre.

'Don't play with yourself then,' I retorted and calmly although shaking inside peeled my briefs off and lay on my back showing myelf off. 'I'm going dipping in a minute. It's hot enough.'

'Yeah,' he agreed and taking a crafty sideways peek I saw him slip his trousers off and then with jiggling buttocks lay them on the grass neatly and nearby. 'I hope no one comes by,' he muttered nervously.

'No chance,' I croaked staring at his bulky package. Now this kid was similar to me in all ways but his crotch, he was either a damn sight bigger than I was or overextended, on his way to a hardon in other words.

'I'm in,' I got to my feet before I also popped one and made a run for the water. I ran in until ir reached my hips and then took a flat and very messy dive. It was glorious, cool without being freezing and he was standing there looking at me and suddenly he did it. I saw him slip his briefs down, I saw his long brown cock flop and he was on his way. That was it, we sploshed and we splashed, we splapped and we tickled and right at the end as we stood bobbing up and down I felt one of his hands cup my balls and the other grasp my now fully extended penis. He looked at me fearfully and I put my arms around him pulling him closer laying my own hands on his super smooth bottom feeling the texture and the young firmness of boyflesh.

'Gawd,' he moaned and slipped his hands around back clasping my buttocks and pulling us in even tighter. 'David...'

'Shush...' I kissed his nose. He was the one, I don't know how I knew but as his stiffness poked into mine I knew he was the boy for me. He was my very own Eddy.

He looked at me with a slow smile and his face came closer, this time our lips were an inch apart and as if it was the most natural thing in the world we kissed, no tongue action but that would come. 'Let's relax,' he suggested with a sexy little smile.

'Let's,' I agreed and followed him from the water staring at the crack that seperated his buttocks. I was going to go all the way with this kid, I was going to fuck him and he was going to fuck me... it was in the stars.

We flopped down on the grass in the shaded warmth and looked upwards. His hand reached out for mine and we just lay there happy in each other's company just like a pair of kids. Suddenly he turned towards me and his stiffness brushed against my hip, naturally enough I turned inwards as well and my own erection glanced against his.

'It's nice,' he held me and slowly worked my foreskin to and fro and over my wet glans.

'Glad you like,' I smiled and held his. It was so firm and warm and yes, it was probably larger than mine but I didn;t care as we slowly began to massage and finally wank each other. It wasn't a race but a bit of loving, we even ventured a second kiss but this one was longer and his tongue forced entry into my mouth. We lay together squirming, wanking and kissing until I lost control and rolled on top of him and started to hump belly to belly, slippery and sweaty cock on cock and lips crushed together.

It was all those great words; wonderful, fantastic, brill and wicked. His hands clamped on my buttocks keeping us together as we simulated the sexual act experimenting but knowing exactly what we wanted.

He cum first, I head him moan and then his cock throbbed between us squirting his juice between our bellies and lubricating my own hot meat. A moment later I cum as well adding to the mess and we pumped against each other glued together by our own creamy boy spunk. We were done.

'Wow, that was incredible,' I heard him mutter as I lat atop him with my eyes closed.

'Indeedy,' I grinned as I felt his fingers toying with my crack, was he expressing an interest of just playing?' 'I could imagine that thing going off inside me?' I ventured. Now this was risky as I wasn't sure if he was just grasping an opportunity or if he really wanted to go any further.

'Could you?' He kissed me gently. 'Inside your sweet lips or inside your sweet bottom,' he gave my bum a squeeze just to demonstrate what he was talking about.

'I dunno,' I began to back down.

'This isn't going to be the last time,' he declared forcefully. 'We go well together, we've got to meet up over the holidays.' Then we went through the rigmarole of who lived where and he lived two streets away would you believe, two streets into the centre of Coldharbour. Five minutes on the Double M and probably about ten walking.

'Fuckbuddies?' I suggested still going for the jugular.

'In time,' he giggled. 'You've got to court me.'

'Rape you more like.'

'That sounds even better,' he laughed and rolled spilling me onto the grass. 'Come on Spunky.' he ran for the water and a minute later I followed. For the first time in my short and pointless life I was in love... apart from the newspaper boy that was.

We rolled around and played in the water until we got too cold and then spreqad ourselves on the grass again, it was gloriously warm without being too hot under the shade of the trees. The trees had gaps enough to let the sun actually glare in places so we had our option of shadow or bright suunlight and moved from one patch to the other as the urge dictated. All the false modesty enforced by school and society generallt was forgotten as we wrestled about, rested and then it began again, the little kisses the casual gropes and we were in each other's arms once more horny and ready for more.

'You've got a lovely cock,' he flushed and then giggled. 'I've never said that before to anyone... I sound such a gay.'

'I'm not gonna tell anyone,' I flathanded him onto his back, I was on an adventure. 'I think your's is beautiful as well,' I held his meaty mass and slid the foreskin up and down covering and then exposing his shiny glans. 'Beautiful,' I whispered and kissed him on his belly inches away from the vibrant flesh. I didn't know if I dare do it but I closed my eyes and lapped the end of his penis and as he bucked with shock and surprise I sank my mouth over his hard and most succulent of morsels. It tasted salty, well, just a bit, it felt slippery and as I moved my lips up and down his shaft he moaned and moved slowly in my mouth.

'What does it taste like?' He muttlered playing with my bristly hair and ears.

'Try it,' I shuffled around still connected to him but now with my head buried in his crotch and my own erection facing him. He hestitated for just moments and took me in hand guiding it to his mouth. I nearly passed out with pleasure as I sucked on his hot flesh and felt his mouth take me in and his hands clasp myy bottom again as we sucked each other with all the accompanying licks and flicks. This was closeup stuff, I studied his smooth and dark red glans making the skin stretch as I really held his foreskin back concentrating on the now slick and gleraming head. It was beautiful, have I said that and I began to take it right into the back of my throat. Of course, I stroked and moulded his smooth brown cheeks relishing his satin like skin and the firm but yielding flesh in my hands.

'Oh, yeah...' He started to hump into my mouth as I did into his and soon we were doing what I found out later was called a sixty niner. We were fucking each other's faces and there's only one outcome there. As he got harder and harder and his balls tightened up I knew he was going to cum again and cum into my mouth but I was determined to end what I'd started. I clasped his bum and took him right down into the back of my throat to receive the first blast of his slimy cum and then a second and third. I nearly choked but managed it all even shlurping down his final dribbles and then flopped back with his cum on my lips and jaw as he concentrated on me.

I was praying thay he wouldn't chicken out and he didn't, he lay me flat and crouched over me with his dangly dick in my face as his head bobbed up and down. As I cum I ran my fingers right up into his crack feeling his smooth little rosebud for the first time. As he gobbled and swallowed I prodded and felt my finger slip inside his sweaty ring. He gasped around my cock but kept sucking as I gently moved my finger in and out of his tickening pucker.

We lay on our sides again gasping and grinning, another first and another step in our relationship. By my reckoning there was one final step to take but were we ready. Maybe not today but most certainly in the near future. As I've said before, it was in the stars, it had to be.

'That would have been better with a bit of oil,' he whispered laying by my side. 'That finger bit.'

''So nice,' I nuzzled at his smooth neck. 'You know what we gotta do?'

'What?' He grinned.

'Do the last two days at school and then really spend some time in a proper bed.'

'A reluctant yes to the first and an enthusiastic yes to the second,' he said straight faced and then giggled.

'We gonna try and...?

'We are,' he looked at me. 'I want you so much and I know you want me so we've got to try.' Well, that sounded complicated but he was right. We had to find private time and let the passions flow as the books say. We spent quite some time there before I suggested that he came back to my place. He could hide out there for the rest of the afternoon and he got the drift. I was talking about being in my room and not sitting down watching the television. If my mum found out she would murder me especially after ordering me not to go near anyone but I didn't care. It was a small risk and worth it.

I knew mum wouldn't be home until around five and it was barely one o'clock, I had Edward for the afternoon and I was near the phone if mum decided to call.

'Nice room,' he poked around as boys do taking in the posters, books and magazines and my less than state of the art computer. 'Do you go on line?'

'Nah, mum says she'll spring me for my fifteenth.'

'When's that?'

'Two weeks.'

'Ah, you're a week older than I am then,' he grinned and looked at me expectantly. 'I'm fifteen in three weeks.'

'And I'm hard,' I took his hand and dragged him down onto my bed and he lay there with a slight smile on his face. I felt his fork and I could feel his meat was hard again, he gave a little pelvic thrust up and I dropped my head. 'Wanna share a shower, we can hang your gear about to dry properly.'

'Sounds good.' he whispered. 'All soapy and slippery, anything could happen.' He was suddenly flushed. 'We could even...'

'We could,' I agreed. 'Get naked, Boyfriend.' Jeez, I was getting so bold. All this and after one mutual wank., a mutual suck which I learned to call a blow in time and a load of chat. We stripped off and tripped across the bathroom which was directly opposite to my room. Our house had both a bath and a shower in the same room for some reason although the toilet was in it's own room next door. I always thought it would have made sense to have the bathroom in it's own room but there you go, I didn't design the house. I knew we were perfectly safe but he was a bit nervous until we got into the barely warm water and the soapy stroking started. We were both as hard as pokers which just goes to show the passion or the sex drive of younger teenies. We giggled and played around until we got to the back washing stage.

He turned his back on me and flathanded the tiled wall. 'Do my back,' he muttered and spread his legs. He was offering himself, he had to be and I wasn't messing around. He knew what I wanted and he'd put himself at risk. I soaped his back and paid particular attention to his jiggly high riding bottom and at last took the plunge. I fingered into his sweet crack toying and stroking across his pucker, he didn't flinch but he did moan and shove his bottom out. This time my finger slipped inside him right to the hilt and he clamped on me and pushed back as I slowly worked my finger to and fro into his hot little boy fanny. 'Give it a go,' he whispered so quietly I barely heard him.

I slid my figer free and as I did so he gave a little moan. He gave a longer and it sounded a very satisfied groan when I rubbed my now oozing head against his pucker and pushed into his incredible slickness and warmth. He clamped on me and then relaxed as I moved in and out until I was in all the way and my dark pubics pressed against his soft bottom. 'I'll get my revenge,' he threatened as I moved slowly in and out of his sweet heat.

'I hope so,' I groaned with the exquisite pleasure of my first fuck. 'Did it hurt?'

'Just a little, I was well soapy,' he giggled and pushed back onto me. 'Feels weird, good all the same... I bet it's better when it's not so slippery.'

'We'll try that one over the weekend,' I grinned and wrapped one arm around his belly and with the other around his chest just moved my hips to and fro in his recently virgin bottom. It was so good I was on a sexual overload. My legs were weak and I was so hard it hurt even surrounded by his hot flesh. It wasn't going to take long and his moaning and pushing back helped. I dropped one hand to grasp his own jerking cock and started for real. Soapy thwacks made the thing even more erotic as I felt my heat begin to build and then to my surprise he started to mutter and babble.

'Harder, harder... Davey. Harder,' he pushed back onto my thrusts and I rammed in and stayed in. I could feel my heat rise in a rush and then the familiar but different sensation as my cock pumped and throbbed only this time squirting my semen deep into another boy. My boy lover and he gasped as he must have felt it splash and splatter into his gut. It was done and it was never going to be a massive cum after the earlier ones but honour was satisfied. It felt messy and slippery as I moved slowly in and out of my own mess. 'Wow, that was so weird.' He slipped free and turned to kiss and grasp at me, I could feel his own cock like a bar between us and wordlessly turned around in the water offering my all.

'Come on then, I wanna try it.' I felt a right slut saying that but it was true. He'd done his bit and now it was my turn. Of course, I wanted to feel him inside me but I wasn't saying that. Funnily enough I was having funny thoughts about my little blond newspaper boy and he was only thirteeen, it must have been a forecast or an omen of what was to come. Maybe even wishful thinking but I jumped, I could feel a finger at my ring and then it was inside me soaping me up and giving me a little taster. I clamped on it and he chuckled.

A moment later and his finger slipped free. 'Ready.'

'Slowly,' I tensed and felt it at my ring and then with the gentlest of pushes he was in me. A little stretching but absolutely no pain and then the strangest sensation of hot boy cock filling me and finally his lithe body pressing against mine and his breath on my neck. 'You alright...'

'Hungry for cock...' I tried the slut bit and it worked. He was good for a first timer although I was hardly a judge. He shafted me good and I enjoyed every thrust and prod. Funny thing was I thought all the while of his sweet arse and his fucking which I reckoned made me a bit of a two way boy. I loved both aspects of perhaps it perhaps it was because it was my Eddy. My Eddy for now and a hell of a long time to come.

When he cum in me it was incredible, I could feel his warm spunk inside me and even trickling from my hole. He was glued to my back kissing and trying to gulp in air at the same time. When he finally slipped free we rinsed off and went through the rather embarassing bit of post coital whatsit. As a package it was all good, a good day all around. Would we do it again, would out friendship last... who knows.

Well, that was how Edward and I got together for the very first time. We're both twenty five now and have spent a decade trying to have babies without success so that's some indication on how it turned out. We're both looking forward to the next decade with a few friends to help out along the way of course.

Oh, I forgot to mention. Two weeks after our first time togehther we did have the newspaper boy but we shared him and my two pals but that took a little longer.


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