Summer School Blues

By moc.liamtoh@61retirwtsohg

Published on Jun 29, 1999



If you are offended by stories about adolescent teen boys in sexual situations, get out of this Newsgroup. If you're under eighteen, don't go any further either (yeah right!). As always, this is pure fiction and none of this really happened although I wish it had. It is for entertainment only. This work is copyright and property of the author. Publication of this work beyond the Nifty Archive without permission of the author is forbidden.

Summer School Blues

Part I

As we drove down the highway past the unimpressive Gulf of Mexico, I was beginning to wonder if this had been a good idea. I had been bitching to my parents that my summers were boring and I wanted something to do. At 14, I should have realized specificity would be imperative. I ended up enrolled in a TAG (Talented And Gifted) program in Galveston for two weeks. I thought hell, at least it's near a beach. I looked out the window. Some beach. Son of a beach is more like it. Dull brown waters, stormy looking skies, wretched humidity, and God knows what else.

I tried not to think about it, at least not to think badly about it. Maybe there would be some cute boys here. Who knows. Yeah, right, dream on. Cute boys at a TAG program? They'd probably all be nerds with goofy glasses, overbites, and pocket protectors. My parents were driving me into hell. I would rather be home and bored, watching MTV or something. Anything but this.

Our car pulled into the cracked parking lot of the dormitory quad. I stepped out to stretch my legs and look around. The series of three identical buildings were very bland. Straight right- angled, box-shaped, off-white colored structures. I've seen IRS buildings with more appeal to them. My red hair must have stood out like a bulls eye out here.

The pavement of the parking lot was broken and pot-holed, a myriad of tiny green weeds sprouting from the cracks. There were puddles everywhere, refusing to dry up in the Texas heat. Of course, the temperature didn't really matter because they were being sustained by the incredible humidity, and they teemed with life. Nothing good, mind you. The entire campus was a virtual breeding ground for the Texas mosquito, the biggest son of a bitch you will ever see in America. Larvae swarmed by the hundreds over the hundreds more of puddles.

"Do I really have to do this?" I asked.

"You're the one who said he was bored during the summer. Well, here's something to do," my dad said, completely unsympathetically.

"I wasn't this bored," I retorted.

"Well, here's something else for you to do," he said throwing my suitcase at me. He hefted another bag out and handed it to my mother, then took the last one for himself. "Let's go find out where your room is. Do you have all that paperwork they sent you?"

"I have it in my purse, dear," my mom answered.

"Then let's get going."

I sighed and followed them into the building. There was a poster next to the open stairwell that read, "TAG Program Registration, Second Floor TV Room." We ambled up the stairs, no elevators of course, to the second floor. The TV room was right at the top. There were (I would guess) counselors set up at three different tables with letters taped to each one. A fourth person stood at the door greeting people as they came in and four more sat on the sofas watching an Aerosmith video on television. The lady at the door smiled warmly as we approached. Her name tag read, "Evelyn."

"Hello! How are you today? The tables are divided up by last names, so just find the one that has the first letter of your last name and they'll take care of you!"

"Thank you, Evelyn," my dad said shaking her hand and smiling. We walked over to our table. The girl sitting there was bright and cheerful. She had long blond hair tied back into a pony tail and big brown eyes. Of course, that wasn't all that was big on her, but I'll get on with it. She had a soft and friendly young face. Her name tag read, "Krista."

"Hey there, what's your name?" she said happily as we approached the table.

"Davis, Cody Davis," my mom blurted out before I even had a chance to take a breath. "I have all his registration papers here." I watched in abject humiliation as my mom emptied the contents of her purse onto the table. She found what she was looking for and handed the papers to Krista, then began the unorganized task of cramming everything back into her purse.

Krista pulled a small packet from a box on the table and handed it to me. "Okay, Cody, you're in room 307. Your roommate's name is Kyle and he's already checked in so you might see him up there. Orientation is tonight at six o'clock right here and we go to dinner from there. Any questions?"

"Not yet, but maybe I'll think of something later on," I said, smiling and winking. I saw her blush as I turned and headed for the stairs. I love doing that. If only they knew.

"Do you know where you're going?" my dad called after me.

"As a matter of fact I do. Third floor."

"How do you know you're on the third floor?" my mom asked, just getting the last trinket back into her purse.

"I didn't get into the TAG program for nothing, you know. My room is 307. The first number corresponds to the floor number, the last two to the room number. Besides, Krista said I might see Kyle `up there,' indicating my room was on a floor above this one. Since there are only three floors in this building, I concluded my room was on the third one. Any more questions?"

"Smart ass," my dad said.

"And he has you to thank for it," my mom added.

Krista smiled.

I turned and walked out.

There was no one in the room when I unlocked the door and pushed it open. Nothing very impressive. The interior walls were the same color as the exterior, and the unplush carpet was a dark mustard color. It looked old and worn, as if at one time it might have been bright as the sun, but so many feet had trampled that brightness out. There were two twin beds, one in the back left corner and the other about five feet closer to the door already made up. They were separated by a plain wooden desk and chair, and an identical desk sat just opposite the closer bed.

There was one chest of drawers situated on the wall directly opposite the farthest bed. Just next to that was another door that I presumed led to the bathroom. Two closets with vinyl compressible doors were situated side by side on the right wall just past the entry. There was only one window in the room, but it took up most of that wall, the main door taking up the rest. There was an a/c unit below the window and a small table with two chairs not far from that.

I crossed over to the farther bed and threw my suitcase on top. My mom came right over, pulled it off, and handed it back to me. "Put your clothes away."

My father was opening closets to see which one was empty. He figured it out and hung my hanging bag inside. "I'll let you take care of that later."

My mother, meanwhile, had opened the other bag and was trying to put the sheets on my bed.

"Mom, I'll do that," I said taking the rest of the sheets from her. The last thing I needed was for my roommate to come in and see mommy and daddy setting everything up for me.

She looked back at me almost hurt. "Oh, okay honey, if you're sure."

"Hey, you taught me well. I can handle it," I said with a reassuring smile.

She seemed to perk up a little at that. My dad walked over and placed his hands on her shoulder. "Come on, we've got a drive ahead of us if we want to be home before dark."

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Mom asked.

"Absolutely, I promise I'll call you if I have any problems," I said, not entirely lying. I don't cry to mommy.

Thinking I was just about home free, my mom warp sped over to me and hugged me close. "Behave and have fun, okay?"

"Don't worry, I will," I said mischievously. With that, they turned and left. I finished making my bed and putting my clothes away. I looked over at the alarm clock I had set up on my desk. It was only 4:30, leaving me an hour and a half till the orientation started. I decided I would go find the pool, or at least see if it was open.

I pulled my trunks out of my dresser and went to change in the bathroom. There was a door on the other side of the bathroom that led to the adjoining room, but no one was in there either. Both beds had already been set up as well. The bathroom had a double sink, and the toilet and shower were in a separate room behind them. I went into the private room to change and decided to take a piss first. Just as I was getting my pants off, I heard voices outside. Someone, actually more than one, came trampling through the bathroom joking around with each other. Someone knocked on the door.

"Be out in a sec," I called.

I heard some muffled giggling and sped up my changing process. I flushed the toiled and opened the door quickly, but the room was empty. I walked back into my room and tossed my clothes into a drawer. I pulled out a sleeveless t-shirt and towel, grabbed my key, Oakleys, and sandals, and was just about to the door when someone from behind said, "Hey, wussup?"

I turned to see three of the most gorgeous boys looking at me. Two of them were about my height, around 5'6" and about 120 pounds. The other was closer to six feet, probably about 150. They all had fairly excellent muscle definition, easily discernable beneath their shirts. They must have been athletes.

"I'm Kyle," the first one said, walking over and extending his hand. Kyle was cute. He had blond hair tied back, the sides and back of his head shaved to the scalp in a typical boarder's cut. He had deep brown eyes and small, but appealing lips. There wasn't a blemish on his face. He was wearing cut-off khaki shorts, a white t-shirt and sandals.

"Hey. Cody," I said, returning the shake.

"This is Robbs," he said pointing to the six foot tall Greek god before me. Robbs had jet black hair also tied up in a pony tail, but none of his head was shaved. He had icy blue eyes, incredibly hypnotic, and a few freckles on his cheeks. He was dressed in denim shorts, a blue tank top, and sneakers with no socks. "And this is David," he said pointing to the last boy in the group. David was pretty cute, too, but he still looked very boyish compared to the others. He had brown hair cropped into a very short flat top. His brown eyes held a certain innocence I couldn't quite explain. He was wearing denim shorts also, a Tommy shirt, and sneakers. "Pool's closed on Sundays, we just walked by there."

Damn. Now what am I going to do for an hour, I thought to myself.

"We came back to see if you'd gotten here yet. Everyone's over at the rec center playing pool or video games. Want to join us?" Kyle asked.

"Hell yes, let me change back into normal clothes first," I said rushing past them to my dresser.

"We'll wait for you outside," Kyle said, and they left.

I didn't bother to go back in the bathroom, I just stripped down there and slid my boxers and shorts back on. I kept the t-shirt and sandals I was wearing and threw my towel on the bed. As I turned towards the door, I could swear I saw a shadow moving away from the window. It was blocked by venetian blinds, but they were open just enough for someone to get a limited view inside. I opened the door into the bright sunlight and found all three boys facing away from me overlooking the back side of the building. I guess it was just wishful thinking.

I walked up next to them to see what was out there. There was a sand volleyball court, tennis courts, and the pool directly behind our building, and other buildings beyond that. I saw several other kids my age walking towards the next closest building.

"Let's cruise," Kyle said, now sporting an identical pair of e-wires.

The four of us walked down the stairs, Kyle leading the way. We stepped back out into the sunlight, no longer protected by the shade of the building. Several other groups passed by us, each engrossed in their own private conversations. I decided to start one of my own. "So what grade is everyone in?"

Without turning around, Kyle answered for everyone. "Robbs and I are both going to be freshmen in the fall, David'll be in seventh."

"Seventh? Wait, I thought you had to be at least 13 to get in here?"

"David's exceptionally gifted. They made an exception in his case. Besides, he'll be thirteen about three months anyway."

"Anyone into any sports?" I continued.

"I'm not really. I run track back home, but I don't compete. I also skateboard every now and then," Kyle said.

"I play basketball and baseball," Robbs added.

"I play tennis sometimes, but mostly I surf," David said.

"Surf? Where you from?" I asked.

"Well, Dallas, originally, but my father's in the navy and we got transferred to Hawaii a few years ago."

"Sweet," I said.

"What about you? You play?" David asked.

"Yeah, I play hockey, snowboard, cold weather stuff."


The conversation pretty much ended there. We had just stepped into the shade of the rec center. Kyle led the way up the stairs to the doors and led us in. The game room was just around the corner on the other side of the commons. It was packed. We walked in and I realized this might not be such a bad summer after all. I didn't see any nerdy looking kids in the entire room. They weren't all attractive, but definitely not what I expected. There were guys with girls swarming around them and girls with guys swarming around them. Kyle and Robbs walked over to one of the pool tables and started talking to another guy. David caught someone else and disappeared.

I decided I would cruise around and see what this summer had to offer. I saw several cute boys, I guess ranging in age from thirteen to sixteen. My taste tends towards blondes, but there were some darker haired boys there that were just too cute. I saw one boy playing ping pong that was absolutely perfect. He was wearing aqua blue soccer shorts and a white t-shirt. He had blond hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen. They were the color of tropical ocean waters and just as deep. This boy was perfect. He had nice sized hands, too. I would have to get to know this boy later on somehow.

I couldn't get to any of the games, pool, video, or otherwise, so I just walked around. I found Kyle and Robbs and hung around them for a while until it was time to go back for our orientation. David caught up with us on the way back.

There were about fifty kids gathered in the TV room when we got there and about twenty more behind us. We found a spot along the wall and sat on the window sills. We chatted about nothing special while we waited for everyone else to get here. Once everyone did finally arrive and quiet down enough for the counselors to talk, the meeting began. They went over the rules, the layout of the campus, what time classes started, what time we had to be up by and back in our rooms by. All the counselors introduced themselves and told us where they'd be if we needed them.

When they finished, they sent all of us out of the room so they could set up for the pizza they ordered without us in the way, then let us back in a few at a time to get what we wanted. There were soda machines on the first floor, so the four of us decided to get our drinks first, then pizza, and headed back to our rooms. We all sat in Kyle's and my room and talked a little more, just getting to know each other better. After we ate, we went back down to the TV room to see if anything was going on. Aerosmith was on MTV playing the same song again, so we went back to my room.

"Anyone know how to play spades?" Kyle asked.

Robbs and David said they did, but I admitted I never had. Gin Rummy was more my game.

"No problem. It's cake to learn," Kyle said. We pulled the table from in front of the window over towards Kyle's bed. Kyle sat on his bed and the rest of us pulled chairs to the other three sides. Kyle said I would be his partner and Robbs and David would be the other team. He explained the rules to me and I caught on pretty quick. The first deal was awesome. Somehow, I managed to get almost every spade, so Kyle and I mopped the floor with Robbs and David. That pretty much set the game. They had no way to catch up with us.

We talked about this and that while playing, and eventually the conversation turned to sex, as it usually does with teenage boys. We each talked about who we'd fucked, or who we'd like to fuck and all that jazz. I played the good little breeder and didn't mention that I'd like to fuck all three of them; individually and together. We played for about three hours before David announced he was tired and was going to bed. Since that left Robbs without a partner, he dropped off, too.

Kyle and I pushed the table back to where it had been and started getting ready for bed. I had pulled a pair of Umbros out of a drawer and was about to go change when Kyle said something.

"Where you going?" he asked. I turned around just as he was dropping his shirt on the floor and unbuckling his belt. "You don't have to change in the bathroom, I don't care. We're all guys here," he said with a smile.

Hmm, I wonder. I shrugged my shoulders and walked back over to my bed. I turned around just in time to see his shorts slide down his legs onto the floor. He stood before me now in just a pair of bikini briefs. His legs were almost completely hairless, and his chest was. He had a very small patch under each arm, but nothing else, at least not that I could see. He obviously noticed me staring. "What?" he asked.

Great, busted checking him out. "Um, nothing. I was just expecting boxers. I don't know many boarders who wear, um, I mean who don't wear boxers."

He just shrugged, smiled and turned around. My God what an ass! He still had a very cute bubble butt, and in those bikinis, well you can imagine. I undressed to my boxers as I watched him cross the room to turn off the light. I could see his silhouetted form in the moonlight as he crossed back. He stopped at the bathroom door and did something before walking over to his bed. As he turned to get in, I glimpsed his profile and I could swear he was getting hard. What an imagination I have. Hell, he was cute, of course I would have fantasies about him.

"Now, you're not going to come over in the middle of the night and suck my cock or anything like that are you?" Kyle whispered.

Thinking he was just goofing off, I said jokingly, "And what if I do?"

"Well then I might just have to return the favor."

I froze at those words. Was he serious? I had never actually messed around with another guy before, just what I'd seen in porn videos and mags. I turned over to face the wall unsure of what to think. "Well, if you decide to come over and suck mine, I guess that means I'll have to return the favor, too." What the hell was I saying? He had to be joking around. The sudden placement of a hand on my shoulder told me immediately he wasn't.

I turned over to see him standing right next to my bed, his rigid pole trying to push its way out the tight briefs. I was in shock. Yes, I had dreamed of this, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting it. Now I wasn't sure what to do. I looked up at him in the dim light, down at his dick, and back at his face. "That looks kinda painful," I said.

"Maybe you should get it out then," he said. My own dick was already trying to push its way through the opening in my boxers. I looked at it and hesitated. He reached down and lifted my chin with his hand. "Don't worry, man, it's okay, I've done this before with some friends back home. I don't mind if you don't, but if you do, I'll stop right now and that'll be the end of it."

"What if Robbs or David come in?"

"I locked the door. Besides, if I read them right, they've both messed around at least once with another guy. I can scare them into silence if I need to."

I smiled up at him and grabbed his ass gently with both hands. I began kissing his cotton covered cock and balls. I heard a sharp intake of breath as I crossed the length of what must have been six and a half inches, which is pretty big for a fourteen year old. I flushed a little embarrassed knowing mine was only five inches, but quickly overcame any hesitation as I felt his cock twitch beneath the fabric.

I slid a hand in the side and stroked the hot member from base to tip a few times before lowering the front of his briefs and exposing it to the cool air. Overcome by hormones, I took it into my mouth and tasted him for the first time. I immediately sucked hard and licked at the underside of his shaft, bobbing up and down quickly, teasing his head every now and then. After about a minute, I backed of and went slower, drawing out his obvious pleasure.

I took the time to slip his briefs off completely and let them slide to the floor. His balls hung free, and they were big just like his dick. I stroked his cock and let my tongue flicker across the surface of his sac. It was completely smooth and hairless. I gently tongue bathed the walnut-sized jewels and gently took each into my mouth. I returned to teasing his cock for a while before he finally spoke.

"Stand up," he whispered.

I did as I was told. He pulled my boxers down and I stepped out of them. He pulled me over to his bed and lay down, pulling me on top of him He pulled my face to his and our lips met, tongues battling each other for dominance. We kissed for what seemed like hours. It was the greatest thrill of my young life. I had always dreamt of doing this, but never thought I actually would. We broke the kiss and he whispered in my ear. "Get on your hands and knees and flip around."

I realized he must be thinking sixty-nine, so I quickly took up position. As soon as I had, I felt a warm, moist sensation flood over my penis. It took all I had not to shoot right there. This was the first blow job I'd ever had, and damn was it good. He was working at it like a pro, so like I'd promised, I returned the favor and returned to his dick. I sucked on hit just as hard as he was sucking mine. After a few seconds, his mouth left my dick and moved to my balls. It was incredible.

After a few seconds of that, his tongue traveled farther up towards my ass. I had never heard of rimming, so this was completely unexpected. His slid his tongue slowly from the base of my balls up to my crack and lightly flicked over my hole, checking to make sure it was safe. Fortunately, I had showered since the last time I'd used it, so there was nothing for him to find. When he realized this, he grabbed my hips with his hands and pulled me down into his face, burying his tongue in my ass. He licked like crazy, trying to thrust his tongue in deeper. Eventually, he did. I was so relaxed and high from the feeling, I didn't realize I had let his dick slip from my mouth.

"Get it really wet," he said breaking for a second. I realized he was talking about his dick so I went back down, getting it good and wet. He pulled it from my mouth and slid out from under me. I was about to turn around, but he held me in place. "No, don't move," he whispered.

He moved me forward a little, then I felt his slippery dick slide up my crack. It occurred to me what he was going to do and I was so ready for it. I felt the tip of his dick at the entrance to my hole. He pushed slowly and it slid in easily. His rimming had lubed and relaxed me so much I felt no pain. I was expecting a little at first, but nothing. He slid in a little at a time to make sure he wasn't hurting me, and soon I felt the small patch of his pubic hair tickling my ass. "Oh, yeah," I whispered.

Kyle began sliding his dick in and out of my ass, slowly at first, but increasing his pace quickly. Soon he was plowing my no longer virgin ass with all his strength. Each time his dick grazed my prostate, I felt my own dick jump. Before I knew what was happening, I felt my own orgasm rushing up on me. And I hadn't even touched myself!

"Oh, man, Kyle, I'm gonna shoot!" I said. Kyle slipped out of me and swung his head under me to get my dick in his mouth. As soon as his tongue touched me I blew shot after shot into his mouth. I could feel him swallowing each jet as it pulsed from my body. When I was done, he came back up and slid back into my ass, pounding feverishly for his own release. It didn't take much longer before I felt the warm sensation of his orgasm flooding my insides, slicking me up and intensifying his own orgasm.

He lay on top of me breathing heavily when he finished, his softening cock still in me. He slowly slid it out and lay down on the bed. He pulled me down with him so that he was spooned in behind me.

"You don't mind sleeping here tonight, do you?" he asked.

"Hell no I don't mind," I answered. "So I guess this means you're gay, too?"

"Well, I like sex with other boys, but I'm not looking for a relationship if that's what you mean. Is that okay with you?" he asked, suddenly realizing what he had gotten himself into and hoping he hadn't made a mistake.

"No, I guess I don't mind just sex. This is the first time I've done anything with another guy and I'd like to mess around and see what I've been missing. We're still friends, though, right?"

"Absolutely, I will always be your friend. Was I really your first?"

"Yup. You were my first."

"Was I good?"

"Well, the only thing I have to compare you to is my hand, and you were definitely better than that!"

"I hope so." He trailed off for a moment, then added, "So you wouldn't mind doing it again?"

"Are you kidding? I can't wait!"

"Kewl. Maybe I can get Robbs and David to join us sometime," he suggested?

"Hmm, that could be fun," I whispered. Kyle giggled then kissed the back of my neck. This was definitely going to be an interesting summer.

More to cum, I mean come, soon! Send constructive comments, criticisms, or questions to Flames will be ignored.

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