Summer on Lost Lake

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Oct 5, 2018


Hello! Welcome to the final chapter of Summer on Lost Lake. It's always bitter-sweet ending a story, and I hope I've done this one justice. Thank you so much to TwitchyDragon for commissioning this tale.

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So, without further ado...

Summer on Lost Lake: Chapter 9

The trail that Will had made proved to be an absolute necessity. After all, none of them were exactly dressed for forging through the woods in the middle of the night. The lantern Gavin carried lit up the area around them but made the darkness beyond look even darker. Lucas made sure to stay close to his brother. The occasional sounds out beyond their bubble of light constantly made him jump.

"It's just a deer or something." Gavin assured him, putting a hand comfortingly on his shoulder. Even Skylar was careful not to stray to far ahead though.

Lucas was grateful that Skylar had decided to walk in front of them. It gave him something to look at to keep his mind off their situation. Even though he was still a little hurt by what he had witnessed in the bath tent, even though they were in a race against the clock, even though he had been nearly naked for several days, Lucas still couldn't help checking out his friend's body. That part of his brain never seemed to shut off, even at the worst possible times.

The hours dragged by and Lucas's feet and calves began to ache. The path they took had been moving at a steady incline for almost the entire trek. It was not steep, but it slowed their progress and wore them out quicker.

"Come on, we have to keep moving." Gavin was quietly insistent.

"How much farther is it?" Skylar complained, obviously feeling the strain as well.

"Will didn't say. We've come about six miles I'd guess." Gavin scratched his head. "I don't know how much time to spare we might have, if any at all. So we need to move."

Nodding an agreement and determined not to slow them down, Lucas kept walking.

Exhaustion crept up on them slowly. The darkness and the hypnotic drone of crickets made Lucas's eyelids heavy. His legs ached, and he thought about the soft nest of pillows and blankets back at their tent. He stumbled, and Gavin only just caught him. Lucas realized that the effort was even starting to get to his incredibly fit big brother.

Skylar lagged back from his position ahead, falling in step with the other two. Gavin had slowed his pace substantially, both to allow them to keep up, and to preserve his own strength. He passed out some of the food they had grabbed, hoping it would give them some of their energy back.

The long trek was reminiscent for all three boys of the day before they had found the lost side of the lake, wandering aimlessly through the woods with the hopes of finding their way back to camp. It seemed like such a long time ago even though it had only been a few days. Or had it? It was an uncomfortable realization that hazy and imprecise sense of time keeping that lay over the area had begun to affect them.

Something stuck in the back of Gavin's mind, a half-formed idea. It was the frustrating kind that seems important but just can't be brought out into fully conscious thought. The exhaustion pushed it out quickly and he bit into some strips of dried meat.

The food helped a little but did nothing to ease the younger boys' sore muscles. Gavin was used to physical exertion but not at three in the morning. He yawned, trying unsuccessfully to keep the other two from seeing it.

As they pressed onward the stumbling and tripping from the younger boys grew more and more common. The realization began to dawn on Gavin that this was not sustainable.

"Alright." He finally said after Skylar tripped and almost face-planted into the ground. "We're going to stop for a bit. Only a few minutes though, just enough to eat and to rest our legs."

With sighs of relief, Lucas and Skylar practically threw themselves on the ground to the side of the path. Gavin came and sat between them propped against a tree. He leaned his head back on the trunk and exhaled heavily. His mind was racing, and he tried to calm it. They would make it in time. It couldn't be that much farther.

"You two get some food really quick." He instructed. "Ten minutes, then we're moving again."

The two grumbled an agreement and Gavin stretched his limbs. He decided as he leaned his head back on the tree to allow his eyes to close, just a second.

When Gavin opened his eyes again he felt stiff and aching all over. One of the roots of the tree was digging painfully into his back. Sun streamed through the canopy overhead, bathing the woods in golden light. Skylar and Lucas lay nearby.

His mind was hazy, but he felt a wild surge of reckless panic begin to course through him before he could even remember what the cause of it was.

"Oh fuck..." The sun was shining... "Oh fuck..." Skylar and Lucas were asleep on the ground. "Shit!" Gavin jumped to his feet continuing his stream of profanity as the weight of the situation came down on him. "Get up! Get up now!" He practically yelled at the two sleeping boys.

Lucas stretched and yawned before immediately adopting the same panicked look that Gavin wore. "Oh no..."

Skylar was a little bit slower to pick up on the urgency. He blinked a few times, looked around, then suddenly shot to his feet. "How long were we asleep!?"

Shaking his head, Gavin started down the trail at a jog, forcing the boys to try to keep up. "I don't know. It looks like it's still pretty early. I'd guess we lost about three or four hours."

"Are we gonna make it?" Lucas asked in fear.

Gavin didn't look at him. "I don't know." He answered honestly. "But we're going to try."

The morning wore on and they were forced to slow their pace a bit. The younger boys could not keep up with Gavin's brisk jog, and their legs began to ache once more. Gavin knew that if they didn't find what they were looking for soon, they would be in trouble. Something that Will had said kept trying to work its way back into his mind, but it still evaded him.

"Wait..." Lucas finally panted. His legs were ready to buckle underneath him. He had never run or walked for so long before and it was catching up with him. "I can't..." He felt tears of embarrassment and anger welling up in his eyes. "I can't do it Gavin."

Gavin looked down at his little brother, both heartbroken and frustrated. He knew that especially now that Lucas was so much smaller, it would be impossible to try to push him to keep up. It was obvious that Skylar was nearing the breaking point as well but trying not to show it.

"Skylar," He instructed, drawing the young blonde's attention. "Head back to camp."

Skylar frowned at him. "But...?"

"Go back and tell Will that we might need a plan B."

Reluctant understanding crossed Skylar's face and he nodded. He gave Lucas a quick hug before turning and trotting down the path back the way they had come.

Lucas watched him go with a sense of hopelessness welling up inside him. The tears were just threatening to start running down his face when suddenly he felt himself being swept off his feet. He yelped in surprise as Gavin picked him up and began to jog down the trail once more.

"We'll make it." Gavin growled, more to himself than to Lucas. As small as he was, Lucas's weight still strained him as he ran.

Lucas held on tightly, trying to minimize Gavin's efforts. Being so close to his big brother, hearing the deep even breaths in his powerful chest, made Lucas's head spin. The fear of failure battled with the excitement of Gavin's show of strength.

Another hour dragged by with no sign of the end of the trail. Gavin felt his hopes slipping away by the minute. What was it that Will had said? It was something about how time worked in the forest.

Suddenly it clicked into place. A ray of hope cracked through the oppressive bleakness in his mind.

"Lucas!" His sudden urgency startled the smaller boy. "Think about the drata plants. Think about the end of this trail. Focus on it completely."

Lucas frowned in confusion before he too remembered what Will had said about finding their way home. He nodded excitedly and leaned his head against Gavin's chest, closing his eyes.

Gavin hoped he was right. He had to guess that it was only another hour at most before they hit the twelve hour mark that Will had warned them about. He focused all his thoughts on finding their destination.

Nothing seemed to change. The trail still rolled out in front of them, and Gavin pounded along, getting more and more exhausted. Then, whether by luck or through some trick of the forest, they rounded a bend in the trail and ran right out into a wide clearing, only a little smaller than the camp.

Heaving a sigh Gavin looked around excitedly. "This must be it!" He gently set Lucas down who tested a few steps on his still sore legs. "Quick, look around for the plants!"

Upon further inspection, the boys found that the clearing was full of oddities. There were fruits growing from bushes and trees that did not seem to be in the right place at all. Lucas frowned up at a coconut palm that was growing next to an evergreen and an apple tree. There were bushels of bananas that were sprouting from a shrub instead of a tree. It was child-like in the simplicity and nonsensical nature of it, and Gavin realized that these must have been Will's experiments when creating his paradise.

"Over there!" Lucas suddenly called, pointing to the far end of the clearing. Gavin saw several rows of low bushes with the distinctive diamond-shaped leaves that had caused the trouble in the first place.

Gavin sprinted over to the daratta plants and began digging around the base with his fingers. The soil was rough and rocky, but he didn't care. He tried tugging on the lower stem of the plant and to his relief he felt it begin to give.

"Help me." He called to Lucas, who began excavating the other side. The plants were fairly small, but their stems were thick and hardy. Gavin realized how strong the effects of the daratta really were when even being so close to the leaves like this started to bring that now-familiar haze to the corners of his mind.

It took the two of them several minutes to loosen the plant enough to pull most of it from the ground. The roots were gnarled and covered in dirt and Lucas made a face looking at them.

"I have to... Eat that?" He wrinkled his nose.

Gavin shrugged. "Will said the oil of the root. I guess eating it should work too right?"

He snapped part of the root off and to their mutual surprise, a sap-like liquid began to drip out of the end. Nodding meaningfully at the liquid, he handed the root to Lucas.

The small redhead scrunched up his face in disgust as he held the root between two fingers like a used napkin. Reluctantly, he closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. He squeezed the root so that half a dozen large drops fell out onto his tongue then quickly pulled it back in. Lucas made a face as he tasted the oil. It was bitter but not unbearable.

The two boys waited, practically holding their breath. Lucas felt something, but it was not what he expected. When the boys at the camp used the oil from the dratta leaves, it lessened their inhibitions and gave them over to wild lust. The oil of the root acted on him similarly, and yet the feeling was very different. As he looked up at Gavin, his mind was flooded by waves of emotion. Warmth and appreciation, and compassion, and above all, love. Sincere and unafraid love for the boy that had been his constant protector for so many years. He felt tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Maybe you just didn't get enough?" Gavin offered comfortingly, mistaking the cause of Lucas's burst of emotion. "Try some more." He held out another root.

Lucas shook his head. It seemed so obvious now what had to happen. "It has to be done the same way as with the leaf oil." He stated confidently, looking into the shining blue eyes of his big brother. "The same way it started."

Understanding crossed Gavin's face. "You mean you want me to...?" Lucas nodded. "But... I don't want to hurt you." Gavin said, concerned.

"You won't." Lucas promised. "Use the oil and you'll know what to do."

With that, Lucas stood up and peeled off the makeshift garment he wore, letting Gavin see him once again. The late-morning sun shone down on his small pale body and seeming to glint off his red hair. Gavin was mesmerized by the sight, in the same way Lucas had been enthralled by him for years. Whatever had gotten into his little brother since trying the root oil, Gavin wanted to be a part of it. And if Lucas was right, they did not have much time to spare.

Gavin let several drops of oil fall onto his own tongue and squeezed his eyes shut. When he began to feel a warmth down inside him, he opened them again. The sun seemed brighter, and the world more colorful, and Lucas looked absolutely radiantly beautiful. He was the object of Gavin's desire, but also of his fierce and powerful love.

He knew that Lucas was right. He knew what he had to do. But both of them also knew that this would be more than just sex. This was mating. The boys at the camp believed that during the claiming ceremony, the younger and the elder were paired. Both boys now knew instinctively that pairing had been just a ceremony. What they were about to do was a pairing set in stone. A commitment.

"I love you." Gavin said quietly, pulling off his own clothing. He was hard as steel, but not out of lust. Looking at the face and body of the boy he loved and needed more than anyone in the world aroused him more than anything ever had.

"I love you too." Lucas stepped closer, looking up at his tall handsome big brother.

Gavin's hands began to roam his body, eliciting sighs of ecstasy from Lucas as every wish he had ever had was fulfilled. In that moment, he didn't care about getting home. As long as Gavin could hold him, feel him, touch him, he was home.

Picking up the small boy, Gavin kissed him passionately. He thought back to all of his previous girlfriends and encounters. No one's lips tasted as sweet as Lucas's. No one's body felt as smooth under his fingertips. The boy in his arms was perfect in every way, and Gavin wanted him to know it. He increased the intensity of his kisses while he continued to grope Lucas all over.

At some point, Lucas ended up on his back in the grass. He wasn't sure how or when it had happened, but he knew it was right. He was underneath Gavin, exactly where he belonged, with Gavin's tongue pushing into his mouth.

Their passionate kisses and wandering hands lasted for some time. Neither of them cared to rush, and neither was concerned with what had only a short time ago seemed like a terrible ultimatum. They were there with each other. That was the only thing either one cared about.

Eventually Lucas decided that he needed to be even closer to Gavin. He needed Gavin to be inside of him. He wrapped his slender legs around his brother's waist, feeling Gavin's firm manhood pressing against him. Gavin saturated his hand in the root oil and applied it to his long cock, while still making out with the beautiful boy underneath him. When he had finished, he used his thumb, still lightly coated in oil, to find Lucas's most intimate spot.

Lucas's wide blue eyes flew open as Gavin's thumb pushed gently inside him. He tightened his grip with his legs and pushed back on his brother's thumb slowly, letting it slip in a little more. Gavin lubricated his hole a bit before pulling out and placing the head of his dick right on the entrance. Then he broke off the kiss.

Gavin looked down, loving the tortured ecstasy on his little brother's face as he felt the warmth pressed up against his hole.

"Please Gavin!" Lucas whined in desperation. He needed his brother, his lover to finally claim him.

Gavin ran a hand teasingly down Lucas's small body, enjoying the shivers he drew from the little redhead and the goosebumps raised off the smooth pale skin. Then he did it. Very slowly he took hold of Lucas's hips and pushed the tip inside him. It was so tight he didn't dare go any farther.

"Ahhhh!" Lucas half cried half moaned. His face flushed red as his hole stretched. Gavin waited for him, gently fondling his small dick. Lucas panted heavily as he got used to the feeling. Eventually he nodded to Gavin, giving him permission to continue.

Gavin pushed a bit farther into Lucas, drawing out another whimpering moan. Lucas tore up small handfuls of grass as Gavin paused again. They took their time. Gavin would give Lucas a bit more, then wait for him to relax and give him a nod or a breathless word of consent.

Watching his little brother's face twisting with mixed sensation was captivating to Gavin as he slowly slid farther into the tight hole. After a wonderful eternity, Gavin's hips came to rest against the perfectly smooth globes of Lucas's ass.

"Ohhh Gavin!" Lucas's moan was long and drawn out. Warmth radiated through him coming from his big brother's throbbing shaft buried deep inside him.

"Mmm." Gavin groaned, running a hand along the inside of Lucas's thigh. "Fuck, you're so hot." He emphasized with a gentle thrust of his hips, making Lucas squeal in pleasure.

"Fuck me, Gavin!" Lucas begged. "Please fuck me."

"Look me in the eyes." Gavin ordered, taking hold of Lucas's hips.

Lucas hadn't realized he had pushed his eyes shut. He opened them now, and the two pairs of identical crystal-blue eyes locked.

"I love you." Gavin told him once again.

"I love you to-ohhhh!" Gavin didn't wait for him to finish before he began to pull out of Lucas's hole. The brothers kept their eyes on each other the entire time. Recognizing the resemblance within drove home how wrong and how right their feelings for each other were. In that moment, as Gavin pulled his long shaft out slowly while staring into his brother's eyes, the two fell even deeper in love.

What came next was an intense blur of pleasure, as Gavin began to slowly and passionately penetrate Lucas again and again. It did not have the rhythm and pace of the times Skylar had fucked him. It was slow, gentle, and loving. The formerly silent clearing was filled with the voices of their lovemaking. Gavin's low and masculine, and Lucas's high pitched and constantly cracking.

All the while they did their best to maintain eye contact. Lucas wanted Gavin to be inside of him more than just physically. He released all of his fears about Gavin and Skylar, knowing they were unfounded. Gavin loved him, he knew. Lucas loved Skylar as well, but his bond with Gavin was closer than love. The kind of love that came from knowing all his brother's strengths and all his flaws and looking past them.

"Mm fuck, it's coming Lucas." Gavin growled, grabbing onto his little brother's hips tightly.

Lucas squealed in anticipation, putting his hands on top of Gavin's as Gavin thrust inside him hard one time. He felt it pulse within him as his brother bred him, connecting them deeply.

Muscular chest heaving, Gavin leaned forward over Lucas, supporting himself on his hands on either side of Lucas's shoulders. His cock was still deep inside Lucas and the little redhead didn't want it to go.

Catching his breath, Gavin leaned down farther to kiss his little brother passionately. Lucas moaned into his mouth, grinding his hips against Gavin to feel it as far inside him as possible. Noticing something, Lucas eventually broke off the kiss, giving his brother a coy smile.

"You're still hard." He pointed out, squirming underneath Gavin.

Gavin grinned down at him, still breathing hard, and wiped a strand of hair from his eyes. "I guess I am."

"Do you... want to go again?" Lucas blushed.

Gavin's grin widened. With a deep breath he nodded enthusiastically. "You know I do babe, I could go all day with you. Just give me a minute."

Lucas smiled happily then moaned as Gavin pulled out of him. Gavin applied more oil before taking Lucas forcefully and flipping him on his stomach. Lucas let Gavin take control of him, knowing that his dominance was part of his love.

Gavin slapped Lucas's round ass several times, none too gently, making Lucas squeak and arch his back.

"You like that?" He asked, giving his little brother another solid smack.

"Mmhmm!" Lucas gasped.

"Maybe one of these days I'll turn that ass as red as that beautiful hair of yours." Gavin taunted, reaching down to massage Lucas's slim shoulders gently.

"Mmmm, you promise?" Lucas teased quietly.

"I promise." Gavin told him wickedly. Without warning, he lined up and slipped the head of his dick back inside Lucas.

Lucas gasped and bucked his hips but steadied quickly as Gavin massaged his lower back. The second time Gavin was less gentle with him, but Lucas liked it that way too. He loved feeling Gavin's strength as he was pushed to the ground again and again. The love between them was still almost tangible, but it was mixed with the animal lust they had experienced before. Both boys enjoyed the combination as Gavin pounded his little brother's ass and filled him with his second load of the day.

Only then did Gavin finally collapse next to Lucas, panting hard and smiling serenely. Lucas rolled over against him so that his big brother wrapped strong arms around him, pulling him close.

"Already done?" Lucas asked with feigned innocence, earning him a gentle swat on the butt.

"Not even close." Gavin growled in his ear. "That ass is mine. Just lay with me for a bit."

Warmed by his brother's arousing but loving words, Lucas snuggled back against Gavin, sighing with contentment.

The two boys dozed, cuddled, made out, fucked, and repeated for hours. They would alternate between slow, gentle, and loving to wildly passionate and rough until neither one could remember how many times they had gone at it. Lucas had felt his own orgasms rocking through him multiple times as well, sometimes with Gavin stroking him, other times without even being touched. Lucas felt full and sticky and sore, but more than anything, happy.

After one of their more intense romps, Gavin lay next to his little brother, pulling him in for a deep kiss. A loud growling sound caused Lucas to pull away.

"Was that your stomach?" He asked in disbelief.

Gavin gave him a slightly embarrassed grin. "Well I've been a little too busy to eat anything." He reached around and pinched Lucas's ass gently.

Lucas giggled. "Maybe we should take a break for a bit."

"I guess so." Gavin admitted with a little reluctance. He rolled over on his back and sighed heavily, but then snapped his head back toward Lucas, looking him up and down intently.

Confused, Lucas frowned at him. "What are you doing?"

"Stand up." Gavin ordered, ignoring the question. "Come on," he prompted when Lucas hesitated. "Stand up, now."

With great effort, Lucas pushed himself to his feet. He wobbled a little bit. His backside was sore, and he hadn't needed his feet for some time. Gavin laughed suddenly, a wide grin splitting his face.

"What?" Lucas asked, smiling along. He didn't get the joke, but Gavin's good humor was infectious. "Did I get dirt on me?" He looked down at himself.

"Lucas, you're back!" Gavin told him, getting to his feet. "You're back to normal!"

Lucas's confusion slowly began to melt away as he measured himself against his big brother. The top of his head came up just to Gavin's chin, instead of chest level as it had earlier. His height was back, the muscles in his arms and legs, such as they were, had returned. He laughed out loud and heard the characteristic adolescent timbre of his voice, familiar like an old friend returning.

The two laughed together and Lucas practically threw himself at Gavin, the older boy scooping him up and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"We did it!" Lucas exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Gavin's neck. He paused, confusion passing over his face once more. "When did it happen? I don't really feel any different."

Gavin chuckled. "Well, we were a little distracted."

Lucas giggled and kissed his brother. "Thank you, Gavin."

Accepting the kiss, Gavin looked down at him in confusion. "For what?"

All of a sudden Lucas felt like he might cry. "You never gave up. When I ran away you came after me. When I couldn't walk you carried me." He sniffed. "I guess... Thank you for taking care of me..."

Gavin set Lucas down gently and pulled him into a tight hug. "Hey, don't start crying on me, ok?" He tried to sound stern, but his voice wavered slightly. "Someone's got to look after you with all the trouble you get into."

In spite of himself, Lucas giggled and buried his face in Gavin's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Gavin just held him tight for a long moment, running a hand through Lucas's hair.

"Maybe we should head back." Gavin finally said. "Skylar is probably worried."

"I wish we could just stay right here." Lucas said quietly before breaking off the hug. "But you're right. It's time to go home."

The brothers dressed and ate quickly, taking some of the fresh fruit off the trees and bushes around them. Gavin took a final look around the beautiful clearing, their own little garden of Eden, before putting an arm on Lucas's shoulders and guiding him back down the trail.

The journey back to camp was cut abruptly short when the walked out into another clearing. A familiar one with a quaint little cabin in the center. When they emerged from the tree line Skylar jumped up from where he was sitting on the porch steps and ran to them excitedly.

He threw his arms around Lucas and hugged him enthusiastically. Lucas returned the hug but then looked up at Gavin with a question in his eyes. Gavin gave him a nod of permission and Lucas kissed his best friend gently. Even though it had only been half of a day since they had seen each other, it felt like they hadn't seen Skylar in an eternity. The blurring of time on the lost side of the lake was even more potent in the secret clearing.

"Will said you'd be here soon." Skylar told them when the greetings had been made. "He also said you got there in time!" He looked Lucas up and down pointedly. "I liked it when you were smaller though." He teased, and Lucas punched his arm gently.

The boys crowded into the cabin where they found Will, sitting quietly in one of the chairs. His big eyes were full of emotion as he looked at them.

"So... I guess you're going to be leaving then..." He said sadly before anyone could speak.

Gavin nodded and came forward to kneel down next to him. "It's an amazing place you've made here. We're never going to forget it, or you."

Will sniffed. "I know you have to leave but I guess... thank you for waking me up and showing me how great things could be."

Gavin patted Will's head comfortingly and the younger two gathered around as well. Will looked up at them gratefully before standing to hug each of them in turn.

"We'll miss you." Lucas said sincerely, tears stinging his face.

"Say goodbye to Tyler for me." Gavin told Will, wrapping him in a powerful hug. "Maybe we'll come back and visit someday."

Will smiled. "I'd like that. Even if you can't find your way back to the lost side of the lake, I'll still be... here." He made an all-encompassing gesture, "And I'll be glad to see you." He wiped his eyes.

With sniffles and tears, the boys said their goodbyes and turned to be on their way when Will called them back.

"One more thing I forgot!" He exclaimed, dashing over to a hand-carved wardrobe in the corner. To everyone's surprise he pulled out familiar clothing from the day they had gone hiking and laid it out on the table in three neat piles.

"Didn't we... burn these?" Skylar asked, picking up his shirt.

Will smiled at him. "You did. But nothing ever gets really destroyed. Not forever."

The boys also found their cell phones and Gavin's small trail bag among their belongings. Gavin quickly pulled his tank top over his head and the other two followed suit.

"How did you save all this?" Lucas asked. "And why?"

Will shrugged. "I guess I kind of knew that you'd want to go home eventually. I've had them here for a while, but I suppose I hoped you'd never need them."

Lucas hugged the small boy again before changing into his old clothes. Somehow, after getting used to seeing Gavin and Skylar naked or nearly naked, looking at them with clothes on was a bit arousing. His mind knew what was underneath and pushed it to the front of his thoughts. Gavin noticed his looks and rolled his eyes, giving him a gentle push toward the door.

The boys said another final goodbye as they stepped outside and waved to Will until the cabin disappeared in the trees. As Will had instructed, they focused their thoughts on finding their way back to the familiar section of the woods.

Some time later, a ways off through the trees, Skylar spotted a patch of color. Shouting in excitement, he dashed off the trail towards it. The other two followed. In moments they left the path behind and burst out into the campground lined with tents. Normal modern camping tents. The same ones that they had set up on their first day at camp.

Lucas looked back over his shoulder, knowing that even if they went back through the woods, they would not find that trail again.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A voice called from across the camp. It was Mr. Carter, rising from a camp chair by the fireside where he had been napping. "You're not supposed to leave the group."

The boys looked at each other in surprise. They had expected search parties and floods of relief when they finally returned. Mr. Carter was just looking at them with a slightly annoyed but `not-my-problem' expression.

Gavin recovered quickly. "Uhhh... We just ummm... These two weren't feeling good so we uh, came back." He looked back at the dense woods they had just come out of. "I guess we got a little lost."

Mr. Carter shrugged. "Alright. Be more careful next time. Grab some water for them. There's some medicine in the first aid kit if they need it."

"I think we'll be ok." Lucas assured as a smile spread over his face. "It's just nice to be back."


The boys enjoyed the rest of their camping trip. There was a lot of swimming and roasting of marshmallows and singing campfire songs. Gavin told an altered, G-rated version of their adventures that he played off as a wild fantasy story. Then there were the nightly activities. Lucas had to wonder if any of the other campers caught on, because the squeals and moans were sometimes hard to hide.

After returning home however, things had to change a bit. Skylar became caught up in family vacations and other camps. Soccer practices started for Gavin, and their mother seemed to always be around. There were times of course when she would go for groceries or head to work and Gavin would grab Lucas roughly and pin him to the wall to make out with him, but it became harder to find time for intimacy. The brothers didn't forget their deep love, and frequently reminded each other of it, but the brotherly arguments and fights eventually came back, and Lucas began to miss the lost side of the lake.

One afternoon, shortly before school started back up, Gavin returned from a soccer practice, drenched in sweat. Lucas couldn't resist going in for a kiss. Their mom was out so he wasn't concerned about being seen. Gavin sighed then smiled down at his little brother. It had been almost a week since they had even kissed and longer than that since any kind of sex.

"I've got an idea..." Gavin said with a mischievous grin. He motioned for Lucas to follow him up to his room. He crawled under his bed and pulled out two plastic bags and tossed them to Lucas.

Lucas examined the bags curiously before his eyes widened. "No way!" Inside one was a large bundle of distinctly diamond-shaped leaves that he instantly recognized. In the other were several thick clumps of gnarled root, still with a bit of dirt clinging to them.

"I thought I'd grab a little souvenir before we left our secret garden. I've been saving them since then." Gavin came up behind him and grabbed his ass gently.

Lucas began to open one of the bags, but Gavin stopped him. "Not yet babe." He gently bit Lucas's ear, making him whimper. "Mom is going out of town next weekend, let's make it special." He slid his hands down Lucas's pants, groping him sensually.

"Mmmm..." Lucas moaned leaning back against Gavin, smelling his musk. "Should I tell Skylar?"

"Yeah." Gavin pulled Lucas's shirt over his head and began toying with his nipples. "But I want at least one day of you all to myself."

Lucas gasped in pleasure, grinding his ass against the growing bulge in Gavin's soccer shorts.

"For now, though..." Gavin said teasingly. "I need a shower. Maybe you could help me get... cleaned up?"

The End...

Author's note:

Thank you so much for sticking through to the end of this story! It means a lot that you've gotten this far. If you enjoyed this one, I encourage you to check out my other works, Sins of a Future World (completed), and After Earth Went Dark (ongoing), both in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section. Thank you so much for reading, and again a huge massive thank you to TwitchyDragon for his contribution and inspiration. Love you all!

<3 PurpleJubilee

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