Summer on Lost Lake

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Aug 22, 2018


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Summer on Lost Lake is a commissioned story for Twitchy Dragon. If you've got questions about commissioning a unique story all your own, let me know!

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<3 PurpleJubilee

Summer on Lost Lake: Chapter 6

The crowd around them stayed silent for a long moment as Gavin stared at Damian in disbelief. Suddenly a cheer went up and all the boys joined in. Gavin took a hesitant step forward, not sure what he was seeing.

"Gavin is the winner!" Jonah called out. "He is worthy of his youngers." The boys cheered again. "Tomorrow we will have a new claiming ceremony for Noah." Jonah indicated the blonde-haired boy that had been Damian's who now knelt motionless outside the circle. "And we will welcome back Damian as a younger. His claiming ceremony will be held the same night."

Even as the crowd cheered, Gavin shook his head. It was impossible. Damian had just been his own age, maybe even a little older. He looked to Tyler who had just finished with Will. Tyler's only response was a knowing grin.

Lucas and Skylar seemed almost not to have noticed. They were still too busy with each other. Gavin felt alone and confused. No one seemed phased by Damian's change while he stood speechless gesturing toward the naked boy on the ground.

"What's going on?" He finally demanded of Tyler when he found his voice again.

Tyler laughed. "Yeah, I told you you'd have to see it to believe it. Crazy, huh?"

With some irritation Gavin thought that Tyler may have won understatement of the year. "How though?"

Shrugging, Tyler pulled his clothing back on. "No one really knows. Something to do with getting the darata inside you in... that way. Speaking of, make sure you clean yourself off before you do anything with your boys."

The camp was becoming increasingly wild once more as Noah and Damian were herded away. Gavin wanted none of it though. The experience had left him feeling confused, and for the first time, a little frightened. What would have happened if he had lost? Would it have had the same effect on him? What kind of plant could do something like that, or was there more to it?

"We've got to go." Gavin said to no one in particular. He grabbed hold of Lucas and Skylar by the arms and hauled them to their feet, despite their protests. "We're going back to the tent." He told them firmly.

"But why?" Lucas whined, looking at everything going on around them.

"Because I said so." Gavin replied more harshly than he had intended. "We're leaving tomorrow."

The two followed him reluctantly but Skylar spoke up as they walked. "I don't wanna leave."

Stemming the sudden rush of anger, Gavin forced himself to realize that the darata was still influencing his emotions. "We'll talk about it in the morning, but we're done with..." He waved his hand indicating the scene that was evolving in the camp. "All of this..."

Lucas, despite his horniness, didn't like seeing his brother this way. He and Skylar hadn't fully grasped what had happened after the challenge. Back in the tent he tried to cuddle with Gavin, both to make the older boy feel better and also to ease his mind of the thought that he might have somehow done something wrong. Gavin ignored his advances though, and Skylar's as well. Hurt and confused, the younger boys turned to each other for comfort and eventually curled up together to sleep. It was a long time though before Gavin was able to drift off.

When Lucas woke up he was lying on his stomach. He could feel Skylar behind and sort of on top of him. He knew exactly what his friend had in mind and was eager to oblige. The previous night had left both of them unfulfilled and dying for release. The smell of darata was still in the air and quite strong, spurring on their desperation.

He groaned a little and lifted his ass into the air. Skylar rubbed a hand across the smooth round globes. Lucas felt a familiar hot pressure as Skylar lined himself up then he gasped as his friend slowly penetrated him. It was a little surprising. Even though he had only taken Skylar's dick twice before it seemed larger than normal. He shifted underneath his friend as Skylar kept pushing forward.

A strong tingling feeling began to shoot through Lucas. It was strange yet somehow familiar. It tickled him and warmed him but more than anything it made him even hornier. He moaned and pushed back on Skylar, the discomfort forgotten entirely. Skylar took the hint and increased his pace, grabbing Lucas's hips.

Skylar began to grunt quietly every time he would thrust forward. Lucas's eyes rolled up and his mouth hung open as waves of pleasure spilled over him. It didn't take him long. Lucas felt it building inside him as Skylar found just the right spot every time. He whined and grabbed the cushions underneath him as he started to cum. Skylar continued fucking him roughly as he felt his friend's ass clench up.

The increased pressure quickly pushed Skylar over the edge too. He groaned as he filled Lucas once more and the fell down next to him.

Lucas whined again as another strange feeling took hold of him. It was as if the tingling feeling from before had returned many times stronger and running all over his body. He tried to say something to Skylar but all he could do was moan and curl up into a tight ball.

"Are you ok?" Skylar asked with concern clear in his voice.

The feeling continued to grow stronger and stronger until Lucas could hardly stand it. He heard Skylar saying something. His friend sounded alarmed, but Lucas couldn't tell what was being said. All at once the feeling simply disappeared, like it had never been there at all. Lucas panted, desperately trying to catch his breath. Eventually he was able to get himself under control.

When his mind was able to focus again he realized that he felt good. Actually, he felt very good, both inside and out. He would have thought that after such an intense and frightening experience he would feel tired, or in pain, but he didn't.

With a sigh, Lucas sat up. He saw that Skylar had stood now and was looking down at him with a weird look on his face. A strange thought struck Lucas. Skylar looked taller. Almost as tall as Gavin. His parents had always talked about how growth spurts could hit at any time at their age but the idea that Skylar had suddenly sprouted overnight seemed unlikely.

Skylar was still looking down at him with that strange and confused look.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, but immediately shut his mouth in confusion. He hadn't recognized the voice that had spoken. It sounded sort of like his, but significantly higher in pitch. Lucas looked down at himself and gasped. His body had changed. The hints of muscle tone he had before had softened, leaving him a little thinner, and the wisps of hair that had been sprouting around the base of his cock had disappeared.

Most noticeably was that his soft dick had shrunk by about two full inches and his balls were now tightly tucked against his body, having receded from their former slightly hanging position. He realized now why Skylar looked so much taller. Lucas had lost almost six inches of height.

"What's going on?" Lucas asked in a panicked tone. Skylar still had not spoken and was staring at his friend in shock. "Did you do something?"

Skylar shook his head frantically. "No! I just used the darata on my dick to make it bigger like Gavin did last night!"

Looking down at himself again Lucas ran his hands along his body as if expecting the changes to rub off like paint. Utterly at a loss and beginning to feel fear clawing at him, Lucas did the only thing he could think to do.

"Gavin!" He called pleadingly to his sleeping brother. "Wake up!"

Normally a heavy sleeper, the desperation in Lucas's voice must have got through. Gavin groaned and rolled over.

"Gavin, please!" The second time, Lucas's fear penetrated deeper into Gavin's sleeping mind. He sat up quickly, rubbing his eyes.

It took Gavin a moment to get his bearings. He saw Skylar standing naked a few feet away, looking very guilty. Lucas was sitting at his feet, but Gavin had to do a double take. It was like he had traveled back in time. Gavin had a vivid memory of being fourteen and angrily chasing his ten-year-old brother around the back yard for getting mud on his brand-new shirt. Lucas, sitting on the ground looking at him in wide-eyed fright, was the exact same Lucas from that memory of three years ago.

"What the fuck...?" Even as Gavin said it he knew exactly what had happened. His eyes swung to Skylar. "You didn't..." He demanded accusingly.

Skylar was near tears. "I didn't mean to!" He sniffled. "I didn't know that would happen!"

"What do you mean you didn't know?" Gavin looked back at his now very little brother. "You saw what happened last night, what the fuck did you expect?"

"Don't yell at him!" Lucas squeaked before remembering how unintimidating his voice sounded. "He didn't mean to."

Gavin looked between the two of them in disbelief. "Fuck!" He punched the ground and stood up.

"What's going on?" Tyler's sleepy voice came from across the tent where he was cuddled up with Will.

Without responding, Gavin made an exaggerated open-handed gesture towards his two youngers. Just like Gavin had, Tyler took a minute to process what he was seeing.

"Oh shit... Dude, you'd better go talk to Jonah."

"On my way right now." Gavin slipped his clothes on. "Lucas, come with me. Skylar stay here." Gavin ordered, hauling Lucas to his feet.

"But..." Lucas protested.

"Nope." Gavin cut him off in a voice that sounded exactly like their mom's scolding tone. "No buts, no arguments. Get dressed. Now."

Lucas's loincloth did not fit him. It kept slipping off his slender hips. Eventually, Gavin sighed and grabbed one of the red sheets and wound it around his little brother like a toga.

"There. That'll do for now. Let's go."

"Gavin..." Lucas slowed down as they left the tent. "Please don't be mad." He didn't like the way his brother had treated Skylar and he knew that his friend was probably beating himself up. "We didn't mean to do it."

With a heavy sigh, Gavin sank to one knee. "I know, buddy." He said quietly. "Looking out for you two is just more than a handful is all."

Lucas looked down at the ground, embarrassed. Gavin pulled him into a gentle hug that he eventually returned.

"Now let's go get this sorted out."

"So?" was Jonah's response when Gavin explained the situation. The leader of the camp was lounging by a small campfire eating a meal of dried meat and berries.

"So how do we fix it?" Gavin asked irritably. "Is there a leaf or berry or something that does the opposite?"

Jonah shrugged. "Not that I know of." When he noticed that Gavin obviously was not content with his answer he continued. "What's the big deal? He'll grow again."

Gavin threw up a hand in disbelief. "That takes years!"

Waving off his outburst Jonah replied, "It'll be here before you know it. Some of us have been back-aged half a dozen times. Some more than that."

Stunned, Gavin had no response to this. It had never occurred to him. That explained how the lost side of the lake seemed so timeless. After a moment of silence Jonah looked up at him questioningly, obviously wondering what he was still doing here.

"There's got to be some way to reverse it." Gavin persisted. "We can't stay here forever, and when we get back Lucas can't be younger than when we left."

With a heavy sigh, Jonah rose to his feet. "Fine." He brushed some crumbs from his lap. "I will try to consult the Founder. But I wouldn't get your hopes up. I've never heard of the darata effects being reversed before."

"How long will that take." Gavin asked, not willing to let the matter drop.

Jonah rolled his eyes. "Look, it takes as long as it takes. Sometimes the Founder talks, sometimes he doesn't. It's not up to me."

"Great." Gavin replied sarcastically. "We'll check back every couple hours then." He was determined to let Jonah know that he would have no peace until he followed through with their request.

The leader sighed again. "Alright, alright. I'll look into it. Should have an answer for you by the end of the day. Hopefully." He added emphasis on the last word.

"Good." Gavin said simply. "Thank you." Putting a hand on Lucas's shoulder he herded him away. Jonah mumbled something they couldn't hear.

"Don't worry." Gavin assured. "We'll find a way to fix this."

Lucas trusted his big brother, but Jonah had not sounded hopeful. He definitely didn't like the idea of being stuck just at the onset of puberty once again. How could they explain that? What about school, would he have to go back three levels, or would he just be the youngest 8th grader? As he thought about it he realized that, even though he liked it here in this almost-paradise, he did want to get home eventually. He had a life that he wasn't ready to abandon, friends, family, and things to do. It made him want to cry wondering if they would ever be able to leave now.

Reading his expression, Gavin knelt next to him to hug him again. "It'll be fine. I promise." He patted Lucas's back. "I've got to hit the bathing tent. Why don't you go try to cheer Skylar up? I feel bad for yelling at him."

Lucas bravely smiled and nodded at his older brother before trotting off toward their tent. Gavin wished he felt as confident as he tried to make Lucas believe. He had been wondering also what it would mean if they were to show up back home with a ten-year-old Lucas. Maybe if they waited a year no one would really notice? Gavin shook his head in frustration. A whole year was not an option. He could already tell that this place was starting to affect him. The idea of fucking his own younger brother and his best friend had never really crossed his mind, but now he thought about it regularly. He had even started taking an interest in some of the other boys around the camp, like Will for instance.

One thought led to another as he walked toward the bath tent and eventually he found himself wondering whether or not it would be safe for him to fuck Lucas even though he was smaller now. Even if not, he decided, his brother could and would still suck him off eagerly. Realizing that his train of thought had derailed, Gavin shook himself in frustration. Getting clean and relaxing in the hot water would do him good and hopefully clear his head.

Gavin entered the bathing tent to find that someone else was already inside, hunched over in the water. "Oh, sorry..." He mumbled as his eyes adjusted to the much dimmer light inside the tent. "I'll come back later... Wait, Skylar?"

The little blonde was sitting on the stone bench in the pool. His knees were drawn up to his chin and his head was down, resting against his arms. Gavin could just make out the sound of sniffling over the bubbling of the water.

"Go away..." Skylar said weakly, without looking up.

"I thought you couldn't go anywhere without permission?" Gavin asked, confused.

"I don't care!" Skylar shot back. "You can't tell me what to do!" He had obviously been crying and still had to sniffle every few breaths.

"Hey, it's alright." Gavin assured softly. "You don't have to do what I say, I just wanted to make sure no one gave you any trouble."

Skylar looked up at him briefly before put scowling and putting his head back down into his arms.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you." Gavin told him quietly. He moved over to the pool and sat on the edge on the opposite side from Skylar. His feet dangled into the warm water. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. It wasn't your fault."

Skylar sniffed once more before eventually looking up at him and nodding.

"I was upset, and it was easier to get angry at you then blame myself." Gavin admitted quietly.

Looking back up, Skylar asked quietly, "Blame yourself for what?"

With a heavy sigh, Gavin shrugged. "All of it. I'm the one that let us get caught up here instead of leaving right away. I guess deep down I didn't really want to leave after all."

"We all wanted to stay though." Skylar protested. "Not just you."

"Wanted?" Gavin noted his use of past-tense.

"Well..." Skylar looked back down at the dark water. "I guess I kind of want to go home too. Once we fix Lucas."

Gavin offered a little smile. "We will. Do you mind if I come in with you?"

Skylar shook his head and moved to a seated position on the stone bench.

Standing up to pull his clothes off, Gavin noticed that, in spite of himself, the little blonde boy couldn't help but watch the clothing fall away. He slipped into the warm water about four feet from where Skylar sat and stretched his arms out on the edge of the pool. Gavin had to admit that, even though he was still feeling guilty about yelling at Skylar, it was amusing and more than a little ego-boosting to notice the quick glances the younger boy kept making to check out his toned chest that was still visible above the water. Skylar's poor attempt at subtlety was very cute.

Finally, after a long and awkward silence, Gavin motioned the little blonde over. Skylar hesitated but quickly gave in and floated over to cuddle up next to Gavin.

Looking down into the green eyes next to him, Gavin was surprised by the feelings that stirred inside him. Obviously, he had always loved Lucas. It had been a slightly different kind of love before this trip had started but it had still been there. His feelings for Skylar felt more like a beginning. It was new and unexplored territory. Without saying a word, they both leaned into the kiss at the same time.

It stated slowly but quickly became more and more passionate. Gavin pushed his tongue into Skylar's mouth and the smaller boy began feeling his way across Gavin's muscles. He wrestled Skylar's tongue a bit before pulling away. Skylar's eyes were closed, and his lips were parted slightly, obviously hoping for more.

"You're not still mad at me, are you?" Gavin whispered into Skylar's ear before biting it gently.

"Uh-uh." Came the hoarse negative response from the horny boy.

"Good." Gavin growled, running a hand from the side of Skylar's face, down across his throat to his nipple and continuing down to his slim waist and hips. "Because with Lucas aged back like that I'm going to be needing more of this." He squeezed Skylar's perfect ass roughly.

"Mmm..." Needing no more encouragement, Skylar pulled himself out of the water and bent over the edge of the pool, panting desperately.

"Good boy." Gavin stroked the pale ass that Skylar so eagerly presented. The little hole was clearly exposed, and Gavin wetted his fingers before teasing them around Skylar's entrance.

"Ohhh... AHHH!" Skylar's moan of pleasure jumped suddenly to a high-pitched squeal when Gavin pushed a long finger inside him without warning. He pushed back on the finger, his little dick twitching.

"Wow, you really like that, don't you?" Gavin leaned down next to Skylar's ear again while Skylar whined an affirmative. "Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked teasingly.

"Mmm yes!" Skylar moaned.

Pulling Skylar's hips back into the warm water, Gavin put gentle pressure with his dick against the tight hole. The smaller boy whined and pushed backward, causing the head to slip inside him. Immediately Skylar gasped and squealed. He had only been fucked once before and he had been influenced by the darata at the time. Gavin's dick was big, and it stretched him to the limit. His discomfort was obvious.

Rubbing his lower back soothingly, Gavin made reassuring noises as he gave Skylar time to adjust. The warmth of the water helped the blonde boy to loosen up and after a moment he clenched his teeth and nodded for Gavin to continue.

Slowly, Gavin began to push forward, eliciting gasping moans from the boy underneath him. He took it even easier than he had with Damian the night before. Skylar was a great deal smaller than Damian had been, plus Gavin cared deeply for Skylar while his feelings for Damian had been neutral at their best. It took time, with several pauses in between to let Skylar adjust, but eventually Gavin was all the way in. Skylar was breathing heavily and grasping tightly to the edge of the pool.

"Fuck, you're so tight, babe." Gavin groaned as he stroked a hand down Skylar's spine, sending shivers through his small body.

Then it started. It was very slow, as Skylar needed it to be, but it was passionate as Gavin began to fuck the younger boy. They moaned and whined and grunted quietly together and Skylar's discomfort began to slowly fade from his mind.

"Mmm, I've always had a thing for blondes." Gavin told the skinny boy as he pushed inside him once more and gently grabbed a handful of his hair. He remembered his past girlfriends and it was true that almost all of them had been blonde with only a few exceptions.

This seemed to excite Skylar and he gently began to push his hips back onto Gavin's dick. With a groan, Gavin matched his tempo and soon was fucking Skylar with regular passionate thrusts.

After several minutes, Gavin felt the all-too-familiar feeling building inside him. His tempo increased slightly, drawing high pitched moans from Skylar. This only served to push him closer and closer to the edge and the little blonde's hips bounced against him. Finally, he buried his dick deep inside Skylar and let loose.

Feeling the pulsing rod shooting inside him, filling him up, Skylar groaned in pleasure. He reached down and began stroking himself quickly as the euphoria overwhelmed him. It only took six or seven pumps before he began to spill his own load into the warm water.

Utterly spent, Gavin pulled the small boy against him tightly and they sat together on the bench, leaning on one another and trying to catch their breath. Neither one had noticed however, some time earlier, when the flap of the tent entrance had parted, just slightly.

Next: Chapter 7

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