Summer on Lost Lake

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Mar 29, 2018


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Summer on Lost Lake: Chapter 4

The disorientation when Lucas awoke was intense. His head hurt, and his ass hurt, and he didn't remember when he had fallen asleep or where. He knew he was not in the same spot though, and as he shifted, the cushions underneath him told him that he was back in the tent. Exhaustion still hung over him heavily and he didn't want to even open his eyes. The aroma of the darata still hung in the air, though not strongly enough to affect him.

A groan very close by forced Lucas to open one eye lazily. Skylar lay only a foot or two away from him with his eyes screwed shut and a pained expression on his weary face.

Same. Lucas thought dryly. He noticed though that Skylar was completely naked, then he realized that he was also naked. The events of the night before began to come back to him in vivid flashes.

His mind reeled at the complex sets of emotions that came with the memories. Last night he had been unable to fully process what was happening, but now his thoughts were catching up in a whirlwind. He felt ashamed first. Even though he had wanted to, secretly for a long time, doing those things with his older brother wasn't right. His ears grew hot as he thought about what their mom would say. Next came a little bit of anger. No one had convinced him to do anything he didn't already want to do, but the darata definitely had made him more willing to act on his dark fantasies.

After these, a powerful eroticism swept through him. He remembered the look in Gavin's eyes as he penetrated him, and he thought about seeing him on top of Skylar, grunting and thrusting powerfully. The emotion that took over when the rest had faded though was love. He knew how he felt about Gavin, even if it was wrong. His brother had always been there for him, looking out for him and keeping him safe, even when it was annoying. The way he felt about Skylar was not much different. These warm feelings of affection chased away his doubts and left him feeling content, although still uncomfortable and sore.

Skylar groaned again, and Lucas turned to face him. His friend's green eyes squinted open and he managed to force half a smile.

"It's too bright in here." Skylar complained in a dry cracked whisper. Lucas had to agree with him. Although the thick red fabric of the tent kept most of the light out, it was still too much for their sensitive eyes.

"My head hurts." Lucas whined.

"I bet your ass hurts more." Skylar teased.

Lucas blushed. He didn't know how Skylar was always able to joke about embarrassing things so easily. "What about yours?" He fired back.

Skylar shrugged before displaying his top teeth in a grin. "It was a fun night, wasn't it?" He said quietly.

Lucas nodded and smiled back. "I wish I could shower or something. It's been so long."

Wrinkling his nose, Skylar agreed. "Yeah, you're starting to smell funny."

Weakly, Lucas grabbed a pillow and smacked his friend with it who grinned cheekily.

"What about that bath tent?" Skylar remembered. "Can we use that?"

Lucas had forgotten about that part of yesterday's tour. "Umm... I think Jonah said we could."

Throwing back his head and letting out a low moan Skylar said, "That would feel so good right now."

"Well... do you wanna go?" Lucas asked.

"Together?" Skylar asked quietly.

Lucas giggled and gently reached out and ran a hand over Skylar's flaccid dick. "Not like we haven't seen it all already."

Skylar grinned and slapped his hand away. "Stop it." He said playfully, pinning Lucas's arm to his side. "Ok... Why not then?"

Lucas smiled back. "Let's go!"

"Do you have any clothes?" Skylar asked. "Just to get over there."

Vaguely, Lucas remembered throwing the last of his clothing onto the bonfire. "Oh..." He said, looking down at his naked body. "Yeah... I forgot about that."

Skylar shrugged. "I mean... Like you said, they saw us..." for the first time Skylar looked a little embarrassed. "They ALL saw us. At this point like..."

Lucas half-frowned. Skylar was right. Every boy in the camp had seen them, not only completely naked, but getting claimed by Gavin. Several of them had even handled Skylar in his overly horny state of mind. "I think it's... normal here." He said uncertainly. "Or normal-ish."

Considering this, Skylar tossed his head back and forth. "Yeah, I guess. It's not that far away either."

After some minor deliberation the boys agreed to make a dash for the bathing tent. They thought to invite Gavin but he was snoring softly in the corner, also naked, but covered mostly by pillows and cushions.

"Where are you going?" A small voice asked, as they were about to leave the tent, doing their best to cover themselves with their hands.

Neither of them had noticed Will, laying far to the side of the tent, cuddled up next to Tyler, now sitting propped on his elbows looking at them curiously.

"Uhh... just to the bathing tent." Lucas told the wide-eyed boy.

"Oh." Will replied quietly. "Did you get permission?"

"Permission from who?" Skylar asked, confrontationally.

Will balked under the gaze of the blonde boy but eventually mumbled, "You have to ask your elder." He looked over at Gavin.

Lucas frowned. He hadn't thought of that. "He won't mind." He said certainly.

"You still gotta ask though." Will said. "That's the rules."

Skylar was about to reply but was cut off by a deeper voice. "He's right." Tyler rolled over, blinking sleepily before pulling Will to him gently. "You're claimed now. He's got to give you permission."

With a sigh, Lucas eventually shrugged. "Alright." He could feel Tyler's eyes on him, reminding him just how naked he was. He had mixed feelings about the way he was being looked at. On one hand, it made him feel sexy, on the other it was more than a little embarrassing.

"Gavin?" Asked Lucas softly, kneeling down next to his sleeping brother. Gavin lay on his stomach, his muscular body partially covered by pillows and the thin sheets that were scattered about the tent. Lucas could still clearly trace the line of his big brother's back, down to his smooth well-toned butt. Despite the pain in his head and the soreness of his ass, Lucas couldn't help thinking about Gavin's last powerful thrust. His little dick began to come alive. "Gavin!" He repeated, louder this time.

Gavin groaned but didn't reply.

"Skylar and I wanna go to the bath tent, but we need your permission." Lucas said, close to Gavin's ear.

"Go away." Gavin mumbled without opening an eye.

Helplessly, Lucas looked at Skylar.

"Well?" Came Tyler's voice from the other side of the tent. "He gave you an order, now get out of here." He said mischievously.

It took the boys a moment to understand what Tyler was saying. In a roundabout way, Gavin had given them permission to do what they wanted. Skylar grinned and grabbed Lucas's wrist, pulling his friend after him and out of the tent.

The sun was brutally bright, and the boys kept their heads down as they quickly made their way to the bathing tent. There weren't many boys wandering about the camp, and they didn't take much notice of the two naked friends, stumbling through their midst. As Lucas had said, it seemed like it wasn't an uncommon occurrence.

When they got to the tent, another couple was just emerging. It was a tall lean older boy with shaggy brown hair, and presumably his younger, a skinny blonde that looked almost like a girl because of his long, wet hair and shapely figure. The elder was just finishing fastening on his fur kilt, but the younger was still completely naked. The little boy was limping and leaning heavily on his elder with a pained but satisfied expression.

As they passed them, the older teen gave them a low whistle before reaching out and slapping Lucas's ass, hard. Lucas yelped and covered his butt with his hands, scowling up at the bigger boy. The elder just laughed and herded his younger away.

The inside of the bathing tent was dim and steamy. The cloth was thicker than the lodging tents, letting through only a bit of sunlight. There were large candles around the tent, providing a relaxing atmosphere. The hot spring was large. It could have fit about ten people quite comfortably. There were rugs around the edge to keep people from slipping on the wet stone.

Skylar dipped his toe in and gasped. "It's perfect..." he said in disbelief.

Lucas sat on the edge and found that Skylar was right. The water was hot, like a real bath, but not scalding. With a content sigh he slipped into the dark water. To his surprise, he found what felt like a carved bench in the side of the spring. He pulled Skylar in after him, and they sat back on the stone, bringing the water just up to their shoulders. Again, Lucas wondered what kind of a man the Founder must be to be able to make things like this. It felt like they were at a spa.

The water soothed their pains and washed away their worries. Lucas laid his head on his friend's shoulder and sighed happily.

"Do you think Gavin is still going to want to leave?" Skylar asked, his soft voice echoing off the stone face.

"I don't know." Lucas had forgotten about that. "Everything's different now." He said wistfully.

"Now that he fucked you?" Skylar pointed out teasingly.

Lucas splashed him in annoyance. "He fucked you too. A lot harder."

"Yeah..." Skylar said, almost dreamily. "But you're his brother though. It's different."

It was different. Lucas knew he wanted to be with Gavin, but he also knew that once they left the lost side of the lake, things would change again. "I wanna stay." He eventually announced, looking up at Skylar. "At least for now."

"I think I do too." Skylar smiled. The two looked into each other's eyes for a while before Skylar leaned in and kissed Lucas softly on the lips.

Lucas slowly broke into a broad grin and then came back for another quick peck. The boys began to pepper each other with kisses until they became longer and more passionate. Skylar grabbed Lucas tightly and twined their tongues together. Lucas held on to his hot friend and moaned.

Skylar broke off the kiss and awkwardly grabbed Lucas around the waist, pulling him in and lifting him up. Sensing Skylar's intent, Lucas allowed himself to be lifted onto Skylar's lap. It was familiar but different, having his horny friend's dick pressed up against his ass. He had felt it several times now, but this time there was no layer of clothing between them. He leaned back against Skylar and kissed him again.

Skylar groped Lucas's chest and toyed with his nipples, making the little redhead squeal with delight. Then he moved his hands down to Lucas's hips, spreading his friend's cheeks a bit and trying to position his rock-hard dick.

Only then did Lucas come to the realization that Skylar intended to fuck him. For some reason the thought hadn't really crossed his mind before. In hindsight however, Lucas knew that he had been imagining it both of the times Skylar had humped against him. He lifted himself a bit to let Skylar line himself up.

As he lowered back down onto Skylar's lap, the head of the little blonde boy's dick slipped inside of him. Lucas broke off the kiss to let out a long gasping moan. Continuing to sink down, he felt more of it pushing into his tight hole. Compared to Gavin, Skylar's dick was small; but Lucas's ass was still sore from the night before, so his moan increased in pitch to a pained but horny squeak as he settled back in on his friend's lap, with the dick lodged fully inside him.

Lucas could feely Skylar breathing heavily, and he forced himself to open his eyes and look back at his best friend. The cute blonde was frozen by the eroticism of having Lucas impaled on his cock. His hands gripped Lucas's pale hips tightly.

Knowing what he wanted, Lucas very slowly began to move up and down on Skylar's dick, feeling it sliding in and out of him. Skylar made soft gasping noises as Lucas bounced softly up and down. He had secretly imagined fucking Lucas for almost the entire time they had been friends. Watching his friend's smooth pale body moving up and down, his muscles straining as he fucked himself on his dick was hypnotic.

Finally, Skylar managed to make his body follow his instructions again. Instead of letting Lucas do all the work, he began to piston himself in and out of the redhead's tight ass. He thrust upward hard as Lucas came back down.

"Ahh!" Lucas screamed in surprise and pleasure as the fucking suddenly became more intense. The animal nature that always seemed to come over the little blonde during their sessions had taken hold.

Skylar's hand came around and grabbed Lucas's dick and began to stroke it vigorously. Lucas placed a hand behind himself on Skylar's shoulder to steady himself as he rode the thrusting pole harder.

"I'm gonna cum inside you." Skylar growled at him, increasing in both pace and ferocity.

Lucas only moaned in response, too blinded by the sensation to speak. He could feel Skylar building up though. From their humping sessions, he recognized the way his friend's thrusts became harder and irregular. The throbbing rod inside him began to shoot as Skylar pushed it in roughly.

The warm feeling of his best friend's orgasm deep within him made Lucas's little body tense up as his own pleasure overtook him. He fired several long streams into the water of the spring and bounced hard on Skylar's spasming cock once more.

Catching his breath, Lucas leaned back against Skylar's heaving chest, feeling his slowly deflating dick still inside him. Eventually he unseated himself from Skylar's lap but still leaned on him heavily. He looked up into the vulnerable green eyes, knowing that he had been Skylar's first.

"I love you." He whispered into the dimness of the tent.

A look of surprise flashed through Skylar's beautiful eyes before it was replaced by warmth. "I love you too..." He said awkwardly, but then leaned down and kissed Lucas deeply.

The boys cleaned themselves up and spent another few minutes horsing around in the warm water. Lucas noticed that the water was soothing the soreness of his ass from the recent activity. Either that or he was starting to get used to it, he thought. That was probably a good thing since he suspected there would be more to come. He giggled to himself and kissed Skylar once more before they got out of the water.

Gavin awoke with a groan to the unmistakable sounds of sex. The moans and grunts and the sound of skin on skin told him clearly that someone was fucking someone else very close by. His sky-blue eyes flicked open and he immediately regretted it. The brightness of the late morning sun that seeped through the fabric of the tent was enough to send an uncomfortable spike through his aching head. He groaned again and turned over toward the sound, cracking his eyes open only slightly.

On the other side of the tent, Tyler was on his knees with his back to Gavin. The muscular boy was, once again, completely naked; and his firm ass was tensed up as he thrust continually. Gavin could just make out Will's medium-length hair flopping around as Tyler grunted with effort.

The little boy's squeals were intense, and Gavin didn't know if he should be aroused or concerned. A wave of guilt crashed over him as he watched the scene playing out. Remembering his actions last night, he felt a pit forming in his stomach. What had he done? He was supposed to be the one looking out for the two younger boys, not fucking them senseless.

Particularly, his guilt focused in on Lucas. He remembered how his little brother had looked up at him, trusting and innocent. Gavin didn't know what had come over him. He wasn't even into guys usually. There had been a number of girlfriends in the past that he had been satisfied with. Sure, there was the occasional boy that caught his eye, and he had to admit that both Lucas and Skylar, and for that matter most of the younger boys around the camp, were very cute, but that didn't make him gay, did it?

The fact that he had fucked his own little brother kept smashing into him. He was having trouble processing all of the implications. It had been obvious for a long time that Lucas had a little crush on him. Gavin was smart and had noticed it almost immediately around the time Lucas was nine. At first, he thought it was weird, but he had come to accept it and eventually found it flattering. He had always done his best not to encourage it though... His mind flashed to the image of Lucas moaning in pleasure underneath him and the guilt forced its way in again.

"Mmmm fuck yeah! Here it comes baby." Tyler grunted, and the little boy under him half-moaned, half-screamed.

Tyler let out a long breath after he had finished and rolled to one side, giving Gavin a full view of Will's tiny quivering ass, leaking Tyler's seed. Seeing the size of Tyler's dick, Gavin was surprised that the little boy was still in one piece. Will covered himself with a sheet and sat up, then blushed when he saw Gavin watching.

"Did we wake you up?" Tyler asked, lounging back and grinning. He made no attempt to cover his nakedness. "Sorry."

Gavin shook it head. "Don't worry about it." It seemed silly to complain about the two boys fucking after what he had seen and done last night.

"Your boys went to the bath tent." Tyler informed him. "You technically gave them permission."

Vaguely, Gavin remembered Lucas waking him earlier. He nodded but worry suddenly gripped him. "Is it safe for them to be out there alone?" He started to get up but found he was moving quite slowly.

Tyler laughed. "Relax. It's fine. No elder is allowed to even put a hand on them without your permission. Not even Jonah. You claimed them both."

Reluctantly, Gavin settled back into the cushions, still beating himself up for his lack of self-control.

"It was fucking hot to watch too." Tyler told him, impressed. "Especially with your brother. I've always had a thing for redheads. Probably would have tried to claim him if you didn't, honestly."

For some reason, this angered Gavin. He cocked his head slightly, giving Tyler a warning glare out of the side of his eye.

"Whoa," Tyler backpedaled sensing the change in mood. "Didn't mean any offense. He's all yours. I play by the rules. He's cute is all I'm saying. Will here is all I really need anyway." He hooked the small boy in with one strong arm and Will cuddled up against his chest.

Gavin couldn't help noticing the curve of Will's spine down to his perfectly rounded ass that stuck out tantalizingly. The boy's completely smooth skin was almost begging to be stroked gently. Tyler saw his eyes.

"Ha!" He grinned. "See, he's a sexy one, isn't he?" He looked down at Will. "Show off a little, babe." He kissed the small face gently.

Reluctantly, Will untangled himself from the protective arm and stood up. He held onto the red sheet and it draped over his shoulder seductively, hiding very little, but making a sensual veil that contrasted against his skin. The short boy did a full turn, swinging his hips gently and letting Gavin see his smooth young ass. Almost unconsciously, Gavin licked his lips.

"Good boy." Tyler told him, watching closely as well then turning his attention back to Gavin. "Maybe he can spend the night with you sometime." Tyler winked at him. "I know he'd like that. And I like to share what's mine. Especially if people share with me." He laughed. "I've got to keep him on a pretty tight leash though." He explained, bringing Will back to him and holding him close. "He be a horny little slut if I let him sleep around. Wouldn't you babe?"

The doe-eyed boy blushed and looked down but didn't respond.

"He already sucks off the youngers down by the lake when he thinks I'm not looking." He patted Will's ass affectionately who was blushing bright red now.

Gavin felt a little bit bad for poor Will, but at the same time part of him had very strong urges regarding the boy. "I thought the youngers weren't allowed to do anything with anyone that's not their elder." Gavin said, confused.

Tyler shook his head. "Youngers can do whatever they want together, same with elders obviously. But if an elder wants to fuck, or even just touch a younger that's not his, he needs permission. Some are more possessive than others."

"Wait, so the younger boys get used and traded like slaves?" Gavin asked, appalled.

With a shrug, Tyler responded, "Most of them love it. The Founder only lets in boys that meet his standards. The ones that don't like it usually get paired with an elder that doesn't like to share as much. And a younger can always ask to be re-paired. Plus, if they stay long enough, they can eventually become an elder."

"Is there like, an age limit?" Gavin asked. "I haven't seen anyone that looks that much older than us. Do you get kicked out after you reach a certain age?"

"That doesn't happen." Tyler replied with a shake of his head.

Gavin was about to press him for more, but just then Lucas and Skylar threw open the tent flap and sauntered in, giggling. The naked boys almost didn't notice the rest of the tent as they kissed each other and fell down onto the cushions together in a fit of flirtatious laughter.

Cocking an eyebrow at them, Gavin cleared his throat. The two smaller boys looked up from their horseplay with mischievous grins. "Looks like you two have been having fun." He said dryly.

They broke into laughs again before looking at each other, communicating silently. Then suddenly they jumped up and tackled Gavin back onto the pillows, swarming him and crawling all over him. The brooding sensation Gavin had been feeling melted away to contentment as the little bodies struggled to hold him down.

"Two against one, huh?" He asked, then easily pinned each squirming boy with one hand. "Well, then I guess I've gotta use a secret weapon." His fingers began to dance wickedly across their ribs and stomachs and the two little boys howled and tried to escape the tickling. Almost without effort Gavin held them in place, his fingers mercilessly probing their most ticklish areas.

"Stooop!" Skylar squealed through fits of giggling, trying to wiggle away.

Lucas suddenly bit his arm. Not hard enough to cause any real pain, but enough to make him loosen his grip enough and allow his little brother to escape.

"Ow, you little brat." Gavin snagged Lucas's ankle as he tried to crawl away and started hauling the laughing boy back in. Skylar took advantage of the distraction though and tackled him again, knocking him back down onto the cushions.

Grabbing the blonde boy around the waist he held him tightly in place while he finished drawing Lucas in, then trapping him in a similar position. Skylar's face was only inches away from his own and the little blonde was giving him a very cheeky smile.

"What?" Gavin demanded, squeezing him tightly.

Skylar quickly stuck his tongue out and licked the side of Gavin's face like a dog.

"Gross." He made a face. "You two deserve each other." He piled the boys on top of one another before rolling away.

The two smaller boys lay in a giggling gasping heap and Gavin half-smiled over at Tyler who was watching the whole episode with an amused grin. Will was watching also, but his expression was one of longing. Gavin almost invited him to join the game but still wasn't totally clear on the rules regarding youngers and elders.

"You two were running around naked outside?" Gavin asked, propping himself up on a pillow.

"Yeah we burned our clothes." Skylar said as though it were the most normal statement in the world. Lucas nodded confirmation.

"There's some stuff for you by the door." Tyler spoke up. "Jonah dropped it off for you just after you left for the spring."

Lucas and Skylar seemed delighted when they found the two small loincloths folded by the entrance. Gavin had to admit they looked good in them. As they passed by, he couldn't resist reaching out and planting a solid smack on his little brother's ass.

"Ow." Lucas whined. "Why does everyone keep doing that?"

"Cuz you got a nice butt!" Skylar said teasingly, patting it more gently.

"True." Gavin had to agree. "Wait, who's everyone?"

"Some guy on the way into the bath tent did the same thing." Lucas complained.

"An elder?" Tyler asked seriously. Lucas nodded.

"I thought you said no elders could touch them without my permission." Gavin frowned at the thought of someone putting a hand on Lucas.

Tyler thought for a moment. "Who was it? What did he look like?"

Lucas described a tall shaggy-haired boy with a blonde almost girly-looking younger.

"I should have guessed. That's Damian." Tyler said, and Gavin sensed the mood had changed. "He's always looking at other people's youngers, but that's serious. If he laid a hand on your younger, especially like that, then it means he doesn't respect your claim."

Gavin raised an eyebrow. "And? What does that mean?"

"It means he might try something more." Tyler said gravely. "You should deal with it. As quickly as possible."

"Deal with it how?" Lucas and Skylar had come to sit by him and he instinctively pulled them closer.

Tyler continued. "If he doesn't respect your claim then you need to challenge him. You'll have to wrestle him, win, and then... establish dominance." He finished with a wink.

Gavin frowned. "Sounds... primitive."

Tyler shrugged. "Maybe. It's the way things work around here though. Just don't lose." He said with a wince.

"What would happen if I did besides... well you know?" Gavin asked.

"For starters, you'd lose both your youngers." Tyler told him, causing Gavin's arms to tighten around the boys on either side of him. "Since he's only got one, he'd have first claim at one of them, the other would have another claiming ceremony." Tyler paused. "And the rest... Honestly I think you'll have to see it to believe it. You look pretty tough though. I bet you can beat him."

Although Gavin didn't mind the idea of giving this boy something to worry about, he shook his head resolutely. "No way." He looked down at Lucas and Skylar. "I'd definitely beat him. But I wouldn't do anything that'd risk these two."

Lucas beamed up at him and nuzzled his shoulder.

Tyler shook his head. "You might not have a choice. If Damian challenges you, then you've got to accept. And the person that actually makes the challenge is usually the favorite to win."

Gavin scowled. He was confident in his strength but putting Lucas and Skylar in danger based on that bet was another story. Looking down at the boys he asked. "What do you think? We could just... leave..."

Skylar snuggled up against him. He was surprised at how attached he'd become to the little blonde boy that he had only met a handful of times before this trip. Only a few days in and he already felt very close to him.

"I kinda like it here." Skylar eventually said.

"Yeah..." Lucas put in. "It's relaxing and... fun..." He said with a naughty giggle.

Gavin had to admit that being on the lost side of the lake was not at all what he'd expected. He didn't fully understand it, but he enjoyed the closeness he felt with Lucas and Skylar, and he knew that once they returned to the world outside things would have to be different.

"We trust you." His little brother told him, hugging him. "And I know you'd beat that guy. He wasn't as strong as you." Lucas turned and gave Gavin's bicep a gentle squeeze.

With a sigh Gavin pushed the two boys off him and stood up, the sheet he had been covering himself with sliding off. "Well guess I should put some clothes on then if I'm going to go challenging people."

"Or you could... stay naked for a little..." Lucas proposed with a blush, and Skylar grinned.

"Are you two ever not horny?" Gavin asked incredulously.

"Oh no." Tyler's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Two hot youngers fighting over your dick. You've got it tough, man."

Taking that as a cue, Skylar jumped on Lucas. "It's mine!" He yelled, wrestling the little redhead. The boys immediately became a giggling pile of limbs and torsos. Every so often Gavin could see the loincloths lift away and noticed that they were both fully aroused.

The horny boys' wrestling match soon devolved into a rough make out session. Gavin observed that Skylar was the more dominant of the two of them. He had thought as much when he first watched them messing around, but his suspicions were confirmed when his little brother willingly flipped over onto his hands and knees, presenting himself for his young friend. And the lack of hesitation Skylar showed in mounting Lucas's perfect ass told Gavin that it was not his little brother's first time taking Skylar's dick.

As Lucas's squeals started, Gavin couldn't stand it anymore. He was fully hardened and even dripping a little bit watching his little brother getting penetrated. His earlier trepidations were evaporating fast. Walking around in front of Lucas, he knelt down. He didn't say anything, he moved in just close enough so that his long cock was a few inches from Lucas's face and waited. When Lucas opened his eyes, he let out a delighted little gasp and without a second thought wrapped his lips around the tip of the dick in front of him, looking up into his big brother's eyes.

Lucas's moans turned into muted little grunts as he happily sucked on Gavin's dick. With a gasp, Gavin placed a hand on the back of his brother's head, running it gently through the soft red hair. He applied a small amount of pressure to encourage Lucas to take more of it in his mouth. The small boy gagged slightly but didn't pull away, using his tongue to send waves of pleasure through his big brother.

Skylar's green eyes had gone wide as he faced Gavin and watched Lucas sucking him off eagerly. He picked up speed, slamming himself roughly into the tight ass and causing Lucas's gasps to jump up an octave. Gavin was stunned by how much his little brother obviously loved having a dick in both ends.

It was impossible for Skylar to last very long. With his hands on Lucas's small ass, looking up along his arched back and smooth pale skin, up to where he lapped hungrily at Gavin's long cock, then beyond to Gavin's perfectly tanned and lean body all the way up to his devastatingly handsome face and clear blue eyes, was all too much for the little blonde to take it at once. He let out a soft squeak as he filled his friend's ass with its second load of the day.

Gavin watched the tremor run through Skylar and heard the small boy's little moan. Lucas pushed himself back on his friend's dick as he felt it begin. The sight of it pushed Gavin over the edge and he thrust forward gently as his own dick pulsed and began to shoot into Lucas's mouth. The little redhead was caught off guard but quickly began to swallow Gavin's seed. It was more than he could handle though, and a fair amount began to leak out of the sides of his mouth.

Chest heaving, Gavin eventually let go of the back of his brother's head. Lucas rolled contentedly to the ground and licked his lips clean. Skylar immediately cuddled up next to him, holding him around the waist. The scene was too cute for Gavin to resist and he knelt down and gave Lucas a soft affectionate kiss. His little brother smiled dreamily up at him and touched his abs. Skylar looked at Gavin expectantly. With a grin Gavin leaned over and kissed Skylar as well before standing up again.

"Alright. You two stay here. I'm going to try to sort this out." He tied on his fur garment. "Don't have too much fun without me."

The guilt weighed less heavily on him this time, but after finishing he had felt a bit of remorse for letting his little brother give him a blow job. Lucas had obviously loved it though, he told himself. Will and Tyler had been watching intently and were now cuddled up together making out quietly. Gavin spared a glance at Will's tiny frame pressed up against Tyler's broad one and shook his head in disbelief at the world he seemed to have stumbled into.

Next: Chapter 5

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