Summer on Lost Lake

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Mar 20, 2018


Here's the next chapter of my first commission! Thanks again to TwitchyDragon for the support! Let me know what you think.

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Thanks for reading!

Summer on Lost Lake: Chapter 3

"What the..." Gavin trailed off as they all tried to make sense of what they were seeing. The boys inside the circle of tents had not noticed them yet, so the three ducked back behind the tree line to decide their next step.

"Who are they?" Skylar asked.

Gavin shrugged. "No idea. But something's not right. Earley would have mentioned if there was some weird camp out here like this."

"Maybe he doesn't know." Lucas offered.

"You heard him talking." Gavin disagreed. "He knows everything about this damn place. If something this big was here, he'd know it."

"I don't see any adults or girls" Skylar pointed out.

"There's something weird going on." Gavin said definitively. "The trails changing and appearing, and now this?" He stared out at the strange group of boys for a moment before adding. "Something's not right."

"Well..." Lucas floundered. "We can't just stay here. Maybe they can help us find the way back."

"Maybe their cannibals." Skylar said evilly. "And they're going to cook us and eat our livers."

"Like you'd have anything to worry about." Gavin countered. "Between the two of you there's not enough meat to make a burger."

"I've got meat where it counts." Skylar retorted, making the obvious joke.

"Shouldn't we at least try and get their help?" Lucas asked.

"You just like the way they look in those fur pants." Skylar teased.

Lucas blushed a bit but didn't respond. Skylar wasn't wrong. It seemed like all of the boys he could see from behind the trees were fit and attractive, and their revealing attire only accentuated it.

"He's right though." Gavin admitted. "I don't like the way this feels, but what are we gonna do, turn around and go back to the cabin?"

"Yeah... about that..." Lucas said warily. "Does anyone know where that trail is?"

Gavin and Skylar looked around before Gavin put a hand to his face in resignation. "It's gone, isn't it?" To which Lucas nodded with a frown. "This is getting ridiculous. Fuck it." He marched resolutely out of the trees and into the sunlight. The other two followed more timidly.

They made it almost to the circle of tents before one of the boys inside noticed them and alerted the others. The strange boys gathered around them but did not approach. There were almost forty of them in all, all wearing the same style of primitive furs. Lucas noticed that the older boys, most of whom appeared to be between sixteen and nineteen, usually had patched-together vests or some form of furs covering their torsos, while the younger ones, the youngest look around twelve, were far less covered, with some wearing only a loincloth.

The small crowd parted for a taller boy to make his way through. It was obvious by the way the others moved for him that he had some kind of authority. He was about Gavin's height, and obviously fit but not quite as impressive. His skin was pale, in contrast to his very dark almost black hair. There was a bit of reddish face paint around his eyes that made them pop impressively. Lucas decided that the style of clothing the boys wore had something to do with their status, because this boy was the only one with a short fur mantle draped around his shoulders.

He stopped a few yards away and eyed them for a moment, sizing them up. Breaking into an amiable smile he said, "Great. Newcomers." With the way they were dressed and the setting around them, Lucas had almost been expecting a foreign language, or no language at all. "The Founder said someone might be coming. I'm Jonah. Welcome to the lost side of the lake."

"Where are we?" Gavin stepped forward.

Jonah smiled again. "I told you, the lost side of the lake. Probably better than whichever side you came from too." He added cheekily.

"Do you know the way back?" Lucas asked.

Jonah's eyes flicked to him for the first time with a look that was not unfriendly, but definitely dismissive. "Are these two yours?" He asked Gavin.

Gavin frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Around here, the youngers are expected to treat the elders with respect. We pair them each to an elder for training and protection." Jonah explained. "These two." He pointed to Lucas and Skylar. "Are they yours?"

Gavin shrugged. "I mean, no, they're not `mine'. I'm trying to look after them, but they don't belong to me. It's my little brother and his friend. We're just lost is all."

A murmur of laughter ran through the crowd and Jonah's smile widened. "All of us were. The Founder saved us and brought us together though."

"Right... So, do you know the way back?" Gavin repeated Lucas's question.

Jonah frowned. "No. I believe the Founder knows. But if you stay you may find that you don't want to go back."

"Mmhmm." Gavin replied skeptically. "Where's this Founder then? We need to talk."

"He won't talk to you." Jonah said with a shake of his head.

"Why not?" Lucas could tell that Gavin was getting frustrated.

"He chose me to take care of his land and the boys on it. I am the only one allowed to approach him." Jonah said proudly.

Gavin exchanged a look with Lucas. "Right. Well maybe you could just point us to the nearest trail then?"

Jonah sighed. "The only trails here lead to the lake and to the Founder's residence. It's called the lost side of the lake for a reason."

"So, you're saying we're stuck here?" Gavin asked, obviously not amused.

With a shrug, Jonah answered. "You can choose to look at it that way if you want. In time, the Founder will probably honor your request and show the way back. But he doesn't let just anyone wander in here. It's an honor, and if you give it a chance you might even appreciate it."

"Yeah... We're gonna need a minute." Gavin said, pulling Lucas and Skylar aside and crouching down to their level.

"Alright guys," He spoke in a low voice. "This is weird. I'm thinking we take our chances and head back into the woods."

Lucas grimaced. He didn't like the idea of spending another night in a cabin, or worse out in the open. The group was strange, but Lucas thought it had to be better than bumbling blindly through the forest. "I dunno, Gavin." He said quietly. "Maybe we should stay for just a bit. Didn't you say yesterday we should stay in one spot and wait for them to find us?"

"Well, yeah, but..." Gavin looked over his shoulder at the waiting group of boys.

"They probably have food." Skylar added.

Lucas hadn't even thought of that, but Skylar was right. None of the boys looked like they were starving or emaciated. All they had left was one protein bar between the three of them. It had been more than twelve hours since Lucas and Skylar had split the first bar, and nearly a full day since Gavin had eaten anything.

This argument seemed to sway him as Gavin turned the idea over in his mind. Finally, he gave in. "Alright. One day. At the most. Just enough to get some food and water, then we're out. No matter what. Got it?"

The boys agreed, and Gavin turned back to Jonah. "You have any food?"

A grin spread across Jonah's face. "We have plenty!" Jonah spoke to the group of boys. "Get them something to eat. Not too much though. Tonight, we'll have a feast as we hold the Welcoming for our new friends!"

A ripple of excitement went through the crowd before several of the older boys dashed off. Just like that the group began to separate. It was not a haphazard dispersion, but all the boys moved with purpose, as though they all knew instantly what they were required to do.

Lucas and Skylar looked at each other. A feast sounded really good right then, and they had never had one held just for them before. This place didn't seem so bad.

A minute or two later, two younger boys scurried back carrying several links of smoked sausages and some apples. They handed them over to Gavin who passed them around to Skylar and Lucas. The younger boys dove in and ate ravenously, but Gavin examined the food closely first.

"Do you find and make all of this yourselves?" He asked skeptically.

Jonah nodded. "Some of us are very good at prepping food. What we can't make for ourselves, the Founder provides for us."

"Who is the Founder, then?" Gavin finally took a bite of the smoked sausage.

"He's our protector." Jonah replied. "He created this lost side of the lake for people like us, and he takes care of it and us."

"How did he create it?" Lucas asked, around a mouthful of apple.

Jonah looked at Lucas with mild irritation but then his expression softened. "You're new here so you're not used to our rules, but please, if you have questions give them to your elder to give to me. It's not a good idea to speak to another elder without being directly asked, or without permission from your elder, who is at the moment..." He inclined his head at Gavin.

Lucas wasn't sure if he should be offended or not. Jonah's tone was kind but patronizing.

"Ask him how he created it." Skylar said to Gavin, while staring belligerently at Jonah.

Gavin snorted a laugh before redirecting the question.

Jonah rolled his eyes before continuing. "He built it from nothing and hid it from the rest of the world. When boys like you get lost in the forest, he guides you here."

"Was he the one changing the trails? How can someone do that so quickly, it doesn't make any sense."

With a shrug, Jonah smiled at Gavin almost flirtatiously. "The Founder isn't like the rest of us. He can do things we can't. If you haven't realized that already then you probably will soon."

Lucas scowled. He was not sure what Jonah meant, but his tone made Lucas feel almost... Jealous. When he realized that, he shoved the feeling aside quickly.

"How long have you all been here?" Gavin asked. "It seems pretty well put together."

"Thank you." Jonah said modestly. "Most of us have been here for a while now but there are a few newer boys. Usually if a boy decides not to stay, the Founder will let him leave. That rarely happens though. The lost side of the lake is a paradise. Not many people choose to give it up."

"Oh, we won't be staying long." Gavin assured. "We didn't have any food or water to find our way back to our camp."

Jonah laughed airily. "Of course. Here, let me show you around."

Most of the red tents were for lodging and sleeping, Jonah explained. They usually slept between four and six boys in each.

"This one here is where the three of you can stay if you decide to." Jonah said, pulling aside a tent flap. "If not, then you can just drop your stuff off here for now."

They ducked inside, and Lucas was amazed by how nice it was. The thick red fabric on the outside let through just enough sun to create a dim but pleasant lighting. The ground was completely covered with thick cushions and pillows, all of them in various shades of red or purple. Lucas wanted to dive right in. In the center was a cleared space of several feet and a small fire pit was set in the middle of it. There was a hole in the ceiling directly above to let the smoke out, as well as small ventilation holes around the top of the walls.

Off to one side, there was a small boy sleeping. He looked like he was about Lucas's age, but was a bit shorter. Like the other younger boys, he wore almost nothing, just a small wrap around his waist to cover his front and back. His hair was a darker brown than Gavin's, but not as dark as Jonah's.

"Will!" Jonah said sternly, causing the young boy's eyes to pop open. "It's past noon. Why are you still sleeping?"

The boy sat up sleepily and Lucas almost caught a glimpse up the small covering he wore. "We were up very late last night." He replied sheepishly. "Tyler said I could sleep in."

Jonah smiled. "Tyler's very good to you. Come and meet our new friends."

Will stood and wobbled over to them, finding his legs on the uneven surface of soft cushions. He had very large, brown, puppy-dog eyes that made him look younger, and also made Lucas want to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"This is Gavin." Jonah introduced. "And these are Lucas and Skylar. They're going to be sharing the tent with you and Tyler. For today at least."

Will nodded respectfully up at Gavin but then smiled excitedly at Lucas and Skylar. "I always wanted roommates!" He told them warmly.

"Don't get used to it." Gavin said apologetically. "We're not staying long."

The small boy's smile faded but he nodded again. "Oh. I understand." He replied without meeting Gavin's eyes.

"Set your things wherever you want." Jonah told them. "Besides you three, only Tyler, Will, and I are allowed to come in without permission, so it'll be safe."

After they had left their backpacks behind, Jonah continued the tour. Will seemed like he wanted to come with them but said nothing and stayed behind.

There was a small rock formation off to one side of the massive clearing and it had a large tent at its base that was propped partially against the formation itself.

"This is the bathing tent." Jonah told them. "You're welcome to use the lake as well, but the water there is not always as warm. There's a hot spring at the base of those rocks."

"I didn't think there were any springs like that anywhere around here." Gavin said, confused.

"There weren't. The Founder made it." Jonah replied simply.

"How do you `make' a hot spring?"

Jonah shrugged. "No idea. We don't know how he does a lot of the things he does."

This Founder person was starting to sound more and more like some sort of wizard or something to Lucas. He was about to ask Jonah about it but remembered the scolding he had received and kept his mouth shut.

The tour did not take very much longer. Jonah showed them down to the lake, which was an inlet off the main body of water, meaning that it was hidden from view from the majority of the lake, and that no one in the inlet could see much of what went on outside of it. There were a number of boys, older and younger, playing and splashing around in the water. Lucas almost wanted to go join them.

When they returned to the clearing, Jonah turned to them. "That's really all there is to see. The other path leads to the Founder's residence. No one is allowed to follow it without permission, and no one is ever allowed to enter his residence besides me. People have tried before. It ends badly." He said seriously. "If you ever decide to risk it, that's up to you. But if everything you've seen so far has taught you anything then please, stay away." Jonah's warning sounded less like an order and more like a plea, making Lucas wonder what kinds of things would happen if they disobeyed. "Go and relax now. Do whatever you want really. Tonight, we'll welcome you properly. The boys should be kind to you and lenient with your youngers, however..." He directed his gaze to Lucas then to Skylar. "While you're here, I'd hope you'd try to follow our rules as much as possible."

With that, Jonah turned and left them. Skylar watched him go before shaking his head and snorting.

"I don't like him." He grumbled quietly.

"I don't know, he seems ok." Lucas said. He had thought Jonah was quite handsome, if a bit bossy. If he was honest though, he found that part somehow attractive too.

Gavin shrugged. "He's definitely strange." He admitted. "But that seems to be the norm around here."

Without any real direction, the boys headed back to the tent where they had left their belongings. As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of an older boy, about Gavin's age with his back to them, completely naked, in the process of pulling on a long fur kilt-type garment.

The sight of his tanned skin, broad shoulders and muscled ass immediately made Lucas's mouth fall open. He felt the tell-tale growing in his shorts but could do nothing to stop it and was too spellbound to even try.

"Shit, sorry man." Gavin apologized, turning away.

The boy pulled his clothing on and turned to them. Like all of the boys, he was handsome, but a bit more ruggedly so. He was tanned deeply and had a faint hint of a five o'clock shadow around his angled jawline. There was no hair on his chest, but a small dark trail started below his navel and disappeared behind the fur of his clothes.

"Hey! You must be the newbies." He said in a friendly tone. "Will told me about you. Welcome. Gavin, right?"

"Thanks." Gavin replied, shaking the other boy's hand. "Yeah. You must be... Tyler, then?"

"That's right." He inclined his head. "Will said you're only staying a little while, but you're definitely welcome as long as you want."

Lucas immediately liked Tyler. Not just because he had seen him naked, though that helped. He had a confident and friendly nature around him, similar to Gavin. Tyler was an inch or two shorter than Gavin, but a little broader in the shoulders. His abs were present, but Lucas knew that Gavin won that contest as well.

Tyler noticed Lucas staring at him and gave a mischievous wink that only made the tent in Lucas's pants grow more.

"Well, you probably want some privacy so let me get out of here." Tyler said knowingly.

Gavin had missed the subtle and wordless exchange between Lucas and Tyler and replied, "No worries. We were just going to relax a bit. Don't let us kick you out or anything."

Tyler chuckled. "Tempting. Maybe later. I've got some stuff to do to get ready for the feast though. See you there." With that he pulled a vest on and left the tent.

"Tempting?" Gavin cocked an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Lucas turned away to hide his slowly deflating erection but was met by Skylar's ever-knowing smile. His friend had picked up on the whole thing and gave Lucas his best "got you" look. Lucas just blushed and said nothing.

"Whatever." Gavin remarked, slipping his shoes off and going to sit near the small fire pit that was gently smoldering. "I gotta admit," He leaned back on the luxurious cushions. "It doesn't make any sense at all, but this place is kinda nice."

Feeling impulsive, Lucas kicked his shoes off as well before going to cuddle up next to his big brother.

"Oh... Hello..." Gavin said in amused surprise, putting an arm around Lucas. "You ok?"

Lucas nodded. "I just... I like this." He admitted quietly, snuggling in close.

Gavin squeezed his little brother. "Well, I don't mind it either. Feels like we're both so busy that we're not as close as we used to be."

Skylar came over and lay next to Lucas but a little way away, giving the brothers some space. Gavin noticed and chuckled.

"You two horn-dogs must be dying to do some messing around." He laughed. "It's been more than a full day and plus with all these naked dudes walking around... Must be driving you both nuts."

Lucas looked up at his brother, embarrassed. Once again, Gavin had proven that he could read him like a book.

"Don't let me stop you." Gavin said, taking his hand from Lucas's shoulder.

Frowning in confusion, Lucas looked from Gavin to Skylar and back again. Was he joking or was Gavin encouraging them to try something right there. Lucas had to admit that the thought of doing things with Skylar while Gavin watched was turning him on quite a bit. He just didn't want to make the wrong choice and look foolish.

Skylar made the choice for him though. After only a moment of hesitation, he practically pounced on Lucas, kissing him fiercely.

Surprised, Lucas tried to pull back, but Skylar followed, not letting the kiss break off until Lucas began to return it passionately. As the boys made out desperately, Skylar rolled them over, so he was on top of Lucas, pinning the little redhead to the ground and wedging himself between his legs. Lucas held Skylar's shoulders tightly while his friend started to hump him again.

Skylar's hand snaked down between Lucas's legs and undid both of their shorts, one at a time. He yanked Lucas's off his hips, just enough so that his underwear-clad ass was exposed to Skylar's frenzied thrusts.

It was different than last time. It took Lucas a moment or two to understand what had changed. The feeling was warmer and somehow closer. He realized that his friend's erection was outside of his underwear and that only one thin layer of cloth separated them. It wasn't possible to see it from his position underneath Skylar, but the feeling was unmistakable. Lucas whined and began to rub himself through his underwear.

Resuming the make out session forcefully, Skylar swatted Lucas's hand away from his bulge and pushed his hand down inside Lucas's undies, grabbing hold of his naked boner. Lucas convulsed underneath his friend as Skylar began to stroke him in time with his humping.

Skylar thrusted harder and harder and Lucas lay helplessly gasping at the eroticism of his best friend jerking him off while pleasuring himself against Lucas's ass. Suddenly Lucas remembered what he had forgotten the moment Skylar had kissed him. Gavin was still watching.

Lucas looked over just as Skylar delivered a powerful thrust, making Lucas feel the full length of it pressing against him. Gavin had moved away a bit and was watching them closely while rubbing a substantial bulge in his jeans. Seeing his big brother touching himself, while watching him being humped roughly was too much. Lucas moaned loudly and began shooting his load into Skylar's hand.

His blonde friend continued thrusting against his ass, grunting loudly, until Lucas's convulsions ceased. He grabbed Lucas's hips, holding him in place before thrusting his dick against his friend three times in rapid succession, and letting loose all over Lucas's ass and lower back.

Panting, Skylar fell down next to Lucas and immediately kissed him. Lucas kissed his friend back, feeling the stickiness of both of their cum on either side of him. Skylar pulled his hand out of Lucas's undies and wiped it on his friend's shirt. Normally, Lucas would have complained, but he was too content and worn out to even care.

"Damn..." Gavin said, his voice catching in his throat. "Honestly, that was pretty fucking hot."

Lucas saw that he very clearly still had a massive tent in his jeans. Remembering the feeling of Skylar's bare dick against him, he looked down, but his friend had already covered himself back up; although it was obvious that he was still leaking a little bit by the stain on the front of his underwear.

"I thought you said you weren't into that." Lucas pointed out when he could find his voice.

Slightly embarrassed, Gavin shrugged. "I mean, it's been a while. And there's not exactly any chicks to look at, or porn to check out."

"You didn't..." Skylar started awkwardly. "You uhh... didn't even like... finish..."

Gavin laughed. "You two are too fast. I barely got started before you were shooting all over each other."

Lucas blushed, embarrassed.

Skylar squeezed him defensively. "Maybe you're just too slow." His friend challenged.

Gavin tried to kick the blonde boy but was just out of reach. Skylar laughed triumphantly and threw a cushion at Gavin.

"You're lucky I'm too lazy to get up." Gavin warned, but smiled along with the younger boys.

The morning before, when Lucas had woken up in Skylar's arms, he had thought that things could not get any better. Now though, his big brother had just watched them get off, and had been touching himself to the image. Lucas knew that they would have to pursue this further later, maybe once they got back to civilization.

"I'm tired." Skylar announced, yawning and stretching.

"We didn't sleep all that much." Gavin pointed out. "Or at least I didn't. That floor wasn't very comfortable."

"Where do you think all these cushions came from?" Lucas wondered, pulling his pants back up, ignoring the stains on his underwear and shirt.

"The Founder" Gavin replied, mimicking Jonah's voice.

Lucas and Skylar laughed. Cuddling up behind his friend, Lucas sighed happily. "Well... I'm glad we're not wandering around in the woods right now." The others agreed as a quiet settled over the tent.

"I think I'm going to take a nap." Gavin decided. "Then we'll see what this feast is all about."

Skylar and Lucas snuggled up together, already well ahead of Gavin and on their way toward sleep.

They were woken up a couple of hours later by Will, who told them that the feast was going to be starting soon. Lucas had to take a moment to admire Will's cute and shapely body. The way he felt about Gavin and other older boys, and even Skylar, was different from how Will made him feel. The smaller boy was sexy for sure, but in a way that made Lucas want to protect him somehow. He wondered if Gavin or Skylar felt that way about him.

Once they were up, they followed Will to the center of the circle, where a long table had been set up near the bonfire. Jonah sat at the head of the table with spaces on either side. All the rest of the boys were seated already on makeshift benches. He motioned for Gavin to sit on his right, and for Lucas and Skylar to sit on his left. Lucas didn't like being separated from his big brother, but it was only by a couple of feet.

"We're going to be welcoming our new friends, in the same way we welcomed all of you at one time." Jonah announced formally. "We say thank you to the Founder for bringing them to us, and for giving us all of the food to make this feast possible." There was a moment of silence around the table that was almost reverent before Jonah loudly instructed the food to be brought out.

It was an impressive spread. Lucas couldn't begin to imagine where it had all come from. Unless the Founder could make food appear out of thin air, it seemed like the type of thing that would take hours or even days of preparation. There were elegant looking salads and loaves of bread, several different kinds of meat, cheeses, and fruit juices.

"How...?" Gavin asked, stunned.

Jonah grinned at him. "We're all very dedicated to our jobs. And the Founder makes up the difference."

"We're in the middle of nowhere..." Gavin argued. "You'd need a truck full of food and refrigeration."

Jonah shook his head. "The Founder has his ways. If you can't understand that by now, then you must be in denial."

"But how?" Gavin repeated. "If you talk to him you must have asked."

"The Founder is very powerful." Jonah replied solemnly. "He chooses when we speak and what we speak of. I'd be stupid to press him. He has been shown to have a temper sometimes."

"That sounds ominous." Gavin replied, and Lucas had to agree.

"No, no." Jonah assured. "As long as the rules are followed he remains happy to watch over and provide for us."

At last the table was set and Jonah announced that the feast had begun. With reckless abandon, the boys seated at the long table dug in. Lucas found that, for a group consisting entirely of teenage boys, the meal was surprisingly healthy. There were a great deal of greens and fruits, and meats were tender and lean. It was all very tasty as well, especially since it had been supposedly prepared in the middle of a forest. It was the first time Lucas had eaten a hot meal since breakfast on the morning before. He enjoyed every bite, and the look on Skylar's face told him that he felt the same.

It was over surprisingly quickly as such things usually are. Lucas ate well but did not overfill himself. He was aware that any number of hot boys could be watching him at any moment, and he didn't want to seem gluttonous.

Soon after, the table was cleared, and Jonah said that the benches would be moved around the fire where they would host "The Welcoming". The table itself was moved away and the crude benches rearranged into a circle around the giant bonfire that had been blazing brightly since the three had arrived. Gavin tried to sit down next to Skylar and Lucas, but Jonah caught his arm.

"You need to be prepared for your part of the Welcoming. Will and Tyler will accompany you back to the tent to help you get ready." He motioned for the two boys.

"What do you mean "get ready"? What about Lucas and Skylar?" Gavin demanded.

"Don't worry." Jonah assured. "Youngers and elders each have different parts to play tonight and it is very important that we follow the tradition. They will be totally safe."

Gavin frowned. "How long?" He asked, still suspicious. "I shouldn't leave them alone."

Lucas didn't know how he felt about the whole scene. On the one hand, he wanted Gavin around, but on the other he felt like he was being babied a little bit and his brother was embarrassing him in front of Jonah and the other boys.

"Not long at all." Jonah promised. "You will be ready to join us again in no time."

"We'll be ok, Gavin." Lucas said. "You're only going to the tent."

Gavin sighed and eventually nodded. "Just call for me if you need anything." He said, concerned.

"Wow." Lucas rolled his eyes. "You sound like Mom."

Gavin smacked the back of his little brother's head gently before letting Tyler and Will lead him back to the tent.

"Bring out the darata." Jonah called suddenly. An excited whisper passed through the gathering.

"What's darata?" Lucas asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Jonah smiled down at him. "Since this is your Welcoming, we will talk as equals for now. Darata is a leaf, shown to us by the Founder. It has many uses, but maybe the most important is as part of the Welcoming ritual. Watch."

Jonah pointed behind them. The sun was setting quickly, and grey dusk had settled over the camp. A group of four older boys came from outside the circle, each carrying a large bag that was stuffed full of something. As they entered the ring around the fire, the crowd broke out into cheers. One by one, the boys emptied their bags into the fire. Roughly diamond-shaped leaves of varying sizes tumbled out into the blaze. They began to burn and suddenly the fire took on a blueish hue. A strange pungent order filled the air that was very strong, but not unpleasant. The younger boys that sat, not on the benches but on the ground at the feet of their elders, jumped up and swarmed in, grabbing the smaller leaves that fell to the ground or fluttered in the air and cramming them into their mouths excitedly.

Almost immediately, Lucas began to feel strangely happy. He had been content before, but a feeling of happiness, almost giddiness washed over him from somewhere. Smiling broadly, he looked at Skylar, who suddenly started giggling. Jonah stood up from his seat next to them and handed a little wooden bowl to Lucas. It was full of a thick yellowish oil with a powerful scent that Lucas immediately recognized as a stronger form of what the leaves were giving off.

"Do not get this oil in your mouths." Jonah warned. "The leaves are one thing, but the concentrated oil would be too much for you right now. Take your shirts off and rub a little bit on your chest." He instructed.

Lucas realized that his shirt was starting to bother him anyway. It felt scratchy on his skin. He pulled it over his head and laid it aside. Skylar hesitated, but after seeing Lucas do it, he followed along, grinning happily. The oil was cool and syrupy. It was very tempting to take a taste, but Lucas contained himself and rubbed a small bit onto his chest where it made a yellow smear against his pale skin. Skylar did so as well before handing the oil back to Jonah.

Jonah opened his own shirt and applied some to his chest as well before inhaling deeply and passing the bowl to another boy. Lucas saw that other identical bowls were being passed around the circle, to the older boys first and then eventually on to the younger ones.

Picking up Lucas and Skylar's shirts, Jonah held them up to the crowd, who watched with anticipation. He tossed them onto the fire and a cheer went up from those gathered. Lucas thought maybe he should be annoyed at this, but he couldn't figure out why. Instead he found himself cheering and laughing along with the rest of them.

Jonah moved to stand behind him and began massaging Lucas's shoulders. The boy's strong hands kneaded his muscles expertly, causing him to arch his back and gasp. Another of the older boys had come over and begun massaging Skylar as well. More boys came over and eventually a crowd began to form around Lucas and Skylar. The giddiness in his head began to turn into something else as a sea of fit bodies surrounded him. At some point he realized that he could no longer see Skylar, but for some reason that didn't bother him.

Other boys began to touch him as well, running hands through his hair, across his chest, or down his arms. All Lucas could think about was how much he loved the attention. Soon he was purring like a kitten as hands caressed him from all sides. Suddenly he was picked up and set on Jonah's lap. He smiled happily up at the older boy, who stroked his hair gently before leaning in to kiss him deeply and grabbing his ass.

This came as a shock to Lucas and for a moment he thought that maybe it shouldn't be happening. Feeling the large bulge he was sitting on though, his mind turned to other things and he unconsciously began to bounce gently up and down on it. This elicited a huge round of laughter and cheers from the boys, who continued to grope him.

Eventually Jonah picked him up again and Lucas felt himself being passed to another boy, also very handsome. This boy kissed him as well but instead of grabbing Lucas's ass, he unbuttoned Lucas's shorts and pulled them open. As he was passed on a second time, hands reached out, tearing at his shorts and pulling off his shoes and socks. His shorts fell around his knees as he was settled onto another lap. Someone finally stole his shorts away, leaving him sitting on a large bulge in just his undies, his own little erection plain to see. He gasped and desperately grinded on the pole underneath him. The boy that had him pulled up his fur garment, exposing himself and rubbing it against Lucas's shapely ass. The crowd cheered, and Lucas stared at it lustily.

He heard a squeal of intense pleasure and the crowd parted just long enough to see Skylar all the way across the circle. His little friend was already completely naked, and Lucas could see that the blonde boy was even sexier than he had pictured. Skylar's dick stood all the way up, making him just a bit bigger than Lucas. Lucas could see that Skylar was not touching the ground at all. Boys on all sides of him had hold of every part and held him aloft helplessly. Another boy was pumping a finger in and out of Skylar's round ass, eliciting loud squeals of ecstasy from the small boy.

"Hey!" A familiar voice cut through the chaos.

Gavin came stomping angrily into the circle, although it wasn't Gavin the way Lucas was used to seeing him. His clothes had been taken from him too, but he had been given a long fur wrap to wear around his middle. His muscled chest and torso had markings and designs drawn on in some kind of dark red paint. His face also bore the same marks. In the center of his chest was the telltale yellowish smear. Perhaps the most striking change though was the fiery anger that burned in his brother's eyes.

"What the fuck is going on!?" Gavin charged through the circle seemingly looking for someone to hit.

"Good! You're ready!" Jonah called out before stepping into the light of the fire.

"Ready for what? Tell your lackeys to get their fucking hands off my brother!" Gavin ordered, stalking right up to where Jonah stood.

Jonah nodded and snapped his fingers. Immediately the hands grasping at Lucas retreated. The boy he had been sitting with stood up, hiding his dick away once more.

"No, no, no..." Lucas whispered desperately, wanting and needing more. He saw across the fire that Skylar had been released as well and now lay on the ground with his bare ass sticking up in the air, as if begging for someone to pick up where the other boy had left off.

"They are ready for you now." Jonah told Gavin with a smile. "Just like you are ready for them."

"Ready for what!?" Gavin demanded again.

"If they are to be your youngers, then you need to claim them. The Welcoming ritual binds the younger to the elder so that everyone here will know they belong to you." Jonah explained.

"And by "claim them" you mean..." Gavin trailed off.

Jonah quickly singled out two boys, an older one and a younger one. "Show them." He ordered.

The younger boy, who had been watching from the sidelines with the rest of the youngers obediently entered the circle where he was taken hold of protectively by his elder. He was a cute little redhead and his elder was a powerfully built blonde boy. The elder kissed the small boy passionately before bending him over one of the benches. The redhead enthusiastically raised his hips as his elder lifted up the tiny bit of cloth he was wearing, then pulled off his own simple clothing and let it fall to the ground.

Lucas watched in horny fascination as the older boy lubed himself up with spit and then began to fuck the younger. The sounds the little redhead made as the dick entered him almost made Lucas cum right there. It was a high-pitched yelping moan that echoed through the now dark camp.

As the hot blonde began to really fuck his younger, Jonah turned back to Gavin. "You have to claim them." He repeated. "Or they will not belong to you. And if they don't belong to you..." He looked around the circle. "They will need to belong to someone." This raised a series of hollers and cat-calls from the boys.

As the impact of Jonah's words sunk in, Lucas's dick began to leak. He could tell that the effects of the darata were not lost on his brother. Gavin was trying to maintain his blustering anger that he had charged in with, but watching the young boy eagerly present himself to the elder, and even now hearing his delighted squeals as he was penetrated clearly was having an effect on him.

"But... he's my brother." Gavin argued weakly.

Jonah's face was firm. "Either you do it or someone else will."

Empowered by the darata and seeing his brother's indecision, Lucas pulled his underwear off and tossed them into the fire before walking over to where Gavin stood; stopping a few feet away.

Gavin looked his little brother up and down and Lucas knew it was the look of a predator eyeing its prey. It was a hungry look he had never seen from Gavin before and it made Lucas feel vulnerable, exposed, and very, very turned on.

"Use this." Jonah instructed, handing Gavin a small bowl. It had oil in it as well but was a different color than the one they had rubbed on their chests. "It will make it easier. And the darata will numb the pain."

Wordlessly, and without breaking eye contact with Lucas, Gavin undid a tie and the wrap that he wore fell away onto the ground.

Seeing his big brother completely naked with seven and a half rock-hard inches standing at attention made Lucas's knees threaten to give out. Gavin's muscular soccer-player's legs perfectly flowed to his narrow hips and lean torso, with the large rod serving as the centerpiece. Lucas let out a long, pleading whine.

It took Gavin less than a fraction of a second to close the distance between them. He snatched up his little brother and their lips met for the first time in a rough desperate kiss. Lucas's mind exploded as all of his darkest desires came true at once. Gavin's tongue pushed into Lucas's mouth, quickly taking over, and Lucas moaned against him.

Gently, Gavin lay Lucas down on the soft ground, continuing the kiss, his hands exploring every inch of his little brother's smooth body. Lucas returned the favor and felt Gavin's strong muscles and hard abs. He wrapped his legs around his brother's waist, feeling the large dick pressed against him.

Gavin broke off the kiss, easily pinning Lucas to the ground with one hand and applying some of the oil with the other. Lucas watched it coat his brother's long cock until it glistened in the firelight. He whined desperately.

"Tell me you want it!" Gavin ordered, spreading Lucas's skinny legs.

Lucas opened his legs wide and lifted his knees. "Please, Gavin!" He begged his brother lustily. "Please fuck me!"

Gavin found the little hole and pressed the tip of his dick against it. Lucas shuddered and moaned, pulling his knees up farther. He had never known he could want something this badly.

The tip of Gavin's cock entered Lucas, causing the tiny redhead to buck his hips and squeal loudly. Nothing compared to the feeling. There was pain that came with it, but as Jonah had said, the darata that clouded his minded dulled the pain and amplified the pleasure. Feeling the head of the dick inside him, knowing that it was Gavin's, looking up and seeing the face he had known his whole life staring down at him in desire and concentration, made Lucas's head spin with uninhibited longing.

He let out a squeak as Gavin pushed farther into him. He felt full and stretched, but it felt right. The entire world disappeared around them as Gavin continually applied pressure, sliding in inch by inch. Lucas gasped and groaned, thinking that every little bit was all he could take, but his big brother would feed him more and he would realize that he still wanted every inch.

Finally, Lucas felt it. The base of Gavin's groin came to rest against the firm round globes of his ass. He could feel it pulsing inside him, throbbing, driving him mad. Gavin looked down at his little brother, impaled on his cock, writhing in pleasure. With a low grunt he began to pull back again.

Lucas's eyes and mouth opened wide as he felt Gavin's dick pulling out of him. It left and empty void inside him that Lucas needed filled. Almost as soon as he thought about it, Gavin changed direction again, driving the throbbing spike back into place a little more forcefully.

There was some pain this time and Lucas's voice cracked higher than it had in years as he moaned Gavin's name. His big brother grabbed his hips tightly and began to slowly fuck him. It was too much for Lucas to handle. Without touching himself he felt his whole body tense up, clamping tightly around Gavin's cock as he began to cum just from being fucked. Gavin felt Lucas tighten up the tempo, penetrating the little boy for several more thrusts before roaring like an animal and burying his cock deep inside his little brother to release his seed.

Warmth spread through Lucas's body as Gavin claimed him. His brother's strong body collapsed next to him and slowly withdrew his long dick from Lucas's no-longer virgin ass. The whole world was spinning, and Lucas was panting desperately trying to catch his breath. He lay dazed in the grass, his mind unable to comprehend what had just happened. Suddenly Jonah was there, standing over Gavin.

"Well done." He congratulated. Lucas could see that he was fully hardened from watching the show. "You're halfway there, now."

In his hazy state, it took Lucas a while to realize what Jonah was talking about.

"Unless you want to give up your claim to the blonde one." Jonah continued.

Only then did Lucas remember Skylar. With great effort he lifted his head and looked around. The camp had devolved into a wild sexual romp. Some elders fucked their youngers while some made out in the tall grass. Skylar sat alone, staring longingly at Gavin and Lucas, his hard dick already leaking.

Gavin grunted and forced himself to his feet, stumbling a few times before steadying himself. He looked down at Lucas, who was still paralyzed and sighing softly with every breath, then he looked over at the naked little blonde boy, who was obviously hornier than a schoolgirl.

"If I don't, someone else will take him." Gavin said. It was a statement not a question, and Jonah confirmed with a nod.

Gavin sighed and picked up the little bowl of oil. Applying another generous layer to his cock that was already beginning to harden again, he stalked purposefully toward Skylar.

Seeing him coming, Skylar whined in delight and flipped over on his stomach, raising his little butt into the air, presenting himself eagerly. Gavin wasted no time. He was a bit less gentle with Skylar than he had been with Lucas, and in a matter of less than a minute he was all the way inside the boy's ass. Skylar didn't seem to mind though. He bucked and squealed underneath the older teen but accepted everything Gavin gave him hungrily.

Lucas had thought that seeing Gavin with someone else would make him jealous, but it didn't. Instead it turned him on. He loved Gavin, and he loved Skylar. Watching his big brother fucking his best friend made his spent little cock twitch.

Gavin pounded the little blonde boy into the ground and Skylar wailed as Gavin bred him too, solidifying his ownership of both boys. With impressive strength Gavin picked up Skylar and carried him over to Lucas. The two naked boys clung together contentedly, both leaking from their recent fucking.

The hazy fog over his mind eventually closed in, and Lucas drifted away once more.

Next: Chapter 4

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