Summer on Lost Lake

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Mar 15, 2018


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Summer on Lost Lake: Chapter 2

Lucas woke up that morning with Skylar cuddling him from behind, insuring that the night before had not been just a dream. He felt the blonde boy's morning wood pressed up against his butt. Looking over, he saw that Gavin's sleeping bag was empty. This concerned him a little bit. What if Gavin had seen them sharing a sleeping bag, cuddled up together like that.

He shifted himself and he heard Skylar groan from behind him. Lucas loved the feeling of Skylar's body against his. Without saying anything, Skylar began to thrust his hips gently, grinding his young erection against Lucas's ass.

This was a new feeling. Lucas's own dick sprang to life immediately as his best friend humped him. He began to stroke himself through his undies and was reminded that last night's dried load was still there.

"Don't stop." He told Skylar shakily, bending forward a bit.

His horny friend had no intention of stopping. He began panting in Lucas's ear as he increased his pace, humping against the other boy's ass like an animal. Lucas began to gasp as he stroked himself faster.

Skylar tightened his hold on Lucas's small body, pulling them closer together. He leaned forward and growled in the little redhead's ear. "Pretend I'm your brother." Then grabbed his hips and began pounding against them, grunting each time.

Lucas did as he was instructed and imagined Gavin behind him, thrusting into him and getting his pleasure. The thought was too much. He moaned loudly and immediately came in his little undies once again. Skylar wasn't far behind. The little blonde dug his hands into Lucas's hips hard enough to make Lucas gasp then with a surprisingly powerful thrust, drove his bulge up between Lucas's cheeks and unleashed his load.

Panting, Lucas turned over to face his friend. Now that Skylar had finished, the animal side of him retreated, leaving his green eyes full of uncertain curiosity about what had just happened. Lucas felt the same. They had been acting on instinct, but now their teenage needs were satisfied they were at a loss. Eventually Skylar put his arms around his friend again, resting them on Lucas's butt.

"You have a nice butt." He blushed and giggled.

Lucas giggled as well. "You have a nice..." He looked down pointedly, then back up. "Face."

Skylar grinned but was surprised when Lucas suddenly moved in and kissed him quickly.

"Come on now boys. Time to get up!" Scoutmaster Earley's voice came from just outside, causing them to both jump violently. They were so close together that when he jumped, Lucas's knee hit Skylar right between the legs.

"Fuck." Skylar groaned.

"Hey. Language." Earley said from outside the tent.

Lucas scrambled out of Skylar's sleeping bag. "I'm sorry!" He tried to suppress his giggling.

Skylar doubled over and groaned again.

"Everything ok in there?" The scoutmaster asked.

"Yeah... We're fine..." Skylar choked out.

"Alright well hurry up, we're hiking today so you'll want to get a good breakfast."

As Skylar recovered, Lucas grabbed his backpack. Then he realized something. He lifted the flap covering the tent window to make sure Earley was gone, then turned to Skylar.

"I guess we have to change together... I mean we can't go outside looking like this." He indicated the matching cum stains on the front and back of his underwear.

Despite the pain, Skylar giggled. "You've got my cum on you." He said childishly.

Lucas scowled and threw a pillow at his friend. "Turn around so I can change." He ordered.

Skylar reluctantly did as he was asked, and Lucas turned around and pulled his soaked underwear off.

"Ooo, it is nice." Skylar commented, and Lucas turned to see him peeking over his shoulder cheekily.

Lucas blushed deep red against his pale skin and hurriedly pulled on a clean pair of underwear. "Asshole." He grumbled at Skylar, who grinned impishly.

"Your turn now." Lucas said teasingly. Skylar gave him a haughty look before crawling out of his sleeping bag with a clean pair of underwear already on.

Lucas glared at his friend. "Not fair you dick."

"You just wanted to see my butt, you perv." Skylar teased.

"Shut up, you're the one that looked." Lucas protested.

Skylar nodded. "Yup and it was very nice."

Lucas did not actually mind very much that Skylar had peeked. If anything, it made him glad to know that his friend wanted to look at him as much as he wanted to look at Skylar.

"Were you two having fun in there?" Gavin asked once they had dressed and met up with the rest of the group by the fire.

Lucas immediately blushed. Gavin must have seen something. "We were just tired." He said lamely.

"Eat up now, boys." Earley told them. "We've got a long day ahead. We're going to hike both sides of the lake. West side first, then the east."

Lucas did not hike around outside very often. It was beautiful out in the woods. The birds sang loudly, and the lake reflected the sun, making everything bright and vibrant. The smell of moss and earth permeated the air in a calming mixture of scents. Scoutmaster Earley talked all about the park and the age of the woods, eagerly sharing his experiences. Mr. Carter had stayed behind to watch the campsite.

Lucas barely heard a word though. He was quite distracted by other things. Gavin was wearing a faded red-camo tank top that proudly displayed his shoulders and biceps. It was enough to make Lucas's heart flutter. There was also the matter of the mischievous looks that he continually shared with Skylar. They were both thinking about the naughty fun they'd had that morning, and what other things they might be able to get up to while they were here. Between the two, they occupied almost all of his attention and the rest was focused on trying not to pop an erection while they walked.

The hike dragged on, going from a pleasing walk in the woods to a tedious chore. Lucas could tell that Skylar was beginning to feel the same. He also noticed that Gavin was starting to lag behind gradually. It was strange, because he knew that Gavin was fit enough to be running circles around the group for the entire hike.

When the group rounded a corner, Gavin disappeared from view and did not come around the bend.

"Where'd he go?" Skylar whispered.

"I don't know." Lucas replied, looking behind them.

"Want to go find out?" His friend asked.

Lucas looked up ahead at Scoutmaster Earley, who was engrossed in talking about some kind of plant that did not seem all that impressive. He nodded back at Skylar and quietly, the two slipped away back down the trail.

They found Gavin walking the opposite direction back down the trail, away from the group.

"Where are you going?" Lucas called out softly.

Gavin turned and rolled his eyes. "Why are you following me?"

"We wanted to know where you were going." Lucas replied, and Skylar nodded.

Gavin shrugged. "It was super boring, I was gonna go for a swim."

"Scoutmaster Earley said to stay together." Skylar pointed out.

"So?" Gavin asked. "He wasn't even going to notice. Now he might, with three missing."

"You'll get in trouble." Lucas worried.

Gavin shook his head. "Not really. I'll just say we got separated and then lost for a bit. No big deal."

"We?" Lucas asked.

With a sigh Gavin shrugged again. "Do you want to come too?"

Skylar immediately grinned and nodded but Lucas held back. "I don't know... What if they come looking for us?"

Gavin thought for a moment. "Let's go back to camp. We'll tell Mr. Carter you weren't feeling well and then we'll sneak out to the lake."

"Why not just tell Mr. Earley that then?" Lucas felt bad about just running off on the old scoutmaster.

Exasperated, Gavin threw up his hands. "Fine. Wait here."

Gavin jogged back up the trail and then reappeared a few moments later. "Happy now?"

Lucas smiled and nodded.

They continued their trek back toward the campsite. Lucas had to admit this was better than hiking with the group. He kept eyeing Gavin up and down. Now that Skylar had awakened his sex drive, there was little else he could think about. He imagined his big brother's powerful arms wrapped around him, holding tight.

Suddenly, Skylar's hand snaked out and rubbed the little bulge forming in the front of Lucas's pants. Alarmed, Lucas looked up to make sure Gavin hadn't noticed, then fixed his friend with a warning glare. Skylar smiled slyly.

Gavin stopped abruptly, causing Lucas to almost run into him.

"What is it?" Skylar asked from behind.

"I don't remember this fork in the path." Gavin said.

The two others saw that there was a split on the trail ahead with one branch going right and one going left. Lucas could not remember if he had seen it before or not.

"I think it's the left one." Skylar said.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked.

Skylar shrugged. "If it's not we can just come back."

The boys agreed that they'd take the left path and if they didn't find any of the trail markers they would double back and take the right. Gavin took the lead down the trail and the younger two followed. After almost forty-five minutes though, they started to lose confidence.

"This isn't right." Lucas said.

"Yeah, it's left." Skylar chimed in. Lucas elbowed him.

"We would have seen a trail marker by now." Gavin agreed. "We must be on the wrong path, let's head back and pick it up from the fork."

They turned back the way they came and resumed walking. Time dragged on and they saw no sign of the fork in the path.

"Where is it?" Gavin muttered angrily.

"Are we lost?" Lucas asked, starting to get worried.

"No, we're not lost. I'm just... not entirely sure where we are." Gavin replied. "Look, if we keep walking we're bound to end up with the group or back at camp, right? The trail only goes two ways."

They followed Gavin again, getting more warry as the day wore on. After almost an hour they came to a fork in the path, but not the one they had been looking for.

"What the hell?" Gavin scratched his head. "This definitely wasn't here before. Am I crazy?"

Skylar shrugged. "Don't remember."

Lucas was starting to get scared now. "Do either of you have service here?"

Gavin shook his head. "Mine went out before we even got here." Skylar confirmed that his was the same.

"What are we gonna do?" Lucas asked. He must have sounded forlorn because Skylar subtly squeezed his arm.

"Let me think for a minute." Gavin said, trying to sound calm. "Ok, so this path heads in the direction of the lake. If we can get to the lake, then we can probably see the swimming area and know where to go."

That sounded reasonable enough. They took the path Gavin had indicated and sure enough they eventually found the lake. Breaking off from the trail, they rushed down to it to look for the buoy.

"I don't see it. Do you?" Gavin asked.

Lucas scanned the shining surface of the lake. It was unbroken and there was no sign of the swimming area. "No... Gavin, I'm scared..." He admitted.

"Hey, don't worry. We're going to find the way. Let's get back to the trail. We must have just gone the wrong way is all." He squeezed Lucas's shoulders gently.

They began to trudge through the woods again in the direction of the trail. With a growing panic, Lucas began to realize that they had been walking longer than it took them to get out to the lake. The lake had disappeared behind them, but they had still not found the trail.

"No." Gavin said resolutely. "No fucking way. It's impossible."

Lucas felt like he was going to cry.

"It was right fucking here. The trail was here. We were just on it."

"Guys... is it getting dark?" Skylar asked, looking up.

"No way." Gavin said. "We haven't been out here that long, it's only..." He took his phone out. "Holy shit it's 6:30. We've been out here for more than four hours."

"What are we gonna do?" Lucas barely contained a sniffle.

"They're already out looking for us." Gavin said confidently. "We've just got to find a place to settle in and wait."

"Which way?" Skylar asked

Gavin thought for a moment then looked up. "That way." He said pointing. "If this is the west side of the lake then we want to go east."

On top of his fear, Lucas began to notice how uncomfortable he was. His feet were killing him, and it had been a long time since their picnic lunch with the group.

"Do we have any food?" Skylar asked, voicing Lucas's thoughts.

Gavin pulled his backpack off. "I brought a couple of protein bars, but that's it." He took one out and handed it to Lucas. "You two split that, we'll save the other one."

"What about you?" Lucas asked, looking up at his big brother.

"I'm fine. I'm not hungry." Gavin assured.

"Hey, what's that?" Skylar pointed off into the woods.

They moved in closer.

"Looks like a hunter's cabin or something." Gavin said as they entered a small clearing with the low building in it. "No one's used it in a long time though."

"Maybe we should." Skylar suggested.

Lucas shook his head and backed away. He was not a fan of horror movies, but this was starting to feel like one. "I don't wanna go in there."

Gavin sighed, looked at the cabin, then back at his brother. "I'll go in first." He finally said. "If it looks like no one's been there then maybe we can use it to wait for the search party or stay the night if we have to."

"Stay the night?" Lucas whimpered.

"I said if." Gavin reminded. "We're gonna be ok. Alright?" He said, looking seriously at Lucas. "They're gonna find us tonight, or tomorrow at the latest and we're gonna get yelled at and mom's never gonna let us go anywhere ever again."

Lucas smiled a little and hugged his brother. Gavin returned it warmly before turning back to the cabin.

The door was not locked. Gavin walked in and then called the boys in after him. It was a single room with some old furniture and a small kitchen. Everything was coated in a generous layer of dust.

"It's been a few years at least since anyone's been in here." Gavin assured them. "Let's take a break. We can't be walking around the woods after dark."

Night fell on the woods and the cabin became very dark very quickly. Skylar had a little flashlight in his bag, but it didn't help much. The boys huddled together in one corner. It was not a cold night, but the idea of spreading out in the dark cabin was not a pleasant one. Lucas snuggled up against Gavin and Gavin put a protective arm around him. Skylar was more shy, but Gavin noticed and pulled him in as well.

They talked quietly, as though afraid to break the silence of the forest.

"So..." Gavin said during an extended silence. "What did you two get up to last night?" He gave the boys each a gentle squeeze.

"Umm... What do you mean?" Lucas was grateful for the darkness, so his brother could not see him blushing.

Gavin laughed. "Dude, we were sleeping like four feet away and you guys weren't being particularly quiet."

"Oh." Lucas said awkwardly.

"We were playing a game." Skylar said quickly, and Lucas nodded.

"Oh, a game?" Gavin asked dryly. "That explains why you two were sharing a sleeping bag."

"I was cold." Lucas lied

"So instead of putting some clothes on, you decided to share a sleeping bag with your naked friend?" Gavin asked teasingly. "Makes sense."

"We weren't naked." Skylar objected.

"Was that your first time fooling around?" Gavin asked.

Lucas was surprised at how cool and calm Gavin was about it. He wasn't sure how he expected his brother to act, but this was not it. He nodded against Gavin's shoulder.

"Did you have fun?" There was too much amusement in Gavin's voice for Lucas's liking. His blush deepened.

"Yes." Skylar eventually put in.

"Then again this morning? Before breakfast?"

Lucas nodded again.

"You're a couple of horny little bastards." He laughed. "You know that I see you when you're looking at me, right?" Gavin squeezed Lucas's shoulder gently.

Lucas was speechless. He had terribly underestimated his brother. He had been too obvious, yet again.

"I'm not mad or anything." Gavin assured. "It's pretty normal to be curious."

Unable to meet Gavin's eyes, Lucas hung his head in shame. This time it was his turn to make an observation. By the dim light of Skylar's flashlight, he could just barely see the front of Gavin's jeans and notice that they were tenting significantly. He sucked in a breath.

"When I was your age I was turned on all the time too." Gavin continued. "Still am sometimes." He laughed.

"Like right now?" Lucas ventured, motioning downward with his head.

"Oh..." Gavin was caught on the back foot for the first time. "Maybe a little I guess. Talking about it sometimes does that." He shifted uncomfortably, realizing that both young boys were now staring at his crotch. "Maybe we should try to get some sleep."

"You could... join next time..." Skylar offered awkwardly.

"Next time you guys...? No, no that'd be weird. I'm not really into that anyway." Gavin did not sound totally convinced.

"Not really?" Lucas asked, looking up at his brother.

"Dude, we're brothers you little perv." He shoved Lucas playfully. "Seriously, let's get some sleep. Once it gets light I want to try and find our way back."

Despite the mood that the conversation had put him in, Lucas decided not to try anything. Gavin had been remarkably chill about the whole thing, but Lucas didn't want to push his luck. He cuddled against his big brother's toned chest and saw Skylar doing the same on the other side. Gavin's breathing and the sound of his heartbeat made the darkness of the cabin and the woods around them seem a little less scary.

Lucas must have drifted off at some point because he awoke to find sunlight coming in the windows, illuminating the dusty old cabin. Gavin shifted underneath him, causing Skylar to lift his head groggily as well.

Lucas yawned then inhaled, before realizing his face was practically right next to his brother's armpit. He made a face then shoved Gavin.

"You stink." He accused as the older teen sat up slowly, dislodging the two small boys from their resting place.

Gavin grabbed Lucas in a headlock. "That's the thanks I get for being your pillow all night?"

Lucas stuck his tongue out petulantly at Gavin and his brother finally let him go. They all felt better that morning than they had the night before. They were optimistic and ready to find their way back to camp. Immediately out of the door however, they encountered their first issue.

"There's the trail!" Lucas exclaimed excitedly.

Gavin frowned though. "Was that there last night? We definitely would have noticed."

He had a point. The trail was fairly broad and obviously maintained. It would have been hard for them to miss.

"It was getting dark." Lucas pointed out, though even he was skeptical. "But... It's not like someone could just make a new trail overnight, right?" A thought occurred to him. "Maybe they made it while they were looking for us!"

Gavin shook his head. "Nah, that doesn't make any sense... Nothing makes sense..."

"Well, what do you wanna do?" Skylar asked.

"It's either this trail or roughing it through the woods again." Gavin noted. "Not much of a choice if you ask me."

"The trail has to go somewhere, right?" Lucas said. "As long as we stay on it this time."

"Agreed." Gavin and Skylar confirmed.

The boys set off down the new trail, warily though. All three had concerns about the forest by now, though they didn't voice them. They walked for about an hour down the broad and well-kept path before they heard a sound all at once. The three turned to each other before breaking out in grins. It was the unmistakable sound of laughter ahead of them.

"I knew it!" Lucas said excitedly. "I knew we had to be getting close!"

They sprinted down the path and rounded a corner and suddenly stepped out of the forest into open sunlight. It took Lucas a moment of squinting against the sun to get his bearings.

It was not their campsite. Far from it. There were tents, but not the ones that the scouts had pitched. These were large, circular, and made of deep red cloth. They looked old-fashioned but were obviously not old. There were many of them, Lucas noticed, set up in a very wide circle. In the center of the circle of tents was a massive bonfire that filled the area with the smell of wood-smoke.

Within the circle of tents, there were a number of people. As Lucas looked closer he saw that they all appeared to be boys of varying ages. They were not dressed like scouts though. They wore leather and furs mostly, and some of them were so scantily clad that it left very little to the imagination. All three of them stood stunned, just outside the circle.

"Umm... Gavin?" Lucas was the first to find his voice. "I don't think these are boy scouts."

Next: Chapter 3

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