Summer on Lost Lake

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Mar 4, 2018


Hey everyone! Welcome to my first commissioned story. Huge shout out to TwitchyDragon for his patronage! If you have a story you want told, want to sign up for my mailing list, or just want to say hi or leave some feedback, you can find me at

This story will contain intimacy between two brothers. If this is not something that interests you, then this might not be the one for you. But feel free to check out my other stories, Sins of a Future World and After Earth Went Dark in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section.

There will be fantasy elements developing in this story in the next chapter, so stay tuned for that!

Please consider doinating to Nifty. They work very hard to make all of this possible. A portion of every dollar earned on my commissions will be going to them, and I'm so glad to finally be able to support them in some small way.

Enjoy! :D

Summer on Lost Lake: Chapter 1

"Come on, Gavin! We're gonna be late!" Lucas whined outside the bathroom door.

"Dude, chill." His older brother's voice came through the door. "We're not gonna be late. And they have to wait for us anyway."

Finally, the door opened, and vacuum of humid air rushed out of the bathroom, hitting Lucas in the face, smelling of Gavin's bodywash. It was a tropical sort of smell that lingered pleasantly and mixed well with the cologne that his brother always wore. For someone as masculine as Gavin was, he spent an absurd amount of time, money, and effort perfecting his style.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Gavin almost ran into his younger brother. "Watch out. If you're so desperate to leave, then why are you standing in my way?" Gavin had only a towel wrapped around his waist and his body was still damp from his shower.

Lucas didn't fully understand the feelings he got from the times he would see his big brother in a towel or even just in swim shorts. Years of playing soccer left Gavin's body sleek and toned, with abs that all the girls were crazy for. He was not bulky, like some guys, but had a modest but respectable amount of muscle packed onto his lean build. Also, Lucas had noticed in the past that his brother was well developed in other ways too. It was hard not to see actually, when the swim shorts got wet and clingy all over.

At first, Lucas thought maybe he was just jealous of Gavin's looks. That was part of it; but as he got older, he wondered if there was more to it. More and more frequently he found himself waiting outside the bathroom, just like this morning, with some excuse or other, just to be there when Gavin left the shower. The familiar scent, mixed with seeing what Lucas could only assume was the pinnacle of fitness left his thirteen-year-old head running wild with thoughts that he knew should not be there.

As the door to Gavin's bedroom shut behind him, the fog over Lucas's mind lifted. Immediately it was replaced again by the excitement that had been building in him for days now. His scout troop was going on a week-long camping trip to a nearby state park. All his friends were going to be there and there was going to be fishing and hiking and swimming and s'mores and campfire stories and all sorts of other outdoor activities to keep them occupied.

Lucas had to admit that he was also a little bit glad that Gavin had agreed to come along to help. Gavin hadn't been thrilled about the idea, but their mom had all but begged him to go. Lucas had never been away from home for that long, so having his big brother around would hopefully keep him from getting too homesick or intimidated. Even though Gavin was only four years older than Lucas, he tended to be protective, almost parenting sometimes. This caused no small amount of fighting between the two of them, since Lucas did not appreciate being told what to do, but at the end of the day he knew that his brother generally had his best interests at heart.

When Gavin finally emerged from his room, Lucas looked him up and down critically. He looked like he was dressed for a vacation instead of an extended camping trip. The close-fitting Holister tee and striped shorts did not scream "outdoorsman" to Lucas; and the fancy leather watch on his wrist and reflective sunglasses hanging from his shirt collar did not help the aesthetic.

"Dude, we're not going to the beach." Lucas said skeptically. Although the ensemble looked good, Lucas thought his brother would definitely look out of place.

"There's a lake there." Gavin countered before entering the bathroom again. "I'm pretty much packed. Just need to do my hair and we can go."

Lucas rolled his eyes and prepared for another long wait. He rarely had the motivation to do his hair like Gavin did. Instead he usually opted to let it lie however it ended up after a shower. This meant though, that his long red bangs often ended up hanging down just enough to get into his eyes. Although Lucas wished that he was bigger and stronger like his brother, he was not too upset with the way that he looked. He was thin, but not bony, and his bright blue eyes, one of the few traits he shared with Gavin, got him compliments frequently.

When Gavin finally came out of the bathroom, he looked and smelled great. His hair fell in a soft wave across his forehead that Lucas could tell had been carefully crafted. Lucas shook off haze and immediately resumed needling his brother.

"Oh my god." He said, exasperated. "Could you take any longer?"

"Fuck off." Gavin brushed past his younger brother giving him a gentle swat on the back of the head. "Just `cause you don't care how you look doesn't mean the rest of us can't put in an effort."

Lucas scowled and grabbed his backpack but didn't reply. They said goodbye to their mom, who spent at least ten minutes making sure they had packed everything, for the third time, and then Lucas followed Gavin out to his jeep.

Lucas's excitement continued to mount as they pulled out of the driveway. He was going on an adventure! All his friends would be there, and his big brother would be looking out for him. As happened sometimes, he found his eyes wandering over to Gavin. His arm rested outside the window as he drove with one hand. A strand of his very light brown hair had come loose from its position and now rested across his forehead, fluttering slightly in the wind.

"What are you looking at?" Gavin asked, catching him in the act.

Lucas blushed and shrugged. He knew there was no way to explain what was going on inside his head without creeping his brother out.

Gavin laughed as if he knew something Lucas didn't. Lucas kicked himself for being so obvious. It was not a long drive to the meetup point. As they pulled into the parking lot, Lucas saw that the large van was already being loaded up. He jumped out of the jeep, practically bouncing with excitement.

His friend Skylar saw them coming and trotted over to meet them. Skylar had blonde hair that was long on top with a hard parting on one side. He was built similarly to Lucas with maybe a little more muscle definition. Lucas liked Skylar. More than he would say. The thoughts he sometimes had about his best friend intimidated him almost as much as the similar thoughts he had about Gavin.

"What's up!?" Skylar yelled enthusiastically.

Lucas giggled and hoisted his backpack out of the jeep. "This is gonna be so cool!" He declared.

Scoutmaster Earley greeted them at the van. He was a friendly man whose children had all gone through the scouts. When they grew out of it, Scoutmaster Earley had continued on, teaching the younger generation.

"You boys ready?" He asked warmly. He shook Gavin's hand as they met. "Thanks for coming along to help. This crew can be a real handful."

The van was almost like a small bus, with five rows of seating. Scoutmaster Earley and the other chaperone sat in the front, with the eight scouts and Gavin taking up the back rows. With all the gear they were packing it was a very tight fit. Lucas ended up squished tightly between Gavin and Skylar.

Lucas's face was almost right up against Gavin's toned arm. As he noticed this, his breathing fluttered a little. His eyes wandered down slowly, across his brother's lean torso and down to his striped shorts. He could almost make out the lump there that he was, for some reason, curious about.

Skylar's bare leg brushed up against his, sending another chill through his small body. He realized that his shorts were starting to fit a little tighter suddenly. It was a long drive to the lake where they would be camping, and Lucas did not want to end up in an awkward situation. In order to distract himself, he made small talk with Skylar and the other campers.

Chatting with Skylar about video games kept the front of his pants from showing any growth but being sandwiched between Gavin and Skylar made it almost impossible to keep it all the way down. As the ride dragged on he, along with many of the other scouts began to get tired. Long car rides always did that to him. Almost without intending to, he let his head down onto Gavin's shoulder, his mop of red hair spilling over the blue T-shirt. Gavin looked over a little but didn't react.

Lucas knew that he shouldn't think of his brother the way that he sometimes did. He knew it wasn't right. But it also made him feel closer to Gavin somehow, even if Gavin did not share his feelings. Gavin's brotherly protectiveness came across as something stronger, and it made Lucas feel safe and warm.

He napped on Gavin's shoulder for a little over an hour before they finally arrived at the lake. One by one they all piled out of the van, stretching, yawning, and squinting as came into the sunlight. They had taken the van down a series of back roads, far from the hustle and bustle of any highways or main routes. It was not a parking lot that they were in, but just a pull-off from the bumpy gravel road that had led them here. Several yards away was a wide clearing with two picnic tables and a stone firepit. From the clearing there was a beautiful view of the lake, pure and sparkling in the sunlight.

Lucas had never seen anything quite like it. He was not much of an outdoorsy person and had never been camping before. The birds sang in the trees. There was no sign of people, no sound of cars. Lucas inhaled the green air deeply and grinned at Skylar.

Gavin stepped out of the van and groaned. He stretched his full body out expansively, causing the bottom of his shirt to pull up, revealing the `V' shape just below his abs. Lucas couldn't help but look, only for a second. As he turned away though, he thought he had caught Skylar stealing a glance as well. It had been too quick to tell for sure though.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Scoutmaster Earley smiled broadly. "People say that this lake has some of the best views of any of the state parks in the region. Don't get too many tourists though because it's so far out of the way. We've probably got the whole place to ourselves."

"Can we go swimming?" Skylar piped up excitedly.

"After we get the camp set up, we can go check out the lake." The Scoutmaster replied, opening the back of the van. "These tents will be up in no time if we all pitch in." He chuckled at his own joke but no one else laughed. "Pitch in? Because we're pitching tents?" He shrugged.

Scoutmaster Earley taught them about the proper way to set up their tents so they would stay dry if it rained. As they worked, he told them a bit about the lake's history.

"It's one of the largest lakes in the state and was going to be developed into a housing area. But fortunately, it was made into a state park." The Scoutmaster continued to drone on as the children hammered in stakes.

Lucas was impressed that Gavin immediately took on a leadership role. Their tent was the first one up, but Gavin had simply moved on to the next tent, helping other groups and showing them how it was done.

They would be sleeping mostly three to a tent, with the exception of Scoutmaster Earley and the other chaperone who each had their own smaller tents. Gavin and Skylar would be sharing the tent with Lucas, which Lucas was more than thrilled about. The inside of the tent seemed spacious, but as they brought in the backpacks and sleeping bags, Lucas realized that it would be fairly close quarters.

After a little over an hour, they had the camp site all set up. The Scoutmaster got them all seated around the tables to establish some rules. There was an air of mischievous excitement that sparked through the gathered group of boys. Scoutmaster Earley and the other chaperone, whose name was Mr. Carter, a parent of one of the boys, had to work to keep them all quiet and paying attention.

"Alright, settle down now." Earley drew their focus finally. "We can take a group down to the lake to swim. If you're swimming you stay together. Be careful and be safe. Any time myself or Mr. Carter says something, you need to listen the first time. I'm also giving authority to Lucas's brother Gavin. He's here helping us out this week and you should listen to him as well."

Heads nodded along, though minds were already racing ahead, thinking about what to do down at the lake.

"Anyone that does not want to swim or go down to the lake right now can stay here with Mr. Carter and learn about building fires. We'll all learn eventually but you'll be ahead of the game. Again, in order for us to all have a good time and stay safe, we need your cooperation and we need you to behave like the intelligent young men I know you all to be. Understood?"

Again, heads nodded in confirmation. All of the boys knew that the speech was necessary but they were mostly just eager to get down to the lake.

"Alright, those of you that want to swim go ahead and get changed. We'll head down in about fifteen minutes. Make sure to put on sunscreen. If you don't have it, ask for some."

And just like that the boys all dispersed from the tables simultaneously, all heading to their own tents. Most of the group was committed to going to the lake, with only a few staying behind. Lucas, Gavin, and Skylar were all looking forward to cooling off in the water for a while.

"Who's changing first?" Gavin asked.

Lucas almost suggested that the two of them change at the same time, but he managed to hold his tongue long enough for Skylar to volunteer to go first. It didn't take the little blonde boy long to reemerge from the tent wearing just his swimming trunks.

Although Lucas had seen Skylar shirtless before, the sight of him made him suck in a breath. If possible, Skylar looked even better now than he had two minutes ago. However, Lucas was a little bit jealous of the faint ab definition that Skylar was sporting. Lucas was naturally thin, but his abs remained flat and undeveloped.

Gavin changed next, and when he came out of the tent, Lucas knew he could not be the only one staring. He took a quick look around and found that at least several of the others including Skylar had taken notice of Gavin's toned abs and chest. It was impossible to tell if any of them had feelings similar to his, or if they were just impressed by the display.

Lucas was surprised by how self-conscious he felt when it came to his turn to change. Even though he was one of the more in-shape members of the group, he felt nervous and exposed as he exited the tent. Skylar gave him a teasing wolf-whistle that made him blush deeply; an act which was very evident against his pale skin.

"Lucas, put some sunscreen on." Gavin reminded, always looking out. "It's going to be brutal out from under these trees."

Grateful for the distraction, Lucas grabbed the bottle of sunscreen that his mom had made sure he packed. His pale complexion was not something that bothered him, however it was a little bit irritating to have to be so careful of the sun. Skylar was fair skinned as well, but not quite as much, while Gavin had an impressive even tan that hinted at just how often he went shirtless.

Lucas applied a generous layer of sunscreen to his arms and legs, chest and shoulders and face. He tried to reach his back but couldn't rub it in thoroughly in some areas. Seeing this, his big brother immediately came to his rescue.

"Let me help." Gavin said, grabbing the bottle of sunscreen. He sat down at one of the benches and pulled Lucas back towards him. Applying a small amount of it to his hand, he gently began rubbing it into the small of Lucas's back and between his shoulder blades.

Feeling Gavin's hands on his bare skin made Lucas perk up. He could not help the emotions that stirred within him. His brother's strong hands moved slowly down his spine, making him close his eyes and let his mouth hang open just a bit. He felt a familiar stirring in his swim shorts that he tried to avert by forcing his mind onto other things. It failed as Gavin's hands traveled downward to his lower back, massaging the lotion into his skin. A small tent began to form in the front of his trunks.

Skylar's eyes suddenly widened as he noticed Lucas's predicament. His gaze darted from Lucas's face, down to the little bulge, then back up again. Skylar said nothing, but Lucas could feel heat radiating off of him as his entire body blushed in embarrassment. Fortunately, no one else noticed or he might have died of shame right there.

Gavin finished applying the sunscreen finally. Lucas felt the strong hands pull away from his body. "You're all set." Gavin said, with an almost teasing voice. Then, unexpectedly, he gave his little brother a solid slap on the ass. It was `brotherly' enough. Anyone watching would have just assumed that it was something akin to a sporting ritual. Lucas felt differently though. His brother had never done something like that before. Immediately his self-doubt crept in, suggesting that it was entirely innocent, and he was only reading what he wanted into it.

Lucas knew that he had what some would call a `nice' butt. Like most of him, it wasn't particularly large, but it was shapely, in a way that was almost feminine. He had received comments like that from guys in gym class, almost making fun of him. Although, Lucas had never taken it as an insult. He figured that if it was nice enough for them to comment, then there must be something sincere about it. Maybe that was all it was. Gavin had seen the curved bubble underneath his swimming shorts and was just paying him a compliment in his own way.

Either way, it did not help the situation in the front of his shorts, and he had to kneel and pretend to fix his sandal, or else risk Gavin, and possibly everyone else noticing what Skylar had already seen. When it had died down a bit, he hopped back up, trying to shake it off. Skylar didn't seem all that concerned about it, aside from a hidden teasing smile, so Lucas decided that maybe it wasn't that big of a deal. After all, health class had taught them that those things happen.

The lake was even nicer up close. The water was very clear. Even in the deeper sections you could see all the way to the bottom. There was a small beach area with some buoys out in the water marking the end of the safe swimming area. Earley made it very clear to them that anyone that went beyond the buoys would lose swimming privileges for the rest of the trip. No one wanted to risk it.

Skylar immediately rushed in and fell forward into the cool water. Several others followed, but Lucas took a more measured approach, wading out more slowly to get used to the change in temperature. It was a little cold, but very refreshing in the summer heat. Suddenly, Gavin rushed up behind him, scooped him up, and then dove forward into deeper water, carrying Lucas with him.

Lucas came up sputtering next to Gavin who was laughing maniacally. It was impossible to be angry. Lucas eventually cracked into a smile before directing a large splash at his big brother. Skylar cheered before jumping after them to join the battle that ensued. Eventually all of the boys got involved, splashing each other and tackling one another into the water. Scoutmaster Earley watched from shore, making sure they didn't get too rough.

There were alliances and betrayals, truces broken, ceasefires ended in the dramatic free-for-all on the lake. It went on for over an hour, with boys taking breaks as they wore out, only to return to battle when one of their friends needed help. Finally, the great splash war came to an end, slowly dying down before organizing into a game of Marco-Polo. Lucas and Skylar moved out of the way to catch their breath before joining the game. Gavin had gone to lay on the beach, stretched out luxuriously in the sun, his sunglasses reflecting the late-afternoon rays.

"Your brother is really fit." Skylar remarked quietly, looking over at Gavin.

"Yeah..." Lucas nodded, beginning to stare as well.

Skylar noticed him looking. "It's kinda... well I dunno." He stopped himself.

Interested, Lucas pursued it. "Kinda what?"

"Huh? Nothing, nevermind." Skylar evaded. "Polo!" He yelled, diving back into the game and leaving Lucas to wonder.

The shenanigans at the lake lasted for another half an hour or so, before Scoutmaster Earley decided it was enough. The sun was beginning its descent and he told them it was time to head back. There were a few complaints, but for the most part, the boys were tired out and ready to return to camp. The few that had remained with Mr. Carter had a nice fire and a meal of hamburgers and hotdogs cooked over the open fire ready. Lucas was definitely impressed and interested to learn how it was done.

They all ate ravenously after such a long and active afternoon. As the sun went down, the Scoutmaster suggested that they start to get ready for bed before it got completely dark. When night fell, it found the group of boys toasting marshmallows as telling stories about their recent adventures, both that day and leading up to the trip. Gavin offered to tell some ghost stories, but with the silent darkness looming around them, the reception to that idea was mixed.

After a long couple of hours of socializing, the yawns started to get passed around. Scoutmaster Earley hinted that they should get to bed soon so that they could be up at dawn tomorrow. A few at a time, the boys retired to their tents. Lucas, Gavin, and Skylar were some of the last ones to finally turn in.

Once inside the tent it was obvious just how close they would all be sleeping. Gavin wasted no time however. He didn't bother to change. Sitting down on his sleeping bag, he quickly peeled off almost all of his clothes down to his Calvin Klein boxer-briefs, that left very little to the imagination. Both Lucas and Skylar were spellbound, but Gavin didn't appear to even notice. He slipped into his sleeping bag and turned over, facing away from them.

Lucas realized that watching his brother strip down had brought his almost 5 inches to attention. To his surprise, he noticed that Skylar's pants had a similar bulge to them. Neither one of them pointed it out, but they were both obviously aware of it. Lucas decided that, since Gavin was going to sleep in just his underwear, he was going to do the same. He pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants, wearing only his bright undies beneath. Following his lead, Skylar undressed down to his striped boxer underwear. In the dim light of the flashlight they had taken to their tent they looked at each other without saying anything; almost as if they had both given silent permission to their friend to drink in the details of their body. Then, again without a word, they lay into their respective sleeping bags and shut the light off.

Gavin fell asleep first. It was obvious by the even cadence of his breathing accompanied by an occasional gentle snore. Lucas closed his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep, but that worked about as well as could be expected. He was acutely aware of the fact that he was lying between two nearly naked, and very attractive boys. Only the back of Gavin's head was visible in the dim light so Lucas turned over to face Skylar and was surprised to find his friend's green eyes, wide awake and staring back at him curiously.

"Do you think he's asleep?" Skylar asked in a whisper, nodding toward Gavin.

Lucas looked over at his brother, listened for a moment, then nodded affirmatively.

"Don't you think he's..." Skylar's voice was very low so that Lucas had to lean in to hear him. "Kind of hot?"

Unable to believe what he had heard, Lucas searched his friend's face for an explanation. He expected some kind of a joke but found only vulnerable sincerity in Skylar's eyes. It left him fully unprepared to respond.

"I mean... I know you do..." Skylar asserted, doubling down on his bet. "I saw your... When he was touching your back... and when he changed... I saw it."

Lucas blushed, which he hoped was not visible in the darkness. "That wasn't... I don't think he's..." Skylar was probably his best friend. He didn't want to lie to him, but it was hard to say out loud. "I don't know..." He finally admitted.

"It's okay." Skylar assured, then bit his lip before adding softly. "I kinda think so too."

"You do...?" Lucas felt a combination of things: guilt, as though he had been caught doing something bad, sensual naughtiness for the same reason, the continued burning desire that came from being in such a small space with Gavin and Skylar, almost naked, and above all, a closeness to his friend who had been able to spot his dark secret so easily, and not judge him for it.

Without warning, Skylar reached over, and unzipped Lucas's sleeping bag and gave him a coy smile. Lucas's breath caught in his throat as the air brushed against his almost nude body. He was surprised to see that Skylar's sleeping bag was already open when his friend pulled it back a little, giving Lucas a view of his slender young form.

They didn't say anything. Instead, Skylar made an inviting motion with a tilt of his head and a vague wave of his arm. Cautiously, Lucas moved out of his own sleeping bag and into his friend's. Skylar smiled at him sensually as their bodies made contact, and reached around behind him, zipping the sleeping bag up and closing the two of them in together.

The hands started first; exploring each other curiously. Lucas examined Skylar's developing muscle tone, while Skylar traced lines down Lucas's back. Skylar giggled a bit as Lucas's fingers brushed across a ticklish spot, and Lucas found he could no longer resist. He leaned in and gave his friend a quick peck on the lips.

Skylar's hands stopped, just above Lucas's bubble butt and the two stared at each other for a moment. Then, with force, Skylar pulled Lucas towards him and pressed their lips together. The kiss was inexperienced, raw, and passionate. At the same time, both boys unconsciously began to grind their hips together, pushing their already fully hardened bulges into one another.

Their clueless makeout session continued as they thrust against each other, getting more and more desperate as they went. Their breathing became heavy and Lucas started to moan softly. Skylar grabbed his ass roughly and pulled him in for another passionate kiss.

They were both quietly panting and moaning now as they got close. They both knew there was no stopping it. The ecstasy of this brand new and very naughty activity was irresistible. The tempo of their dry humping increased.

Skylar thrust forward against Lucas hard, letting out a deep grunt. At the same time, Lucas's voice cracked to a much higher pitch as he moaned one last time, louder than before. Both boys fired their young loads simultaneously into their underwear, soaking through the fabric immediately and covering each other in the sticky mess.

Neither one particularly cared. They panted heavily as they came off of the most incredible high they had ever felt in their lives. A wave of exhaustion assailed them instantly. Neither one wanted to change or to deal with wet stains that were gathering in Skylar's sleeping bag. Instead, they gave each other one last long kiss before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

in the heat of their passion, they had been of course far too preoccupied to realize that the steady and even breathing behind them had ceased, or to notice that Gavin had quietly turned himself over to face them.

Next: Chapter 2

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