Summer On Long Island - Summer on Long Island

By George

Published on Jun 8, 1997



Summer On Long Island

Growing up on Long Island was never really dull for me. Especially the duration of my life when Jamie was a part of it. He was a mischievous sort and, generally, the mastermind behind all that we did. Our circle of friends consisted of myself (My name is James) Jamie, Terry, Anthony, Barry and Mike. The six of us were inseparable, but even more inseparable was Jamie and myself.

All of us were gay and we all knew that of each other. However we never shared intimacy or sex with each other. At least not until that one summer. Sure there was the occasional grope at the ass or crotch or a derogatory statement now and then but nothing, further than that, ever occurred. It was all in fun. Perhaps it was because we always kept our selves busy with other things. I am sure, that in my case, I was enjoying their company more as friends and wouldn't want to ruin any of the thrills and fun we were having. I often think back to those days and wonder to myself. "What am I? Crazy! Here I had five other, beautiful, studs around me every day and all I wanted to do was be friends." Truth be known, the only one I ever thought about sex with was Jamie. I spent many a night exercising my right hand while fantasizing about him, but that was usually enough to satisfy the urge and allow me to continue a friendly relationship with him.

We were all young. I was 21, Jamie was 22 and the others were younger. The youngest being 18. I had, somewhat, long hair and a not round' but not chiseled' face. I was 5'11" and was thin but defined. Jamie was almost the same except he was one inch taller and had short brown hair. I use to love the way his ass looked in his tight jeans. His package was an even better sight.

Jamie was never one to express himself sexually. I was very surprised to find him in rare form that summer night when he suggested we do what we did out at Camp Hero that night. Camp Hero is an old run down and abandon military base on the tip of Montaulk Point. The only things out there, at night, were us, the trees, the deer, the mosquitoes and the lighthouse of a mile away. Oh yea. There was also the park ranger, but he was usually busy sleeping or watching TV or getting screwed by his girl friend or boy friend, which ever the Case may be. How did we know this? Because we had to sneak past his post to get into Camp Hero.

We generally visited Camp Hero on the weekends on summer nights. Our adventures started out with exploring the joint. The site was divided into two sections. There was a full blown goast town in the lower section which came complete with a bowling alley, a bank, a church, the barracks, the Generals quarters and some other stuff. Then there was the early warning station at the top of the hill. There they placed a fourteen-story radar tower. The total height was much taller because of the radar dish it self. You can see it from the main road going into Montaulk. It really doesn't look like much from that distance but when you get close to the thing you realize just how small you really are. The radar dish alone, no exaggeration, is almost the length of a foot ball field and stands another eighty or so feet above the roof of the building. There stood several other buildings along its side. One such building was the structure which housed the large Cray Computer and console for the dish. Other buildings were for Doppler weather radar and gun turrets. There were also huge mounds of dirt surrounding the place. They were actually in ground bunkers with gun implacements on either end.

We have been going to Camp Hero for many years and wound up exploring the place to death. There is not one inch of that place that we did not know of. We finally got bored of just exploring and began more adventurous games such as paint ball gun wars and hide and seek and even some cruel stuff. I'll explain that later. We kept up with the games for some time and after a while it was suggested that the winners would get a prize at the end of the night just to make the games more challenging and more purposeful. It was then that Jamie made his shocking suggestion, which took us all by complete and utter surprise.

"We'll play hide and seek. We will separate into two teams. James and Terry and me will be team A' and Barry, Anthony and Mike will be team B'. James, you give your walky talky to Barry and I will keep mine. We will maintain radio conversation between teams but never reveal our location. Team B' will be the first to hide then team A'. If a team can not be found within a reasonable amount of time that team is declared the winners. A reasonable amount of time should be one and a half hours. If both teams find each other the team who searched for the least amount of time wins. If neither team finds the other then it is a tie. Are we clear?"

"No." I say, "What do we win"

"The winners get to fuck the losers up the ass."

We all laughed and then realized that Jamie was serious. We hesitated for a few moments then one by one we agreed with smiles. Well, they agreed. I simply went along with them.

"What if its a tie?" I say.

"Then we all fuck and get fucked."

I was rather confused about what was happening. Here I thought we were all friends and now they wanted to have sex. At the same time I was scared because I had never done such things before with anybody. (Jesus Christ; somebody hit me over the head with a hammer.) But I wasn't against giving it a try. I think back to that moment now and realize that I was infatuated with Jamie and that I wanted, so bad, to be a member of the other team in hopes that I may get the chance to fuck or be fucked by Jamie, or better yet, both. I was occupied by those thought for the rest of that evening and found my self growing more and more disinterested with the game.

The game began and it is never Jamie's intention to loose and he very rarely did. Apparently he had been planning this for some time because he had a hiding place for us that not even a team of bloodhounds could sniff out, but we had to find team `b' first. This proved not to be a hard task because Jamie knew the place better than anybody and, as a result, knew all the good hiding places. Even more helpful was the signal strength meter on Jamie's walky talky. We could triangulate their position in a matter of minutes and Jamie knew this and used it to our advantage. He also knew that my walky talky had no signal strength meter. Yet another advantage which would prove helpful when it was our turn to hide.

We found them in the basement of the generator building. We knew they were there after mere minutes but we didn't pursue them until another fifteen minutes went by so's not to arouse any suspicion. They exited there hiding spot, each with a look of "Well we're fucked now."

Now it was our turn to hide and hide we did. Jamie found a nice big heating duct in side the radar tower on the fifth floor. The duct was fifteen feet in the air and we had to climb a lot of equipment to get up to it. We found a crawl space entrance and filed in one by one. Jamie was first, then me, then terry. We could only fit in lengthwise. Jamie got to his resting-place and turned on his back and propped up his upper body with his arms. I followed suit and did the same in front of Jamie and Terry did the same in front of me. We sat there, propped up, for some time. My arms were getting tired and I let them know this.

"Hey guys. My arms are turning to jelly."

"If you want you can lay you head in my lap." Jamie says.

That was a wonderful idea, so I took full advantage of his invitation. I leaned back and gently rested my head in his crotch. I then invited Terry to do the same and, he to, took advantage of my offer. We lay there for another Fifteen minutes and terry lets out another, unexpected, statement.

"Would you guys want to aaahh. have a little pre sex sex?"

"Good God man. This is so unlike him." I thought to myself.

Just then I uttered the most intelligent thing I may have said in my whole life.


Terry replied. "What.. yes!"

I turned around to face Jamie. I could not see a thing in the darkness of that heating vent but I didn't need to. The mere sound of Jamie's zipper below my face was almost enough to make me cum right there. All I needed to do was to feel his penis in my hands and then my mouth. The thought of being able to pleasure the one person I most wanted to pleasure had me reeling with excitement. This was a long time coming yet there was still that little voice in my head telling me how I was about to ruin a great friendship. Well for once I stumped out that voice with the `Star Spangled Banner' and began to please Jamie.

My ecstasy was heightened when Terry joined in and took my penis as well. I thought whether I should let Jamie cum in my mouth or not. I had never tasted it before and I wasn't sure I would want to start now, but when the time "came" the heat of the moment took over and I swallowed every drop. I guess, subconsciously, I thought if I swallowed it, it would show Jamie that I loved him. I felt his body shudder with ecstasy and collapse with temporary exhaustion. I was mesmerized by his reaction and thought that I had done well. As I awoke from my trance I thought to my self.

"Yuck. Mental note. Cum tastes really bad."

Then I realized that my own tool was being used. It was now my turn to let loose almost ten years of bottled up frustration and it was all going to explode in Terry's mouth. I almost gave away our position by screaming but I managed to hold back the temptation. Not that it would have made a difference. We had already won by about one half-hour. The radio was blaring with Barry's voice and soon you could hear them through ambient air more so than over the radio. They were coming close and, quite frankly, so was I. Well, I pored out such an onset of cum in this poor kids mouth it made Ole Faithful look like a garden hose. I spewed so much it made him choke. Well that gave us away and the jig was up.

"Ah ha. We found you. You're in the heating vent. Aren't you?"

We climb out and Jamie replies with. "Yea but we still get to have our way with you. We beat you by over a half an hour."

"Yea. We were talking amongst our selves and came to the conclusion that this was the way we wanted it, but we still can't figure out how you found us so fast."

No body, from our group, said a word and with that we all went outside between the radar tower and the computer building to do our deed. Barry, Mike and Anthony lined up like prisoners on a chain gang and dropped their pants. We approached our trophies. Terry was the first to mount his steed and Jamie followed suit. I was a little hesitant at first. My little heart wasn't in it. I was longing for Jamie, and the thought of someone else taking what should have been mine was making me a little angry. Then I was snapped out of it by Barry's voice.

"Come on man. What are you waiting for?"

"I'm waitin for hell to freeze over."

So I approached my mark and took aim. My, barely hard, penis slid in relatively easy and caused Barry to let out a moan of pleasure. I looked over to Jamie and saw, for the first time, his dick. I suddenly became very erect and my heart seemed to be with it at that point.

Terry was the first to finish. I saw a beautiful stream of cum fly from his penis and land on Anthony's back. It seemed at first, to follow the upward curvature of his dick then arch downward to land, gracefully, and arrive at its final resting-place. Then Jamie was next. It was all I could do from cumming right there when I saw his dick spew. I wanted to forget about what I was doing to Barry and run to his dick and start drinking.

The four of them drew up their pants and walked to the side of the building wile I kept plugging away at Barry. I was just about to cum when Jamie shouts out.

"Oh shit! Hey guys! It's the rangers!"

I was so startled by those words I yanked my dick out of Barry's but so fast it made a loud popping noise. Barry dropped his mouth as if to scream in pain, but couldn't. He dropped to his knees and propped his ass in the air. He, simply, could not move from that position and remained right where he fell. I, on the other hand, ran to Jamie's location, my jeans still unzipped and my dick flopping in the breeze.

Just then the ranger drives up and points a spotlight at the location where we were and where Barry is now. The only thing they could see of him was his white ass sticking up out of the tall grass, or could they. The light seemed to hit the mark, Which I had done just a few moments ago, but then seemed to resume it's search. I looked over at a pile of concrete rubble and pointed it out to Jamie. Essentially, they thought they were looking at a pile of rocks and not our friend's ass. Their search went on for a few more minutes then they left.

We all ran over to Barry and turned him on his back. He managed to utter a few garbled words, but two were very clear to me.

"Bla bla bla James' bla bla bla DIE'!!!!"

To try to make things right I suggest checking his ass to see if anything is visibly wrong with it. Jamie says.

"You better let me handle that. I don't think he wants you anywhere near his ass any more."

I Agreed and let the rectal exam commence. After a few moments it was agreed that Barry would live and that we should make our way back to the cars. We walked, and Barry limped, back to the cars. Mike, Anthony and Terry went to their car and me, Jamie and Barry to ours. The whole way home I could hear Barry mumble derogatory words in my direction. Well I just couldn't resist a little ribbing and gave Barry the excuse to do to me what he did. I turned around and said.

"Hey Barry."


"You really do have a nice tight ass."

Mere microseconds after I said that his fist was flying through the air and made contact with my face. The impact caused my head to hit the dashboard and knock me unconscious for about four minutes. When I came to I was a little dazed and confused but then reality settled in. The only thing I could think was.

"Ok, ok. I deserved that."

Nobody said a word until Barry was dropped off at his house, then Jamie spoke.

"You Know. You really did deserve that."

A sigh and then. "Yea. I know."

"That still doesn't excuse him for doing that. No matter what you may have done to him you didn't do it on purpose. What he did to you was on purpose. While you were out I set him strait. I don't want any body to fuck with my James. Nobody fucks my James except me."

Just then I rose up out of my slump and, wide eyed, replied.

"Uuhm What do you mean?"



"When we were in the heating vent, What were you thinking? Ya know. When we did what we did."

I could think of nothing to say but the truth.

"UhmI was surprised, at first, that you would even suggest that we do it but when my hand touched it, it just felt right. I felt like honored to be able to please you and that I was the only one who could make you feel good. I felt like I never wanted it to end. I felt content. I think I may have fallen in love." The last part being a lie because I was already in love with him for the longest time.

"I felt the same thing about you. I mean the thing about you being the only person who could make me feel good. You have always made me feel good. Just being around you is sheer ecstasy for me and to night pushed me over the edge. This whole night was planed out, from the very beginning, so I could experiment with my feelings. I wanted to try something with you to see how I would feel and then try something with someone else to see if I would feel different. Well I did. When I was plowing Mike I felt nothing, but when you were doing that thing to me I was taken away to another world. One of pure pleasure."



"I Love You."

All this time I was wondering how I could tell Jamie how I felt about him and here he was, spilling his guts to me. Oh what luck.

"I Love You to Jamie."

Summer on Long Island Part two

Well that little turn of events had my mind reeling with confusion. Here I was so worried about screwing up a good friendship and now, with the passing of a few sentences, found myself lovers with the one person I most wanted to be lovers with. The funny thing being, he was the one who verbalized his thoughts. This whole time I kept my mind occupied with how I might make my intentions known or whether it would be worth it to risk losing him altogether and as it turns out, I didn't have to lift a finger. Truth be known, our friendship has grown stronger since that night. We still do exactly the same things and go exactly the same places but our companionship was enhanced by affection.

I haven't seen Jamie for about another week and the whole time I was going crazy. My job kept me busy with traveling and I just wasn't around much, but when we were reunited the fire works were still there.

As usual the weekend plans included Camp Hero. Since that night, it was hard to convince the others to do any thing else. They enjoyed the idea of, either, being on the receiving end of a trophy or being the trophy itself. It truly enhances the quality of the game and, certainly, makes it more interesting.

Well, Jamie's suggestion for the next event was Paint Ball Gun wars. We all had a paint ball gun. Most of the others went way overboard on their purchases though. They carried paint ball riffles, which cost upwards around $300.00, and camouflage outfits and face masks. They even had books about strategy. Myself and Jamie, on the other hand, had these little hand pistols which held six paint balls in an upper chamber and cost a mere $100.00. The only other things we armed ourselves with were a small bag of paint balls and our wits.

I asked what the reward was for winning. His reply was,

"The winners will receive a blow job from the losers and the losers have to drink it, slosh it around in their mouths for a minute and swallow. If they fail to do so, they will have to prepare themselves for a fucking, and I mean, up the ass. The winners will be declared when all of the other team has been shot. The wounded will meet in a designated area and not be allowed to participate any further in the game. Any help from the wounded will result in a forfeit for that team. Are we clear?"

Everyone was in perfect agreement so we headed out to Montaulk to have some fun. On the way out I was able to speak with Jamie alone. Though there were six of us Jamie suggested that the teams be divided a little differently this time. He wanted one team to be just him and myself and the other team to consist of Terry, Mike, Anthony, and Barry. They all went in one vehicle and I was with Jamie in his. He then made his intentions clear and said,

"Ok James. I Know you're wondering why I only want you and me to be one team. I saw the look on your face when I suggested it to the others. Well, hear it is. I have a plan."

I Knew he wouldn't let me down. I told you before, he never likes to lose and very rarely does. He always comes up with a plan to make him prevail and this one was a doozy.

"Ya Know the storage rooms inside the bunkers?"


"We're gonna pick one and we're going to place a flashlight at the far end of the room with a string attached to its switch. I'll leave that up to you McGyver. I'll make some noise to draw their attention and we will retreat back to the room. When they come into the room, you will trigger the light to go on. It is my guess that they will be about five, or so, feet into the room and they will begin expending ammo at a phantom. At that point we will step from behind the door and claim victory. Also, there is two of us and four of them. If we win we each get sucked off by two guys, but if, and it's a big if, if we lose we will have to suck off two guys at once."

"Sounds good. I don't think we can loose."

"Well, that's only if they're as dumb as they lead me to believe. I mean they go out and spend all this money on books about strategy and all the gear but it is all useless if you don't have any common sense. The only thing that could fuck us up is if they decide to split up. Then we can only get, maybe, one or two that way. Other than that I have no other ideas."

"I do.... We are going to begin the game from the ghost town, right?"


"When we all go our separate ways we will take the east flank and travel the road that leads out of the town. We will let them take the main path to the early warning station at the top of the hill. When they are out of site we will ditch into that little path that leads up to the computer building. We can beat them to the top of the hill and spy on them to our hearts content. If we find that they split up, then we can take a position on the roof of the computer building and watch the main path, or the entire parameter for that matter. After all it is the most centrally located building on site. From that vantage we can pick them off one by one. The only thing is we need to make the wounded circle some where out of site so there is no chance of them giving our position away. I figure the west side of the radar dish will do nicely. If we find they don't split up then we go for plan "A" and head for the bunker.

"You see what I mean. None of them would have come up with a brilliant scheme like that. That just happens to be one of the things I love about you. I like knowing that there is somebody with the intelligence and the common sense to work out a plan on a moments notice and that, that someone is on my side. It's because of that, that we can't loose. You ever notice how you and me, we're always in sync. I never have to tell you anything. You just know what needs to be done and when to do it. God I love you."

That meant a lot coming from him. I have never heard him give any body a compliment before and I think I was the first. Wow. He must really love me.

Well, we finally arrived and piled out of our respective vehicles. Jamie let everyone know what the rules were and everyone was in agreement. Jamie and I were walking about ten feet behind the others and could hear them saying how they couldn't lose this time. Jamie and I, very quietly and at the same time, said "Little do they know." We just smiled at each other and kept walking.

We reached our destination at the center of the ghost town and Jamie indicated to the others that the game has now begun. We continued on the road we were traveling and were headed out of the town. The others headed up the hill to the early warning station. Once out of site we ditched into the brush and headed up a narrow path to the computer building atop the hill in the center of the early warning station. We then darted around to the north side and could see and hear them as if they were right there. I thought to my self, "these guys are so predictable" as we heard them discuss their game plan. The fools were going to stick together. They thought there would be safety in numbers, but we knew better. We looked at each other, with evil grins, and whispered at the same time, "Plan 'A'."

We then made a hasty retreat to the bunker on the east side of the site and began to set the trap. I spent the better part of 20 minutes rigging the light for remote operation while Jamie kept a sharp look out for the enemy. When the ambush was set Jamie set out to attract their attention. He went out side to find a pile of rubbish atop the bunker and pushed some of it off. It came down in a wild crash. Two minutes latter he threw some planks of wood to the ground and they made an equally loud noise. I thought, "If this don't get their attention nothing will. For Christ sakes, the ranger probably heard that." We stood, waiting their arrival, near the entrance to the bunker. It was another 20 minutes and then, pay dirt. We rushed in to the bunker and, purposefully, made our presence obvious. We ran into the room and flashed a light around for a split second to make them aware of the exact location of their impending doom.

We hid behind the door and waited mere seconds. They stood at the entrance and paused, then proceeded cautiously through the door way. When they stood about five feet in I threw the switch and blasted them with a beam of light. They opened fire on the light and at the same time, Jamie and I stepped from behind the door and began to open fire as well. I shot Barry and Anthony and Jamie shot Mike, but before he could get a round into Terry one of the others had knocked the light off of the shelf with a round and the room went dark. Terry disappeared into the wood work. The others were cussing about how they could have been so stupid and not realize that Jamie would have had a plan to win.

We began to walk the prisoners to the holding area on the west side of the radar tower. It took them a few minutes but then they realized they were still one man short. Barry says,

" Ah ha, the game ain't over yet. You still have to find Terry."

Just then Jamie directs his next statement toward me and says,

"Plan 'B'?"

I look at him and say,

"Plan 'B'."

We, cautiously, march them to the wounded circle then made our way to the computer building. We climbed a ladder, affixed to the side of the building, and hoisted our way up to the roof. I took a vantage on the west side of the building and Jamie took the east. We stood fast for quite some time yet there was no sign of terry. After about an hour of this I began to get tired and soon I did the unspeakable. I fell asleep. Some time latter I felt a nudge at my side and a soft voice,

"Bang..... You're dead."

Just then the "Thud" sounds from Terry's gun and paints a painful splatter of paint on my chest. I let out a scream and then "Oh Shit!". I was, genuinely startled, however my scream alerted Jamie of Terry's presence. He was able to better prepare himself for his assault. I watched as Terry disappeared around the corner and head in Jamie's direction. A short time latter I heard a small commotion and then two blasts form the guns. I couldn't tell whether or not it was Terry's gun or Jamie's gun or both, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw what I saw next. Jamie rounded the corner with a look of concern. As he moved closer I could see the unmistakable stain of an exploded paint ball on his chest. All I could think was how bad cum tasted and now I have to take double doses. Just then Terry rounds the corner and is wearing an exploded paint ball right on his forehead. Jamie reaches down to me and takes my hand. He lifts me to my feet, kisses me on the lips and says,

"You did good. Now lets go claim our prize."

Now, Terry could have disputed this. After all it was Jamie's word against his, but I think he really did want to suck cock that night because I didn't hear a peep out of him.

We made our way back to the radar tower and met with the others. When they found out what the out come was they were notably upset, but they learned to live with being losers, as Jamie wouldn't have it any other way.

"Pucker up boys. It's go time." says Jamie.

Jamie drops his draws and Terry and Anthony take a position in front of him. They kneel too the ground and begin to work Jamie's rising cock. Barry and Mike pursue me in the same manner. Again, I really didn't want to do this. I was not one for showing my genitalia to a group of people. I wanted that reserved for one person.

In any case I dropped my pants and let them go at it. My momentary laps of reason seemed to vanish as they eagerly worked my cock. I soon became caught up in the moment and blew my load into Mike's mouth. As per the agreement he had to keep it there for one minute and swallow. The thought of it was turning my stomach but he seemed to be enjoying it. Not only did he keep it there but he washed his mouth with it and gargled with it. Then Barry took Mike's face and kissed him. They exchanged cum for spit and that's when I lost it. This evenings meal made it's way to freedom as I vomited in the thicket of brush to my right. Jamie and the others could hardly contain themselves and doubled over in laughter. Well, needless to say Jamie couldn't finish his dick wetting because the moment lost all and any inkling on seriousness. We soon made our way back to the cars and headed for home.

On our way home we somehow lost track of the others and found our selves the only car on the road. This was another fine opportunity to talk to Jamie.

"Hey Jamie?"


"When we were up on the roof and you picked me up and said I did good, what were you thinking?"

"I thought just that. That you done good. You are never this active or enthusiastic about anything and you just surprised me."

"I have to confess something to you. I could have lost the game for us tonight. I fell asleep on the roof and the next thing I Knew I was shot. You saved the evening."

He paused and thought about that for a moment.

"Yea, but you made up for it by letting me know something was wrong with out being obvious about it."

"No. My scream was out of genuine fear."

"Yea? What about the 'Oh Shit' thing? That to me had a purpose to it's tone. The tone in your voice told me what I should soon expect. You shouldn't worry about things that aren't as big as you make them out to be."

"Ok...... Thank you."

"You're welcome..... My love.

Just then he began to run his fingers through my long hair. It felt so good I could have melted. I felt this overwhelming feeling of content rush through my body. We drove on for another ten minutes. I looked over at Jamie and thought how nice it would be to finish what Terry forgot to back at Camp Hero. It seemed my fear of cum had vanished. It was probably because it would have been administered out of love and not lust. The idea was becoming more of a need at this point and I suggested we pullover for a moment. I used my bladder for that excuse and left the car to take a whiz. When I returned I suggested that I finish what Terry had started. He looked at me with a look of thanks and said,

"You would do that for me?"

I reached over his tight stomach and pulled the lever to recline the seat. I pushed him back and said,

"You don't tell someone that you love them and then expect them to just hang out with you. There should be some passing of affection between them. Now kiss me."

We embrace in a passionate kiss. At the same time my hand is working at his belt buckle and then his zipper. I brought my face down to his crotch and let his penis loose. He was so hard it sprang out with violent force. I could hardly move it around it was so stiff. I wrapped my lips, lovingly, around his shaft. I heard him moan in pleasure and that made me feel good. After ten minutes he was getting ready to blow. He tried to warn me but I wouldn't listen.

"Oh God James, I'm gonna cum"

"Jaaaaames..... Aaaaaugh!!!!!"

Just then I felt the warm juices flow and I was thinking of nothing except how great this was. I is amazing how much better this stuff tastes when it is given in love.

"Oh God I'm so sorry James."

I lick my lips and wipe my mouth.

"Sorry about what."

"You liked that? I thought I was gonna get a crotch full of vomit knowing the way you reacted when Mike took your cum."

"Let's put this into perspective. He played with it and then shared it with Barry. Anyway, when it comes from you it takes on the flavor of candy."

He paused and then kissed me. We fell into each others arms and soon fell asleep. It was the most peaceful sleep I had ever had. It was just me and Jamie, some trees and the stars in the middle of nowhere. It was one of the best nights in my entire life.


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