Summer of Submitting

By sammythesub19

Published on Aug 6, 2023


Chapter Thirteen: Group Project

It was an awkward way to kick off the evening. As I stood in my usual pick up place, the taxi driver pulled up:

`waiting for a taxi?'


I got in and sat in the back seat, legs crossed.

`So where we headed lad?'

`Not sure'

`...I thought you was waiting for this taxi?'

`I am, just don't know where I'm going, it's a surprise'

After a confused pause he pulled out his phone to check the booking and where he was supposed to be headed. A few moments later with a slight shake of his head we set off. He looked back at me through the mirror with uncertainty. In an attempt to get past the awkwardness he attempted some small talk:

"what are you up to tonight then son?"

I responded with a weak "not sure, it's all a surprise". Incredulous, he shook his head again and we silently drove to the destination.

Thankful the journey was over, I buzzed up to the apartment number and was let in after a second or two. Up and up I went in the lift. Fourth floor, fifth floor. The higher I got the more intense the butterflies filled me up. How exciting. Finally I found myself opening the mystery door. As promised I immediately looked to the left to see the eye mask, woven into the white silk piece was `princess'. God they know me so well.

As instructed, after closing the door I took my coat off, shoes and sweatpants, leaving myself in only the school girl shirt, mini skirt and stockings. I slipped the eye mask on and tied it behind my head and naturally rested down on my knees, palms facing up. It's so fun how all of your senses are heightened once my sight was temporary taken away. I immediately began trying to pick up any kind of noise or sound from within the rest of the apartment. From my short memory of what I saw before the mask went on, there was a small hallway that seem to lead down into a living room area, and I guess from where the chatting was coming from the kitchen was just around the corner from that.

And what I was able to pick up filled with anticipation. It sounded like a number of men laughing and joking together from within the living area. The clinking of beers, great booming laughs, yelling at the television. I feverishly tried to pick out how many different voices there were, sounded like four, no maybe five. Wait I hadn't heard their voices before, so at least seven. At least seven men, now I knew what group project meant. I was going to be gangbanged. Oh my god, fuck yes.

Suddenly my wild running thoughts were cut short with a loud "looks like our present has been delivered boys", a massive cheer followed. I blushed as a huge smile crossed my face.

Big manly footsteps started to slowly approach me and the anticipation of any touch or interaction drove me crazy to the point where I started to squirm, the moments of waiting feel like forever and any touch feels ten times as sensitive.

A moment or two later I felt big fingers caressing my chin and then my lips, the mystery man slipped his thumb into my mouth which I instinctively gave a deep suck. Then something happened I didn't expect, he took his thumb out of my mouth and with a clanking metal sound something clasped around my neck, a collar. Wow, I was literally being treated like a pet, a play thing.

"Follow me bitch, on all fours"

I dutifully crawled down the corridor and into the living room and once I rounded the corner being pulled along by my master I received a thunderous welcome.

"Boys, looks like we're going through to the final and we have a some post match entertainment, it's a good fucking day."

Laughs and cheers echoed around the flat, the smell of beer immediately filling my senses. A couple of them suddenly lifted me up, I felt so helpless, so used. I was carefully placed down on all fours onto what seemed like a long comfy bench, maybe it was a long foot rest, who knows.

Right then princess, you're going to stay there until we've seen extra time out and then we'll be right with you. I just nodded and got comfortable.

I stayed in that position for what felt like forever but it must have been around 20 minutes. My imagination of how I looked started to get me pretty horny, as if I was being used as an ornament or a piece of art. Just to be sat there and enjoyed visually until the interactive part of the show. I felt them all moving around me, some standing over there, some sitting next to me on the sofa. Now and again I felt a rogue hand from someone trying to get a cheeky feel in before the fun began, either it found it's way onto my asscheeks or try and slip into my hole before Steven beckoned them away.

Finally, at last the whistle blew. Someone rested their beer on my back to laughs and cheers. The cold made me shiver a little bit, they ruffled me hair in a `you'll be alright' kind of way.

"So boys, pick straws to see who's up first"

I heard people flipping coins and playing Rock Paper Scissors. In some ways boys never grow up. Finally it seemed like there appeared two clear winners which then decided the rest of the order. You men just love to gamify everything. What made me chuckle was as soon as the winners were decided I started to hear bartering "oh no let me break her in, I'll forget the bet you owe me" "not worth it, I'll just pay" "double or nothing".

I can't believe I was being bartered over so aggressively, I guess going first was a prize worth winning. Finally the winners stood firm and I heard belt buckles being undone. ASMR for sluts. My knees were beginning to tire until I felt someone moving in behind me and another man tower in front of me stroking my head. He was slowly working his way to a hard one when I tilted my chin up and stuck my tongue out.

And it wasn't just them, almost in unison I heard many belt buckles being taken off and a little music put on in the background, I felt them all start approaching me as if I was about to be attacked from all angles.

Almost completely in sync I felt a soft, warm helmet rub up on my asshole and the mystery man's dick rest on my tongue. Here we go.

Next: Chapter 14

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