Summer of Sex with Cowboy

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 15, 2021



Chapter 32

By Donny Mumford

This guy, Danny, is a free spirit if I've ever met one. A twenty-one-year-old free spirit laughing his way through life without, seemingly, a care in the world. And, of course, he's only too happy to oblige my request to blow him. I lied that I've never had sex with a guy before, claiming I'm curious what it would be like. With that in mind, I'll need to do an amateurish job of sucking his dick. Six weeks ago, I didn't need to fake incompetence when I gave my first blowjob in five or six years to that pervert, Richard. So, I'll try recreating that bumbling blowjob sidestepping the primo techniques I learned from the training videos and then practiced by sucking forty to fifty cocks, mostly Bruce's, but various pussy boys' cocks too.

As a random conversation starter, I go, "I'm guessing you saved money from the Disney job to pay your credit card bills." He laughs, then says, "Um, haha, funny you should mention that. The credit card isn't exactly, um, well, it's not mine. It's my mom's boyfriend's, Frank White's Visa card. I, um, borrowed it. The old fuck will probably notice it's gone in a few days, but I only planned on using it until I got to Jimmy's, then my car broke down, so..."

That was unexpected! I change the subject, acting like a novice, going, "Uh-huh, ah, well, how do I start doing the blowjob?" He laughs, "Why don't you get undressed? We'll do this the right way... naked." He drops his underpants and Omigod! Danny has a big dick!

It's bigger than Bruce's, and, coincidentally, about the same size as Richard's, meaning eight inches and thick. I'm all in for taking a ride on that monster penis. Danny sees I'm staring at it and laughs, then he says, "You've probably never seen a cock as big as mine." Mumbling, "You're right," I add, "And I've never seen bigger balls either. Isn't it uncomfortable having all that junk between your legs?" He goes, "Nah, it's normal to me. I got this big cock when I was eleven so, yeah, it was a problem back then. By now, though, I'm totally comfortable with it," and he laughs, "I'm wicked proud of it, actually."

After making myself look away, I go, "Yeah, that's, um, something alright." He goes, "Girls love a big cock, and some guys do too, although it scares some away. How about you? Are you scared?" More laughing as he swings his flaccid penis around. I snicker, muttering, "I guess I should be." Me, nervous? NO! I'm anxious to taste it and feel it inside my body.

When I undress, he points at my crotch, saying, "What's up with that? Don't you have pubic hair?" I look at my crotch as if I'm not sure, then say, "Apparently not," and leave it at that. He won't though, he goes, "Whoa there! What's the story?" Shrugging, I say, "I use a cream that dissolves the hair." He makes a face muttering, "Huh, different strokes, I suppose..."

After pulling off my shirt, I ask, "What do we do now?" He says, "Oh, c'mon, Zack! You know how blowjobs are done, right?" I say, "Do you mean on my knees?" He goes, "Duh..." It takes some willpower not to get right into this, but I pretend to hesitate. He says, "You don't have to do this, ya know. How about if you stroke a boner on me?" I go, "No, I wanna try it," and drop to my knees.

Hmm, his dick looks even bigger this close to it. I daintily pick it up using just my thumb and forefinger, muttering, "Oh, it's heavy." He laughs and says, "Yeah, I guess it does feel heavy to you since you're used to playing with that noodle of a cock you have." I let that slide because Danny's kidding. He doesn't take anything very seriously, which is actually helping in this situation.

His penis has a helmet head, not a pointed or knob head. Knob heads I call a mushroom head. He's circumcised and has a pubic bush of crinkly red hair. His legs have hairy calves, and he has a trail of red hair leading from just below his innie belly button to the pubic hair. Other than that, he has a hairless torso of creamy-colored skin. Holding his dick, I look up at him, and he snorts out a laugh, then says, "Go ahead, lick it."

Nodding, I do a tentative lick across the helmet-shaped head. Oh, God, I like sucking guys' cocks. That lick made my shoulders shudder, which Danny misinterprets and goes, "Hey, it doesn't taste that bad." Then laughing, he goes, "On the other hand, how the hell would I know what it tastes like, right? I'm not a contortionist." More chuckling from him as I suck on the head, and he goes, "There ya go. Suck my big boy." Sucking on that big cock head gets my cock firming up... I forgot about that, but I can't stop licking and sucking on this huge head, and before I know it, my eyes are closed, and a long "Ummmm" comes out of my throat.

His hands are on my head as he goes, "Hey! This ain't your first rodeo, is it, Zach?" I take his cock from my mouth, feeling my face getting red as I confess, "No, I used to suck my college roommate's dick, and I'd spring a boner doing it, so I was curious if I still would... um, get a hard-on." He looks at my dick, mumbling, "And you did!" I nod my head, "Yep," and go back to sucking on the big head of his cock, and it's a mouthful too!

Mmm, the head is awesome, but I take it out, then, lick up and down the shaft, then cover my teeth with my lips and firmly bob up and down on his hardening cock until it's boned-up pretty good. He goes, "Goddamn, your roommate must have had a smile on his face most of the time," and, of course, he laughs. And, his laughter is actual laughing, not forced or pretend-sounding. Looking up, I ask, "Should I go on?" He says, "It's up to you. Um, did you do any ball licking for your roomie?" I nod, so he says, "Be my guest." Oh, good!

His balls hang low, and I think I know why. Each one weighs six pounds. A slight exaggeration, but he has two of the heaviest balls I've ever tried to move around with my tongue. I lap up and down his scrotum, holding his fairly hard cock against his belly. My cock is hard and up against my belly without me needing to hold it there. Licking up his scrotum to the base of his cock, I realize there are two or three pubic hairs in my mouth. Stopping, I get two fingers in my mouth, trying to find the hairs. Danny goes, "Let me help you," and he pulls my hand away, "Open up wide." I look up, my mouth wide open. He leans down, looking in my mouth, then pulls two red crinkly pubic hairs out and shows them to me before dropping them on the throw rug, asking, "Do you wanna get fucked now?"

I go, "I guess, sure," and look around, trying to remember where I put the condom. He mumbles, "It's on the coffee table behind you." I get it and hand it to him, then stand up as he rips open the little package. He rolls on the condom, which only covers half his boner, then hands me the wrapper. I put it on the coffee table as he says, "How about if you bend over and support yourself on that table. That looks sturdy enough." The coffee table is a big one, probably in deference to the rough handling, ya know, college kids who rent this apartment probably give the furniture. It's about thirty inches high with thick, heavy legs and a thick marble top. The college kids will have a hard time fucking this coffee table up.

When I'm bent forward, my hands gripping the table, Danny says, "This is gonna hurt at first because I need to get your asshole to spread open wide enough to get my fat cock head inside, but later it should feel good. Not at first, though. I just wanted you to know that." I nod my head, wicked anxious to do this. His hands spread my butt cheeks, then I feel the helmet-headed cock against my anus, and he goes, "You don't have any hairs around your asshole." I mumble, "Really? Is there supposed to be hair there?" He laughs and goes, "I don't know about supposed to be, but I've never seen an asshole without it." I go, "Huh..."

Letting that slide, Danny exerts pressure until the slippery condom-covered helmet head begins spreading my anus open... and spreading it... and spreading it with pain flaring. Then I feel a huge thing slide very tightly inside me and squawk out, "OW! Oooh..." and he snorts out a laugh, then goes, "Sorry. I'm sorry I laughed. Do you want to go on?" The pain is rolling over me, but it's not nearly as bad as when Richard put his same-size boner in me, plus I'm embracing the pain the way Cowboy does it. I grunt out, "Yes, go on. It hurts, but it's weirdly interesting too."

He chuckles, then says, "Dude, you handled that as well as anyone I've fucked, not that I've fucked that many. Actually, you handled it better than anybody." Well, I was prepared for it after getting fucked about fifty times by Bruce and others, plus I was worried that if I screamed too much, he might stop altogether. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have held back the scream of pain because he sounded a bit suspicious just now... suspicious that I took that entry so well. He's continuing, though. Slowly, he pushes that huge hard organ up my rectum, spreading everything wide open in its path. It hurts a lot, but not so much I can't handle it, although the hurt is still too high for and timid pleasure sensations to venture onto the scene. Pleasure sensations wait until the bully pain sensations simmer down some and stop dominating everything.

Then, I'm startled at the crispy feeling all around my buttocks, but I quickly realize it's Danny's pubic hairs. I'm not used to that. When he's tight against my buttocks, he puts extra pressure against my ass for a second, then pulls that log-of-a-boner back. The hurt hangs on, but it's lessening. When just the head is left inside, he asks, "You okay?" I go, "It still hurts but not as much." Without commenting on that, he pushes his fat boner back inside me and then pulls it back again and says, "You've been bullshitting me, haven't you?"

I go, "Whaddaya mean?" He chuckles, then goes, "This ass of yours is a good one for fucking because somebody has done a helluva good job teaching your rectum how to accept a big cock. If your ass were virgin, you'd be screaming like you were on one of those Middle Ages torture things, um, like the rack stretching your arms out of their 'effing sockets." As he said that, he pushes his big cock back up my ass, but faster this time, adding, "You're already opened up for my big boy. Someone or many someones has trained your rectum nicely to accept intrusions."

What the fuck, I may as well confess, "You're right, my boyfriend is in Philly for three weeks." He goes, "So, you're gay! Why didn't you say so?" He pulls his cock back, and this time, I shudder as pleasure swarms over me from my prostate gland. He mutters, "There ya go. Felt good, right?" I go, "Yep, and I don't know why I didn't tell you. When I didn't say anything right after you said you were bisexual, it seemed too late to say anything later." He laughs, "Well, haha, I lied a little bit too. I'm gay, not bi. I fucked a girl in high school. That's what I base my lie about being bi on. It doesn't freak people out as much when I say I'm bisexual."

I moan, "Ummm, ahh, ahh," as he does two faster thrusts and withdrawals. He's laughing as he says, "We're a couple of liars, but we confessed and said two Hail Marys, so we're guilt-free and good to go," and he begins fucking me in earnest. Oh yeah, this feels so good I need to consciously keep my moans from being embarrassing. Jesus though, the tsunami size waves of pleasure from the nerve endings in my rectum are so intense I'd like to squeal like a girl getting finger fucked for the first time, but I've already embarrassed myself by getting caught in two lies, so...

Danny pulls on my hips, saying, "Can you keep your ass rights at this level, dude? Ya know, and stop moving it around." I moan, "Uh-huh," and concentrate on that as submissiveness drifts in on me, giving me an extra thrill. Holy shit, though, Danny's big boy is creating sensations inside me that are incredibly arousing. Those long eight-inch thrusts, his body smacking up against my buttocks with each thrust, makes chills of pleasure shoot all around my groin and then up inside my rectum and back out to tantalize my nuts. It's awesome, but the trusts aren't creating the normal slap, slap, slap sounds. It's more like "Slap...slap...slap" because his cock is so long it takes a while to get up and back. It's gotten fatter too, hugely engorged... oh, yeah, ecstasy.

As Danny gets more and more aroused himself, the thrust gets harder, each one forceful enough to bend my arms as I concentrate on not smacking my face against the coffee table's marble top. I'm biting my lip, moaning, "Um, um, um" with each hump of Danny's fantastic sex organ. It's ringing every bell in my rectum, and now my ridiculously stretched anus is putting out those irresistible itchy sensations to go with the thundering pleasure coming off my prostate. Danny's engorged boner is constantly exerting extreme pressure on my pleasure prostate gland, both as it's going in and coming back out.

He's pulling his cock back hard too, and as the shaft is moving back, my anus lips desperately grip the shaft especially under the head, squeezing tightly around the thinner neck to prevent it from pulling out entirely. The anus could save itself the trouble as Danny has no intentions of pulling all the way out. He drives it back in immediately, time after time until I could scream at the pleasure that's so delicious I can't even describe it. The huge head has swollen until it's hard as wood, relentlessly plowing my bowels with Danny grunting, "Oh, oh, oh..." with every thrust, his hands digging into my sides pulling me back into each thrust to counteract my swaying forward when he slams his sturdy body against my ass.

His much faster thrusting gets his low-hanging balls to start swinging with each thrust, his balls slamming into the back of mine, causing a ping of pain that sort of enhances the pleasure part. It's, "Um, um, um," from me with each thrust plus the ping, ping, pings of pain from my nuts. Danny's balls feeling like ballbearings the size of tennis balls smacking into my ping pong size nuts. Danny's huge cock and big hard balls are dominating me totally, and I get that thrilling submissive sensation flowing over me, and that has me docile and making sure to keep my ass exactly where Danny said, eager to please my dominant top.

I've known for some time that my rectum is a freak of nature in that it's overly packed full of pleasure-giving nerve endings, maybe twice the average amount. Even stranger than that fact, is this question... why does the rectum have pleasure-giving nerve endings in the first place? Pleasure-giving nerve endings in the penis and a woman's vagina make perfect sense to encourage species' survival through intercourse, but what purpose do the pleasure-giving nerve endings in the rectum serve?

That's something to ponder another time, though. Right now, all I can think about is Danny's enormous boner plowing my ass. That, and my own boner now sticking straight out and hard as a steel rod. Each thrust Danny pounds up my ass moves my hips forward, my steel boner coming close to hitting the unmovable marble-top coffee table. Then all my attention becomes fixated on the enormous climax that's building and building until it's right at the tipping point. My body gets as stiff as my dick, my mouth is open as I'm holding my breath.. and then WHAM! cum streaks out my frozen-hard cock in a flash. Shooting in a straight line it skims the other side of the coffee table's marble top to land out of sight as another weaker blast lands halfway across the top. Steaking pleasure makes my eyes close as my whole body shudders with Danny now tight against my buttocks groaning and filling up the condom.

Flashing pleasure after-effects has me quivering, pleasure chills flashing all over me, and then Danny pulls his cock out, and cold air flies up inside the Holland Tunnel size opening of my anus. I'm weak, my legs quiver as I push up off the coffee table to stagger back into Danny, who goes, "Whoa, easy does it, dude." He gets an arm around my waist and slides his huge cock back up inside me as we both go, "Mmmm, aaaah."

Getting his other arm around my waist, he holds me in place and moves just his hips to pound that big cock back and forth inside my rectum. He grunts, "Jesus, your ass loves my cock, don't it?" Shorter five-inch thrusts begin making the familiar slapping sounds. "Slap, slap, slap," with pleasure picking up where it left off, and my cock getting hard again. It's three, four, five minutes of slamming his hard cock up my ass before he goes, "Whew, that was a fun, hot, and sexy workout, dude," and he lets go of me and steps back, his large cock pulling out of my ass as mine quickly loses its firmness.

Bending over, my hands on my knees, I take deep breaths, pleasure still sizzling in my ass that's so wide open it feels like it will never close. Danny goes, "Holy fuck, us liars need a drink after that awesome sex. Whaddaya say, Zach?" He's carrying an overloaded condom to the bathroom as I'm reaching behind me, feeling around the stretched lips of my asshole. Danny's back, laughing as he mumbles, "It'll close," and he laughs again, adding, "It might take in a few weeks, but it'll close up nice and tight." Still chuckling, he pulls his boxer shorts on.

I can already feel my asshole trying to tighten up, and I'm finally able to speak, "Nice fuck, Danny." I'm trying for blase, as he snickers, mumbling, "Yeah, it was nice. Tell me, was it the missing boyfriend who tenderized your asshole, or was it many, um, helpers involved as well?" I shrug, "Mostly Bruce, but let's have that drink you mentioned."

As we're putting our shorts on, he says, "Bruce? That's your boyfriend, huh?" Nodding, I mumble, "Yeah, and he's got like a seven-inch cock, but that extra inch and extra heft of yours was noticeable." He mumbles, "Extra inch and a half, to be exact. I measured it once and, when hard, my cock is eight and a half inches long. I don't know its weight, though. Probably a couple of pounds." I mutter, "Jesus..."

In the kitchen, I get the bottle of Jim Beam and two shot glasses as Danny is popping the top on two Budweisers. He makes a face and goes, "Jim Beam, huh?" I shrug, "Not my choice, but it's what we got." He goes, "Your boyfriend's choice of bourbon, I assume." I nod, "Yep; Bruce is the boss." I should probably be embarrassed to admit that, but I'm not. I like that Bruce is the boss, and I don't care what Danny thinks.

I pour two shots of bourbon as Danny takes a big swallow of beer, then says, "Yeah, I thought you'd be the wife, so to speak, in a relationship. That guy, Bruce, would need to be the dominant top to get your ass shaped up the way he's done it. My hat's off to him; to both of you, actually." I let the 'wife' comment slide because, as I said, I don't care what Danny thinks. We tap our shot glasses together, he mumbles, "To a good ass fucking," and we flash down the bourbon. He goes, "That wasn't so bad. Jim Beam... huh! Not too bad."

Nodding in the direction of the balcony, I say, "I need a smoke," and take my beer as I walk toward the sliding glass doors in the living room. Danny goes, "I don't smoke, but I'll come with you to get some fresh air." As we go outside, he laughs, then mumbles, "Bruce won't let you smoke inside, huh, Zach?" I mutter, "Neither of us smokes inside."

It's an overcast night sky but a pleasant one at eleven o'clock. I feel excellent after that double fuck, and it didn't cost me a dime. Compared to Wally's twenty minutes of sex for almost $400, this one would be valued in the thousands. Danny puts his arm across my shoulders, saying, "That was hot, dude, so thanks. It's been a month since I got off like that." I mumble, "Hell, thank you. I was horny with Bruce away. And, ya know, I almost had another climax the second time." He laughs, "Shit, you should have said something. I could have gone on." I shrug, "Nah, it was perfect."

Taking his arm away, he waves at my exhaled secondhand smoke, muttering, "How can you stand that gross smoke?" I get on the other side of him to let the breeze blow the smoke in the opposite direction. He drinks some beer, then says, "If it's not too personal, um, how many times a day does your boyfriend fuck you? It has to be a lot to get your ass in shape to accept my big boy." I shrug, "It is too personal a question, but what the hell. He does me three or four times a day." He chugs the rest of his beer, burps, laughs, then goes, "I would have thought more often than that."

He sees me smiling, and fishes for more compliments about how well he fucked me, saying, "That fuck I gave you still has you smiling, I see." Actually, I was smiling thinking about Bruce, but I look at Danny and go, "That was one of the best fucks I've ever had." Chuckling, he mumbles, "You're nice to say that, dude. Hey, I can do you later tonight and tomorrow morning too. Keep you opened up for when Bruce gets back, huh?" I chuckle, "You're on, Danny."

Finished my cigarette, we do another shot, then while drinking a second beer, Danny tells me about a couple of guys who screeched like girls when he got his dick in their asses. He goes, "Holy crap, this one kid, Murphy, in tenth grade went screaming out of the gym. It was after soccer practice. Christ, me and Neil Hathaway were laughing our nuts off." He has other stories as unlikely as that one, but I like looking at his cute face and his cute grins as he lies.

Getting drunk now, I tell him a little about my pussy boy training, and he gropes himself, saying, "Jesus, that BDSM shit turns me on!" I go, "Well, it doesn't turn me on. I only did it because I fell in love with Bruce. So don't get any ideas about pulling that shit on me." He's drunk too, saying, "I didn't even think that, dude. Jeez! Whaddaya take me for?" Then he laughs, saying, "What else did he do to you?" Shaking my head, I mutter, "Nothing," and wonder why I even mentioned the pussy boy stuff.

We get another beer, san a shot this time. Then, with Danny pulling his suitcase behind him, I show him Cowboy's room and private bath. He goes, "Fantastic. My own bathroom too. Um, does it matter which bed I use?" I shrug, "Not really, except that one there appears to have fresh sheets." He goes, "Dude, this is a huge favor. Thanks, man!"

Back in the living room, Danny asks, "Do you want me to fuck you again?" I nod, "Sure, let's do it." He laughs out loud, then goes, "Fuck, I wish I could meet Bruce. That dude has not only trained your ass but trained you too! You accommodate your top. He must be awesome." I nod, "He is, and you're right on both counts... I do what I'm told." I don't add... when I want to. He says, "We're gonna need another condom, so ya wanna get one?"

I do that, and he drops his shorts and underpants, holds out his cock, saying, "Hold onto the condom," and then he gestures with his head that I should get on my knees. I drop to my knees and get right into it, giving him the full-force blowjob I'm capable of. It doesn't last very long, though.

After about two minutes, he steps back, pushing my head away, going, "Holy shit, that is one helluva cock sucking job right there. Man, I'd love to have you go all the way with that. Can you deep throat?" I nod, "Yeah, but your cock would be challenging. If you want, I'll suck you all the way off tomorrow and try deep throating you." I'm still on my knees as he pats my head, saying, "Yeah, we'll do that tomorrow. Wow, you'd be the perfect boyfriend for me... for anyone." I go, "Nope, just Bruce, but I feel this is keeping me sharp for him." He goes, "Yeah, good thinking. I'll be Bruce for a day or two." He laughs and goes, "Now I'm hoping my car isn't fixable tomorrow," and another big laugh as he strokes his boner, muttering, "Hmm, I'm thinking what position I want you in this time."

Yeah, that was a rather presumptuous remark for him to make. Obviously, Danny is getting comfortable in a dominant position. He tells me, "Get your pants off, Zach, and I want you on all fours. I like fucking guys who are on their hands and knees." I grin to myself because he's unaware I'm helping him feel more and more dominant by not arguing about anything he says.

He goes, "Ya know what? It'd be better if you were wearing a dog collar and leash that I could hold onto while fucking you on your hands and knees. Um, that's not too BDSM for you, is it?" I go, "Not really, except I don't have a dog collar and leash." He shrugs and laughs, mumbling, "Damn, that'd be hot!" When I'm on my hands and knees, naked from the waist down, he smacks my ass hard, saying, "Over there on the hardwood floor," and he smacks my ass again, muttering, "Get moving."

The thing about dominance is this... when you give up a little power, most guys will assume you'll give up a little more, so they take a little more freedom from you. It's the sub/dom game played out a million times an hour in all kinds of circumstances, sex being one of the smaller areas it happens in. There's dominant posturing in business all the time, dominance shows up either from a husband or wife, and even between friends one is a leader, same for lovers, in any relationship you can think of there's someone a little, or a lot, more dominant than another.

Anyway, I admitted to Danny that Bruce is the boss in our relationship and now Danny feels empowered to be a little bossy with me in our limited relationship. The thing is, within reasonable parameters, I don't mind that. I like it and, as I said, I'm subtly encouraging it in Danny.

He's rolling the condom on, taking his time. Danny's only an inch or two shorter than me, so, with me on all fours, I'll need to push my ass up quite a bit to get it at a convenient level for him. When I do that, he laughs, saying, "Holy Christ, your man, Bruce, trained you perfectly," and then he rams that fat-headed cock past my sphincter muscle, and this time I yell out, "Motherfucker! OW! Dammit!"

Yelling like that somehow lessens the shock of that spike of pain. And honestly, it wasn't even as bad as the earlier fuck. I get the soaring pain under control quickly and grin and bear it as he thrust twice, getting all eight and a half inches of swollen hard cock up inside me. Talk about feeling filled up back there... WOW! His big cock makes me arch my back and grovel a little moving my hands and groaning, "Aaah, ooh... fuck.."

The pain has reduced a lot, though, and as Danny pulls his boner back, he snorts out a laugh about my yelp of pain, without feeling the need to apologize for his laughing this time. With a snicker, he pulls his huge boner back and rams it back in, saying, "I swear to God, you are an awesome sex partner, but could get your ass up a tiny bit more?" I go up on my toes a little, and he mutters, "Perfect," and starts right in fucking me with long thrusts, doing them hard and fast right off the bat.

It's probably a full minute before I'm feeling more pleasure than pain, but quickly then, it's all pleasure, and his big boner feels incredibly good moving back and forth in my ass. This time it's maybe five or six minutes after losing the hurt feeling that my climax burst on the scene. It's almost ready to blow when Danny blows his load first. Tight against my butt cheeks, he humps once and makes a long, "Ahhhh," sound filling the condom as my hips hump on their own. I make a strange squealing sound when a surprisingly nice shot of cum spurts out my throbbing boner, landing on the hardwood floor two feet in front of me. Staring at it, I shudder and shake, soaking up the pleasure.

Danny goes, "Goddamn, that was good!" Then he pulls his cock out of my ass, smacks my ass hard again, laughing and saying, "I'm so glad my piece of shit car broke down outside that bar you were coming out of! Aren't you, Zach?" Still a little shaky, I mutter, "Yeah, I'm glad," and my shoulders shudder at the sweeping, quickly-fading after-effects zinging helter-skelter around my ass and balls. Nice...

Danny's off to the bathroom to dump the night's second condom as I stagger up and again reach back to feel my ass because it's so wide open. Yeah, but it closed up after the first fuck without me even realizing it, so it's fine. Or, maybe that's why it didn't hurt as much when he rammed his cock in this time... my anus closed but was still loose from that first time. Whatever, I really liked both fucks.

Danny's back, picking up his clothes, asking, "Would you think I'm a pussy if I went to bed now? I'm beat, dude." Shrugging, I go, "No, feel free. I'm ready for bed too. Hey, really nice fuck on my ass, Danny." He laughs, "Well, you've got a good ass there, and your man has it nicely processed, so to speak." I go, "Yeah, right," and he says, "See ya in the morning," then he stops and points at me, "First thing tomorrow, you'll do that full-blown blowjob for me. That's the first order of business, right?" I go, "Sure," and with a chuckle, he goes, "You're alright Zach!" and off he goes, closing the bedroom door behind him.

Wow, what an unexpected fortuitous happenstance it was meeting Danny! What if I hadn't decided to have dinner at that bar... and then decided I wouldn't. Or what if Danny's car lasted another exit before shitting the bed, or one less exit. Ya never know what a series of events will present you in life. That's if you're willing and able to embrace the opportunity. Danny's turning out to be a bit of a 'trip,' but the sex is excellent.

Wearing only the shirt I had on while Danny fucked me, I wandered around the living room picking up empty beer cans and then wiping the coffee table with Clorox disinfectant spray. In the kitchen, I put the shot glasses in the dishwasher, the Jim Beam back in the cabinet, them remembering my shorts and underpants are on the living room floor. I get them and head for my bedroom. Putting the shorts, underpants, and shirt in the hamper, I reach back, feeling my ass again. It's still hasn't closed up very much, but whaddya gonna do?

After pissing, then taking a quick shower, I brush my teeth, put on boxer shorts, then walk through the living room to listen outside Danny's closed bedroom door. There's no light showing at the crack under the door, and I don't hear a sound, so I go back to my bedroom, get in bed and quickly fall asleep.

When my eyes open the next morning, I glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand... it's eight o'clock. Reaching under me, I tentatively, lightly, feel around my asshole, and it's closed uptight! I knew it would. Yawning, I'd normally stay in bed longer, probably dozing off for another hour of sleep, except I've got a house guest, who I don't actually know. There isn't anything he can steal in Cowboy's room and nothing I care about in the living room. I mean, what's he going to steal, the sofa? And why am I thinking about him stealing anything? Christ!

Getting out of bed, I hesitate, then make the bed as Bruce would do if he were here. Yeah, now it's made up for tonight. Then, after doing everything I need to in the bathroom, minus a shower 'cause I had one last night, I get dressed in my summer uniform of shorts, T-shirt, and sandals. Walking into the living room, I snicker and look around, confirming that Danny hasn't stolen any furniture, haha.

I go into the kitchen, which is an extension of the living room with a tile floor instead of the living room's hardwood floor which is what differentiates the rooms. Also, a few scattered four-by-six throw rugs or whatever the hell they're called are on the living room's floor. It's a nice place, and, yeah, living in an apartment has benefits over hotel living, such as the convenience of a mug of coffee from this Keurig coffee maker and a Dunkin' K-cup.

Thirty seconds later, I'm on the balcony with the mug of coffee and smoking a cigarette, wondering what my man Bruce is doing at this exact second. He's probably on the job doing that nasty construction work with strangers. I miss his face and scent and feel, everything that makes him Bruce I miss terribly! I don't like admitting this to myself, but I never came close to missing Ronny the way I'm missing Bruce. It's like a frustrating, um, hurt in my very being that Bruce isn't here with me, and it's made worse because there isn't any real reason he's not here. It's his stubborn insistence he needs to pay his way for two 'effing months when the amount of money involved is so negligible to me. It's not negligible to him, though, which is the bigger point--a person's pride, their self-image... powerful stuff.

That thought about missing Bruce way more than I ever missed Ronny snuck up on me, but the times he'd tell me to get lost for a few hours or even a day didn't seem out of the ordinary back then. He didn't want me doing whatever it was he was going to do with some friends. I don't know, he'd go to a whore house or something. Whatever they were doing, they wouldn't want a gay guy cramping their style. Yeah, there were times like that at prep school, college, and the Seals but I don't recall missing Ronny at all. At prep and college, those times were sort of golden times for me. Being on my own, I pursued sexual interests or just hung out with gay guys. Gay guys who never were exactly friends because I never had enough free time to make friends with them. We were simply friendly fuck buddies. I thought I needed to be available to my idol, Ronny because he'd get irritable when I wasn't conveniently there when he wanted me to do what he wanted to do... or whatever.

Yeah, well, I'm not the only person who wishes they could do their life over, which is an impossibility. The past is the only definitive thing there is about life. It is what it is and can't be changed. See, because my man Bruce isn't with me, I'm thinking maudlin thoughts, a worthless waste of time. That never happens when he's here.

Then, Danny startles the shit out of me by patting my shoulder, asking, "How can I get a mug of coffee, bro?" I jump, and he laughs, saying, "Sorry, Zach. Hey, I had a fantastic night's sleep." He's wearing only cargo shorts showing off a lot of creamy-colored, hairless skin. Nice body if a bit clunky. He's just come out of the shower, and his unruly red hair is wet, combed straight back on his head. With the splash of freckles across his nose, his boyish grin showing his shiny white teeth, and just-shaven pale face... he looks fifteen.

I can't help smiling at his attractiveness as I mumble, "You're looking, um, well, haha, you're looking pretty fucking cute, Danny." He laughs, then says, "Christ, no one has told me that in a while. Thanks, bro!" I'm like, "I'll get you a coffee, and I know a good breakfast spot on the boardwalk for a little later."

We go into the kitchen where I stick a K-cup in the coffee maker, saying, "Let me pay for breakfast, though. No need for you to run up the charges on that man's credit card." He goes, "NO! I'm paying for breakfast with his credit card. I'll need to use it to pay for the car's repairs, so what does it matter if a breakfast is on the card too?" I shrug, looking dubious, and he says, "Hey, I'm going to pay him back. I'm not stealing; I'm borrowing... lighten up."

Shrugging, I go, "Fine, sure." Why should I get involved? He goes, "But, before breakfast, I want you to blow me all the way until I cum in your mouth. That's first, then breakfast, then we'll stop in at the Ford Dealership, and when we get back here, I'll fuck your brains out. That's our schedule." I snort out a laugh and go, "Well, yes, sir. What happens after that?" He rubs my head, saying, "Then we'll see, buddy."

This makes me think back to what Bruce said to me weeks ago. He claimed I chose him as my new leader because he was the first guy I'd met who was a leader-type guy. He was the first one after my previous leader, Ronny, was killed. Bruce said it could have been anyone. I'd fall in love with the first leader-type guy I hooked up with, so I need to lighten up about being in love with him. He said it would have been Richard, except he assigned me to him, Bruce. Fuck, could he be right about that, though? I mean, what if I ran into Danny first. Yeah, he's got all the qualifications for the job, except he's late.

We bring our coffees out on the balcony. That thought I just had about being in love with Bruce makes me grin. Danny goes, "What are you grinning about, dude?" and then, for some reason, he laughs at that. Well, as I said, he laughs at everything. It's better than being grumpy, I suppose. I go, "Nothing. Your schedule seems perfect, Danny." He grins his mischievous cute grin, exclaiming, "Let's get to it then, but, um, probably not out here on the balcony," and he laughs his balls off at that. It's not especially funny, but I chuckle along with him because his laughter is infectious... or is it contagious? I don't know, but his laughter makes me join in.

His laughing winds down, and we finish our coffees talking about what I was thinking earlier, meaning the coincidences of his car breaking down outside the bar at just the right time and blah, blah, blah.

Finished our coffees, Danny takes hold of my arm, sort of guiding me inside, asking, "Are you really gonna try deep throating? That'd be great if you could." In the living room, I'm like, "Jeez, I don't know, Danny. Has anyone been able to do deep-throating on that fat snake of yours?" He snorts out another laugh, sputtering, "No, not even close." Yeah, well, I didn't think so, and I'm not interested in being the first one who does it. He adds, "Actually, I don't get a lot of sex of any kind, Zach. You're lucky to have a boyfriend looking out for you and keeping you sexually satisfied."

I go, "I know I'm lucky, but how is it possible a cute motherfucker like you isn't having sex any time you want it?" He, naturally, laughs at that, then mutters, "That's what I'd like to know." I go, "Perhaps it's because you're pretending to be bisexual instead of a full-fledged gung-ho gay dude." He says, "Maybe. All I know is, I've never had a boyfriend and didn't even suck a cock until I was almost eighteen, drunk as a skunk." He shrugs and adds, "I jerked off a lot. Now my luck and my broken down car have led me to you, and until your boyfriend returns, I'll take his place."

Haha, I wish, but no way. Shaking my head, I say, "As fantastic a substitute as you'd be, my traveling buddy, will be back from Wildwood soon, and I wouldn't want him mentioning to Bruce that I was living with another guy." Danny goes, "Yeah, I can understand that." Then, of course, he laughs, but this laugh sounded forced. I'm like, "My friend isn't back yet, though, so..."

He nods, "Right, we'll make the best of today. Um, and then would it be okay, assuming your friend doesn't get here today if I stay another night?" I nod, "Sure, certainly, and what was it you said about a blowjob?" I really want to do that! He chuckles and pulls his shorts and jockey underwear down. Then, he steps out of them, and says, "I haven't forgotten that. I almost like cumming in a guy's mouth as much as cumming in his ass, neither of which I get to do very often."

Dropping to my knees, I pick his big cock up, asking, "Would you ever play, the," and I use a word he used last night, "the wife's role during sex?" He goes, "Hell, no. Um, I mean, I've never been in a relationship to play either role. If I ever get a chance, though, I'll be the man, the husband type guy."

I'm staring at his big hog of a cock, then, stroking it, I mumble, "Yeah, with your equipment, I'd do that too. Um, I get that you've never had a relationship, but you've been a bottom taking it up the ass, right?" He has his hands on my head, gently pulling my face closer to his crotch, "Yeah, Zack, I've been fucked two or three times, but mostly, like five or six times I've been the top." What the fuck? Is he saying he's had anal sex, at the most, nine times in his whole 'effing life?

And he's probably exaggerating those numbers. Why am I shocked, though? That's probably more sex than most twenty-one-year-old gay guys get. Danny's closer to the norm than I am, but he isn't madly horny all the time. And another thing, I wasn't getting much sex during the four years in the Seals, and I wasn't crazy horny all the time either. Not like I am now. I was horny, sure, but not insanely so as I am now. It must be the weeks of Bruce fucking me three or four times a day. It's like I adapt to what's happening currently.

Right now, though, Danny's big penis is in my fingers, and all my attention is focusing on it. Leaning in, I do a long lick up his flaccid eight-inch penis. He claims it gets an extra half-inch in length when it's boned-up, and I've no reason to doubt him. And, all joking aside, this thing is heavy. I do some long lapping up the shaft of his penis, then a long lick down it, drawing my tongue in one lick that continues going down the front of his extra-long scrotum. Curious, I move his cock down, touching his low-hanging scrotum, and the helmet head hits about where his higher nut on the left hangs. The bigger, heavier nut is two inches further down at the bottom of his scrotum. Jesus, that's a low-hanging set of balls, alright!

The big nut is right at the bottom corner, and I can't resist sucking it into my mouth and lapping it, although I can't do much lapping because it's weighing my tongue down. I put too much pressure on it, trying to get it out of my mouth, and Danny goes, "OW! Fuck!" making me snicker, instead of him laughing, for once.

With my nose against his ball sack, I finally detect some scent from his skin, but it's more bath gel than his personal scent, which must be very subtle. I know he has a personal scent because we all do. Mmm, sucking a guy's privates is sexy, and I get serious about it now, vigorously licking his scrotum, moving the heavy balls a little but mostly using saliva to flatten the sparse red hairs on his nuts. That done, I concentrate on Danny's big cock that's already firmed up noticeably in my fingers; it firmed up while I was slobbering all over his balls.

Danny has his hands on the back of my head, gently keeping my face against his junk. It's unnecessary because I'd keep my face close without his help, but his hands there help develop a submissive sense in me, one that's been gaining strength in my head.

Quickly licking up and down his cock gets Danny's seminal juices flowing, which further hardens his penis. That arouses me, and I get out of control a little in my eagerness, my tongue moving swiftly up past the root of his cock onto some pubic hair, and a couple of loose red crinkly hairs come loose in my mouth. Ignoring them this time, I do the thing I like doing the most; I suck on the large firm helmet head of his cock... mmm, I suck on it like it's a huge Tootie Roll pop, licking and sucking... mmm. My tongue probes his big piss slip opening the lips a little as Danny groans while pulling my hair and moving his body, picking up one foot and then the other.

Yeah, well, a penis has sixty million individual nerve endings creating a boatload of pleasure sensations. Okay, sixty million is a gross exaggeration, but there are many of them, and my clever tongue gets them all singing the same pleasure song, each competing for Danny's attention.

By now, the head of his cock is so big and hard it's a challenge getting my tongue moving around it. After three or four minutes of cock sucking this tasty monster, my cock has become an iron flagpole standing straight up trying to escape the confines of my underpants, so it's time to ring the gong. I cover my teeth with my lips and go down on Danny's boner... down and up, down and up, down and up, clamping my lips-covered teeth tight against his hard rod creating a lot of pressure. When I say down and up, I can only get down three inches of hard boner-shaft before the fat head hits my throat's gag reflex point, but that's plenty of stimulation, bobbing fast... Danny's going, "Ah, ah, ah..."

With submissiveness flooding my brain, I feel my climax building, but Danny blows his load first. As his creamy cum coats my esophagus, a fireworks display flashes in my head as my own climax erupts. The piss slit of my stone penis, barely up past my jockey's waistband, shoots lots of gooey semen into the waistband of my cargo shorts. The wet goo soon soaks through to my belly. A siren sound disoriented me, and then I realized it was my squeaky moan of pleasure at how 'effing good that orgasm felt coming out, coming out with nowhere to go and nothing to do when it gets there.

Meanwhile, either Danny took a step back, or my head pulled back; I don't know which, but his big cock's head is out of my mouth and a follow-up shot of cum squirts out, hitting my nose. That, plus drools of creamy cum dragged across my tongue from his first shot, is running down my chin, mixing with the cum drooling off my nose. Lots of cum in my throat and mouth, and on my face, and in my pants. It's awesome, actually!

Danny's laughing, stroking his cock getting out bubbles of cum drools by squeezing his cock tightly as he's saying, "Christ, that was fantastic! The chills, sexy chills spread all over me when my big boy blew his load. That climax had me shuddering the way you do, Zach." Yeah, well, I'm still shuddering, sitting back on my ankles, groping my crotch as the first wet spots of my cum soaking through appear on the outside of my shorts. I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth, smearing Danny's cum, and then mumble, "And, that was not my best effort, but your cock is so big it limits the things I can do with my tongue."

He laughs, "Holy shit, dude, I can't even imagine a better blowjob than that one. God, I loved climaxing my load in your mouth. Did any of it go down your throat?" I nod, "Oh, yeah. I was bobbing forward when it blew, so the monstrous head of your big boy was at my throat blowing its load." He nods, grinning as I mutter, "I think I swallowed a couple of pubic hairs along with a few ounces of cum."

He laughs again, asking, "What'd it taste like?" I shrug, "No taste, none that I noticed. It all happened too fast. Like in one second." Pointing at my face, he goes, "You've got a lot of my stuff all around your mouth and on your chin." I sarcastically mutter, "No shit? You're very observant," and he shrugs, "Dude, that looks so cool."

I hold my hand up with a long exhale, and Danny helps pull me to my feet. With our now flaccid dicks swinging, we go into the bathroom to clean up. Danny goes, "That was everything I hoped it would be." He lightly slaps the back of my head, saying, "You'll be accommodating me with a few more blowjobs in the next couple of days." Then, with his arm across my shoulders, he adds, "When you give your temporary man," and he chuckles, "Meaning me, a good blowjob, I'll give you a good hard fucking as your reward. That's how it'll work... you need to earn a good fucking."

I make a face, like, 'Oh, sure!' but, you see how fast a guy will jump on top of you if you let him? Not everybody will do that, but when seeing an opening to being the alpha male, most guys will jump in with both feet. Danny's smirking, mumbling, "Yep, if you want me to fuck you, you'll need to earn it." I'm like, "Have you considered getting professional help with those delusions you have?" He laughs.

Inside the bathroom, his arm off my shoulders, Danny turns on the faucet to one of the two sinks, saying, "First the blowjob, then your reward," and he laughs again. He's laughing, but I kind of think he might be delusionally serious about that. I mumble, "You've got it backward, Danny." He's rubbing his dick with a wet washcloth, muttering, "Whaddaya mean backward?" I go, "If I like your fuck enough, maybe as your reward, I'll give you a repeat blowjob." He laughs, "Oh, I see. But, what came first, the chicken or the egg?" I'm taking my shorts off, then my underpants, mumbling, "I can't believe I didn't take these off before I put your dick in my mouth."

After cleaning up, we drop the what-comes-first argument and move on to more practical matters. As I'm putting on clean underwear, I say, "After breakfast, you should call the Ford dealership and see about your car repairs. I mean, why drive over there if the car's still being worked on? If, in the unlikely event, the car will be repaired today, find out what time you can pick it up?"

He sits on the desk chair and Googles the dealership for the service phone number, mumbling, "Why wait? I'll call right now." He calls as I finish getting dressed, then I put our coffee mugs in the dishwasher. Bruce is turning me into as fanatical a neatnik as he is. I still remember how neat everything was in his dumpy apartment. Speaking of neatness, I've arranged for a cleaning service on an every two weeks basis. They're due tomorrow, and I need to be here to give them a key for future cleanings.

Danny ends his call and says, "The car repair is something minor, although I didn't understand what he called it. Anyway, they promised it would be done by noon." Shrugging, I mumble, "Well, that's good, but it doesn't mean you need to leave." He makes a face and says, "No, but I'm getting a guilty feeling now. My brother has a job set up for me, and..."

Fuck, I don't want him to go, so I'm like, "Stay one more day, Danny. What's one more day?" He goes, "Hell, Zach, I want to, but I feel kinda shitty deceiving Jimmy. He's always looking out for me, and I don't want to disappoint him... again." I go, "Well, let's get breakfast, and maybe you could call Jimmy and feel out the, um, situation. It may not matter to him if you get there today or tomorrow." Wow, finally something Danny's not laughing at.

After driving to the boardwalk and walking on the boards to the breakfast cafe, Danny brightens up, saying, "Damn, what I'd like to do is spend more time on that 'effing Steel Pier, ya know?" I nod, "Yeah, I guess, plus get some beach time in this afternoon." He laughs, saying, "You don't seem excited about the pier or the beach. All you care about is me giving you another one of my spectacular fucks, huh?" I mutter, "Well, you owe me one. Fair is fair. I gave you that awesome blowjob, right?"

Walking into the cafe, he says, "Yeah, you definitely deserve at least one more. And, jeez, you've been incredible helping me out of a jam with the car and staying at your place." He rubs my head, laughing, then saying, "You say a day or two, but you'd like me to stay around until your friend in Wildwood gets back. And, ya know, I'm flattered." His light-red hair has dried, and it looks shiny and clean. I'd love to run my fingers through it and maybe grab a fistful as he fucks me senseless with his huge cock. So, yeah, of course, I want him to stay.

We order breakfast from a woman lacking a personality gene, then I say, "C'mon, Danny, call your brother. Check to see if it's important that you get there today." He laughs, grinning and saying, "It's nice being wanted for a change. And, you know I'd love to stay, but I can't disappoint Jimmy." Frustrated, I go, "You won't disappoint him by calling him, for Christ's sake!" He snickers, saying, "Don't get snippy with your temporary man, or I'll put you over my knee, haha."

Our breakfasts are served, and we eat without saying anything. Ah, fuck, I need to stop nagging him, but he's such a hot sex partner, and if he'd stay a day or two more, that would be fantastic. It's ten-thirty when we're walking out of the cafe, without Danny having called his brother. I can't stop myself from asking one more time, in a whiny-needy way, "Can't we go back to the apartment and screw, Danny?" He goes, "No, I never get a chance to go on a boardwalk like this. I want to go on some of those amusement rides. Is the Steel Pier operating this early?" Shrugging, "I don't know. I've only been on the Pier that one time, and it was with you. Let's go back to the apartment."

He chuckles, putting his arm across my shoulders again, saying, "Not unless you're willing to do another blowjob like the one you did earlier. If not, I'm sorry, but I wanna go to the Steel Pier and check it out." Well, it's my fault for empowering him to be in charge. It seems I've been doing that lately with every guy I meet. The other thing is, he's a kid at heart, one who likes roller coasters. That's another phase of aging I missed out on by trying to be a macho tough guy, which I'm not. I mean, yeah, I'm tough, but not macho,

He asks, "What's it going to be? Blowjob with me climaxing in your mouth again, or the Steel Pier?" Shrugging, I mutter, "Blowjob," and he laughs, squeezing my shoulders and mumbling, "I knew you'd say that." We start walking down the boards to the ramp where I parked the car, as he says, "Oh man, this is awesome. And, listen, Zach, I want you to drag the blowjob out this time, maybe get your tongue stretched to do a little rimming. You didn't do rimming, which is a big part of oral sex." I sarcastically say, "Oh, I didn't know that."

Rolling my eyes, I'm trying to be pissed off about this, but instead, I snort out a laugh. It's like, ever since that pervert Richard switched me to a submissive bottom, I've been allowing myself to get put in a subservient position with every guy I have sex with. Grinning, Danny's like, "What's so funny?" I go, "Me, I'm a funny joke." He says, "I don't know why you'd say that; you do an amazing blowjob." I'd rather get fucked, but I get off pretty good sucking cock too, so I'll go along with my temporary man's delusional bossiness.

Then, during the drive back to the apartment, Danny gets a cell phone call. He looks at the caller ID and then hits my arm, saying, "It's my brother." He sounds excited, saying, "Hi, Jimmy. I was just about to call you." He listens, then goes, "Yep, I can do that 'cause my car will be ready to go at noon, but... Huh?" He listens, then asks, "Jeez, so they'll both be there, plus grandma and pops?" Listening, then he's like, "I don't know exactly. How long do you think it'll take me to get there from Atlantic City?" Listening, then he says, "I promise. Love ya, bro. Bye."

Ending the call, he looks at me and goes, "I'm really sorry, but I need to leave as soon as the car's ready. You've been so awesome, though; maybe I can come down on the weekend to make it up to you. Either the weekend after this one or the one after that." Balls!

Trying to act my age for once, I say, "I'm sorry you've gotta leave, Danny, but, yeah, it'd be great if you come back for a weekend. It'll need to be either this one coming up or the one after because Bruce will be back after that." He goes, "Hmm, I don't think this weekend."

I'd like to ask him why he needs to leave immediately, but I'm not done nagging. Anyway, it sounded like some kind of family matter. He goes, "Goddamn, I wish I met you years ago." He thinks I'm younger than I am. Years ago, he'd be fourteen, and I'd be twenty... I wasn't then, and I'm not now a pedophile.

Then, he sounds serious, saying, "I don't wish harm on anyone, but if something happens to Bruce, and I'm not saying I want it to, but if something did happen, I'd be happy to be your permanent dominant top. You're like a fantasy submissive bottom, Zach." I shrug, then mutter, "Thanks, I think."

At the apartment, I help him pack his suitcase. He wheels it to the living room and goes, "Um, I think your bedroom's the best place for you to do the cock sucking, Zach. Give me a good one to remember you by." As we're walking to the bedroom, I mumble, "Bedroom, living room, what's the difference?" He goes, "Are you pissed off at me?" Shanking my head, I go, "No! I'm sorry you're leaving, though." In the bedroom, he's stepping out of his shorts, saying, "Me too, but Jimmy's wife planned a birthday dinner party for me last night. A surprise party with my two cousins being there plus Jimmy's and my grandparents. Patty, Jimmy's wife, baked a cake that they're saving for tonight. I couldn't say no."

Oh jeez, of course, he couldn't. That's sweet of his brother and sister-in-law.

As I'm taking my clothes off, I say, "Well, I'm giving you your birthday present now, Danny. This will be oral sex you'll remember forever." He goes, "You're awesome, Zach. Thanks, man." Pulling my T-shirt over my head, I ask, "Have you gotten your ass rimmed a lot?" He laughs, "This will be the second time. The first was a half-ass rim job by this guy, Chuckie Weaver, who was so drunk he didn't even know he was licking my ass." Actually, I have no intention of rimming his ass. That's something I only do for Bruce, but I'll suck him off so good Danny won't miss the rimming part.

I go, "Only once, huh? Did you ever rim anyone?" He laughs, "Um, nope! That's not something I ever see myself doing." I mutter, "Of course not," and he says, "God, dude, how come you're so freaking nice to me?" With a smile, I'm like, "You're a young and adorably dominant cute motherfucker; that's why. Don't you realize how special you are?" He shrugs, laughing, then mumbles, "And here I was wondering why a hot and handsome stud such as yourself would let me be your dominant top? You're unique, dude. Don't you know how special you are?"

Well, I'll be Goddamned. I didn't expect anything insightful from Danny. I was under the impression he was seriously delusional. Cute, yeah, sexy as hell yeah, but youthfully delusional. Grinning to myself, I take a page from Cowboy's book; the one on lack of modesty, and say, "Thanks for noticing." We both chuckled at that, then finish getting undressed. Standing naked, I'm like, "And, why is it we got naked for a blowjob?" Danny, of course, laughs first and then shrugs, "I wanted to see your hot body again. Do you work out?" I go, "Not recently, no. I need to start doing that again, though."

He mumbles, "Damn, I like that hairless look on a macho body like yours. That's what those bodybuilders do, right? Pose hairless." Shrugging, I mumble, "I didn't know. I've never seen a bodybuilder, um, contest or whatever they call it." Spreading his legs, he goes, "C'mon, let's do this. I'm kinda anxious to feel what professional rimming is like from a submissive sex buddy who knows how to do it." Oh, fuck, I guess I can't disappoint him. I mean, look at that face on him. He looks like an excited cute fifteen-year-old on his way to, um, the Steel Pier to ride roller coasters.

Plus, oh man, look at that penis and set of balls on this kid... holy shit! Dropping to my knees, I pick up Danny's heavy long cock, and he does a nervous laugh, saying, "I'm really looking forward to this. Do the blowjob like this morning only better and longer, and then the ass rimming." Stroking his dick, I sarcastically ask, "Anything else?" He laughs again, rubs my head, and mutters, "Sorry, You know what you're doing better than me."

After doing long licks from his balls to the helmet head of his cock, making sure I've covered all around his big dick, I slide the fat head into my mouth and go to town sucking and licking all over it, paying special attention to the slimmer shaft that's just under the head, the neck. Danny's jittery from the start, pulling my hair, moving his feet, his hips moving back and forth as he makes low moans of arousal, "Ah, ah, ah." I need to keep my head moving with him, but nothing bothers me now that submissiveness slides deliciously over me, and I sincerely want to please, want to amaze my dominant sex buddy.

I'm in a haze now, getting as aroused as Danny, my cock hard and up against my belly as I lick and suck on his scrotum, flattening the sparse red hairs and moving his heavy balls bouncing them around slightly as they hang in their sack. His big boy dick is very hard in my fingers as I pull it away from his belly and suck on the head again, the tip of my tongue in his piss slit a tiny bit. His cock is slippery with my saliva; I lick the sides of his thighs, then under his scrotum, not quite reaching his anus, so I lick that short space between his asshole and scrotum with Danny making a long, "Sssss," sound.

When precum drools over my fingers holding his rock-hard boner, precum also oozes out my cock and slowly runs down my belly, and with no pubic hairs to stop it, continues drooling down the sides of my nuts. In a daze, I pull my head away and look up at Danny, who appears to be in a daze himself with his eyes half-closed as he looks down at me, his tongue sliding along his lower lip. I murmur, "Turn around," and let go of his cock. As long and heavy as it is, it's now so hard it almost sticks straight out but its weight makes it sags down some. "

He hesitates, looking puzzled, and then I see a light go on behind his eyes, and he grins, nodding, and then turns around. There are no hairs on his perfectly plum firm buttocks, but when I spread them, there are some random dark hairs around his rosy-colored anus serving no purpose I can think of, but there they are. His asshole looks exactly like Bruce's... duh.

Taking a tentative lick across his tightly closed anus makes Danny shudder and go, "OH!" It looks like Bruce's asshole but tastes like, well, it tastes like shit. I don't see any, but there is a big difference, obviously, between using wet wipes instead of dry toilet paper when wiping after doing a doo-doo. Danny probably doesn't even know there are flushable wet wipes for this usage. The acrid taste is exactly like the acrid taste of Bruce's excrement the one time he wasn't expecting I'd rim his ass and he hadn't done the elaborate cleaning he normally does.

It takes a half dozen unpleasant laps across his asshole, flattening the useless random hairs before the acrid taste fades away. Meanwhile, I've sunken into a deep submissive fog to the degree I don't know who's ass it is I'm rimming. Well, no, it's more like the thought of whose ass it is I'm rimming doesn't cross my mind. It's a guy's ass; I know that much because there's the back of his cock and balls.

With my head way back, my nose plastered against the top of his ass crack, my tongue licks, licks, licks his asshole, every so often reaching to lick behind his scrotum. I feel my climax getting stronger and stronger, closer and closer to blowing. My eyes are closed and against his butt cheeks, so I don't see it but feel Danny's hips hump away a little as he makes a high girlish-sounding breathy screech and, obviously, climaxes. I then make a squealing sound myself that's muffled against his ass as I blow my load between his legs, then shoot out another even longer stream of cum that leaves me doing my whole body shudder, falling backward onto my ass, my legs out in front of me.

Danny's hopping around, pulling on his dick and stepping in our mixed creamy cum, almost slipping onto his ass but pinwheeling his arms; he regains his balance and turns around, two bright red spots, one on each cheek as he exclaims, "Unbelievable! That was an un-fucking-believable hot climax, Zach, WOW!" Nodding, but still in a daze, I realize I've got my dick in my fist so I stroke it a few times and come out of my submissive trance enough to mumble, "Yeah, that was pretty hot, Danny."

He picks up his foot and, looking back at it, asks, "Do you see cum goo on my foot?" I nod, and he laughs, going, "Ew!" and, still chuckling, he puts his hands down, helping me up. He goes, "Thanks, Zach. That was one of the hottest, probably the hottest, sexiest, time I've ever had in my life." I grab some tissues from the box and hand a few to Danny, who hops on one foot while he wipes the sole of his other foot. I'm dabbing at my dick, getting some random cum dripping, saying, with a clear head now, "I enjoyed doing that for you, Danny. Hopefully, it'll be an incentive for you to make the trip back from New York next weekend."

Naked, we go into the bathroom and wash up as he says, "Oh yeah, I'll be here. Count on it, but it'll be the weekend after this coming one." Feeling pretty good that he's serious about that, I say, "Stand still for a second," and run my fingers through his silky-feeling light-red hair, mumbling, "I've wanted to do this all morning." He laughs, "Go ahead, and do it again if you want." Snickering, I go, "No, I'm good now. Thanks."

We get dressed, grinning at one another. There's a sense between us that we've sort of bonded for real. He doesn't seem like a stranger to me now; he's a fuck buddy and a friend. We've fucked, and I've blown him and rimmed his asshole, but we've never come close to kissing. He's extremely kissable too, but it doesn't feel quite right yet. Maybe when he comes back for a weekend.

I'm dying for a cigarette, but Danny hates the smell of the smoke, so I'll wait a while. He gives me the address for the Ford dealership, I plug it in the GPS, and off we go. He's bubbly talking about oral sex and how he never knew it could be that good. I, of course, get off on sucking guys' privates, but I get off even more with a guy's hard cock up my ass, but I keep that to myself for the time being because he's enjoying reliving the blowjob and rimming, plus, it makes me feel good that he thinks that it was so special. Common sense tells me that many guys can do it better than me. I mean, I only had half the oral sex training, plus I've only been doing it for six weeks. I'll let him think I'm a cock sucking star, though.

At the dealership, I let him go in alone and take the opportunity to have a cigarette leaning against the BMW and watching a hot young guy washing a new car that must have just come off the tractor-trailer. He's around eighteen or nineteen and has a pussy boy haircut. Haha, guys other than pussy boys have crewcuts. What if, though.

I wander over and casually pretend I'm looking at a new Ford pickup truck while getting a good look at the kid. Gee, I'm really hooked on young legal-aged guys. Fucking my ward, Cowboy, got me started rethinking my previous four years of picking up guys my age, and often older, for sex. Is it possible to brainwash yourself? I mean, I was pursuing sex partners in the wrong age group and wondering why it wasn't very fulfilling. That fuck-head Richard did me a huge favor setting me on the straight path as to where I belonged in the sex game. I learned my place during that obscene pussy boy training... I'm happiest as a submissive bottom during sex. It's so relaxing not needing to make any decisions and just doing what I'm told. That's pretty much what I'd been doing for fifteen years as Ronny's wingman/flunky, minus the sex.

The kid moves the hose's water stream menacingly close to me, saying, "Take a picture; it'll last longer." I say, "Holy shit, I haven't heard that since I was four years old." He snorts out a laugh and goes, "Yeah, it was kinda creepy, wasn't it?" I ask, "Are you a member of the pussy boys, by any chance?" His face gets red as he looks around, then mutters, "How'd you know? My haircut?" I shrug, "Hell, I don't know. I guess it was, mostly, because I thought you'd make a great one."

The red color fades from his face as he directs the hose at the car. Curious, he asks, "What's your relationship to the club?" I go, "None now, but I was in it for three weeks. Um, are you on the street?" He nods, "Yeah, it's my second month. Tim Roth, my man, says I'll be on the street the rest of the summer. He knows I have this part-time car washing gig but says I'll need to give it up when I go online for dates."

He's about five-nine and stocky, not especially cute although he's got that youthful look with brown hair and eyes. There's a beauty mark on his left cheek that I like, and he has a stud in each earlobe that looks cool. In other words, he's kinda hot. Glancing back at the dealership, I see Danny coming out of the building so quickly say, "What street are you working at? street work?" He goes, "Look for me around 50th street near the bowling alley and lounge." Someone yells, "Dean, come over here." Dean goes, "I'll see you tonight," and he turns the hose nozzle cutting off the water, then jogs to the used car lot where the man who called him is standing.

Stepping on my cigarette butt, I walk back to my car just as Danny drives his car around to the front. Getting his suitcase from the backseat, I carry it to where Danny's idling in his piece of shit Ford. He says, "Would you put that in the back seat?" I do that, then walk up to his open window and mumble, "Parting is such sweet sorrow." He laughs and says, "Whatever that means. Hey, thanks for everything, Zach." I nod, "No problem," and he says, "I need your cell phone number." I go, "Right," and we exchange numbers, then he says, "Wish me luck on my job, and I'll see you in ten days or so."

I nod again, wanting to kiss him but settle for bumping fists, mumbling, "See ya..." and he drives off. Damn, what an unexpected treat Danny was. I get in the BMW, look over at the used car seeing only the back of Dean and his boss as they walk out of sight. Gee, I'm looking forward to hooking up with Dean tonight. As I drive away I'm trying to decide if I feel guilty about seeking out all this sex knowing Bruce isn't having any. Yeah, but he told me to go for it. Hmm, he also said he wished that I wouldn't. That pretty much covers the possibilities... do it or don't do it. Ya know, if Bruce said he loved me, would I still do this whoring around? That's a good question, but then, I wouldn't need to if he was here, would I?

I think I feel kinda guilty...

To be continued...

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