Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 19, 2005


Still slightly reeling from the intense orgasm, Eric led us out to the fabulous backyard, and pool, where we slipped into the cooling water for a bit, then to some luxurious padded lounges placed very close together. We stretched out, and were quiet, each of us lost to his own thoughts for the moment.

I eventually got back to normal heart rate, and breathing, following the mind-blowing orgasm that Eric had wrought upon my body, and I looked over at him, quietly dozing on the lounge right next to mine. I smiled thinking to myself, he's so incredible... freeking unbelievable, really! So handsome, and strong, and skilled beyond belief in delivering incredible sensations to my very receptive body! He's not quite three years older than I am, but eons beyond my budding sexual knowledge, and I could barely believe my good fortune in him finally taking an interest in me! I had long lusted after him in my mind, practically from the moment I'd first seen him at school, never daring to dream that I would one day actually feel his skilled hands, and mouth, on my body, driving me into the blessed void of ecstasy, again, and again! I shuddered all over at the clear recollection of this newest plateau of pleasure Eric had just taken me to, and beyond, as he prodded that special place inside me, driving me over the sexual brink in a shattering orgasm, bringing forth my copious ejaculation, that he happily ingested, as fast as it poured from my spurting cock! I suddenly felt horny all over again, seriously desiring a way to bring him similar pleasures! More than a desire, really, a need, like I had to somehow prove myself worthy of his incredible attentions!

I maneuvered to the edge of the lounge, and leaned over him, inhaling deeply, and capturing the heady scent of him, so all male, almost dizzying! I gazed over his lithe body, the taut, smooth chest with his defined pec's, centered with the slightly large nipples. I moved my eyes downward, focusing on the flat tummy, and the small cave of his cute navel. My eyes zoomed in on the fine, dark hairs that lightly surrounded his cute button, and followed the fine hair trail that led below, and disappeared into the waist band of his shorts. His cock wasn't fully erect in his light slumber, but still thick, and oh-so-tempting, as it bulged against the thin material. My mouth flooded with saliva as I gazed at the solid meat, my mind visualizing its familiar naked appearance, and more, its throbbing power, fully erect, and pulsing, with his inner need! So thick, and strong, the swollen head flared, almost an angry red in color, throbbing with his rapid pulse, seeking satisfaction, the fully charged balls below eager to explode their nectar! I shuddered again, feeling a series of tingles at my small pucker, as I wondered how this weapon would feel buried inside me, prodding again and again at that wondrous place he had shown me! He wanted that, I somehow was sure, and I was determined to give it to him, my very core, to show him my utter, and complete trust in him, beyond all other things!

I shuddered, again, and leaned into him, my tongue sliding out to lap at his left nipple, flicking at it, then capturing it in my lips, and sucking it gently. He stirred slightly, and I lifted my head to whisper for him to relax, just let me play, and he relaxed back again. I resumed a soft suction on his left nubbin, moving my fingers to gently roll the right one between my fingers. He inhaled deeply, and released it, the fingers of his right left hand coming up to stroke my hair as I moved my lips to the right nipple, reversing my play on the now stiff organs.

Leaving his nipples after a bit, I licked, and kissed my way down his smooth torso, using my tongue to lick his lightly sweating skin, savoring the taste that was Eric! Reaching his small cavern, I lapped at it, then, rolled my tongue tip, to invade the tiny hollow, causing him to flinch beneath me. My tongue felt the soft hairs surrounding his button, and I began following that precious trail downward, lapping at his soft tummy! I reached the waist of his shorts, moved my mouth over the soft material, finding his now fully erect cock, and closed my lips over the thick head, exhaling my hot breath into the thin material, as he groaned at the sensation. I mouthed his covered cock a while, seriously wetting the front of his tented shorts, then inched lower, to tongue lap at his large, full ball sac!

I scooted off of my lounge, moving onto his, and down, to stretch out between his tan, toned legs. I used my fingers to lightly stroke his inner thighs up and down, between knees, and crotch, gently grazing, and lifting his swollen nuts as I reached the apex of his legs. He groaned, and flexed his slim hips upward, and I grasped the waist of his shorts, lifting outward, and pulled them down his strong legs, dropping the garment to the pool deck. I looked at his rock hard erection, and smiled, then resumed placing small licks, and kisses on his inner thighs, moving up, until my tongue swabbed over his tight ball sac, lapping gently at each large, and heavy, egg. He groaned again, and I captured each full ball in turn, sucking them gently, and using my mouth to slightly tug each orb away from his body. I circled my thumb and finger around his taut scrotum, and closed them behind his heavy balls, squeezing the slack skin of his bag, until both balls huddled tightly together inside the tightly stretched sac, presenting a snugly filled pouch roughly the size of a tennis ball! I swabbed my tongue around the packed skin, thoroughly wetting the shiny tissue as he groaned loudly above me!

Releasing his balls, I moved to capture my prize, his granite hard, throbbing, erection! I gripped the thick shaft at its base, and stroked the silky skin up and down, passing my thumb across the leaking head, causing the small slit to open and close, emitting slick trails of his flowing precum as I worked it. He grunted, and his fists grabbed at the padding of the lounge, and I lifted his thick meat away from his groin, and slid its full length into my mouth! He groaned loudly, and thrust his hips upward, imbedding his tasty meat deeply in my mouth. I sucked his sweet cock, and felt the bulbous head enter my throat, coating my tender tissues with his drooling precum! I swallowed several times, feeling him drive his hips upward, literally fucking my throat!

After several minutes of sucking his leaking cock, I pulled away, sliding the meat from my mouth, and gripped it, turning my face sideways to look up into his eyes. I rubbed the slippery cock head against my cheek, loving the wetness, and slickness, of his fluids on my soft skin, and looked deeply into his eyes. I smiled, and said, very softly, "Fuck me, Eric....please...I need you!" His eyebrows lifted, and he stayed rock still, his eyes focused intently on the slick trails that his cock was painting on my cheek as I continued to rub the spongy head on my skin. "Please....?" I repeated, and he blinked several times, then, nodded quickly. He reached down, and pulled me up by my arms, until I sat astride his center, his thick tool slapping wetly against my bottom, and I reached behind me to stroke it. He reached out to the side table, and picked up a bottle of Baby Oil, quickly thumbing it open. He poured a large puddle into his hand, and moved his arms behind me, his slick palms gripping my butt cheeks, and his fingers sliding wetly inside my cleft. I jumped slightly when his oiled fingers contacted my small pucker, and he rubbed them all over, slicking my entrance. I lifted up on my knees a little, parting my legs wider, to give him better access to my core. He reapplied oil, and moved his fingers over my wrinkle again, this time slipping a finger inside slightly, stopping, then, burying its full, slippery length inside my snug chute! I grunted, and squeezed his rock had cock, pumping it, throwing my head back, and groaning, "Oh shit...fuck...yessss....!" He slid a second finger into me, and moved them around, and in and out, finding that wonder spot again, and stabbing at it, eliciting deeper groans from me!

I swiped my thumb over his leaking cock head, and gathered a coating of his slippery fluid, then moved my hand to my mouth, and licked the slimed digits, finally sucking them into my mouth, tasting his essence, and gazing fully into his beautiful eyes. I slid my fingers from my mouth, and shuddered from head to toe, as his fingers again stabbed that spot inside me. I opened my eyes, and looked into his, and said, "Fuck me, right...NOW...!" He grunted, and slipped his fingers out of my tight hole, nodding, and growling, "Yes....fuck you...oh God, yesssss....!"

He gripped my wrist, and poured a huge dollop of the oil into my palm, nodding his head at me. I quickly reached behind me, coming slightly up onto my knees, and gripped his throbbing erection, thoroughly coating the pulsing shaft, and bulbous head, with the slick substance as he thrust upward into my stroking fist! "Oh God...Baby...Robby-boy...yessss....oh.....fuck...YESSS....!" he wailed, and I guided his hammering shaft to my center, yelping a small squeal as the thick head probed my tiny pucker! I gasped, inhaling a deep breathe, and pressed slightly downward, yelping again, as the spongy head pressed firmly against my tight opening! Another big gulp of air, and I pressed harder, then, harder still, and the head of his cock snapped through my tight ring, entering about half way! "AAgggggg.....Owww.....fuck....!" I squealed, and Eric's strong hands tightly gripped my waist, holding me, as he slowly lifted his hips, burying his throbbing cock fully inside me, as gently as possible! "Umph....ohhh...aggg...!" I chanted, tears springing into my eyes, and streaming across my cheeks. He stopped still, and I grunted, sucking in gulps of air, and fighting the pain, and fullness, of it all! "!" I grunted, and rolled my head back, slowly lifting my speared body upward into my knees until a bout half his thick shaft slid free. I stopped, and gulped air, as Eric moved his oil slicked hand to rub my suddenly soft cock, thumbing the leaking head, and mumbling gentle encouragement to me, telling me it was wonderful, to be inside me this way, that he would make it better...make it good...soon...very soon...!

I inhaled a deep breathe, and closed my eyes, again sliding downward, slowly engulfing his entire tool to its very base, his soft pubes tickling my butt cheeks, as I sat fully onto him, my guts searing with a total fullness! "'re fucking there...! I grunted, and he stroked my cock, reaching up his free hand to stroke my chest, and rub my small nipples. "Oh God,'re hot...tight...God...!" he chanted, and I exhaled, lifting again on my knees until just his thick helmet remained in me, then, slowly lowering fully onto the throbbing shaft once again!

The searing pain subsided then, replaced by a pleasant, stuffed, feeling, and I repeated the up and down motion, then again, settling at the bottom of the stroke, his cock fully imbedded into my very depth! Our eyes met, and held, and he smiled, then, winked up at me, and I giggled, reacting to a sudden feeling of great warmth spreading through my entire body, centered at that special place inside me! I lifted again, then slid back down, getting a rhythm, and riding his pulsing cock, up, down, up, down, as he thrust at me, matching my rhythm with his own, fucking me, really and truly, FUCKING ME...! Suddenly, it all was WONDERFUL....a feeling of fullness....a great fullness...and heat...God, such heat...! I worked my anal muscles against his driving meat, and gripped onto the thick shaft, holding him inside me, as I rose and fell on his cock, the spongy head hitting my gland each time I slid down him, causing me to emit a steady chant of guttural noises, the drool running out the corners of my mouth! "unggg...Unggg...Unggg...!" I chanted, throwing my head back, and putting my palms on his muscular chest, as I rode that hammering cock meat! Eric matched my groans with grunts, and sounds of his own as he drove into my tight tunnel, his slippery hands stroking my now rock hard cock, and pinching at my swollen nipples!

My head rolled loosely, like on ball bearings, side to side, as I felt my balls churning, my load getting closer with each pass of his raging cock over my inner gland! I felt it then, my balls tugging tightly, and my cock swelling thicker, and my cumm erupted, spewing from my jetting cock in long, thick, ropes, expelling several rapid shots into the air, then arching, and seriously painting Eric's heaving chest, and tummy! "UMmm...Ummm....Ummmm...!" I chanted with each ejaculate, riding Eric rapidly now, virtually flying up and down, feeling on fire, as if my very balls would soon fly from the end of my spasming cock! Eric suddenly grabbed me tightly at the waist, and released a series of loud, quick, grunts, his hips pile driving up into me at blinding speed! "AGgggg...fuck...cumin.....shit....!" He roared, and hammered deeply into me once again, then exploded, his searing cumm blasting into my depth in a series of quick, strong thrusts of his hips! I actually FELT it...his warm, thick, juices unloading into my bowels, a strange sensation of wetness, and slippery, all at once! His balls drained, Eric stopped driving into me, and I settled onto his groin, his softening cock imbedded in my now slimy chute, where I felt it continue to spasm several times! He opened his eyes, and met my own, then smiled, his head moving slowly, side to side. He reached up his arms to me, and I collapsed forward onto his still heaving chest, his strong arms going around me, pulling me, panting, against his chest, and holding me tightly. "Robby....God damn...Robby....SO...fucking....sweet...! He exclaimed, and I giggled softly against his chest, flicking my tongue over his swollen nipple, and replied, "More like....some....SWEET....fucking....!" And we cuddled, chuckling together at my little play on his words!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 10

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