Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 15, 2005


I asked permission to spend the weekend at Eric's house, deftly leaving out the part about his `rents not being there, and got the answer I wanted. See, there are times when it actually pays off to be a good kid, and have your parent's confidence! In my room, I tossed some stuff into my gym bag, toothbrush, undies, socks, shorts and tee shirts, like that, all the while hoping I wasn't actually going to spend very much time dressed! I kept watching the clock, and it kept not moving, until finally, I heard Eric's car in the driveway!

Acting all cool for my Moms sake, I walked to the front door to let him in. My dick went half stiff inside my shorts just seeing him, and I stood part way behind him, as he chatted with Mom, so she wouldn't see the tent in my shorts! Eric did his usual charm thing on my Mom, and finally we got out of there, leaving her smiling, and happy with her own free weekend! We climbed into his car, and he backed out, then, roared off down the street! About two blocks from my house is a park, and Eric swung into the parking lot, going toward the back, and stopped the car. He looked around outside, than turned to face me, and leaned across the small consol. I grinned at him, and he shook his head slowly, saying...."!" I blushed, and he leaned closer, his hand going behind my head. He pulled me toward him, then, softly kissed my lips! I groaned, and shivered, feeling his tongue slip inside my mouth, and I sucked it gently, dueling my own against it! We broke the kiss, and he again glanced around the parking lot. Turning back to me, he grinned, and said, "Damn, Robby-boy...I have SO missed you, dude...seriously...!" I nodded, mumbling, "Me too...!" He winked at me, and dropped his hand into my tented lap, closing his fist around my erection, giving it a squeeze. I groaned again, and pressed my hips against his groping hand, seeking to increase the delicious pressure there! "Missed this bad-boy, too...!" He grunted, and I giggled, then said, "Take me home, even get to keep me all weekend...!" He grinned, and worked my boner again, then sat up, and nodded, saying, `Ohhh YEA...!" and steered the car out of the lot!

We pulled up in front of his house, the mansion, giggle, and got out. I reached in back to get my bag, and when I bent over to reach it, Eric scooted in behind me, pressing his cock against my butt! I yelped, feeling his firm meat press into me, then jumped, and hit my head on the door frame! "Ouch...fuck..!" I muttered, and Eric pulled back, chuckling softly. I stood, and rubbed my bruised head, and Eric glanced at my bag, and asked, "What's in there...snacks, and dirty movies...?" I laughed, and answered, "Nope...sorry...just some clothes...socks...undies...!" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, and grinned, saying, "Waste of time...totally...YOU...little boy...are not going to be needing clothes...I plan to keep you naked...totally...all weekend...!" I felt myself blush, and grinned, then said, in my best squeaky voice, "Gosh, Mister...I'll be all embarrassed...!" He laughed, and groped my still hard cock again, and replied, "No way...not with this...and the rest of that killer bod...!" I giggled, and he let go of my cock, nudging me in the direction of the front door.

Inside, he again led me on the long trek through the gigantic house to his own suite of rooms, took the bag from my hand, and set it on his huge bed. He opened the zip, and dug around inside, finally extracting my tooth brush, and setting it on the night stand. Picking up the bag, he walked to his walk-in closet, opened the door, and tossed my bag inside, before again closing the door. He turned to face, me, hands on hips, and smiled, saying, "That's boy...get naked...!" I grinned, and tugged my tee shirt over my head, and dropped it on the bed. I gripped my shorts, and slid them down my legs, taking my briefs with them, then, stepped out of them, leaving them puddled on the carpet. I stood up, my cock jutting out about 40 degrees from my groin, and my fully charged balls suspended beneath. Eric gazed at me, his hand moving to adjust his own growing cock, and said, "You look delicious, Robby-boy...delicious...and...I'm planning on tasting it all...!" I smiled, and preened just a little, then replied, "Come and get it, Mister...!"

He quickly covered the small distance between us, and dropped to his knees in front of me, seizing my rampant cock in his fist! He pumped my length a few times, his other hand lightly grazing the sensitive skin of my inner thighs, sending chills flowing along my spine! His tongue slid out, and swabbed over my tender cock head, and I groaned at the sensation! He reached up, and cupped my full nuts in his hand, and slid my aching shaft fully inside his warm, wet, Mouth! I ran my fingers into his soft, full, hair, and moaned deeply, my body shuddering in pleasure, as he sought his rhythm, deftly sucking my throbbing cock, his fingers lighting off every nerve ending in my tight ball sac! "Oh God...Eric...shit...!" I moaned, tugging at his thick hair! He pulled back, and slid my hardon out of his mouth, gripping the shaft, and swabbing his magic tongue across the head several times. He swallowed my length again, and moved his hands behind me, gripping my ass cheeks in his strong hands. I groaned again, and looked down in wonder, seeing his head moving back and forth, my throbbing cock sliding in and out of his warm, slippery mouth!

His hands rubbed and squeezed my firm butt, and I felt his fingers probing my cleft, then digging deeper, until his fingers brushed across my small pucker! I shuddered, moaning deeper, as I recalled the phone call, and him directing me to touch myself there. He found his target, and I felt pressure, as he slowly pushed his fingertip through my tight ring, entering my tight canal, and driving inside me the full length of his finger! I gasped loudly at this new sensation, and felt my balls lurch, as he got into sync with sucking my drooling cock, and fingering my tight little asshole! My hips were bucking of their own accord, as I humped against his incredible mouth, seeing small, bright lights flashing behind my eyes. He worked his finger in and out of me, then, shifted it all around inside my snug chute, until he touched something in there, and I almost passed out from the intensity of the feeling it created!

He rubbed me there, over and over, his mouth deftly gliding back and forth on my leaking cock, and I felt dizzy, and light headed, my breath coming in ragged, short, gulps! My knees turned rubbery, and I was drooling out the corners of my gaping mouth! "UNGggggg....Aggggg.....Ohhhh....!" I chanted, and Eric again stabbed his finger on that spot, flicking his fingertip rapidly, and my balls exploded, sending my churning load soaring through the length of my cock, and erupting into his mouth in rapid jets, each ejection causing a spasm within me so strong that I was afraid my balls were actually going to pop into his mouth! Eric stayed with my explosions, gulping down each thick glob of my semen as I literally poured the stuff into his mouth!

Suddenly, I had no more to give, though my balls were still throbbing, trying to produce still more of my copious ejaculation. I went black briefly, swooning, and head-spinning dizzy, slowly giving in to my weak knees, and sliding to the floor, panting, and gasping! It had been the orgasm of my life, and I was seriously struggling to stay conscious, bright starbursts going off behind my eyes! Eric wrapped his arms around my shaking body, and held me close, saying my name, over, and over, "Robby...Robby...Oh my God...Robby-boy...!"

I was mostly out of it for a while, literally hovering at the edge of consciousness, and Eric just held me, stroking my back, and planting small kisses on my sweating face. Eventually, my breathing got mostly normal, and I lifted my head off his chest, and looked at him, a wide smile crossing my face, as I said, "You're awesome, Mister...!" He smiled, chuckled, and replied, "Takes know one, Little boy...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 9

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