Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 12, 2005


A few days had passed since the incredible day that Eric and I had spent at Sunset Beach. We both had some everyday items to deal with, so we had been unable to see each other, though we had talked several times by phone, and a few pretty hot emails!

It was early evening, and I was in the back of our garage, rooting through the storage cabinets there when my cell rang. I picked up, and was greeted with the melodic sound of Eric's voice! "Hey hot-stuff...what's up?" He inquired, and I replied, "Hey...not much...just digging through the garage cabinets...trying to find a couple of my old baseball gloves." He chuckled, and asked, " out for baseball, are we..?" I giggled, and answered, "Not hardly...I'm actually really into totally different balls, now...giggle...but the kid next door to me is wanting to play, and my old gloves are about the right size for him." Eric chuckled again, and said, "Good answer, Cutie...I'm way into that type of balls, particular...that very nice pair that hides out under that yummy dick of yours!" I giggled, and felt my face go hot.

"Speaking of balls...mine are seriously backed sucks not being able to hookup for a couple days...missing you, Sexy-boy...!" He said, and my face grew hotter still. "Me too...big time...!" I squeaked in response. "You alone out there...?" He asked, and I nodded, then, replied, " time to come over....and....uh...cumm...?" I asked with a giggle. He paused, then said, "I SO wish....but...tell me, Studly...what are you wearing right now...?" I glanced down at myself, and answered, "Just some shoes..." Another pause, and I heard him suck in his breath, then, "Hmm...nice...tell you what...rub that smooth chest of yours for me...and play with those sweet nipples, too...pretend its me..!" I flushed hot again, and kind of glanced around the garage, ensuring my solitude. I slid my hand up to my chest, and stroked the smooth skin, running my fingers over my nipples, back and forth. "Lick your fingers, Robby...make them nice and wet...then play with your nipples...get them all stiff for me...!" My cock twitched in my shorts, rapidly engorging, and growing to full mast. I did as he said, and stuck two fingers, and my thumb, inside my mouth, soaking them with my saliva, then, moving back to my chest to massage, and tug, at my small nipples. I groaned softly as they responded to the stimulation, and grew into tiny, pencil eraser hardness.

"Is your cock all hard now, Robby-boy...tell me what you are doing...feeling...!" He demanded, and I shuddered, feeling my cock pressed against my shorts almost painfully. "I wet my fingers...and...uh...I' my nipples...and...yea...I'm way hard...for sure...!" He inhaled sharply again, and hissed, "Fuck yea...sweet...tug those tiny tits, baby...feel it in your tight balls...!" I groaned again, still tweaking my swollen nips, and, in fact, definitely felt the sensation deep in my balls! "Feels good, huh...makes your tight balls all tingly...right...?" He demanded again, and I felt a light sweat break out on my brow, and upper lip. " feels...awesome...!" I responded, and he chuckled, saying, "Good boy, Robby...such a doing those cute nips....and...use your other hand...cup those snug balls...squeeze `em a little for me...just like I it, Robby...!" I shuddered again, and let out a small groan, as I reached to my tented shorts, and captured my aching balls in my palm. "Nice...feels great, huh...tug those nuts a little, Robby...and pinch those nips, too...!" He ordered, and I did it, just the way he said it!

A louder groan escaped my lips, as I pinched my swollen nipples, and tugged on my tight balls. "Yea...good your hand inside your shorts...keep doing the nips...and...grip your cock...describe for me how it feels...!" I groaned and felt the sweat increase on my face, then, let go of my balls, and shoved my hand inside my seriously tented shorts, wrapping my fist around my throbbing boner! "'s so fucking hard, stone...all!" He inhaled deeply, and told me, "I" I nodded rapidly, then realized he couldn't actually see me, and answered, "yea...right...its all of that...! "Stroke it, Robby...rub your fist up and down that rock hard cock...jack it for me...!" He ordered, and I gripped my cock, slowly moving the smooth skin over the steel rod beneath.

My knees were shaking, and I felt the sweat trails running down my cheeks, as I rubbed my cock, the super sensitive head aflame with feelings, as it rubbed against the fabric of my briefs. "Damn...!" I muttered, and Eric chuckled softly, then said, "Don't cumm yet, Robby...not yet...just stroke it, sexy-boy...nice and slow...!" I felt a dull ache deep in my balls, as I kept slowly rubbing my cock, and groaned again, when Eric asked, "Those shorts got an elastic waist, Robby...?" I nodded, then answered, weakly, "Uh huh...!" "Cool..." He replied, then said, "Hook the front of the waist band under your balls, Robby...let that sweet stuff out to breath...!" I shuddered again, and leaned my back against the cabinet, then, stuck my thumbs inside the elastic, stretched it forward, and slid it under my swollen balls. My cock head was almost purple, and the shaft pulsed with my rapid heart beat, and as I watched, and rubbed its granite length, a small dribble of my precum oozed from the slit. "OH shit...yessss...!" I groaned, and Eric quickly asked, "What, Robby...tell me...what's happening...pinch those tits, too, Robby...keep doing that...!" I groaned again, and let my fingers clamp tightly in my stiff nipple, my other hand still slowly rubbing my drooling cock, and told him, "Fuck...pinching my nipples...rubbing...shit...leaking a lot, too...!" He made a small sound, then said, "Awesome... fucking the head all wet, Robby...wet, and shiny...covered in your sweet juices...?" I grunted, saying "Uh huh...for sure...!" He inhaled again, and told me, "Get it with your fingers, Robby...scoop up all that sweet juice...and...lick it all off, Robby...suck those slimy fingers....taste it, Robby!" He ordered.

I held my cock shaft in one hand, and brought the other down, swiping my fingers over the soaked head, and captured my leaking fluid, then, lifted my hand, and slid the slick fingers inside my mouth, eagerly sucking them dry, as my taste buds exploded, reacting to the acrid, nutty, flavor! I groaned, and Eric asked, "Taste good, your hot boy juice...!" I milked the turgid shaft, generating still more fluid, and repeated the process, eagerly lapping up my pre-seminal juices, as fast as it appeared! "Play with those balls, now it...and tell me what you are feeling...!" He groaned, and I instantly let go of my acing prick, and grabbed my swollen ball sac! "Talk to me, Hotstuff...I love those balls...what's going on....tell me...!" he demanded, and I tugged at my nut sac, poking at the tender orbs with my fingers, and said, my voice all shaky, and cracking, "Oh fuck...hurts, almost...tight...full, and heavy...moving around...God...!" He chuckled softly, then said, "Yea...firm, and full...all that sweet cumm...just dying to explode...ball butter going all over...sweet...!"

I groaned loudly, my knees shaking, and slid down the cabinet a little, my back dripping in sweat, and my heart literally hammering inside my chest! "Oh man...shit...I gotta cumm...!" I croaked, and Eric reacted, almost yelling, "No...not YET...hold it, hear me...HOLD It...!" I groaned, and shuddered, shaking like a leaf! "Ok....jeez...close....really...close...!" I croaked, a spasm passing through my sweat drenched body! Eric chuckled, and mumbled, "Good boy, Robby....such a good boy...stop rubbing...breath a minute...!" He directed, and I stopped, sucking in big gulps of air. I looked down at my drooling cock, and shuddered. I'd never been so hard....rock...fucking...hard...the head an angry deep red, purple color...the shaft literally jerking, and throbbing...the flared head all wet, soaked, balls a super tight bag...pinched obscenely tight by the strong elastic band of my shorts! looked ready to explode...and...I was afraid it just might!"

"Suck your index finger, Robby...suck it good...Do!" He barked, and I jammed my finger into my mouth, licking and sucking it like he said. "Alright, Robby...a new treat for my good do what I tell you....put that wet finger on your sweet little hole, Robby.....touch it...rub that wet finger across that little it now...Robby...!" He ordered, and I did...moved my hand behind me...over my tight, little butt cheeks, and pressed it into my cleft, finding my tiny pucker, and flicking the finger over it! "OHh.....shit...!" I squeaked, and Eric inhaled sharply again, then said, "That's it, Robby-boy...touch that sweet little hole...your secret core...your true center...rub it, Robby...tell me what you feel...!" I gasped, the new sensation so! "It feels...tight...sort of...wrinkled...small ridges...good...I like it...!" I stammered, and Eric chuckled softly, and replied, "Yes....very good, your finger in, it...push your finger through the tight part....push hard...I want that finger inside your sweet tunnel....NOW...!" he barked, and I squeezed my eyes shut, sucked in a big breath, and pushed....ugg...again, harder....ugg....once more...hard....AGgggg....shit....OH...."Ohhhh......fuck....IN ME...!" I squeaked, and I pushed it deeper, feeling the urge to push it back a dump....oh jeez....!

Erick exhaled a deep breath, and said softly, "Excellent, Robby...fucking that finger in and out, Robby-boy...and...go back to rubbing that sweet cock...all the way, now...lets get that load it, Robby...cumm for it now...!" He barked, and I gripped my leaking cock in my fist, rapidly stroking its pulsing length, as I worked my finger in and out of my tight hole! It was quick, for sure, maybe only two, maybe three, minutes, and I was done...shaking, and sweating, my entire body screaming with sensation, and my balls grabbing up, releasing my pent up load into my cumm tube, and racing toward release! "UNGgggg...AGggggg...gonna....shoot....!" I roared, and threw back my head, mouth all agape, feeling my load surge through my straining cock like molten lava! "AHhhh....fuck...YEA...!" I roared again, and Eric yelled through my ear, "CATCH THAT CUMM...USE YOUR HAND...DO IT...!" Just in time, I jerked my free hand in front of my exploding cock, watching in awe, as a huge glob of my cumm ejected from the slit, and arched through the air! I caught it, along with the four secondary eruptions that immediately followed, and in mere seconds, my hand was literally coated with my warm, slippery cumm load!

I finally stopped shooting, and my knees let go, crumbling under me, as my back slid down the cabinet face, and I collapsed onto the cool concrete floor. My heart raced in my heaving chest, and I felt dizzy, as I sucked in huge gulps of air. I looked at my slimed hand, then at the invading finger that had ventured where none had gone before, and giggled. Eric chuckled softly through the phone that I had tightly clutched under my jaw, and said, Robby... me about the cumm, Robby...did you catch it...?" I giggled, lifting my cumm soaked hand, and answered, "Uh huh....seriously slimed, too...!" He chuckled, and said, very softly..." then, Robby...lick it all nice and clean...very it, Robby-boy...!" I giggled again, and moved the hand to my sweating face, and licked it...clean...very....very...clean...!

I found a cloth on the work bench, and wiped the sweat from my face, and chest, then swabbed at my now shrunken cock, and got my shorts back in place. I giggled, and said to Eric, " how to bring out me...!" He chuckled, and replied, "Oh God....I hope so...I just love it when you play all nasty for me....!" I blushed a little, and said, "Uh too...and....THAT....just now....was nasty...for sure...!" He laughed, and replied, "Glad you liked it, Hotstuff...and...'ol Eric may still have a trick or two left, too...!" I grinned, and said, "Oh yea...seriously....I'm sure about's what's so cool...about having an older boyfriend...!"

Eric chuckled, and said, "So, Cutie...before I got....uh...sidetracked...the reason I called...I just got the word that dear old Dad has a business trip to the Big Apple for next Monday, and Tuesday....and...since Mom had decided to go along, they are flying out Friday...tomorrow...morning...which pretty much gives run of the mansion for a few, little want to come over to my" I giggled, picturing the awesome pool, and spa, and sauna that made up his back yard, and said, my voice squeaking a little, "Oh yea, Mister...I really...really...want to come to your big!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 8

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